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Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1899, p. 5

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l? STORE tl IHIPK; nu“ of MARRIAGE Licenses. hr ng Spot for ot Groceries. KER’S Sewing “amines, flol "20 lbs. for tMt). LINER I " sods d TEA REVIEW ! GlES to was and 2 on the t Height Kent These lack Fl " .nt IO lb, Mme wars, You tall wig. and mm sion "ale. stel. V t rn, nt a! 'Big4o, Our Tonlc Elixir Carr’s - Cough "' PINOL BALSAM for Roughened Skin um" Word irt, Ann-rival] White (Bracket Quiltw handsmvv Marseilles patterns with fancy centre (ll-signs $1.00 Fancy bed comforters Goxre, in. 81.25 5312:. half bleach table lim-n pm- yard .2.5 (38in. half bleach table linen ttoral design, per yd .50 Pure Linen Towels 25 to 500 " wh. Men's fancy emb'd Slippers, . . . . . .70 " " $4 Pat. trimmedS 1.00 tg Chocolate dong kid slippers$ 1.15 tt Bl'k dong slippers handin'd8 1.35 Women's German felt sole diggers .60 All other kinds ot Boota and oes at Big 4 prices, which are the lowest........ Regular 25e bottle shoe dressing 20e th 15e " A: u 10e BABY’S I (IBIJGH I SURE Come and See us in our new store We want your trade. DU RHAM. CiFtTiiiKii, W. H. BEAN I I Will now buy a Seven Jewvied wnltharn or Elgin Watch in Nickle bs'screw Case. We have Seven- tm'u Jeweled Walthams at. prices non-r nth-red before. r OWL-dies. 8ite,etteetttal. Ladies us! ZW,, drains: for Cook’s can. M Oom- rul. are no ot er, as all Mixtures. pills tuad mundane are dangerous. Price, No. l. 81 W. box . No. s, 10 degrees stronger.” per box. Io. 1 or Giiifii on receipt of price and two s-ocn: “any. The Cook Company Wmdsor. Ont. - oo. 1 end a sold and recommended by all mum. Drums“ in Cumin. We. E" No InndNo. 2 mm in Durhun br. H. Pukor. Maul-Edna. Ind Co.. 5nd hula. Gun. mm: in... A thoroughly tested and effectual reuned.y---25ts bottle. Will give speedy relief. For the children we. keep a specially prepared [giacFAiiLz’iNE t (1) y This changeable weather always brings a reige of colds which should be at- tended to. Carelessness very often leads to chronic trouble which may be eased, but seldom cured. HE SELLS CHEAP tt A guaranteed remedy at 50e bcttle. Pleasant to take and cures every time----25c bottle. It yon are predisposed t , colds a bottle of. $5 BILL! .Gook’s Cotton Root cayenne! 1qgryteteatttltr. uses, 99mm It.1t.e.",.t ps, n At 50c will prove the best prevention. But if already attlieted try------ and Chapped Hands our FROST CREAM is just what yum need. -:- v.- DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELLERS uccesafnuy used monNgr-tpr 0 ladies. "te,pttetrtgat. Lagtie DURHAM, ONT. (lmft Block. 0 am ”is“ Sara ONT. l Never in the history of Canada has there been such widespread and genu- , ine personal interest in any national , event, other possibly than a general lelection, as has been evinced in all loorners of the Dominion during the (pass week, in the work of preparing ICanada’s contribution to the defences of the empire in the form of the thous- , and brave fellows that will sail from i Quebec on the Sardinian on Monday i or Tuesday next. Whatever measure i of success may have attended the I reprehensible efforts of some to make political capital by misrepresenting ! the action ot the government, there is I no possible doubt as to the deep and all-prevading loyalty of the people of libs Dominion, and even those who have never doubted their sterling pat- riotism must have been deeply impres- sed with the spontaneous and irresis- tible fervor of the popular demonstra- tions that have marked the proceedings at every point where a volunteer has stepped forward to take his place in The Army of the Empire. The Thousand men. which was the maximum strength of the contingent that the Imperial authorities would accept could have been secured ten times over, and the readiness, or rather the intense urgency with which the boys responded to the. call and fought for admission to the ranks, is worthy of the best traditions of the empire. Nor is this all; the hearty response which has ,heen made to eyery suggested plan for l providing for the comforts of the men' and the welfare of those they leave llwhind item is imnt only substantial t'Vltllillce of the personal interest our people {like in the individual well-being of the members cf the contingent, but an indication of the desire so univer- sally felt, to take a practical part in the burden and responsibilities of Imperial connection. The way Ill which the Departmental machinery has proved equal to the ,udden and exceptional emergency has been the subject of much favorable connmnt. and many congratulations lion; l'i't'll [Nut tell the military author. ities upon the smoothness and despatch with which the innumerable details of mobilization have been carried throngh. It is impossible for the general public to realize the extent and intricacy of the task with which the Militia Department hrs had to grapple and the almost en- tire absence of serious criticism of any detail even from those who are profes- sionally and habitually opposed to the Government IS noteworthy and grati- fying. alike to the Department and to the country. This ought to settle it. For years past there has been no more presistent and fornndible bone of contention in the local politics of this Province than the question, of the con- dition of Provincial finances. Sessxon after session. Ontario's Treasurer has claimed that the Province has a sub- stantial surplus, and on every occasion this is as persistently met by theOpposi- non, that the surplus exists only upon paper and is obtained by faulty methods of financing. To settle the matter be- yond peradvcnture. and by the opinion of nnpnr'mi experts “In .9' Judgment will be m'uepln '1le to rterybody. the Local Government has decided to ap- point a commission of bankers to report on the methods of bookkeeping employ- ed, as to whether the statements made Ly the Treasury Department are " full and complete as those usually prepared by Urge financial concerns. as to the correctness of the normal balance sheet submitted to Parliament, " to the chorecter of the investments of the Government, as to the assets and liebihties of the Province, and " to all matters connected therewitn. This ought to satisfy the most captions critic and set at rest a much vexed question. .-War is supposed, to increase prices. If it is correct that shipping rates are increased 82.50a head for stock, owing to the exigencies of Britain in trang- ports, then farmers will find that it works the other way in this case. --Hon. A. S. Hardv has been ap- pointed to two con billed oftieeg at Osgoode Hall, Term-o. HIS salary will be about 83000. Mr. Hardy after being 22 years a member of the Ont- ario government, leaves the cabinet " comparaitvely poor man. It is not the bve-election scandals as some newspapers assert that has compelled Hon. Mr. Hardy to retire, bat failing health. He is stlff'ering with Bright's Disease of the kidneys and is incur- able.-Ex. 188 E. CHISLITT, LOT 11, CON. M 4, S. D. R., Glenelg, has some Cows, young Cattle and Sheep for sale by private bargain. Also other useful farm articles. Apply any time this month. October 16th, 1899. OUR 0mm IMI. Stock tor Sale! O.“ ENE. A very large pretty wedding was celebrated " the home of Mr. & Mrs. Noble Wilson or, the. 18th when their eldest daughter' Lizzie was united in marriage to Geotge Lawrence. of Glen- elg. The bride looked lovely dtvsseit In cream cashmere and rallied a beauti- ful bouquet of white geraniums. The bridesmaid was Miss Kate Lawrence sister. of the groom who was dressed similnr to the bride. The best man was Mr. Tom Wilson brother of the bride. Ami here let, Us sav that a ttmt't' handsome happy looking rouple does not, stand up meryduy to be married. After the ceremony of marriage was ably pert‘ointed by the Rev. Mr. Hum. phrey. Priceyille. the usual congratula- tion and good wishes fox the young couple over the company sat down to a repast which was a credit to those who prepared it the Wedding cake was four st writes high and was a fair sample of the bride's skill and taste in the hak. ing tine. Dinner over the company numbering about 8o,invited guests eu- joyett themselves as best suited their tastes, the younger one: dancing and games, the. older oney; in quiet chat and 1ueerittsent. The friends from a dis- tance was Mr. and Alf-s. Weir. of Sing- hatnpton grandfather and grandmother of the bride who drove from there home, that day. Mr. Wei, t-eluhmn-d homo that day. Mr. Wei, celebrati-d his 90th birthday the day previous to the wedding. He looks well and hear- ty and bids fair to enjoy a. slice of the new century, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson. Mr. Tom Wilsou, Miss McKin- non also of Situr,hautpton, of all the in- vitcd guests three were all that. Were not related to the. young couple. The bride was a favorite with old and young and the. many costly and useful prcsents goes far to show the high esteem in which she was held by friends and neighbors. The following is only a part of the presmlts received by the bride. l budrootn set. 1 sofa. l centre table, 1 writing dusk. 25 clocks. 3 rock- ing chairs. 3 parlor lamps. 1 pair blank- cts, 2 white but spreads, 3 dozen silver spoons, l dozvn silver knives and forks, 3 carving sets, 2 fruit. dishes & sorrel-s, 1 silver cruct. 1 silver. butter dish. I for storm collar. 2 table cloths. 2 pair towcls. 1 crystal set, 1 set dishes, 2 salt and pepper sets, fancy cups and sanccrs. and may they be long spared together to i-njoy them is this, Wlslii's of all their iiituuts. The last mic of in) in Bootln‘lllc (‘iuct-sc Factory last Haltnday pay day. Mostor' the Patrons were satisfied with the rcturns. A mistake of the salt-s- umn in putting down liguves math. a reduction of 8','cTry wliul compelled him lo do what he did, he might as well fat e the Bot-rs of Africa as meet some of tho Patrons that night, without the toll amount sonic would not be satislivd it' they got. all thn-y should. For tho last i) ycais the patrons profited by tho factory while Mr. Marshall has Irvvit losing paying out, of his own pock- et when the ntilkdrawers titreatcm-d to st op drawing. for the lienctit of the Patrons. The Patrons should encomu age Mr. Marshall to continue his busi- ness lute as Ire is a tivst class checsc- maker. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MM‘nnnel ot' Swamp College visited friends here. an Sunday last. - The gut-lie readers of this part enjoys very much the gnelic serumns published. m the Review. A pl-cusant evening was spent, at Mt. P. Dailey last week by a surprise party from llgpryis Owner’s. _ 7 MI. and Mrs. James Gardener had a narrow escape of lwing severely hurt by their. horse rulmihg away and dos- troying the buggy. Neither wuru seriously hurt. Miss Jennie Courts is at present Ivar” ing milhnery .m (thsh-y. Miss Mary McDonald spent htu. Thanksgiving holidays at her fathers. Me. Dougnld McDonald's. Miss Matttha Wilson intends visiting Greyelg friggds this Week. - _ we are still oninying bountiful weal her and good wads for this time of l.hf_yeay. --- . _ Miss Rouveiy of (Elmsley also holiday- ed at Mr. MeDonald's. Miss Hanvah Hasliv has been 11-- engnged at, Crgwfoyd hihool. Threshing fur this sensor} has hccu completed and Messrs Boyd and Mc [humid deserve credit for their good work. They have everything complete machine. men, and hat-am. Alex. says no one. can match his Pete, Miss Mary MeOonald has lwenlen- gngvd Il [Amway Sclmolfnf 19Y.0. .. FT Mrs. Dan. McLean and family from Shallow Lake is at, present at Im- fugber’f Nt..yttrti, -- - _ -.. Mr. John Boy-d. Mrs. McLean and Miss qud suntleyef with. s1tllivttttftiyttis. Masters Hllgh and Allan McKinnon spent a pleasant day at Mr. D. Mc- Donald'., lately. Miss Sam and Mr. Donald McDonald spent " week ago Sunday in Glenelg. Mr, John Wade visited Mrs. N. Mc- Kinnon last week. MIR. Canning returned home after spending three weeks, with her daughter Mrs, A. McDougall. Cattle buyer McKinnon shipped a load to Tmonto last week. Mr. Tom Stinson gave a party one night last week. but as the night was a little disagreeable not many were present. Mr, and Mrs. John Allan spent the latter part of last week with friends in Traverston. Mrs. McLean of Shallow Lake is again visiting our town. Mr. Andrew and Miss Aunt-s Hunts: were vNitin.rr friends in Immir-vf. ‘.. Siltlndny and Sunday, 1Villie “mum's, wno has been stay- ing with his uncle Mr, Wm. Wilder for the Past few years. has left this week for daho where he has decided to go and stay with his brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Watt of Hampden was the guest of R, Henry and other friends last. week. Robe. Henry Jr. who hm: been mak mg calls amongst his friends for the past few weeks intends to start keeping store and post otflce this week. Intended for last week. Mrs. Lindsay of (Henri: who has heen visiting at Wm. Hunter's and others, has returned home. Mr. Wm. Henderson of Ayr was visit- ing his sister Mrs. Henry last week. BOOTH VILLE. Henry's Corner. Crawford (IE) Which are a sure cure for Colds, Chi/js, lleulttltes, Etc. You should keep a box of these in the house and when you feel a cold coming on check it at once. If you don't, it will be sure to cost you double or more, than a box of our valu- ableCrrpsuhot will, which are onlv 2; cents. JA,t,ii3,F?.tyYN WINS I meek Do you suffer from Varicose Veins , If so, consult specialist and hav them successfully treated. It was the beat thing that ever The friend I recommended to you happened to l" whendI event to Dray; informs me you have treated his caSe ton to consu you urlng your Visit successful! there, and Iam sure that I could not y. T , have done better if I had spent double RICHARD HARRD‘GTQN; the money elsewhere. as I am now 1lothsay P.0. completely cured and I am glad to any . . that your treatment was so easy on me My double rnpture " progressnm that it caused me no inconvenience or fnvombly. I can do the heaviest work Iotrg of time. I had been ruptured 17 without any inconvenience whatever. years. -- --_-. N.....\..-.\....... ROBERT BENTON. ave yon one? If so, we can cure it for you. During this very changeable wea- ther we are having every- body almost is suffering from a cold "litwpi' those who use our - -iitumerston Queen's Hotel, Nov, th-Wt. Forest, Queen.'s Hotel, Nov. T.-- DURHAM. Middaugh Hotel, Wednesday. (ill day and evening; one day only, Nov. 8.-rDrtVto! ottnr9ottl, 33:9: Vm.~a"mv.-- . a CyDLiD5ii, Estgblished I800 ilil 'i'"ii)iii", ‘22 One met of teeth will mu. m new mouth, nu! - ruined for life hi "In-in! ttt an“ Inns in me ha “on of the het print-Eula at hu rm unnuu m. H . hmgardvi '.u' “Au-15, .: ".IJ'T- ..\‘, .14.. l ..' M4 5.4“ AND CERTAJNLY‘W til I t'A " ‘."-f.!". "I )'l, Mu). STOP \VAS'I'ITIM ','r “I? , 317 MU _ F. .' " one whom, life-lon . an " Am I "(ha-FINN - h w.- mm. qully. Har ' irt t an: h I 1"ij'r'“ tree, I‘M Mil aerinwnd m do up“. 'ti, Iww I: In . 't wt u'nv '. BPOND: Donal fre [mum-1 {mm -li'tt "IY mlv to are you. yuu Il.n"' hum-"~- ‘1 wan-1pm l ’l'hix Is I like I one. I cxert my wi,] . 2.: m1. uwwum‘ and s) 0nd bring to bear un it all thar ncieuti, houesty, I mom ottrusse new” in.” to bcing tht ir just, r-I'MI PIIIIRT) in a t1urrruGl Wu AM? My lave yourself vim III. ADVICE is FREE. and thin slone any “you: friend. ot um viait.-tgead up can: my RUPTURE CURE!) WITHOUT AN OPERATION i1,liihijj?if1reert Put up by SIMON fy1'hDELBhUEIt, Pentlsnd P. o. 'C, . " . g' I" ”1/ 7 Dl-IL'GGIST . Kim (tiii',',':?, W‘ifl T0 Mm nun .Wvo A w a .A k C'"; ii't,sv, il.! A ' i5yr'i)f,i)r: ' ' A b VRplt,,'4 ii' T' ' Cjiljji) 4“ v. . c" i:li; r E, " :1” 1147);” I 1; ’46“. 0’93 / m of hvl'ThI imam ur. " . who make J "saw "r" arir , -.,- mp! homer wraith“ a: '. t'h P VALE “I m mnymw Geits, I l", 'tr, A A tt MD t l-i‘n' with the” I v and "eperic"e.e hm: mum-m. hrlu all no: In 1 tiM'rrtrtU'r' (“mum in NI . .Iul. "attotriq Mte Md. than -" 3mm w: vv-rrwl t-om sou-kin: my Advice, an: nu mun» d scotrwtel This in the very ti . who! . m ua, mummies and skill to work all thar wieucu. honesty. llama-Jae milto Ming thrir Just regard in up” 1 oven a was or success See Dates at Bottom __ "27/ " "I 7 "ed. / "pri 'SIT, I: Mila JAS. Y. EGAN onv make at trum mm. 'r,gr/a,',", of Remit. I Mn known ads of Iguana; prermMert [HIDE not the slightest eon whu mum a mummy of one I annulment must. 'd'fl'I'a; at .zu-il.LiM for the treatment of Any [Ismail-yr teoubhr- mn- Imving "Imus mm! in the tire." J: Hum» who do not ttulvrstand your umicuon, but ‘0 to m lz-m at“ wuar To no. and how to trmt much an in an _ “at. w jlbmy you in Adapting name change? If sun mum nu us roo urn" LET NO ONE a". ice. ' . . H11“. Must having been treated by nun, who “and che Very time you mould make ON! '03! IBIAL. When dll to .n-rfuotpmnm gnmzu-xvgive of tnynmoqey eo.ettttttle MONEY OlliPe~( Loan and Insurance Agent, Convey ”CATHY PUDLIC, CDNYEVANCER. cc 0tt1ee-----L0WER TOWN. DURHAM. Biilq. Darth, Marx-ages, 1mm 'i. Acrvvlm-v-m. to. eorreetlv prawn-m]. Fxhatru Inf Arr-amend person! looked utter. null l-Ixm'utnrn‘ and Ad- ittiltt'grtotat' Accounts propurud and pxmnd. Surrogate Court Bminnsl. Pro; of Wills, Latter: of Adtttittitstrtitiott um] Gusrdiuurshitr Obtained. Searcher: made it: 1tegistry (mum and Title. reported on. Note.--At Durham. Mn: to t p. In. and Court Da: Ville. Mondays 6 p. m. lo tl OFFICES-oss en Fi, Company and prlvuta Funds to Loan on Mortgages It low _ at rues of interest. Valuations undo hy ucompetent and careful 1'raltttstor. Money to Loan-Company and Private Funrls. Low ltates. EMF Tetnvs. BARRISTER. ' SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. LUCAS, WRIGHT ' 8l1TS0lL omee, nvvr Gtant's sun-v. anm-Tuwn Ohh' Ot_t1lettirttur and \gem‘y Pt Jfl/fillhll)l l B LUCAS W H WR GHT My double rnpture is progressing favombly. I can do the heaviest work without any inconvenience. whatever. ROBERT BENTON, All Charges Mederate W. L. McNruCNzi',t?,.':", J. P. TELFO RD, MONEY TO' LOAN aneer, Co 326 West Richmond Street P.0. Box 539, Toronto, Ont. THE LEADING, THE MOST SKILLFUL. THF, MOST PROGRESSIVE, THF, MOST SUCCESSFUL, AUTHORITY IN THE TREATMENT OF RUPTURE RUPTURE SPECIALIST ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO oax THE ONLY IN THE DOMINION mmissicner. ae Mu inplh tt'tt d Dromore P. o. lys- Ion. m A DA TSON It Place 1mm mulml to Should call at once and examine it, and they will be convinced that it is the best. and cheapest twine sold. J, LNliiBTi)lill, M,llwll BINDER WINE! FROST & WOOD Flour per out ..........' Oumeul per “ck ...... Bun per ttwt ... ... Shorts per ewt ... Full Wheat per bushel Barley, " Peas, " Oats, " Dr'd Hogs. per cwt Hogs, live weight ... Lard perlh ... Tallow" per lb ... Butter per tb, Tub ... FARMERS Eggs. per dor. Hides. per ewt Cslfskius ... Sheepskins .. E‘LREEPRIFITS WOOL TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES we ask Uelig 0| 0m ms. S. SCOTT. i0llllN) BANK AA CANADA CA PITA L, CA PrTAL, It ESEItV E AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario. Quebec, Manitoba. United Mates and England. The Wheels WATCHES, J EWELRY, SILVERWARE, and STERLING SILVER N0VELTIEs. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are right. A general Banking business transacted. Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter. est allowed at current rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on savings hunk deposits of $1.00 and up- wards. Prulnpt attention and every facility afforded customers living at at distance. J. KELLY, Agent. We Sell all kinds at all ces Also a Full Line of Go Round DURHAM AGENCY. Dinner S iled-HusUnd Mad-- Servant ($1 Ugly. The ancnent clock did its best-It is old enough wrest. Its gonng unlities have gone, you want a (lletl Clock & Tem r Saver. We have them for 'lr., 50. You can save time and worry by buying one. We can give you Bargains No. 8 Mowers are selling very fast. Also our Steel Wheel Tiger Rake and our No. 2 Binder is pronounced a favors ite wherever it goes. DRY GOODS, CR0CKEllY, BOOTS & SHOES. Ave, We are prepared to hall- die your “'OUL & other produce to you?' entire satisfaction. W. A. McFARLANE Next to Bank. Of best. quality. At the Old Durham Found " Head Office, Toronto. SCREAM MARKE'I . Who have not yet seen the Aus' FUND, ... .... ll w. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. Roll Authorized Paid up. _ . . D ft" ' Nt. of 'fl Ti me t,'. .180m02 200to 2 80to 90to tP"t. 10 lo (M l7 l7 oo to gli to 50 to to u to to to to to to to t o 82,000,000 1,000Jl00 . (mom " o M " 60 GO " 25 a0 00 10 04 17 m " 00 Mt

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