West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Nov 1899, p. 8

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«* nt$ > \\( visiting in Owen Sound for a couple of weeks. Mr. Chas. Moffat, jr. is in Toronto, and intends to remaain for some time. Mr. ahd Mrs. Geo. Firth, Jessopyville are visiting friends round here. Our neighbor Mr. Geo. Coulter re joices over the blrth of a son. Another great discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this country. "Disease fasteued its clutches upon her aud for seven years she withstood its severest tosts, but her vital orgaus were undermined and death seemed unminent. For three months she coughed incessautly, and could not sleep. She finally discoverâ€" ed a way to 1ecovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King‘s New Discovery for Consumption, and was so muach relieved on takisng first dose, that she slept all night, and with two bottles, has been abâ€" golutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Z utz. Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., i Shelby, N. C. _ Trial boitles free at ur Drug Store. Regualar size 50¢ and nd $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. _ 4 Frank Adams returned home Monâ€" day evening after havirlf sgent the summer months in the North West. Frank looks well and also speaks well of the West. Mr. Thomas Watson living on the town line Egremont and Proton was united in marriage on the 15th Nov. to Miss Katie Ferguson, daughter of the,late Mr. Donald Ferguson. Mr. & Mrs. Watson moved on to their farm the following day. More wedding bells preparing. Mr. Dan McEachern, of Cederville, has been here some days since he is out of the mail carrying to Mt. Forest and Mrs. McEachern is gone on a visâ€" it to Toronto. Robbie Ferrier, who for the past few years has been with Mr. Drummie has engaged with Mr. E. Henderson for the coming year. We are pleased to report a slight improvement on Mr. V, Ellis although far from being out of danger yet. News of importance has been rather searce here lately. The Proton council held a meeting in the Hotel here on 10th of Nov. and considerable business was done. John Williams‘ sale went well, a lot of valuable stock and implements beâ€" ing disposed of. Cows went as high Walter Lothian, of Orchardville, and Robert Adams, oft Holstein, attended Service here last Sunday taking in the Endeayor ine evening. The weather has been very gocod and the farmers are getting along well with their fall work. An assembly was held in the Grange Monday night which was largeiy atâ€" tended. Rev. Mr. Farquharson is to have a praverâ€"meeting at M.. Geo. Ritchie‘s, on Friday night, at which the ordinâ€" ance of Baptism is to be administered. The lamented death of Miss Maggie Weir has saddened this community. Her funeral was largely attended. South Africa war has become the main topic of the day. Almcst every one seems to hove faith in Gen. Buller‘s skill tor Brigish Victory. Miss Mary Isaac is at present visitâ€" ing her sister Mrs. H. Baird, Laureston® The coming municipal election is beginning to be talked about but nothing definite can be said. We here that Reeve McKenzie talks of retiring and othet names are menâ€" tioned also some new names for the eouncil. Jo:fh, son of Coun. w ilIan turned Friday from Rathville, Is envied by a‘l poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. _ All such shoulid know that Ur. King‘s New Life Pills, the wonderfal Stomach and Liver Remedy, giyes a splendid appetite sound digestion ard a regular bodily kabit that insures perfect health and great energy, Only 25¢, at our drug stores, _ 4 The collector is out with his Roll and he states that the rates are about the same as last year. Willie MceLeod and Maggic MeCanne visited at Chas. McQueen‘s one evening last week. having a good name for the country. Mr and Mrs Arch Clark yisited at Colim McQueen‘s last week. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., aftee sufferimg 18 moaths from Rectal Fistuia, he would die uuless a costly operation was performed. but he cured himsel{ with five boxes of Bucklen‘s Arpica Salve. the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. _ 25 cents a box, â€"Sold by our Mr, James Hill is home now after ploughing about 80 aecres this fall, and looks bale and hearty. Well done Jim, Miss Mary F. Campbeil yisited at Alex McLean‘s on Saturday. Mrs. Alex, McLean of New Eogland has been very ‘il, but at the time of writâ€" ing is on a fair way torecovery. Mr. Wm. Jno. Firth, Edge Hill, is Joseph, son of Coun. Williams, reâ€" Discovered by a Woman. The Appetite of a Goat He Fools The Surgeons. Boothville Vromore. Hopeville. ++ + +â€" â€"â€"A._â€" We were sorry the studeunts did not meet as they intended, as we might haye learned a few things about the meteors we aid mot understand. Bortn, to Mr and Mrs Jas Cardiner, a daughier. 4 Mre. Joba Aldcorn is spending a week at ber father‘s in Howick. We had hoped the Cheese Factory trouble was at an end, and that all were satisfied with the compromise made for the last sale, but it seems the cheesemaker is still to be assailed by at least one party, who sees no mitigatâ€" ing cirecumstance in the loss Mr. Marshall sustained by runaing the factory to oblige the patrons while losing every sale himself. It is gratifying however to learn that this is the only note of discord among many words of cheer and encouragement reâ€" ceiyed from the patrons, even from the heaviest losers. Archie MceDougall had a large stoningâ€" bee last Saturday and the boys did good. When you want to hays a good stoningâ€" ingâ€"bee ask Highland lads and you will get the work done properly, j Miss Mary McDonald of Durham is home with a sore foot caused by stepping on a rusty nail. _ We hope she will soon recover. Arrived on the stage of life at Mr. and Mrs. Witter‘s home a young daughter, Mother and daughter doing well. Mr. Hugh McKechnie was working at Mr. A. McDonald‘s barn last week. Mr. Donald MeDonald and Miss Sara attended service at Rocky churclt last Sabbath, They also visited Glenelg tfriends an4 no doubt had a pleasant time as could easily be seen by Donald‘s pleasâ€" ant smiles all week, We are much pleased to be able to say that Donald McKechnie is able to walk on his foot again. Mrs. J Beaton visited her sister Mrs. Browu for the past two weeks. Alex McLean put up a stable for Mrs. Twamley on the corner of his own farm. Mr. Bower has laid the cement flooring in Dugald MeDonald‘s stables. Mr. Dugald McCannel has improved the appearance of his house, and inâ€" sured its safety by building a substanâ€" tial chimnevy. Neil Countts and bride of Toronto are on & visit to his father‘s Mr. Alex. Coutts. Dame rumor has it that Jobn McMillan will be tuken out as Councillor for the coming year. The expenses of the townâ€" ship are yery high and taxes are much higher than previous years We trust John will be as good a man in the council as his father was if he would be elected. Collector on his rounds again. Tawâ€" es higher than last year. Wm, Boyd sold part of his bush on the 10th con. to Mr. Chas. Emke for $600. A new arrangement has been made in connection with our neighboring churches by which Malcolm, West Bentinck and Crawford haye been united. _ At Crawâ€" ford seryvice will beat 10:30 one Sabbath and every other Sabbath at 4. _ All are welcome. The examination of St Andrews church Protoun took place ou Nov. 5, when the best in the class was presented with a Bivle. In Mrs J Fuaston‘s class, for readâ€" ing the most verses, Lizzie Aldcoru. Miss Martha Martin‘s class, Robbie Patton ; Mrs J Patterson‘s class, Willie Knox, Boothyille; Mrs W Patton‘s class, Mary Patton; John Aldcorn‘s class, Sophia Ferris; Nettie McMillan‘s class, Eqdie Stephens. Six of the »clolars reâ€" peuted the shorter catechism without a mistake. _ Bach scholur was presented with a beautiful card. Much credit is due to the superintendant Mr. Jas Patton, and Mr D McMillan who is over 80 years of age did not miss a Sunday in opening and closing the Sunday School by prayer, also the teachers who always were panctual in attendance, and the scholars who ali ways tried to Lave their lessons, and be in good time. We bhaye been informed of the marriage of Miss Sophia Stade to a Toronto gentleman. On Hallowe‘en a young man of con. 7, Bentinck, while engaged, in a Iabor of love of helping a young lady of Louise protect hber gate, was unconscious of what was happening his own belongings. When going home he discovered that his r.be anud whip were missing. Next morning they were seenon the flag pole at Lomse corner, But to return kinaness for kindness the young lady had a young lad climb up and take it down. That of course implies avother visit for Malâ€" colm to Louise, which of course will repay for all his worry over the robe and whip. Remember it was not Hugh McKechni«‘s boy as one reported. Hugh McKinnon paid the Boyd family a visit one Sunday recently. Henry Lempke took a job of stoning a field for Mr. Ireland, Waiter Boyce of Harrow is home for a trip to see his relatiyes and friends of this part, Ralph Teasdale who for the summer months haye been engaged farming in Brant has returned home Wl . ie W o iipinel oi Intended for last week. Crawford. OCath& EBC aâ€"@ O rntâ€" O€6 ? % The _ EEBECG:I # _ @©teOoONTCE w _ J. A HUNTER, DURHAM _ t é CASH BUYERS AND CASH SELLERS 5 ; mt CnSbCRRESAYS Pz â€"30 ; C. McArthur, Highest Price Paid for Butter. Eggs] Lard, Dried Apples and Dry Picked Poultry. @Gur Specialty es this week is OVERCOATS, UNDERâ€" WEAR, and BLANKETS. These are unequalled in town. Come and be convinced. j New arrivals of BOOTS & SHOES keep our Stock in this line new and upâ€"toâ€"date. Toilet Talk Our new stock of Gentlemen‘s TIES and HANDKERCHIEFS is a special attraction at bargain prices. shest Price Paid for Butter. Eggs$ Lard, lGl'e U$ TRY OUR 25 cent JAPAN TEA. Also our package CEYLOYA TEA at same price. }} J. BURNET a y 4 4 C Grockery, Glassware, Crocenes, Flour ond Feed, 8. a Cegcececececececcsccecce«& »s33°33°3e33e3se33e333333%33%, For this week we offer exceptional bargains business is growing every month by leaps and bounds, You cannot fail to notice the crowds of people who do business with us now, and we want to increase our trade still further. Good goods at honest prices, Cash buying and cash selling, Prompt and courteous attention, Your money back‘if not satisfied, are a few of our mottos, and we atâ€" tribute our success to the adoption of them in our store. We want you to feel at home when you come in, and to impress upon you that it is a great pleasure and honor to show you our goods. We never get angry if you don‘t buy. Prices are going up â€" up â€" up in every department. The latest advanee is in Groceries and Woodenware. We have a few odd snaps to offer this week. Here they are: We are pleased to inform you that our J. A. HUNTER. You‘ll Never See These Bargains [f You in Toilet Ware. 4 Picse set 6 Piece set 10 Picce set We buy gcod fresh Poultry, dry picked, for Cash. Gaslh for all EIDPreoduce. Don‘t Come Quick this is the same as the last lotg we had in. ® Ladies Astrachan Fur Coats $27 to $37.50. Large New Stock Handsome Caperines $5 to $16 each. 3 boxes matches for 25¢, and Reg Herring 12%¢ box. A pound of Texa for 10c. 6 1bs Figs for 25¢. 3 pounds choice Raisins for 25¢. 2000 yds Bicycle Suiting, 32 in, regular 15¢ at 7c yd. w @uiwow Like this t [ ap A Cl Durham, Ont $1.50 1.75 2.50 TORONTO s he Gtore > Ahat does things BARRISTER. â€" SoLICITOR iN SupRrEmE Courr, 1 Norary PuBLIC, commissioner, erc. MONEY TO LOAN A CARLOAD OF CUTTERSI Office, over Grant‘s store, Lower Town Top Draft Queen Heating Stoves : ® See them and be interested. â€"Buy one and be pleased The Hardware Store I8 THE PLAGE WHERE YoU CAN GET ANYTHING YoU REOURE IN THIS LN Ke«> JUST ARRIVED from the Canada Carriage Works, Brockville. Call early and see the Best Collection of Cutters ever brought to Durham. Many Styles, only one Quality, THE BEST. We hope to meet all old friends and many new ones in 0| West of the Middaugh House 44 J. P. TELFORD, Uno. LIVINGSToOoNE Do not delay purchasing one of our SNYDER RIFLES, as we have only a few on hand. _ AMMUNITION in abundance Buggy and Team WHIPS by the thousands. 5 gallons of the best Canadian Coal Oil tor 90cts Just received another large shipment of X cut Saws, Buck Saws, Handsaws, Broad Axes, Scoring Axes, Chopping Axes, Hand Axes, Cow Chains, Halter Chains, I‘race Chains, Dog Chains, Scales, Harness Oil, Harness Blacking etc. We are now in a posâ€" ition to give you great bargains in these lines as our goods were bought before the raise. Wheeled Vehiclesâ€"Singer Sev;ing Machines A few more of our Choice Churnsg and W heelâ€" barrows at the low prices. Our stock of Silterware is something extra and cannot be beaten for price anywherc. WM, BLACK. mmmmn t t i s n HORXN‘S OLD STAND. ng Machinesâ€"Root Pulpers, &c. â€"â€" many new ones in our New Premises For the convenience of pur friends and patrons we have had a telenhone In the Town of Durham, County of Grey, including valuable Water Power, BBICK DWELLING, AND MANY ELIGILBLE InirflAne isb audnl 100 0e qUill _ SEAATLTTADAAT q Cagai ) GOCERTIU, ADNIZ WARLE ELUGLBDLE 14 building lots, will be sold in one or more lots. Also lot number 60, con.%, W, G. R., Towmhiy of Bentinck, 100 acres adjoining Town plot, Dur ham. Mortgage takon for part purchase money, Apply to JAMES EDGE, Has opened for Fall Term with & good attend ance. _ Etudents bowever muy enter at any time as our instraction is lurgely personal, This is an excellent time to bezin studies nt the Northern Business College so as to be well on in the course befere the mejority of students enter at the hegh.niu& of the {eur. The "Nor theru" is affiliated with the Institute of Chartâ€" ered Accountarts of Ontario and two of our Beries of Basiness Books are recommended by the lustitute. It is the best place in Canada to get a thorough Business Education. Owen Sound, Ont. lFurnitnre of the Best Hake ALWAYS ON HANXD. PICTURE FRAMINC A SPEC!IALTY t The only frsavelass Rearse in Town Undertaking and Embaiming on late«t prin MISS SHEWELL ers the same THE REVIEW DOWN Toun .Not Too Late.. Remember the stand=â€"opposite the Market. Durh:n':. WRITE FOR _ CATALOGUE OWEN sOUND, ONT. ciples at C. A. FLEMING, mumeeec s 222E and Journal " which give full particulars " to MISS SHEWELL L ’Uid.ruunfl' Business estabâ€" father in Durham in 1858 and to give all old and new cu«tom Russian Iron. Wood Savers . «_ £$10 and up. Epar Himt, Oxr. Pruxorrar. fp. at a certain co farmer receiv cardboard tu he thought it it he was gre contained the "Battle of Al given to sut Herald and W They were gre er said he had and Weekly 8 would not be a year. Mew the *Family that for one paper and bo induced four ot subscribers the to see that pictures, Ax Oro Duor 4 Paisley Advoc the late Dougal died on Nov, John Mclean, the deceased. teacher, Bentin are other fri Fletcher has kn and was never « y» and doing. his age has been the past year increased â€" mar four weeks ago he was unable 1 since then be sar ly, falling into a aay night out of of twice for an i piety being an ol whom he came and their four 1 A{;Ch and Hugh where they have u.ngie R. is at b in Victoria, B. C. Iimess gained for :‘od, of all who 1 m, and mmyh ize wit sympath the last survivin of ten. all of who ‘nw brother wi ched quite an his very early bo; ber of the Pres lived a peaceful tpuly christian 1if ‘ety being an o+ ried i1 the la of ten ont r journeyi 1 one, n or givi wWas A 112 was bort In 188 | Crawi On wh fall? and oth« t es perfect exem; trouble while day he got ho old way. Th seek a climate informed tha about $1200 by a sym $200 in « and wisely he conversation Williams the prised to he? lately reiurn of the t] New Orgr Stratford are Durham sh or renewing m odation ('fllfi class Concert You wish a paper? Th fore placing request sent secure for yor of the Sun f time you d01 name will sin will be no chj with the Raev OaTs axp | ments of thes for the seat being made $ the quietest 1 prices which effected. ham office ] from 10 a. m Mt. Forest raised $3,2140 church and n expect soon CREATE 17 Fletcher Business vil And now msil In ] i T it VO Ad oncert hrill‘i: uy 1 nle All wh pl 18 LT M Mi ET

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