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Durham Review (1897), 30 Nov 1899, p. 5

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out AlL DE PR 228194231 RKER. ‘om 108 IGE., C n onery R/EF S LALYV ig Machines, 8090 AGE Licenses: 1 & Yellows. HE M s Trade, cods U Pea Sultanas. IFS to es and on the treioht E’é 3 time wers, Y ou 1ese * Big4@@ SHORT W EEEKES ‘TIL.L: But what a deal of anxious thought and worry will be crowded into that short time, solying the question ‘"what will I get for this and that one? An inspection of our large and attractive display of HOLIDAY GOODS will assist you in coming to a decision. _ CHRISTMAS IT IS NOT Too early to select yoaur Ximas Card and Calendars for friends at a distance. See the pretty designs we have and make your is complete. ANOTHER of those cheap Cloth Bound Books in neat and attractive covers, of such standard authors as Seott, Dickens, Thackeray &e., also Pansy, Wetherell Ingraham &e., at 15¢ each. There has been such a rush for these books that we could only secure 200, so our snpply is limited. suf DURKHAM, engrmem sds 57 Fancy bed comforters 60Ox72 in. §1.25 52in. half bleach table linen per yard 25 GSin. half bleach table linen floral design, per yd .50 Pure Linen Towels 25 to 50c Men‘s tancy emb‘d Slippers ... ... .70 Ǥ & e€ Pat. trimmeds$ 1.00 _ Chocolate dong kid slippers$ 1.15 <©â€" Bl‘k dong slippers handm‘d$ 1.30 Women‘s German felt sole shggers .60 All other kinds of Boots and Shoes at Big 4 prices which are the at Big lowest. Reguals Come and See us in our new store We want your trade. pA®88848%8%e882%81 46 P W. H. BEAN cans Jeweled Waltham or Nickle Screw Case. I teen â€" Jeweled Walth never offered before. MacFARLANE & 60 These Prices will not last very long. m e AMPectonrar Al GORDON’ Lower Towx a pe -&-‘Nofi. 1 and 2 SOHL )C responsible Druggists is * EARLY SHOPPING guarâ€" @ antees better selections & @ BETTER ATTENTION. ¢ HE SELLS CHEAP !! x" No.land No Parker, MacFa: Gun, Druggists. w#Ir. ar Z« $5 BILL! Gook‘s Cotton Rqot‘gokt‘nponnd 25¢ bottle be " Drucosts AXD BOOKSELLERS selection while our stock Will now buy and No. 2 sold in Durbam by h. MacFarlane and Co., and Jas.‘{t. dange shoe dressing 2 DURHAM, Oxt. Calder‘s Block. Elgin Watch in We have Sevenâ€" Jams ab prices 3N4GE. Crocket a Seven ONT 10c We do not know whether we can produce anything of much importance at this time or not but as we are living in the age of improvements we are beâ€" gming to feel the effects thereof of late y way of improvements done in our town. _A new street has been ‘opened up in close proximity to the Cast end ot McGowan‘s gristâ€"mill across to the old manse for the accomodation of Mrs. McLeod and Mr. Aussum. The old bridge across the river on the old Durham road is to be abandoned now and forever. â€"It is not ftar off half a century since the bridge was built and it served its day and time most faithfally, carrying precious burdens of various kinds, for across this old bridge two taithful servants of the Master, who went to their rewards years ago viz. The late Revs. D. Fraser and D. McLeod, had to pass over it from the old manse to the old churches where they delivered the message belonging to their profession most faithfally Sabbath after Sabbath for long years till finally they were compelled to be laid aside from the labors of this life for they had fought a good fight and finished their course and just as the old bridge has served its time faithfully and now it is to be forever forsaken and allowed to drift down the river by the freshets of l spring for like the old negro ‘‘There‘s Inu more use for it now. We do not know what the street is to be called but we fancy it will be McGowan St, Councillor Muir had a large gang of men and horses graveling the street Friday last. Excouncillor D. MeMilâ€" lan was the means collecting funds for grading and beautify the fair grounds l at the school house. The work was | performed on Szltul‘dgly'lasr;. §‘ P chndsAlsindiar® in AroafiericnP NedA £ A number from this locality attendâ€" ed D. Graham‘s sale on the 20 inst. Auctioneer D. McCormack was in the best of humor and did his part faithâ€" iuly. The proceeds of sale realized over $1100. A number of the young men in the neighborhood left for the timbering woods during the last week. Quite a number from here attended the tuneral of Miss Weir Tuesday of last week. The many friends of the deccased in this part extend to the sorrowing family their heartfelt symâ€" pathy in their sad bereavement. Some of the rateâ€"payers are beginâ€" ing to talk about Council matters. In Glenelg we hear that excouncillor Thos. McFadden is solicited to contest for the reeveship in opposition to Reeve Staples. Should Mr. McFadden see his way clear to accept of the nominâ€" ation in all probability he might be reeve for the last year of the nineâ€". teenth century in Glenelg for his exâ€" perience as member of the Council board qualifies him thoroughly to be able to fill the office. _ As Councillor Williams is retiring no doubt the vacâ€" ancy will be filled by soms one else in that locality. Complaints are bheard all over for heavy taxes this year. We do not mean to say that the Counâ€" cil is responsible for the extra rate, however it is a master of facts and figâ€" ures all the same. Collector MceCorâ€" mick is away in Ward No 1, Artemesia gathering up the fragments so as to \Imve his roll in on the fourteenth of December. Old Mr. Moran on the North line from here wasseyerely bitten by one of his horses lately, tearing the whole side of the face and lower égart of the chin nearly taking it all off. _ His life for a while was despaired of, but now hopes are entertained of his recovery. John McPhail, son of Mr. Arch. Mecâ€" Phail one mile east of this place, built one of the finest brick residences in the locality being master builder and conâ€" tractor himselt and made the lime and is to do the carpenter work himself also. This was his first attempt. He never learut the trade. Archie McCuaig had only 180 loads of Turnips this year at 40 bus. to the load and 2 dozen turnips to the bus. it would be a nice question for the Top Cliff teacher to give to some of her little tots to find out how many turnips bad Archie. Alfred Hinks was the first and last to Thresh in the neighborhood this year. _ Colin _ McLean commenced there in the beginning of Harvest and finished there on Tucsday of this week. We are pleased to state that the opâ€" peration was successful on Miss James of this place on Wednesday of last 1 & C & TW AE mm uol ue\ Aeme e :»f this place on Wednesday of last week in the hospital at Toronto for tumor and we sincerely hope that the young lady will be restored to health so as to be able to return to her home Mr. Donald McCormick, of South Proton fell off the waterâ€"tank of a steam thresher a few days ago and received quite a shaken up. Dr. Hutton had to be called for and we are pleased to hear he is doing very well and not so serious as was first expected. As we suggested on some Ql:gvious As we suggested on some previous occasions concerning th advisability of having a shed for tne accomodation of horses at the Presbyterian church and we will take the liberty of doing so again. We have one of the most comfortable churches in South Grey to accomodate ourselves and we built a first class manse for the Parson and family and stables for his horse, &e. All very good so far, but oun poor dumb animals has to be tied to the fence or some uther place vzhile_we are POSBaw NT mt Poays .R comfortably seated inside listening as the case may be to such texts, as The F} y lnns hn "â€" t PA C bey OEmy ERRME CCCR No ox knows his master‘s crib and the horse his own stable, &c. but our poor horse has neither crib nor stall to stand in. but a cold stable roofed by Priceville. t Never in the nistory of this store has it been better stockâ€" ed than it is at present, and most of the goods were bought before the wholesale advance in prices. I require your money and will try to get it, by giving you something substantial for it. A CARLOAD OF CUTTERS! Bews> JUST ARRIVED from the Canada Carriage Works, Brockville. Call early and see the Best Collection of Cutters ever brought to urham. _ Many Styles, only one Quality, THg BEST. F T 8 _ Rus 31 I » fop Drafit Queen Heating St0VES : * Wood Savers See them and be interested. â€"Buy one and be pleased. $10 and up. @Gur Specialty â€" ~<egpmeme â€"â€" this weekis OVERCOATS, UNDERâ€" WEAR, and BLANKETS. These are unequalled in town. Come and be convinced. it yratete 11. New arrivals of BOOTS Our new stock of (Gentlemen‘s TIES and HAAN1 special! attraction at bargain pric Highest Price Paid for Butter. Eggs$ Lard, ried Apples and Dry Picked Poult41. C. McArthur, _ Wheeled Vehiclesâ€"Singer Sewing Machinesâ€"Root Pulpers, &c. â€"â€" We hope to meet all old friends and many new ones in our New Premises West of the Middaugh HMouse, If you are in search of a wedding present, do* not purchase before inspecting our large stock of SILVERWARE, CARVING SETTS and LAMPS. This week‘s shipment consisis of Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Cobbler‘s Setts, Mink Traps, Steel Crow Bars, Meat Mincers, Curry Combs, Horse Brushes, Horse Blankets, Copper Botlers, Lanterns and Cow Chains. Protect Your House and Furni¢ure by purching an Extension Ladder.â€"â€" z_A Good Coal Stove tor Sale, Cheap. 5 gallons of the best Canadian Coal Oil tor 9Octs Uno. LINNINGSTONE, the canopy of the heavens. We hope | some movement will be made this| winter to have our animals when we| take them to church, as comfortable| in proportion as we are ourselves and | not to be infringing on Messrs. Butters| and Bolgers‘ liberality in giving the | use of their stables gratis. | That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King‘s New Life Pills. Thousauds of sufferers have proved their matchless werit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build upfyour health. _ Easy to take. Try them, _ Only 256. Money back fi not cured, Scld by our druggists. _ 5 The Hardware Store TRY OUR 25 cont JAPAN TEA CEYLOYA TEA at same price. WM . BLACK. es $ & SHOES keep our Stock in this line new and unâ€"toâ€"date. emen‘s TIES and HANDKERCHIEFS is a attraction at bargain prices. Butter. Egos# Lard, 'Gwe U$ _ HORN‘S OLD STAND. In last weeks Review we noticed a brief sketch of the wedding which occured in Balsam Valley. We did not get a list of the presents, but we presume they were many and costly, which go to show that the young lady was held in great esteem by all who knew her. John McKechnie has returned home from Byng Inlet where he has spent the last year. Jack is a little thin but he will soon recruit up again. John Porter is very ill at present with inflammation, but we trust that yax<4.>~.OOl Durham, Ont Balsam Vailey. Also our package TMRG 7 ING O FM | OVR CHIBLAN REMEDY ! We understand what the ingredients In this preparation will do And how to combine them To do the most good. Ask For «GUN‘s CHILBLAIN CURE And get it, JAS.R.GUN Code‘s x Block x Duhon DON‘T FORGET Miss Margaret Cun UPPER TOWA, DURMH AM. RADUATE OF PRESBYTERIAN G Ladies College and pupil of the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, is prepared to give lessons in Piano and Harmony. When you are about to spend your good money, Dont Take Anything For Granted, _ If a pediar comes alorg with something ibat will cure everything, dont let him perâ€" suade you into buying it. That‘s his interest,â€"not yours. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘s Block. â€" Residence first door west of the Post Office, Durham. Is the only preparation for those Who are troubled with this Complaint, and who want a sure Cure and a permanent one. E. J. FREEL, M. D. VPPER TOWN, Houor Graduate of Trinity College, Toronto ; Member of the College of Phycians and Surgeons, Ont. ; Member of the Detroit Medâ€" ical and Library Associatlion, RES.LENCEâ€"Old Bauk Building, opposite C. McKiznon‘s Implement Shop, under the care of Dr. Jamieson he will recover. While Donald MceCormack _ was drawing water for the McLean Bros. threshing machine, he accidently fell off the tank on a pile of stones injuring his head and arm. Dr. Hutton was at onee called and dressed his wounds, and at time of writing he is doing well. e 2488488888 %. S%48%1%% p i A Dr. T. G. KHOLT L. D.S§. Messrs. James McDonald and David Mcelotyre are at present making sqluare timber for M. K. Beaton of (Glenelg, also Norman MceDougall. This sturdy gang will make the hills ring. * A number from this part took in the sale at D. Graham‘s and report prices very high. Mr. Leonard Max well, Swinton Park is at present engaged with D. McInâ€" tyre, hustling up the chores. While Master Charlie Paul was after the cows he got lost in the bush, and had to camp out for the night, while all the neighbors were in search most of the night without ayail. In the morning he found his way out after spending a night of terror, hunger and cold, but is none the worse after his sojourn in the woods. DENTISTRY. We notice the smiling countenance of Donald McCannel, of Boothville, passing around the corner en route to the river. We think to catch fish. We believe Pete and Donald are oing in snooks this winter, while Meâ€" fiillan and Moore are in the soup. Willie Haas from the Base Line, Egremont, accompanied by two ladies visited at the Valley last week. doeogsesese ecense es es se es We issue Tickets to all points at Lowest Rates. Six Yenrs‘ BHospital Experience. TORONTO ... . DRUGGIST .. JAKE KRESS d mwan anademmetsa cemen wnieraire ns 216 Of the Best r than Ever, Oâ€"17 HRNIURE DURH AM iGcu nartetis s shoinss m ies 3/A OMficeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURHKAN. Collections and Agepey promptly attemied to Wills, Deeds, Mortguges, Leas s, Acreemepts, &e. coruefl_vdpupu.d. Estates of deceased persons looked after, and Executors‘ and Adâ€" ministrators‘ Accounts preprured and puesed Burrogate Court Business, Pro®are of Will, Letters of Adminisiration . and Gaevdinnebip Obtained. Searches made in Registry Ofbce and Titles reported on. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at low« st rates of interes!. Valnation® made *y a competent and careful Valomtor. LUCAS, WRIGHT & BATSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCERS. Money to Loanâ€"Company and Private Funds. Low Rates. Easy Terms. OFFICESâ€"Owen Sound, Markdale and Durham Note.â€"At Durham, Mondays 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and Court Days. At Priceâ€" ville, Mondays 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. I B LUCAS W H WRIGHT CA BATSON OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Block, BARRISTER. SsoLICITOR iN SUPREME COURT, NoTaRry PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Office, over Grant‘s store, Lower Loan and Insurance Agent, Convey ancer, Commissioner, &e. LOANS arranged without delay, Collect: promptly made, _ Insurance effected. MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of inte Officeoâ€"one door north of 8. Seott‘s, Durham BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC, CONYEYANCER, aC. Flour per Cwb .....+ Qatmeal per sack ... Bran per cwb .. .~> Shorts per ewt Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, +* reas, * Oats, t Dr‘d Hogs, per cwt Hogs, live weight . Lard perlb ; . Tallow* per lb » Butter per Ib, Tab . + Roll ind PEOYJGNLCCT, CCC +4 \y Â¥C+ + + ++ lon%y to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Egys, per doz . Hides, per ewt Calfskins _ .. Bheepskins .. WOOL TWEEDS & YARNS GROCERIES W. L. McKENZIZE We osk Inspection of out THRS. S$. SCGOT!. ANELNX £MENAN 4 1 "l‘t;\fi{.l\ /_/ ‘; Â¥ m *4 &* 14 K Gold F Â¥A movemem .\Er‘ T akauk Silmw. 5 we SoSSSSq55 Robbed The Grave. A Startling incident, of which Mr. John Uliyer of Philadeiphia was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: I was in a most dreadfal condition, _ My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, n»o appetite, gradually growing weaker day by day, Three physicians had given me up, Fortunately a friend advised trying Electric Bitters, and to my great joy and surprise the first bottle made a decided improvement. _I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man,. know they eaved my life and robbed grave of another victim." â€" No one sho fail to try them. Only 50c., guarant at our drug stores. t arrister, PNYotary, Gonâ€" W. S. DAVIDSON. MONEY TO LOAN We can give you Bargains. A 14 K Gold Filled with Elgin movemement for _ #10,.C) Latest Size. Larger Size, with Elgin or Waltham movement $9.50 Dout forget to call before Buying. Say! are you thinking of getting married ? Call and get the Lucky Wedâ€" ding ring. W. A. MacFARLANE. We are prepared to hanâ€" die your WOOL & other produce to your entivre satisfaction. Repairing done promptly and iÂ¥ GUARANTEERIDD. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, &e., DpURHAM MARKET Of best quality. LO0K AT PRICGHE !! . TELFUORD, Call and get a Calendar, FA § r:}:}u G sGEiFi, , @to., te..... Next to Bank Mocoderate ut delay, _ Collections Insurance effected. (fi‘(v)‘iver the Bank $1 80 to 2 00 to 80 to 90 to 60 to 10 to 7 00 to 25 to 40 to 24 to 75 to 15 to 10 to 04 17 17 «payay 2 { interest to to be Lo to to to owR PJ ( 0 25 8O 64 00 00 10 17 18 (Â¥ #4 €&

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