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Durham Review (1897), 26 Oct 1899, p. 5

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tel to Rent Junon RVEW ' "2oods OTEL (this year red in connection. next year. Rent _ Auniv as above. Spot for Groceries. 0 Ibs. for $1.00. 11 R‘S Jb DE PR AGE Licenses Machines, per ‘ 1b, & FIVE Lot 10 (ilenelg. arn and k house 1 TEA Bl*ck isessiOn onable. Hotel, t time wers, You 1b gall. and the n Come T Will now buy a Seven Jeweled Waltham or Elgin Watch in Nickle Screw Case. _ We have Sevenâ€" teen Jeweled Walthams at prices never offered before. W. H. BE AN DO NOT BUY A LAMP 24 only Glass Table Setts, 25¢ each. 58 only Glass Berry Bowls, 10c each. Nappies to match, 30c a dozen. 30 only Imitation Cuat {tlass Berry Bowls, 20c. Napâ€" pies to mateh, 40¢ dozen. Salt and Pepper Dasters, 5e each. 10â€" inch Granite Pie Plates. 10c each. Large Size White Granite Wash Bowls, 25¢ each. YVhen You Want box ; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8â€"cens Stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, 0n &Â¥#r"Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended Ey all responsibie Druggists in Canade. Is successfully used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask {onr dru%gin for Cook‘s Cotton Root Comâ€" pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pill= and imitations are dangerous. FPrice, No. 1, $1 2" box: No. 2 I0 decreas stromony $Â¥narkawe Ka HMeavy Wool Shawls Big 4 . . DURHAM, For Roughened Skin PINOL BALSAM .A thoroughly tested and effectual remedyâ€"â€"25e bottle. Will give speedy relief. For the children we keep a specially prepared BMBY‘S | COVG! i CR Garr‘s â€" Gough â€" Curg Our Tonlc Elixir Gun, Prugcists, Season: Word in MacFARLANE & {0 $5 B/LL ! <er HE SELLS CHEAP ! ! and See us in Our New Store. a good and warm pair of Boots and SHors, come and see us. We always keep a full line of Sterling Brothers‘ Handâ€"made Boots and Shoes. Cook‘s Cotton Root Zompound Reversible, full size, for cold weather, at $1.35, 82 and $3 ea. Pleasant to take and cures every timeâ€"â€"25¢ bottle. A guaranteed remedy at 50e bcttle. This changeable weather always brings a seige of colds which should be atâ€" tended to. _ Carelessness very often leads to chronic trouble which may be eased, but seldom cured. It you are predisposed to colds a bottle of and No. 2 sold in Darham by h MacFariane and Co., and Jas. k g and Chapped Hands our Frost CrEam is just what vyou need. 4 t Until you see ours. We have them cheap. Drugersts axp BooKksELLERS At 50c will prove the best prevention. _ But if already aflicted tryâ€"â€"â€" DURHAM, Oxt. Calder‘s BiotL. ONT. ISS E. CHISLITT, LOT 11, CON. M 4, S. D. K., (GHlenelg, has some Cows, young Cattle and Sheep for sale by private bargain. Also other useful farm articles. Apply any time this month. a tull contin which has f joyed by I Premiership. The Dominion as a whole, and his native Province in particular, owe him a debt of gratitude which, as is generally the case wiiil probably be left to posterity to ackn:owledge. _ His successor Hon. . W. itoss, with eleyen years experience in the front rank of Federal politics, and sixteen years experience at the head of the Departâ€" ment of Education in Ontario, is a mwan whose ability has been abundantly tried and whose record assures for him | _ The official reticence which is an | inherent necessity in all such matters, | led to a certain amount of misconcepâ€" |:iun of the true condition of affairs, { but now that developments have ‘ arrived at that stage when the course pursued by the Government can be disclosed in all its details the absurdâ€" ity of the outery about disloyalty is manifest to the most superficial onâ€" looker. It is gratifying to note that the amende honorable is being made by those whose enthusiasm and ultra loyalty has led them into illâ€"considerâ€" ed criticism, as for example the case of Lieut.â€"Col. G. T. Denison the"widely \known military authority of Toronto who declared trom the public platform a day or two ago, “There’haf been a great deal said about Canada failing in its whole duty in not paying the full expenses of the contingent. 1 am glad on that account that it has been clearly and definitely shown that it is the wish of the British Government that the men should be paid from Imâ€" perial funds and not by any of the Colonial authorities. _ Had it not been so Canadians would haye telt that they were not doing their whole duty. Now they feel relieved to know that the Dominion Government is doing all that the Imperial Government wishes it to do, or would allow it to do. Then in the second place it should be reâ€" membered that the Home authorities have yielded to the wishes ot Canada, and have perinitted the men to go as a distinet contingent, so that on both points we should be satisfied.", A Change Of Premiers. Public interest in matters political has been largely attracted towards Toronto th‘s week by the retivrement of Premier Hardy and the transferrmng of the leadership to Hon. G. Ross, Mr. HMardy has been a prominent figure in Provincial politics tor a quarter of a century, and ftor twentyâ€"two years has been a minister ‘of the Crown, a period replete with momentous issues which under the guidance of the Govâ€" ernment of which he was a member, placed the Province in the proud position which she holds toâ€"day. He bas throughout that long period disâ€" played indomitable energy, farâ€"seeing statesmanship, unbounded resourcefulâ€" ness and uninpeachable integrity,. Like many of our public men be has sacrificed health and wealth in his country‘s cause, retiring full of years and honor broken down in bhealth, a comparatiyely poor man. , _ The last two weeks has done much to clear the atmosphere of a large | amount of misapprebension as to the 1 real attitude of the Government in the | matter of a Transvaal contingent. In ; ' my letter two weeks ago I quoted Sir i Wilfrid Laurier‘s statement of the conâ€" | stitutional requiremencs in such matters ; showing how Parliament not being in | session, the government was vyery fdefinitely restricted in its powers of action Parliament is composed of | two great sections, the supporters and | the opponents of the Government; | there was no question that any proâ€" “x>sal to offer Canadian help to the | Motherland would be cordially enâ€" | dorsed by the Liberals in the House, [ and it is only fair to add that the | personal sentiment of the rank and | file of the Opposition would undoubtâ€" | edly urge them in the same direction. ! There was no guarantee however, as | to what course Opposition _ leaders !might take officially, in view of the numerous instances of captious and in ;dcfensible hostility which they have so often displayed towards the Goyâ€" _ernment in the past, _ Before any action could be taken which might involve a ‘possible straining of the, constitution. Absolute Unanimity Was Required and it was therefore gratifying to the Government to receive Sir Charles Tupper‘s assurance of support in the proposal to carry forward preparations tor the despatch of the Canadian conâ€" tingent . For weeks prior to the date when final action was decided upon, the Minister of Militia had foreseen the possible developments that might arise, and with the approval of his colleagues had, without fuss or publicâ€" ity been completing the details ot organization, with the result that when the moment for definite action arrived the Canadian battalion could be organized and equipped wich reâ€" markable celerity and thoroughness. October 16th, 1899. Stock ftor Sale! continuance of the confidenc has for thirty years been enâ€" by his predecessors in the OUR OTAW! LATR spiorad â€" soillseachadh â€" tuigse dhaoine mu â€" thimehoill Chriosdâ€" agus a_ toir dearhâ€"shoillarachd _ air _ fhireantachd. Freagridh an deicheamh rann a cheist so * Mu fhireantachd do bhrigh gu bheil mi dol a dh‘ionnsuidh m‘Athar." Tha a dhot do nâ€"Athar a dearbadh fhireantachd. _ Na be mealtair bh‘ann cha ghabadh an tâ€"Athar ris. Cha‘n urraid do nâ€"Athar eadhon comhead air aing‘eachd sam bith,. Ach tha e air a dhearbadh gu soilleit gu do gabh an tâ€"Athair ris, leis na nithean a thachar air la a ceasidh,. a thug air a chaipteanâ€" cheud. _ Rhomanach a g‘radh "Gu firimnneach Wionracan _ an duaine so." Tha aisâ€"eirigh bho‘n uaigh, le do bhrist e ceanglaichean a bhas. tha bhi comâ€" hnuidh an deigh so a measg dhaoine da fhichead la, tha eirighâ€"san a suas gu neamh a sealladh dhaoivne, agus tha teachd an spiorad aitr la na cuingis agus iomadh ni eile, a dearbadh gu dach e a dh‘ionnsuidh an Atharâ€"gur e Mac Dhe, lan gras, cumhachd ‘s firinn. Agus tha a spiorad gu crioch a tâ€" soaghal toir eo?ais do dhaoine air na nithean so airson am maith siorridh. Agus mar comhâ€"lionadh a ghealladh a tha anns a cheannâ€"teagasg, tha a soaghal, bho‘n la air an dach a gealladh a dbeanamb, a‘_ faotainn eolas air Criosd tre deart bâ€"shoilleirachd a Spiorad, leis am beil daoine a‘ tuigsinn gur esan Mac Dhia, tha ar tearnadh bho cumâ€" hachd a pheaeadh. Ach coiunas tha a An nuair a labhair Chriosd na foclan so cha robh moran a creidsinn na fhireâ€" artachd. _ Cha robh iad am faicinn maith sam bi ann. â€" Bha chuid mhor a smuaintean gur e mealtair a bh‘ ann. Ghairm ind dheth geocaire, ‘s misgeir ‘s caraid na cisâ€"mhbaor ‘s na peacaich. Sgiurs iad es‘ pheanasaich ind e gu cruaidh ann a nâ€"iomadh doigh a reir » nâ€"innleachdan xanâ€"iochdmhor agus borb. _ Agus cha ne sin a mhain ach chuir iad gu bas e mar fearâ€"deanaimh na hâ€"eucoir. Bha e air ureamh le sluagh a tâ€"soaghal am measg ghaduiche ‘s mortairean,. _ Bha daoine air an dalâ€" ladh cho mor ‘s nach bWurrain insd aon ni maith fhaicinn ann. Ach cha nann mar sin a bhitheas gniomâ€" haran agus smuaintean dhaoine ma thimehoill Mac Dhe. _ Air a chrannâ€" ceusaidh ghlaodh esan _ ri Athair. Athair maith dhoibh oir cha‘n *eil fhios aca ciod a ta iad a‘ deanamh. Tha fhios againn gu do g eisd Athair ris an urnuigh so agus uime sin gu Weil mtâ€" hean maith air an cuir air leth airson a tâ€"soaghal. Agus mar comhâ€"lionadh a ghealladh a thi anns a cheannâ€"teagasg, tha a soaghal, bho‘n la air an dach a gealladh a dbeanamb, a‘â€" faotainn eolas air " Gun Chriosd tha fireanlachd dhaoine mar luideagan salach tha eucomasach ur ciontan as lugha fhalach agus ur deanaimh maiseach ann a sealadh Dhe. Se daovine gorach tha «muintean gu cosan iad fabhar Dhia le‘n gniomharan fein. Tha focallan Chriosd a‘ teagasg gu soilleir nach eil nithe ann a ni sinn airidh an lathair Dhia ach fireantachd a mhac. Tha Pol ‘g radb gu bWeil an fhireantachd sin do na hâ€"uile agus air na hâ€"uile a chreadas, Agus dara tha ur nâ€"ainmanna air a sgeadachadh leis an fhireantachd sin, tha e comasach ur peacanna bhi air a falach bho suilean Dhia, chum s‘nach eirich iad gu siorâ€" ruidh n‘ur nâ€"aghaidh. Uime sin tha sinne air ur _ deanaimh â€" freagarrach chum gu seas sinn le taitneas mu choinâ€" neamh Dbeâ€"ann a so a bhos am fas anns gach gras, la deigh la, dh‘ionnsâ€" uidh an la mor ud anns an dachaigh bhuan, a bhi sinne agus sluagh Chriosd vuile gu leir coltach ris feinâ€"naomh neoâ€"lochdach, â€" neoâ€"thruaillidh, air ur dealachadh o pheancachaibh agus air ur deanaimh m‘s airde na na neamha. Ach tuigaibh gur e fireantachd Chriosd tha againn tha deanaimh sin dhuinn. A nis trid obair an Spiorad tha fireanâ€" tachd Chrosda ‘s a shluagh sir an dearbadh â€"gu soilleir do ‘n tâ€"soaghal agus bitheas an obair sin air a cuir air a hâ€"aghaidh gus an la anns am bi eolas ag na hâ€"uile airson. LpF EPE «E TT P OCTELT galta gu siorruidh agns bho shiorruidhâ€" | eachd ri a nadur noamha. â€" Cha‘n ann | mar sin tha ‘fireantachd a shluagh. | Cha bhuin i dhoibh fein, ach tha jad | ‘ga faotainn bho Chriosd trid an cairâ€" | deas tha aca a nis risâ€"san, agus uime sin | se fhireantachdâ€"sa tha acaâ€"san. Cha‘n | eil fireantachd aca feinâ€"a bhuineas gu | hâ€"arraidh dhoibh feinâ€"aig a nach *s | fear dhiubh. . Gun Chiosd cha n eil | maith air bith a gabhail comhniadh annta, agus tha ‘n inntinn fheolmhor, | a ta *g oibrichdean annta chum serios ‘ siorruidh, a riaghlaidh, ‘s a sea‘ltuinn ; a imiâ€"fhireantachd, an aing‘eachd, _ ‘s ; droch nadur. Ach air dhoibh gabhail ri Criosd tha iad air a saoradhâ€"‘s air an l cuir air an tâ€"slighe ceart, ‘s tha nndur' aca air athatrrachadh agus jad fein air am fireanachadh. | Se an aon fhireantachd a tha aig Chriosd ‘s aig a shluaghâ€"cha‘n eil atâ€" harrachadh sam bith a sinâ€"â€"ged tha atharrachadh anns an doigh anns am Weil i aca. Buinidh _ fireantachd Chriosda dba fein. _ Cha d‘fhuair e i hh‘o nach s‘am bith eile. Tha i ceanâ€" tâ€"soaghal a toir dearbâ€"shoilleirachd mu thimchicll na nithean sin. Anns an aite so tha fireantachd Chriosda agus fireantachd a shluagh ri bhi air a‘ thuigsinn. Agus tha a Spiâ€" orad ‘Nmunha le oibricheansa anns a Ceannâ€"teagasg, Eoin 16:18. " Agus an uair a thig esan, bheir e dearbh shoilleirachd do‘n tâ€"saoghal mu fhireâ€" antachd." Bha na focallan so air achadh ann a Priceville leis 2700 "a Jocauan so mir a searmonâ€" rmidh ann a Priceville leis an UrER. Iax A. MaTrHoxacn, B. D. i Some Clothing is made to orâ€" | __ der, not made to fit. | Shorey‘s Clothing is made to SHEARMON GAELIC. fit, not made to order. Every garment guaranteed. Sold only by the best dealers. Palmerston Queen‘s Hotel, Nov, 6.â€"Mt. Forest, Queen‘s Hotel, Nov. 7.â€" Durxar, Middaugh Hotel, Wednesday, /all day and evening) one dxy only, Nov. 8.â€"Drayton, Queen‘s Hotel, Nov. 9. Do you sufter from Varicose Veins ? them successfally treated. It was the best thing that ever happened to me when I went to Drayâ€" jnf ton to counsult you during your visit SUf there, and I am sure that I could not have done better if 1 had spent double the money elsewhere, as 1 am now eompletely cured aud E am glad to say _ that your treatment was so easy on me ‘ that it caased me no inconvenience or fay loss of time. _ I had been ruptured 17 wi years. \/ the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘s Block. Residence first door west of the Post Office, Durham. () FPFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF i tha â€" Tiphany" RDhammane PeFA crts Coder‘s JASR.GUN Which are a sure cure for Colds, Chills, Headathes, Etc. You should keep a box of these in the house and when you feel a cold coming on check it at once. If you don‘t, it will be sure to cost you double or more, than a box of our valuâ€" able Capsules will, which are only 25 cents. 0 Have you one? If so, we can cure it for you. During this very changeable weaâ€" ther we are having everyâ€" body almost is suffering from a cold "Ezrcept" those who use our STOP WASTING TIME AND MONXEY with those who do not understand your affliction, but go to one whose lifeâ€"long study and etperience have taught him JUST WHAT To Do, and how to treat such cases successfully, â€" Have you not had experieuce enouch in the past, to justify you in adopting some change? If you ever in&em{m do anything, now is the best timeâ€"" NEXT WEEK MAY BE Too LATE" LET NO ONE fil' BBROND ; Do not be deterred from seckinz my advice, because, after having been treated by many who failed to cure you, you have become d:sconragzed. ‘This is the very time you should make ONE MORE TRIAL . When I take a case, I oxert my whole mind, energies and skill to perfect a cure, irrespective of any money consideration and bring to bear on it all that science, honesty, knowledge and experience will accomplish, knowing that the exertions of these never fail to bring their just reward in due time. THE FACT THAT YOU may not be (ar PRESENT) in a financial way able to have yourself properly attended toâ€"should not keep you from consu}in with me. _ ADVICE 18 FREE, and this alone may }nr,n-- very valuable in your case. Itrul’dnm carefully nns Sell your friends of this visi.. â€"â€"Send two cent stamp for a waluable circular with fuller information, etc. One set of teeth will mot fit every mouth, nor one make of truss suit evar{‘lorm of Hernis. I have known @ases ruined for life by placing themselves in the hands« of ignorant pretend»rs having not the slightest conce tion of the first principles of htman anatomy. . He who makes a specialty of one 3o-part.ment roust eerwng be regarded as ses«sing more experionce and better facilities for the treatment of any particular troubleâ€" AND_(T_Elg'l‘:k__m.‘\i;\dunji‘(':\('}_\AHI{P_Z than anyone having * many irons in the fire." C Established 1866 OVER 30 YEARS OF SUCCESS See Dates at Bottom DEHENTISTRY, COMINGC c TOWN P Cl Y T. G. HOLT L. D. 8: s ’///¢/7 Y / THE MOST PROGRESSIY ) ////// / THE MOST SUCCESSFUL, /7 //fr // AUtHoriTy iN ThE TREATMENT OF RUPTU RUPTURE CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION S1MON STADELBAUER, Pentland P. 0. Put up by~ . DRUGGIST .. QOLDS £ Pro As t L ced# AI \ A.A «_ § 2 U > .\'«-s“ :4 ;'l-‘ â€"JFF% Block x Duton 4 F "'/’ //;; WM with those who do not understand your affliction, but go to ught him JUST WHAT To Do, and how to treat such cases h in the past, to justify you in adopting some change? If you "NEXT WEKK MAY BE Too LATE" LET NO ONE fil- JAS.Y. ECAN My double rnpture is progressing favorably. I can do the heayiest work without any inconyenience whatever. The friend I recommended to you informs me you have treated his case successfully. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT, NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leasos, Agreements, &c. correctly pre‘:red. Estates of deceased persons looked after, and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Accounts prepared and passed. Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills, Leiters of Administration and Guardiunship Obtained. Searches made in Registry Ofhce and Titles reported on,. Company and private Furds to Loan on Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Valuations made by a competent and careful Valuator. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, «C. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURKHAM. O ffice, over Grant‘s store, Lower Town Loan and Insurance Agent, Conveyâ€" ancer, Commissioner, &c. LOANS arranged â€"without delay, Collections promptly made. Insurance effected. MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest. Officeâ€"one door north of 8. Scott‘s, Durham. Note.â€"At Durham, Mondays 10 a. m to 4 p. m. and Court Days. At Price ville, Mondays 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. OFFICESâ€"Owen Sound, Markdale and Durham EARRISTERS, soLiciTtors, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS. Money to Loanâ€" Company and Private Funds.â€" Low Rates. Easy Terms. OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Block. LUCAS, WRIGHT & BATSON. 1 B LUCAS W H WR.GHT Arll Charges Moderate J. P. TELFORD, arrister, NYotary, Gonâ€" veyancer, {te., Qtc..... Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. G. LEFROY McCAUL. MONEY TO LOAN l{ so, consult snecsali<t and have RICHARD HARRINGTON, Rothsay P. 0. W. $ AVMSNN. |FARME RS . L. McKENZIEZ â€" 326 West Richmond Street P.O. Box 539, Toronto, Ont. THE LEADING, THE MOST SKILLFUL, THE MOST PROGRESSIVE, THE MOST SUCCESSFUL, AUTHORITY IN THE TREATMENT OF RUPTURE ROBERT RENTOX, RUPTURE SPECIALIST IN THE DOMINION THE ONLY Dromore P. 0. (Over the Bank C A EATSON TORONTO The Wheels We Sell all kinds at all prices Also a Full Line of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, and STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES. § ~Call and see for yourself. @>~Prices are right. | _ AGENTS in all principal point Ontario, _ Quebec, Manitoba, T States and England. Co Round SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up« wards. Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at a distance, 3. KELLY, Agent. A general Banking business transacted, Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter: est allowed at current rates. DURKHAM MARKET. Flour per W$ ......»>:>>+ $1 B0 Oatmeal per sack ...... ... 2 00 frahn pBr EWE :. / »:» +4« 80 Bhorts per ewt 90 Fall Wheat per bushel ... 65 Barley, +* «s O MA6 Peas, *+* .. O 57 Oats, ** x‘ O 24 Dr‘d Hogs, per ewt ... 4 75 Hogs, live weight ... ... 4 10 Lard per lb 10 Tallow* per lb 04 Butter per Ib, Tab ... ... 17 J. LIVINGSTONE, Eggs, per doz Hides, per ewt Calfskins _ ... Bheepskins .. CAPITAL, CAPITAL, RESERVE ’I PLYMOUTH BINDRR TWME ! SEPROFITS STANDARD BANK OF CANADE WOOL TWEEDS & YARNS GROCERIES We ask Inspection ol our TEAS. S. SCOTT. FROST & WOOD Should call at once and examine it, and they will be convineed that it is the best and cheapest twine sold. DURMWHAM AGENCY. We can give you Bargains Head Office, Toronto. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, &ec., We are prepared to hainâ€" dle your WOOL & other produce to your entive satisfaction. Of best quality. . A. McFARLANE Next to Bank, AL, Authorized.......8$2, KL, Paidup.:,...:....., 1/ NK FUKXD ........... M W. F. COWAN, President CEO. P. REID, Manager. No. 8 Mowers are selling very fast. Also our Steel Wheel Tiger Rake and our No. 2 Binder is pronounced a favorâ€" ite wherever it goes. At the Old Durham Foundry Who have not yet seen the Roll of & Time : * #+8 #*% i OU ermee say : 00 80 shel ... 65 ... O 45 i» 0 #7 i» O 24 Â¥1 .. 446 ues J«er* t MD 10 04 17 *# 17 13 ass * 0K +4 25 5C EggC 37*°33$ 80 to 90 to 80 to $2 00 to 2 45 to 57 to 24 to 715 to 10 to 10 to 04 to 17 to 17 to 13 to 50 to 00 to $2,000, 000 1,000,000 GO0,. 008 to to ts in nited ( 4 80 00 10 04 0 17 18 14 8O 66 50 DW «)5 25 15 30

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