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Durham Review (1897), 23 Nov 1899, p. 4

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:33: , o' DURHAM REVlEW. -' -"---C, - v I '_'.'..--' ----------------------" . Sunday last a full turn out of Erie; 'rtntntdtt - ; copalian worshippers within twinkling _ y, NOV 23, 18H. 1 from other denominations tu1ed Trinity WAN 1tttTES.--Day by Day. Church completely, the occasion being - i the Jubilee of the orgartixatiott of their Tarzan.“ E church in Durham. as interestingly re- . . t i. ferred to in the letter of Archdeacon v,ll'r,1sgtBt1,t,rnei'ibt', Tft) i, Mulholland in hast We Review. . . . , . h _ . of heree cpnonudmg is going on leads to 'r, 2htgrr,',",',e'giyde."oif 1't 33:3th Lining?! that . general tre"altiq being i toar. lent A ERIE iuterest to the may - . - .I _as_, L..). A. Tn§nnlr planed Details of Brilliant and heroic ex- plous " Mnfeking are arriving though our two weeks old. Over 6000 British troops have reached Durban. and no tdnnco is expected. An enmemem between the Boon sud natives is reported to have taken place 3nd that the Bonn got worsted. Fun". A decidedly fresh piece of new: to- day. An armored train went inspect- ing from Esteenrt to coleuso end run int: n trep. Going north all was lovely. but on coming buck :he tnln In dermled end Boer guns elreedy placed in four positions commending the spot commenced a murderous fire. A naval 7-pounder replied from the train bat was soon silenced by been" urtillery. Only the engine end tender got back to Colenso with 16 wounded clingingtoit. while the Boers report 8 Britons killed. 11 wounded and 90 captured. This reveree will put armored trains out of fashion though why they were no of their guard it is herd to tee. A upon that Gen. Joubert has been killed has been proved "on-lg. Such stories and that tho Boers are renting are now seen to be hula devices to draw oat the eager Britons. Sum”. Lottie to specialize. Bullets army numbns 27000 and growing every day. The beleaguered, places all right. Meson. Detailed accounts by mail from two correspondents of London papers of the early battles give graphic details of bravery and blood. An attempt to rush Esteem: Ina brilliantly repulsed. Saul guns again. Beer army seems to be increumg. and acusely entering Cape Colony, when an attempt to isolute De Alt " hem: made. Gen. Mezuurn is in charge of the column to relieve Kimberly. and is said to be within a) miles of it. Citgsntie ploughs of 20 horse power are to be sent from England for trench making. Four feet deep and straight any. Tcxsnn. The Boer {ones are moving south evidently Lo prevent a junction of Bri- mh forces. which Ire growing larger. The advance is to be u threefold one: from Durban, Eant London. Ind Cape Town. Ladysmnh though still sur- rounded is considered "te. A great bulls is expected soon. Ir. w. L. Dixon (In: Results. We are pleased to publish the follow- ing information which may be of value to other nanculturists. Here is . test of the Improved Ligowo Oats 1 imported from France n few years Mo 8 lb. were wwod on April 2. and ripened Aug.19. Weight of min " bush. size of plot 1.10 of an acre, thus yielding 75 bush to the we at least, for the grain was admittedly not well up tinted from the straw. The ground bad no mutant-e. was broken from sod in spring of m sown with pm nnd on. and seeded with clover. After. growth of clover W38 ploughed down in the fall and land worked with disc hmow in spring ot99. The seed mu . Ramage. which yielded 1061tm, 100 lbs of this was sown in It69, and yielded 55 bushels by measure most of which Mr. D. has nl-, ready sold as seeds. A test taken as it came f mm the machine. weitthed 48 lbs. This test followed roots. Four varieties of oats from Guelph were also tested. b1h of each Ming sowed on 1 sq. tod. as follows; Siberian 13h lbs equal to 63 bus. Jeannette 313125 " " ar .. Buvunn l5 .. " 709; .. Poland White 10 " " . t7 .. would he pleased to Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile. of Wash- tca,1. i. He WH'E>I Your bottles of Electric Bitters hm cured Mrs. Brewer of sertrtula, which had caused ber great sum-ring for year-x Terrible sores would break out on her head and bet. and the out doetors could give no help, but her cure is complete and her health is excell- ent." Thin shows what thousands have roved.--Th" Electric Blue" is the best £1006 puritUr known. It's the supreme remedy for menu. letter. uh theum, ulcers. bolls tad running bores. It aim- nlum laughing” and touch, tyd'. Pu"o'", " W" bailda " irtmngtts. Only " cents. Sold by our Dania!» GM. 4 These are interesting tests and -_-- GRAIN EXPERIIENTS. Memory Barley um: nd Prom: héar from others. cmrrtcB. ceived from the Bishrp the rite of --t-- ' emttimtntioet, and the interesting cere- Bishop Baldwin Present. mony was “so perfbrpsed try the ---- Bishop " Egremont in the atterttotm. Sundaylad a full turn out of Epis- The service lasted about 3 hours. cupalian worshippers witha sprinkling yet the Bishop notwithstanding his trout other denominations tilled Trinity arduous labors fur the day seemed to l‘kun-k nnnin‘nlulv she occasion heintt be med Nrith great vigor. ion, and to the older heads of Trinity i who for more than A generation have ": kept its light hurning. it must hove; time at rejoicing as they cootrasted the I past with the present. And who” not all rejoxcing. for a reminiscent look will certainly recall memories of long lost. friends who, in their day. were side by side with them in every good work. The church has been just burly over- hauled and with new carpets, walls. motives. &c. all artistically freshened up. presents an attractive apparent-e, A n the “turning service Rev. Mr. Farr The church has hauled and with mounts. ac. all up, presents an a he entered on its application as an em- hlem ul Christ. the Rock of Ages. There were three sourves of opposition to Christ at that time: Israel, the church l and the Gentiles, and it was round the l, stcne Christ Jesus. that much of pres- ', ent das rejection was still taking place th the Jews and others. There was _roouifot rejoicing also that it was it stone of union for the churches were E united on it, and the time would come ll"when all crowns would fall on one l head. all sceptres {all into one hand" i The Roman Empire. then at the height l of its power. was now a. thing of the 1 past, the rejected stone of that day now l having the homage of over 400300.000 I people. After referring to the supposed mate erial origin of the incident of the stone, UR The winning influence thatjs making Christ more and more the chief stone of the corner lies in his character as well us his work. It was twice recorded that he Wept: once over Lawns. show. ing sympathy with the home Once oiei Jerusalem showing sympathy with the otate. He loved Israel yet they rejected him: the Elders. and leaders knew the min- utite of the bible, how mnny words, letters. Ac. in it, were observant of types tsad symbols. yet did know him who‘utbe and of all types. he im. pressed Pilate so mach that He accepted him. but notwithstanding they were bound to reject that "stone." Now "from Tiberius to the humbleat Sheik" kings. empires. and petty chiefs had weed away. hut Christ lived more prominently than ever in the hearts of men. The fall of no monarch or Em. pile of to-day would cause such interest or convulse Christendom as would the announcement of Uhrist's coming. The stone, once rejected, has now “vaulted over all human power," and not only Time but Eternity hangs on his name. There were three masons why his Dune was above evexy name, and there- tore well adapted toconfcund infidelity: I. Because he has risen from the dead. 2. He is the only one whocan take away sin. 3. He is looked upon as pre-em- eniently the coming One, Who remem- bers the "butter-fly existence" of infld- els or looks for their return? He l rejoiced that his church took no part in l the uncalled Parliament ot Beligions' _ at Chicago in lim. for however heauti- I ful were some ideas, there was no re' ligion to meet sin in the heart. In al- his 40 years experience as a watcher of the gospel there was no trut that gave him greater pleasure to Eraser". than that "the blood of Jesus hrist cleans. eth from all sin." He closed an able discourse by an earnest appeal to look to Jesus who was not only head of the corner now. but. unlike the heroes of antiquity "whose ashes sleep in neglec- ‘ted tombs" he is always the Coming One The church in the evening proved (nite inadequate in accommodation. aver la) were unable w obtain ad- mission. The Bishop preached an impressive and most suggestive ser- mon on the “Silences of God.” showing that ttoughGodotten waits long his time tor pumghments and reward are always certain. EVENING . Milka; Mr. J. A. Hunter rendered solo “Nearer Home." Bishop Baldwin impressed all who heard tiimassheintt an able and de- voted servant ot God, of great Cathol- ieity evangelical in his teaching with a pleasing presence and deliverance. At the Asylum nu ...- -_i-e"e'" onto, London. Kingston, Hamilton» Mimim. Brockvilel and Orillia: the Central Pl ison and Mercer Refornmmry Toronto; the Refornmtory for Boys, , irenetanguitltene.t the institutions for gDeat and Dumb, Belleville. and the l Blind at Brantford. l Two sufticieut sureties will be re- i, quired for the due tulfilment of each l, contract. Specifications and forms of ; tender can only he had by making ap- i plicatiun to the humans of the respec- tive institutions. N. B.--Tendets are not required for ‘the supply, of meat to the asilums in i Toronto, London. Klngston. Brannon “’ In“.-. rim“ The nudmsigned will receive tenders for supplies. up to noon on Monday, Dec. Ith, ISA). for the supply of hutchers‘ meat. butter. dairy and creamery. giv- ing the price of t/ach. flour, oatmeal. potatoes cordwood. eta. for the follow-- mg institutions during the Tent 1900. x"tz.."-- At the Asylum. for the Insane in Tor onto. London, Kingston, Hamilton. Mimic". Brockvilel and OriUia: the Central Pt ison and Mercer Refornmuwy Toronto; the Refornmtory for Boys, . . AL» hunk-"inn: fur L'UHU'EWI. n-P.-...----.,V,, tender can only he had by making ap- plication to the hursars of the respec- tive institutions. N. B.--Tendets are not required for the supply, of meat to the asilums in Toronto, London. Kingston. Hamilton and Mttnico nor to the Central Prison and M ercer Reformatory, Toronto. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, . 7-9__ out., advertlupo sunny iu'k'rytcu. Newspapers inserting this advertise. went without authotiry from the de. parttyrnt. will not he paid for it. It. Christie, T, F. Chamberlain. James Saxon. Inspectors of Prisons and Pub- lie Charities, Parliament, Buildings, Toronto, Nov. 20th. 1899. ls called the yuletide number. and with its innumerable illustrations is certainly one of the most artistic mag- azines ever sent out. Aside from being the leading fashion publication, it con- tains much choice literary matter from the pens of well-known authors. The household and social discussions are " my rim.“ with and are of real worth. the pens of well-known aulnors. me houwhold and social discussions are ably dealt with and are of real worth. An interesting story. “The Poppy Lady" by Cornelia Atwood Pratt. disposes of the impression that the union ufmtistlc tempel‘mnents is hostile to domestic happiness. Fidele. by Helen Choate Prince. is a dainty sketch of the implic- it, old devotion animal pets have for masters and friends. A Christmas goon). "The Legend of the Yulefire" by dith M. Thomas. is an impressive ef- fort: in a somewhat lighter strain are the vases. "kisses Kept are Wasted" by Edmund Vance Cooke. A timely and styntestiy.e urt'icl‘e is :rter, Iva': auu ""ebeh'"""'T --.~uv.< __ - _ en's Occupations“ by Lafayette Mc- Laws. Concluding the series "The Great Scourges of Humanity. by Grace Peckham Murray, M. D., is a Valuable paper on "Cerebral Discrders." In the 1ttyh"a,t, "Club Women and Club Li e", Helen M. Winslow writes charm. ingly of the 11ltet.e't Clube of 5t,'ytt, - I __ ___ :__._..-5:_.. .m:. n v Illsl’ \Il WV WM v---v-. - - v..._ - - A very clever and instructive article by Emma Haywood gives directions.for mnkinR Christmas gifts. Of particular interest are the Household topics: inex- pensive Christmuéifts. and some hol- iday desserts. In dition. the regular departments are unusually blight and original. Social Observances. y Mrs. Lei%ed:Themilliner, The drusiunker, crocheting. tinting. knitting. the newest books. etc. "fiiiijillrtymn ' Suhsription price of The Detineator, 'Loo a year, single copies. 15 cents. . Order from the local meat for Butter- ick Patterns. or address The Delineator Publishinf Co. of Toronto, Limited. 33 Richmon St. West, Toronto, Ont. Almost a MIRACLE To the Phrenoline Medicine Co., Ltd. Ottawa. Gr.srrancrrs,--I hardly know how best to IW,',',",', my apprecmtion of your valuable r enmutic remedy. Phreno ine. My son Gordon, who is 9 years old, has been a sufferer from inflammatory rheu- matism for the past two years; was so had at times that he had to he carried about. on a mattrass; was attended by two city doctors apparently without the slightest benefit; spent 10 days at Caledonia Springs, came home with no marked im rovement l took three bottles of a 'jl21'i',';'i'llcir, remedy now being extensivelv advertised. which did not relieve him in the least. I was be- gmning to give up all hope of his recov- ery, when hy chance I mentioned the I case in a friend who strongly advised ; me to give Pbrenoline a trial. I did so, with the result that when my hov had taken only half a bottle he was able to get on his bicycle and ride like any other boy around the block. I certainly feel that I cannot my too much in reuse of your medicine. and shall do all I can to make known its value to others. Yours very sincerely. THE DECEMBER DELINEATOR. |"'"'"m'" Wa'Wdeaii" - - __ $me bar" Wood’l Photphodine is sold in Durban by In. R. Gun mm t Co.. trnd 1 R. Parker. Drum. the Great snow -e m. , . Bold and recommended by " U' dramas in mm. f2t reli- r.6h' 2S "d able tgdl,eeri,,'iif, about?” salt: tom: o Weakness. nll enacts of “use or excess. Mental Worry. Excessive moo! To. ”: 'e'it,,8'lil'e",' t2'e',"d.t'ht 3353 'il rat'. 0 .one use we . x. . ”may! Lamp?!“ tree weal-2%.. "t'tt more Phantom. (Signed) REUBEN CLARK. Dunn. Sept. 9tth 185. will receive, tenders t a tlnei - __ The Hanover Conveynnoer "Alway- Prompt, Never Negligent. All business Strictly Private. H. ai,AiH,,',U,Q,f, 'tg,', by)!!! to El'il lisa' If: fr')lh'll%. gOWmto 2% mt); u privileges. That 'i"'ti'hi'.i whole country goes to him. e is. lending at 5 per cent. and on. large loam ' .. my tt n my may all any so A minaret! goéd Farms for tsa1e-Attro a number of fine Hanover Properties. Spring Need IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse com- fortably, will bring prpfit to you in the greater amount ot work he will do. Pic“: -- in Heavv and Light Harness Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets, Etc. THE undersigned offers for rent tor a term of years, his farm near the Rob Roy Hotel, being lots 9 and 10 Con. l, N. D. R. Glenelg. The farm is at present all seed ed down and is in good heart tor cultivation, convenient to school and post ottiee. Apply on the premises, or to A. C. Benton on lot to the east, ortoA. 8. Hunter, Durham. Nov. 13 '99 Rich Men, Poor Man, Grits, Tories and Patrons, DEAL WITH. . .. catch & Irish l Farm to Rent. PROTESTAI‘I'S and CATHOUCS. . MILLER. . LEAVENS HUGH CAMEBELL, c'. M'iler HANOVER. TORONTO ttttite 'rt Spring of Hwy-Hum: Binders, MI As Usual a Full Line Dina-noun. mm Ete. know what these Goods "e-the beat in the when Buy no other i V t l Two etarfoadg of Tudhope BUGGIFS to l seleet. We have very nice Buggies and V qf" ' Detnoemts. Prices at rigs ere on the rise hm our scoot wee bought early, and . good peottt sued in freight alone. Pnees’ from 850(1) 'tIt"" WAGONS! s full oer-Iced meshes . tlee our Fem TRUCK. These ere the Celebrated Adsms' ngons. A Full Line ot the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Turnip Bowers, Sonnets. Plough; Barrows, any Forks, em. all in stock. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have the old established London Mutual lulu-once Company, and other good Scoot Companies. LOTS or MONEY to Loan at " lunar of lull“?! I Mill ji. PARKER BN A Choice Selection of new Fruits, &c. For the 'Xmas Tam LOWER TOWN Implement Warerooms. SUGARS: Pine and white Iceing. Paris Lumps. Granulated l YA; NUTS : Wuhan: Grenoble. Almonds, Filbert: Brazil and Ite. nus. CANNED GOODS: Fraser vaer Selma“. Tomatoes ' Corn. 1'cr, Coeoa, Coconut. out! Chocolote. Chance Confection») . All Kinds of Funny Groceries It Bottom Prices. Xmu- Fancy Goods 3nd novelties in Stock and uriung daily. 'X MAS GROCERIES RAISES t Selected Valencia. London Luann. Black IUskets. 5M“; . - CURRANTS t Chance Ila-cleaned. CANDIED PEELS t Citron, Orange, Lemon. Tm: B)it?'T_'l7ilNiNfp__Crf8iriiTEs IN Yifii'icCiiii"iWEN.' We have been moving lately and have not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now! aaadat $3311.. WM CALDER and Summer Goods FOR H. PARKER. lssuor of IARIIAGE Licenses- M Mowers, You BE SAC DIN DURHA Ame ri qui ll make racks consid this w rifice. Fancy In. - 52in. 68in. ttor Pun- patter room will when OUR a In Men'ts 1 Womel All 0th " Big lowest. Regal! We 0W HRS] iiatt Jewel Nicki, teen never very We th of Inn! box t or qtar

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