West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1899, p. 1

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th A. o., It trrly VII/V, " SPEC EVJELL I early Wt H4 all so readily "tfel? yo, ONT. Xmas El Emu: III SHE " LEMING, "s v“. .uml mt srup" blocker Churris. triiiitiirrri'G'. 2no better fire IoneolourEx. American Oil W nan ACK, “Ll. she! " Late.. 0P " _ not!) Inc-hung sit of the hundred westerly r (twill. as id ‘1' yecond number Registry easterly unlary of tlved and '. thence " )lalit we in I 'Ware me of Dur. : the I DST bl» BI Mat " Svccnssmm CoNcreRT.-jnox Church Normanlvy had an Annual S. B. Concert Inst Friday evening which came " very successfully. Though children . were admitted free the proceeds .amounted to '15. Mr. Gilmour of Hampden, was a popular entertainer. while the Wataon's And other local talent and Pantor D. L. Campbell, were all in good trim; and made the evening [was pleasantly. I Ti new “on. The 'great bright eye'of bin studio window has been grinned. and now “look. up to the 'hr BO lilently" tt most wean-pica ou- object on coming down hill Mrs.McClocklin. of Glenda has been spending a week or two with her daughter Mrs. McDonald and sons Edwin and Fred of town. from 10 s. m. to 4 p. m. The Deer hunting mun opens Wed. outlay Nor. I. Hunting permit " Our thanks m due to the Publishers .ast the Montreal Star. for several copies of their useful war map. given free to their subscribe". -satau--comtrstu1atirtnt' to the You): people entering married life Norrtat.--Ail parties interested we interned that I hnveplued my hookah: Mr Kelly's lands. All accounts not paid in two weeks will be placed in Court for collection. MmncAL.--Mias Margaret Gun an- nounces lessons in Piano and Harmony. See card. V woupects of disposing of all the pro- duct they can furnish. QUARTERLY tgmtvtctm.--The Method. ista of Durham will hold their church Anniversary on Sunday Nov. 12. Rev. T. L. Wilkinson. of Honover. will preach at It a. m. and 7 p. m. Collec- tion will be taken up on behalf of the doth Century Fund. The pastor fully expects that Durham circuits' contribu- tions towards this fund will be nearly .W00. Quarterly services will he held in the Methodist church in town on Sun- .day morning Nov. 5. Love Feast at 10, sermon at il, sacrament of the Lord’s supper immediately after the sermon. In the afternoon at 2t30. Quarterly service will be held at Zion. And now Initial. in organizmg to establish I Pouk Curing establishment, and new cement work. are talked of at Pike Lake in S. Vommnby. The grow- ing tune. mrtrrxaso.-Mestms, Klan: and Stock- tish are now fast getting things in readiness for the opening of the new factory, and will be placing the shutting in a few days. The roof will he well on this week. and they expect to have things running before Jan. I. 1900. They intend to start with about tio hands and are lamemting the fact that “nimble workmen’s houses are not awnilnhle. They have the. blightest of alignk. Sec Married column. Mr. and In. Wolfe we" " Meaford last week attending the funettsl of their nephew. 3 young man of M, who was midway killed. Business Men’s Letter Paper! 01.00150 UP.-ahe hm. of thin year'- plne In.» fronts is being plued in posi- tion this week in photognpher Browne’s Honor Roll of Durham School forl october St. 5th class-Nellie Moran! Dora Davidson. Jessie Byers, Frank} Harris, Brad Jamieson and Wm. Hun. ter eq. Jr. 5th--Lizzie Byers, Jessie, Landlaw and Jessie Robertson eq., John I Bacchus. Win Brown, Maud Irwin.‘ Sr. 4th--Clara Aljoe. Aggie Lawrence, (Geo. Burnet, Mary Sharp. Esdon Wolfe eq,) Grace Barclay, Vina Kresa. Jr. 4th---L. Moran, Noble Sharp. Olive Sharp, Violet Willis, Arthur Allan. tir. 3rd-Etta Fox. Grace Willie, Anniel McKay, Mamie Munro. Mamie Douglas. I Jr. 3rd--Rita Irwin, Jean Crawford. Essel Laudlaw, Charlie Moore and! Frossard Benton eq., Alister Mwonald. tir 2nd-Eddie Innes, Victoria Park,l John Renton; Harry Lavelle. Myrtle McDonald. Jr 2ud---Islay Campbell.‘ Fanny Moran. Effie Hunter, Marion‘ Gun. Alfred McClocklin and Allan; Robertson eq. Sr pt 2nd--Rohbie Laid-, law and Charlie Crawford eq., Lynn Grant. Pearl Murdock, James McLean, Beatrice Wilson. Jr A pt 2nd--EIU Kinnie. Edith Nedigar, Jennie Park, Tommy Holt, Fred Falkingham, Jr B Pt 2nd--Willie G'add, Charlie Iheel, Foster Saunders. HazelGuthrie, Maggie Mitchie. Br Ist- Clarence Darling. Anson Lloyd. Brock Grant, Reggie Sharp. Louise Telford and Grace Hun. ter eq. Intermediate-Ernest Everitt, Harper Kress. Jr A--Ruhy Mills, James Smith. Jr B-Edna Park, Alma Mott. has. Wright 8 Bntson.--At Due un otBee Mondays and Court Days, VOL. XXI. NO. 44. Local and District News. Should be High Grade in style, quality and finish. w. print high grade busi- ng. paper " Modem Prices. Are you out? Du. PARK. A quiet hut happy wedding took place at the Sacred Heart Church. Paris on Oct 25th by the Rey. Father Keough, when Mr. Archie Black of South Dumfrieshvns united in marriage to Miss Nellie Sullivan of Oak Park Paris. The bride', was assisted btr her sister Miss Maggie. while Mr. George Black cousin of the groom acted M groomsman. After pnrtak1ntriof s hearty repast prepared at the ailton House, the happy couple left ml the 10:10 train for "London and Western points amidst. showu-s of rice and Rood wishes. One of the biggest new.” tom- himtion offers ever made in Cumin in the offer of the Weekly Sun. Tom. combined with the Family Rapid; of Montreal. (including premium pictures) for 81.25. A still bigger 0hr is that of the Bun combined with the Durham REVIEW for 31.3) or all these for w Address orders for the Bun combined with these papers to the Durham Review. Ithatmtrmtar WAR MAPS.-Tn thor. oughly understand the war situation. a map of the war district. is necessary. The "Family Herald and Weekly Star," of Montreal, are. as always, to the fore, and this week present every reader of the great paper with a. beautifully color- ed map of South Africa, specially pre- pared with all necessary explanations. This generous act. of the "Family Herald and Weekly Star" costs its publishers. we are told, thousands of dollars. but it is sure to be appreciated. It certainly pays to he on the subscription lists of the "Family Herald and Weekly Star." We Bee. the "Family Herald and Week- ly Star" will issue to its subscribers a- nnther map of reconstructed Africa, a comparison of the two will be interest- ing, as showing what the war will have gained for Britain. MUNICIPAL owstattmrv.--Bittr-', A week ago Saturday in: lit hr We; light from plant owned and oritutu in the village. We eonoat14ia_ our; sister municipality. They Imvwith. 400 III-candle lights and as we...“ power street: lights. The Ila-std sri) that a cur-loud of good hint. an M1 obtained " tow price- l Bucx-xrrus’ UNION. -- Blacksmith. in Bruce. Huron and N. Grey hare formed a union to regulate We“. which it is claimed hare been too low in the put. The Bruce vulcm bind themselves in a sum of 810 to - out the price list. Durham and 8. are! In- tend to follow unit. A rise i. mapping of iron haw made this move 're-r. Five "sogers" left owentbtusd bst Fridav for Toronto there to iota the Canadian continent to the South African wk. viz: Sol-gm Johey Gnu-lo and Jones and Pm. Hurry Wight um! Sam Pearce and Berg. (Junk. l Bath. and Jones only me' new. k test. J. H, Rorke of Thom and R. 0mi- ling of Chatsworth also go. . 'et . Tun Burrs}: CASE turrrraro.--Laat spring Mr. Robert Long ot 10th con. Brant, who had run a creamery on u. small scale on his farm disposed of his farm disposed of his property and went into butter-making on a large scale. in company with a practical butter and cheese manufacturer. About two week ago, McAdam, Long's partner, collected 81200, the amount‘of a bill of goods shipped to Montreal, and as the expert partner did not nut in an ap- pearance in Walkerton for some weeks, Mr. Long had his partner arrested. Mc- Adams lay in jail for one week and was then let out on bail, his sureties being barrister B. H. McKay and Mr. Farqu- harson, proprietor of the Queen's hotel. The case was settled out of count by McAdam paying Long ”(bout of the 81200 and the partnership being dis- solved. We should judge this was not a ,'.ei'vir,, profltsblt season s butter makinf for ll r. Long. Ex. [Mr. Long Is well known in Bentinck township being married to a Miss McGillivmy, near Crawford.- Ed.] Brussels on laid down all)“ feet ot) mnolithic walk this union. “an“! of private walk. The contacted we" paid 10 cents per foot, which amount. to 881134. This mm a. Mg summer’s work. The induction of the Rev. Wm. Farquharaon into the Pres. Church here took place yesterday (Tuesday) under happy and agreeable circumstances. The impressive Preslvyterial part in the afternoon was followed by a social re- ception in the evening. refreshments, mume and addresses. Welcomes to the new minister and his family were the wutchwords of the occasion, and a happy harmonious blending of the con- gregation promises well for the future. The 1mutations of space compel us regretfully to hold over our report till next issue. Tuesday functions gener- ally fl" the printer af111ed up" for shat wee . M Mr. Farguharson will occupy: his put, pit on Sabbath next morning and evening. Full Report Next Week. 1'2'ih' iiiyttliitttt ilhtgittt). Yd,' INDUCTION. Mu DURHAM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1899 Lupine Ava-Ions” Ito-c-ow. " to numerous requests Mr. J. Y. I’ll. hernia speciniist. Toronto. will soon visit Din-hm. sliddniigh Hotel. Wednesday (ell day end evening) one day only, Nov. 8. The fact that this gentlemnn is the most reliable author- ity in the treatment of iuptiire without any operation is now established beyond the shadow of a doubt. He is meeting with great praise and success wherever he visits. If you suffer with this menacing "liction consult with this gentleman when the opportunity presents itself. Bee. "ad" in this issue, with evidences from our own neighbors hood, which " certainly more accept. able than that of persons living thou. sands of miles away, " given byso many others. 2 Rev. Mr. Ferguhnroon and funny are now domiciled in the residence the New". HeKeplguie .have constructed mit of the.Woodhud property in Upper To". The miter time tttr Thursday but .nd.,et.otoirtriemdr here in moving “:1.an ttu-tsir-re. in idade in: for his family, Iwho "rrired on Huntley in time for'the induction and reception. Mr. and Mrs Fuquhaioon'l may consist- of t girl and 5 boy-- and tahter of Mr. P. nukes her home with them. We extend A hearty welcome to our new ettiaerso. . f _ . DEATH or Mus. Thcrrtsos.---0n Mow Boer laws to date We killed-4nd day, October 23rd, Agnes Hudson, wife wounded.. They occupy one,fnugth o of H158. Dickson. reeve ofBentinck, de- Natal, two 1titiior'tdttPtdWttiw and 100 ported this hte. Deceased In: . native miles of railway. & of Gmhiels. Scotland; and cargo gal gnqengfuwell' has numb as railway America. about 45 yearsugo. She flriit rolmiuireta anti; Emma: artttiiurtsd lived in Buffalo, N Y. and about forty train wherever there is danger, w two Ye"! Rfto came over on I visit to recent despatch from him says. , "Four her brother. Mr. Jas, Hudson. of South (hours bombardment. only one dog Be‘ntinck. and the following year was milled." married to Mr Dickson. For over (ge) WEDNESD‘Y. years Mr. and Mrs. Dickson have gone A great defeat for Britain. Two through the changing scenes of life sor- regiments captured, " guns. and serious rowing and rejoicing, until the silent casualties. Britain is dazed, the War messenger summoned the wife home. oifiee talk of sending out . new “my Three tront, and fire daughters blessed corps. No such defect in memory of the union ot Mr and Mrs Dickson. Five livmg Englishmen. of the family, Bella, Jane. Agnes, and --------_----- John reside in Minnesota, and Elizabeth Uromore. Mary and Samuel reside at the old home. , -_ The deceased was a. member of the Pres- idhed?,"fef,'d'Jyt "t,'L'fee,rr, "lt byterinn church. The funeral was weather. Nevertheless the LI? was largely "ttended.-ist. fairly filled with a goodly proportion M Rev. Mr. McGregor will preach in Owen Sound on Sundpy next. Mrs. Nevin lett Wednesday morning for Echo Place. Muadott DOLLAR FtmD.--On Ban. day Now. 12, the Methodist congrega- tions here and at Zion wilt at their quarterly services, make their flrtrt con- tribution to the Methodist Century Fund. Mr. Ferguson expects his t1oeka in" raise about!!!) in o, about halt of the mount this year. 'Thir‘ie doing well in (good cause. Pour or tive hive promised 0%, Mr. R. Scott is In Toronto this week tttd may pouiMy make a ale of his The Flesherton Advance last week has the following editorial remark t "In his Thanksgiving address on Thursday last Rev. Mr. Thom of this village considered It it reason for thankfulness that the political cor- ruption so manifest in recent elections had never obtained a foot- hold in this county. The Rev. gentleman could not have been it close observer of political affairs in the last Patterson and McLachlan contest in North Grey, where the "machine" operated exactly as it did in South Ontario. West Elgin North Waterloo and elsewhere." We rise to remark that the editor's memory or observation is also at fault or he would have instanced the machine work in S. Grey as far back as 1891 when a barefaced attempt was made to steal Dr. Landerkin's seat by the Con. servative machine. There was "reason for thankfalnesm" it didn'tsucceed. BORN. Mmgrttrr.-.rn Holland. on the 12th inst. the wife of Julius Subject of a daugh- ter. VAaEt--In Sullivan on the 22nd Inst. the Wife of James Vasey of a son. YomNo--DAnBV.-0n October 31. at, the tesideuce of the bride's parents by Iteyir Ferguson, Mr John J Young' Glenelg. to Miss T. Darby, Durham. JAex-Wrmes -At the residence of the brides’s parents. Orchardville. Nov. 1 by Rev. W. McGregor. Mr. John Jack to Miss Margaret Queen. Mo-r-vor-rr-an Durham, Nov. 1, by Rev. W, McGregor, Mr. John Moffat to Miss Get tie Vollet. NOT A CLOSE OBSERVER. Married. $3.3 Fm. J l brill?“ d-Mhntt Kimmy drove " Boer: with put to». ' _ _ The glenpicnblc Hugh ot will; I whim Ihumur. . ' Matthias bombarded spin. Still uncsptnrei. Gen. Wh‘te tadteg tho. assassin " Riethtntem, Ind chued‘the Gummy but superior number- compel retirement British than of others. Gen. Symon. " dead, 1nd I squid. ton of haunts in in the land of the Boom, 114 dentin to date. . "ttto a.'ee"tietywd'tm 911.3332 Captured BikU 'V ufffe..trtte. mo" from the "Balding in little' ikirtf i. o. Kiln. _ _ Ominous calm in thtal. _ ' [ ' , .' Snub“. ' Britishnnlng and Boon supposed to be doting": on Lady-myth” ' l . Boei- trytntpto ”out: thd mined. Lord Bosch“, splash out plan}: in Rapport of the at. and on Englion 'rlee,tton adds the "nu" undid.” ‘s by bug'msjori”. -- Anxioul feeling In British dial-I a, to Natal Iituuion. Bug - being placed in pooitxon. and Mt do" in be ing made to em Indy-mitt? mutation from the as. " Durban T An tt.netrttfirttssd upon I»! that 12000 Btitiah no. captured. , _ TUESDAY. F Greatest battle of the War our on; The enemy m great numbers oi, _ “Weei sides of Ladymnith. F j .', Mann. . 'ws Canadim comingom Sc to soil and” Gun "caption in Ilaeuonqmtttttat'. um th1roygltot1t tuntyft., A . - Boers's force driven back over three miles, but {one of numbers and super- ionity of their artillery compelled Gen. White to retire to Ladysmith. 100 marines with 2 hig cannon from . British ship at Durban turned the tide for British. _ Brittnh losses are 100. Two Bat- talions of infantry missing. Not known if captuled. WEDNESDAY. A great defeat for Britain. Two regiments captured, " guns. and serious casualties. Britain is dazed, the War office talk of sendmg out a new army corps. No such defeat in memory of livmg Englishmen. The Fax Concert last Thursday oven- ing was saricusly hampered by wet weather. Nevertheless the hull was fairly filled with a goodly proportion M reserved sent holders so that the expense utteuding the enterorise of bringing high clue talent will he nearly if not quite met by the receipts. With good weather the hall would not have held, it is thought. the number present. Fax. with new costumes. new pieces. and new faces was as entertaining as ever. while In J. C. Margin, ther versgtile P. S. Inspector of Dufferin, there is a. wealth and variety ot ability to make an entertainment himself. m accompanied an(no easy task) all night, and played. sung. and recited on his own account in numbers both grave and gay. His ad- dress on Forestry was pointed. and the advantages. the achievements and the prospects of the order were ably set forth. Miss King. Mt. Forest, gave two songs with her usual marked abilitr, being ably accompanied by Miss Ethel Sham. of Holstein, one of her pupils. The aud. ience were in an eneoreitut mood and all the performers were naked to 1pm)!!!“ twice. Fax on two occasions. 8 times. Brother Foresters from Durham were Jeweller Gordon. T. Swallow, Juo. Bose and C. Ramage. After afew wet days we are again favored with remarkable fine weather and the farmers are taking the yivan- Miss Ellen Isaac and Miss Jane Leith left for Buleo on Thursday last, where they intend staying for some tune. There faces will be missed. iuri/irtiiisG- iisecuring die turnip crop which Is not as heavy a, one as usual. Mrs. J. Nelson left for Buffalo on Friday to visit her daughter Mm. Gilles. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Gilles is very sick. Me. Drumm our tinsluith had a very unusual kind of n. raising last week, raising the roof on a stable he is erect- Ing on Mr. Wi1son's lot judging from the noise of the commander in chiet Mr. N. Long who is doing the Work. acme heavy lifting must have been one. FARMERS or SOUTH GREV.--I have a large a. large amount of priyate funds on hand. to lend on Mortgage security in. a. very low rate of interest. You will save money by paying off the old mortgage. J. P. TELFOBD WAR IRmts.--Nr by Dar. ‘gmrge Bales dt Small Profits." Mn, take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit a continuance of the same. .qds, We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CULTIVA TING. Coulter d; Scott Drills and Cultivators. Disc and Spade Har- rows, 8eaffttsris, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, number . 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares. Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words " WrupsosWumoH'iCoterusv " is cast each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. var thin. er / arm'ers'! y g _ Deerini " Ideal " and " Ponyl"' Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. AurMaxwel1 Binders, Mowers and Rakes.. ON WHE E I-ft, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. ”$.3Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS. SEWING MACHINES. A large ml: of New Raymond and Wil- liams Sewing Machines and supplies. Jfl f 3' . CIT.: . - 3 " m - _-is.!," ":33, n,,,,. Wm G. MCKINNO". WARERoosssT--UppeF Town, Durham. " UNT, HARVESTING, Cash system We 1:setitpjntqrrq gur Onstag- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be TORONTO ADOPTED BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. . McKechnie. You're a Reader of Review) WHOLE NO. 1120. _ Are you 5 Send in _ trialtrip O tot-only! _ dunes: Send in your mane tor 5 ma trip to end a the tent for only 10tt. To the end at the qttrett8trr lot Ohm- n Bomber? 2g l sr,

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