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Durham Review (1897), 30 Nov 1899, p. 4

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it B * \\( BV B DURKHAM REVIEW. Thursday, November 30, 1899. The plans of Joubert the Boer genâ€" eral in n&:elnng the relieving colurans in detail Seems a brilliant one if he is allowed to carry it out. The Natal Boer forces are doing & lot of raiding which seems to mdicate a scarcity of supplies. â€" Britain is exasperated at the way Natal is being overrun without a serious check, Cape Colony Loyalists of Dutch origin are being forced into Boer ranks, and the Dutch premier Scbreaier resents this strongly, Good for him. Fripay. After depressing news on Thursday of Boer advances in Natal, the isolation of Estcourt, and the threatening of Peitermaritzburg, there comes toâ€"day a very welcome report of A Grear Batrtus near Belmont in Cape Colony, won by Gen. Metbuen‘s forces, though at a loss 58 of killed, 150 wounded and 18 missâ€" ing. He has taken 40 prisoners and buried a number of Boers found dead on the field. This makes a total to date of follows : Killedâ€"officers 87, men 268 ; Woundâ€" edâ€"officers 98, men 901 ; Missing i. e. captured, officers and men 1269. News from Natal however is still serious. _ Between Pietermaritzburg and Ladysmith and imcluding the latter, are 4 British camps with Boers sandwiched in between. _ Both armies are thus scattered and there is a splenâ€" did opening for some general on either side to make a splendid coup, From Mafeking reports not reassurâ€" mg come. _ Water supply is failing, dysentery attacks becoming frequent, Boers continually she‘lling and persistâ€" ing in aiming at the hospital and women‘s laager, the only thing in plenty is food supply, ammunition and brave hearts, New Zealand troops have arrived, and the Canadians are expected by Tuesday, . 4 C Gen. CGatacre is pressing the Free Staters back from Cape Colony, and has ordered a ringleader of Cape Colony rebels to be tried for treason. Bullee keeps in the dark, and no surprise need be felt if some big coup is in view. Capetown is asking perâ€" mission to allow the Canadian Conâ€" tingent to parade the streets and be "recerved." Usually the train is beside the dock in waiting, and arrivals are off upâ€"country before the town can look around. More cavalry is the ory. Rising of the Dutch or the natives is the fear. Wait till the Canadians get there. Where do all the Boers come from ? Sarurpay, Confirmation comes of yesterday‘s great yictory. . The prisoners captured are a dirty ignorant lot and say the Boers thougkt all the armies of Europe would not dislodge them. _ Position after position was carried at the point of the bayonet. Three times the Boers resorted to the treacherous use of the white flag and two cfficers at least lost their liyes by trusting to the recognized immunity from danger implied. _ Kruger and Joubert will yet have to explain this barbarism. Some experts hbazard a guess that the seatiered position of the British in Natal, and their remaining on the deâ€" fensive is part of Buller‘s plan : Keepâ€" ing the cast busy while he operates in the west. | Gen, Methuen Has at least one more big fight before reaching Kimberiey. He is the first of British generals to publicly compliment his troups. Moxpay. Further news of a victorious adâ€" vance by Lord Methuen and another great battle at Gras Pan, where bayonet charges proved too much for the enemy. _ An enemy clever to a degree however, or they would not be able to pull themselves together so well and so soon after the defeat at Belmont two days betore. _ _ _ C. Ramage, The British bave reoccupied Nauwâ€" The naval brigade suffered heavily, . as did the Guards at Belmont. The Ninth Lancers were sent to intercept the retreat of the enemy, and have not returned, Ominous, More treachâ€" ery under the White Flag. {hller has arrived in Natal, and the Boers have abandoned positions taken last week. Estcourt is again in communication with Darban, and a torward movement is to be made at once to Colenso, where a fierce battle is expected. WAR NOTES.â€"Day by Day. reap the whirwind, (Gen. Hildyard has been doing good work in a battle at Beacon Hill, and is now at Frere, second station from Colenso, and fifth from Ladysmith. Genera‘!s Gatacre and French in Northern Cape Colony are not setting the heather on fire. _ It is now certain they are hampered by dtsloyal Cape Dutch, who by sowing the wind will THurspay. Editor and French papers (not all) while gloryâ€" ing in Britain‘s troubles haye been caricaturing in a disgraceful way good Queen Victoria. _ A little of this | this goes a long way towards rousing John Bull to madness, and just a litile more will make him gore the exhiâ€" bition next year, and store up vials of wrath for the nation at an early date. | TuEsDAY. \ Not much new. _ Natal forces com-‘I bining and moving. _A break in the cable has occurred and details of late actions are delayed. _A Berlin newsâ€" paper says the Ninth Lancers are captured, but the London Mail says by its correspondent that they are scoutâ€" | ing in adyance of Methuen‘s army, | which is reported 10 miles north ot ftuan Kraw WTansion of anxiety in Gras Pan. _ Tension of anxiety Britain is again great. Gen. Gatacre is preparing to take Stormberg. _ Guns and troops still arriying at Cape Town, but the Sarâ€" dinian, with the Canadians, is not yeLt reported. Canadian hearts will throb Xitg a new fervor when they take the eld. â€"Prin. Grant, in contrast to a chorâ€" us of detractors has given Hon. Mr. Tarte a very warm endorsation for his action in asking that the sending of a eontingent to Africa be not regardâ€" ed as a precedent untilt sanctioned by. Parliament. _He says ‘‘on the matter\ of princirle Mr. Tarte‘s position is imâ€" prequable" and thinks that ‘‘all interâ€" ested in Parlimentary government and Imperial federation should be grateâ€" ful to him." He adds ‘"‘There is anothâ€" er feature in his attitude worthy of notice. The one thing indispensable to theworking ot free institutions is that we should have men in public life who should have the courage of their convictions. It is the glory of Great Britain that there are such men in public life, and in that I hope we shall always resemble the mother country. It will be an ill day for a free people when independence of opinion and speech is not welcomed.‘, â€"‘Forward‘ is the dominant note of the poiicy of the Hon. G. W. Ross. Last Friday an order in Council was issued looking to the opening of neâ€" gotiations with the British Government for the purpose of securing to that government concessions of nickel ores in ungranted lands in New Ontario for the building of warships. This may be the means of starting gigantic industries here, greatly to Canada‘s interest, for it is certain our capable government will see to it that the labor of refining is done in the country of production. â€"The Chicago Tribune is sending out marked copies containing an articâ€" le severely condemning the Mail and Empire for alleged priracy of cableâ€" grams sent direct to the ‘Tribune. The Globe, ever enterprising, is asâ€" sociated with the Tribune exclusively in handling the London Times‘ ‘"‘News Views." The Tribune says the "Mail" evidently ‘"‘finds it cheaper to steal than to buy" and unless it stops will ‘‘brand it a news thiet of the most pronounced ty pe." â€"What a mighty ‘"torce" is thig |Deat British Empire! Working, Fighting | Blin« and civilizing at two ends of Atrica, | Tw Governing, and sometimes feeding, |44** great India. Insisting in the face of| °O°V c at RUssh o CHI & tend great Ruassia that Chinese ports MuUsSt | plica be open and compelling respect from Sve many mations, that, not understanding | N. her aims would gladly work her|thes downfall, policing the oceans, which | Tore are but paths connecting distant points. ““‘{ â€"(Gen. Wingate on Sunday won a great victory in the Soudon, almo4t if not as great as Omdurman _ The forces of the Khalifa gere utterly routed and the Khalifa _ himself killed, and Lord Kitchener now deciares that the Soudan is open to the world. â€"At a Conservative Convention in Tara Mr. Alex. McNeill, M. P., reâ€" ceived the nomination for the House of Common‘s and Mr. D. M. Jermyn for the Local Legislature. â€"Ocean rates, owing to the deâ€" mands of the Paris Exposition, have been increased 50 per cent Mr, A, B. McCall i | of price, oi .& A. D. um, Pais of price, one package $1, six. $o. . Oné 10i0 2MIO" been gazetted Judge of the d%:t)x”'icthii | Sizwill "-‘1"'{;0!;:?3"""“{“‘? i paay Wh l son, Un Manitoulin and will remove there. f ies i agnyâ€" â€"<â€"DF. fenpt | _ 12"* Weod‘s Phosphodine is sold in Durh D;I,POttS has received about half . "by Jas. 1. yald M lacParianc & Co.,. pace a million dollars of the Methodist H. Parker, Druggists. million dollar Fund. Waste ic you will fi J. BURNET § n\ ('.mcken_,_ Glassware, Crocenies, Flour and Feed, 8. g BB333 33E323°°%°33%3383%%3® E. but always get quality for your money, We always place quality before price and still compete. Our new TANNED GOODS have arrived: Vegetables, Salmon, Kippered Herring, Finnan Haddie: Also Ciscoes Labrador Herring and Cod. Butter, Eggs, and Poultry taken as Cash. 20 lbs Granulated Sugar â€" â€" â€" â€" $1,00 11 lbs Rolled Oats > / 06. Mr. Sandy McDonald, who for the past three months, has been taking &A tour through Dakota and Manitoba has returned home, looking AS if the climate and people of those Western countries agreed with him. Sandy says that is the country for him and in \_a.ll_ probabilities will return in the spring. L* 7m* Mr. Dngald McDonald has now his stables finished, and no doubt will find much comfort, during the wiuter, which ho richly deserves after his which ho richly 4 hard summer‘s work. 1IAPCL SNUERRRMRANRA M C000 Misses Annie and Aggie Milne and Miss M. Taylor attended Crawford Church last Sunday. Also Mrs. Neil Coutts. of Toronto. Mr. Alex. Hobkirk was ONC day helping lay cement on Mr. McDonald,s stables and says he liked the job fine. The nei%gbors and friends of Mr. Donald McKechnie one day made aA bee and ploughed fifteen acres for LOCELL y ear Irosmall narl him. Also 4 a bee lately. Last Sabbath being Communion At Crawford the church was filled and an excellent sermon was given by Rev. Mr. Little. Messrs Lachy McLean and John Mceâ€" Kecehnie SB%nt Sunday at their uncles Mr. D. MceDonald. We were sé;'ry to hear that Mr. Allan McDougall was sick but under the Doctor‘s care is ali right again. We z;1;e glad to know that Mr McDougal! is over the injuries he received during his bee. Mr. Henry Emke pays his friendly calls to the Smith family occasionally. Two young men from the Rocky were driving up to the new building on Mr. Alex. McLeans farm at the baseâ€"line thinking it was a hotel, but was rather surprised to find it a stable. Will often cause a horrible burn, seald, cut or braise. _ Bucklen‘s Amica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the paiu and prowptly heal it. â€" Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcors, boils, felons, corns, ali skin eruptions, _ Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25¢ a box. Cure guaranteed. _ Sold by our druggists. 6b V NBX C At the Asylum for the Insane in Tor onto, London, Kingston, Hamilton‘ Mimico, _ Brockvilel and Orillia; the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory Toronto; the Reformatory for Boys, Penetanguishene; the institutions for | Deat and Dumb, Belleville, and the t Blind at Brantford. Two sufficient sureties will be reâ€" quired for the due fulfilmenut of each contract. Specifications and forms of tender can only be had by making apâ€" plication to the bursars of the respecâ€" tive institutions. T ag & The undersigned will receive tenders for supplies up to noon on Monday, Dec. 4th, 1899, for the supply of butchers‘ meat, butter, dairy and creamery, giyâ€" ing the price of each, flour, oatmeal, potatoes _ cordwood, etc., for the followâ€" ing institutions during the year 1900. v1Z.Iâ€" UIVC IRMSDUIRIOINIICY N. B.â€"Tenders are not required for the supply of meat_to the asvlums in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton and Mimico nor to the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto. The lowest or any tender not mecesâ€" sarily accepted. Newspapers inserting this advertiseâ€" ment without authority from the deâ€" partment will not be aid for it. K. Christie, T. F. (‘-‘mmhcrlnin. James Noxon, Inspectors of Prisons and Puabâ€" licâ€" Chapities, â€" Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Noy. 20th. 1899. The Great English Remedy. R Sold and recommended by all 24 druggists in Canada. Orng reliâ€" \\ 2Â¥ able medicine discovered. Siz y€ Soal fmkagcs guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of Toâ€" bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six. $5. Onre will pleas¢, sixz will cure. Pampniets free to any address. The Woous. Company, Windsor, Ont» TENDERS FOR SUPPUES. mefore. After. "Food‘s Phosghoding, CC | s OO y CP SS s Pn SW cce w Also Mr. Angus McDougall had A Frightful Blunder Crawford. 1900. will receive tenders . Arch. which 9 ALL DEAL WITH.... _ The Hanover Conveyancer "Always Prompt. Never Negligent. All business Strictly Private. II. H. MILLER awill have been £0 years at the business mext XMAS ;)A Y, and he KNOWS HOW io get money at lowest possible rates and with best privileges. That is why the whole country goes to him. Filc 4 lending at 5 per cent. and on large loans _« They Say i Poys, They 011 Say 80 A Hundred good Farms for saleâ€"Aiso a number of fine Hanover Properties. want you to know we handle everyâ€" thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse comâ€" fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount of work he will do. Spring Need ITâ€"â€"â€" In Heavy and Light _ Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets, Ete. | a term of years, his farm near the Rob RO{‘X Hotel, being lots 9 and 10 Con. 1, N. D. R. Glenelg. The farm is at present all seeded down and is in good heart for cultivation, convenient to school and post office.. Apply on the premises, or to A. C. Beaton on lot to the east, or tou A. S. Hunter, Durham. HUGH CAMPBELL, THE undersigned offers for rent for | a term of years, his farm near the Nov. 13 ‘99 Is RELIABLE HARNESS. We PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS, Rich Men, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patrons, cotch & Irish! Farm to Rent. WE SUPPLY IT â€"â€"â€" In He C. LEAVENS . MILLER, . 7»){2'1'292' HANQVER . TORONTO P t 3+ GSpring and Summer Qoods know what these Goods areâ€"the best As Usual a Full Line ¢. 1 Two carloads of Tudhope BUGGIEFS t BUGGlES ND 4 select. _ We have very aice Buggies and Democrats. Prices of rigs are on the rise but our stock was bought early, and a good profit saved in tre ght alone. _ _Prices from $50.00 upwards. WAGONS! a full carload toselect from. See our Farm TRUCK. These are the Celebrated Adams‘ Wagons. A Full Line of the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, all in stock. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have the old established London Mutual Insurance Company, and other good Stock Companies. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 5%. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses ipremon Yavos. â€" WMâ€"CALLDOEFN Implement Warerooms. 1856 H. PARKER 1899 Chemist A Choice Selection of new Fruits, &c. For the ‘Xmas Trade, RAISIN®S ; Selected Valencias, London Layers, Black Baskets, Suitanas. CURRANTS ; Choice Reâ€"cleaned. CANDIED PEELS ; Citron, Orange, Lemon. Cocoa, Cocoanut and Chocolate. Chorce Confectionery. All Kinds of Family Groceries at Bottom Prices. Xmas. Fancy Goods and novelties in Stock and arriving daily. ‘XMAS GROCERIES SUTGARS ; Pink and white Iceing. Paris Lumps, Granulated & Yellows NUTS : Walnuts Grenoble, Almonds, Filberts Brazil and Poa nuts. CANNED GOODS : Fraser River Salmon, Tomatoe , Corn, Peas. Turnip Sowers, Seuffiers, Ploughs, .Hagrows. Hay FO'I:EKS, THE BEST TEAS AND COFFEES IN TOWNâ€"TRY THEM. We have been moving lately and have not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now ! 9 FOR p of Masseyâ€"Harris Binders, Mowers, Dise Harrows, Rakes, Ete. You in the market. Buy no other ! t H. PARKER. d Lo o t tb U cce ie t 24 * Loke ‘TTI. But wha and worry ghort time, will I get inspection display o assist you IT Too earl and Calen Bee the pf make yot is complet of t1 n P DURKAA «) ~ \iner Oauil $A * ome € %m4% \A an« i9 CA â€"~410. per U io ree} W U

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