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Durham Review (1897), 16 Nov 1899, p. 6

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_Â¥ > a€ Royal" is worn for what it is on occaâ€" slions of informal festivity or for everyâ€" day use. They take their name from the worldâ€"{amous | Parisian establishâ€" ments where these articles are manuâ€" factured and sold in great numbers. Our pretty Cyrano chains, the fancy buckle worn on the street or on milâ€" linery, are likely to be Palais Royal, cleverly made and serving the purpose to entire satisfaction. The Synod of New Westminster, B. C., had a long discussion on the Chinese question. ‘The laity oppose any assistâ€" ance to Chinamen, saying the Celesâ€" tials lower the morals of the communâ€" ity and are a menace to health and civilization. some Modish Fancies That Appeal to the Stylish Woman. Little brooches and fancy pins, buc‘kles, slides and ornaments other than finger rings, necklaces or braceâ€" lets are made of metal which is cerâ€" tainly not sterling, garnished with paste brilliants or "rococo‘" semiâ€" precious stones and artilicial pearls. There is no attempt to pass o[f[ these showy ornaments for other than what they are. A pretty piece of "Palais Roval" is worn for what it is on occaâ€" supposed to occupy the gruesome seat, any other member who does so hayâ€" ing to stand the expense of a supper for the club. By the use of small wires, which run all through the skeleton, its head can be turned and its n.rlms and legs moved up and down at will. Odd Chair Used by the President of Author‘s Club. The grim chair shown in the illustraâ€" tion adorns the reception room of the Authors‘ Club, of Mannayunk, Pa. No one save the club‘s President is renew ano bui.d up the bi0od, and atrengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid imitaâ€" tions by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the fw.l trade mark, Dr. Wilâ€" Nams‘ Pink Pills for Pale People. an nitack of the 0.4 UrO can therefore strongly te: aterling quality of Dr. Wi Pills. Since they did such for me I| have recomme« to several people for vario: and the pills have alwasy A TRMNIKNG BXPZR! A Nova Scotia Farmer Suffered fo Fifteen Years. to my attention an The effect seemed got six boxes more were all used 1 wa man and free {rom : three years since during that time | they gi in jeotio sufieres ha th ROAL the pa when Dr DAME FASIHON‘® LATEST. M 1 _ r6cé i {freed tiume th: {or Pale h Wi_liams‘ & the root and build ‘The Oddest of Chairs A GRUEBSOME SEAT 1 unti. about three ecelved a new lea edom from the ; ng tortured me. that Dr. Wilia Pale People wer ention and I got : t seemed maryo.« »xes more, and be ised I was again ree irom all pain. | rs since I was c at time I have 1 d hardes: working larmâ€" section. But Mr. Wright vays blessed with perfect »th he was a martyr to sa to be an incurable onversation lately with more, and before they I was again a healthy rom a‘ll pain. It is about mee I was cured, and ime I have never had the o‘d trowble, and I strongly testify to the rt 1 was suifering l by four differâ€" them pronouncea others sclatica, ire me, nor did lief, save by the ne. For years I imes confined to ible to go about me Wi\ n 7uJie wi..Ing irs for pubâ€" many years egan, s.ight usely severe y the pains tify to the liams‘ Pink good work nded them s ailments, s been suecâ€" ims‘ Pink e brought two boxes. ous and I not move s required v. and beâ€" re for Live dden, and C cure by se. They od, and driving d imitaâ€" box you wrapper 244 NCB ) | 7 man y OU | _ There are 71 marriageable young | women belonging to reigning families |\ of Europe, and only 47 princes for ‘them to marry, not counting religiâ€" | ous or political impediments. " Will I have a plate for grass ?" echoed the o‘d man in astonishment. " Will you have some pate de fole gras, uncle?" asked the hostess of her rural relative, who was dining with her. "Say, do you think I‘m Nebuchadne: zar or a horse ?"â€"Chicago News. by loca! applications, as they canâ€" not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafress, and that is by conâ€" stitutiona!l _ remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamâ€" «1 you have a rumbling sound or imâ€" perfect hearing, and when it is enâ€" tirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its« normal condition, â€" hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed _ condiâ€" tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Haill‘s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. r. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Q. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall‘s Family Filis are the best. Knew What He Meant. An oceanâ€"go‘n« captain was so much riven to using bad language that his fir:t mate made a bet with him that he could not do without swearing for a week. It went on all right for the first two or three days, until a bit of a squall came on, and the sailors were up aloft doing their different duties. But their captain was disâ€" pleased with their work. He stood it as long as he could, and then he threw his cap on the deck in a towerâ€" in rage, jumped on it, and, shaking his fist up at the men with an angry scowl, he hissed : "Bless you, my dears â€"vou know what I mean." When there is such a good remedy as Nerviline f{or all kinds of pain. It cures neuraigia in five minutes; toothâ€"ache in one minute ; lame back at one app‘ication; headache in a few moments; and all pain just as rapidly. Give it a trial. Geo. Watson, an English horge dealer, has been acquitted of dishonesty in his dealings with Fiss, Doerr & Carroll, horse dealers, of New York, and Cranâ€" dall & Son, of Buffalo, who had him arresteod for failing to pay for horses. Botter results follow from the use of Miller‘s Compound Iron Pills than from any others. An ocean given to u first mate he could n It nevor fails to cure any Oof the=0 affections, because it is sure to reach the seat of the disease, That is the reason why Catarrhozore, the mediâ€" ecated air treatment, is so far in adâ€" vance of treatment by snuffs washes, douches, ete., which â€" are . absolutely useless because they cannot reach tiie root of the trouble. You simply breathe the medicated air, it does the rest. Catarrhozone outfit, complete, price Ont $1.00 mail. That Treatment Came From the Flowery Kingdomâ€" Few people while enjoying the deâ€" :icious sensations of the massage at the hands of an expert operator are aware that to the Chinese we probabâ€" .y owe the tresitmeni. While the quesâ€" tion as to whether massage originatâ€" ed in Sweden or China has been much TT t« It is not mere theory. The result of actual experience proves that ninetyâ€" nine easos in one hundred can be cured, and stay cured of impaired heavring, by the use of Catlarrhozone. s Catarrhozone is a new scientific remedy for all discases of the nasal and respiratory passages, caused by ercised Ne Seat Oi reason whj mted air t cance of tre touches, ete iseless hbect ie root of You simp iir, it does £€ A89 CC ETV DE CS takes place that the real physical exercises are taken. Between the fifth and sixth month is the period of greatâ€" esi activity, the European dumbbell being replaced by large sacks filled with stones. It is in the third period that the back muscles are chiefly exâ€" moon a further set of inspiratory exâ€" empcisés are taken. Later on, in the second period, the various parts of the body are rubbed with wooden p.anks® uniil the muscles are hardened, and it is not untlL â€" the hardening iMPAIRED HEARING AND DEA+ NESS. itfit t mring it OHINA GAVE US THE MASSAGH. t1 A Slight Misunderstanding. Deafness Cannot be Cured ri 1€ at all druggi Serda 106. in t e doeath to the micpobic life intains the inflamed condiâ€" also through its healing and properties restores the disâ€" ans to a â€" healthy, normal irrl wel fe, fails to cure any of theso because it is sure to reach ( the disease, That is the y Catarrhozore, the mediâ€" reatment, is so far in adâ€" medoated air. fe and efficient means for ig this eeld can be had by Catarrhozone, which is a e for Catarzh in the most Hard Luck. W by Suffer ry Al discasos of the nasal passages, caused by :d if you are afiected Asthma, Bronchitis deserving of your atâ€" () in stamps for trial son & Co., Manufacs Box 514, Kingston, nd deafnes are io middle ear and causcd@ either by m or Chronic Cate ese casos cail be oss of the diseaso of _ th ird eus 4 air. O Aa direct by hian (i a locai lawyer, either to pay the debt or try the hospitality of the St. Helâ€" ler‘s prison.â€"Chicago Chronicle. an imaginary account and handing it to a lawyer, who will, unless the amount, whether due or not, is paid at once, have the victim imprisoned. Even when the claim is proved to be unfounded it is impossible to obtain damages for false imprisonment. » These arrests, too, can be procured by post for debts incurred outside the island, so that if your.debtor elects to spend his holiday in Jersevy you can compe! him, by posting your claim to II your are a landâ€"owner and the highroad runs through your land you must, under a 600 years‘ old statute, clear away all treos or shruds within 200 yards of the road, so that they may be no ambush for the wary highâ€" wayman. As you ceannot work on Sunday, you are not allowed to beg on Monday or any other day ; you canâ€" not even skear your sheep in winter, allow flower pots or your maid to staind outside your windeow, and you must when called upon go to the help of a policeman, even at the risk of hiaving your head broken. But with all these laws hanging like so many Damocles swords above an Englishman‘s head, his lot is a happy one compared with that of a resident in Jersey. In this delectable island it is literally true that every man is at the merey of every other man, wheâ€" ther in or out of its limits. Any one man can arrest another by preparing "What is the womans offence?" "She threw a brick at a neighbor woman, Your Honor, and hit a man standing behind her. ‘"The man is guilty of contributory negligence. I( he hadn‘t been an idiot he would have stood in front of her. The case is _ dismissed."â€"Cleveland Dealer. Dalley‘s Pure Fruit Extracts Dalley‘s Pure Fruit He was telling a hairbreadth advenâ€" ture. ‘"And in the bright moonlight," he said, thrillingly, "we could see the dark muzzles of the wolves," nis wWednesda, mutton â€" chop sciously layina: ment for eve Under this st are highly concentrated and of much greater strength and purity of flavor than others. A favorite dish with the Eskimo is an ice cream made of seal oil, into which snow is stirred until the deâ€" sired consistency hbhas been obtained ; then frozen berries of different kinds are added, and a little of the fishâ€"egg for fla voring. yo so that th Unuaer this would prob; forced fasti If the child is restless at night, has coated tongue, sallow complexâ€" lion, a dose of .Miller‘s Worm Powâ€" ders is what is required; pleasant, harmless. "Oh," breathed the dear girl, who was listening intently, "how glad you must have been that they had muzâ€" zles on !" k Choicest selected fruits and aro matles are used in the manufacâ€" Gen. Wheaton‘s expedition to the north of Luzon landesd at Dagupan on Tuesday. Two of the Americans were wounded. The expedition is advancing upward. The man who wishes to drive on the Sabbath, even if it be to church, must beware of the lynx eye of the iaw : for under an old Statutestill in forcee his carrlage and horses may â€" be impounded unless he can prove that his driving was a work of necessity. This statute presumaâ€" bly includes cycles and adds anâ€" other terror to the life of wheel}â€" men. To send a child to fetch your supâ€" per beer is an offense in the eyes ol the law, aithough it is " honored" by thousand of breaches evory day, and if you want to grow your own tobacco the law steps in and forâ€" bids it under heavy penaities. Perkhaps the most curious of these incient statutes is one which foruids you to cat meat on Wednesdays uncuer i penuaity of a mounth‘s imprisonment, LAWS THAT ARE NOT ENFORCED Queer Enactments Yet on British Statute Books. Some of the strangest laws _ in Christendom are found upon the statute books of England. They are never enforcedi, but they are unre pealei and liable to enforcement at any time if the ocuaston ever came to use them. The strangest is conâ€" %‘g,r&xliug transgression of the Sabâ€" If he opens his shop and conducts his business openly on Sunday he naturaily expects to be fined.. It is not long since two Bradford hairâ€" dressers had to disburse a hallâ€"Crown fine and ten #hillings for costs for shaving customers on bunday in deâ€" fiance of _ the "Lord‘s observance act." What added poignancy to the penalty was the knowiedgo that the law had been set in motion by rival hairdressers who objected to sunday, work. «. iine of 12 pence for each offense, and if his family is both large and undevout Sunday will make a seriâ€" ous hole in his week‘s income. If he is prepared to risk this penâ€" alty in order to enjoy & row .On the river or the Serpentine the law again lays its hand on his shoulder and another fine awaits him. If he scorns church and recreation _ and spends his Sunday in * exercising any worldly labor, business or work or‘ his ordinary â€" calling," his misâ€" guided thrift may be rewarded with a fine of 5 shillings and two hours‘ enforced penitence in the stocks. Sunday, indeed, ought to be day of terror for anyone who has any regard for hoary statutes. If a man fjails to attend church on the sabbath he renders himsel{ liable to 1 Miller‘s Grip Powders Cure According to Precedent. An Eskimo Delicacy. Muzzled or Muddled. n Ly jJoin t sU) 8t t citizen who enjoys int or the innocent very week is unconâ€" ) a month‘s inprisonâ€" mistaken â€"indulgence. te alone most of us pend our lives in enâ€" ENi i inapeip Dallsy‘s Pure Fruit Extra It is well.â€"Washington. Valete et plaudite.â€"Augusta. Give Dayrolle a chair. â€" Chesterâ€" field. It matters litt‘s how the head lieth.â€"Raleigh. I‘m shot if I don‘t believe I‘m dyâ€" ing.â€"Thurlow. The artery ceases to beat.â€"Heller. What, is there no bribing death ?â€" Cardinal Beaumont. I have loved God, my father and libâ€" erty.â€"Madame De Stael. I pray you to see me safe up, and for my coming down, let me shift for myself.â€"Sir Thomas Moore. Remember (the charge of Arch bishop Juxton to bid Charles II. for Igive â€" his father‘s murders.) â€" Charles T. All my possessions for a moment of time.â€"Queen Elizabeth. Monks, monks, monks.â€"Henry VIIL It is small, very small (clasping her neck.)â€"Anne Boleyn. I have sent for you (Lord Warâ€" wick) to see how a Christian can die. â€"Addison. . O Lord forgive me, especially my sins of omission.â€"Usher. Lord, receive my spirit.â€"Cranmer, Hooper, G. Herbert. Gold will save my soul.â€"Burgely. And is this death ?â€"George IV. What! do they run already ? Then I die happy.â€"Wolfe. Then, I am safe.â€"Cromwell. Let me hear once more those notes so long my solace and delight. â€" Moâ€" Mitmndertynliths uies SA w ane cpalion Ned e aan‘t T6 4P sn ie en o P i. .32 a d catcr oi ts afo m cce iicnnnneP 4 m w . P crtce l a word right to know that a gentleâ€" | # + 4 ‘h man who has lived in South Africa Iterqcted by this comparative‘y simple oo gre s e reface ", | device. zays the names of two places . we | enc ic use t t iaicte e bacaimaic e have all been much concerned about | u p : 1 iAgt lately are pronounced _ "MaAfeâ€"king" | Thet is what 1 cal 1106 and "Eâ€"land‘sâ€"lackâ€"te." The eland !s | Is what you hear when you use a small buck (now almost extinet), iss A and "Laagte" (xlne.'mshmz?in;‘:-phhum ;)r iDal:ey s Pure Fruit Extracts camping ground, so the English of the | % name is really ‘"Deer‘s Rest." | roi}‘f‘!‘_rmg fee ("'f'm' Let me die to the sound of delicious music.â€"Mirabeau. Don‘t give up the ship.â€"Lawrence, Clasp my hand, dear friend. I die. â€"Alier. A dying man can do nothing easy â€"Franklin. I resign my soul to God, my daugn ter to my country.â€"Jefferson. _ I feel as if I were myself again. â€" Walter Scott. Independence forever. â€" Samucl Head of the army.â€"Napoleon. I must sleep now â€"Byron. Let the light enter.â€"Goethe. I thank God I have done my duty Nelson. Is what the ladies say when you use The best curo for Eczema is Mijâ€" ler‘s Compound Iron Pills. 50 doses Putnam‘s Pain‘ess Oorn and Wart : Extractor is guaranteed by the makâ€" | ers to remove Corns, Warts, Bunions, ] etc., without pain in â€" twentyâ€"four | hours. Putnam‘s has been the stanâ€" | dard for thirty years, and is the on‘y | safe and sure remedy of its kind on | the market. Insist on having on‘ly | Putnam‘s, and beware of acid feshâ€" | eating substitutions. Price 25¢ per | bottle at all dealers or by mail. N. C. Poson & Co., Box 514, Kingston, i Ont., Proprietors. | Sir,â€"I[t may interest those of your readers who feel more â€" comfortable when they think they are pronouncing Complaint by Dancing Men abou; Jetted Gowns. Sequins very soon get rubbed off when the surface comes in contact with anything. But to the danger of this, says the Drapers‘ Record (Lonâ€" don), may be added the complaints of gentliemen, who have found that jetted gowns worn by a partner are anything but conducive to the preâ€" servation of the gloss and perfect condition of a we‘llâ€"groomed _ man‘s evening suit. Some of the corsages which have come under notice should be as uncomfortable and as damaging to ercircle as a thorm bush or bundle of thistles, and if the modistes will agree to put some buffer between a man‘s wrist and coat when he dances, perchance the dearth of dancing men in London ma«y not continue. Mr. George Burgess, of Lucknow, says: "I have been sick for about five months. I had a terrible Backache all the time, and my kidneys were very bad as the doctor said. I was advised to use Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. I got one box and found rellief almost immediâ€" ately. I used three boxes altogether and am recovered completely. I can do my work better now than ever in my life before." The peope of Lucknow are none the less fortunate, however, in having a medicine that wi‘l cure these disâ€" eases, even though cures are not conâ€" fined to their own town. Dodd‘s Kidâ€" ney Pils comprise the only medicine that will cure them, and there was a time when the more severe of the maladies were incurable. _ Since Dodd‘s Kidncy Pills Were Inâ€" troduced Little is Meard of the Old (,‘omplaiutâ€"â€"Buckacheâ€"â€"Mr. Geo. Burgess Explains His Case. Lucknow, Nov. 13.â€"The peope of this town are of the opinion that they are the most fortunate ‘ot of people in the country. They say they have discovered a remarkably easy escape from Backacheâ€"the enemy of a‘l peoâ€" pes at all times. They say that Backâ€" ache is reacly Kidney ache, and that Dodd‘s Kidney Pills will cure it. The peop‘e of Lucknow may be right, and indeed they are right, to a certain extent. But they are laboring under _â€"It is a wellâ€"known fact in all counâ€" tries that Dodd‘s Kidney PiIs are a specific not on‘ly for liqchache, but for a.l forms of Kidney Discaseâ€"Bright‘s Disease, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Bladder and Urinary Comâ€" paints, Women‘s Disorders, and Blood Impurities. a mistaken impression if they imagine they have made a new discovery in finding Dodd‘s Kidney Pis will cure Backache. Ontario Town Which Considers Itself rortunate in Having Dodd‘s Kidney Pills on % Hand. he Pincst i GIRLS® WAISTS TOO THORNY LUCKT LUCKNOV. How to Pronounce Them. for your flavoring Corns and Warts Last Words. BEver Tasted " TORONTO S18 m A Strange Gravestone. Up till the present time it seems that the bicycle has only figured once in a sculptured memorial of the dead, and to a young Rio widow belongs the credit of having originated the idea in this instance. Shac was introduce to her late husbana while out whee} Ing, and, therefore when death put an end to her marriage, she thoucht it suitable to introduce the cycle in her husband‘s memorial. She according‘ly desired the sculptor to depict hor first meeting with her husband, ricyceile and all, and herself in "rational" dress, in alto reilevo on the marble graveostonce. ‘The effect is said not to he exactly artistic.â€"Undortaker‘s Review. Memory in Summer and Winter. Rcientists have discovered that the memory is stronger in summer than Mimard‘s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. In 1877 the Transvaal was prPQtiâ€" cally a bankrupt, Gold mining soon afâ€" ter became a paying industry, and in 1889 the direct receipts of the treaâ€" sury from gold mines were $8,096,â€" 070. Members of the Volksraad now recvive a salary of $6,000, or 20 per cent. more than the pay of an Amerâ€" ican Congresman.â€"St. Louis Globeâ€" Democrat. * in winter. Among the worst foes of the memory are too much food, too much physical exercise, and, strangeâ€" ly enough, too much education. It takes a man on an â€" average avout a day and a half to fall i"~ love and five days to buy a hat. In Japan there are pagodas of conâ€" siderable height which have withstood the effects of the frequent earthâ€" gquake shocks for centuries. The secâ€" ret of their stability is that they are fitted inside with a beavy timber besm construction, which hangs from the roof like a clapper of a bell. On the occurrence of a shock the efâ€" fects of the vibration are wholly counâ€" teracted by this comparative‘y simple device. Put up in twelve GLI1eront ijayOns. P en nfi iealicuabe ho nroeiromenmennnitmece Bishoy Welldon‘s Linguistic Feat. r. Welldon, the new Bishop of Cal ulga, has accomplished a linguistic eat. Bix months after his arrival in India he took a full confirmation serâ€" vice in the Bengali dialect at Ranaâ€" chat, in the diocese of Caleutta. There are many in the episcopacy who take up the study of the Indian tongues, but throw them up in despair. Bishop Welldon, however, persevered, and got on so well that, besides the service uamed, he has already given a sermeon in the Bengali vernacular, which is the one mostly spoken in the Calâ€" cutta diocese. Dear Sirs,â€"A few days ago 1 was taken with a severe pain and conâ€" traction of the cords of my ‘eg, and had to be taken home in a rig. 1 cou‘ld not sleep for the pain, and was unable to put miy foot to the floor. A friend tod me of your MINARDS LINAMENT, and one hour from the application I was able to walk, and the pain entireiy disappeared. You can use my name as free y as you like, as I consider it the best remedy I have ever used. Christopher Gerry. Nothing finer to be had than Dalley‘s Pure Fruit Extwacts C. C. RICHARDS & CO Leydsdorp, ete. * A viei (flay) is a pool of water, mostly formed in the rainy season. Rooinek is the term of contempt apâ€" plied to Britishers, and means "redâ€" neck" ; it is not infrequently prefixed by the adjective "verdomJde" _ (ferâ€" domdy). Rooibaatjes is Cape Dutch for ‘‘Tommy Atkins," or redâ€"coats. A stoop (pronounced stoop) is a raised plitftorm in front of a houseâ€"someâ€" thing like a verandaâ€"on which the Booer loves to take his weed. V rouwâ€"meaning nousewifeâ€"is proâ€" nounced "frow." _ Slimâ€"often applied io Gen. Piet Joubertâ€"is cunning or artful, or, â€" slangily speaking, "fly." "Rporel" is chap or fellow. Baasâ€"proâ€" acunced soâ€"is master, and baas op, boss up. To inspan is to harness or tether horses or cattle; to uitspan is to unharness. UCitspan is also applied to the resting place of the animais. Worlog is war. How Various Boer Words, Now Often Used, are Pronounced. Tlhe name of the pPresigeut «» ~2 Transva@i Republic, says Uho Loudon Mail, is written Kruger, but it is neither sounded Krooger nor hrowger, butâ€"as near as can be indicatedâ€" Kreeâ€"er. Tue word Transvaal is, lit erally, ‘‘across . the yellow" (or yelâ€" lowishâ€"brown) river. Rand, short for Witwatersrand, is pronounced as i it spelied rant. ‘The word veldâ€"the final "t" is sometimes addedâ€"means lleld or common, and is pronounced felt. Kopjeâ€"a hlllock or piece of rising groundâ€"iIs neither kopâ€"jay nor kopjee, but koppy. Dr. Leyd‘s patronymic is pronounced Lides. The Boer Parliaâ€" ment House is called the Raadzaal, and the Parliament the Vvolksraad, the "v" being sounded like "tL," Berg is mountain, the plural being formed by the addition of "en" after the "g." A drift is a ford, and a dorp a town, or village. Thus we have Krugersdorp, Ingerso1, Ont KRUGER IS * KREE larthquakeâ€"Proof Pagodas. Thrift in the Transvaal. in twelve different flavors to be had than What did Lot say when he saw his wife had been turmed into a pih.lar of sa‘t for looking back ? Can you tell, Robert t" I "No marm." | _"Just think for a moment and see if you can‘t remember." l Robert (tentatively, after a pause) | â€"Rubberneck ! | Illinois coal miners may strike out of sympathy with men in the west and southwest, to which parts opâ€" erators send coal. , FINEST FRUIT and STOCK FARM and COUNTRY HOME IN ONTARIO or Canada, Railway. N'.;';',‘,‘";;r_‘;‘.;: A ;l"‘l;l‘;"dlll’, country, Cloverover 3 feet; Timothy over failing remedy, It not only relieves the CHEAP FARM LANDS I came to this County from Ontario, and have dene well here. Would like to see more of my countrymen settle here. Land® with rich black soil, clay subâ€"soil, hardwood timber, healthful climate, pure water, near nmslmu. schools and churches. On the ‘Soo‘ country, Clover over 3 feet; Timothy over 4 feet. Big crops of grain and vegetables. Fine lands at $4.00 to $6.00 per acre. Fasy terms. Cheap fares. Write for mapsfand informationâ€" B. M. KING, The best anu muoss popuiar commercial school in Canada, Write for our elaborate Catalogus, % W.J, ELLIOTT, Principal. Mich. S HORTHAND, Typewriting. Bookkeeping, Pem FIP suverint Ens se e d _ " Bay County" is the garden of Michâ€" igan. Write for maps and information to Bay County Land Office, Bay City, ‘ ~18SUE No 46 1899 CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Strattord Ont. "be P. F. SALLEY CO., Limited, 170 acres, 45 in fruit; electric and steam rail ways within five minutes walk of gate : (barâ€" gain), Address box 63, Hamliton, Ontario Sugar Beet and Farm Lands. Lalley‘s Femily Pills, Dalley‘s Family Sailve, Dalley‘s Eye Saive BDalloy‘s Horse Saive, Dalley‘s Conditicn Powders, A Few Snaps! In some parts of Russia the food for the people consists at sent of acorns, leaves and the bark of trees. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Golds, ete wantyâ€"five conts a bott‘e | last.â€"B Chippewa County, Wisconsin sA 6 The regular price is 25 cent reduced to 10 cents. ‘The above medicines are the very best of their kind or class on the market, and are winning many friends for their excellent qualities. vt Typewriting. Bookkeeping, Pvnhmnshlp etc., practically taught in the famous iller‘s Compound Iron Pilis, on!ly cents for 50 doses. â€"DACOD Winslow‘s soothi S{Tll & ever remedv. It not nnlnv‘m i-v':u ?;.'.N....u iuty is as summer fruits, which easy to corrupt and â€" cannot Prices within reach of all FOR SALE. Hard Fare in Russia,. Hamilton, Toront6 and Montreal. Weyerhaeuse, , Chippewa Co., Wis. «KK cents 10c. 105. 10 only preâ€" soft 10. « w w 108. x# tR th In 11 t] @1 H h fu U of som: mplifted bankruyp the firs that ro ment w Christ | looking ecstatic tion _ th Look! Long ag sinner, » Christ. mortal } but withou nesses or + en has do gleeful, so @ali you by th tw en Jesus! But Of your ; the it : hea qui ser cou pour of 1 CHd sto habi roon worl witn rive cide, lovir rede to t abou the eart} one rapti tha roo rea tho rig old wh lot fir ul u

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