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Durham Review (1897), 16 Nov 1899, p. 4

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»*a€ 74 Wide DURHAMU REVIEW. Thursday, November 16, 1899. Tuursoay. A plot to kill Gen. Buller has discovered and frustrated. The Queen has written to Lady White expressing sympathy for her husband‘s trials, and expressing her complete faith in his good generalship. Reported that the Boers are leaving Mafeking to concentrate on Kimterley. The offer of the Canadian government to send a second contingent has been declined with thanks. Britain looks upon the contingents from a sentime ental standpoint rather than as a necâ€" essity. Germany and her Emperor were never so friendly to Britain. Not only Bombardment of Ladysonth began on Tuesday again, with no serious reâ€" gults. The trangsport abled and kad to St. Vincent. Frivay. First of the transports reached the Cape, and are ordered to Darban, which means that Ladysmith is to be relieved first. is he coming to visit Grandmother Victoria in State, he has ordered all Prussian officer3 to keep away from the Transvaal, besides an amicable agreeâ€" ment has been reached on the Samoan quest:on, and he even allowed this to become known on the very day he was welcoming Czar and Czarina at Potsâ€" dam. It is enough to drive France crazy, and to think she dare not now become belligerent for fear of endangerâ€" ing the dollars of next year‘s big show. The whole world was waiting for Lord Salisbury‘s pronouncemeny at the great Lord Mayor‘s Aunual banquet, where great state purposes are generâ€" ally outlined. His remarks were calm and dignified, and breathed no alarm. He is quite clear that Britain will tolâ€" crate 15 intervention, and speaks conâ€" fidently of coniinued good neighborship with all the world. It is ominous for the fature indeâ€" pendence of the Transvaal, that the present disturbance is not called "War" by the British authorities, but «"Miliâ€" tary operations‘‘ in the Queen‘s domain. Editor and C. Ramage, Pr.ol;’riotor. Lord Wolseley, at the banquet anâ€" nounced that 10000 more troops would be sent, and a second army corps if neceseary. Mafeking and Kimberley still holding out, the laster bard pressed. The exâ€" pected in vasion of Cape Colony seems to be off. The delay at Ladysmuth seems to be caused by a wait for big guns from Pretoria, and more reinforceâ€" ments. Saturpay. Trans«ports arriving at the cape with roops and cavalry. Tenders for the first instalment, of the war fund, £3,000,000 have been opened, and over £10,000,000 have been offered, a characterist‘ic instance of British wealth, confidence and stabâ€" rlity. Rumors that the British fired on an ambulance, while not correct, though one had been struck, baye been exâ€" plained by a Boer chaplain, who exonâ€" erates the British. It is now quite certain however thot on several occasâ€" ions the Boers have used tke white fAag treacherously, have fired on amâ€" bulances, and, at least in Rhodesia, bhave fired on women and chilaren. WAR NOTES.â€"Day by Day. 400 volunteers for the Boers enrolled in France. The Boer quiescence for some days is looked upon as a trick to draw out White, but the latter knows something now and is husbanding his ammunition. Holland and Belgium bave warned Dr. Leyds to keep away from their territory. o4 can reach him. At Belmont, betwean Kimberly and De Aar Junction, two British officers were lilled in a skirmish. This implies an invasion of Cape Colony in the usâ€" ual Boer way: sln;_)ping around and cutâ€" ting communication. _ _ ___ _ _ s Moxpay. Sardinian. with Canadian contingent,. reported at Cupe Verde Islands, half way and making good time. Kimberly and Ladysmith both being bitterly attacked at latest despatch but still holding out. White will bave to hold out till Nov. 26 tefore effective aid Persia became disâ€" put in for repairs at d 2 d 4~ Troops have begun to arrive at Durâ€" ban,. Boers reported short of food. Naval guns beard in action at Ladyâ€" smith, and more of them landed at Duarban. Little can be specialized. . Troops are now pouring in to Capetown and 6000 are on the way or arrived at Durâ€" ban,. Ladysmith, Mafeking and Kim. berly are all bolding out and eyery day makes them safer. Joubert must feel it is now or never, and the next two weeks will furnish exciting news. Beâ€" lated reports from the besieged towns all teil of Boer repulses. There is safety, if nothing more, in total abstinence. â€" But it is getting 11)1 be a widespread opinion that there are other advantages, besides safety, in teetotalism as regards the use of intoxâ€" icants. A sick benefit society in the village of Send, Surrey, Eng., has been making experiments along this line. For this purpose the members are divided into two classesâ€"the moderate drinkers and the teetotallers, The reâ€" port of the society shows most unmisâ€" takably that total abstainers have deâ€" cidedly the advantage of the moderate drinkers. _ It is shown by the report that during the year the teetotallers reâ€" quired no sick pay whatever, and sut* scriptions amounting to about $6.20 each were returned to them. _ But to moderate Crinkers, benefits amounting to about $75, had been paid, and the amount of subscriptions returnable to members of this section was correspondâ€" ingly less than that paid in the teetotal section. â€" We believe that other societies and clubs have made similar tests with about the same results. _ Views regardâ€" ing total abstinence have wonderfally changed since the time when the apâ€" plicacion of a man for life imsurance was retused for no other reason but that he used no stimulants, Then it was believed that the use of alcohol was necessary to the end'of'ment of good health ; now it is widely helieged that its use, eyen in moderation, is decidedly detrimental to health and longevâ€" ity.â€"Ex. Intended for last week, Mr. and Mrs. Turnbauail of Dryden are home on an extended visit to their many frienids in this section. Mrs. Wm. George and fanmly of Sault St. Marie, are «pending a few weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Fraser. Mr. Art. Hunt has returned from Man. looking none the worâ€"e of his trip. At a meeting of our school trustees on Wednesday Mr. MceCormick of Aberdeen was engazed as tescher for the coming year at a handsome salary. Mr. Jas. Mather and family have got vicely setiled in their new and haudsome dwelling house. The neigbbors of Mrs. H. Edmunds were well represented at her ploughing bee on Wedunesday last and managed to get 17 acres ready for spring crop. Mr. (Geo. Bailey has purchased the property of Mr. Thos. Turnbull Sr, for the sum of $300. _ Mr. Tuarnbuil will henceâ€" forth make his home with his browher Robert near Paisley. Th« threshings are all done, the roots are bhoused, everbody has a goodâ€" ly share of fall ploughing done and are now preparing to receiye old winter. Our village is small but we believe up to date in business lines, _ Mr. J. M. Findlay our busy store keeper has a large stock of boots, shoes and rubâ€" ‘ bers. If you cannot get suited there go down to T. Patton and he will make you a pair, for workmanship Mr. Patton takes no back seat. The ring of our blacksmith‘s anvil may be heard from morn till eve, for Mr. J. Renton it not slow around a horses foot and is prepared to do any amount in his line. R. Renwick‘s chopper is going from daylight until dark. Judging from the amount of loads of chop there will be some fat hogs around here soon. §Mr. Renwick is also prepared to do a large amount of work in the line of sawâ€"milling. Build your barns and houses and C. Drumm will furnish you with the tin spouting to put around them. If you break your harness or want a new set call on C. McMillan | and he will soon fix you up, but if you | break a leg or arm or lose your Contributed by the W. appetite, Dr. Smith is the one to call on. Mr. J. Wilson our carpenter can supply you with a bed room suite or make vou a set of sleighs up to date without paint or polish. Mrs. James, of B. C., is at present visiting her friends here the Isaac and Snell tamilies. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclar, of Yeovil atâ€" tended Endeavor Service here on Sunâ€" day night. Mrs. Scott, of Osgrey visited her parents here Mr. and Mrs. A. Leslic last week. The W. F. M. S. held there annual meeting on Thursday last. The folâ€" lowing officers were elecfed ftor the coming year Mrs J. M. Findlay Pres. Rev. Mrs. Campbell 1st vice Pres. Mrs. A. Taylor Snd vice Pres Mrs. J. Snell Secretary Miss Bella Lothian Tresurer. Satisfactory reports being read the meetlng closed with renewed zeal for the coming year‘s work. Rev. Mr. Hnmphrey, of Priceville is to change pulpits with Mr. Campbell next Sunday. SAFETY AND LONG LIFE. Tuespay. Vickers. Vromore. «+ + zx$ Mrs. Dan. Greenwood after svending a couple of months with friends iu Hartney, returned last week. We are pleased to hear that Mr. James Allan. of the Avenue who has been ailing all summer is on the way towards recovery. The young people of Edge Hill neighâ€" borhood had a dance in the Grange Hall lately, which received many supporters. Mr‘s Middleton and son Walter ted at the Avenue last week. Mr. John Willians has rented his place and is making sale of stock preparatory â€"to moving to Aberdeen where he is taking charge of Crawford‘s mill. The Ayenue and for miles around will miss the genial councillor Williams Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King‘s New Life Pills. Every pill is & sugarâ€"coated globule of bealth, that changes weakness into strength, listlessness into energy. brainâ€"fag into mental power. They‘re wonderfal in building up the hbealtb. Only 25¢ per box. Sold by our druggists, 3 Miss Jeesie A Beaton daugnb®t 7.."30 Arch Beaton, met with a painful necident on Thursday of last week, while in the barn with her sister filimg bed â€" ticks falling frem a scaffold hbeavily upon the thrash foor a distance of 16 ft breaking her leg. Dr Freel set the limb and is daily in attend@ance. Miss Beaton so far is doing as well as could be expected and her many friends wish her speedy and a complete recovery. 102205 ut c len shak AAABeRE ECCE C Can cR n Mesers Clark and Meloy employs in Toronto asylum spent last week pleasantâ€" ly with their old friend Mr R J Black of Scotch Town. Mr Dixon from Listowel was the guest of his consin Mr Malcolm McMilâ€" len and other friends for a conple of days last week. Mr Arch MecMillen spent last week down the country bunting up timber and met with good succers. Miss Maggie McQuarrie spent a fortâ€" night vacation with friends i1u_‘Toronto, Mr Chbarlie Ryan from Irish Lake and stalwart gang are making equare timber in this peighborhood at present. in this peighborbhood at present. Dinnie Dan and Alex McMillon are timbering around pimnacle hill. Mr Hugh MeArthur spent last week with friends on 10th con. w PVRC RERVST ORORC s Mr Angus McVieam, of Pomonna called and chatted in gaelic on old scenes with Mr and Mrs McLellan on Sunday evenâ€" ing, L sunle 1 L oo sWn ‘UAY Thrashing wili be wound np in this section this week. Thrashers will have money to burn this winter, ' 120 y on ue EBE WCC \MUr Jas White friends im Flint, date. Mr Donald Grabam has leased ns fartm for a term of years tr a Mr Finnock from Holstein We welcome Mr Pinnock while we are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs Graham from our neighborbood. A bouncing young son mrived at the hama of Mr Augus Black a few weeks A bouncing young son sETIVEE &% """ home of Mr _ Augas Black a few weeks ago, â€"All are well, We extend congratulations to Mr and Mrs Archie Black, of South Dumfries and wish them much heaith, wealth and happiness. Also to Mr John Black, ‘pealâ€" er,‘ and bride of the same vicinity, and last but not least to Miss Saddie Blaok, of Guelph,and the man of her choice. More weddings soon, A good lively hoeâ€"down was the scene at Mr Donald Black‘s Pomona on Friday evening, Brave Men Fall. Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervonsness, headache and tired, listiess, runâ€"down feelmg. â€" But there‘s no need to feel like that, Insten to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says: ©Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all ruan down, and don‘t care whether he lives or dies, It all run down, and don‘t care whether he lives or dies. â€"It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life," â€" Only 50 cents at our drug stores. Every bottle guaranteed, 3} The ‘ For sale by H. PARKER, Durham. PLEASANT, PURE I PHRENOLINE Rheumatic Specific PHREBNCLINE PILLS Manufactu‘d on Honor & Sold on Merit THk ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS ON THE MARKET sCcoTCH};TOWN. White is talking of visiting Flint, Michgan at an early PHRENO LINE Medicines A Beaton daughter of met with a painful aneei Edge Hill. (Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout and Neuralgia, AND HEALTHFUL A sure,cure for Headache, pizziness Constipation, Indiâ€" gestion, Biliousness Brights Disease, Diabetes,. Paralysis Convulsions, Heart Disease, etc., etc. vIiS1â€" week and dwse® DA# PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS, Rich Men, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patrons, ALL DEAL WITH.... A II. H. MILLER awill have been 20 years at the business : next _ XMAS ‘DAY, and he KNOWS HOW to get money at lowest possible rates and awith best privileges. That is why the iwhole cowntry goes to him. I]Ie is lending at 5 per cent. and on large loans at 4 34. ie Soy 1 Pos, They ol 30 $ A Hundred good Farms a number of fine Hanos «ut s# ~ * Spring Need: want you to know we handle everyâ€" thing in the Harness line. â€" Harness that is durable and fits a horse comâ€" fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount of work he will do. ITâ€"~â€"â€" _ In Heavy and Light _ Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets, Ete. TE 120 0B C it udsfudeda! 7 Antaborie t ctoreinalr w odr I a term of years, his farm near the Rob Roy Hotel, being lots 9 and 10 Con. 1, N. D. R. Glenelg. The farm is at present all seeded down and is in good heart for cultivation, convenient to school and post offtice. Apply on THE undersigned | a term of years, the i)r‘gl;fi‘sfiég or to A. C. Beaton on lot to the east, or to A. S. Hunter, Durham. HUGH CAMPBELL, Nov. 13 ‘99 Proprietor. Miss Jennie Gordon is spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs. T. Long. 2 Misé Aggie Sirr returned home last Monday atter spending a year and a balf in British Columbia and Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Aitkins attended service in the school last Sunday evenâ€" ing. Mrs. D. Coleridge ir. visited ‘a couple of days at her old home last week. Mr. S. T. Orchard has purchased the old Temperance Hall in Holstein and inte nds converting it into an imâ€" plement show room: He intends handling the Noxon implements. Mr. Thos. Smith has leased the farm whioh Mr. Woods who has bought Mr. S. T. Orchard‘ farm is leaving, also Mr. Jake Yaust has leased Mr. James Eden‘s farm, n. Smith leaving it in March. Quife a change all round. _ Is RELIABLE HARNESS. cotch & Irish! Farm to Rent. . MILLER, MURDOCH. . LEAVENS :. 7{2’1’2292* HANOVER . Farms for saleâ€"Aiso Hanover Properties. offers for rent for TORONTO We Spring and Summer Qoods i of Masseyâ€"Harris Binders, Mowers, AS Usual & FU“ Llfle Disec Harrows, Rakes, Etc. You know what these Goods areâ€"the best in the market. Buy no other ! F , Two carloads of Tudhope BUGGIES to BUGGI[S 4 select. _ We have very nice Buggies and Democrats. Prices of rigs are on the rise but our stock was bought early, and a good protit saved in freight alone. _ Prices from $50.00 upwards. WAGONS! a full carload toselect trom. See our Farm TRUCK. These are the Celebrated Adams‘ Wagons. A Full Line of the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, Turnip Sowers, Seufflers, Ploughs, Harrows, Hay Forks, etc. al} in stock. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have the old established London Mutual Insurance Company, and other good Stock Companies. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 5%. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses: LOWER TOWXN + W M R Implement Warerooms. AL H. PARKER‘S s : VINEGARS from 30c per gall. Pure Spices, Ground and Whole. Flavoring Extracts, true to flavor. Windsor Sall ol $1.00 P Bonel. and Japan 25¢ ‘TEAâ€"â€"the best in the market. 1 Quart Gem Fruit Jars............65¢ per dozen. 4 Gall. Gem Fruit Jars............90c per dozen, Our Teas Are Leaders! Rev. Mr. Ryan is at present engagâ€" ed in holding weekly services in the schoolâ€"house preparatory to the conâ€" firmation of a number of the youth of his congregation, The Bishop will be present in a couple of weeks to conâ€" firm them. Mr. B. Sharpe, of Durham, assisted by Messrs Emerson Kinnie and W. Alexander were engaged for a few days in completing J. Sharpe‘s barn. Mr. J. Vessie has returned to this line again with his steamâ€"thresher and is finishing ulg the threshing as he goes along. He is assisted by Messrs D. Gordon and R. Hillis. Our 8. S. entertainment which w spoke of in our last budget has finall been decided on to be held on the 7t of Dec. and as we have some little time for preparation every effort ts beâ€" ing put forth fo make it a success. Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Dromore, alâ€" ways a favorite has promised to give We have been moving lately and have not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now ! STANDARD GRANULATED SUGARâ€"â€"â€"20 Ibs. for $1.00. M ko hh en t The Leading Spot for all kinds or Groceries. an address, also talent from Durham, Orchard and octher places is expected. The children are tag(ing an active part and are being carefully trained by their teacher Mr. L. Dickson, and last but not least a tea will be served. Admission 15cts for adults and 10cts for children. Proceeds to buy prize books for the children. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Jno. Brown is in a very low state of health at present. We hope to soon hear of her recovery. Afecling ot sadness coupled with sympathy crept into the neighborhoud last week when it became known that Mr. Jas. Horsburgh who is well know n and highly respected was seriously mentally deranged. His plan being to take his own life which he almost succeeded in doing. Every care is being taken of him and it is hoped he will retain his reasoning faculties without any serious steps being taken. H .PARKER‘S Best Preof VINEGAR, 50e per gall. Whole Mixed Spice, 25¢ per Ib. PURE CREAM 'I‘AR'I‘A]“:,e 30c 1b. DRUG STORE § * «* 2 cad. good TEA for 25c. Black MUS1 BE SACR DINNA DURKHA M. American Quilts han paterns w designs 5%in. half b per yard 68in. half b fHloral desi Pure Linen a nzxir. ** BIl‘k dong Women‘s Germ All other kinds at Big 4 pric Regular 25¢ Ix Come and Se We want vo Men‘s tancy em Jeweled Waltd Nickle Screw 1 teen â€"Jeweled never offered 1 These very long Lowrer Towx K8]at|as# Now a ancy in. racks u conside: this we rifice. make patterns le room lots, will pleas when vou : box ; No. : 1 or 8, ma a& p MacFAR OUR SPR KZ" No | un HRST CON New w _ your Cr 16. "Take no « tations are d Parker, MacH Gun, PDrugist We have of WIN that we HE SELLS CHEAP Choc t Cook‘s 0,000 Lad. W Is suce OO C NC Wil Dr: n Vi

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