West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Nov 1899, p. 8

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k Some have finished taking up their turnip. hut there is . lot of them to do When it mine it pours. For the hut few (by. we have had it wet 1nd slushy. There Is no scarcity of water Our manhunt. are nil shle to supply all the in“ that in neceuary for winter use. for nil our atom no: well mud with sonsonnhle goods at renou- The ring of the anviU of our three blacksmith. we heard daily. which Sndicntoa that they at attending to their huuiness as they ought. Mr. Alex. McMillan and daughter Sarah has returned from a trip to Maui- toba. ftxielo,2"il themselves well in the mine nd while there. The Gaelic sermon in last weaver-r was well presumed hy Rev. Mr. at e- 000 and well printed by the editor. Nothing like goalie to the good old highlander. Mrs. Peter Muir of the four corners is very low at present. but hopes are en- temined of her recbvcry by good At- tendance and cute. Another young daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDona'ld D. Road. Glemlg. on the_18th Ost. We age Min state that mother and dsngh. ter are both domg well. Thanksgiving Day was observed here by some going to the church and more going to the woods and otherwise en- joying themselves. Our two hotele ere doing good huge ness by etnctlv adhering to the rules lent down for running such places. Shoemaker Dugnld McLean hes the whole buemess to himself end his ser- vice is quite in place et this seeeon of the year. Dugeld is elweye on hand when celled tor. Mr. Robert McGowan cur mill wen hes the double cepecity of eupplying hie euetomere by eteem end weter. Our tennery is turning out goodleether end in connection there. with hie hernees shop in elweys supplied with tho beet of material. Tailor Boes melee e good euit for ell that is in need of his services. Our dresemekere ere always busy. perticulerly so when e wedding is in View. Our Undertekers ere uenerelly celled for in connection with their other business. Our two Dr'e ere generelly on duty. when one is celled eeet the othee ie celled west. so both get e good ehere of patronage. Our Minister. ere ell faithful to their telling end ere-found " the appointed hour mending their pulpils to pro- rleini the [led tidings. Bob Donkey our pumpmeher. is busy Mrs" his orders for wells. Reeve McArthur u taue to hie dutiee as President of our township council. end " faithful services will enable him to eeeure hie election for the coming yeer. Our Teachers ere attending to their duties in instructing the youth in the wey they should go. Postmaster McKinnon ie always on bend to attend to his numerous callers for mail. 1 7 Dan McDonald and Thor. McDougall, South Line left lust week and found wotk up near the Boo, good wages. Mr. Mchbe's sale on Wednesday of last week was pootly attended. Prices ranged rather low but the quality of cattle otfered for sale wan of an in. ferior kind. D. McCormick, tuctioncer did his duty well. Collector Arrowsmith of ward No.2 Glenelg in out notifying the ratepnyers that hues must be all paid: up on or before the. fourteenth of Dec. Com. plaints are heard of heavy rates. . Afew more members were added to the Workman Lodge No. 140 at its last "tet?lar meeting. We Were flowed to see John Mather in church as! Sunday after his long and severe spell of sickness. He is not able to do any work yet. Mrs. Patrick Sullivan who broke her arm them a month ago is able to use it a little now, but is not very among yet. Four new elders are to be voted on next Sunday 'in the Presbyterian church in addition to the old ones. . Archie McLean ofthe McLenn broth- ers' threshevs is land up with severe rheumatic pains' and lsOunder' medical treatment we hope he will be Mile to be around again soon. A large ieddin'i in to take place at the residence of) r. Malcolm McDonald on Wednesday of this weeh, 'Callun og.' when 'thc',",!',,",,",',','; dtutghterA's 'to he united to t e young man of her choice. Particulars again. .. _ . - N. McCnnriet purchased "* flue colt from Mr. Hembr Uampreli, of Yeovil, fog which he paid a good price, Archie McUuaig and N. McCannel de.. horned their-cattle on Smulduy last and noAe they are a herd of mulieys.‘ Isn't it cruelty to nqimals ? . a Miss May Caniphéll of Brinton Park was a visitor {or a day or gwo st Hector McLean's of this place. add attended church on Sunday. _ An invitation is extended to' the christian Endeavor Society by the Epworlh League to attend ' social in the Methodist church on Friday evening next at 8 o'clock. An Enterprising Firm. There are few men more wide nuke Ind enterprising than our druggists who spare PO pains .to agent? the beat of every- “3ng in their line for their many custom- ers. They now baye the Agency for Dr. King's New Discovery. which smelt cures Consumption. Coughs and COLL}, This is the wonderful remedy that is now producing so much excitement all over the oountiy, by its many standing cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Broncbim, Senses and all affections of the Throat, Chest and~Lnngs. Yon can test it before barium by calling at the drug store and get. a um] Bottle Free, or regular size for boctusd 91.00. Gtysranteed to cure. or price refunded. 1 a-.--"-'"-""-.--), Gen. Buller and staff have arrived at Capetown. and a climax will soon be reached. MTG. A. U. -.'r'"' .__e- --__ Jane Ritchie. have returned from a visit to their friends. in Paisley. , . Miss Kate Firth and her brother Mr. Wtu. Firth have returned from in: visit to their sister. in Toronto. _ . Mr. G'rant McComb left lapti week to spend the winter in Toronto. He will he missed by all in this teye,t',thr,: . . - ------_-_ , . “a”. on He lulmu u, nu. ... .__V_ V - Mr. Wm. Ryan has moved' down to the Rob Roy. where he intends tn. live. He intends to run the two farms. Bin is a hustler. ' 'b ' Mr. Alex. F irth our school-tearlier is busy training his children for the com- ing entertainment which we expect is going to he a. grand attain . . :r -. I. ‘1 -J‘.......‘.. “In: vnul visitimr H""'l" -' .. Rev. Mr. McGregor, was out, vismng| his Bunessun friends last week. A Miss Tillie McCoskcry has returned] toToronto after spendmga couple of‘ months among her many friends in this neighborhood. Mr. A. C. Beaten is erecting a. flne woodshed at the hack of his house. Dry wood burns best yet Sandy. ", Mr. D. A. Brown has gone to Mus- koka for his annual deer-hunt. Dave is n genuine sportsman. Mrs. Thos. Gray has been in poor healthof late however we hope that she may soon recover. - - -'- . . -.2__I SH? mar sun" ltL\lvv-. M rs. Gin" is getting her barn re.roofed again after the ravages of the wind but syring. Mr. Allan McKechnie be, mg t te carpenter. , b L v; '. A Frightful Blunder Will oiten cause n horrible Barn, Scald. Cut or Bruise. Buckleu'u Arnica Salve, the lies! In the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bails. Felons. Corns. all Skin ..Eruptions. Best Pile cure on eutli. Only 25 ctsll box. Cure gunman teed," Sold by our Druggists. 1 Mr. Kenning. the minister, bus finished tuovingiand is now a resident of our burg. -- .. - . " I _ , ___‘_‘_‘_. u.v....,,._.-..‘ __ The 'Giilietsutu1ersott Co. had pictures of the spsniuratyerifan War and other tine scenes here in the Orange Hall, on the 24th inst. They had a tall home turd lbs entertainment. wu good. "Elsi-Bios. provided the music and gave good satis- fiction. _ A --- .1“. . a. 1 .,.' . twr' yisitnng Masons. Mr, J. Mdhrdle walks with a. one now, La Grippe having affected a strained knee. --- - H A , 'f_____.:II- “a ullyrv -'"'-6, ___, "e"" My. A. H Burnett represented Hopeville " the Reform Convention in Durham 1nd reports having a. good time. - -. -‘ , A .7, an”) In...“ up..." --'--'. w W, Our fall weather has been good here until now and we have had ueverpl days rain. . A _ ..' . Tinéshing is nearly all over now and considerable fall plowing is done. . Thanksgiving services were held " the different churches while some of oin- 301mg peoQie went hunting. l Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. B. P.. Olivia, of Barcei’ona, Spain spends his Winters at, Aiken, S. c, Weak nerves had caused severe pains' in" the back of his head. Du using Electric Bitters, Amtsrjea's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon leit hiin. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs All America knows that it cures liver-and kidney trouble, purifUs the blood,' times up the stomach, strength- i one the nerves, puts vim, Vigor 31nd new life into every muscle, nerve and organ l of the body, If weak. tiged or ailing you , need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by our Draggists. l $173. Lian of Banana: 'ia‘ sun bere Benton. and her sister. Miss ;e. have returned from a Rob Roy. Hopevnle. out visiting "Boots 81 Shoes are Alwavsa Specialty Into Bis' New Store is y BELGHT. CLEAN. NEW GOODS Try our 25c Japan TEA which is di- .peet from the Tea Gardens of Japan, and cannot be ex- ' celled in Town. Our Black Tea, pure, and mixed , is orinping a repu- . tation of exeelleney. wePj,e.c,Ev,f,e,,e BRIGHT AND HON.. est persons to reprosunt 11: us. Mammy-m in this and close by eouttties. sum-y #900 a year aud_.eXpensc-.s. Shralqht, bouv-ttdo, no tame. no Tess salary. Position permanent. Oar reference, any bank in any town. It is mainly omen work conducted at home. Re- fe'rence. nEnclose self-addressed stamped envelope, Tas Dommox COMPANY, Dept. 3, Chicago; tt The Cup!. Ilu,rthtrt's Removal. P, '. . McArthur, ...i-. i, 'Durham, Ont igraaraa:ececa:s:esas.ecec,"-a:99i'a:999ai [is New Store is still the centre of interest and topiv o.f war/rermtien. The Newest, Me, Brightest, atlze Longest, and "Ge (if the Best. located Stores in Town. are the emu/11ml emumentw _ Our spehriii'aiz, filled Milli We ewtelltl a otpeeial imitation to all to come to see us and ineestipate ouanods and Prices. Fair Healing and Living Profits our M alto. Erery Day I Bar} gain Day, A u article of Goods wort/c 11: Dollar ytm will wwelursefur a, Dollar. Our Special Lines this week are Ready-M ade Clothing, aim-coats, U rideru'ea'r. ht II Mt III III 2. HIM MRS. A. BURNET Our Grocery assortment is complete and we compete with all competitors. CALL AND SEE US! in our New Store on - Gamfruww Street at, the Crossing opposite 1filltStrcet, aner Town. We Have enough to supply the Canadian contingent at 50c, 75c, 90c and $1.00 per dozen. Also all sizes I TW..:','.,??.?-,-,!',.,':',,',?:',?,",.!? TRUSTWORTHY PEP.- I sons in this state to manage our business in ' their own an] nearby coumiea. It is mainly nffiee work conducted at ham“. Salary teteaittht ' $000 a year and expeasetr-detitmte, bounds, no {momma less salary. Monthly'e75. References. i, Enmnw self-addressed stamped 'suretopts,thrrbsrt ' E.Hess, Frost" Dept. M. Chicago. in Plates m , Mi. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST GF the Durham Pharmacy Calder's Block ', 'J. Residence first door west of the Post that. Durham. OFF! CE-M c1 ntyre mek. Fifi _ " WE COVET CONFIDENCE AND CHALLENGE f f " a COMPETITION 'EITIIER IN PRICE 0R VALUE. " _ Upon entering bur store you immediately see something new, for we are determined to secure the latest designs of everything in our line..... Our immense shipments this week contain P-. tsilverware.--- Graititeware,-- Cattle Ctpttinn,--- Traee chaintr,--Crow _Barr,----Ctturntr,--wheist.. barrows,---Harnem Biackiug,---Harriesm Oil,---. Aminunition.---Guutr etxt.-G gals. best Canad- ian Coal Oil for 900. (hll (gl liMh (Ill (lat and Il)ll. (Ill sum 10 lg WWW fl)il MR Et, artist”, atar , Gon- . voyancer, te. , gum; Mon? to Loan " reasonable rates an on terms to suit borrower. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. DENTISTRY. rllf, l WDW, HARDWARE. (Over the Bank. WM. BLACK. Of Valuable Tm Properly. cit- uated in the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey. NDER AN D BY VIBI‘UE OF THE U Power: of Sula contained In a cer- tain Mortgage which will be rm duced " the time of “I. there vi t be sold by Public Auction at the than Home. in the Town of Durban. III t County of Grey. on Wednesday, Nov. 8th A. 0.. thr, At the hour at two o'clock p. m. the following valuable Town property, vim: All that certain parcel or tract. of land situute in the Town of Durham. in the County of grey: pqdlnflin; tHr.'ttf. of _-'"""" -- ---_V, -___e - a part of the third division of lot num- ber twenty-four. in the ttmst concession of the Township of Glenda. in the aid County of Grey. out of the Guam-ax. Road, more irartieuUrlr described out follows. that in to any: Commenting at I point in the masterly limit ofthe Gum-ax: Road. distant one hundred and two (get. from the south-westerly limit of building lot number 44111:. fronting on Gmfmxn are“. an aid down on a plan of [mm of the mound and third divisions of aid lot number tw:nty-i'_om. ry.rritt,rtd in the Region? Omcr’of smut. Grey, thence easterly parallel with the southerly boundary of Uid lot number eight. one hundred and thirty-nine and one-haul! feet. thence southerly parallel with the (lamina. Road to the northerly limit. of the Dar» hum Road. thence westerly Along the northerly limit of the Durham Road to its intersection with the Guntrexe Bond. thence Along the. mwrly limit of the Geufruxe to the pine of Winning. This property in known an the Brim-h Hotel property. in the Tm": of Du!» ham, and is conveniently situated for minim-cl purposes. It might he con- verted into residences or and " "tanufartatrlntt purposes. Tums or SAL: t--SO per cent. of the purrhm money to be paid on the (by of ale. and the balance in so (by. from acid dar of ale. ‘WOuld lull-At. that aha timeout-ac tuel Furniture lid Undertaking: Buslnon- can!» “shed " her father in Durham in it“ um! will cadaver to [he .11 old and new canton) on the an. out“. uni-(action. Edge mwtriiit $513; nnsG"iii' 'iii/fiat Make In the Town of Durham, County of Grey. including valuable ITrater Power. BRICK DWELLING. AND It“ ELIGIBLE hulldlnu In... m..". L. .A.. ' __ - - - Also lot number 60, con. ft, W. -iifiiTi"roGiiiCeri Banana. too more. dictum: Town plot. gl,','! ham. Mons-ac taken for put numb». money. Apply to JAMES EDGE. EDGE HILL. ONT. - only Int-elm I'am In Town Undertaking um Embalmlngon lam! pm:- olploa u ran-undue rum. Bu opsnod for Psi] Torn: with . ioid sttsnd- snoo. students have“: any out" at u: time as our instruction is Intel! our. This is to excellent time to begin cm“ " the Northern Business Collins so u to be, wall on in the course hetero the msjority of students outer st the beginning of the!” . Thd "Nor- thsrn" is 'rttnutod with the nstituts “Chut- ored Accounts-ts of Ontario sud two ot our Series of Business Books srs recommended " the Instituu. It is the best pheo in Cum to get s thorough Business Education. Owen Sqund. Ont. For tug the: partied." apply to P. McCULIDUGH Marquee- Solicitor. Matilde. "Not T oo Late.. MISS SHEWELL Remember the sand-opposin- the Market. barium. Mlllllllf SANS l. ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE "All!“ A SPEOIAUY TFiSFSSS$S, OWEN SOUND; MISS SHEWELL q. f" FLEMING, 'F+rlF'v'S1'd'r"f. 1nd Joann! which trite tuit Mal-n" to . -"_'e" ___ -e_.__ "Iv-Du” Ill! b. nts' lg le'?... mot; Iota, @9027; Cl Til-CCU. PRINCIPAL. " nun "trice, from I0 0.. Tho Por Battalion, "mm: ent, issue "The M tisetnent il seen H. H over. haa( gage Sale Ttumey. u Houhe at 1 Fat-morn young Du tend ttt " Nov. H. , " me. it Law. Read lh ttttttUt religic Then he tet Yoctio P,lttl M (In w" V0 lt H rl May purl,“ Wit h ‘llllt WI, mull " Musi Illl'll (II it d itu slid dol “M

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