West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Nov 1899, p. 5

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CTC 1 n ridhope BUGGIES to ery nice Buggies and ot rigs are on the rotit saved in freight Sewing Machines, /E S is Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Ete. You Buy no other ! eR sCry " ive MARRIAGE Licenses: KER. 0P( 0nX Qoods LDEPR TRUCK. These not had time etc. ave and 309 t Tac ADase N 3 i \<] #J \Big 4 â€" > MUST BE SACRIFICED sTas las lus es Ins las |ns las [ P tX l.#-OUR SPRING STOGK?IH DINNA FORGET DURHAM, . New * *â€" * & Wall * £ * Papers ; FAsasasasasrasas HE * Shuis _ CS D CHEAP ! ! American â€" White Crocket Quilts handsome Marseilles paterns with fancy centre designs $1.00 Fancy bed comforters 60x72 in. $1.25 52%in. half bleach table linen per yard 25 68in. half bleach table linen floral design, per yd 350 Pure Linen Towels 25 to 50c a pair. ‘ Men‘s tancy emb‘d Slippers ... ... .70 «* ** 4: Pla‘.)c‘.)etrimmeds 1.00 «* Chocolate dong kid slippers$ 1.15 «+ Bl‘k dong slippers handm‘d$ 1.35 Women‘s German felt sole sl\ggers .60 All other kinds of Bouts and Shoes at Big 4 prices, which are the lowest........ Regular 25¢ bottle shoe dressing 20c 93 L’\l‘_ 64 44 &6 lm Now arriving, but we cannot make room for it on our racks until present stock is considerably reduced. To do this we have decided to sacâ€" rifice. We have some very pretty patterns left in one and two room lots, which we know will please you, especially whenâ€"you see the price. Come and See us in our new store We want your trade. W. 1. BEAN These. Prices will not last very long. Lawrr TowX A' GORDON) MacFARLANZ & 60 Lowesr Towx HRST COME, FRST GHOIGE 1s successfully used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask ’{our dru?lst for Cook‘s Cotton Root Comâ€" T-d. ake no other, as all Mixtures. pills and mitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box ; No. 3, 10 degrees stronger. $3 per box. No. 1 or 5, mailed on receipt of price and two #â€"c2n! ltamg:. Tho Cook Company Windsor, Jnt. gxayâ€"Nos. : «ngd 2 sold and recommended by as respousibie Drugisic in Canads. that we carry a full line of WINDOW SHADES. KX No land No. 2 sold in Durham by Parker, MscFarlane and Co., and Jas. Gup, I‘tug ists. esnt $5 BILL! Cook‘s Cotten Root Jompound DrugGaoIsts AND BoOKsELLERS Will now buy z}‘,Se}'ep OF DURHAM, Oxt. ONT. in Federal politics this week the public attention has been mainly attracted to Provincial. affairs and the speecth of Hon. G. W. Ross at Whitby, in which he made his first importaut utterance as premier of Ontario, and defined clearly and categorically the program and policy of his Goyvernment. _ The address Wwas an admirable elucidation of sound Liberalism and covered theâ€" ground thoroughly and well, it show.. ed that there was no thought of haltf ing in the progressive development 0, the Provincial resources but thatâ€" stimulated by past success, the Govern ment was determined to make the achevemerts of the future distance in every respect those of the past. Brietâ€" ly surmmarized his program is as follows:â€"1. Survyey and development by means of roads and railways of New Ontario. 2. Improvement of the means of transportation particularly the country roads. 3. Reclamation of swamp lands. 4 The storage of perishable farm products during periods of low prices. 5. The perfectâ€" ing within the Province of the treatâ€" ment of raw materials, such as nickel, | copper and iron ore _ Such a bill of | tare as that should satisfy the most l epicurean oppositionist. The way we are growing is well shown from the following fragmentary |â€" excerpts from a recent bulletin from | : the statistical department. "The deâ€" | velopment of the cheese export trade is marvellous. We sent a little over $500,000 worth of cheese to Great Britain in 1868, and in 1898 we sent $17,522,681 worth, thus far surpassing the exports of the United States which last year tothe mother country were only $3,267,607. Of the total exports oft Canadian manufactures in 1868 cheese only formed 3 per cent in value while in 1898 it formed over 31 per }cent of the total exports of manuâ€" factures. _ To whom have we sent the bulk of our products? _ Our best customer during these thirtyâ€"one years has been the Motherâ€"Country. _ She has taken more than oneâ€"half of the whole, or $1,260,5065,5063. â€" Our next best cusâ€" tomer has been the United States which country has taken over 955, 000.000 or ©305,500,000 less than the United Kingdom, and others in less proportion. _ During the thirtyâ€"one years Great Britain‘s purchases from us have increased five times what they were in the first year of Confederation, in the same period the United States‘ purchases have increased about twoâ€" thirds more than they were in 1868. Great Britain which purchased in 1868, $4,400,000 less than the United States bought in 1898, $58,300,000 \ more than the United States. In the absence of anything startling â€"Lord Salisbury in ‘the 4nidst of national cares mourns the loss of his wife, who died Monday. ; â€"A great and good man has passed away in the person of Sir Wm. Dawâ€" son. The fruit of his work in‘ the fields of science is not yet all gathered. â€"Emperor Wm., wife and two sons are at the English Court. â€" The .visit is ealled a family one, and will .be really so owing to Ladyâ€" Salisbury‘s death, They have been enthusiasticâ€" ally received, â€"The election of Mr. Latchford in | « 8. Renfrew last week by & majority of | | over 300 gives the Mail and some uther |. papers a chance to show what a downâ€" | . fall in the majority bas taken ;place | : from 1400t0 300. This is an inftance |â€" of a glaring partizan "blind" where | ‘the whole truth" is kept out of sight. The fact that in last contest three canâ€" didates ran, two of them practically dividing the Conservative yote is conâ€" yeniently overlooked while the history | of the eonstituency shows that it is by ; no meags a grit hive. . It is we conâ€": sider a cheering omen of the success of i the Ross government. | â€"A little provincial political temvnest is raging in Manitoba where the elections take place on Dec. 7. Premier Greenway has issued an adâ€" dress to the electors, in which he | states his confidence of a fourth success !tor his governmenrt. _ He points out‘ what they have done for the farmers by judicious railway aid, and efforts for cheap freight rates, and says : ‘Our attention has been continuously deâ€" voted to the problem of placing our settlers in the posiiion otf having a | readily convenient m«=rket for their pro | ducts, and of secerring the lowest possible freight rates to the sea board. 1 T think I can with propriety state 1 hat OV OTAWI 1MR I “"(;ll;ing. $1.00 pays up to Jan. 1st 1801. ‘ Let your neighbor know. t h oo io d o dhtone d alaiP it â€" 4 1 our efforts in both directions have been in a great measure successful.‘ Greenâ€" way himself and three other ministerâ€" ialists have no opposition so far, though it may develop before Nomination Day, Nov. 30 our independents are rnnning. Ge: on to the REvIiEw List for 1900 and get the . balance of this year for w(\NTF’.IL-SE\'E}‘-AL BRIGHT AND HON est persons to represent us as Managers in this ard close by counties. Salary £900 a yoar aud expensos. Straight, bomaâ€"fide, no more no less sala ry. Position permanent. Our reference, any bank in any town. It is mainly office work conducted at home. Reâ€" feronce. _ Enclose selfâ€"addressed . stamped envelop» Ts Dont NtX COMPANY, Dept. 3, Chisago.. tt cmummacs c rme: l : §A wwA Fine plowing weather the past week and many are taking advantage of it and we hope it may contnue for some time yet. f John Livingstone has put in a faithâ€" ful summer‘s work, being in the emâ€" ploy of some of our best farmers, alâ€" ways commanding good wages and being anxious to secure a good winter‘s work lett this week for the Ste. district (and as the song rhymes) and a lumâ€" bering he will go. Mr. Joseph Boyle has lately received a right royal welcome back from the West not by high flowing remarks but by his old friends and neighbors turnâ€" ing out cheerfually and plowing for him about 17 acres which is now ready tor the seeder in the spring. Joe is on the look out for to buy a good team. Messrs R. and W. Moran have built a fine dwelling house this fall which wonderfully improves the appearance of our burg.. The Townsend family have taken their departure from our midst and are now domiciled in Uncle $am‘s domains. We all extend a welcome to Mr and Mrs. Thos. Jack who now occupy the Townsend premises largely for the convenience of the school. Mr. Samucl Beatty, of Holland, has been engaged for to take charge of our school for the coming year. a year, is be&)ihing much weaker inâ€" clines to sleep the most of the time. He is almost 90 years of age. Old, Mr. John English, who has been confined to his bed now for over Some thirty of the young folks were invited to the residence of Mr. John Duncan‘s one evening last week and no doubt enjoyed a pleasant evening. Mrs. Donald McQuarrie, of Bentinck, is at present visiting with her daughâ€" ter Mrs. Neil Livingstone. W. J. Bell lately sold some twenty steers which he bought up during the summer. Dan. Livingstone now guides the plow for Mr. A. Ditner. Miss Gertie Kaiser, of near Clinton, is visiting at her unc.es K. E. English. Mr. John McLean has moved over to Berkeley where where he has leased a farm, and is also engaged loading wood. Cigarettesmoking is an evil almost if not quite as great as intemperance, and the lades of the W. C,. T. U, bhave unâ€" dertaking a crusade of a most comâ€" mendable â€" character in starting an agitation against it. _ If the use of cigâ€" arettes were confined to grown men the evil would not be of great proportions, but the habit takes possession of growâ€" ing boys at in age when they are unable to control their appetites, and almost before they know it they becoms slaves to the use of these little coffin nails, as they have been called. Their health is rapidly undermined. their brains dulled and their energies sapped. The use of cigarettes changes a boy from a bright. ‘quick, alert, active youth to a heavyâ€" witted, leadenâ€"complexioned, unambitâ€" ious person. There are thousands of cases in which boys hayve been carried | off with tuberenlosis induced by the consumption of cigarettes, while in tens of thousands ofinstances hboys who might have become ornaments of soncâ€" iety have bad their ambition destroyed by contracting thi» evil habit. These are conclusions not only of the ordinary observer. but they are deductions by the professors of the sehools and collegâ€" eourAmerica who have watched the boys under their care and marked the changing character of the youth in :!h(;i:l‘ colleges as the habit became firwly xed. Suunks s + â€" P dn l o e orngoct omm Professor Boltwood, Principal of an Illinois High School, pointed out to an anudience recently that a steady deterâ€" foration had taken plwwe in one of the athleiic teams af the place, directly traceable to ciganette smoki‘:f. He further observes: "I have noticed hoys who have come into the school bright. intelligent pupils, and huve seen themm begin to fail until fualy they were unâ€" able te carry their work and have left school complete failures. Nine out of ten of these cases 1 have found have had theit origin in the use of cigarertes, Their use dulls the powers of percep:â€" tion, weakens the ficulties, and finally undermines their bodily strength also. A physician told me lately that he bad this year attended twelve Evanston ‘ Bboys under sixteen years of age who were afflicted with heart trouble and that eyery case Was due to the excessâ€" livp use of these white coffin nails, as they have been called." Selected by the W. ACURSE TO YOUNG sOYS. Glascott. To restrict the use of the cigarette is a peculiarly fitting work for the womâ€" en of the W. C. T. U,. The evil strikes at the boys whose judgemet is immaâ€" ture and who are liable to become vicâ€" tims of the babit before they get a knowledge of its farâ€"reaching effects, They ought to have the sympathy and assistance of all classes of the communâ€" ity in whatever steps they find necessâ€" ary to attain their object. For growing boys the use of tobacco is bad enougb. It stunts their growth and dulls their brain; but the use of tobacco in a pipe is not oneâ€"half as bad as the use of the tobacco and opium mixture that is found in a cigarelte, all present. Cooperâ€"Wilsonâ€"Luther Vert‘s pet! tion for new drain be accepted. . En gineer to prepare plans and submit t« council. $ Reeve and A ssesser got $3 and clerk $4 for selecting jurors. â€" $2.50 was paid to Assessor, a balance on equalizing U. 5. Section No. 10, West Luther and Proton. McArdleâ€"Wilsonâ€"That the sum of $4.530 be accepted from Neil MceDonald as taxes in full for his property, part lot 12, for the year 1899, and clerk inâ€" struct County Treas. to erase the same from his book. Dr-.hlil(-,\Vill'imns was paid $3.50 visit to Peter Whittle. Collector was instructed to Stephenson‘s taxes less $2, f« road work. $$.80, Proton‘s share oft cleaning drain No. 21 was paid to Mr. Howe, com. for W . Luther. Wilsonâ€"Cooperâ€"That the following Barlies be paid for work Div 1â€"John evine for %ravel $9.45, John Brown reâ€" Bairing culyert on towuline P & E., roton‘s share $1, Colin Ray work 27 sideroad, con 5, $6.75. W H Eflis digging ditch con 4, $6.25 grant, James Shea gravelling on 22 sideroad $5. Thomas Ryan gravel $7.58, P McGrath repairmg culvert on con 4, $1, Wm Brown for | work on con 4, $6 grant. Cooperâ€"MeArdleâ€" In Div. 2â€" Ainsâ€" worth Jack ropnirin% bridge on 17 sideroad $3 grant, Jas McKay graveling on con 9, $3, Chas Gillies building culâ€" vert $2.50 Wrightâ€" MeArdle â€" In div 3â€"Wim McNalty ditching on con 16 at lot 23 $6.80, and repairing bridge on con 16, 50 | cants, H Anderson gravelling on 12 sideâ€" road $2, Jos Billings ditching on base line div 3 and 5. $5 grant, G Haw for gravel $2.900, Thos Ferris for gravel $1.40, Win Richardson repairing bridge on 7 sideroad con 18, $55 grant. Met at Hopeville Nov. Cooperâ€"MeArdleâ€" In _divy. 4â€" Peter Smith for bridge on 27 sideroad $29 grant, David Briggs for cwlvert on 27 sideroad $13 grant, Thos Johnson reâ€" paiwing culverts $6, U Vanalstine reâ€" pairing â€"culverts $3, Geo, â€"Woolsey, repairing approach to bridge $2 grant, W in Wright work on 27 sideroad $8.75. Jolhin Wilson same place $9 being money received from the sale of timber on road allowance, Thos Wiltshire $6.80 for halance on ditch in div 3. 4 and 5 grant, Geo Woolsey gravel $1.50, Win Gordon iepairing bridge $2, R Goodfellow road job div 4 and 5 $4. o n Pn s s00 5U hi 1 P . t 2 oL stt on en P oc Mc Ardleâ€"Wrightâ€"In div 5-â€"-Jowph‘ Bowler for building bridge on T L Proâ€". ton and Artemesiaâ€"Proton‘s $7.50 grant and road job $6.75, J Brown for road K)h $5. Geo Moore for gravel $2.30, J {Aoore for gravel $5. David Allen was paid $8.85 for coffin, and Win MceNalty $1 for digging grave for Peter Whittle, an indigent. H. E. Glendinnn’ig was paid for Tp. Stationery $2.50, I1 Blacklock printâ€" ing $3.50, Municipal World Supplies C«mperâ€"Wrightâ€"-ThM Geo, Sageman be qraid for gravel div 4, $2.85, div 2, $8.% and for repairing cualvert diy 2 75 cents, work on 32 sideroad $1.50. Cmperâ€"\Vilsonâ€"-ThM the treasurer receive from J A Cooper $17.75 being the amount realized from sale of timber on 2 sideroad between con 7 and 9. Wrightâ€"Wilsonâ€"That the Commisâ€" sioner of div No. 2 be omrowered to have railing placed on hogs hack on 22 sideroad as xoon as possible. McArdileâ€" Cooperâ€" That a grant of $10 be given to make road at lot 10, con 8. Wilsonâ€"Cooperâ€" That Geo Wright be empowered to haye aitch deepâ€" oned at lot 18 con 14. to be carried to a Wilsonâ€"Cooperâ€" Ihal be empowered to haye ened at lot 18 con 14. to he sufficient outlet, Council rec‘d pay up to for diain No 15, 14 days o QCouncil to meet at Ho: at 10 a. in. _ x We are offering the Revirw.to Jan. 1. 1801 for $1.00 and would like our friends to. make â€" this offer known. Council rec‘d pay up to date 14 day ‘or diain No 15, 14 days on Ip, business Council to meet at Hopeville Dec. 15 t 10 a. in. Tnos. LatGHLIN, Clerk. A bridged from Herald. Proton Council. TILL 1901. ed to receive C, $2, for certified 10. _ Members Sm p ts . o4 d sum of pet iâ€" for é;‘THKIN(i T IIINGS & OI FAl ONTARI | OOR CHIBLAN REMEDY ! Is the only preparation for those Who are troubled with this ‘ Complaint, and who want a sure ‘ Cure and a permansent one. We understand what the ingredients In this preparation will do And how to combine them To do the inost good. Ask For GUN‘S CHILBLAIN CURE And get it, JAS.R.GUN tde‘s x BltGk DON‘T FORGET When you are about to spend your good money, Dont Take Anything For Granted, . If a pediar comes alorg with something. that will cure everything, dont let him perâ€" suade you into buying it. That‘s his interest,â€"not yours. Loan and Insurance Agent,,. Conveyâ€" ancer, Commissioner, &c. LLOANS arranged without delay, _ Collections promptly made. Insurance effected. MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest. Officeâ€"one door north of S. Scott‘s, Durham. Miss Margaret Cun RADUATE OF PRESBYTERIAN G Ladies College and pupil of the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, is prepared to give lessons in Piano and Harmony. OFFlCE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘s Block. â€" Residence first door west of the Post Office, Durham. E. J. FREEL, Terms moderate. Arun%eemenu for sales, as to dates. &c,. must made at The Review office, Durtham. â€" Corresâ€" pondence addressed there or to Hor- ville P. O. will be promptly atten ed to, Terms on applications to D. McPHAIL, Hopeville P. 0. or to C. RAMAGE, Durham. Honor Graduate of Trinity College, Toronto ; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. ; Member of the Detroit Medâ€" ical and Library Association. Six . Years‘ Mospital Kxperience. VPPER TOWN, IDr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. RES.cENCEâ€"O14 Bank Building, opposite C. McKinpon‘s Implement Shop, NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF TRHRE Powers of Sale contained in a cerâ€" tain Mortgage which will be {)ro- duced at the time of sale there will be sold by Public Auction at the Kl)agp House, in the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, on Saturday, Nov.25th A. D., 1899, We issue Tickets to all points at Lowest Rates. At the hour of two o‘clock p. m. the following valuable Town property, viz.: The. third Division of Lot number One, and the second and third Divisions of lot number Two in the First concesâ€" sion west of the Garafraxa Road in the Township of Normanby in the County of Grey, containing together one hunâ€" dred and fifty acres of land more or less, save the small tport.ioms sold to the Railway Company for A roadway. On the property are said to be the following _ improvements : A large clearing with frame dwelling, log barn CS " 0_b tharun ahrmt 40x60. with DENTISTRY. On the property are said bO Uf """"~ following _ improvements : A large clearing with frame dwelling, log barn and frame bank!barn about 40x60, with stone stables below, and frame addition about 14x18. The property is splendidâ€" ly watered by spring creeks, is said to have food soil, and is very conviently and p eosantly located close to Varney Station and Village, and only about 3 miles south of Durham on the Garafraxa Road. The property is known as "The Woodland Farm." ( or to Or C OAE e e t 0 Auctioneer, Durham. or J. P. Trrroro Esq. Vendor‘s Solicitor, Durham. Dated at Durham this First Day of November, 1899. * UPPER TOWMA, DURHAM. . L. McKENZIE ... DRUGGIST.... TORONTO MORIGAGE SAE! PHAIL Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey.. HOPEVILLE. Oâ€"17 *A L2 1j FebE A M Dumon M ills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leascs, A;:nemenu. &e. corncuyulpmod- Estates of deceased persons look , and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Accounts prepared and passed . Surrogate Court Business, Probme of Will Letters of Administration and GuMhnNd Obtained. Searches made in Registry Ofhce an Titles reported on. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at lo w« st raues of intorest. Valuations made »y a competent and careful Valuator. LUCAS, WRIGHT & BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS. Money to Loanâ€"Company and Private Funds. Low Rates. . Easy Terms. OFFICESâ€"Owen Sound, Markdale and DOTOMN, Note.â€"At Durham, Mondays 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and Court Days. At Priceâ€" ville, Mondays 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. Collections and Agency promptly ,mndod F 7 w OBCS wemeania Flour per @Wt ... Oatmeal per sack ...... Bran per cwt ... . Shorts per ewt Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, *+* Peas, +* Oats, ** Dr‘d Hogs, per cwt Hogs, live weight ... Lard per lb Taliow* per lb Butter per Ib, Tab ... »* Roll Eggs, per doz ... Hides, per owt Calfskins _ ... Bheepskins ... BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, 4C. WOOL I B LUCAS W HWRIGHT C A BATSON TWEEDS & YARNS GROCERIES & We osk Inspection of our THRS. $. SCOTT. STANDARD BANK OF CANAMDA CAPITAL, Authorized . .. .. ..$2,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,00 RESERVE FUND ........... 02%,00 . LEFROY McCAUL. AGENTS in all principal points in Qntario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. A general Banking business transacted. Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed at current rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and upâ€" wards, Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at a distance. OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Block, WAT CHES! DURMHAM AGENCY. mm : naamanaayyn> One of the largest stocks in Town is to be seen at arrister, Yotary, Gonâ€" u) veyancer, Qtc., [to..... lon%y to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. LOWER TOWN. DURKAM. we are prepared bo Dallâ€" dle your WOOL & other We ‘ar () prej produce to your entire satisfaction. pRY GOODS, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, &e., Of best quality. DURHAM MARKET. Repairing promptly attendâ€" All Styles and Prices right. Dont forget to call. " Head Office, Toronto. can give you Bargains. W. S. DAVIDSON. JEWELLRY STORE, . A. MCFARLANE W. F. COWAN, President. W. A MSHARLMES 6 wae se en en 0 t es ~ s*% er bushel ... per ecwb .. eight .. .« wR c , THUB 1ss . Roll " es‘ WE _ iss â€" ass Sound, Markdale and Durham J. KELLY, Agent. dnAE wqenmnt â€" s1 TT w# «ie & + $1 80 to 82 25 2 00 to 2 25 0 85 to 0 55 to 0 24 to 4 75 to 4 10 to 10 to 04 to 17 to 17 to 13 to 7 00 to #5 to 60 to t(Over the Bank Next to Bank. mape. (voraeqrat 0 85 0 17 155 24 10 18 14

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