West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Nov 1899, p. 1

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m A 995mm t do will continue th “In. Bis-1m can! In Durban m "" an an old ”a new cu-tu the E KRESS more WIRE Ill M [llli ‘AYALOGUI " 90cts Ince of our friends we had a tele hone DWI! Store, Bower telephone hours we ll! ruched. “I”? :7 air/MW )UND. ONT. )wn Durham ONE. III or urnsnn JAMEiEtAriiC" Ems HILL, ONT. TERS! M" FLEMISG. -- s$ss¢s$w n nes as Ott SHEWELL INI, W m SWELL [WIN WIN D MANY ELIGIBLE M in may of mot. 10.. N. G. K, Pggtflt " inn Town plot. - meursl'r: Leon-v- cut Saws ing Axes IS. Halte Kress. a» w " Pu In Town H th fl2llllilllli Best Late.. L‘mmty of on Me 11 ess u it Apo' BV( lui? I attend lulu in all " (loop Cr.lyrATr:. __ (loop SAUL In I part of the village situated in thi conversation with Councillor Juhnicounty of Grey is being inc trpmatec Williams the other. day We were siii- i and what is in Brant township remain: prised to hear that his son Joseph, [ in “'1'?“ Candidates foe reeve meal lately ii-iui'iicnl from )lnniti bu, had l ready m the field. Dr. Meyns "nd D, perftust exemption from his irwthnsatir5: Kneehtelnre both '".'.'.'""" for the trouble while out west, but the vei'ylhonn'r' Ty.' only councillor as yet m day he not home he was attacked in the i the field N Mv. J. C. Devlin.---Ex old way. The lesson for Joe is toat-, Farmers' Institute meetings will be seek a ('liua'ite sofnvoring him. We are l held in South Grey at Hanover on Jan. infomu-tl that Mr. Williams netted , 13th. and at Durham on the 15th. about $120“ by his sale the week before , Speakers will be Mr. Henry Glendinning a sum $200 in excess of his expectations, , Manilla. and Mr. Andrew Elliott. Galt. and iviwly he is tukinss " trip toTovouto, Supplementary meeting at Holstein _,) and othtwplaces “you. euteriiigon the Feb. lst, and at Ayton on Feb 2nd. ' responsible ”Mm," for which Mr. {Speakers Mr. T. G. Raynor Ir. A, (‘rnwforxl has secured him at Aberdeen. I Ibrso Hall, and Mr. A. w. Peart o. A. On whom will his councillor',,. m.antieHhtrlington. fall? , (‘chcn CHsNorrs.---At a recent meet- ('m.m pm, A b'essATios - Last week i mg of Orangeville Presbytery. Proton at a certain country P. O.,a well-known land Eugenia congregations were united farmer received, with his mail, a large”0 Flesherton, making one charge. cardboard tube, about two feet long,The “vii firmer pay 8200 each, the he thought it a joke. but on opening!”"" $300. Same time a call from‘ it he was greatly surmispd to ttnd ititDundalk and Ventry to Rev. James contained the two beautiful pictures/Buchanan was sustained, induction tol "Battleof Alma." and "Pussy Willows" ( take place on Dec. l Rev. Mr. "t given to subscribers of the "Family , of l’riceyille to oreside. Herald and Weekly Star," of Monheat. An exchange wants the formation of They were greatly admired. The farm. i n society for the preventation of cruelty er said he had read the "Family Herald : to vegetation. Just think of digging and Weekly Star" for ten years, aindlthe eyes out of potatoes, pulling the. would not be without it for live dollars I ears from corn, cutting the head " a nyeur. He wos a warm supporter afieabbnge, pulling the beard out of rye, the "Family Herald” and explained ', cutting the heart of a tree. spilling the that for one dollar he received the; blood of the beet, tearing the skin from paper and both pictures. He easily I a peach, breaking the neck of a squash. l induced four others present to become] and other outrages. subscribers there and then and promised; w. Wellington Prohihitiott Conren. to see that they would nlso tret tbaition Was held last Tuesday after which Planm- 'Mr. Duncan Marshall Dom. Allinpcc AN OLD DURHAM NAy.--Last Week'sl’Organizer was present besides several ‘93.13123,fingfi“sge“;:;‘:”Fi‘atgggc::§i other able speakers. Mr. Marshall said died on Nov. 12 inst. The late kinda” Alliance wished to secure 100.000 John McLean, Bentinck was tl sister of l pledged voters who would support cam- the deceased. Miss Cassie Fletcher. ididntes who would vote Prohibition in teacher. Benttnck. ts.a neice, and there l Parliament. Mr. McMullen contended I are other friends in S. Giiey. "Mn; . . l Fletcher has known very little sickness; that electors would have to abolish the‘] and was never contented unless he was) h%nate or tuake it elective before pro- ' m and domg. For .the past few years: hibition could be granted. I I his age has been telling on him and in _ " , l, the past year especially his weakness FonamrtCoLLtsTUATe STUDENT DEAD. 1 increased markedly. About three or -we regret to learn of the death ofi‘ f:,","c:et:t,f/,',h/,' 'tct','";,:,",',','.'::,",,':" 'a','ilr:h,iiss', Maggie Weir, which occured atil S llllil l " . ' N tTro ' fit,'J,"/L,"fi'/,' sank rapidly and gilidlilli- the home {if her parents, Mr. and Mrs. it ly. falling into a peaceful sleep on Fri- f Adam Weir, near Durham, on Sunday any night out of which he rallied once. last. Deceased will be remembered by l of vlt.f,qi'Jt.'Li/,"ititt,",vo:s1.r, His of"? many who knew her as a bright Coll-(l . S is S . S. l ' . 'lr,",',',',')',,?,) making the tiivl'ittettl'tet'Ci'l'el i egiate student here. She taught school i l or giving a sign of the least pain. He I the early part of the. present year. but " was a native. of Argyleshue. Scotland. failing health compelled her to relin-iJ g'y,,e,"i", L"$353};‘(':‘:,K:‘:?wsefilent°§"iqnisli her work at the midsummer C il',2.',i1,'u' 33:1 atterwmids “worried”; Siyacation. Silt“ that time her sty"y.rth I journeyman at the trade of a carpenter. : has rapidly failed. and a rapid decline ' In 1848 he came with his widowed ended her cameras above stated. De. tt yet.1.ter a.nd her f3"’”ly to Cansda. “W I ceased was a cousin of Mr. Adam t Whit“. P 1'r!,tinck, Minster». while ..-. -...._ .-_, n IN a " .. t of all who were acquainted -wrti, m. and many on the friends who sympathize with those he leaves be. hihd." tfiety being an object lesson to all with whom he came In contact. His wife and their four children survive him. Arch. and Hugh B. are at Kaslo, B. C., where they have large mini? interests; Makgie R: at home. and my E. " in 1ifttii0i' 9).. .Higireql trentltman- in i"itoria, B; q. His real tiG'ileGac. Imess gained fa him the love and res- $0119 brother who died " middle rage. hched quite an advanced age. From his we early boyhood he was a mem- her 'l,7?tl, Presbyterian church, and lived a. peaceful. unostetttntiotvs and “My c.htistian life: his! simple. faithful .V H..." ... --"s_._..._.% urn "only. will]: I“. Fletcher followed his trade in Tor- onto for several years. He also worked at Niagara Falls. and later on in Dur- ham. In tho latter place he was mar- ried in 18tt?. to Miss Ann Rose. He was the last surviving member of a family of ten. all of whqm ,it,tt _thr.teeptioit NEW Omen, Motnm.-o, Sound and Strntford are each talking of building. Durham should be thinking of building or renewing our Town Hall. Accom- modation can not be provided for first class Concerts such as the Sons of Scot- land held last January. am! an another of these brilliant concerts is to he held in January UNI), with Fax and other stars the lack will again he seen. You wish a ttrut-ei- farm and home paper? Then see the Weekly Bun he. fore pining your order. A post. card request. sent to Bun omce. Toronto, will secure for you tour successive numbers of the Sun free, and if at. the end of that time you do not wish to subscribe. your name will simply he dropped and there will be no charge whatever. Uluhhed with the REVIEW for $1.30. for the tent ot war. Purchases are being undo "t severalpointo. and in the quietest manner to prevent a. the in prices which tho war has not yet "ected. On: AND Puss Iron Armca.---Bhip. penu of those are leaving Owen Sound Luca. Wright & Batgon.-At Dur. ham ofBee Mondays and Court Days, from 10 n. m. to 4 p. m. Mi. Forest Methodists last Sunday nised 'ik2" which nearly clears their church and new misuse debt and they expect soon to have all clout. Goon CLIMATE Business Men's Letter Paper! And now December. VOL. XXI. NO. 48. Local and District News. Ar, Should be High Grade in style, quality and flnigh. We print high grade busio ness paper " Moderate Prices Are you out? ’" "nu promised; w. Wellington Prohihition Conren. d also tret the j tion was held last Tuesday after which 'Mr. Duncan Marshall Dom. Alliapce q.--Last week‘sf'Orgnnizer was present besides several ."r"s'i1igt,i,.ct fl,' , other able speakers. Mr. Marshall said The in"? grgphe Allinncn wished to secure 100.000 Was a sister of; pledged voters who would support can- FORMER COLLEGIATE s'wnux'r DEAD. --Weregret to learn of the death of :Miss Maggie Weir, which occured at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. jAdmn Weir, near Durham, on Sunday last. Deceased will be remembered by many who knew her as a bright Coll- _ egiate student here. She taught school 5 the early part of the present year. but failing health compelled her to relin- iqnish her work at the midsummer 5 vacation. Since that time her strength has rapidly failed. and a rapid decline ended her career as above stated. Dc- ceased was a cousin of Mr. Adam Weir, of this town.--0. S. Advertiser. f TEMPERANCE PARTY oRoANIzINtr.- Circulars have been sent out by the Dom, Alliance looking towards organi- zation for the coming elections. We have not yet seen them nor the pledge which it is said accompanies or is in- corporated in them. Mr. Duncan Mar- shall is reported from several points as being actiyely engaged in organization work. Considering the majority for the Plebiscite in all the provinces but one. with no result, (except increased education on the subject) following. it was tobe expected agitation would be kept up, but it is open to question whether it is wise to present a. system of wholesale pledge. for certain con- didntes or none at all where neither will promise as we understand u the can. didates who would vote Prohibition in Parliament. Mr. McMullen contended that electors would have to abolish the Senateor make it elective before pro- hihition could be granted. to vegetation. Just think of digging the eyes out of potatoes, pulling the ears from corn, cutting the head off a cabbage, pulling the beard out of rye, cutting the heart of a tree. spilling the blood of the beet, tearing the skin from u peach, breaking the neck of a squash. and other outrages. Farmeru' Institute mevnngs will be held in South Grey at Hanover on Jan. 13th. and at Durham on the 15th. Speakers will he Mr. Henry Glendinning Hanover. will have their first munic- ipal electiou on New Year's Day. That part of the village situated in the county of Grey is being inc rrporated and what is in Brant township remains in Bruce. Candidates for New me al- ready in the field. Dr. Meal-m and D. K. Knechtelare lmth anxious for the honor. The only councillor as yet in the field is Mr. J. C. Devlin.---Ex The new School Regulations issued by the Education Dept makes clear that Ed umtmnal Algebra are compulsory on the Pub. School Leaving course. Hither. to P. S. L. papers have been examined by county boards, they will now he vxurnined at Toronto hy exmninvra ap- pointed by the Education Dept. W'alkerton Exhibition has been "in the hole" for years back. hut the re" port of the Twas. the other day shows them on the tight side at last with a balance of 8290. " Mr. M. Richardson Flesherton has been appointed by the County Council a delegate to a Good Roads Convention in the County of York. James Fax. the inimitable comedian! is to appear in Durham tor the, ftrat time this winter under the auspice. of the Sons of Scotland Society on Jan. uary 19, 1900. Seven working days for eundklatu thin your. Nomination. Friday Dee. 23 Election. Monday Jan. I. County Councillor McKinnon fanned several checks Monday for County Counett pork. Just arrived-Or-rs and Lemon. at Barnett'.. Another variety show next 'treek. and the loose dimes will tlr. Kindly feehngtsforthe beat November I For a Scotch drink a on record. Tea. at Burnett’s Farm work is well advanced. some! The Urchardville hotel hare their ploughing done twice. I be (unshared to Mr. Join iiiiliitlig, )mpulsnry on) A neighbor was burning chips and urse. Hither. lrefuse in his orchard, Monday, Nov. 27. an examined ,Dry too. Couldn't have done it last will now he [year on same date. Bicycles still in use FORTUNE’S BtrILE.--...We are pleased to note that Dr. Edward S. Lauder, of Cleveland, IS still enjoying fortune's smile, havinglast summer been appoint- ed assistant to the Chair of Ophthal- mology in Cleveland College of Physic- ians and Surgeons. and a few weeks ago was offered and accepted the pos- ition of assistant editor of the Cleve.- land Medical Gazette now in its 16th year. We wish we could give the; whole of his racy letter. All are well. Mr. Geo. Russell in excellent health and "patiently waiting extradition proceedings ." for that apparent dia- crepancy of 60 cts whiph the council found." Of course it was long Snee found to be only apparent and it could not be otherwise for Mr. Russell was as methodical as he was honest. We were pleased to have a call from Mr, Angus Cameron last week, and to hearof his experience among friends in North Dakota from which he has just returned. He thinks very highly of that country and the other Uameron's McDougall's &c., out there, are all im.. proving their position and liking their adopted country, Mr. Cameron in- tends to return next spring. no doubt profitable feature was the "popular baby" contest. Bessie S'aun. ders. daughter of Pasco Saunders. got the highest vote and the watch. being closely followed by Mason NcDonald's, boy Earl, and Mr. Knapp's little daugh- ter Lizzie. The entertainment of the "Wu Hoo" company last: week Was better than their name. An amusing and to them Christmas is casting its intluenee round some of our stores already. Read the advertisements for bargains. The Review anda city paper makes an ap- propriate Xmas gift to a friend. Our clubbing rates show decided bargains. Have put seen the elegant premiums going with the Montreal star and the Globe? AGAIN A FoUNnRe.--Mr. Charter Smith is fixing up hie old Foundry property and will he prepared for bus- iness there soon. We hope his enter- prise may be rewarded by iecreased business. and that he may find in Dur-l ham amplcopportunity to expand his} business. . I NoTtci-Collector T. McGirr will be at the Knapp House. Saturday Dec. 9. to meet all parties who have not paid their taxes for 1899, This will be the last opportunity afforded and prompt attention is requested. We thank heartily those of on: sub- scribers who attended to their little accounts sent them last week. We would like to thank over 100 more, and we earnestly hope they will Rive us the opportunity at once. Please oblige. We need every cent of it. $3.80 was paid for hogs on Monday, so Mr. John Allan informed us was the price he received for 2001b articles. His noighbtu Mr. Wus, Hunter. sold 16 which almost went 3200. Brunt. Wil. son and Nedigm- are the buyers, and they are doing a big Fmsiness. 8125 buys " pail of Table Syrup. Bee Brand, at Murnett's, J. A. Hunter believes in printer's ink and this week gives a display that will make interesting reading in view of the increased prices which are expected on most lines of goods. He offers cash for produce. DURHAM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1899. Nov. 29. McKechnie's big store is approaching completion and has a very fine inside finish. It is their intention to stack both storeys with first class goods, Mr. E, Hartford moved into his new property lately purchased from Mr. Bull, on Monday. He has several tim- ber gangs at. work already. Uoueetot Dan. McDougail, Bentinck, it just firtiahintt his 23111.2 consecutive you as tax Collector. Surely a are record. . Two Moan HArrx.-. This evening. Wednesday, Miss Aggie Clark. former. ly teacher at Mulock and Mr. S. Jackson are being united in marriage. Town Council meets on uma,. Now gentleman give us light on our street. The weather for the month he: been splendid to fhtioh up building jobs and everything is well advanced. be transferred to Mr. John Collin; Glenelg taxpayers had better read Pollector McGIrr'I notice. The Royal Art Co. delivered " en- lumed Photos m town Tuesday. if? T, McGIRR, Collector. drink ask for Tartan Ph ' You're a Reader of Review! _-ee-e-rel-g-g-r-r---- ' Q Are you . Subscriber? [ ' Q Send in your nuns tor . Q trial triptoendotthe you . Q for only 10e. To the end Liceme is OT No. 9, West ot Garafraxa St. L containing 33 feet frontage and full depth of said lot. Good dwelling house and shop. with god well ot water, alsoa first class ker’s oven, lately built with fire brick. all on aid lot. Apyly to J. M. HUNTER, or th L. M_oCAUL. -- 'THOS. A. HARRIS, License Inspector. Durham, Nov. 28 '99. u - ___ "77.- .-.--.--...,. my. inane of them could help "te. I was tapped seven times; after this I was ngen 21 hours to live. A good heigh- lhor advised us to get some of your 1 remedies. My brother went at once to Godevich and got your System Renov- atm- and ts'pecih'c Cure. I was sure I could know the change after the first dose. I began to improve at once, and was able to he in Godericli four weeks Infter I begun them. I an: since quite well. I worked quite a lot this summer. I thunk you and wish you lunch success accord ingly: I his day received from John Collins. an application for a transfer of the License issued to George Schram, Orehardvillc. A meeting of the Board of License Commissioners for South Grey, will be held at Kirkner's Hotel Hanover, on the 11th day of December next, to consider such application. All interet.ted. will govern themselves TO all whom it may concern. I have his dav received from John Collin: and long: life; Londeaboro, Ont.. Nov. 12, I”. J. M. McLeod. Goderich, Dear Bir,--If anyone can rofit from this letter print it. I thing In case should he. nmde known. Last fnlfl was troubled with a weak back and with my kidneys. &c. My cane cook a. ser- ious turn at last. It turned to dropsy. I had IT/t good 1oyuys. attending me. Could not express the rupture of Annie E, Springer, of 1125 Howard St,, Phila- delphie, Pa., when she found that. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a. backing cough that for many years had made life a. burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she as)! of this Royal Uure-"lt soon removed the [pain in my chest and 1 can now sleep soundly. something I can scarcely re- member doing before. I feel like sound- ing its praises throughout the Universe." So will every one who tries Dr, King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Cheat or lung... Price 60c and $1.00 Trial bottles free " our drug Stores ; every bottle gunnnteed. g Sold by H, Parker, Druggist. 8200.---rt is reported on good author- ity that the Wa Hoo troupe- took 8200 out of town. Bessie Saunders got. a watch however, and some of our citiz. ens will he able to defy doctors and disease, while their uusm-ums Inst! County Council and other important matter unavoidably left over. Hampden Presbyteriuns will hold a tea meeting on Wednesday Dec. 13th. We have to thank the Sec-y. for an in- vitarion. Mrs. Martin and her father Mr. Thou. McComb. of Wi1liatnsford, Mrs. And. Browu, of Minn), Mr. and Mrs. Sam. NcComh. of Palmerston. spent a few days in town visiting old Mrs. McComb who is ill at Mr. Alex. McComlrs Lower town. Mr. D. McKinnon, Sullivan, has been here for a week assisting his In other-in- law Mr. J. A. Black to lay in a stock of wood, cutting it in Mr. Allan Camp- bell's bush. Mr. J. M. Findlay. merchant. Dro- more. we: in town Tueodny. and was I caller at the Renew omen. Rev. Mr. Robinson Walker ton. and Rev. Mr. Ryan of this town exchanged pulpits on Sunday. Mrs. Bean, Br.. and M rs. Mitchell were guests with their son and brother of the Big t this week. Their home IS in Listowell. Mr. and Mrs. Hume B. u., the latter niece of Mr. S. Scott. are visiting Mr. Scott, Mr. B. Moore's and other friends in town and country. Rev. Alex. Stewart returned last week after visiting friends in Manuel] and Rochester. Capt. Coyne. of Mt. Forest. wu mar. tieduteirto a. Miss McCann, of Low Min Milly McGowan is home attend. ing to her mother who is vety ill with bronchitis. Miss Ella. Rebel-won is now mhier in in the J. A Hunter, Big Store. Mr, Arch. Brown left Tuesday for Owen Sound where he will spend the winter. FOR SALE or TO RENT. Mia Flora McKenzie visited Corinth friends than week. A Long Letter in a. Nutshell; A Thousand Tohgues PERSONAL MENTION Lovur Tofu: Barium. NOTICE. Yours Truly, JAMES BROWN, 3m- . d; Hams Sewing 1tiaiiraGiiriii"iaias. " we“: WAnmools -Upper Town. Durhsm. . HARVESTING. a m m Deerini " Ideal " and " Pony?' Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. Also MaxwelliBinders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHE E LS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from CmpbelLot London. Bowman Thomas and Borlin1mkos of PIANO and ORGANS. " G MACHINE A MM of Now 3.3de and Wil- mm Sewlnn "mining- -, man".- . . Wilkingpn J?loughs,, number CULTIVATING, Coulter‘ & Scott Drills and We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : var thin or armers ! y g We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. . "Large Sales & Small Profits." l to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words " WrrEmsptqPrmmmpner- " is cast each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. Diamond Harfows. Cultivators. Disc and Spade Har- Iflmr, Ssafrers, Ete. Also Scotch INDICATIONS POINT to coldor weather and colder Weather means Warmer Clothing or else Ductor'l Bills. We can save you paying them it good, warm comfortable Overcoatl for Mena', Youths', and Chil. drena' will do it and at very Imoll cost, too. TORONTO We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash system ADOPTED BY ., G. ll; J. McKECHNIE. . McKechnie. L MCKINNON. WHOLE NO. 1133. Q trial triptoettdtofthe you Q for only me. To the and _ of the country for 8111). on ltd,

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