West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1899, p. 5

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lbs. ior SUI). 1;: machines, Jets, Mowers, Etc. You y other '. AGE Licenses- pot for racemes. yt had time etc. have and M'GUIEB to Buggies and a are on th. ed in “might good TEA he per gall. Jer lb. coda Jeltt Black These MUST B E SACRI FIC ED 6 szmzazaxgazm American White Crocket Quilts handsome Marseilles paternal with fancy centre designs 81.00 Fancy bed comforters 60x72 in. 81.25 Geist. half bleach table linen per yard .25 68in. half bleach table linen ttorttl design, per yd .50 Pure Linen Towels " to 500 a pair. Mons fancy emb'd Slippers. . . . . . .70 " bt " Pat. trinuned8 1.00 br Chocolate dong kid slipperss 1.15 bt lll'k dong sli?pers hanifm'd8 1.35 Women's German all sole sllgpel's .60 Al', other kindsd Boots and hoes .u Big 1 prices, which are the i/twest........ vanlzu' 25c bottle shoe dressing 20e . . lik u i n .' 100 Come and See us in our new store We want your trade. W. H. BEAN Ni DURHAM. DINNA FORGET Big4- In sum-mm and ,rsortttgr-! on! #10300 mm. 8110. effectual. In?” at WI',',', Gm?“ tor age. 0“ u C.- 33%“ ale neg: er, " All W2'S't "lhltg', L onlan um "I... o. ' but Net. a, 10 degrees "want.” P9t box. K'. 'di', f, magic: on mug.“ price tft Tg'f.8,','l. mp1. . cook up“! n . 0N0; 1 And I told ad noonwdod by all 1"th brush“ tn Canada. L" No. l and No. 2 sold in but»: by l. fut-yr. )1an tld Co. nod Jim wele We have some very pretty patterns left in one and two room lots, which we know will please you, especially when you see the price. Guts, in“ racks until present stock is considerably reduced. To do this we have decided to sac- rifice. Now arriving, but we cannot make room for it on our llladlh?d,hlill, 81 Ci) HRSI HOME, HRSI SHONE. HE SELLS CHEAP I I sei BILL! fhat we carry ahll line of WINDOW SHADES. "l Waltham or EWih Watch in Screw Case. We have Seven- J.-we1ml Walthams at prices wife-red before. .Cook's Cotton Boot compound Will now Buy 1fieytn g DRUGGIs'rs AND BOOKSELLERS DURHAM, ONT. trr" (am BIOCK. ONT. Mr. G. Guide has completed a fine wood shed in our school yaw. The boys will not have to handle so much - this winter. Mr. M. Smith is making his form are Lire that the -young fellow who stops at the top of the hill north of our burg on Wednesday nights must think -Mr. Tolmie, M. P., West Bruce. addressed a meeting of Independents at Tiverton lately, and gave the government credit for being capable progressive men. The Times' says all but 3 or 4 seemed tsatisfied with his position. ~1mp0rtant U. S, elections are in prngresa to-day, Tuesday. in 12 States. Members of State Legislatures. Gov- ernors. Constitution tr, muendmenls, are being voted on. "ud intense ex- citement prevails. as the outcome of there elections will tvea clue to the great battle of next year. From'an occasional Correspondent Dry roads are now a thing of the past. Muddy ones have taken then place which are very disagreeable. We --The Ministers ot the Presbyterian church expect to raise 8100.000 or one-tenth of the Million Dollar Century Fund. Their subscriptions now total over half that amount. --Hon. F. R. Latehford, the new Minister of Public Works in the On- tarlo Government will seek a seat in South Renfrew, Mr. R. A. Campbell resigning in his favor. The American agencies have done exceedingly well this year. Between ten and twelve thousand immigrants from the Republic have taken up northwest lands, and are an excellent class of settlers, Mr. Pedley says that there is every reason to believe that the number of American immigrants will be nearly doubled next year. Still On The Upgrade. The customs returns for the Dom- inion for the month of Oct. show an increase in revenue of nearly half a million over Oct. of last ear. the tigares being $2,460,010 for MI. 1899, as against $1,993,261 for Oct. 1898, or an increase of $466,739. The increase in the revenue of this department for the four months that have elapsed of the present fiseal year is nearly 81,000,000. Canadian nationality has been sus- tained under conditions far more onerous than ever he had foreseen in those days of Jubilee rejoicing. How Immigration Is Developing. The Superintendent of Immigration, Mr. Frank Pcdley, has returned from a six weeks trip through the west upon departmental business. He saw large gangs of the Galicians and Doukhobors working on railway construction. Messrs. Mackenzie and Mann have about 400 working on their new line between Port Arthur and Winnipeg. The Dauphin railway is being rapidly pushed towards Prince Albert, and when Mr. Pedley visited the endOfthe track, then a tew miles beyond Swan river, a big gang of Doukhobors, under the Company's engineer's, were building the track at the rate of two miles a day. The men in charge oi the Donkhobors say that they make excellent navvies, being quiet, hard- working, and amenable to orders. The men who remained at home in the two Doukhobors colonies haye raised good crops of wheat and roots. --8ir Chas. Tapper is expected in Walkerton this month. standing t: It nation, and was so t'e- garded at the headquarters of the Empire, there Were even in the ranks of'thow who claimed to te leaders of tlmprwp‘c men who so little un'lcr- stood the signifierncc of his declar- ation that they attempted to redicule it. Bat the Premier knew whereof he spoke. lie was able to look ahead and realize what progressive states manship would bring to Canada. He had faith in the policy his Govern- ment was prepared to inaugurate; he had faith in the country that was to respond to that policy; he had faith in the people who had placed power in his hands; and to-day the most un- compromising see tie is compelled to admit that the ifl.L"i'erif, claim for C The second Special Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, as the Trims vaal contingent is ofheially styled, is already several days out on its four weeks' voyage to Cape Town. It was with a sigh of relief almost that the final farewells were said. Never in the history of the Dominion have the inmost feelings of the nation been so deeply stirred, for never before have the conditions existed to create so in- tense a sentiment of personal and national patriotism. For the first time Canada has been given the opportun- ityol’taking her place as an integral palm of the Empire. and she has sewed the opportunity in a manner that admits ot no ambiguous interpre- tation. She realizes to day as she never has hetero, that she is indeed a nation, culled llpon not only to enjoy allrho privileges, hut to assume the heavy responsibilities of that status. Intended for last week." OUR (nlllll lHIER. iiiGif " making hu tarmiarmtrtsthr. Latona. The other being an elderly farmer Mr. John Hodgson 1n the autumn of life, deceased died Very suddenly on the 2%h. Having psrtsken of supper he was not- iced to gasp and before assistance could be summoned the spark of life was gone. Mr. Hodgson was fog nearly twenty years Incident of Bentinck having formerly hved Mt Egremont and he was always known and regarded as an upright honor. able nun and an obliging neighbor. To the and widow and family we tender Once more we are forcibly reminded that here we have no abiding home. Since writing our last badger two mom have passed to the great beyond, one In he flush and spring of life John Bear- man Hughes son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes. aged seven yearea bright strong and healthy boy. The disease which carried off the promising young life was the 'result, of an accident in which he Wn", injurml in r ‘fan‘ _ '.'-r, ',-. fu...v::‘. took 1m... m. up“, Ugo. Linn to she Lawns. cemetery. The young people of Stewart's school are these evenings expanding their one:- gien nod taunts in preparing a choice program for their pic-social to be held on Friday evening the 17th inst. Iditors and pie-makers ndmittnd tree. Procaeda or school improvement. Row. Mr. Graham can now more heart- ily enjoy home comforts as last week a splendid new furnuco was put in the Name. Taylor of Chutnworm supplied the furnace Ind Mason Duncan. of Glar- eott performed tho brick and mason work. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Nevins left. last week lor Attemesia. We were sorry to tresytlusmltstsye the vicinity as they were both civil and obliging nelghbors. Miro Lena Smith, of Louise. in whiling swuy tk tow pleasant any: visiting farmer friends in this vicinity. Merchant Pritchard, of Louise, last week tested the depth of the mud on tome of the roads mar flee village. He was purchasmg poultry for a Walkertou firm. Mines Elsie and Lizzie Smith left last week for Durham to loam drmm-making, They no both pleasant and are mined in both church and social circles. The Itome ot Mr. and Mrs. John Corutt is always known usa very sociable one has " present it is nearly doubly so as nearly ascoro of good hearted and jolly uxemeu are domiciled there. They are making ssbip-timlser. Mrs. Neil Campbell is at present on a visit to relatived in Owen Sound. Framer Hugh McKinnou, of Corinth, in at present finisdsiug u dwelling house for Mr. H. Alexander. Mr. It. Wade has been adding an ad. dition to his house in the shape of a. large kitchen. Mr. JolmHay now nurses a sore foot la the result of an nxe glancing inflicting a severe gush acrosci his toes. Mr. Janos Watt has been Imprnving his already tidy premieto by the orncnnn of tt handsome verandah and siding mak- im: a very pleasant and eomfortable residence. Halloween passed almost unnoticed in tin- village mth the oxveption of a tew boyish punks. Thus who of barbarian is fast becoming extinct. Mrs. K. McKinnnn. of Corinth has been plying the dressmaking ttrt around Dumoch for the, pant. mouth. Honor Roll for Oct. 18995. S. No.2 Egreumnt. 5th Class, Bella (him-sun, Ethel Eden. 4th---1let't, Mchan. 3815; Nathan Griox‘son, 2630; Minnie Johnson, 2.520; Edith Allan. 2145; MinnieOrvhard, 1060; Tillie Pollock, 1000. 3rstl.--Kate Allan, 3300; Thos. Allan, 2655;30111) Queen, 1530; Elda McLaughlan, 1385. Sr. 2nd.-Tillie Grierson, 2195; Mabel Mead, 1055. Jr. 2nd.--Linnie Graspy, 1330; Nelly Allan, Ws5. Part 2atd.--Mag- gie McLaughlin. Part Ist, M John Graspy. w. L. Dixon. Teacher. The grim ranger dead]. has agmn en- tered our neighborhood. Thin time can'yiug oft a height little lad of six summers from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes on Thursday last. The funeral took place on Friday. We HX- tend our sympathy to the sm-x-nwing parents. Mr. and Mrs. w. Duncan, of Louise attended Latonachurch on Sunday last. Mrs. Colin McDonald is visiting with her mother Mrs. Molntush. of town this week. Latona congregation: has added an- other comfort to the residence of the" Pastor. Thi: time it is a furnace. Mr. J. F. Grant, paid u visit to the MeAr'thurfatnily of Wvlheck u-vvmly. The Pte-social passed off very pleas- antly to all concerned. Programme excellent. Testifying the enterprise and good tnamagment of the teacher ME'Gmnt who got " up. Mrs. T. Bell is somewhat under the weather at present. being laid up with neuralgia in the head. Misc Sarah McArthur, of We1beck, spent a day visiting Mrs. M. Cameron. look respectable by putting up a new oul fence alongthe lane. Mike is a. hustler. "Aitt Dornoch. 0.0 8 - a is; ME "The Review comes mus every Mon- day and is like an old friend from along distance." Thus writes Mrs. E. H. Hoi.. comb, of Cmrrington, N D. while renew- mg. How many there are in South Grey who could at small expense give distant friends pleasure by sending them the Review. Only $1.00 to Jan lat 1901. Report of S. B. No, 10 Bentinck for Oct. 1899, Br. 4th.--Ellen Putherbough Lottie Fletcher, Bessie Smith. Jr. 4th. --Agnes Morton. Bella. Ewen, Roberta Fletcher. Sr. 3rd.--Jesite MeDonald, Annie Smith. Ness Collinson. Jr. 3rd. --aohn Dalglish. Neil McLean. and Sarah McCormick eq., Nellie Brown. Sr. 2nd.-Lizzie Ewen. Robbie Wilson. Tenn Dalglilh. Jr. 2nd.-John McDon- ald. Lszzie Grierson. Pt. 2nd.-Katie Clark, Martha Wilson, J ulia Clark. lst class-issue Caton, Maggie Morton, Robbie Thomas. Jr. ISL-Arthur Wil- arm. John R. McDonald, Clarence. Mc- Nally. M. E. Clark Teacher. BeBovcE-Mrrn'rMorue.---rn Durham on Thursday Nov. 2, by Rev. Mr. Ryan, incumbent of Trinity Church Mr. Joseph Sproule, Glenelg, to Miss Maggie Whitmore, Egreumnt. A St. Louis brewer CUVH'H his horses with blankets costing $1000 apiece. Manyof his (-ustuumrs slevp on saw- dust beds at a cost of a. nickel, begged from passing citizens. Mahy of his patrons are in jail. their efforts to keep up the revenue of the country and buy 81000 nurse blankets having been too much fur them. and they were obliged to steal. or forge. ot'cottunitted violence whilst, drank-Omaha Christian Advo- cute. With the sanction of the law the Ir. quor traflic robs men of money and health and character. Honor Roll of S. ti. No. 12. Egremont for October. Class a5th---George Reid. Br. 3rd.--Charlie Reid. Jr. '3rd B.--- Earle Matthews. Wilhe McFadden. Jr. 3rd. A.--oowttrd Henry. Gladys Lawrence, Bella Patterson eq. Sr. 2nd. -Mtuld Hamilton. Annie Nelson. Sarah Brown. Jr. 2nd.--Grttcio Reid. Mary Brown. Pt. 2nd.--Mattgte Hmnilton, Bert Lawrence, ViclorAdmns. by. lst. --Johnny Ferguson, Aggie Adams. Ethel MucKenzie, Blanche Reid and Funny Patterson eq. Jr. lat. B.--Bollts Ferguson. Farr Lawrence, Mary Bell Reid. Jr. lst. A.--Johnny Brown, Charlie McKenzie, Martin \Vilwn, George Wilson. M. Scott Teacher. Report of U. S. B. No. 2, Bentinck and Glenelp; for October. 5th class-- Malcolm McKechnie, Harry Snyder. 4th ehtss--Wil1ie Heughan, Lizzie Wile son. Br. 3rd-Annie McGillivray, Ben Edge. Jr. '3rd--Alfred Mckechnie, Aggie Ewen, Willie McKc-clmiv and Tenn Nowell uq. 2tul--Ella Edge, Etta. Heuglnu), Minnie Vessie. Pt 2nd--J ohn Newell. Neil McG'illivvay. Frank Collin- son, Sr. Ist-Madge Morton, Elias Edge. Int. 1st-b'mith Ewen, Andy Vessie. Jr. lst-George Newell. Miss U. Fletcher, teacher. BORN. McKrNsos--In Priceville Oct. 28 to Mr. and Mrs. NW. 1lcKinnon a son. MchLPINE---itt Thessalon Oct. 24 to Mr. J. A. and Mrs. MoAlpine a. somHMrs. J,., _ .3p'me- was Silas Leila Melina] TEMPERANCE NOTES. [Contributed by the w. c, T. U.] So long as the lwuling churchmen-H: e timorous and hesitating in then atti- tude toward the liquor trttirtc so long as the politician can win by the favor of the saloon and enjoy the plaudits of the church, so long as no man true to his noblest cimvictions can rmnnmnd the united support, of Christian own in pol- itics, so loug will the saloon be a done inant, force in our government and the church routinlw to lose hey intiuence over the masses. pvmly recovery. . Mr. “John 3lckechnie drives a. ftst horse in the direction of Markdnle. ram or shine. and the roads are not to be considered at, all when J. intends to make his trip. The Townsend family have left this part to take up their abode In Iowa. Miss Marion Young visited friends on the 2nd last week. We guess it was a great saving of W's sole leather while she stopped. Sandy Henderson of the Soo visited at the old hornestead Inst week. but he is away to his work again. While driving down the second con. last Sunday. Mr. James Ellison went over the bank, but as he looks all rights and the buggy is none» the worse. we are thinking he got off very safely. Mr. (‘ulin McArthur is on the sick ist at prvscm. Hope ro hear of his "etulv revuven . Messrs. Bellmnl Watson started for the Sun on Monday. all wishing them the hesL of prosperity. Mr. w. Ellison is employed with Mr. Joseph Young. ot s'ukavville, for the winter months. w. is a fine fellow and sure Logan work at, high wages. His brother J. is employed with Sandy Ellison. We would like to know why G. Torry left that small strip unploughed in the centre of his tield. Wonder if there is a. gold mine there. Mr. D. and Miss Sarah McDonald visited at Mr. J. Ellison's on Sunday. Well Mr. Editor as the old correspond- has eithel died or moved away, we will try to pen a few lines to you until we are otherwise instructed. Wattersvllle. Married. Even T Dewitt Talmage can say a sensible thing occasionally. For ox- ample: "A newspaper whose colums overflow with advertisements has more influence in attracting attention to and building up I. town than any other agency that can he employed. People go where there is business. Capital and labor go where there is an enter. prising community. No power on earth is so strong to build up a town a . newspaper well patronized. end its power should he HtpeeciatmL" A BIG Tgtrtr.--An exchange under this heading gives an account of a. suitable ending to an sttempt to carry out the barbarous custom of e "shiveree". The account ssye "on Wednesday evening. 11th inst... the residents of Whit tington had a gsy old time. The occasion was the marriage of Miss Clark, daughter of George Clark, to Nelson Philips, of Am. aranth. A large number of guests were present, but there were twenty-five young men in the immediate vicinity who were not invited. They got up a celebration of their own and surrounded the house where the nuptial knot was being tied. Each party, dressed in a white gown, rode on horseback. each horse being covered with a sheet and decorated with hells. There being no fences near the house. the party rode round the place in a circle and made night hideous with strange music. Af- ter the wedding party recovered from the first shock. they came out showing fight and unhorsed two of the braves and took them prisoners. One of the prisoners was held while two clerical gentlemen applied the horsewhip and gave the offender a. bad trimming. The other party secured his liberty by turn- ing Queen’s evidence and sriviruralist of the members of the party. There may be trouble over the affair before it is settled. l,' the Durham Pharmacy Cildevr'vs Bloca. Residence first door west of the Post office, Durham. RADUATE OF PRESBYTERIAN G Ladies' College and pupil of the Constrvatory' of Music. Toronto, is prepared to give lessons in Piano MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest. ottttte--otte door north of B. Scot“, Durham. and Harmony. D. McPHA IL Loan and Insurance Agent, Convey- aneer, Commissioner, ae. LOANS arranged without delay. Collections 1uvrtoptly made. Insurance 4ytrected. Residence-HOP-at. E. J. FREEL, M. D., C. M. Miss Margaret Gun (Mit DON'T FORGET flllli)llllli Mlll GUUGH SYRUP dAS.R. GUN RIOIDINCI-Old Bulk Building, oppouiu C. MeKlnnon‘u Implement Shop. UPPER TOWN. - DURHAM Are You Looking . Honor Gndun“ ot Trinity College, Toronto; Member of the Colleg- ot Pbynicuns ind Sum-om, Out. ; Member of the Detroit Mod- ioal Ind Library Amointlou. six Ynn' lo-plml xxpcdem. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF DENTISTRY. that can always be depen- ded upon '? A reliable Preparation for COUGrtPo, COLDS, (ha? Try our It you want the best. For a COUGH SYRUP We issue Tickets to all points at Lowest Rates. t' PPE It TOWN . DURH AM . L. MCKENZIE ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO DRUUG IS T Block Licensed Auctioneer fot the County of Grey. 0-17 DINNER! WATCHES, J EWELRY, SILVERWARE. and STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are right. W. A. MoFARLANE Next to Bank. EEREEPRUFITS TWEEDS d YARNS Eggs. per "or. . Hides. per cwt Calfskin: ... Sheepskins ... WOOL GRUCERIES We Sell all kinds at all Also a. Full Line of Flour per cwt .......' Oatmeal per sack .... Bran per cwt ... ... Shorts per cm: ... Fall Wllalt per hush, Barley, " Peas. $0 Oats. " Dr'd Hogs. per cut Hogs, live weight ., Lard per lb ... Tallow' per lb ... Butter per tb, Tub ... .. Roll We gt llttefig (if (lilf Bill. CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . 32,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND........... 600,000 W. r. OOWAN. President. GEO. P. REID, Inner. S. SCOTT. alllllll) BANK AA CANADA AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United States and England. The Wheels SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on savings bank deposits of 81.1!) and up- wards. l’I-mnpt attentinn and awry facility afforded (-ustmnera living at, a distance. J. KELLY, Agent. Go Round A general Banking business transacted. Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Danni” received and inter- est alluwed at current rates. oFPICE6--Csen Sound. Mnrkdnle Ind Durham Note.--At Durham, Mondays 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and Court Days. At Price- ville, Mondays 0 p. In. tn b' p. m. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORC. NOTARIEs. CONVEYANCERC. Money to Loan Company and Private Funds. Low Hats. Easy'reraus. Conway 1nd private Fund- " Loan on Mortgage: at love It mm of interest. Vdml mule by 1 competent and careful Vdmr. Coiiootiotte, an! Agency promptly am .0. Villa. Doodl. Hem-m. noun. AM he. comedy mound. E-m o a persons looked um. 3nd Exmton‘ and Ad- mittitrtrators' Accnuntl prepared and M. Sun-om.“ Court Baum-n. Prob-lo of Willa. Letters of Adminiunuon and (hummus Opuiued. Search“ made in Rock!!! ' In Titles rammed on. LUCAS, WRIGHT ' BATSON. B‘RRIST‘R. COLICITOR. mun" NIUC. communal. no. otBee---LOWER TOWN. Dunn“. DURHAM AGENCY. I B LUCAS W " W'!GHT C A BATSON Dinner S iled--Hushand Mad--- Servant (£21 Ugly. The ancient clock did its best-Mt is old enough to rest. Its 20mg unlities have gone. you want . Ith' Clock & Tem r Saver. We have them for a? 50. You can save time and worry by buying one. We can give you Bargains. AllCha G. LEFROY McCAUL. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. BOOTS & SHOPS, &c., Head Office, Tomato. We are prepared to han- dle your M 00L & other produce to your entire satisfaction. DURHAM MARKET bushel of t"Tindij " “sat 80 00 80 90 50m " _ . 3-2“ to to to to 00 10 04 o IT 18 14 " 80 Ito 60 .50 DB " b). [ll tP.

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