West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Oct 1899, p. 1

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i1 for $7.00, O eac} ham, Ont back don‘t stock, o buy. ement. an C€€ecgie e them all : t, Comfort, wer. Also t ITS EQUIVALENT BUTTER AND EGGS when h s=s343â€"3 3 de IO€ bustâ€" Of ns 3 x*x ER = earline 1 5¢ foot micn C Publid N¢, Elats Wl EW NHM ) l Varxgy Haryvest Hose.â€"The Anâ€" ual Services of this Methodist appointâ€" ment were held on Sunday and Monday last. Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, of Hanover, preached able sermons on Sunday to crowded congregations, and on Monday * evening the church was again comfortâ€" ably filled. The ladies had provided ample refreshments in the Orange nall and after the turkey and other toothâ€" some viands had been disposed of the company repaired to the church where, after Mr. Irwin, of the Chronicle, had , _ been made chairman an extensive proâ€" * _ gramme of speech and song was carried out,. Thechoir it was freely said exâ€" celled their usually good performances. The speakers were Revd‘s Humphreys, * _ Priceville, Morin, Durham, Campbell, Dromore, Sharp, the pastor, Dr. Jamâ€" ieson M. P. P. and the editor of the ReviEw. While all had a pleasing * mixture of gay and grave. It was freely felt the speech of the evening was that by Mr. Humphreys on "Vaulâ€" garity" in certain features of social and ty conventional life, The decorations of fruit, flowers, roots, grain, &¢ were tastefully and suggestively arranged, On motion of Mr. Wilkinson a vote of thanks to choir, Chairman, the Rev. .gentlemen and Dr. Jamieson was very heartily carried and a very pleasant T evening was closed by the benediction. Business Men‘s Letter Paper! Children‘s under clothing from Baby‘s size up, at the Big Store. To SPoRTSMEX.â€"Curtis and Haryey‘s gunpowder, in canister and keg, At Parker‘s Drug Store. PE Soctat. â€"Teacher, pupils and friends of Latona school have planned for a pie social on Friday evening, Oci. MAOth. Admission 10 cts. Parties bringâ€" ing pies free. Proceeds in aid of school improvements. 14c cash for wool at the Big Store. Lucas, Wright & Batson.â€"At Durâ€" ham office Mondays and Court Days, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. FarmErs or SoutH GREY.â€"L havye | a large a large amount of private funds | on hand,. to lend on Mortgage security , at a vepy low rate of interest. You | will save money by paying off the old | mortgage. J. P. TerroRrD | MoxsrtEr Sauc®.â€"H H Miller, the Hanâ€" over Conveyancer, will hold a monster sale of 25 farm and village properties, by auction, at Kirchner‘s Hotel, Hanovâ€" er, October 28. Write him for copy of Sale poster,. _ There will be great barâ€" gains. "It is a relief," said an intelligent reader, "to turn from partizan papers to one which discusses public affairs fairly and intelligently from a public standpoint. _ The Weekly Sun does that. Its editoral page is the best in Canada." You can get the Sun comâ€" bined with this paper from now to the end of 1900 for $1.30. Buy your wife a far coat betore they rise in price, at the Big Store. Ox tH®E Mart Bros.â€"Mr. Jas. Mcâ€" Mullen, M. P. was in Town Monday and in company with Mr. Neil MeKechnie examined our marl beds, and his perâ€" sonal inspection confirms what he had heard of their great value. . Mr. Meâ€" Mullen will, we hope, lend the scheme for the establishment of cement works here all the assistance in his power. We believe he is likely to be a large stock holder. 18| psssass‘sossyyysv : Local and District News. : twsssms“s“ @Is BE REapyv.â€"Physic should be thrown | to the dogs, but there are ('m‘t.tin: household remedies" and "first aids to: the injured" that should always be ready for use. Marion Harland explains just what they are in the first of the four volumes ‘"*Health Topics" presented to each subscriber who takes advanâ€" tage of the clubbing offer for 1900 of the Weekly Globe, which has been for over 55 years, and is now Canada‘s leadâ€" Jmg: éamity newspaper and the Durham RevIEw, almosi 21 years old from now to January 1, 1901 for $1,50 and with Marion Harland‘s latest book "Bits of Common Sense," four volumes. _ Sent free; postage prepaid all for $1.75. Readyâ€"made Coats for little girls at the Big Store. VOL. Should be High Grade in style, quality and finish. We print high grade busiâ€" ness paper at Moderate Prices Are you out? 3rps.â€"Mr. Jas. Mcâ€" in Town Monday and Mr. Neil McKechnie . _ NO. 42. before they in | PERSONAL MENTION to| _ Miss Ross went to Toronto last week be | and spent a few days with friends there. ns / _ Mrs, C, McLean, nccompanied by Mr. he | John Cameron, came home toâ€"day from ed Toronto. Additional Locals on page 4« Bustles, latest style, at the Big Store. Two weddings toâ€"day, Wednesday and glorious bride‘s weather Mis« Martha Fee to Mr. Wm,. McCalmon, Jr.,, of Varney, and Miss Wilson, Boothâ€" ville to Mr. Geo. Lawrence. _ Conâ€" gratulations. THAaxKksaIvInc SErRviIcEsS.â€"Will be held in Trinity church on Thursday at 11 a. m., and in Presbyterian churck at 2.30 p. m. _ A prosperous year and many other features should render Caâ€" nadians devoutly thankful and lead them to show it by attending thanksâ€" giving services. and glorious bride‘s weather Mis« hows suceessfully over, the turn of | Martha Fee to Mr. Wm. MceCalmon, Jr., leafand cold weather reminding | of Varney, and Miss Wilson, BOOth~| s of the passing of another season, we | ville to Mr. Geo. Lawrence. _ Conâ€" ye IOOked around us in our goodg gratulations. s wn and noted the chiet improve-! THAaxksaryvInc SErRvicEs.â€"Will be euts that bave marked the advance held in Trinity church on Thursday at Durham in unison with the rest of 11 a. m., and in Presbyterian churck ing Domini E nt 2.30 p. m. _ A prosperous year and| fUr &Towing Dominion. many other features should render U.'l A few years ago it looked M.if s({me nadians devoutly thankful and lead Qf our northern towns were to sink into them to show it by attending thanko-? ignificance but the enterprise and giving services. ‘the faith of the citizens of our good y ymog C u. o ayâ€" town were never extinguished, thougg ONLY ONE OPINION ON T“'s;gburning low, and now these same There certainly can only be one opin-_;fi?:d r?(‘iwt,:ll::‘:sesl:]al:’eissg;:ggix:n:gen?:: ion regarding the premium pictures for *4 C G [ PANILY HERALD and WEEKLY Creased activity in progress and in STAR subscribers this season. . They prospect. are beauties, and to think that each . Taking a look at last year we may yearly subscriber gets both pictures 18 notice the inception of the "Growing a wonder. They are the " Battle O tima" here, when so many citizens _ _ An exchange says:â€"Let your motto | be ‘lie, steal, drink and swear.‘ When you lie, let it be down to pleasant dreams. When you steal, let be away | from immoral associates, When you |\ drink, let it be pure water. When you |\ swear, swear you will patronize your | home paper, pay your subscription, and ‘;;mt send yonr job work away from |home. a wonder, They are {he _ DW o 1q T‘me‘ bere, when so many citizens epremndie m]()f.ws.' evs SX ""‘Wreated themselves, and dignified thel * Pussy Willows," size 13x20, One dolâ€" oo o * lar pays a year‘s subscription, including town, })y bulld“.lg .suc.h a length of .‘ both pictures. _ Canadians should lfi!"spl(?ndld g"a.n()hthlc .Sld‘-'"wa"-(- We ! proud of the FAMILY HERALD and belieye a feeling of pride in this wox:k'l WEEKLY STAR, of Montreal. It helped to stimulate some to greater ; certainly has no equal. â€" tbings, which this year are much in | me = ~~~~~|evidence. ( On Thursday Oct. 26 Mrs, C. Niven, offers for sale some valuable household, Furniture. _ Terms 8 months. 7 per cent discount for cash. Jas. Carson, Auctioneer. Con. 2 W. G. R. Bentinck, some good stock, implements, wheeled yehicles, sleighs, &c. Sale at 1 o‘clock, terms 13 months. _7 per cent discount fos cash Hugh MacKay, Auctioneer. Oxa Wednesday, Nov. 8th the British Hotel property will be sold at the Km‘li)p House under Mortgage powers. â€" P. Mceâ€" Cuallough, Markdale, Solicitor for Mortâ€" NoTicE. Parties getting bills printed at this office will receive a notice similar to the above and will thus be insured of a crowd. â€" Call office in Lower Town at (Gun‘s Drug Store. Miss Tilly White returned home last Saturday after spending several weeks with friends in Priceyilie. Mr. and Mrs. Sparcling and daughter are off to St, Mary‘s to attend the funâ€" eral of Mr. 8‘s mother, who died very suddenly. Mr, Lou. Gunn, of Rosemont, is in town arranging the affairs of his brother, the late Jas Gunn, of the Middaugh House. Mrs, Young and family who are stayâ€" ing with her father at Townsend‘s Lake at present, intend leaving to join her husband in Cleveland in a few days, Mrs, Jackson and daughter Christine returned last week from a lengthy yisit to the States and other places. They haye with them a splendid specimen of the collie dog, a present from her brother, said to be worth $1000. Miss Maggie Smith, of Normanby. intends leaving about the 2th inst to visit fmiends at Revelstoke, Rossland and Fort Steel B, C._ Her many friends although sorry to part with her. All join in wishing her a pleasant trip. Mr. Geo., Cushnie, teacher, Dromore, , we learn from last week‘s Confed. has | bought a bicycle repair business in Mt.| Forest and will take charge of it next: year,. _ Thus it goesâ€"good teachers leaye the profession owing to its mggaidly rewards. i Mr. David Smith met with an acâ€" cident last week which will give him confineimnent for: some time. _ While oiling his machine, a man fell on him from the mow, with the result that his leg is broken in three places, and he is otherwise injured. His mothet is also, we regret to hear, quite unwell. % megaiary rewards, ‘_ Close alongside the Messrs. McKechâ€" Mr. David Smith met with an a¢â€" nje have erected a store, also 100 feet cident last week which will give him ']ong, with an elegant front, fine plate confineinent for some time. _ While "glass windows, (as all the other new oiling his machine, a man fell on him | Stores have) and above them to throw from the mow, with the result that his , light back into the ston:g th? firm .havfi leg is broken in three places, and he is ) placed the famous l‘llxagris P:elilgl-]_ otherwise injured. His mothet is also, :l&eaia&aeci?::ks‘gze:: ezl;um central we regret to hear, quite unwell. _\ stairway, and when the ceiling is metal covered like the bank, and Pied. some other improvements done there CEISLETT.â€"In Glenelg, on Tuesday|will befew stores to compare with it Oct. 10, Isabella Chislett, aged $2.yrs,‘ in these northern towns. . Stonework, SALE REGISTER. See Advertisement in â€"this PDNUTNG +4 + â€"___._ DURHAM, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1899 The initial expense of building, &cjGollars ife WNorkmen ATC AHODIC 0. is over $7000. The contractor for the | VOHett and McDougall. . stone and brick work is Hugh McDonâ€" ‘ The retaining wall at the Methodist id. . Fr d wood work.> Geor |\Church river bank will eost, with the To o oi se y work, Ge0OgE | rrading necessary for the new street Moore. Roofing, Parrots. An extenâ€" | something like $400 of which the town sion of the G. T. R. track will be at| pays $200, This is a decided adornâ€" once made to the side of the factory. _ | Ment to the Saugeen‘s bank and when t ‘ completed Durbam will have for the W. Calder has seen the block nOW(’first time a continuous back street known by his name doubled. in size. northward . a great im?rovempnt He has erected 2 stores at a cost of }havi}gxg been made on the hill behind about $3000, one of these is occupied :thi{ailif\%.acmr?th properft‘) i oumeRwil1 by the "Big 4," and the rooms above |.. ;. y cextlensi0n 0C make a nice residence for the pt‘o-.tal\e ‘place noYthwards o o cce i e o e factory, and we would like to see it iprletor Mr. Bean and family. _ ‘The{extended to Crawford‘s mill. other is yet vacant, but may yet be§. In addition to this extensive list of ‘occupied by the new postmaster as a | improvements, which is not perhap§ centrally placed postâ€"office. Stone | Complete, the prospects are good for [and brick work, IL. McDonald ; Wood \the future. _ Next year Mclntyre inâ€" [and brick work, . McDonald ; WO0Gâ€"/gends to build at the ‘"‘busy corner. | work, W. B. Vollet; Painting, C. Mceâ€"| Knapp has further improvements ir ‘Dougall ; roofing, Kress. \view, Little, Laidlaw and others ark 1 | anakamninlatins hnilline naur rasinences | _ J. L Browne completes ths Liock to ; the porth and the Miparian proprietor lhas erected a building finely adapted [for his own business upstairs, with quarters below for some other business. Cost about $1500. _ Stone and brick work, II. MceDonald ; Wood work, W, B. Vollett; Painting, Parrots. The ‘river wall of this building has been .continued by the town out to the i bridge, and forms a tidy and effective ‘embankment. In front of these four ‘new buildings new cement walk has ibeen constructed and a neat wire |fence on the river wall keeps pedestriâ€" ‘ans from walking into the river. \ohalisbafuch liniatiiinintuht d in ulcn oo c en mt L Lo WtA ther is yet vacant, but may yet be‘ In addition to this extensive list of occupied by the new postmaster as a\limpmvements. which is not perhaps centrally placed postâ€"office. _ Stone ;gg?g’;‘:&‘;’ethe %)é‘gipevzt:r “{;’clfié’gfe Eg‘ and brick work, . MeDonald ; WoOâ€"|tends to build at tl'ze ‘"busy corner." work, W. B. Vollet; Painting, C. Mcâ€"| Knapp has further improvements in Dougall ; roofing, Kress. ;vicw\', Littl(;, Lai(!]a_w and nth_ers are In the same block and uniform ill3conten1platlngb1}11d1p g’newresuic.nces, f | the Town Council think that before the style, J. Kress has erected a building | elose of the century they will treat us now used by him as a Furniture wareâ€" | t0o a new Town Hall, and surely it is room with residence above, 2t a cost| needed, and we hope to see neXt yCat of about #18°0, with same workmcn‘?]so' L e t‘a’ken w begin the frent ® | cement works which our abundant as Calder. 12%ai suppy of marl and clay render J. L. Browne completes the WLiock to ?justifiablef 3 _ Early in spring 8. McCracken bought the old McLachlan stand and sold the old trame thereon to blackâ€" smith Moran. On this site he has erected a large and elegant store 100 feet long, now occupied by C. Mceâ€" |Arthur, and costing him, site included E over £3000. The large and commodiâ€" | ous rooms above are used as a residence ‘by Mr. MceArthur, and from his front |and back windows he has now some of ‘the best prospects in town. . Masonâ€" ‘ work, Mc(girr and Ritchie: Painting, ‘MeDougall ; Tinwork, Kress. _ Mr. ; MeC. himself did the chief part of the ; wood work. THE GROWING TIME. Durham Not Behind. m Reviecw. ’MeGirr & Ritchie ; painting, McDougâ€" ‘all; carpenter work Vollet; roofing, ‘Parrot. Cost about $2500. P°~~ Smd Seanenot Cmy ! Jno. Kinnie, Jr. erected a small { house, doing the work mostly himseit ]and when finished will cost about or ‘over $300. Inspector Campbell has built a sEac- ious frame back Kitchen, woodâ€"shed, &e which he intends to brick . venesr next year. He has alsogiven a most aesthetic appearance to his house by baving pretty artistic seroll work placed in the gables. All this with painting and other improvements will ecost him over $600. Painting, 5. Firth; Wood Crawford. Shoemaker Clark found his increasâ€" ing business too small for his old quarâ€" ters and bought fron» J._ M Hunter a 30 foot lot at a cost of $270,. Onthis he has erected a very neat shop with residence above cost $600 Britk work, Hinds. Frame work, E. Dean. A Blacksmith Moran, as we remarked has his blacksmith shop up east of the Calder block and tinned in accordance with the fire byâ€" law, and is ad ding a leanâ€"to addition on the east side Mr. Gordon has remodelled the front of his dwelling house tiking away the store a;;pearance and otherwise imâ€" proved his residence. Last but not Ieast the Messrs. Mcâ€" Kechnie have & gang of workmen transforming the old Woodland proâ€" perty into a handsome and commodious residence to be occupied by Rev. Mr. Farquharson, the new Presbyterian pastor. _ The changes and improveâ€" ments will cost several hundred dollars. The Workmen are Ritchie‘s, Vollett and McDougall. Railway extension of course will take place northwards to the new factory, and we would like to see it extended to Crawford‘s mill. In view of all these improvements accomplished and _ contemplated, citizens have reason for civic thankâ€" fulness tomurrow, This is a better town to live in. a better town to trade in, as oar farming population are findâ€" ing out, than at any ttme in its history. With a long pull and a strong pull let us all say and try to aid. L wanted for 8. S. No. 3, Bentinck, for 1900. _ Applications giving experience and qualification received by the undersigned up to Nov. 1, 1899 J. W. VICKERS, S Sepnt. 29, 1899. Secretary. Sept. 29, 1899. Residenceâ€"HOPEVILLE, Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales, as to dates. &c. must be made at The Review office, Durham. Corresâ€" pondence addressed there or to Hopeâ€" ville P. O. will be promptly at.tenfe:l to. Terms on applications to D. McPHMHAL ( The Great English Remedy. M Sold and recommended by all /a) druggists in Canada. Ox:lv reliâ€" \\ ‘£4~ able medicine discovered. Aiz "\PFICAgaZ fntkagcs guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of Toâ€" bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will please, siz will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. . Before. Af. "Wood‘s Phosphodine, I>" Wood‘s Phosphodive is sold in Durham by Jas. K. Gun MacFarlane & Co., and H. Parker, Druggists. XPERIENCED MALE TEACHER MAE THACHER WANTH â€"Advance Durham. â€" D. McPHAIL, Hopeville P. O. or to C. RAMAGE, Durham. Pamphlets free to anlv;)sddresa. Wond Company, Windsor, Ont» work, McNally and Licensed Auctionser for the County of Grey. We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit a continuance of the same. & 6 We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Wilkinson Ploughs, number Qverything for Rarmers ! Coulter & Scott Drills and Cultivators, Dise and Spade Harâ€" rows, Seufflers, Ete. _ Also Seotch Diamond Harrows. Deerini " Ideal " and " Pony " Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel rakes. Also Maxwell Binders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS. SEWING MACHINES. _ A large stock of New Raymond and Wi!â€" liams Sewing Machines and supplies. $‘ y ts L. C. McKINNON. Warcroousâ€"Upper Town, Darkam. 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. * Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words * WiukIrxsox Proven$Cornraxy " is cast each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Rolier made in three sections. arge Sales & Small Profits." CULTIVATING, Cash system We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash system, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be HARVESTING, W * S§K; a oo e poon t 3 90 0 oo oi q e e w o a 9 0 ADOPTED BY .. G. & J. McKECHNIE. . McKechnie. TORONTO WHOLE NO. 1127. You‘re a Reader of Review! Are you a Subscriber ? Send in your name for & trial trip to end of the year for only 25c. To the end of the century for $1.00, ol Eo on

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