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Durham Review (1897), 7 Dec 1899, p. 1

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00 avy col.. ues i " :1 Notice is hereby given that all an- paid taxes must he paid to-day or to-morrow, Dee. 7th and 8th, or 3 per cent will be added for collection. Hugh McKay has been appointed collector. By order of Council. ll EALTH At-r 1'trAsrres.---The present smallpox outbreak in Essex County. according to the Provincial Board of Health. has shown that the present otganization in the province is not as complete as it might he. At the next session of the Legislature a bill will be introduced which was Trey but not presented last season his bill will abolish local organizations and have County iispectors in their stead. Un.. der the county inspector there will he vincial inspectors. The Provincial $111M Health is making a vigorous on to have consumption patients in hospitals isolated. The hospitals have not complied with the request as read- ily as was expected. and further efforts may be made -Ea. " sole cotttt'tlrttteg " very itotervsting skew!) of hot. personal experience in hrr Mfume to succeed on the stage. Life has not. been all sunshine for Miss Neth.. ersole, She made hear place hauling against tremendous odds. and tell how she succeeded in a way that is at once interesting and inspiring. Only $1 Year, Maw Salt the sole Lcre LITERARY NEWS wavstory, by Corian Dor, thufvuturos of the Decen politam" Frank H. Stock OPEN vorvar.-- By 'Sah-section 2, sec. 19, of the .municipal Amendment Act. 1893). Council appointees to the Nan-ions omces "bust be chosen by open vote. "Each member of the council Jrresent voting shall announce his vote upon the question openly and individu- ally in the coumil, and the. clerk shall record the mine '. and no .vuu- shall be taktut by ballot orhy any other method Id, secret yuting bunny municipal conn- cil, and every vote so taken shall be void and of no what." SoItMANity UurtIrriENs.--Last Tuesday INns'rsscarno.--Mertsts,at.e routin- Mrs.Tlw,s. timid. Sui-immiiy. delivered null-v living reminded Irv wlmlysale to 3L.rchant C. L. (ii-nut, here l3 well buyers to warn poultrv miners against rlv"ntulehickour, which w-ighmltisl "N. {gnawing fowl. Thu: should he dr ()m- at tin-In W MIMI " “H They were Picked,ctnd should lie starved .21 f,','.',,'. of the white Ply. Rock variaty. Who ihefure killing. They abject. to pavin . “Hymn! this. Ifar pens at. poultry prior. The iuilii RI'INM‘H PM fi1NG - "r'fyyr1l"t','c'oeti1ti.',tltt' make: it advisable tr, hold thick and fait that the tspple product of C poultry. , ’14an when unpacked at [.ivvrpmnl! DonNocu FortEsrwts.--T,his Iv,,) and Glasgow .i-; in bad shape and farlhas billnout announcing ' JiiaLEic from tlmtwlum. The-practice cf Cart" inert. andd?ie..b'ocia1 on Friday evening less parking, causing hulking. and l15th inst. Admission only Lil. and 100 i chenty [Mu-king; is like to rum a good mr. Jamieson M. P. P. and Mayor Oath. trade. ider are todeliver addr eases .nnd ,Rev ' Don't he Mraid of levginning yuurer. Littic. Grand Orator for Central ('hristmau advertising too i-urly; he I0ntnri0-df the I. o. F. will also Impres- anmng the iii-at in your town to hold lent. Vocal and Instrumental music of nut a wekustue to gift isuyers, and make) (behest. lie-member the date. it a point to invite people who "only mo , d --- _ want to look," with the assurance that i new 'd1li'r,"ei"t: ie:tri.,ttierp) they will nut he pressed to huv. Dress i insurance Companies. Ainincreus of1 your store in hululay attire. and letialmm 20,per cent will be nude on 11 your windows and you: advertising l the rates. This is caused by the 13w remind )ll' i tl .ic as is ' )9 .. . . ' at hand. “Elf th it hri tttt I I ch e i x3110: ','e..'r,s,t refill“?! or) investments, 1 "VINO-(“H l’muuxn __ I 'Ir.uplnin[s come thick and fast-that the apple product of k'ulmdn when unpacked at Liverpool and (”wow sic:, in bad shape and far frum first-clam. Theotraurtire, cf caro- less packing, causing bruising. and chewy packing is like to ruin a good trade. Com. McCalmon, Thomburv, was the guest of Com. C. McKinnon last night He is tlown on the Normanby arbitration case. NORMANIH' thilcKE.ssa.-Last Tuesday Mrs. Tins. (mm. Normanby, delivered toMtuwhantC. L. Grant. here 13 well (-lmmml chickens which it -ighml tto lbs. One of them WUithi " live. They were of the white Ply. Rock l variety. Who can H'lllll this. Harnerormakorsare the latest of the crafts to ire dimussing a "2.5 per cent raise on harness. owing to the increased coat. of [anther and naddlerf hardware. Congratulations to the (Bbesley Ln. terpriseoo its,prugressas indicated by the trwta3utiorvat a new gsoline en- gine. Rev. J, C. Pomeroy, Methodist min. islet at Nouthttmpton, told those of his 'members who rimmed or played cards to withdraw theinnames from the roll. Casings-r Fort Paras.-ie eompanies in the north end of this equity are sending exhrhitsol their output to the Paris Exposition. MucFarIMu-‘s Enulsion of Ged Lirea Oil with Hypuphossphites Large bottle, 3 for SI. Gives perfect. satisfaction. I Miss Jessie McKeohnie, o'f Horn ville. visited at her unclé's Mr. Chas.ak own's last week. Lucas, Wright & Batson.--At :I)ur- ham “thee Mummy-s and C'ottrtlDays, from 10 a. m. to I p. m. ' Local and District News. ' ----d WOOD. --Will those of our subscribers WM. have promised wood on sulbcrip rim. gm it. alvng 'dh My)“ ah 1-0»th and oblige? Rev. Mr Sharpe, ot Tarney Mission exchanged pulpits with Rev. MnFer- mason latst Sunday. Hepworth is again boring for nil'v ith a peruistency that tieserves success. tt Busigfss Men's letter Paper! --r- o." Frank H. Sun-I ens, Olive Schwin also htave stories a hristnms "unmet. "rntrilrutes a vex VOL. XXI. NO. 49. TAX NOTICE, Should be High Grade in style, quality and finish. We print high grade busi- ness paper at Moderate Prices. Are you oat? u Doyle. Decetnlrut Stock (on WP and Edgar md sketches in Olga Aether- -ry interesting Il thrilling USING tte of trtvn I CANADIAN LovALrv.-No concern in ithis country enjoys the confidence of “he Canadian people more than the l"Family Herald and Weekly Star," of l Montreal. Every promise they make i is carried out to the letter, regardless of ‘cost. The promise of a fitting souvenir for the closing year of this century IS mow than t't!lfilleri. Nothing more suitable than the two pictures "Battle of Alma" and "Pussy Willows" could be imagined. Old subscribers are show- ing their loyalty to their favourite) papet by renewing early and in manyI cased getting a friend to become a. sub- ( scriher as well. ' Mr. ll. ll. Miller. of Hanover, has mun-d ixllu his new office, built last minim-r. The Post says it. isa “building 21x10 feet, two stories. The ground “nor is divided into three eotnpar'trnenrs'. The fmnt ofh've Is lit up by u single pane of plate glass o x 10 feet. Back of the front office is the stenographer‘s room, and private oitice. The whole is finished m polished oak. The oiBces. and thehal1 in second storey are heated from a coal heater in the basement. The workmanship throughout is first class." The Review congratulates Mr. Miller. _ newspaper. am almost 21 years I, 1901. first $1.7 prepaid. , How To Cook.- Pope May)-- “The Vulgar boil, the learned roast an egg." But if he had iived until now he would know there ittu' twenty other ways of cooking one. Marion Harland bolls them all in the volume of “(Faking Hints." thr. fourth volume of the "Bits of Cotonou tier,nse Swim." You nu) obtain (ht-se- hooks, the Weekly (ilolw, whirl, hm how: for owl-55 yum-e; and is now, 1urgada's lending funiilzr _ 111611.312 IlATEs.--On Jan. let. .1030 a new tariff will be issued by the Life luwmnce Companies. An increns of about lOper cent will he made on all the rates. This is caused by the low rate of interest realized on investments, the tax levied by the local government, and by the Fielding bill which forces "llcxturpanies to make their estimates on a l. perm-m basis. The ditrevenee will be from about 82 on the straight life plan to $3 on the fifteen year-.911- duwment. _ Mr. H. Il I SOME "seavrra. HERE Yrgr..--'The an]: Reporter think, a gravel famine in Ontario is imminent, owing tro one 'long hauls of it the G. T. R. has now to make. The "youngest inhmtritant"ittl newly-see this country short of gravel, though 'they may see it num- ap" predated. ‘had stohm patrons' cream. Eminent (tn-use] were retained. but thecasema, settled om of court, the defandmlbpsy' iug (we-mum expenses. A 0mm" TosuyE.--R. Roheetson; a cream drawer for Holstein creamery charged '11. Lewis. Orcharduille. ma. cimulating slanderous stories mutate l A school t'rrt3tvtt will he held in S. H. l 3:; 'lfd(fl'Jig'ot,2'yclt No. 12 ngvnmnt on Friday my. 15m. l IDcmrs upon at seven. Progranmm [of p. Jas.R Gun, Iv.'"' tak '; begin at eight. Admission 15c UT 25C ir." n tWt'togttg eye: dlsettse. , 'for. two; chihlrnn 10c. Accomodation '/lyP. severe suffering. ?r.is for horses. M. Scott, Teacher. . l Arthur came up to teetins rnnd after consultation het NorurE.---Couector, T. McGir-rwill be land son, ttwas decided thn at the Knapp House. Saturday Dec.'9. I leave on Tuesday for hespit to meet alrparties who have trot mid! We hopea few days will their taxes'fnr 1899, This will he the! right agtsin. last opportmnity afforded and prompt I Town Council m last attmttion"tiquested. . “A“; .1..- --___. , ( (“Lesley Fire Brigade and Council (have differences, and the former pm- ?pust-d to dislmnd and dlyide a hunk flmlnnce of $316 among themselves. 1The council object and a lawsuit n in '1 prospect .Vluukh'ulse- farm to his Norum'uhy wane. Low nu 12titl can. The prim, waq 8L%0. - Mr. Norman McRae, Markdale, Spent] Donbie Supplement thia week and! Sunday with hi, mother and sister. Still much matter crowded om. l ”HTS Cough Curr "11"“ or1Jq "ft Mr. (hrs. Atkinson milk-dealer, has', time. ak " bottle. Fully guaranteed at, l rented his farm fora short term to his at MacFarlane',, Drug Store. -1 f brother Joseph and brother-in-law Mr. w. E. Mr.\l!i~tm has mldud the Wm. Weir, and intends to have a look Munkh’mw fut-u: to his Numb-(111w 41!. the West . “slain In! " ab.. 0...] ....._ 'I‘L. _.9 .. [ml the mumht’s lcmligg family I the Durham Revww. old. {mm now to Jan. G. Sent tive. Postage m '. McGIRR, Collection; asion only 150 and loc. P. P. and Mayor Cal. a ddr 6954's and .flev .3! y ”users against . should be dry P starved .21 hrs. abject to paying 'tit,'""?'?',. " me Dr he i. "in. .. fir. mus 'Y". I""",',',?. which caused :reomodation '/him severe suffering. “His brother Dr. hex. . 1 Arthur came up to seehim on Monday hand after consultation between father Girrwill be icand son, ttwas decided that he should r day Dec.'9. I leave on Tuesday for hospital treatment. W trot paid: We hopen. few days wall see him all will he the“ right again. 'oslage Honor. Roll of Durham Srluml for Nuvmulner. Sr 5th~Nellie Moran. Kiln-l Limin. Dora 1) ttvulson, Jewel Md‘mul), Frank Harris Jr. 4th-,hs. sue l..~u(llaw. John Backus. Jessie Roh. ertson. Lizzie Byers, Mamie Hunter. Sr. Ith-Willie Stephens, Esdon Wolfe, Grace Barclay. George Burnet. Vina Kress. Jr. 4th--Llowyn Moran, Olive I Sharp, Florence Saunders, Noble 8harp, Vioiet Willis. Sr. 3rd--Anaie McKay, lSadie Sharp, \Villie Saunders, Etta fFox. Mamie Douglas. Jr. 3rd-Rita '; Irwin, Frossard Benton, Essel Laidlaw, l 'Arthur Knisley, Alister McDonald.) At'. 2.ud--Flddie Lines. Carl Brown and l l Fred. Smith eq. Annie Daniel. Victoria [Park and Jc9n, Ramon eq. Beatrice‘ ’Mct‘rarken. Jr. 2tut-Fanny Moran, t[slay Campbell. Elllie Hunter, Albert! 'McClocklin, Pearl Warner and Alfred l McClooklin eq. Emma Gadd and Edith ( Allan eq. Sr. Part 2nd--Charlie Craw- ( ford, Robbie Laidlaw, Beatrice Wilson, i Lynn Grant, Lizzie Kinnie. Jr. 2nd Al ---Ella Kinnie' Edith Nadiger, Jemima! Saunders, Fred Falkingham, Anna Kilmer. Jr, 2nd B-Willis Gadd, Hub; elGuthrie, Melbourne McKay, Foster! Saunders and Ruhg' Kinsley eq. Charlie Freeland Maggie IcUrie eq. Sr. Ist- Brock Grant, Willie Cameron, Clarence Darling, Louise Telford, Anson Lloyd. Intermediate Ist-Harper Kress, Essie Noble. Jr. 13% A--Alister Cameron. Annie Rascal. Jr. let B--Mal)el Gras. by. Roy Calder and Lenard Lavelle eq. I min piling' up logs against the gate as a further obstruction to the retiring wedding pr my. If it is any satisfaction to them it was a little trouble for the first rig to throw a panel down. Dark night boys. Dark deeds, but dark re- 1leetions are not with the wedding party. GREAT FLW.-- Some Aberdeen youths had a greattime one night last week. It was the evening ot the marriage of a popular young lady to a stalwart Glenelgite, and not being invited the gentlemanlv! wags de- termined to cause some trouble to those who were. The bridge was all bat blocked with timber obstructions, and some had to make a detour through the fields. The wags will be pleased to know everybody got there sail-Hand had " tiluly,' and happy evening's entertainment, while they Were "middling away in the mud and film Mn. LAmLawero RerrrRE.--We be gret to learn that owing to a recent discovery of Mart trouble Mr. Laid- law has decided :to sell his business and retire for a few years at least, as this seems the only remedy. This will be a good opening for a live business man in one of the best business stands in town; where Mr.. Laidlaw has beetrdoing a good bas. iness. We trust Mr. Laidlaw's retire. ment may be only temporary. l _ SILVERWAM: STOLEN. _"w__ A Iratrquet :wns given to Rev J. c,. McCracken, Harely by his Télluw citizens to con- ‘gmtnluu- him otrhis safe return from the (wt-u" pevil oi tho 'Hcotsuuau." The ilnmquet over. the silverware was lett i In the basement while the ladies listen. ‘ed to the lecture. The husband of he caretaker had been arrested and after local exarttinat,iotr committed to Waile kcrton gaol for trial. the evidence; pointing his way. His name is "o'r) man. I The Toronto Weekly Bun, the best farm and home pa er in Canada. can he (had combined Wig] the Review and ‘menin Herald and Weekly Star On- jcluding the Stark premium pictured; PT $2.05; combined with the Review Iand either- one of the Mredkhy i Globe, Witness, or Western Advertiser ‘for $1.8): cotnhintud with the Iteview I and Weekly MtiiP.i'r2.00 or twice a Week 1HatttiltonF1nectator for $1.25. Ordms for any of there "ombinuions to ‘he sent to Sun Office, Toronto or Review 1 Offirre, Dunham, Town Council me, last night and closed the meeting begun! on Mow day. (See on supplement.) By-laws were passed appointing election oftieerg ete., giving right of way en Albert St. for telephone poles andiw. posing a license fee of 860 on cigarette sellers. We believe the resignations of Messrs. Sparling, Kinnie and Moore were not accepted. Particulm‘s next week. l 'The arbitration ease, Inst. Camp- bell informs Its, re the projected new ‘school section near Varney which was I to he decided here .yfeseerda.v, was é not held owing to the absence of War- , den Gordon of Owen Sound. .1 Mr. Jas R Gun, was taken last, week Iwith n serious eye disease which caused 1931mm, THURSDAY, DEéE‘fihERTTéeâ€"fi 80mm DEATH. ---A married ter of Mr. White, living near dale died very suddenly on last Trom blood poisoning?. {{“n‘wrwv‘w 45-3; . ‘.. p, t f _ 't?ii's"irf)? sr', '. tA.tnarritx1 (laugh 5:235:65 near Mark,. r' en Sunday Llppy BORN. they , (Uni-MAN. -ln Mi. Forest on Nov. 29, and , to Mr. and Mn. G. F. Chapman " Non. gate 1loroutTs.-Innoisreon, on Nov. 23rd. mpg: to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rubens a “I?" 3 daughter. A meeting of the Directors of this hody was held at the Central Hotel, en l'Tuesday, when subjects were chosen LSi’l‘out of lists submitted them. Henry heiGlendinning, Manilla, and A. Elliott, 'alGalt, are the government appointed 1g speakers, at meetings to be held in e- I Hanover and Durham on Jan. 13 & mm to i respectively. Similar supplementary Lil 1 meetings will he held in Holstein and f“ fAyton about February. P. G. Raynor I',' i and ---Peart are the speakers. OT No. 9, West of Garafraxa St. L containing 33 feet frontage and tall depth of said lot. Good dwelling house and shop. with good well of water, also a first class baker's oven, lately built with fire brick, all on said lot. Apyly to J. M. H_UNTER, or y. L. WeCAUL, Durham. Nov. 28 'gf accordingly: I his day received from John Collins. an application for atransfer ot the License issued to George Schram, Orchardvillc. A meeting of the Board of License Commissioners for South Grey, will be held at Kirkner’s Hotel Hanover, on the 11th day of December next, to consider such application. All interested will govern themselves TQall whom itmay concern. I have his dav received from John nnllina Mn-nm.~ln Egremont Nov. 22 M yet h' aged 82. Bmv,vs.-In Lunsden N. W.T. to Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Bruwu " son. Form- ally of Holstein. Dr Stevens, who is being sent oat to China as a missionary by the Epworth League of the Mount Forest district will deliver an address, on Friday evening next in the Methodist Church. , He leaves shortly tor his far away field of work. Rev Mr Ferqun will-“plan to the S. S. children next Sunday morning. Miss Quinn, Holland centre. visiéod Mrs. J. Carson, the beginning of this week. : Kinnon ', large tnmoccn bible, Rev. and l Mrs. Graham . solid hark clothes 3 In ush. A. McArthur : glove and hand, gkt-rchief case, M iss M. Gun I allunn. Mr. Mrs. w Brown; card-receiver. Mr. and Mrs. J W Crawford; crystal fruit dish and lthZ servers. Mr and Mrs G Collins/m ; pair urwels, Me and Mrs w Davis; white bed spread. Mr. and M rsJ Davis: linen talisclotlt Miss Davis: linen tahle cloth, Mr. Duncan and Miss Kate McKinnon ; pair lace curtains, Henry and Miss Alice Boyce; pair lace curtains, Mr. Jae, McIntosh ', china um set, Miss McIntosh I wt of 3chiua Vases, H Brunt; china cheese dish. E (Thu-R; set tut irons and china egg dish, Mr and Mrs J McDonald, .h duz water glasses, Miss Mean-gun ten pot, Walter Park. " Groom's present to bride. a 810 gold; lam-co; groom and hide to bri4esttikid/ [Silva scarf pin; gmn and gold crystal!, when. sett, from bridesmaid l lounge, Miami {Jackson " doz. each silver knives, forksr and desert spoons, Thus. Jackson I t dozq llmives, forks and two silver idfFli l-epoons. D. A. Clark; Chenille tame} 'ncloth. Mr. and Mes. W. J. Lawrence;p ;gold chain to groom. Thos. Bothwell:~3 white bed spread, M rs. Bothwell ; man- tle clock, it. Brunt; silver butter dish.’ Me. and Mrs. c, McKinnon; sugar' jgpoon and, silver {nutter knife. A. 'hold) The Review wishes the young couple who are widely known and esteemed many jloyful years of wedded life. We give a ist of the ants which were valuable and usefui‘: The groom was assisted through the cemuony by his brother Mr. Thos. Jackson. The bride was attired most becom- ingly in a dress of lead<colored cush- muru. trimmed with white satin, lace and ribbon. while the bridesmaid. Miss Nagme McKinnon of Toronto, looked handsome in a grey serge, trimmed with,cream satin. Casio" being the "mi-ridge of his eldest daughter Agnes to Mr. Samuel Jackson of the Glen. (lleiielg. 1n the presence of a number of relatives and neighhurs the solemn vttws' were prniinuiiced that yradeltheinime. Rev. Mr. Graham, ' Duriiocli, was the officiating clergyman and was assisted by Rev. Mr. NcGivsror, Durham. The (-ei-eiiiuny took place at (i p, in. and as the bride entered leaning on her father's al'lll. tne wedding march was played by Miss Margaret Gun. AVatati and hearty coiiizratulatiuns fol- ( lowed the cei'eiiuiny and preceded the sninptiums supper where justice was done to an elaborate and elegant spread the table. being specially adorned with "i, story wedding cake hedecked With titreatuers of Poses and silver leaves. l FOR SALE or TO RENT. Last Fednesdas, Nov. 29. the home of Mr. John 1). Clark, Aberdeen was 1he.scet.te.ottvuwttyr wedding. the or- FARMERS' INSTITUTE Ca THOS. l _HARRJS, NOV EMBER NUPTIALS. _iiiit/gittit), NOTICE. Died. er Town, Durham. by. _- License Inipeetor. F511 J as. W33 WARERoous -Upper Town, Durham, -- v . --< - AIL‘IVu-y“ who. liams Sewing Machines and supplies. ueenni .. Ideal ,, and " Pony)" Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. Also Maxwell;Biuders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell) London. Bell, Ppherty, Thomas and Berlin'makes of PIANO and {ORGANS SEWING MACHINES. A large.stock of New Raymond and Wil- liarng Sewimr Msuthtrtos, or"! annnnnn Deerini " Ideal " and " Pony," Steel ra es. Also Maxwell Ri, Willripgpn J?loughs,, number CULTIVA TING, Coulter & Scott Drills and Cultivators, Disc and Spade Har- rows, &u1Mers, Ete. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : averything for Farmers I We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. te' C. L. GRAN T. l) "-voe8Cv"i-iiiiC,sesirvis,reoiit "Large Bales & Small Profits." "'>ssCv/etrhsstiiii:)Cstestsatier_e g (Rjilif's AD. I I), ai).;),; " , 1 to 20, and repaTrs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words "WrLEvssps:TLocGHrcoswAsv " is east'on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller made in three sections. HARVESTING, YOU CAN BUY A GOOD bony frieze Overcoat Mans Size {03:35.50 good lin- INDICATIONS POINT to colder weather and colder Weather means Warmer Clothing or else Doctor's Bills. We can save you paying them if good, warm comfortable Overcoats for Mena', Youths', and Chil- drena’ will do it and " very small cost. too. TORONTO We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash system ADOPTED BY ., G. & J. McKECHNIE. . McKechnie. . MCKINNON. WHOLE NO. 1134. You’re a Reader of Review! Are you a Subscriber ? Send in your name tor a trial trip to end at the year for only Me. To the end of the century for 8i.00.

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