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Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1899, p. 2

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NV; a! (l -1 LA Hammer and tones! What have We yt. usrwg. but mtpo usur- {lead erect and ar'chin‘ Shoulders square and clinched. And both their laces a trifle blanched. Their lips no net in a. ankle so grim. And scantily set each muscular limb; 'Round them circles a ring of rope. Over them hang; the heaven's blue cope. Why do they glare at each other so'.' What.' you really then 'trs't know '.' This is a prize ththt. gentle tsir-- _ This in what makes the papers stir. Talk of your ocean telegraph. "rrmt' so great an event. by hall. As when two young men. lusty and tall. With nothing between them of hate or wrongs. Uome togetihevr'to batter and maul. Come to ttqht till one shall fall-- 'Hummer and tones. 'Round about is a beatinl crowd. Homily-jawed and lwetle'browed; Comma faces trampkd in. As it with the iron hoot of sin. Blmvhmnim dripping from ott their lips. Pistols [urging behind their hips: Hand-n accustmnad to deal the cards. 0r strike with the cowardly knuckle- These are The Fancy gum-04. Who are these rumanly fellows Blnuiy when and bulged-up eyel- Them are the thing; the Fancy prize. And no they get men lusty and tall. With nothing mu‘wen them of hate or wrongs. To mum? ttqtetber to batter and maul, To name and light till one shall fall, heir? , oh, 'tis their fancy to look at a tight. To use mem Inmate. and gouge. and Hammer and tong“. Grammy the autumn forests shine, Rail as tho gold In an Indian mine, A nlnmmy mist, tt vaport. 3min. Mangm round the patches of ever- $0NM3rt oak, Over tho lake shines the sun. The lake that Perry battled upon) Striking tho upland fields' of maize That glnw through the no” Oct0ber baud humans of peace over lake and land: Aye, hut yet ls this tranquil spot. Chosen by bully, massm. or Bot, To pit two young men, lusty and tall. With nothing between them of hate or wrongs, Ono with the other to batter and maul, To break and tight till one shall all, Their {new are rich with a healthy hue, Their eyes are clear, and bright and blue; Every muscle is clear and fine, And their blood In pure as the pur- ham Nature It in " pleasure their limbs to Bean, lemdid types of the animal man; Splc-mlm types of that human grace, The noblest that God has willed to trace, Brought to this by science and art, Trnl-mxl and nourished and kept apart, Cunnlngly led on wholesome food, Carefully watched in every mood, Brooght to this state so noble and proud, To savagely tussle before a erowd-. To dlm the light of the eyes so clear. To mush the face to a bloody smear. To maim, deface. and kill It they can. The glory of all creation-Man. This: is the task of lusty and tall, With nothing between them of hate or wrongs, To bruise and wrestle, and batter and maul, And til? till one or the other shall all, Hammer and tough. With loot. firm planted upon the sand. Face to face at "the scratch" they stand. Felmlng firtrb--a Mow-a guard; Intett some hitting, heavy and hard. The round (but falls with a terrible lthud; Wherever it falls comm a spout of Blood. V Blow after blow, tall after tall, For twenty minutes they tussle and maul; The lips of the one are a gory gash, The otlwr's urn knocked to eternal smash; The hold, bright eyes are bloody and dlm. And rtaggering, shivers each stal- wart limb. Faces glowing with stupid wrath. "'"1,tat.f"' breathul thro' a bloody Blind they ruln their blows On cheeks like Jelly and shapeless stew; on, he'll do you to. and he'll do you brown, _ On pltchforks cleft Into migMy $FhMttrV, m chuckling {m your agonles Ttll one fierce brute, with terrible blow, Lays the othor poor animal low, Are those the [om so noble and prowl. That towered above the crowd? When attho laces so healthy and Them. those illegible mamas ot flesh. Thus we see men, lusty. tall. Who with nothing between them ot have or wrongs, lW11) Mobile and batter, and tussle and mu , And ffl? till one or the other shall fa l, Hammer and tongs. Trainers. hackers and bottom all, Who teach young men to tussle and nose; While the concave laces around the rope . Darkgn with panic or light with crew; He'll Itttttt up his furnaces, red and TlnFiajnt the breath maul. And gland youn- muscle. and blood, and lite, Given tor good, in a {cumming strife. I know what the devil will do for And trait you all to a roast Md You 'plstonng. bullying. cowandly Hammer and Dongs. crown _ g 'tirrlntr you up and keeping you down WM hammer and tongs. bite. tnmn The Prize Fight. is day ? “the Fancy." gent]? trt ? What hum tracing trilit5, incest to breast. with languid w; to do with iaa hard T this an- lliiBlilll,uldil WOMEN. How Woman Ian Inooroso in Their Households. The Ills to Which Women are Heir Cause Much sutrerinA--'rhe {Exper- leave ofa Lady Who Has Found a Spawrly Care. Mrs. Isale T. Comeau, who ream at No. 835 Arago street, St. Roch, Quebec, is a teacher of French. English and music. For many years Mrs. Comeau has annex-ed greatly from internal troubles. peculiar to her sex, and also from continuous weakness, the result or headaches neuralgia and nervous prOStration. Her trouble became so bad that she was forced to give up teaching and go to an hospital, but the treatment there did not materially benefit her, and ultimately she left the hos- pital still a great sufferer. Mean- time her husband, having heard ot the great value of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills tor Pale People, purchased " tow boxes and prevailed upon hls wife to try them. When interVieW' ed as to the met-ms. of the pills, Mrs. Comeau gave her awry bottle reporter about as follows: ‘- w _--. Atom-n oh- rep"' WI lthu- - -v-.~ ___ "My trouble came on after the birth of my child, and up to the time I ham." to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I could find nothing to cure me. I suffered much agony. was wry weak, had frequent. severe headaches. and little or no appetite. It was not long after I began the new of the pills that I found they were helping me very much and at. ter taking them for a couple of months, I was as well as ever I had been. My appetite improved, the pains left me; and I gained consid- erably in flesh and am again able to attend to the lessons of my pu- pils and superintend my household work. Since using the pills myself I haw- recommends? them to others and have heard nothing but praise in their favor wherever used." No diamwry of modern times has proved such a boon to women as Dr. William' Pink Pills for Pale People. Acting directly on the blood and nerves. invigorating the body, regu- lating the functions they restore health and strength to exhausted women, and make them feel that life is again worth living. Sold by all dealers in medicine or smut post paid at 500 a box or six boxes for $3.30, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Br0ck- ville, Ont. Refuse all substitutes. A Little Device Which Will Prevent All Waste. "One spoonful for each person and one tor the pot" has long been the rule by which the housewife makes the cheering cup for morning or at- ternoou tea. But in catering tor large parties and in the rush of restaurant service a more wholesale but not less accurate system of measurement is often desirable. by the invention of a new tea-mea- suring machine, which stands on the counter or shelf, and by one turn of the handle delivers a prescribed quan- tity into the teapot placed benestth. This quantity is modified and regu- lated by an adjustable screw, and the machine will supply a great num- ber of teapots in rapid succession. Considering the wantonly and waste- fudy among tea served in many tea rooms, where one may see the too- generous Hebe shoveling it oat in in- discriminate sWuL this invol- tion should be a benefit alike to the caterer, in controlling the output of an item easily wasted by careless hands, and to the consumer in tem- pering and regu'.athtg the strength of his brew. " Is a neat and handy structure. with an air-tight 11d and a ttiam panel to Indicate when the supply ia oxhanstad. In compliance with a request of the Premier of New Zealand, the Depart- ment of Marine and Fisheries will send to that colony a consignment. ot salmon ova. _ Thursday. Nov. 80th. has been pro- United States. I A dose of Miller's Worm Powders oc- casionally will keep the children healthy. When Thomas T. Crittenden was governor of Missourl he had a color- ed hoetler, who was much in awe of his empioyer. The man was apologe- tie over trifles, but when the gover- nor’s favorite horse died one night the case seemed to be beyond the man'a power of palliation. He wand- ered about the stable yard for , long time, lost in thought. Then, going Into Crittenden'e presence, he said: "Guv'nor, that yere black horse, Pluto, ain't a-goin’ to live berry long." "What makes you say that, Bent" asked the governor in our- prim. " 'thugo he an dead." fin Englishman has met this want THF, MEASI‘RINUI MACHINE. dk, 'Ci ' rctTcfa 41% _siiai'i'_',i'/'_-,'-/9i') t ' _ CT'---.-.-'"----- "'rCf (_-,'),:,,, -------- /’ 7);" _-c,,,,,,:):,,. c-il-f,')' Kc-rt-c-sill':, sfije No Apology Satncient. SECURES Indiana Man Gene .150 Colin for $30 and Tries it. A Leavenworth. Ind., despawh Haifa: [ James Dewhurst. a. watchman. like- wise a. wealthy farmer of this county. came to town the other day, struck a bargain in coffins. and laid in stock at his home a. box tor " own use. He found a $150 coffin marked down to $99, but finally got it for $50. came in with his wagon the next day and took it home for $30. He thinks it is a ttoud thing to have about the place. though he has no idea of passing away tor some years. He said it would be a Sill. to let such a. chance to save money get away. and accepted it with the insurance that there would be no change in styles. It was Just his fit. Ho laid down in it to see it it was all right. and made up his mind it was very comfortable and just what he would want. Dewhurst is a good business man. but a trifle eccentric. Like the people of his race. he is tru-, gal, and never tails to clinch a bars gain. His purchatay was equal to that of a young woman who rewntly laid in stock a baby cab because it was a bargain, though she had no use tor it. A man hater lives on the Howard- Grant county line who has arranged for a novel funeral. She is a. Bpinster lending a recluse's life. Since being disappointed in love forty-nine years ago she has never. she claims, spoken to a man. She is (seldom seen in town, and her trading is done entirely with female clerks. Silo has made her will - '___-- .-. QI‘A lt'lluuc Luann. _-_PW.9.. "“7 i and purchnstd a cemetery lot. She has given I'XpllCit directions regard- ing her funeral. No man will preach it, nor in any way be identified with Laying her aside. The women. she in- structs. must act as pallbearers. mast drive the hoarse and buggies. lower her body and rill in the grave. She has ret’umqted that no man attend _-. . - 1---: - -..... A, “no lc“llhljv\4‘- _-.‘~, - her funeral. She has placed a sum of money in trust with these iustruC-, tions to bury her. She is still in good Mullah. She regards all men as de- ce'iwrs and vulture, upon women's at- (muons. Can Do More Work on the Farm Than His Twenty-Four Year Old Son. For Three or Four Years at oneThne He Wus Too Weulc to Workat All- - Disabled With Kidney Discus" Budd’s Kidney Pills Guve Hint His, Present. Strength. in this district. whois at remarkable example of the adage, "Health and strength go aw a Parr." Ho is a middle-aged man in perfect health, and glories in his strength. Yet some years ago he, used to bo its weak and helpless as a kitten. Mr. W. H. Bailey lives an lot five on tho town line between Durham Mr. W. H. Bailey lives an lot five on tho town lino. lwtween Durham and West. Oxford. He is a farmer by occupation, and well known throughout the district. For years Mr. Bailey was " victim of Kidney Disease, which trapped his strength. He was not a believer in patent medicines, but he tried all the doc- tors in Ingersoll without avail. Then he took three boxes of Dodd's Kid- Hey Pills, and became a whole. sound maul once more. To so great an extent did he gain in strength that in spite of his years he could over- match his grown-up son. a. big strapping man of twenty-four. Mr. Bailey says: "For years I have been troubled with Kidney Dis. ease, being no bad at times that I could do nothing. I had tried allthe doctors in this town, but they would have put me in my grave. I took three boxes or Dotld's Kidney Pills and am now able to do more work than my twenty-{our-year-old son." Dr. Algie's novel, “Houses ot Glass," was noticed in the Times when it was published by a New York house. A less expensive edition has now been put upon the market by W. J, Gage & Co, Toronto, Dr. Algie, whose pen name is Wallace Lloyd, is a Canadian, and from the skill with which he has created Jane Ilnlford and two or three other leading characters in " Houses of Glass," there is a future before him in the literary field, unless his prormmional duties make himahome uniu-s libri. The setting of the story is really Canadian, though nomin- ally pertaining to the United States. It is a story intended to illustrate a theory, but nevertheless a most en- tertaining story tor old and young readers. I'M-:11 Sirs,--1 was for seven yours u sufferer from Bronchial trouble. and Would he so hoarse at times that I could scarcely speak above a whisper. I Rot no mm from anything till I trim! sour MINARD'S HONEY BAL- BAM. Two lxottles gave relief and six bottles made a complete cure. Iwould heartily recommend it to any one sul- tering trom throat or lung trouble. J. F. Vunbnsklrk. A mother should take great pains to teach her children to read aloud acceptably. Much time and money are otten expended in cultivating the voice tor singing, and yet quite as much pleasure may be given by the person who reads aloud in a cleaning manner. Barrio electors have also voted to dissolve the partnership with Allan. dale, and the Legislatm-e will pro bably be asked to undo the recent Act amalgamatlng the two munici- panties. No attempt need be made at elocu- don as the word Is ordinarily under. stood; distinct utterance and pro- per emphasis so as to convey easily to the heater thejnegming' of the sen- Miller's Worm Powders correct all such trouoios as lack of appetite. bil. lousness. drowalnesa. sallow cum. plexion. etc., nice to take. tent-es read are all that is necessary ---Ladieg' Home Journal. We are often governed by people not only weaker than ourselves. but even by those whom we think tro.- Lord Grevllle. Ingersoll, Nov. o'.--Uro have a man _ . . _ - _ I.,, |.Il. Fredericton. Teach Children to Read Aloud. H muses of (Muss. BARGAIN CASKET An American. woman hm: got very near to thé heart of the "serwtsu',ti difficulty" when she says of tho “do- mestic" of today: "She is ln the household, but not; of iti: a, vital part of m serenity and case. but wholly mlxwdlnnteld to it. On the other hand. the patriarchal hmdithHS of service lend the mistress to attempt to com trol the private life of the maid on though she were really a member. of the tannlly." In the happy mean he- twecn them tlwo extrenms lies a true >olutlon of the "vroblem"--it women, both employers and employed, were only wiso oorugh to find It. Deafness Cannot he Cured by local ttpplieationsr, as they can- not reach the diseased portion of the our. There in only one way to (turn deafness, and that is by con- stltntionul mummies. Deafness ls caused by an inflamed condition or the mucous llning or the Eustacplun Tube. When this tube gets inflam- ul you have n rumbling sound or im. perfect hearing, and when it is en- tirely v,ltoeed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be tum-n out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by eatarrh, which Italian Mountain to is nothing but an inflamed condi- tion of the mucous aux-laces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by cuturrh) that can not be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send for Chou Iartr, free. Italy's mountains are in a fair way of being decorated, should one of the ideas now entertained of examrnemorating the " holy year" of 1900 be carried out. It is the inton. tion or tt special committee Just torm- ed to erect nineteen statues, one tor each century since the birth of Christ. on high mountain peaks in different parts of the peninsula. The amtnoa will all be colossal figures of the redoomed, in gilded cast iron, to be illuminated at night. Take Laxative Bromo Qulnine Tab- lots. All druggllw refund the money if it fails to cure. 250. E. Bctkrosre'e mmmture is on each box. Corn of]. extracted from the grain, is in extensive demand. It can be pro- dut-ed more cheaply than most veg- etable oils. It can be used as a low grade table oil, and is a fair lutoricat. Ine; on. Paint mixers employ It quite generally. and also manutaeturetnrot fibre and shade. cloth. There are five txrnnories or corn in the United States which use between 10,000,000 and 20,000,000 bushels of corn and corn waste. Besides the outputs of oil, the refineries have made nearly thirty other different products from the I'Ol'll Four brothers named Kavanagh, from the County of Wexford, who have just been admitted as recruits to the ranks of the Dublin Metropoli- tan Police, have created a mild sen- sation. as each or the brothers stands exactly six feet six inches in height. and is built in proportion. They are sons of a farmer and are men of splendid ph sique. in addition to their unusual height. The other brothers remain at home, who are presumably the dwarfs of the family, being each only six feet three inches in, height --but perhaps they have not yet " tained their full elevation. Be young'. It is only necessary to take Miller's Compound Iron Pills to retain youthful appearance and vigor. Vanity keeps persons in favor with themselves who are out ot favor with all others.-ehakarpeare. "mud’n Liniment Cures Gav-eat in Con A well-known astronomer. calculate: that It an express train running slxty miles an hour day and night without stopping kept it up for 850 years It would just about comm the diameter of the circle made by the earth in its yearly journey around the sun. Now let this Immense tir. vle be represented by a ladrtrfinger ring, and. taking that as the stand- ard of measurement, the nearest tized star would be a mile distant and the farthest visible through the up. scope at least twenty miles. linud'a Linitmnttmtrm Dutemner -i'.ICcrrENEY & CO., Toledo, o. Sold by Druggists. 750. Hull’s Family I‘ilis are the best. Some Staggering Computations. 1th TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY CATARRH The Servant question. Oil Made From Corn. ONTARIO ARCHNe.s TORONTO Giant Policemen . be Decorated. Convex-w cu""'."'"'"" 000 Bibles in one shipment. "The remarkable number of new Chrzstians thus indicated, while it oc- casioned much thankfulness in Amer- 'ca, caused the heads of the missionary assoe:ations to set on toot an inquiry as to the methods employed in saving wt -- mum of such an unusual number _|.2-I. the Car, Jt such or Celestials and they' put the Bil. -- __---.- luv-n! tho souls ot sucn "" u........... -"e of Celestial: and the uses to which they' put the Bibles sent thmn. " You may know that in China the majority of the firecrackers with Whlch we celebrate our day of nu. tional independence are made by the Chinese in their homes. Contractors tor fireworks give each man a oer- tuin amount of powder, and that must M9 made .into a given number of Crackers. The paper used in the manu- tueturome buys iovwlr--an4 paper is not a cheap commodity in China. The - _;-_ r.,f..,te,i-s, seldom tills the rp. IUl' "a%r"'""'""" v tuin amount of powder, and that man be made .lnto a given number of crackers. The paper used in the manu- facturohe buys isinurelt--an4 paper is not a cheap commodity in China. The; Powder furnished seldom fills the re- quired number of crackers. hut that does not disturb the Celestial in the least; he turns in his quota all the Same. and the American boy in van- mluence invariably finds in each package ot firecrackers a few that ' Won't co oft.' "1 discovered that Yankee thrift had been absorbed by the heathen Chinec with much more readiness than Yankee morals. In contributing Isis labor toward our festiva. occasion» he hit upon an expedient whereby a con- siderable profit accrued to himself. In other words, our great shipment of 81,000 Bibles had literally “mum up In smoke.' They Were to be had for tho asking. and the Celestial cm- +ci0noe some nm'or to haw sum-red u pang as to their dispmnl tor fire- cracker wrappers."--""" Leslie's Monthly. Every dollar spent for Canadian M.unuravturerrs' goods is n hum-fit to our (-olllltry. TIGER STOVE POLISH The men are wearing re" necxmu and cravats. Some have black dots or white arrowheads, some have polka dots, or bars of very deep navy blue t'russinp: diagonally. but, the eravat is usually red. Even elderly men who are not wont to make use ot the brilliant hue, now appear crevnt- ed with a scar! of the all-popular color. Bright cravnta are made from raw Italian silks, hand-woven in ex- clusive patterns duigned. for the patrons of especial dealers In what is known as “gentleman's furnishlng 'Ara.-"""'" 031qu vamp 1'31:an If Not, Your Corns and Warts. Putnam‘s Painless Corn and Wart Extractor is guaranteed by the makers to remove Corns, Warts, Bunions. mu. without pain in twenty-four hours. lama-'6 has been the standard for thirty years, and is the only safe and sure remedy of its kind on the mar- ket. Insist on having only Putnam's. and beware of acid flesh-eutmg sult- stitutions. Price,' 250. per bottle at all dealers or by mail. N. C. Poison & Co., Box 514. Kingston. Ont., pro- prletors. The Royal Melbourne Ladies' Golf Club has imrtitutod an annual din. nor, and held the that a few days ago at the Grand Hotel. One of the toasts drunk was "The Absent Hue. bands Who Are Not Missed I" This little jest shovvs that women are de- veloping the invaluable quality of hu. mor.-Momourne Argus. It was the hero ot Waterloo who said that that great battle was won on the cricket grounds ot Elton and Harrow. There Is a reminder of this remark in the list of the gallant or. ficers killed at Glenooe, among whom was the stroke our a the wtnnlng Oxford crew only three years ago. -Botetou Herald. Minud'n Linimenc Cures Dinhtherik It tho child is mstless at night, has (mm! tongue. Hallow t'otttirlex'am, a dose of Miller's Worm Powders is what, bi required; pleasant. harmless. gl Dalley’s Pure Fruit "George," said the young bride. "i'm going to make some roek-eattes for ten this evening. But you must promise me you won't say that they're not as gogg as your mother used to, make." Their great parity, strength and (In. vor are winning triertds everywhere. Nt'a a promise that I ca'n't help but keep," aaid George gravely. "Why," slag cried, "what do you men by that; t" Mr. Hugh Guthrie was nominated at Guelph yesterday afternoon by the Liberals of South Wellington town tor the Dominion Home in the next elec N man," he answered. in a hoilow voice, "that dead men tail no talas.” [band'- Linimont Gum Golds. ttto Madrid papers bane supplements that contain nothing but prize-win- ning numbers in some great state lotter'l. HAVE YOI' A RED CHANAT'? the best Stove Polish in the world Them are twelve varieties of Very Enutnvipated Women Athletes in War. The Silo ttt Dead . rMir, Brother :18 Getting Ahead of' You. are wearing lief neckt,iea G'thi "KE, that Yankee thrift d by the heathen more readiness than In contributing hir‘ lestiva. occasion» he lent whereby a So!" Are You as l EasilyTired? l, Blow stung since Nerviliue ls i" market. Nervlline is the grow. .,. pain sure. It: penetrating til " ', mbdulng power is anon that 11-; almost instantaneous. Try it up convinced. For Blue at, all 'lrur. or by mail. price Me. N. C. but,» thr., Box 514, Krngrrton. Out., p'w Joe MacDonald Kills Himself With . ' Revolver at Kunloops. Kanloopo. B. e. report: Joe " Donald. Provincial Land mm “my [my Yule district. committed sun-Mr [tl his rea'deetee here last night by a”, 't ‘nn himself in the head with " p. gow, N. 'is., 38 years an). him-y years since he came to lzriiz~h umbfn. and settled on Taura Ilit land. where he took an at'tiu- 1n provinclal polltits. In 1890 lo a candidate in Cowlchan “uni“ 1 law Premier. Theo. Davie, Im defeated by eight votes. Ir, placed In charge of the land rm.- otttcMr here " years ago Hm married to a daughter ot tlo. Premier Smytho. who, with small children. is left to mourn Voice (from the top tutt)--C. see the alg'n in the hall th, peddlerl qlloweq in true huildin Hie. Vhlmaelf valver. - Answering voice (at uthm- m: t'; speaklng tube, loud enough n. M. heard through the buudina)--1 F i' " :1 peddler. mn'am. I'm the boy from tl" dentist's. With your new tau-UNA": cam Tribune. Danny's Pure Fruit Extracts The "teuilMnoqur," or sari-:1 Hur- lel. an a {mane very swim. 31..»- lns from continental dnliiau. Well people do not worn TA. Miller's Compound Iron l’llls ill; in well. Fifty does tor n nuartr"r He who tom calamities suffers them (mine over.-Portomm. " ale .per box, HUNT s! MI MOhEl'. simply Wm \ "_f name and addru, 1.1 ', u. will send you thr P121 1 paid with our (.11.11:1,,<.1 Bell 'them and remit us the pnymvm 1.11! He willsend you the Premium you sell-11. " l-sl Pills cure impure blood, rheurnatirim. 'ns, ' M v. kidney diseases and all stomach 't',r 'rv-, Pills returnable if not sold Write ”~11: um and mention thin paper. CHEAP FARM LANDS Icnlne to this County from "utario.,tt -! have done well here. “'oulll "hr lo ...- "er' 'ttrw "”111"!an Bettie lwru Lumi- more of my countrymen “any Iterc. I mum wtth rteh Musk loll, clay lull-ndl. hardwood timber, healthful cllmuw, pure tttttrr. mm notions. schools mad atht"whes. (In ttrt 'soo' Iuttwai. Nell bl. nuke". A gnu-1| mun country. Clover over a feet: Thin-Mn tbht r q (at. Bite (TOP. or It‘ll and “1‘“qu Fine 1aatds at "uto Mli'd'd', per m-ru I "v tel-Inn. chap (not. tAi1tnq mm ' tGikTGi Glie%Grfe HAM 0°11"an a! In to: the stomm‘b And how's... 'ttteeqtetta ' and qves mm mat. to the whoU Unm. t will aInIo-' “swung our. ”all the :40th mt Seh.e!ey, - . ==. Chdl to {mm-urn» '---- w... "'""-B. “on ""eorrqrG Mum- l ttettt'o Write for Insult-ad Inform-um- Ill-'Ilm ”I... B t Newer “It: may. Itnmnnlv "in: M, .4 we, -tN- Chippewa County, Wisconsin ISSUE No 45 1899 Will go lumber and Tive you a nicer ttavor than any other, The ”on " the aha-pen '. m The Trade \Vindsl POLITICIAN stuct"r'.s FS:',?) wag mm In New Him Mt yeti? ago. SAN-411944 he can” to [Erin-ll Co', trrttlerd m VanmuuH-r is , he took an m-t'u'o mm ll Newspapers. (cit: 'grag.co. a ll.) sweet. Tom-b.0111 Revenge. Sum Winding Wtstrh (lady's or Genm, Solid gold m..- Aumhlnl. Accur- (icon. . Violin or(-‘uiiur. for selling!) boxes of ltr. Prim- - turmrbarilla Blood MILA- . wMuuu-r. _rhtt'rew. Co.. " In "s"W, is try ht ha! tt tt dal on In K“ ray- any t' angel derfu They wi but the own brl world h wlll be through Waatstmrtor thei Ttte them Bible They thrm they wand tt n: Itr " th Ir ' Tt ttr H B' " Supernll Ill '88 THE PIT I tt tt ll rt " SUDI mp1

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