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Durham Review (1897), 12 Oct 1899, p. 8

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333 I (rj ”gym Ch trt u. A A. I 1 v A , I “I "Y v. - - “I I 7 'trt, 'x,'y,',',xRerll18li1e1ill. my; 'italy/y-lefty-Ill',)','-"].,',:'.').",':-',',') BE332-13;i-I‘Eiiiil'iE-T'fi‘:EEMEEE "s'h'iiifiiGil-e33,i,iklj?ik,1', §m§§W§fi§®ggiqiirflflâ€"wm- _----------- W Fine dry weather the past week, and many have made use ot it in se- curing their potato crop. Thrashing is well through. Fall wheat is not making much growth. , L "a"""'" IMVI'“ PT- V _ - Another of those pleasant and happy events took place at the residence of Mr. A. Ditier's, when his second daughter, Miss Fannie, became mar- ried to the man of her choice, a Mr. Falex Holland, from near Ikseton, Simeon Co. It is rumored that there's more and more to follow in the near future. Mr. and Ilrs. David Lamb, of Win- nipeg. rwently visited " a few days at liw. Ltunh's and called on many other old acquaintances. Ilr. Wm. Ritchie. et'Edge Hill, and 1 Mr. A. Ritchie. ot Durham, were call- _ ers around here a week ago. John A. Lamb, about a month ago, took train for Owen Sound to further {misuse his studies at the Collegiate! nstitute there. Mr. Thoc. Townsend will have an extensive clearing sale on the 18th inst., prior to himself and family’s de- rtuie for Iowa, U. s. Mr. Thos. Sick has leased Mr. T. farm for a term of years. Such is life, always somebody on the move. Mr. Neil Livingston has lateéy pur- chased what is known as the ' arrie” term which joins his own farm. Mr. L now with his 2CO acres and three young men grown up will endeavor to make turning 31 success. ' _ L " lU luau: Ian mu- - -_-v-_-. Messrs. Joeegfl Boyle and John R. Duncan have th arrived home from unto. time This may , Btto opened for Fall Term with . good utensi- nnee. students however mey enter at say time as our instruction in largely personal. This in an excellent time to begin etndlel et the Northern Busineee College so es to be well on in the couree bet-re the mejerity of etudeute enter " the beginning ot the I." The “Nor. them" in enlisted with the netitnte of Chen- ered Aceonntelte of Onterio and two of our lulu of Beeline-I Boon ere "unleaded by the latitute. " in the beet whee in cm to get e morons): Duelin- lidueetion. Not Too Late... J,)r-myt7tir!t!1/,,), j/lr 1 OWEN SOUND. ONT. 'DIYI no. V W... 'u-e-_"'"-" m canton:- and Joann! “which Ii" full mum" to Glaseott "ir/if-eil/ii/j/gt) Puma"; . Manitoba, neither of them in much conceit with the great wheat country. Mr. B. will again settle down on his tarm here. Mrs. It. E. English and (laughter, Minnie, have returned home, after visiting relatives down the country near Clinton for a time. - Mr. John Duncan. is, we are pleased to state, on the recovery from his sad accident which befel him while work- ingin N!trlqlale. . ' Mr. John McLean, of our burg, will leave ere long for the vicinity of Ber- kcley. where he has leased a farm, lrdNany Bros. with engineer Ker nay are doing a streak of good thrash ing around here and up in Holland. James Brodie and Sims contemplate building a large barn next summer and are now nvattingpttteparations. County Com. C. McKinnon passed through here last week looking up the detective roads and will proceed to re- pair the Allen sink-hole bridge on townline II. and G. Comes from Dr. D. B. Camila. of Wash- ital, r. T. Ilia writes: “Four bottles of Electric Bitters hac cured Mrs. Brewer of serofula, which had caused her great suffering tor years. Terrible sores would break out on her hand and face. and the best doctors could give no help. but her cure is complete and her health is excell- ent." This shows what thousands have proveC-Thst, Electric Bitters is the beat blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema. letter, salt. rhenm, ulcers. balls and running sores. It stim- ulates liver. kulneys and bowels, expels poisons. helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by our Dnggist. Guaranteed. 4 The World's Fair is over once more, and we have seen our friends that we have not met since the last fair. The exhibits were first class as they al- ways are in Holstein. The concert at night well patronized. A minstrel troop from Durham. Miss Gertie King of Mount Forest, Mrs. (Rev.) T. R. Clark of Norwich and Mr. Hewer of Guelph were the performers. Mrs. Clark’s singing was worth notice. Mr. and Mrs: J. B. Hunt. of River- view, visited " Wm. Sumn’s this week for a. few days. Drs. Landerkin, M. P. and Means, of Hanover, were noticed " the Wir this year and yeloomeq By the Grits. min. Joseph Sharp. ot Know. m F OWL WANTED --_ -_.- Glorious News Holstein. Miss Minnie Kerr, of Mount Forest, who has been in Holstein for the past few weeks, returned home Frulay. the guest of Mrs. W. S. IIorsburgh last week. Mrs, (Rev.)T. R. Clark, of Norwich, was the guest: of her aunt, Mrs. W. T. Petrie, last week. Mrs. J, II. Brown’s sister, Mrs. -'--, ot Smith's Falls, is at present her guest. Mrs. Thos, Keith is in Allent'ord visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Me- Mitchell. MAuttir:v.-In Holstein, on Oct. 5, at: the bride's brother-in-law’s, Mr. A. Mitchell. by Rev. J. M. Millar. Mr. Wm. Henry and Miss Victoria Maud Taylor, both of Listowel. AIldnch's told Ih-uick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, 0., Mm suffering 18 months from Rectal Fisluiu, he would die unless a costly operation Witt; performed. but be cured himsmll with tive boxes of Buekleu's Arnicn Salve. tbe, surest, Pile cure on Earth. and the has» Suing In the World. 25(zculs a box. Said bv our druggists. 4 Edge Property for Sale. In the Town of Durham, County of G'rey. including valuable Water Power. BRICK DWELLING. AND MANY ELIGIBLE building Iota, will be sold in one or more lots. Also lot number 60, con. 2. W. G. R., Township of Bentlnck, 100 acres adjoining Town plot, Dar- hum. Mortgnao taken tor part :ourchMe monoy. “Mm.-." .wr-9rV'""-'"'-"-" _, _ ePJiiii dreams!“ for Cook‘- Cotton Root Oom- tttt the no ot er, " all Mixtures. pills and mttqtiotttt no dangerous. Price, No. l ' tt per box: No. B, 10 degrees stronger, " per box. No. 1 or 5,111.11“! on receipt. of price nu ltwo s-com. “in”. The 990§_Cong\pnny ‘n 111(1921-‘()l.!: Tpa. 'iGiGat%irrvcGi.unGiidcii by all mponuble Dmggma in Canada. we2eed,',W,e,f,' BRIGHT AND BON- m pox-Ion! to npruont an " Mum" in this ma close by collation. 3.1m ”on I your nnd 1Sree. ",tilrt,th bond-Me, lo - - --,-...._. ~_~.,m, -___ N V more. no ion Minty. Position permanent. Our reference. my bank tn my town. It is mainly emotion-k oonducbd a homo. Ro- tmnoe. Enclose loll-cadmium! "ttttl 032.191». m Dom Comm. hop 8, L? No.13nd No. 2 sold in Dun-bun by B. Parker. MucFulnno and Co., ind Jun. B. Gun, Draught“. He Fools The Surgeons ,Oook'a Cotton Boot compound " successfully used motp)rlpr over momm- kfeuettepttytl. Uedftelk Apply to JAMES EDGE. . EDGE HILL, ONT. Viv. UN I Aruu ARM-awn: TORONTO WWEATHER BULLETIN. Rainfall nil, but t shine minim-rm! 50.8. week vulinhlc lull, go mly and snmh-enslm- tndteocologit'al (Imm- full to have heen last uvvrslge in Eastern lh but In the other pp Fur the ur" Rainfall nil, but the hours of sun- shine numlwrvd 50.8. Wluds fax the work rulinhlc lull, generally of " south- rlly and south-easterly ditvvttott. The tndteiuirlocrit'al (Illivr I't-pul'ls thc min- full to have heen last mumh ”lune the average in Eastern ()murin and Qut hm but In the other porliuns of the Ds minim: ir did not differ much from the average. In Munituhu ”ml the 1hwri. turn-s the weather couditious www- tiue. so that the largest mop grown in the history of the West, was sum-rssfully harvested. Another great di,seovcii has lw-n In I110 312'] that mm by a lady in this, country. "Distrnso MEN-um] its Hum-Ew- upon hm- umi fur Haven years she “itlistnod its sew-rest, 1mm. but her vital organs wen- undermined and death seemed imminent For three momhs she cmmhmi ineessuntly, and could not sleep. She fitwlly dimmer- ed a way to xecovery. lw purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much rehew-ul on taking first dose, that she slept all night, and with two bottlea, hm been :11.- solulely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes W. C. Hummck & Co,, of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at. our Drug Store. Regular size 50e "nil and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. 4 1w": - my... v' 3- . me -"'" 191’s the same entire eutlstaotton. Would intimate that she will continue tlmi Furniture and (i,n?,.tr,,talh",t.Lt"iiyt't estab- llshed by her father in Dur am ln1858 and will endeavor tft give all olcl and new custom hmitm of the Best Make l ALWAYS ON HAND. t PIBTIIIE FRAMING A SPECIALTY into only Int-elm loom In To“ Undertaking and Embnlmiu on latest prin- oiplol at muggguo. MISS SHEWELL 'u-trece-tsetter" the Teiuperatur'e. October 1..... Discovered by a Woman -__-W~oo¢ MISS SHEWELL --rULL LINE or-- E, I t liw r’; (i Oct. 7th ISO). M 37 47 57 55 [W ax. il Min ',9) 2l 21) 42 32 33 it ij'i.i'ii"i'i)oi, a)iTf,,iiii_,i;,ii, We take pleasure in ttinuniueiny to the General Public that we hare removed our Stock down town and are now opened out/or business in M eCraeheu’s New Store on Garafraara Street. We shall be pleased to hare the continued patronage o." our /riods' and much esteemed tws/toe/s', and at the same time We hope to increase our arqaaintam-eship and solicit increased pa- tronage. Our Stock, as hereto/me, will consist in Full Lines o.fUp-to-dute Goods--lhy Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Huts and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and a Complete Line of Groceries. ()nr Goods and .Priees are always Right. We inrite special inspection ofoar Large Stock of Boots and Shoes. Come and oequont yourself with our New Store and Location, we consider it always a pleasure and privilege to show our goods. Opening Announcement. J McArthur, 'thtnsvaal I tf) MRS. A BURNET it; i,rta:9,'a'.S'.SS'.9.9.S99.s SOAP / Mottled, Silver Star, and Suaosirer. Also' the dishwasher's best friend---P-ihte OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH OR ITS EQUIVALENT. WE GIVE THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EMS. Outlook is gloomy, but woman's chief concern is We have them all : Jh1n1itr.ht, Coqurt, Durham, Ont fit", I u I ' VOL. a mixlurt- (If f“) and freely t'elt the Mwm'h was that. by Mr. Hulnpl wily" in certain {mum eoetvettrioual1ife. Thu fruit. ttowets, rants,‘ tastefully and summed OI motion of Mr. Willi! than to choir, Chair -tiemees and Dr. Junl MI] carried And a M In: cloned by d Pmoceda 335.0. The speak" rs Prictville, N Dmnun-e, tilu boon M. P. I REVIEW. lh o " COIIIDJH Still“ Lfler Ma an: pie mm] at I! "tet ll Jug may nouspapq Itr:vrr:w. alum“. 2t " f r Mario" Havin, Luge " the ll ih Be "EA! to the do; household the injure ready fov u I us! w 1att tvt't thew humus wan! mmfm-t at "ttce. Plot: M Findlay}. tttttt dict F.hX.--The enter, phi well known grand mum-minim tUrle Jue Fax "ti the Russell Hull uudvr o. F. Miss H Kim: examined 0.1m soul inspet-Iim been! of theit Mutter, will, We for the outnhlisl here ad! tite n We 1telieve he stock holder. “uh Mtt Us TMF. M Mullen, M. I in (mummy rise in m fair! y Mandi that. Nal by aucti tttted "Id of Pu: Burl“. M friends of human) for a pie tux-in! on Mth. Admiuiou in; pies hee. Pl improvements. FARIEmi up I a [we n have um on hand. In lead at, u very low " will 5‘qu Ilium-y I mortgage. J. P. mule! 'vet To SHDRTHHICN gunpowder. in I Parker's Drug tlt A! Children's und: size up. at the Bi; Buy V Luca. Wright ham Mire Mum Mn 10 a. In. In mud KIIIS Tl ‘llllllll Mnxnncu HALI- Business (Ill th ' Local and t§§§§§s - Oct th: mu Me ml] fur Wt ll " u tl [In Irv "ttVe'Y \Vhi Mt I' " ‘IC The an..." H In" of In tl Ilinlum tt In M "I ' “an We "951 sly Sh: fl" 5w "

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