West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1899, p. 1

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p. m. ttte "r, "8.: - of Iliad m. in the “pond of f lot num- .onceatuion in the said (3qu“. . rihed no turnout-mg innit of the lugs-cry o rtssterty pundnry M undred god t. than: (am-Alma of the Dur- tuerttt 3.5. p hundred tg"tglt f r oi t, he M 'tth' Mn second lot number L Alum». not. of the on the Jay . a.” hon. Leo-tine the how cpl-b- m in}... and d new custom for Sale. FD O eood Mud- , on" n In, _ ”now. beets. “Idiu it in I. lo be '0“ of mu . . Tho "Noe- tttto ot Chan- lnd two ot on new by who in CM Mutton. INY ELIGIBLE no.0! more Ion. I I; Town-hip at fow- plot, pm. 1e"thttt who. Is 3065“" ll BILL. ONT. Late.. W1” . ONT. nu Rad to Sarah“. ety limit of ”running. the Brim-b In of DIO- taunted {or in he to.- used fol 0F THE innar- iately see to secure line..... County of MING '0 lgill be . In II. In tn I and Joann] mum“ to st Make MING, ECIAUY ALLENOE VALUE. " WELL Il)ll Milt ELL 7., I. Town PIIXCIPAL CK, In the lute" win " 'race {one ti th Read Dr. FreeN basins» card in this issue. It speaks for itself. has. Wright & ttatson.---At Dur- ham ottlee Mondays and Court Days, from IO n. m. to 4 p. m. The Port Elgin Times says the Bruce Battalion, the tend. has not a single "erenttstive in the Canadian conting- The Weekly Sun of Toronto ltr a "clean paper." Sensational reports ur murder trials and all gsimilar matter is religiouly excluded from its columns. There is not a line in it that may not he read by any member at the family. At the same time no paper gives a more complete news’ smummy or so great a volume of interesting information.- The Sun with the REVIEW to Jan. lst. 1901. 0an 81.30. "The “foodlund Farm."-By 'ulrer- tiument in another column. " will be seen H. H. Miller, Estate Agent. Han. over. ha. taken steps to sell by Mort- gnge Sale the mellnud property at Varney. on Nov. 25. Sale at the Knapp House It 2 p. m. Yonsa STOCK BY CREDIT was.“ Farmers disirous of securing some fine young Durham grade cattle. should at- tend at the I'entral Hotel on Saturday. TREES AGAIN Cc'r.-0nce more the trees at. the Post ofrice have been malic- iously girdled. and the dastardly van- dal has succeeded In again covering his tracks. It will be remembered there is a charge now pending against. a towns- mun for this sameofhance line this latest outrage can not be luid to him, tor he can establish n complete alibi for that The Cktt46t at Mm-kdule where a suit was entered bn. damages for the death of a child while playing on some tun- hers on the street. has been thrown out by the judge un the ground that a high way is not a pruper place to play. Par- ents should note this dicision. Business Men's Letter Paper! night, found Nov. 11. when Auctioneer Mackay will dispose of overN) head for buyer Mr. N. C. (butts. Salt- without reserve. 4 months cvetht. Yee hills. STUCK CP.#AL the Central Hotel on Saturday next Mr. N. C. (faults has a sale “I 2 o. Ill. of over 50 head Of young cattle which farmers with plenty feed mould attend. They are nearly all grade Dun-hams and likely animals, Hugh Mackay is Auctioneer and 4 month's credit is given. CLAY ALL Rum’r.~ On Tuesday) Mayort‘nhler, Neil McKechnIe and a: number of our citizens went explonngi over the marl beds. They found to the; West of the town millions of barrels of' suitable clay which some. interested! parties have been damning we lack.1 With the hest of marl and clay avail-i able, we hope to see the necesgaryi capital secured. i Mr. Valentine Alles, of the Ittth con Egt. a son-in-law of Mr. Jas. Drimmie, met With a had accident last week. While moving an overlay during thrash- ing, he braced his feet against the mow but. pulled too strongly and fell to the tioov With the overlay on him. A broken collar bone, and lower jaw and severely bruised at'ttt are the serious results. FIRE IssvErTom---Friday last, Fire Inspector Howe arrived in town by afternoon train, and getting hold of the Mayorltud " look at the town in his company. examining the hre hell etc. Thishe had mug with alarming sutddennews and the lit-made were quick- lyon the spot. engineer Meikle being first to arrive. Dmyman Campbell soon the Mayovhud " look at the town in his company. examining the five hell etc. Thishe, had rung with alarming suddennew and the brigade. were quick- lyon the spot. engineer 3leikle being first to arrive. Dmynmn Campbell soon had his team tearing up the hill and was down again. engine after him in quick time. The stand selected was at Smith’s tank, and reel men and branch men made speedy connections. The test was not as speedy as on last oe- casion. though the Inspector reported it " fair test. The following is the omcial figures: Bell rung 3.051. Steam out 3.iriil, first reel out 3.08, Fire lit 3.083. Team hitched3.0H. 2nd reel out 3.08%. Two streams 3.18. NEWS FRO.“ THF. CANADIAN CONTIN.. “EST. The Ftunily Herald and Week- 1y Star. of Montreal. has the grand distinction of having with the contin- gent a special way correspondent thoroughly accredited who accompanies thvCanadian tt'oops, by permissisn of the Minister of Militia, Dr. Borden, and who goes with instructions cahled from the War Omce by the Secretary of War. [he Family Herald had the choice of empowering a man in the ranks to send it an occasional letter and dubbing him its war correspondent or engaging a spa-in} expert equipped with photo- graphic apparatus and accom led by amounted orderly. The 'iht'Qte, in cost wan a matter of flee thousand dollars. As might have been expected the Family Herald chose the Expensive Ive trust some clue may be 5mm: BY CREDIT SALE.-- Should be High Grade in style, quality and finish. We print high grade busi- nee paper . N0. 45. at Moderate you oat? “Yni A ItmvEsvr.---Will those m arreanl l out ' for the REVIEW please pay pp this} high i month. Our supplies. perforce have to' Par-; be paid in cash, or 30 days at the long-i ‘est. and at this time publishers havei " on heavy hills to meet. Your, qgntionl tav, a , is kindly requested. Call either ht ?ti' ”um: printing other. or at, Gum's Drug Store. I: feed 1 Lower Town, and Receipts will he giv-i r all l, en. Examine. cut chthlung rates. l, mars, i, Ix NEW QrrArvrrcusc---Mr. John Liy-l nd .t-itigston of the Frost & Wood Agency! , has moved into the old blacksmith shop' “my _, west 'of the Middangh House where; “a a! upstansund down stairs he ',s,fi,tlt1ri ormg i up couunodious showrooms for his large? n the 1 stock of new goods. Read his new ad. ', 'ls of t and call and see his large stock of new i, ested ':; cutters, top draft stoves, etc. He is lack. '; ready for the winter when he gets it few l ......:i_ i loads of gravel round his door. 1 1 DON’T LIKE S.u.'r.~The approach of l winter is on opportune time to remind :our citizens of the need of due care. of [our sidewalks. We presume the evils ': of ice chopping by the axe were suftici, i ently obvious last spring and since. and , an exchange has a warning against salt which in this case loses its quality as a preservative. Here it is: "It is not generally understood that salt will de. stroy a cement walk in shorter time than anything else known. The salt vats into the cement and destroys the original surface, leaving it rough and uneven. It is claimed by those in a, position to know that this is responsibl- for the poor condition of a great num 'lier of walks. Residents sprinkle salt on them in the winter to thaw the ice. In the spring they flnd the surface eaten 'away and blame the man who pntdown the wrlk. Fine sand will answer the purpose as well and leave the walk unimpaired. Mr. B. H. Townsend has sold his residence to Mr. Pat. Darcy fort a. con- sideration of $800. and has rented tmnporarily the old Review: ofBce. Three new neighbors in ten dart. The corner is lively once more. V Rom. Gray, S‘atiun Master, Hamil- ton, who with another employe were charged with sermusly wounding a. man in the yards. were honorably acquitted Tuesday, it being clearly shown that the man was the aggressor. RUNS many frlends here rejoice at. the result. Owen Sound has put about “new in building; this year. Thin In the growing time apparently With them -iie British Hotel property in sold Wednesday, the purchaser being Mr. Gilbert McKechnie, the price “0. The two new Ministers of the Ross government were nominated Tuesday. Slruttnn is elected in Petemtsorourtt while Intehfm'd has to fittht it out " thepolls. f . Mr. A, D. Browning and funny moved into the Nevm maiden“ lately purchased. last Thursday. Mi wish them a long and happy occupnlcv. Ple. SOCIAL. -0n Friday even " Nov. 17, the friends of Stewart’s Sch House \Volheck are preparing tot a l social which it is said will eclipse dt,srttaing yt-t held in that line. Miss Lerut Wolfe is the teacher in this section. '9 Uwen Hound's big Furniture {factory has o-nuugh orders on hand brr 5-honths work. 37 our loads of chairs in one ord- or frum Australia and 75000f chairs another from Australia also. Good en- couragetnent for us to hurry uni Mr. John McDouszull has taken up residence in the Dalglish block moving there Wednesday. \Valkerton has built this ““300 in granolithis sidewalk about Home. " a. cost of $4148. _ - Apples. Ohags of FnliApp1" 86e a bag at Parker’s Drug Store. We are offering the REVIEW to Jan. l. 1901 for $1.00 and would like our friends to make this offer known. Many have friends at a distance from South'GreY who would appreciate the. REVIEW weekly. with its budgets of news from many localities in this Coun- ty. Begin this week. Enquire for clubbing terms. THURSDAY. Nov. 2. i, The gloom caused hy Wednesday's despatches IS relieved today when it is learned that the unfortunate left wing of White's army did not capitueate as was said. but fought until their last cartridge was gone. There was detest but not disgrace.. The reserve nmmum- tionwas lest. owing to a stampede of mules, caused by boulders creaking among them from a hight: donbtlea hurled by Boers, Again the Irish Fusilierl have dia. tinguished themselves, while their traitoxous compatriots in Parliament are voicing rebellion. The Gloucester regiment is 3190 a bevy mister, WAR No'rES.-Dtry by Day. iiitittltii, 2%an TILL 1901. gar 11'I'ii . The spoctacle. of the colonies rush- potion l mg to Brmsh and Is a .apectacle to the it thei world-and myt'su.l'pr.u.re greatly those St.ore.l Americans who Still think theyare held ttt giv- ‘. down by Britain. i, The wag of the war 18 Baden-Powell, " Liy- I who unth a British handful defends .gencyi Mafeking. After n fierce bombardment h shop' by Gen. Croulo. he was summoned to wherel syrreydcr. The meosengor found him fitting) sleeping ond was politely instructed to be “we! tell Cronje “I will let you know when DURHAM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1899 Gen. White sends a long despatcb. shoulders the blame himself. but lays the security of Ladysmnth is in no way trtfeeted. The critics are busy settling where the mistake was made that led to this serious British reverse, Ind seven] million people can now point out clen- ly what Gen. White should and should not have done. Anxiety now is u to whether White con hold Ledylmith. Immense utiefection in England eye: Sir Wilfrid Laurier'e petting words to the Gen-dim contingent end theloyal send off given at Quebec. Fawn. Killed 60. wounded 240. captured or mining ebout 800. Such are the heavy cannaltiea of Monday's battle. Reports that Colenso, In important station on the Railway south of Lady- smith is captured. News very uncertain. owing to strict. censorship. Gen. Bullet 18 reported at. several places. which ohscur‘ty is no doubt planned. Further news of the big battle on Monday. The Boers loss is said to be terrible. They fell in heaps. but they ontnumbered White by 2 to 1. Preparations for another Boer snack are in progress. It is plain Joubert wants tn capture White and his 12000 men. Reinforcements are continually arriving. Australia wants to send more troops. PPM Canada only waits the word and 1000) Issue more men would be ready. New South '; Ito' Waleo has actually sent a 2nd detach- 1 Norn ment, 1'lurtrhve more tattulions: Wes' haye been ordered out by the British 1 site War office. I a fo, The value of the help rendered by the naval contingent with their celenty in moving their guns from Durban to Ladysmith is now apparent. Their arrival sooner would have made a British victory. Without them Lady. smith might have fallen. This new manner ofusing the navy has opened the empire's eyes. we have 'had enough.” MONDAY, Ladysmith still cut off. A carrier pigeon has arrived at Durban from Gen White with information that Gunnery- Lieut. Egerton of the Powerful was dead. That A Boer Luger was taken by surprise at. Bester's station. west cf Ladysminh and routed. The camp equipment was all captured and the capturcrs got safely back. The Boers are in possession of Colenso the first important station south of Ladysmith. An important bridge hers is in control of the Boers who wilt likely destroy it. Fear of a “black" rising now exists. This will Immensely complicate the situation. as the British will be expec- ted to police them. unugvfwre: In Ill """'"."' u; LIIU “vynu‘ Mr, Donald McPhee, Nenagh, visited who wilt rlil11yde,tt,,")yi_,i1 now exists ifriends on the Avenue this week. His , Fe“ 91.8. b ac 'd1'lid heats the; _ cousin M r. Hector Mchu-rie. Gleneden T.his .will 'll'),"?,')?).,',,,":')'?"]), expec- accompanied him. Duncan McPhee, 521.123.012.112: '2,l'/"1" who has leen quite ill, is Ive ate. pleased u Thepguns of naval brigade are still to my "PCDWI'IHg- _ . proving most valuable. _ Misses Maggie. Aim-Renae. Many Several points in Northern Capei,Govdon and Annie Scott, and Archie. Colony have been occupied by the 3 Hunter were home last week end a few Boers. Pars from Owen Sound Coll. Inst. ow- Great activity in preparing Britlsh ing to theTeachevs' Convention for N. war ships. cruisers 6w. _ :Grey meeting in Owen Sound. TWPJEiEnem “rumors from France and Germany that. White has surrendered. TUESDAY. Nothing from Ladysmith. In evac- uating Colenso, where there were only 800 British to 7000 threatening. our forces managed to take supplies with them. A British garrison retired from) Stormberg in Cape Colony to Naauwi Poort. by Buller’s orders. The move' is cansidered a. sagacious one. _ The waroftiee has warned the pub- lie against disappointment if troops do not arrive rm schedule time. This is taken to mean that their destination mllbe kept a secret. It has chilled Britain however " fears for their safety on the ocean is not absent. Queen Victoria has given $5000 to the war fund for sntffererg. i, Another English election shows the! war Its' popular. , WThé a; forces of the Boers greatly exceed British estimates. It is ghougbj _la.r_ge nympers'of the Dutch fromu British colonies have assisted. Military experts think however the Boers are showing weak tactics by attacking so mmy plucea It once. tiii) si "ttts SATURDAY. in possession of 1ti, tibtgittt), NDER AND BY VlRl‘UE OF THE Powers of Sale contained in a car. min Mortgage which will be Fro- duced at. the time of sale there wi I be sold by. Public Auction at the Knugp House, in the Town of Durham, In t e County of Grey, on Saturday, Nov. 25th A. 0., I899, At the hour ot two o'cloek p. m. the following valuable Town property, via: The third Division of Lot number One, and the second and third Divisions of lot number Two in the First cones» sion west of the Gunfroxa Road in the Township of Normnnby in the County of Grey, containing together one hum dred and f)fty acres of land more or less, save the small rtions sold to the Railway Company fl' a roadway. On the property are said m be the following improvements: A large clearing with flame dwelling, log barn and frame Gnktbarn about 40x00, with stone stables below. and frame addition about 14x18. The property is splepfid- ly watered by spring creeks. is said to have good soil, and is very convientiy and pleosantly located close to Varney Station and Village, and only about 3 miles south of Durham on the Gamfrnxu. Road. The property is known as "The Woodland Farm." TEnMs:--10 per cent of the purchase money will require to be paid in cagli on day of sale. for renminder ierms will be reasonable and will he made known on day of sale. For further particulars apply to H. H. MILLER, Estate Agent, Hanover or to J AMES CARSON, Esq. Auctioneer. Durham. or J. P. TELFURI) Esq. Vendm's Solicitor, Durham. Dated at Durham this First Day of November, 1899. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. Fwd Ryan has been elected Capt. of the Mount Forest High School Cad- as. Robert Watt, son of Mr. Geo. Watt, Normunhy Cattle home from the North West Monday. Dr. Althnr Gun, Woodstock, paid a brief visit to his old home since last Mrs. David Buruel. has returned from a fortnighr's visit. with her daughter Mrs. R. J. Vollet, Stmlford. Miss Minnie Murdock, who has been in town for some time left for her home neat Hanover. on Friday last. Mr. Hector McQuan-w. Gleueden and Donald McPhee, Mine Centre, were vis- itors at Mr. J. A, Black's last Saturday. Mes. C. McLean aflvr spending at few weeks in Durham loft Tuesday for Tor. oum where she will spend the winter. Miss tiessie Clark. of Aberdeen spent. n. few day's this week visitmg her fsiond Mrs. John Milligan at Hampden. Mr. John Mekiliop, of lot b5, con. 3, N. D. R., Glenelg. is offering to sell his stock on the farm where they can be seen. Mr. H. and Miss Rose and little Miss Jessie Currie, of Durham. were the guests of Mrs. McLarty, Mill Road, this week.. --O. S. Times. ), Star gazers have a treat lll store for :them on Nov. 14-15 if the night he not cloudy. This is the year' of the lug display of "November Meteors" occur- ing every 33 years when the earth I passing through a zone of these bodies l attracts many of them to herself giving V the idea of a. shower. Miss Allie Grant has been engaged to teach the junior department of our public school for 1900 in place of Miss Anderson whointends to further put- sue her studies. Mr. John McKenzie. for several years clerk in Parker's Drug lStore. leaves to-day, Wednesday, to fill a situation in Michigan. We regret to lose John as he is a young man of character and ability, and will be sure to make his mark. We join with his many friends in town in wishing him a prosperous career. The last occurred in 1800. They can be traced back about two milleniums al- ways coinciding with a. 33-yr. period. In ancient times great consternation was caused, and even in 1866 there was not wanting some who ought to have known better. who looked;uimn them asa mystedlous warning. t willie- quire midnight gazing. SmalI hope of much reliable news for a week, or more, as Bullet is bound to "bottle up'.' war correspondents. Mllill(lf $llil ------_---- THE LEONIDS. We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit a continuance of the same. " everything for Farmers) We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CULTIVATING. Coulter d; Scott Drills and Cultivators. Disc and Spade Har- rows, SeuiB,ers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughst number Deerini " Ideal " and " Ponyi" Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. AlsoMaxwt0,1Binders,. Mowers and Rakes. ON WH E E Lt,ts Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. aBaggiiiii from Campbell of London. . Bell, Doherty, Thomas and Berlin makes of PIANO and ORGANS. SEWING MACHINES. A large stock of New Raymond and Wil- llama Sewing Machines and '"1prrlie!yi,,dFg, - - - - _.::..... G. McKINNON. Wmmoous -Upper Town, Durham.“ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words "WrurrssostPumorclGnwxsv " is cast on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. arge Sales & Small Profits." HARVESTING, Cash system We beg to inform' our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or' its equivalent, and that our Motto will be ADOPTED BY . ' J. McKechnie. N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. Yoire a Reader of Review! WHOLE N 0. 1130. s Are you a _ Send in you _ trial trip to e _ tor only 10c. _ of the centur; Are you a Subscriber ? Send in your nuns tor 5 trial trip to end at the your tor only me. To the end ot the century for $1.0). ['1

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