West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Oct 1899, p. 8

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Mrs. H. MceDonald returned bome on Saturday after a weeks visit to her son, Dan McLean of Shallow Loke. _ She was mecompanied home by her daughter Sarah, whs spent the summer months in Owen Sound, We are pleased o see her back. Miss Mary McDougall who spent part of the summer with her mother, has reâ€" turaed to Hamiiton. Mr. Jas. and Miss Aume Hobkirk parid Seaforth friends a visit lately. Mr, W. Mercer preached hbis farewell sermon to a large assembly of Crawford people iast Sabbath and during his soummer‘s work at Crawford, many a link of friendship ard love was formea between him and his people. What means this crowd of worshippers, Who tread with revorent foet _ _ The isles of God‘s own dwelling place, There Saviour there to meet. A solemu silence lingers Within the holy place, As a mere atripling euters With earnest mien and face. Heads bowed in supplication, While silent tearâ€"drops fall ; Last service of the sammer, Best service of them all. Listening with rapt attention, As aswift the moments fig, Until the God be with yon. And sach must say Good bye. ‘The pleasant bood is severa, But may the planted seed Burst forth and yield rich harvest, Christ be enthbroned indeed. Mrs. Canving of Barrie is at present spending a couple of weeks with her daughter Mrs. Archie McDougall. Miss Jessie and Brdie Coutts spent last week with Mrs. BBoyle. ‘The masons are working at Mr. Alex. MeDonald‘s barn last week. _ It will soon be completed now. The members of the methodist church one evening gathered at the home of Mr. Stinson avd presented a Ane gold watch, chain and gloves to Mr. Thomas for being so faithful in looking after the church,. _A pleasant evening was spent. Mr. Jim and Miss Aunie Hobkirk spent last week in Seaforth visiting friends. Mrs. Livingston spent a few days last Week at Mr, Dugald MeDonald‘s. Miss Adeline Boyce spent last Sunday in Glenelg. What we would like to know. Who was the bov that lost his mustache, If Sandy‘s cold is getting better. What are Dancan‘s intentions when he is getting his house fixed up? _ Look out girls. Smsce Alfge «e e «.o onemmmmn Robbed The Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliyer of Phmladelpbia was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: I was in a most dreadfal condition, _ My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, gradually growing weaker day by day, Three pbysicians had given me up, Fortunately afriend advised trying Electric Bitters, and to my great joy and surprise the first bottle made a decided improvement. __I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man, _ I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another vietim." No one should fail to tr3y them. _ Ounly 50¢., guaranteed at our drug stores D Early on Tuesday morning of last week 10th inst., deatkh claimed another of our pioneer settlers in the person of Mrs. McDonald, of Glenelg Centre, aged 84 years and 8 mos. _ The funeral on Thursâ€" day to the Priceville cemetery was largeâ€" ly attended. _ Rev. Mr. McGregor conâ€" duceted the servrices at house and grave. We join the many friends in sympathy to the bereaved ones. It is with wuch regret we this week announce the death of Miss Effie Morrison who passed peacefully to rest at eleven o‘clock v. m. on Wednesday 1l1th Oct. in the 32n0d year of her age. The familiar. ity and popularestimation in which this young lady was held, caused a very large concourse of peeple to attend the funeral ou Sataorday 14th, to the new Pomona cemetery. _ The pallâ€"bearers consisted of six young ladies, nawmely Misses Trainer, McDonald, Counors, Sullivan and the Miss Ryans. Rev. Father Hauck conâ€" ducted the service at church and grave, The bereayed family has the sympathy of the whole neighborbhgod. We extend congratalations to Mr Michael Morrison who was anited in wedlock to a Miss Fergoason on Sept. 25th in Minnesota, and are on their wedding tour to Mr. Morrison‘s boyhood home at present,. There are many changes since Mike‘s last visit home 12 years ago. Mr. Morrison‘s many friends are pleased to meet him and see him lookicg so bale and hearty. [ _ Mr. Ronald McMillan, guard in the Toronto asylam was home for a few days looking as usual hale and hearty. .\liéa Anuie Morrison from Toronto avrrived home a couple of weeks ago. Mrs. Brown from Rentinck was the guest of her sister Mrs. Arch Beaton of the Centre last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wom. Barnet, of Owen Sound was down to their cousin‘s funeral, Miss Morrison. Mr. Samuel Jackson from the Glen was a calier in our burg on Sunday last. Mrs. G. K. Heartwel!l and son Geordie «â€"â€"â€" 4 4 4 Crawford. Scotch Town. returned home after & month‘s visit to friends in Craelph, Georgetown and Hamilton. Thrasbing hbas been in full swingy for the past 2 weeks in our burg, good turn out of grain which makes the farmers smile. Mris. Mike Henrick and children, who has epent the past few weeks with her brother Mr. A. McMillan returned this week to her home in Toronto. Mr. John MceDougall of Bachelor‘s corâ€" ners, but for the past few years has been a guard in Toronto Asylum, spent & few days at the old homestead, and s{tended the World‘s Fair at Priceville. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Aunnie E, Springer, of 1125 Howard St,, Philaâ€" delphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King‘s New Discoyery for Cousnmption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. â€"All other remedies and doctors could give ber no help, but she says of this Royal Careâ€""It soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely reâ€" member doing before. _ I feel like soundâ€" ing its praises throughout the Universe." So will every one who tries Dr, King‘s New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or lungs. Price 50c and $1,00 _ Trial bottles free at our drug Stores ; every bottle guaranteed. 5 I use of her mental faculties up to the time of her decease, but was totally blind for a number of years and bore this affliction patiently. The funeral took place on the lith inst to the Priceville cemetery, and a large number of friends and neighbors were present to show their respect to the deceased, and etpress their sympathy with the family, â€" Services at the house and wrave were conducted by Rev. Mr. McGregor of Durham a â€"â€".â€"~@ 44 â€"â€"â€"_~ OBITUARY. Into His New Store «s // BRIGHMHT, CLEAN, NEW GOODS Try our 25¢ Japan TEA which is diâ€" rect from the Tea Gardens of Japan, and cannot be exâ€" celled in Town. Our Black Tea, pure, and mixed is winning a repuâ€" tation of excellency. Boots & Shoes ars Always a Specialty C. McArthur, WANTEDâ€"-SEVEBAL BRIGHT AND HONâ€" est nersons to revresent ns as Manncers *‘ est persons to represent us as Mnn’ngsru in this and close by counties. Salary & & year and expenses. Straight, bonaâ€"fide, no more, no less salary. Position permanent. Our reference, any bank in any town. It is mainly office work conducted at home. Reâ€" envelope THE DowINlOoX® CoMrPANY, Dopt. 3, The Cup|! McArthurs Removal M\ SEX n w P NET $ * MFRS. AB,Liféggseé-‘-"’ Reccececcecceccecee Ctee¢ is New Store is s//l the centre of interest and topic of conversation. _ The Newest, the Brightest, the Longest, and one of the Best located Stores in Town are the common comments. _ Our shelztes are filled with We ertend a special invitation to all to come to see us and patrons we,have had a telephone and investigate our Goods and Prices. _ Fair Dealing placed in Gun‘s Drug Store, Lower and Living Profits our Motto. Erery Day a Barâ€" “UW"’} where at tslePhO“‘;’ 20‘"'5 we gain Day. _ An article of Goods worth a Dollar you mge’fiac‘,oé‘v;‘l‘;(‘)e“mgd;e:‘:‘r:néemems will purchase ‘or a Dollar. _ Our Special Lines thi® | wigh Mr. Gun for the reception of all week are Readyâ€"Made Clothing, Overcoats, Underiwear. copy or communications which will won . um . m . "h . um . tm . un . un . tm . Th . on . on . in : Jn . um â€" n :h : Sn â€" io â€" un :t in , s3s333333%33333s3s33333%33%%, tok 0 Tumbk o our 3. Tumles Our Grocery assortment is complete and we compete with all competitors. CALL AND SEE US ! in our New Store on Garafraza Street at the Crossing opposite Mill Street, Lower Town. We Havye enough to supply the Canadian contingent at 50¢, 75¢, goeâ€" and $1.00 per dozen. â€" Also all sizes ** sons in this state to manage our business in their own and nearby counties. It is raaminly office work conducted at home. Salary straight $900 a yearand expensesâ€"definate, bonafide, no more, no less salary. Monthly $75. References. Enc.ose selfâ€"addressed stam; enyelope, Herbort E. Hess, Prest., Dept. M. Chfio WANTEDâ€"SEVEBAL TRUSTWORTAY PERâ€" asnne in this stata to manace anyr hncinase in is F9b & _.»e : u‘ W ane -.(gfi TORONTO in Plates % ? Durham, Ont Wt rbs _ Mr. Jos. Firth Sr. is visiting at his , son‘s Mr. Wm. Firth, Zion, this week. | The old gentleman is hale and hearty. | Miss Ada Banks, (Glenroaden, is visitâ€" | ing her sister Mrs. Eadie of Janetville. | _ _Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Firth, Edge Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Firth, Edge Hill, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Geo. Houghtby, London, and John Mc Arthur of Bunessan are visiting Collingâ€" wood and Osprey friends this week. and nromgtly heal it._â€"Qures 010 suive j fever sores, flcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions, _ Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25¢ a box. Cure guaranteed. _ Sold Mr. Donald McFayden, of the Avenâ€" ue, and his nephew Thos. Turnbull was visiting at Malcolm McFee‘s and other Normanby friends this week. Mr. Jas. Allan, 2nd Con. Glenelg, is yisiting his sons Hamilton and Dayid at Hopeville. The old gentleman has been poorly all summer. Mr. Samuel Warling, of Vandeleur, is visiting his uncle Jas. Allan, Glenâ€" elg and other friends this week. Mr. C. C. MeFayden left for Paisley, Tuesday, to hear Sir Wilfrid. Duncan Smellie we have heard is the latest sufferer from sheep worrying so prevalent of late. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, seald, eut or braise. _ Bucklen‘s Armca Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain by our druggists. We have also made arrangements with Mr. Gun for the reception of all copy or communications, which will be called for regularly and when reâ€" quested, work for country patrons will be left there when completed. While always glad to have our friends call we recognize that the conâ€" centration of business in Lower Town renders it difficult for many to get to Upper Town, To these the establishâ€" ment of the above convenience will be appreciated. # Mr. Gun is also authorized to receive subscriptions and _ give receipts therefor. ReviEw Office Phone No. 6. Branch office st Gun‘s Drug Store No. 3. With thanks tor all past favors, we solicit a continuance of patronage, and our best efforts will be used to give For the convenience of our friends 8t REVIEW DOWN TOWN C. RAMAGE, Pab. & Prop,. Edge Hill. * 4B » â€" Of Valuable Town Property, ®itâ€" uated in the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey. NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THRE Powers of Sale contained in a cerâ€" tain Mortgage which will be {)ro- duced at the time of sale there will be sold by Public Auction at the Knlflp House, in the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, on Wednesday, Nov. 8th A. D., At the hour otf two o‘cleck p. m. the following valuable Town property, viz.: All that certain parcel or tract of land situate in the Town of Durham, in th County of Grey, and being cgunr,;,fie& ‘3 hests Aow o mam‘ 9 70. © m ue peers c o o P CCOC W a part of the thir@ Ajvision of lot numâ€" ber twertyâ€"{our, in the first concession of the Township of Glenelg, in the said County of Grey, east of the GarafraxA Road, more particularly described as follows, that is to say : Commencing at a point in the easterly limit of the Garafraxa Road, distant one hundred Peeemeeerenety . Emm e en e and two feet from the southâ€"westerly limit of building lot number eifhh fronting on Garafraxa street as aid down on a plan of parts of th@#second and third divisions of said lot number twentyâ€"fout, registered in the Registry Office of South Grey, thence easterly parallel with the southerly boundary of said lot number eight, one hundred and thirtyâ€"nine and oneâ€"half feet, thence southerly parallel with the Garafraxa Road to the northerly limit of the Durâ€" ham Road. thence westerly along the northerly limit of the Durham Road to its intersection with the Garafraxa Road. thence along the easterly limit of the Garafraxa to the place of beginning. This property is known as the British Hotel property,. in the Town of Durâ€" ham, and is conveniently situated for business purposes,. _ It might be conâ€" verted into residences or used for manufacturing purposes. TErrys or SAL® :â€"20 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, and the balance in 30 days from said day of sale, ® For turther particulars apply to P, MeCcULLOUGH Mortgagee‘s Solicitor, Markdale, Edge Property for Sale. Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business esial» lished by her father in Durham in 3868 an«< will endeavor to give all old and new eustozn ers the sameentiresatisfaction. In the Town of Durham, County of (Grey. including vaiuable Water Power, BRICK DWELLING, AND MANY ELIGIBLE bnildine lotsâ€" wili be sold in one or more lots. Also lot number 60, con. %, W. G. R., To;uhg of Bentinck, 100 acres adjoining Town plot, Durâ€" Furniture of the Best Nake ALWAYS ON HKAXD, PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY ham. Mortgage taken for part purchase money. Undertaking and Embalming on latest prin ciples atreasonable ratee. tÂ¥ The only firsweluss Mearse in Tows Flour per cwt .......... Oatmeal per sack ...... Bran per cwt ... .. Shorts per ewt Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, +* Peas, 4* Oats, ** Dr‘d Hogs, per owt Hogs, live weight ... Lard per lb Tallow* per Ib Butter per !Ib, Tub ... x* Rall Egg#, par doz ... ... Hides, per ewt _ ... Calfeiims > ... > 6. Bheepskins ... ... C. A. FLEMILNG !OwenMOnt. Priwcy Has opened for Fall "Term with a good attendâ€" This is an on in the course befere the majority of students onwstflumnl:&hoflh ear. _ The "Norâ€" thern" is afé ho{-mu.otcm- ered Accountauts of Ontario and two of our zh'fiflfll‘llltm“m-h-hd by to get a thorough Business Education. heart tonicâ€"causing the blood to flow natu: ally, evena‘y, unnoticed, relieving stagnation at head or fcetâ€"iaking up the biood accumulated at inflamed parts, particularly in the digestive organs, liver, kidneys, or in the brain. connected with defective heart action it _canâ€" not be excelied. ] & At druggists, or by mail with full directions and advice, at 60¢ per box, 6 boxes for $2.00. $, W. HOWARD, 71 Victoria St., Toronto. MISS SHEY! XLL ..Not Too Late.. MORTGAGE SAE Remember the standâ€"opposite the Markeot, Durham, building lots, wili be sold in one or more lots., HOWARD‘S HEART RELIEF is a perfect gans, liver, kidnws. or in the brain. For all Female Weakness and Nervousness OWEN DURHAM MARKET. Apply to JAMES EDGE, Eper Hiu, < MISS SHEWELL â€"FULL ILINE OPâ€" NORTHER D see aae w »as BCOR s sax »++ 6 ues. ser : se vt per bushel ... per cwt GgIRE :: s x+« 4. it Tok it M +4 > sw Rall weere MR ... oink iss WB . 4ss " which give full particulars" to College so as 'hmy enter at ;.:{ “lu'ldy m i lege so as to bko:li %$1 80 to $2 15 2 00 to 2 25 0O 45 tc 0 62 to 0 27 to 4 75 to 4 10 to 10 to 11 to ZI 7 00 to 700 z5 to 80 50 to 75 se es 10 to xT | w 3 t ieson M. P. | Review. M mixture of freely felt tl was that by 1 garity" in cer conventional fruit, fHower tastefully an On motion of thanks to ch gentlemen an heartily car evening was Dromore, Sh lc e Brs Rx to the d househol the inju ready for I‘h Ne La t the M U WA Ll us AL x M 1 VC Mi 1A RMIERI a large a la on hand, 1« at a very 1 will save n mortrage. 20th. Adt ing pies fr improvend PIE Bo friends of for a pie s« V ) W Children size up, at To SroR gunpowdef Parker‘s D Lucas, ham offic from 10 a M nmmon Set n( Busin 1J M ese () MiadC 10 % 14¢ cash Mi in FPT NSTY ond le e akers Harl »ld 1 iv n« 1 N

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