West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Oct 1899, p. 4

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3'3 l ti Jpn-v1 -u...‘ "Goo SAVE THE QUEEN." CHAS. RAMOS. J. P. TELFORD, Secretary Pto-tem. Vice-President tArhLrtit1tir_it)laid to All Murmurs. For the Election of Utticvts and tran. saction of General business. THE .EE'HNG will be addressed by George Landerkin, ESU.. M. P. B. P. O'Connor, Eser, Ex-M. P. P. and other prominent Reformers. HUD“. 0610M mil. ill9 ---The great yacht race between the Columbia' and the Shamrock, delayed by lackotwind for 10 days, has at last been begun, the first race being won easily by the American yacht Columbia. --With Sir Wilfrid Laurier in Paisley and Sir Chas. Tapper in Owen Sound, both on the same day, North Bruce and North Grey should be thoroughl y enlightened. A meeting worth going to would be one where these leaders were on the same platform. ---F'sit. Wilfrid Laurier speaks at Wingham on Friday, 20th idst., and as Kincardine the day followmg. LATER. We learn almost as we lock up that Anon CAMPBELL, Esq , M P for Kent, a Speaker of Provincial fame and a warm personal friend of Dr. Landerkin has intimated his intention of being present. This will add largel y to the success of the day. "A full attendance is requested" is a hackneyed observation. Let the re- quest be faithfully and fully observed on Friday Oct. 27. meeting of the Sou Association will I Town Hall. n, th At the hour of one o'cl This u not a nominating Convention but all the same it " hoped the rank and tim will be on hand in large numbers. It is desirable to see each other, to exchange notes, to honestly consider the propagation of Liberal principla. which honestly carried out by the Liberal governments we be. lieve to be the best safeguard of the happiness of the nation, and the best stimulant to national progress. President Morgan end Secretury J. J. Smith. both lava resigned their positions, the former " the time of his candidature. the latter on his recent appointment " poatmuter in Durham. and it is desirable tint these offiem, should again be filled by ttfNient men. The meeting " to be in the Town Hull at one o'clock. p. m, and we hope the exigencies of the season mil not be so pressing but that one day can be spared from tool. lifting or other farm pursuits. to discuss, and hear discussedv the political issues of the day as well as “and to the duties of proper organi- union. DURHAM REVIEW. '7;-\50UTH GREY ! "If REFORM (hllai()ll We hnpe to see on Friday of next week, a large and enthusiastic gather- ing of Reformer: from all parts of tins Riding. Mull. tlgttll, ll. l, [of [em IO 92CIf3i.5CffiC.'f?". rf.ffiCi."?".'N Thursday, October ly l899. C. Ramage, REFORM *7 00.7 .fi Friday, October 27th. n will he held it 113% Hall, Durham. trll theA4outh (ire '_.- lock p. m Editor and Proprietor. our opponents administration because most have been in. Reform BCrtoLArt Croso.-one of tale instruments has been front of the Bank human. "mictt will never see fruit. Bi'n'rnx - TyorPsos-uonday last these two entertainers appeared in the Town Hull to a fair sized audience, who were delighted with the perform- ance especially by Miss Thompson’s graceful and ladylike part. The pro- ceeds amounted to $27, a small percent- age of which remains with A. o. U. W. I Britain's fleet, is power] , to strike at this inland foe, } eidedly useful to overt i which looks on with no f , mg. APPLE TREE Buvsso.utv-Tuis week there may be seen in Mrs. 31cllae's orchard an apple tree in full hlossom. In August last itshed its leaves entirely. It has new reclothed itself with beauti- ful green and shed forth blossoms which will never see fruit. To the honor of the States. Pres. McKinley has refused to take art in any measures that might flflfiCl'l, Britain. - 77““.--..... "wFiP"M7Ub. When the war is over there neither Transvaal or Oran; state. that City. Reliable news are not now to be had. For a time British reverses take place, but there can be only one ending. A great throb of patriotism has run through Canada on learning that 1000 Canadians are to be allowed to go and form? Canadian .regiment. The railway running to Rhodesia (British territory to the north ot Trans.. vaal) runs close to the Western borders ofthe two tighting states and it is al. ready useless. Col. Baden Powell with 300 British troops is besieged in Mareking with about 3000 of his en- emies and native reports say that he has repulsed several attacks. Even Kimberly. the strongest lace on the west is besieged, and goers on all sides are clamoring with a wolfish hate to get at Cecil Rhodes who is in that city. l She was loath to begin, bat having ‘onec begun she will "earry the war _ into Africa " in a way to surprise the world. 50,000 troops will be, enroute in ii successive days by fleets of liners, something tmtttternpted before in Bri, tish experience, and of course in no other nation's ex erience. The Boers have drawn first Blood. They wreck- ed a train, and as it lay derailed kept shelling it till every sign of life was gone. 15 men killed or captured only one escaped. A second attempt was discovered in time and the engine, was rapidly reversed. Kruger’s ultimatum gave Britain till last Wednesday at 5 p. m. to withdraw her forces from S. Africa, turn back her troops on the sea, and generally “clear out." Of course a word from Kruger makes Britain do as she likes and as, before 5 p. m. Transvaal troops cross ed into British territory. Britain has all the credit of not having thrown the “I“. L..:.J- fiest brick. For months Wearisome diplomatic dealings have been going on between Britain and the Transvaal, and if anyone proferred war to inaction, that one will be gratified now. What do we find under similar cir- cumstanoes in Canada? The question , ot a contingent to show sympathy with the mother country is raised, and . while no public man has placed him- , sell in opposition to this movement, the leading Conservative papers have _ chosen toattack Hon. Mr. Tarte with extreme bitterness because he saw an apparent necessity of getting parlia- _ mentary sanction to the expenditure ot money for militia purposes outside ot Canada, The matter has been got over, the contingent will be sent and paid for, but, said the papers, "therei asplit in the cabinet," "Mr. Tarte threatened toresign if the contingent is sent" and much more ot such gaff. An attempt, wicked in its virulence, is also made, especially by the "News" toraisea race cry, when one would have thought the deplorable South African situation owing to this same feature would have been saffieient (warning to desist. True, Sir Chas. Tapper claims to have sent a telegram to the premier offering his support in Parliament to action tor South Africa, bat it never reached the premier, nor either ot the Ottawa offiees, and when Mr. Tarte was asked by a 'Star" reporter about his alleged resignation he replied emphatically that there l was not one word of truth in it. Yes ' there is patriotism and patriotism. 1 of the Bank buildingwtlra-is week In Britain to-day the Conservative government have a war on their hands, and we have the usual spec- tacle ot the Liberal opposition, doing, what? Pitching in totheir opponents? Making capital for the next campaign ? Using the Conservative extremity for their opportunity ? Not at all. We find the Liberal leaders by yowe and pen taking an attitude ot sympathetic support, differenees hushed in the presence of national danger, and the eountry's interest paramount over politics PATRIOTISI AND PATRIOTISI. Additional Locals WAR AND CARNAGE .0. ---- poyerless for once 'ith the perform.. Miss Thompson's , part. The pro- ', a small percent- d foe, bat is de- overawe Europe no friendly feel. of these tell- 'en placed on there will be Orange Free 559J. A, Hunter Eniiiifi/-jyas Pretty Patterns.. Will Paper of the old system of tradmg produce for goods. Any school boy will tell you to take the money and then Buy for Cash. If a merchant offers you more for your produce than it is really worth in cash, he simply gets square with you on the price of the goods. You may not see it at first, but it .5] a fact. Ith t NIH Mg; [Millie Gill. I), -----alliWMl [mm It is a pleasure to walk into a Store and sell what you have for the Cash. Its AWAY AHEAD FOWL At 81.00 a doz. are good buying, AXES AT 500. EACH ANXIOUS PATRONS. - Last Friday night the patrons of Boothville cheese factory assembled at the. factory, it being pay night and waited until after midnight for the cheesemaker and treasurer, Mr, Marshall, to come with the money. They waited in vain, and up till to-night. Tuesday, his absence has not been explained and no money is forthcoming. The amount coming to patrons and milk drawers is approxin- ately about 81000. He was in Durham on Friday and got the money without doubt, and eertianly went towards home leaving his horse with a neighbor to take home late in the mght and was last seen Salurdry morning lnakingl (his way to Holstein, We sincerely) hope some explanation will yet I) found for his mysterious disappearance. Two of the heaviest, losers Messrs. John Horhshy and Dan Ferguson were in town Tuesday and swore out an infor- mation. which has been placed in Mr, Catson's hands. The fol mer loses over t190. Mr. Marshall was always eonsiuer- ed strictly honest. and no homlsmen were ever asked from him. From various causes he has had an uphill fight at Boothvilleand it is alleged and feared that, financial erttlrarassutuant has made him yield to temptation. Wiles communicate with the safe, with the Cashier’s rooms. and one other place and any unlawful tamper- ing with the safe or wire gives loud warning. So we "hear " though we have not heard it. Burgurs, beware! THE LATE Mas. Cmsurr.-Anothee of the early settlers of S. Glenelg passed away last week in the person of Mrs. Samuel Chislitt. She had reached the patriarchal age of at. For several years she has been very frail, and for many years has been assiduously attended hv herl daughter Evalina. She also leaves three sons Tristram, postmaster at Ceylon, John in Osprey. and Amos at home. We append the tollowing information kindly sent us by a friend: "Isabella Chislitt was a daughter of John Tucker, and was a native of Som- [ ersetshire, England, where she was 1 bean on the 6th of January, 1818. She came to this country with her husband in 1818, and settled in Grey in 1848, and has since resided there till her death on tee 11th inst. at the ripe age of 81 years and 9 months. Five of her six children l survive her, her three sons (mentioned above) and two daughters. Hannah (Mrs. Stephen It. Brown) now in Win. nipeg, and Evalina, who has been al- ways her mother's companion. The deceased's husband died about 6 years ago. aged about 76. For three years she has been t'ontined to her bed, first taken down with muscular rheumatism or neuralgia, and has been a great suf- ferer." We may mention here that, Mrs. Brown rest a daughter just lately, a fine young woman of 22 years. Is the latest addition to our Enormous Stock. In BIG STORE! J. A. HUNTER 1h(d/yJ7iiirlD Vl‘ 50. a Roll. TORONTO "Always Prompt.' Never Neg All husiness Strictly Private, If you are unable to pay 100 cunts or. the 8 he will assist you to arrange wit h your cveditors. Insolvent Estates sat. isfactorily Wound up. Deeds, Movtsras,resi, Wills, and ether Writings carefully prepared. A Hundred good Farms for sale-Also nnumher of fine Hanover Properties. Go to him If you want to sell; Go to him ifyou want, to buy. He collects notes and accounts, and it Imus (wot-v- thing how he gets money out of old claims that have bran thrown aside ai, worthless, BUSINESS Tanglvs. Sum-Is and Difficult ies straightened (unsettled and adjusted without lawsuits or ill feeling, by the use of " little mm and good judgment. Rijl0lw, may an say 80 " PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS. A'ich Meu, Pom. JIM, Grits, 'lovies and Patrovs, A LL DEAL WITH. . . . catch & Irish ! . __H. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyance" c'. Miller HANOVER. 4ligeut.' {Windsor sun I" pi/ii/iii.' l VINEGARS from 30e per gall. 3 Pare Spices. Ground and Whole. I Flavoring Extracts, true to flavor. and Japan 25c TEA-the 095° Teas, Are Leders! Turnip Sowers, Sei1ifiers, Ploughs, Barrows, Hay Forks, etc. all in stock. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have the old established London Mutual Insurance Company, and other good Stock Companies. LOTS OF HONEY to Loan at c,. lunar of lAlIlluGl' I A Full Line of the Best Pianos -uuunauw. _ nova U1 nus are on ttte rise bat our stock was bought early, and a good protit saved in freight alone. Prices from $50.00 upwards. WAGON S! a fall earload toseleet from. See our Farm TRUCK, These are the Celebrated Adams' Wagons. .1 BUGGIES AND illll(M know what these Goods are-the best As Usual a Full Line Spring and Summer Goods HE I'NDERSIGNED WILL SELL T or exchange a thnroughln-ed large English Berkshire Boar for a Yorkshire. Apply to the proprietor. JAS. ATKINSON. Lucas, Writh & Batson.-At Cotte metvial Hate. Pr'icerilie, every Mon. day from " p. m. to 8p. m. BOAR EUR SALE OR [l(llillllllf LOWER TOWN Implement Warerooms. ,_,.___ ~---uu- ‘5" ll nu“- " est persons to represent us as Managers in this and close by c-Innties. Salary $900 a. year and expenses. Sal-night. [uni-tide, no mare, nu lean mam-V. Position yermnueut. Our reference. any bank in anywwn. his mainly ottiee work conducted at home. Re- ference. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. THE Dommon Couuxy, Dept. 3, Chicago. tf WAt'M:!trfrA'ra'IHr, BRIGHT AND RON.. an “prawn-E ... ...t.-w-e.e,--_4 H -- .' F'AJRktiiiiiyR'tiiiiy tty a 1 Quart Gem Fruit Jars. , Gall. Gem Fruit Jars. We have been moving lately and have not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now! STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR It! In as MGiirisia, Two carioads of Tudhope BUGGIES to ----se1ect. We have very nice Buggies and Democrats; Prites at rigs are on the The 'Sill,', -........,._G5cper dozen. -...........90c per dozen. - O i for 2ii. B/dit- best in the market. . P of Massey-Harris Binders, Mowers, Disc Harrows, Rakes, Ete. You in the market. Bay no other! H .PARKER’S , Organs and Sewing Machines, Best Proof VINEGAR. 50e per gall Whole Mixed Spice, 25e r lb. PURE CREAM TART“)? 30e lb. navemse t We l)gtig REVIEW! I."" u'UD ”Ill "Ulrah (Ulla yam yt.tlicense.d) isulso offered in munecuon. License Is expected next year'. Rem arranged accordingly. Apply us- nlmro. Dated Sept. 12, 1M19. 'tf 0 RENT FOR THREE on FIVE T years that desirable farm, Lot lt' and li, Con. 1, S. D. It., Gleuelg. Farm is well watered. {mane barn and other out buildings. Good hrirk housv half " mile from school. Possession given at any time. Terms reasonable. Apply to K'."',",",:,.?,.:: of Central Hotel? Dullnun. or particulars. Farm and Hotel to Rent leading Spot for inds ot Groceries. gm; R91; 1t.OY JfoTh'l, mm yo. DRUG may; CALDER of lARRlAGE Licenses. 1---20 lbs. for $I.00. g cad. good TE, Kid " ,3 ef, if ’Bi Come and D0 '3 Wltsut ?llllllJiili For sale Heat , PILLS flllllllli? Rheum $pisilit PLEAS/l The -- DL'RHA For Ra PiNOL Illlllf Carr” Our T am TH Ma HE SEI CHI rem spec we I titer W l W

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