West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Nov 1899, p. 8

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ns » a€ TGQ Mrs. Donald McCormack is improving slowly and we trust she will soon be able to be around again. 5s Mr. Joseph Philips has finished his term on H. Lamont‘s farm and has bought Tom Ferris‘ farm for $2400. As Mr. Philips is a hustlee and a good farmer, we wish him success. Joe Campbell is taiking of moving to Klondike this winter with a fuall force of British arms to fight the Boers. We expect to relate to readers before long about a couple of weddings on this line. & _ Threshing is all done in this neighâ€" borhood and everybody seems wel pleased with the turn out this year. We had a aumber of threshers in our midst this year, Highland Scotch, English and Irish. Of course it would not be wise to mention here which was the best, but eyerybody got warmed up any way. Misses Janet and Mollie Ferguson left for the city last week, One of the threshers will be lonesome now. Mr. Joseph Haw of Toronto, a former resident of this part is visiting at his brother‘s Mr. George Haw. â€" Mr. Haw was a resident of this part when but a standing mass of bush, and he with a great many others hewed for himself a home, and now in his old age he has the pleasure of seeing electric street cars, horseless carriages and other wonâ€" derful inyentions which have been deâ€" vised since Mr. Haw first struck Ontario. Mrs. Falconer of Owen Sound visited Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy, _ Bucklen‘s Arorica Salve cures them ; also ol l, running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Best Pile cure on earth. drives out pains and aches. _ Only 25 cts a box. Cure guaranteed. _ Sold by all druggist. 2 Mrs. Falconer of Owen Sound visited her parents Mr. and Mrs, Harrison last Rev, Mr MceDonald changed pulpits with Rev Mr Morrison of Conn on Sunday October 28. week November 1st was patronized by the Proton people in marriages for Mr Joseph Ferris, a prosperous young farmer here was married to a Miss McDonâ€" ald near Priceville in Artemesia. _ There was a large wedding party but we will not state particulars as we expect to hear of it in the Review by the Priceyville corâ€" respondent. On the same day Mr Charles MeDonald youngest son of the late W. B. MceDonaid formerly Reeve of Proton, was married to Miss Ida Irwia, daughter of Mr Robert Irwin near Dundalk, Mrand Mrs MeDonâ€" ald bave settled down in our village. Mr Wm Curry of Mount Forest spent a couple of days with his dogs and gun in this neighborhood last week, The first sleigh bells wers out on the road bere on Saturday, November 4th. We had considerable snow. Halloween passed off quictly not eyen as much noise or mischief as was done some nights ago that we were compelled to write about. We believye that the lesson given to some of the boys by the older heads has proved effective. NMrs Searlett has returned home after a lengthy visit in Toronto and York County Bismark‘s Iron Nerve Was the result uf his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver Kidueys and Bowels are out of order, _ If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Kimg‘s New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body, Only 25e at the drug storos. 2 The people of this district have just got through thrashing and we are pleased to report thst the yield of grain is favourâ€" able in nearly all cases. As usual it was the Bartley firm of thrashers that rattled out most of thke erop around here and they are hastlers. They nsually average one thousand bus. of grain per day. Oune of our yourg fellows who spent a season in the North West last year, now turns his steps direct west. Well it is a nice place to go to and scarlet is fascinatâ€" ing especially to to those of English decâ€" ent. Another of rathor stout calibre is often seen wending his way east, while another looks lonely and wonders it the fairest of ten thousand and the altogether lovely will ever visit these parts again. § Sclmo'ls like postoffices are awkwardly placed around here, In some instances the children have to go a distance of three miles. Of course this is an impossibility when the roads are blocked as they often Mr. Sam. Edwards put in a few pleasâ€" ent days on a visiting trip since we last wrote and we solidly belieye something will yet come out of these trips especially as they are getting more frequent, why shouldn‘t they have a happy end very suddenly some otf these days. are au our long winter. This fact has caused Mr, Thomas Jack to rent the farm of Mr. Townsend near t.l_le Townsend i:k‘:."'l'l‘:;" little Jacks will haye every chance of learning now as that farm is close to school. Balsam Vailley. £oeeitans Voleanic Eruptions Hopeville. ZION. We wonder if there is any justice in paying high schosl rates, if the children cannot get half the time owing to distance cold and wet and blocked roads, Or i1 there is any sense in some going two miles and more from one direction and only a family or two from the . other. The same applies to the postoffices. We fear there is a serew loose somewhere. One of our young fellows is suffering from a very curious malady and we scarcely know if it would be advisable to send for medical aid, some of the hoys say that it is a disease of the heart and that organ is spinning around at an awfal rate and we think that it ranst anroly be whirling. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Wm. Timmins, who has bad such a long and painful illness is fast recovering and we hope to see her bustling around again beâ€" fore long. Mr. William Smith is spending a few days around here at present. We are pleased to say that our friend looks well, although he hbas just passed through & painful operation for the remoyal of the apendix, from the disease of which he was suffermg. We have dances & parties galore, these days, but the best of the Iate ones was a the home of Mr. W. Keuny, when a quilting bee was held during the day and a dance at night. The quilters were scarce but the dancers were (but that‘s a boot for the other foot) quite numerous. Thev all had a good time and kept the music going past the small hours. If of a ranâ€"down invalid. . Ocly 50 cents at our drug stores. 2 Mr_ and Mrs. Henry Sackett, of Glenâ€" eden, visited at Mrs. Sackett‘s grandâ€" parents Mr. and Mrs. John Horsburgh on Sabbath. Dr. Brown‘s mother who has been visiting at her old home in Beechville for the past four months returned home this week. _ Miss Emma Water‘s and Miss Lily Cook. of Arthur. visited at Rev. Magâ€" woods the past week. We are sorry Mr. Thos. Brown who has been ailing the past few weeks is not recovering as fast as we would wish. Report of S. S. No.9 Egremont, for Octobet. 5th. Classâ€"Nellie Rineheart. 4th,â€"Wilhe Hiscock, Frank Merchant. 3rd.â€"May Reid. 2nd.â€"Rocky Hamilâ€" oPU,â€"â€" ADELY _ LUCTC Eie PS o e t ton,. Kate Furloag, Jemima Horshurgh, Annie Reid. Jr. 2nd.â€"Beatrice Eccles, Maude Ecoles. Sr. Pt 2nd. â€"Nellie Reid. Ruh(i' Rogers, Fraser Furlong. Jr. Pt. 2nd.â€"Mildred Christie, Alyin Eccles, Laura Eccles, Robbie Keith. 1st.â€"Norbun Horsburgh, Edna Hamilâ€" ton. Jessie W. Burrows, Willie_Coutts. Jr. 1st.â€"Anme _ Troup, Lillie Furlong, James Troup, Fred Eccles. E. E. Rawn teacher. Holstein. paid for DRIED APPLES Try our 25¢ Japan TEA which is diâ€" rect from the Tea Gardens of Japan, and cannot be exâ€" celled in Town. Our Black Tea, pure, and mixed is winning a repuâ€" tation of excellency,. brrt > Toilet Talk WANTEDâ€"SEVEBAL BRIGHT AND HONâ€" est persons to represent us as Managers in this ard close by counties. Salary £900 a year and expenses. Straight, bonaâ€"fide, no more, no less salary. Position permanent. Our reference, any bank in any town. It is mainly office work conducted at home. Reâ€" ference. Enclose selfâ€"addressed stamped envelope TEE DomIxio® Comraxy, Dept. 3, . McArthur, 2 Nn + Yom » Nom + Te o um tm â€" Te â€"Ion . jon . im + un < Th + in c ut 1 .a fi?é%?é%ééééééaaéééiééé Q\\} ,'\ Re 1 U M 1( \a ¢ ‘-éé&é&éé&&é&&&&&éé&é&&é" For this week we offer exceptional bargains HICKHEST PRIGE J. BURNET crckery, Glassware, Crocenes, Plour and F881, 8. You‘ll Never See These Bargains If You in Toilet Ware. 4 Picce set 6 Piece set 10 Picce set and FIRSTâ€"CLASS BUTTER. CALL AND SEE US ! in our New Store on Garafraza Street at the Crossing opposite Mill Street, Lower Town. Don‘t Come Quick TORONTO o q romsmammasassss §2§.,,§ > %«l ! WANTED-SEVEBAL TRUSTWORTHY PERâ€" sons in this state to manage our business in their own ard nearby counties. It is maainly office work conducted at home. Salary straight $900 a yearand expensesâ€"definate, bonafide, no more, no less salary. Monthly $75. %:lmneu. Enc.ose uu-.ddruudlum%x“welo , Herbert E. Hess, Prest,, Dept. M. Chicago. Like this Durham, Ont $1.50 1.75 w w BARRISTER, soL1ciTor in sSupreme Court, NOTARY PUSLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. MONEY TO 1. OAN Office, over Gtant‘s store, Lower Town OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Block, arrister, NYotary, Gon»â€" td veyancer, Otc., Otc..... Mon%y to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. J. P. TELFCORD, A CARLOAD OF CUTTERS! Yo=> JUST ARRIVED from the Canada Carriage Works, Brockville. Call early and see the 3est Collection of Cutters ever brought to Durham. Many Styles, only one Quality, THE BEST. Top Draft Queen Heating Stoves: ®s@2 s .. See them and be interested.â€"Buy one and be pleased. $10 and up. We hope to meet all old friends and _ many new ones in our New Premises West of the Middaugh House. U . Jno. LIVINGSTONE, 46 The quality of our Goods and our Prices are getting widely known. We have evidence of it every day. by the number of customers who come from a distance to Geal with us. This week we have special inducements to offer in RoBEs, Rucs, Lapâ€"Rossers, Buceyâ€"Mats, Horseâ€" BuaxkErs, Crrormor®s, Wurrs, Corry Comuns, Brusn«s. Our new Stock of SILVERWARE is worthy of inspection, for we have the latest designs. And in LAMPS we lead the market, our ©1.50 Lamps are a great bargain. Call and inspect our stock, and you will be sure ‘ to buy what you require. | o & â€" WM. BLACK. We put quality before price, * ~â€"@@@»â€" yet our prices are right." mt * * Copmmmmed â€"â€"A few cheap Churns and Wheelbarrows still in stock. â€"â€" 5 gallons of the best Canadian Coal Oil tor 90cts Wheeled Vehiclesâ€"Singer Sewing Machinesâ€"Root Pulpers, &c. HARDWAPRE. . DAVIDSORN, (Over the Bank. a‘% Would intimate that she will con Furniture and Undertaking Busin« lishad by her father in Durham in lished by her father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to give all old and new custom ers the same entire satiafaction. Furniture of the Best Make ) PIGTU:: ;VIAA‘:I::AH ;;EDG.IAL'IY Undertaking and Embaiming on latest prin ciples at reasonable ratee. Rdge Property for Sale. t& The only Arsvelasa Mearse in In the Town of Durham, County of Grey. including valuable Water Power. # BBICK DWELLING, AND MAXNY ELIGIBLE building lets, will be sold in one or more lots. Also lot nuinber 60, con. 4, W. G. R., Township of Bentinck, 100 acres adjoining Town plot, l{,ur- ham. Mortgage takon for part purchas<e money. Apply to JAMES EDGE, Epas HicL, OxT. MISS SHEWELL Has opened for Fall Term with a good attend â€" ance. _ Etudents however muy enter at any time as our instraction is Inrgely personal. This is an excellent time to begin studies mt the Northern Business College so us to be v ell on in the course beilere the mujority of students enter at the beginning of the year. _ The "Norâ€" theru" is affiliated with the Iustitute of Churt«= ered Accountamts O0f Ontario and two of our Series of Basiness books nre recommended by the Institute, It is the best place in Canada to get a thorough Business Education. HORXN‘S OLD STAND. ..Not Too Late.. Owen Sound, Jn Remember the standâ€"opposite the Market. Durham, FaAmmuErs or Soutn® GreÂ¥y.â€"I have a large a large amount of priyate funds on hand. to lend on Mortgage security at a very low rate of interest, You will «ave money by paying off the old mortgage. J. P. TerrorD g2814% AA®ARR®%R0eR08 e P P &A ': JAKE KRESS CaaseeRRe080%%e8 eA OwWEN soUND, ONT. WRITE FOR QQTILOGU‘ and Journal â€"FULL LINE OFâ€" MISS SHEWELL Â¥4 C. A. FLEMING, " which give full partiesiars" t that she will contimue the ndertaking Business estab CORTHER o Of the Best ERNITURE an 4sver, Promptly PruNCIPAL. C * o 9 [ wule .A 4 Y ou can ge onto and the with either weekly Glob or $190 res twice a week and twice a a and Sun, Re (including pr Bend post ca Durham, or building, To respective pi HearnuEa®. ceived lately heath" a sim« sent by a fric receive a litt peceive a 111 U of his Glen plant gives a hood‘s days, tions make it PassE»p . Cameron, n{ Chas, and Friday at 4 laid to rest Cemetery, m last sad servi of months ps againet an i buoyaut disy bodily weakn rriue of her £ onged the s winning Cisp home, and w and by a wit Her â€"taking young wonl ing 10 the yo son conducte the house and death here. deeply grate friends of all so assiduous | fort, to those whose corves ued and espe drove her are Bales of y« Central Mot House, yest In some ins tricts that ago. The dicate h month x h« pI Gorsline of wishes to at trees for me arrived and call as soon them. P Soctar 17, the friend Welbeck are which it is « yet held in th is the teache FrEEaAsO] nesday . evel Hanover Fre a hundred of Home" in the and the see sometnin members sp month. _ Th to the order t uctiont and bhappy host, whiL' v~i assisted in e the pleasure guests. The ic Quartett cellent mus rendered making .uon which all m haps J::t WAs very ed. â€" Betwee Business FADI and and host. lot of e ward m.".:g a very nice "Jolly good â€" Trers roi j8®® e : Local dlastete kind1x weet bl« many oL mem bet s somethin VO 11 11 Xanmnnn urd i OWWIH, otfi q0 Hiasa Oun it L4

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