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Durham Review (1897), 23 Nov 1899, p. 1

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W nee ot our friends E5111)“ a tale bong I 8tores Bower 'elephone hours I. My reached. v that 350 will continue m "d.rtaking Bani-c155 callb- Ilor in Durham 1.1858 and (It. all old a: d new rune! me oy AE 5 If Durban cluding w '"'"""Y e Kress. t TAND 'AIIIO A SPEBMUV " tht bumper than ertnki"ur Pro of the "'r'r1T/,, /" r/ij.) {7/3 sown. ONT. SHEWELL ONE, C Town Durham tor 00cts -- LACK. CJ‘VALOGUI E KRESS m 00 Late.. TIE! DOWN a up any ELIGIBLE FLEMING, J.iMrfiktWii." Emu: HILL. 19NT. Io w flMlllllif ll t, l'numy of Unable ho " '0'" " XI KC Ito or mum tot.. it. Townnhip of own plot, Dur. y."eltte. 19mm- Mi btt n bavers , an. m I’f/‘f; nly I Kala (‘17, run! ll h to It A ItEucEs'r.-wili those in arrears for the RENEW please pay up this month. Our supplies. Perforce have to be. paid in cash, or 30 days at the long- est. and at this time publishers have heavy bills to meet. Your attention is kindly requested. Call either at the printing office. or at Gum’s Drug Store. Lower Town, and Receipts will he giv- en. Examine cut clubbing rates. . The Rev. Rural Dean Robinson Itecs tor of Walket ton, will conduct the extended Jubilee sevwces,both morning and evening in Trinity Church on Sun- day nqxt. Mr. Robinson is a favorite with Trinity congregation and, no doulrt, theservices will be well atttend-‘ ed. The Rev. Mr. Ryan hopes that alli the members of his congregation to. whom he sent addressed Jubilee envel-i opes and who have not yet returned‘ them. with their Jubilee offerings. will _ if possible do so next Sunday. Hey.' Mr. Robinson will preach at Egreniont ( in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. . wA'rsos--F_tsoN-.At the resi- dence of the bride's mother on \Vednes- day Nov. 13. 1899 a quite hut pretty wedding took place in the presence of numerous friends and neighbors when Miss Katie Ferguson, of Balsam Valley, was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Mr. Thomas Watson, of Egre- mont. At " o'clock Rev. Mr. Matheson, of Peceville. pronounced the couple man and wife after which the entire party sat down to a sumptuous supper .and amused themselves to their heart's 3 content. We wish the happy couple every success through life. LOYALTY IN Barns" CoLtarmA.--t" l an interesting letter received from Missl Annie Smith. formerly a pupil of out-stl and now a teacher in Revelstoke B. Cal there is an interesting account of a dis-i play of loyalty when the voluntee’rsi were leaving for the Transvaal which[ we reprodues: "We are having a half holidavto-day, as we had the school) children all down to the staton this morn ing at eight o'clock, to see 'Our. British Columbia contingent' for the Transvaal. We had quite a nice parade, led by our city band and volunteers followed byl over two hundred school children carry- ing tiags. The band played 1tit:,e.i:.iel the Pride of the Ocean" then the volun- _ teers fired a volley ovei the train, which] was followed by the children singing! "Britannia," and giving three lusty; cheers for the soldiers. to which the! soldiers heartily responded by three cheers for the school children. Just be- fore the train pulled out the commander- i in-chief was presented with two lovelyl bouquets, of Revelstoke flowers, fromi two of the small pupils. The soldiersi were delighted to see the children and l begged flags from them: to keep ii) souvenirs of their reception by the children. The last salute from the children was the singing of the “Maple Leaf Forever” followed of course by three cheers in f All aboard 'i'r'4rlllU/teutgtfgt cheers from the soldiers the train “drew mW" Mr, John Kinnee has erected a. Heat wire fence as a ere-sung on the top of the new retaining wall at the Method- ist church. A convenience that resid- en ts on that street would now appreciate' would be a sidewalk however simple to begin with. TREES FUR FALL PLAN'rrso.-sett Govshue of the Horticultural Society wishes to announce that the premium trees foe members of th Society have arrived and members are requested to call as soon as possible and receive them. Menford is about to vote on n hy-law to grant 8Gi,000tud towards the erection of a million dollar elevator. A clause in the agreement specifies that Meaford animus. workmen, mechanics ete., shall have first preference as emploves. Endeavor Concert at, Knox, Norman- hy. Friday night. of which a chief feat- ure is Rev Mr Campbell's lecture on his trip to the Samuenay. A collection is to he taken in aid of the organ fund. FARMERS or SOUTH G'mgy.-r have a large a large amount of priyate funds on hand. to lend on Mortgage security at. a very low rate of interest. You will save money by paying off the old mortgage. J. P. TELFORD Lucas. Wright a Batson.--At Dur- ham omee Mondays and Court Days, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. The evils accompanying or flowing from the use of cigarettes are vividly shown in the extract contributed by the W. c. T. U this week. Read it. SERVANT GIRL 'J,?,ige;,-c,2fg at ance " Rev. Wm. Farqnharson tr, ur- ham. Wool is up to Iiic it lb. at The Big Store. Business Men's Letter Papelj VOL. XXI. No.47. Local and District News. Should be High Grade in style, quality and finish. We print high grade busi- ness paper' at Moderate Prices. Are you oat? AVPitEcrA'rED.-The Peel Banner of Noy. I. has the following regarding Rev. Mr. Farquharson, now Presbyter- ian minister in I9arhamt--"Rev. Mr. Farquharson preached his farewell ser- mons to the Pres. congregation of Claude and Mayfield on Uct. 22. On the Friday evening before the people of Mayfield Church waited upon him at the manse to bid him farewell. The occasion was pleasantly marked by the presentation to the rev. gentleman of a handsome gold watch and chain, a testi- monial from the Mayfield chureh mem- hers. Mr. Hugh Craig read the. accom- 1eg,1T, address and Mr. Peter Spiers ma e the presentation. Mr. Farquhar- son made a feeling reply and ._spoke with evident emotion. Short addresses were made by Mr. Jno. Marshall and Mr. Neil Little. who was chairman for the party. and Mr. Hugh Craig. Dur- ing the eight years that Mr. Farquhar son has been pastor there has not been a ripple in thergood feelinf existing be- tween him and the #tsrtie d people,' and the same can be quite well said as re- gards the Claude" Church. Mr. Par. ttgr,',",',',',',',' departure for Durham is eeply regretted and sincerely so.” iiiitttttg, Yocsc, PEOPLE’S PArurn..--A copy has reached us of the first number of the Young Peonle's Paper, published by T. J. Shanks & Co., at Kingston, Ont. This journal is intended to he to the young folks of Canada what the Youth’s Companion or Harper's Young People is to those of the United States. so far as the much lower price-half a dollar a year-will permit. The. number be- fore us contains an interesting selection of short stories, anecdotes, accounts of travel and adventure, glimpses of natural science, bits of useful informa- tion. and other, matter especially suited to the youthful mind. In an article ad- dressed to parents particular stress is laid on the importance of seeing that their children are supplied with some- thing better than the trashy and de- grading literature so common at the present day. We will be greatly obliged If all those receiving accounts for subscription this week will kindly attend to it at first opportunity. The little yellow label will show the date to which the paper is paid. Don't neglect it because the amount is small. If convenient will be pleased to have you call either at the printing office upper town, or at Gum's Drug Store, lower town. Best way to mail money is by postal notes. Ask for them. Report of U. S. S. No.3, B .and G. for October. 4th--L. McKechnie. Br. 3rd--Manue McKnight. Jr. 3rdd-Hazel Dargayel, Wm. Cofrield. Sr. 2nd-Wm. Smith. Maggie Murdsch. Jr, 2nd-. Jessie Stewart. Ellen CotBeld. 2nd pt--- Idella McAllan. Bryce Dal-gavel, Chris. Williams. SI. Ist-, Annie Stewart. Bessie Duncan. Jr. lst-G. \Villimus, F. Hawker, Joseph Coffield. J. F. Grant, teacher. Thele' are more. excellent features in the Sun than will he found in any other week1y--Bystsnder's comment, candid editorial discussion of public questions. up-to-date agricultural matter and far- mera' market report. Send postcard to the Sun Omcv,Toronto, foe sample copy and be convinced. Cluls thrth the Durham Review. The municipal nominations this year will be held on Friday. Dee. 22. The statutes chap. 223 Bee. 121 provide that when the last Monday in December is Christmas Day, the nominations for the office of Mayor and Aldermen shall take place ou the preceding Friday. GOOD b'Totuc--Mr. w. H, McAllisLer sold recently to Mr. Jno. Aldred an 8 mos. old Durham calf for the remuner- ative figure of $60. It is one of his own raising too and from a cow bought from H. Parker’s herd. It pays to have good stock and to keep improving. as; the calf sold for. 80 more than the cowl cast! 1 CLEAN CostEma.--we learn that; the show in the Town Hall last, week was ttufit for ladies' presence, many of whom lett in disgust. We commend them for it. This week's show Is reported clean. How would it do for council to ask a guarantee deposit of decency? NEW TAILOR thmp.--Robertaon & Sons, tailors, have rented the. rooms lately occupied by Jas. Allan as n tailor shop, and will now conduct their business, the oldest of its kind in Dur- ham, in their new quarters. We wish them success in their move. l Look at the large new stock of Cap-l Ix MrrMomaa.-on Sunday last the 'erines and Furs at The Big Store. J. home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Weir was A. Hunter. idesohtted by death in the loss of their Amuch needed improvement is that ' loving and beloved daughter and sister gravel tu, the Moody corner and on , Maggie. For months past she has been down town streets i in poor health and thoughnt times there Mr. S. Arrow4mith's artistic handsiwas rally, death had been in tlte cup, are making the Methodist church front :“nd ayoung lady of Rreat promise and look quite handsome. i “rinse?" has passed CT She was 'Q a ewe er or some years an Was em- Walkerton (Jon-neil has placed :.:,vee,t:,,att,t fitted by her amiable disposition public telephones in the east and west! li . l d . of the town for fire alarm purposes. ‘and other qua. ities, nature. an acquir- l, ed to adorn her chosen calling. Sympa- NEW .P"et BrmP.--Robertaon &lthy strong and deep goes out to the Sons, tailors, have rented the. rooms mourning parents, brother and sisters, lately occupied by In. Allan as n talk?" l in this the first break in a. loving home shop. and will now. conduct their f circle, The funeral on Tuesday was husmess, the oldest of its kind in Dur- one of the largest seen for some time, ham, in their new quarters. We wish and evinced the wide interest and sym- them success in their move. pathy felt over the premature removal CLEAN CostEmi-We, learn that the [(humanly speaking,) of this bright show in the Town Hall last week 1ty,l',1',.1,'lf, life. Rey. Mr. Farquharson tvofit for ladies' presence, many of whom , assisted by Rev's Matheson, Pvieeyille. left in disgust. We commend them for II and Farr, Atwood, conducted funeral it. This week's show is reported clean. I Services. '; Mr. Alex. McDonald. Crawford, came a home Thursday last after spending i,' three months in southern Manitoba land North Dakota. He speaks highly I of the country and its possibilities. He i called on the Cameron's, Neil McDona- Z all, and others and found them all pros- (peeing, with no hankering after farm 1 life in South Grey. ievery week, and me cwo pictures "tsac- l This is the title of the design ot what is : tle of Alma" and "Pussy Willows." Idoubtless the Ig.",.'),',,':':',",."',,' and 'ge.'h,trntii,1tti . . . . .cover page ever mm in ans a. line es l Write are issued for Provincial hye- l of maple leaves .of summer and autumn lelections in S. Brunt. E. Elgin w, El. l hues, amongst which are mixed embossed . 3 itll, coins. surround tt picture representing Elsi" and S Ontaaio. All four on s t eSpiritofthe Rain and the title, "TOR. l Dee 12 l ONTO SATUiiiiAr i)'gieg,1W,re,te,e,',1eh'.' . . - . .mi.. _ jMore Beautiful smbols o Canada’s ms- l 3perity could not expressed. The k l PERSONAL MENTION liltfrelf cogidtaiiis t,i,1yifrt pages. profusely , . . - " ustriit p.v ea ing artists. artistica y I My John MacArthur, Peeve of Arte _ printed, and containing stories by the most I inesia, was in town Monday. l popul‘ar Canadiiin writers. sb/tet,',', slrtches . ' . . . _ tum siort descriptive paragriip s. mong l Mr. Rogers, Cedarville visited town ithe authors who contribute stories to this l friends on Monday. I ttttatt; Grant As?.'.,,"., YPt.1gli,rciel".'irgt . , . . ' ens e Jameron, rs. en: i. up. . ac i Mr. Crisp, London, son-in-law of Mr. i Crnwford. E, E. Sheinard. Joe T. Clark, .John Firth. is at present one. visit here. _ Phillip? Thyr?ptum tut many others.. The I , 'mam pictorial supplement is a copy, in its I Mr. Chas Scott came home from the , original colors. of that classic of animal (North Wesst. Saturday, looking hearty. i paintings by Rosa Buiiheur. entitled the I . lHorse Fatr, The purchase of this picture i Mrs. Melligan returned last Ytytltt.fe..s: $55.31) by I(loréieliu; Ps"la'it',l: its l ' . . . . - I reseutation to t m t ow Cor etrnpo itan i/roy a fortnight 8 visit, to friends m De I Museum of Art, and the recent death of 1 troit and Hamilton. . Rosa Bonheur and Mr. Vanderbilt, all lend l Mr. Angus Cameron, who spent the I interest to everyone who has seen or heard , . M it b t 1 home i of the great picture. _Lven the brush marks lsnmmer m am o R, re urne( ‘made by thegreat artist are faitliiull re my I . Y I I ast week. duced by embossing. and nowhere in an art I . . store could the picture be bought for five Mr. William Carr. of Valparaiso, .tinios the price of this superb Christmas (Indiana U. S. is visiting his sister Mrs. 1Xumber and its four other tsupplementary i Fi h f hi l plates. Some of the stories are very funny tJohn tt% , o l. " town. mud all of ttthy,',' “god. audntlie illuztriii _ . T . . tions are y owar , Sam miter. Jar I Miss ye.rtom o.f Toronto. will “El” Ahrens. W. Geode. Innes Kilvert, Gordon "evangelistic seri'lces In the Methodist and. Challeiier. _E\'ei'youe should feel iChureh on Sunday Nov. 26. Miss Nor- i 'tttrt Iltffl‘ert [lil'tile great enterprise ' . ;st0wir y tie pit isiers to or er this ( ton comes highly recommended “3 an collection of good things at the nearest news {effective speaker, and successful worker r'lt'l',n,t git-1mm one a}: the boy re/lh'itli','if,,'iti': _ . . ie WI is iers are t e S ieppiir u is " ("' the vineyard of the Lord. Eng Co., Limited, SATUlfliAy NIGHT Build- 'i Mr. Alex. McDonald. Crawford, came ' mu. Toronto, and the price Is 50 cents per 1 home. Thiirsdiiv Inst aftpr nnnndinolcoPy' Rainfall. only 0.2 inch. General direction of the erly and light. Generally the sky much clouded so that the passage. of the meteors was not seen at this station. Sunshine only 11.6 hours. For the Week Ending Nov. 18, 1899. Temperature. Max. Min. Miss Norton. of Toronto, will begin evangelistic services in the Methodist Church on Sunday Nov. ar. Miss Nor- ton comes highly recommended as an effective speaker, and successful worker in the vineyard of the Lord. A GREAT JOINT Stock Company.--- The Family Herald and W eekly Star, of Montreal, may he considered the greatest Joint Stock Company in the world inasmuch as each dividual sub- scriber is a stockholder, and receives in- terest on his dollar every year. The management of that great paper lay aside a certain percentage out of every subscription sent in towards Improving the paper, and thereby give their trub- scribers a bigger dollar’s worth than any where in any part of the world. It is said to be the only paper on this continent to carry out this particular joint interest. plan, and its wonderful success is largely attributable to it. Subscribers this year certainly receive the greatest dollar’s worth on record-- a twenty-fonr-page (192 columns) paper every week, and the two pictures "Bat- tle of Alma" and "Pussy Willows." ( WELBECK PIE BocrhL.---Ftiday night past. the friends of this school section. IMiss Lena Wolfe, teacher, held a pie social which was a marked success Mr. Jno. Corlett. was appointed chair. man over a large audience, briet ad'..' dresses were given by Dr. Smith. Mr, Hay and others. The Misses Truax gave two fine duetls while two lady and two gentleman Violmists discoursed tine music. Mr. J. A. Hunter lent of his musical talent and was heartily en- coxed. Mr. w. S. Davidson appeared, twice in clever recitations. Besides} these from Durham were Dr. Wolfe, and daughter Phoebe. Dr. Burd and) John H. Hunter. The pies sold well! and the loyalty of the. boys sent Ity high, that of Miss Ledingham’s 1orinsr.1, ing 81.Wi, Mr, Lawrence. being the: happy purchaser. Proceeds were $33.85 l WEATHER BULLETIN. DURHAM, THURSDAY, N0WlhlrmilR23, 1899. November wind, south.. m 21 AUCTION bULE.--tl. T. Orchard, Lot 16, con.2. Emmont. will have a sale of Farm Stock and Implements on Tuesday Nov. 28 at l p. m. B. H. For. tune. Auctioneer. Died. McArtTrrtm-At Beulah, Man.. on Sept. 27. Flora, daughter of Rev. John Mc- Arthur. IDecetsed was a cousin of Mrs, Joseph Firth. Edge Bill, and Mes. A. McArthur. of the Glen.] OT No. 9, West of Garafraxa. St. L containing 33 feetfrontage and tall depth of said lot. Good dwelling house and shop. with good well ot water, also a first class baker's, oven, lately built with fire brick, all on said lot. Apyly to J. M. HUNTER, or F L. MQCAUL. Manv have friends at a. distance from South Grey who would appreciate the REVIEW weekly. with its budgets of news from many localities in this Chttttt- tv. Begin t.his week. Enquire for clubbing terms. Mr. Alex. Bell was a pupil of Mr Mul- holland in Ireland. and the mutual re- cognition in "the hush" wasn delightful We have been informed of an incident of that far back time. Rev Mulholland was called on to otnciate at the f uneral of Mrs Henry Lee. On teaching Hutton Hill graveyard. the grave was found filled with water. The Rev gentleman conducted service over the reumms and the friends dug a. new grave. The 'John Edge' in whose house the meeting was held was the father of Mr. Elias Edge, of Aberdeen. We have been informed that the leader of the music was the late Henry Wil. liams whose widow still lives in town, and the following list is we believe correct as faras it goes, of those who were present "50 years ago. " Rev. H. R. Mulholland, 0. Bound. Robert Cuff. Durham. Mm. Robt Cuff " ' John Davis, " Mrs. G. Whitmore, ne Davis $6 David Ho kins " Mrs. H. Williams t. Samuel Lawrence $6 Alex. Bell " Ann Hopkins ts Thos Hutton $$ Mrs. Geo. Hutton " Jas. Edge Edge Hill Mrs. Jas. Edge " Mrs. Samuel Edge $s Joseph Firth " Edward Hopkins Allan Park John Hopkins " Elias Edge Aberdeen Mrs. Blake. no Hopkins, Hanover Mrs, Patchell. ne bdge, Dobington John Moodie U. States John Edge tt John Hopkins B. C. Oar request for information as to that first jubilee service has met with several responses. but we are ehiefiy indebted to Mr. Jas. Edge on this score. We regret the 'gqtlire' was not in such good health as to permit him to be out. Mr. Thus. Davis also kind- 1y _v_olun_teered for us. The letter of Archdeacon Mulholland in last week's Review has amused no lime interest and we regret our 'egi'li'; ot Reviews was inadequate to furnis all inquirers with a copy. When the Maples Turn to Gold. FOR SALE or TO RENT. THAT JUBILEE SERVICE. Lower Town, Durham. o.-.. ONTAFTI HARVESTING, 2% 'tat 35$: 2gltt " Ideal " and " Pony?' Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. Also MaxweilfBinders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHE E LS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbellpt London. Bell, Pplterty, Thomas and Berlmmakes of PIANO and ORGANS. SEWING MACHINE. A largeptock of New Raymond and Wil- liams Sewing Machines and supplies. a: t a W‘nlnnnua...TTnn-I- 'r-. r,....,.cci",tLth- MCKINNON. v I WAnzmous -Upper Town, mruL11h Wilkinion J'loughs, number CULTIVA TING. Coulter d; Scott Drills and Cultivators. Disc and S de Har- rows, Seuffiers, Etc. AF; Scotch Diamond Barrows. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : . everything for farmers} We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit a continuance of the same. "Large Sales & Small Profits." l to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Solepltites, . Etc. Not genuine unless the words $6 Wm each piece. Wilkinson Famous TORONTO Wa" fiiiiiiiihiiihhiCiiii.' we beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash system M1MMMMMMM8lWeWetM'eet1trtettf, the yards " WrLtiprsosaPumarrtcoohsv " is cast on Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. Watch this Space ADOPTED BY tC, G. & J. McKECHNIE. Next Week. C. L. GRANT . McKechnie. WHOLE NO 1132. Q Send in your name for e _ trial trip to end of the year Q tor only 100. To the end s of the century for 81.00.

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