:33: 39‘ Let tho night bring m. And the morrow-who known What It Brings ot misfortune or BE'PrER V BE CONTEKT. " h always ot light That wedrmm in the night; And we sub tor the sun and the mor- Miller's Compound Iron F " cents for GO m. Ileana: Mun Chains Nutt chains are very elm moon and are made of t links ot gold and enamel i flower forms, with a law: hanging at one side. Anotl any in a ribbon with Jewe m at intervals. When the nations of Plum em'~ barked on the policy of militarism they dld not. intend to place a cor- der on the back of every laboring mu, bot once started in that direc- tion they found it lmmible bump. Btmilar minions will produce simlt lar results In America as In Europe. But colonies Imptr a standing army to maintain them.--mriinetori Demi. crat Journal. mind'- Human: Cura- aa etc The Easy oeseent' Jr-ru-iii-u,,, Now we know how that magnanim. ity was rewarded. We may feel per- fectly confident. we. who follow Mr. Gladstone. that Were he alive, and had .he the control of the destinim bt this country. it would not be possible for him. nor would it enter into his con. templatlon. to make terms after this war, to make terms tttWh as were made after the skirmish of Majuba Hill. (Cheers) Sir. I remember well that time. I had a great personal devotion to Mr. Gladstone. That personal de, votion made me regard with hope any course of policy he thought fit to adopt. but on this occasion I confess I felt deep misgiving. I did not believe that the world was ripe for such an experiment. My misgiving mattered very little indeed. become I was only a private member of Parliament. un- connected with the Government ex- cept as u faithful supporter: but I cannot help looking baek to it now and remembering how completely the fears I felt at that time have been realized in the result. (Cheers) Ho Im- from the Boers taking the mngnnnimity as it was intended. They regarded it as n proof of wenknem on which they eould encroach. and it was with a deliberate and conntnnt encroachment on the terms ot the settlement that the Boers l 'ii'?.e,rPr,! the sublime magnanimity of l n " nA-AA.__ Mr. maustlAe. Miller's Worm children: hoalthr ammo onward. and the hopes for the World and humanity at large would have been inrinitetsr brighter than they are. It was not merely, it I may no express myself. that Mr. Gladstone. an I believe. wished to apply tho prin. ciple or that religion. which was so dear to him in international policy that made him make that attempt. Mr. Ghtdtttone---it is Very little trnown, exvept to thme who were most inti. mate with him, had an overpowering conviction of the might and power of England. He thought that Great Bri, tain could afford to do things owing to that overpowering might and do. minion which other nations could not allord to do without a risk ot mimm. underattuttiinr-teheero--Ur, for that reason. which I think has never been clearly enough set before the public. he endeavored. after what was un- doubtedly a reverse, to treat with the Boers as ll no such reverse had taken place. WHAT Mit. cm \DSTONE WOULD DO. The Cour,e or meats. the finger of l‘nnidmic». if you will, make it alto.. gether impovlbln. airmen) The next Incident that We had in connection with the Barri was the concession ot their indium-nuance to uS. Then them came the incident which is usually n.9- wn-lnted with the name of Majuba. Hill. Now, gentlemen. I venture to think that thero has been a great 1tisuttderstaruilntr of that trannae-. thm. The lmttlv of Mnjuba. Hill was "(Pt " Very orreiderabie battle at all -lt was: a mere "irmuh,--and concur- rently with that there was) an at- tempt on the part of the then HOV- C'rnmt-nt to wtla pont'cdully tho Issue In the Transvaal. (Cheers) A SFBIJME EXPERIMENT. Now, whatever you may think of the result of that attempt, the thing in “Hell was a sublime experiment. ((7heprs.) It was an attempt to carry Into the print-inh- of international policy the principle of the Gospel Itself. and. had it been successlul, had it been "swank-d with success. we, I think. should have been entitled to tte. tteve that mankind had taken a great stride onward. and the hnnpn tor. the, tor.) The Boers are in common with them ln that they are a. peaceful and mam-mum population. that they do- sire to more into a more solitary part of tho world In order that they may enjoy their own existence in their oWn Way w1tlmut coming in contact with tho outer world. (Laughter) You take it unlu- wrongly if you think I allude in this way to the Mormons through an: want of respect for the Boer-,4 but , oir motives were the Name. ley mmd to get away from contact with other oi'ilizatlou. and the Murmur»: made a. prodigious trek quite kts' mat as that made hy the Boer; and mum-d through hardship! nlmmrt unparalleled. and reached that terrlte who": they hoped to all-l joy themwlvm in you“), But tho Nor ‘ Imus were soon driven out by tho march of civilization, and in the some way I ermterd that it wan wholly im- powiblo in this mmdthm of the World's atfairrthat tho Boers should Heclmb themv-lvm also, (Choc-rm) Would " be Repeated Were He Alive. MAJUBA HILL A SKIRMISH. lLord Honcho� Speech " Battul The Transvaal question. to my mind. In not a very complxcated one. It is a. Amory that you lune heard before. lt is the extort of a nation or a commun- ny to put back the hand! ot the clock. You have had exactly the yarn6 Incl- dent in the case ot the Mormon com- munity. (Luutrleterrn I am not com- paring the tenets of the Boers with Elm ttre" the Mprmoua. (Laugh- (ll.Wlllin EXPERIMENT old and ennui?! in varied ttttr, with a Jewel eiiiGi t one aide. Another nov- ribbon with Jeweled bugs s-.'.. MAJCBA HILL w. m Powders make the very elegant this ' ot international do or the Gospel been successful. had with Humans. we, I been entitled to be. I had taken a great 012w. the tiiacr o? will, make it alto- c(‘heers.) The next, had in connection ill: 3 only alternatis m 1311le Item anyone either In words or in print; and if kiiled in the (attend his name only goes down ‘35 ' killcd in battle'; always devoted, seven to the death. as our great Mas- (ter amid-‘rie'nd. Jesus Christ, wasto Ilia fellofrtmen, Oh, if svch he war, we ;will not any 'let there always tr, [war,' but blessed be war which makes heroes of tSl)owship out of war." War is. horrible; but it shows usthe lgood that ls in man more clearly (than tho evil that is in him. It is lthe sublimart tutor manhood. and it It in the display of mnnness it evokes, not in ita saragery, that we Itake prWv-Londar, Sunday Chront. ole. ., "_..'. as“; (“I ,Ihonv'. fail them, too, though our , lhvrnism is without risk. \Var does l-nut only stir the barbarian in us. ' i Tho vamp yvll, the shrill enthusiasm h i which Victory raise, the strange ab. iiuormul pulsing when the story of ,‘snmv bloody fray is told-th-tan to inliivnto mom blood-lust, the In- stini-t which finds gratification in strifo and in slaughter. But they are only the surfaci- signs. Did you iri'ad tho deseri'ption or the welcome itr,irtn to tho old soldiers Who rode in I tn? nun! Balaviava charges as they tot (ilk", into tho hall where they were {being entertainer, by Mr. T. B. Roberts the other night? Was it priio in tho thought that they had with slain their man that moved the throng. think you: ? Was it not rather the thought so beautifully expressed thy that grand woman of war, Mia Nightingale. in her tender Isyttett: Who“ we not rather "see those manly ; fellows In time or war, men not near Ithe beasts as sometimes we too Sad- ly am- In the time of peace; seethem [not one taking a drop too much; ‘not one gallivanting with the wo. lmen: every one devoting, aye. even his life for his comrade, fetching his comrade ott the field. without notice ior praise from anyono pm...- I.. home __ "i-eve -.__-6 unn‘qvvhl llCiLl" od up beyond any doubt at all. Tho discussion Which followed this was spirited, after which the follow. in); resolution was carried. only two members dissenting. "That the Chief of Police be noti. liml that ho is! hereby given notice that the gambling must be stopped and it ho cannot stop it, we will be r-oymwllezl to ask him to hand In his resignation." Aid. Grant set‘ondod this motion. HEROES 0F BALACLAVA. Florence Nightingale on the Soldlws Virtues. It stirs strango emotions, this wnnl thing. war. We, who stem at tl games played. As an employer I beg to state that it I knew of any of my clerks playing black jack or any other game» m such places as the Savoy I would quickly get rid of them, not because of a necessity that every young man who gamblea may prove himself to be a thief. but be, cause the temptations are so strong and tho chances so great. This, air. is my theory, what gambling goes on here should be done openly. not be- hind closed doors, and Four clerks and mine will refrain from being seen in such places tor fear or losing their positions. and thus the evil effects or gambling will be great- ly mitigated." be canceled, and while we would not, issue any permit to aWrw grumbling strut it could Co on In the. open bar and the police coubd round up each [mice once a month and time them so much in proportion to the number of wixi rise phoenix-like in some other quarter. As sensible men we know Lhai gambling in this city cannot. be entirely stopped, then the best course to pursue is to devise some pin whereby the evil. effects may be les- sened. of course in my opinion the proper pun would be to license it and keep it under the strict super- vision of the police, but unfortu- nately this cannot be done without having the Dominion statutes changed . But We can do this: we can so arrange things that. if any snkson which permitted gambling to exist behind closed doors, its license could "1116 same apnoea w gambiing; 0:086 such places as the Savoy and MLmqrm to-day {and to-morrow they uvunwua u; uupuu/v alreel. mow, but, 1 main that If this were done we would find are lung that recognized houses of prosbhtution exist-ed in a.s' putts of the city. "The tsame app.ises bu summing; an ediboriu. upon the former in which no urged upon this couch. to take the necessary step to dispense with the denJens of Dupont street. Now, sir, 1 roidr to sporting Gdieriiid"'"iriiiii-' brrng, New long aim-e tho World had lo srop .13 to minke a Amee to operate unmoleated. There was no (“was evidence on this point,but the c.ergy and several members ot thu couuuu took very strong ground that UHJHB the Chief of Police cloa- ed up these dives he would be dis- A GLIMPSE OF WESTERN LIFE. Which Aid. Skinner, of Vancouver, Gave the Council of That City. A friend has recently lent the Woodstock Sentinel-Review a copy ot the Province, published In Van- Couyer, B. C., which gives in a special report ot the Town 0000- cil's proceedings a glimpse of western me which will be interesting read. ing. The council was calledw cow sider the alarming extentto which gambling and other vice prevailed m we city. It, had been charged in one ol the local papers that the Chef of Police had received money tram .hese gambling houses as a bribe, and that. they were allowed nod by Mr. T. H. other night? Was it nought that they had . man that moved the on ? Was it not rather _ beautifully expressed woman or war, Mid, her tender letter'.' tthor "see those manly of 'y.ar, men um: near runpp 1m 4mg ; It never fails to cure. 35 cents a. box. Reduced to IO cents A whee family suffering. A dull aching of nerve or muscle' or the neuter pangs of neuralgia, toothache or lumbagn makes life a misery. But Nerviline - nerve-pain cure-win re- lieve all these. Nerviline is powerful, penetrating, and “factual. Can't cat? Tat pound Iron Pills, for observe the revolts. First American Clocks. The first attempt ao manufacture watches or clocks on a large scale In America was made by a Yankee, who invented wooden wheels for clocks in 1792. In 1837 machinery was applied to the making of metal- wheeled clocks, which drove the wooden-wheeled clocks out of the market. Ono The amnsgors of KIllinsrworth, Con1.. have roceived the following sr-hmlule or property handed in by a poet- farmer of that town : One WIIP with rm hair, two steers-. that's a pair, Mmud’s Liniment Cures Guest in Gown. In Servin the life of a newalmnt‘r publisher is not a path strewn with roses. One of the weeklles in that "6untry has had sixteen publishers within the last two yours. Fifteen of them are languishing in Jail on ac- count of their outspoken condemna- tion or Government measures and the sixteenth tra.negressor is awaiting trial for the same offense and in all probability will join his colleagues. The ban of evil omen ls at last lifted from the oval, and it comes out in flying colors as an emblem of abiding affection. Pretty little opal hearts set round with diamonds are one of the taahionatgo love tokens. persuaded to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have finished five boxes. and am completply cured. , 113;:th recommend them to all suffering as I did. I used to have to stop work for two or three days in the Wk on account ot back- ache, but now I run do a day's work with anybody." It is ha rd to understand. Natural Irm- \'ersity is often the only explanation in smelt vases. Mr. Boueher may have her-n deceived hy the pretensions of imitntors of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He may have been prejudiced by some other means. but however it was Mr. Boucher came round to Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills at last, and is a healthy man in consequence. He writes: F6 For eighteen years I have hmn troubled with Kidney Dis- ease. I have used all sorts of medi. cines. but (‘Ollld got no relief. I was For Piles Use DALLEY’S FAMILY SALVE Th?! quotation arises, why did he not try Dodd’s Kidney Pills before? The weapon has lail ready to his hand for the last ton years, Why did he not use it? Surely he must. long have known that Dodu’s Kidney Pills have cured hundreds or others right in his own town. Gannnoque, Nov. 20.-Mr. lmnim Bum-her. of this town, suffered with Kidney Disenmr for eighteen years. And for the host part of thut eighteen years' he has been striving to get l'ul'Ci]. Experimenting with medicines and doctors all the time, he mm never experience“ the slightest relief. And nuw, after eighttxen years of it, he is tuured by the boxes of Budd’s Kidney Lilla. Dunk-l Bum-her is'xperirnentvd With Medicine for 'iighteen Years- Fin- ally Persuaded to Try Dodtl’s Kidney Pills- Five Boxes Cured Him. Correspondent. Writes That Dodd's Kidney Pills Have Cured Him ot Kidney Disease. For mosauito bites se DALLEY’S FAMILY SALVE ed and actually procured Judgment from a British court. showing that Waterboer was not the lawful own- er. But by this time the English flag was flying over Kimberley. Who would suggest to haul it down? Great Bri. tain declared that u. shifting and tur. bulent mining centre required a strong controlling hand. and without either admitting or denying the sover- eignty of the Orange state over the country. offered it a sum of £90,000 in settlement of whatever claim it might be supposed to possess. The ths tinge Free State took the money in 1876. It had not much choice in the matter. but many of the citizens have felt aggrieved over the affair. and a sense of being unjustly treated still. rankles. horse (shti's a'mare). that is all Source of: Free State Grudge Against the British. , The capture ot Kimberley would he of even more importance to the or. ange Free State than to the South African Republic. The Free Btate has always been exasperated by what they consider British injustice in seiz- ing the diamond fields where Kimber. l ley now stands. In the years 1869 and 1870, diamondsi were discovered in a homer of Orange River territory in a district between the Vaai and Mod- der Rivers. A rush of Europeans was made from all parts of South Africa to this region. and the question was raised: "To whom does it belong ?" The Orange Free State naturally vlaimed it, and it was also claimed by an African native Chief. by the Transvaal Republic and by a half- breed, or "Griqua." called Waterboer. The Governor of Natal was chosen an arbitrator by all three of the dispat- ants, but not by Orange Free State. He decided that Waterboer was the rightful owner. and then Waterboor placed himself under British sover- eignty. Great Britain immediately gave the name of Crriqualand West to the diamond region, erecting it into a (Town colony. The Free State protest: OWNERSHIP OF KIMBERLEY Bin Lifted Prom the Opal. It removes the poison and allays the inflammation. FROM (h[llij@llll01 Man in Distress. Editors in Serviu. Subject. to Taxes . Take Miller's Com a few days and - " --e__- "w 5...- ed rind and juice of a lemon after the molaws and sugar have boiled until nearly done. Boil until it Is so thick that it will not boil; then try it in a saucer and lot it get cold. It brittle it is done. Just before it Is ready to take from the fire add halt a pint of the meat of hickory nuts. Take one quart pt the best West India molaeaas. Put it into a thick kettle and stir in half a pound of brown sugar. Boil slowly and stir thoroughly. skimming whenever tt rpm 'k.rursfe we t9p. Add the grat- "It ever I marry again--" he be- gun, and then the-bride turned and looked " him' and the temperature tn that brougham dropped consider- ably lower than that of a. refrigervw Miller’s Worm Powders cure titsln children. ' The bridegroom hated fuss and tool- cry, and when he scrambled after the bride into the brougham with rice down his neck and in all his pockets, with his new hat spoiit. and one eye beginning to swell trom a blow by a slipper's heel, he was not tangle beat. ot tempers. Coal dealer-Outlook black. Engineer-h high pressure. Hatter-Going unread. Jloc_tor-H%ttiittr better. Undertaker-Dad. Pharmaeiab-Martret drugged. Barber-tm scraping along. Street Iahorer-uard dlggmg. eysynprotor-1pterretrt'inir". d',ttfh'nal"'"'o much tick.-- acts. A man says he went around a tew days Jr, asklng different men how basin was with them. He says some or the answers were as follower fihoeman--Ptxaring along. 1lp4pnan-Piiing' up. Buekamittr-Red hot. Cripple-l can't kick. Tailor-sew, sew. Batcher--Ali cut up. Blind man-Out of sight. YP?',"' Pa.n--EarIniryr up. into the local governimmt: -Giiii's"i consists of a so-called Triangular Council, having three members. Minud’a bitumen! Cure! Diphthem It is laid oat in the form or an equi- lateral triangle; [ts Iota are trian. gular in shape, and the ground plan of each or the 23 houses which have thus Car been erected there is three-cornered. The three prlnclpul streets are named Equilateral, Sca- [one and Isosceles, and the residents pave even carried their curious Idea The newly founded town of Trian. gle, Texas, promiaes to be one of PM met, uniqqe it; the United States. Stanley, I', E. I. l believe _ MINARD’S LINIMENT Is the best household remedy on earth. Oil City, Ont. Matthias Foley. I believe MINAllD'H IdNIMI'.NT will cum every case of Diphtheria. klverdule. Mrs, Reuben Baker. I believe MINARD'S LihHMiDNT will produce growth of hair. manufactured in tho Krupp works. Krupp buys from an eighth to a tenth of all the iron ore and pig iron imported Into Germany from foreign lands, and this gigantic enterprise is the largest projncer in the German Empire. Germany is the third greatest iron country in the world, and yet a twen. ninth of its entire output of iron ore Homes from the Krupp mines and is manufactured in the Krupp works. 4F. V Krupp he thémn Ji"iifd man who melted his silver plate to get mommy to, pay his workmen. is to build a theatre. Owns coal minds. Uses 322 telephones. Employs 41,750 men. Russia is his beet customer. Won't sell h gun to France. Essen has 100,000 inhabitants. Fifty miles of railroad track. Essen works established in 1810. Length of belting over 10 miles. England wan first to approve his work. Work, consume 3.630 tans of 1val and woke daily. that. steel works has Jl6,561.hortte poeer; 4,5N steam engines The nridearoom's Reflection. Cutarrhozone butfit complete for $1.00 at all druggists or direct by mail. Send 10 cents in stumps for sum. ple outfit and testimonials to N. C. Poison & Co., Mfg. Chemli. Box 514. Kingston, Ont. It mum by the inhalation ot medi. rated uir, which is carried through the inhaler by the only vehirle (tho air you breathe) that nature allows to enter Into the lungs or bronchial tubes. Catarrhogone is n guaranteed cure for all diseases of the nasal and res- plrntory {marquees}. and is effectlw and wry pleasant to use. The affected parts can nil be reach. ed by Catarrliozone, the new medi. cated air treatment, which kills all the existing germ life, and at the same time heals up a.nd restores the surrounding tissues to a pertevtly healthy oondltlon. They further tell us that it must. be through the air we breathe that C1ntarrlt, Asthma and Bronchitis will be cured, or not at all. _ Regular physicians tell us that the bronchial tubes and nasal passages were intended tor the Image of air alone, and the use ot mulls. autumn- era and douches only further irritates these already congested parts when a cutnrrhul condition is present. To effect a cure would be a. com- paratively easy task it the person at. fected would bat use a little Judgment in the selertiou or their mode ot treat. ment. germs are present. is impossible to he cured by the ordinary constitutional medicines. Many persons annex-lug trom this disease persist in taking stomach medicine. or snuffs, washes, etc.. and yet they know that such treatments cannot be of benefit because the mat of the disease is not reached. Catarrh has been pronounced a dis- ease caused and maintained by germ lite, and like other diseases.“ We.†Hickory Nut Candy Krupp and His Works. CATARRH Business Crisis. . A Queer Town. Mrs. Chas. Anderson TORONTO That {111an after male promptly relieved by taking one of Miller'- Oompound Iron Pills after each meal. coat dust, thoroughly 'mix the soda with it. Let It partly dry and It widl answer exoeilently for burning when a slow tire is required. Householders who find that they have been supplied with an undue pro- portion of dust with their coal may thus utilize it: Take three or tour handfuls of common washing soda, and, having .weli ttrbte.d , bushel of y; trrr,-sa.sy E D DY s and on tho sirdsiGiioiiii" aCii'hii It relieves at unce and leaves Kentucky Club women have under. taken a crusade against slang. The Fqdoration or that State has pre. pared a petition that is to be sent. to school principals and teachers asking their cooperation to secure a more careful use of English. The petition further declares 'that the great amount of ungrammatlcal and poor English and slang so Constantly heard in the home, the school room -_.,I _ 41.‘ _= “A . .. Crusades Against C'. Poison & Co., Ont., Proprietors Putnam's Palnlnas Corn and Wart Extractor is guaranteed by the makers to remove Corns. Warts. Bunions. etc., without pain. in 24 hours. Putmun's has been the "and. ard for thirty years, and is the only safe and sum remedy of its kind on the market. Insist on having only Putnam's, and beware ot acld. flesh- eating tmbstitutions. -I’rloe 251- per bottle, at all dealers, or by mail. N. noxaru comm-lea, 1.500.000 tons, :and the Djberrm eollierlem 405.000 India has immense coal deposite, from which the output in 1800 was 3.537.820 tons. In the Bengal die. tript alone the Ranigurg and Barn. ker eollieries are estimated to con- tain 14,000,000 was: the Karam. para cellist-ids, 8,8m.000 tons; tho Bokara ot?)lyriqr, 1.500.000 tons, I F". .I. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, (I I Sold by Drugglsw. 750. f Hum: Family Pills are the heat. I -"NN--e---- ------- ----- 1 African Mollusks. Lukv Ttutganyika, in Africa. offers a unique field for scientific explora- tion. This region. like Australia. is one of the few knulities where ani. mnls still live that have become ex. tinct elsewhere, certain wholkllke mollusks or this lake appearing to have been driven from the ocean and to be idtmtitied with {Call form of old Jurassic sons in Europe. TO 003E A COLD IN ON- DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinlue Tub lets. All drtsgtruti, Mum! themoney It it falls to cure. Mc. E. WGmw-‘u Mgnataro Is on each box. 1 by local applications. as they can- not reach the diseased portion of the our. Them in only one way to cure detainees. and that is by non- trtitutiorusl remedias. heathen-u in annual by an inflamed condition I)! the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gen inflam- ed you have a rumbling wound or im. perfect hearing, and when it in on- ttrely. closed, deafness tp the result, and unless the inflammation canbo taken out and H118 tube restored to its normal condition. hearing will be destroyed forever: nine casesom of Wu are caused by mum-tn. which in nothing but an inflamed condi- tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Datum-as (caused by mmrrln that van not be cured by Hull’s Cutarrh Cure. Sand for (win-ulum, free. For burns and scams use BALLET! ‘AMILY SALVE and mud them with a pantie 'ot Head same wood; also take hall an ounce Rag runners & threequar- were ot an ounce of Churlaeed and _ take a. pretty good quantity of the I Rooms of amblshun and the peath of Selle consent. and geather some ot the mores that grows upon the brink ot sandy foundation, together with some of the plumbs on Runa- gate Hill, a few grapes that grow in the subburbs of sodom: also a few or the Currants of gmnorrow and some of the spice of babilon, and then take these twenty sorta & stow them all tagether in a stoney heart Juge over the fire of blind zeal. and power in some of the water of mm maintain, and when they are aemred and when mum then take it & grate in a Little Sulphur- lous powder and then stream it through a clorth of vanity and suck Down Every morning a good pox-Lion next your Muck tihrouttht aspout. of lgnartuioe & in a Little time it will Raise the srpirit and you quake & shake & tremble & smlght your bras): and grone & he parfectly a (maker &c." How to Utilize Coat Dust. Savage Advice Given in . Paper n Hundred end Fifty Years Old. The following inqteqtotimts "how to turn a Quaker" are mm [mm an old paper "Men about 1750. TtaewriuFdoeqrttm-mtotttsve entertained an exalted opinion at the Wm. Penn commute. He does not appear to have been a very ami. able person himself: “First. take a handful of the hem-be of Deceit and a tow Leaves of folly and a Little of the root of vein Glory,' with sunn- of the buds ot Envy and a few him)†of malice, with a Little for- [nullity flowers and a sprig or two of Hie Conceit, and take mane ot the seeds or prid & some of the Conn-leis of Himwkorasey & tnkeof the apple seed of tor beeiin ple- Sunis and the bark of t%lt will and put them in a morter of hormone» HOW TO CONVERT A QUAKEB. Vase Coal Deponlts In India. Deafness Cannot be Cured a: ‘orns and Warts. HOUSE, is: Box :i1t,ucrrGoiioi,' Bung in Kentucky. 61750333. D ton THEIR LAanc QUALmES WON‘T some CLOTHES. I , .13; h 'iifiigit1ES HORSE.5CRUB no Bethr, The best am. mull-2 1:0me in Canada. Write Catalogue. - Ps, for new; Sl,",!!.,?,.,!,?,?,",!,",!:),,.!),),?,,,,, .',r,syey.rty/pr, .BOOk “Tiling. Pen 111;: tr. .1 -H " - , T tswritinsr. Bookkecpi . Penman-hip a can: practically mum lime "Imam 6t!!"rousirtasatsoaese Strand»! Oat. Tim ham nu ----, - Mich. PARMANENTLY Dr. kiucr',, an...†FITS tore-. No tl,, or tstir "1-4 “H; t " Bay Downy" In the garden of Mich- lgan. Write for maps and information to. Bay County Land Ornee, an f'itv. " Al. Sugar Bikst arid -- Farm Lands. FINEST FRUIT and STOCK COUNTRY HOME IN ONTAHI 170 acres. Min truitiesteetric, an: ways within tive miuumn' walk 1 gain). Addreau box m, Hmnlltnn. The Ncw Chemical coiGani." v onderfully "ectivd, in curing Hhcumulinm. Nu-urnlg-ln. Bciqtim. Pain in the Buck and SidemLumlm. Sore Throat. Diphtheria. Front Btu-s. Tooftr aches. Bruiser, Kidney,und Bladder Dim-mm; Soldtby undrugxi-nl ttt M coins. or from MdF.tKny, Chum. Port Elam. Ort, “lungs on wk: any nna "our, but may take delight in the intelloetual life, In great thoughts. in high ideals and In noble "ehitsvementa in the realm of truth and knomrledge.--Prot. Lemon, Vassar. The real work of education .5 to nuke the higher nature tmie tlu, lower. that we may not spend our days under the dominion ot that whirl) :xmreans onJy to the nausea and so livo for ins-re present pleasure and tor the trivial t!xlngs_qf_ the (jay and hour. but may " will remove soreness in tho (-lmst. and lungs. Only 10 cents a box. see I have Emmy of merit and" - shall be born well In my ttt'xt life. can Ittittntiitiiji BE, (ix-.2377 An old man. a Buddhist, went to vicit a Wesleyan missionary in ('ey- Ion. Be was bent with age. nearly blind. namely able to walk. After a little talk he told the missionary his expecution am:- death. which he knew must com to him soon. Cr 11m 96," he mud. "I have r-llmbed Adam's peak (where Buddha is said to have left his footprints) twenty- trix times: I have visiuul tlw 'Tettr ple of the Tooth' in Kandy swan times: I have had a ttutnher or bind- dha books copied and given to od. dha priests: I have never killed an animal, only on " row occasion. have I caught some fish. :io you see I have plonty of merit tin,' I It removes the soreness at mm Mr. a box. Reduced to 'ue. _--__EBY'8 DHISY bi, -- For bails and felons Use DALLEY'S FAMILY SALVE AND For Sore Threats Use DALLEY’S FAMILY SALVE y FOR SALE. ISSUE No " 1899 You cant mu without tr) my an A} Kept “(In and STOCK FARM and {OME IN ONTARIOOr 1huada, in ftuittesieetrie and eta-m all tive miuuum' walk,“ nus : (bur an. box m, Hamilton. Oruario mar can.“ ,_ 'lu"Nurrg our chug: m. ELLIOTT. Principal. True Kdeacat ion. Welt Hir' Faith. "LY ovum; " ITd lt'