West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Dec 1899, p. 4

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, “C W DURHAM REVIEW. Mr, Frost seconded the vote of thanks saying the address was very opportune. The county years ago had expended huge sums on county roads, and made good ones too. But the council, in its wisdom. had given up that system. and the roads, had gone back in condition. There had been movements several times In the direction of taking back the roads under county management. and at one time only one vote had stood in the wsy. Several causes had com- bined to create this movement l one of these causes was the adyeut at the bicycle, the users of which had become so numerous and united in their de- mands for good loads. But to Mr. Campbell, the gentleman who had so ably addressed them on this question. is due in a. great measure the present movement. He would ask the members of council to inspect the work which had been done on tho streets of Owen Sound, which were both thorough and permanent, and bore testimony to the good system of Huulnmking laid down by Mr. I'atnphell. WEDNESDAY .trrERNooN. At 3 D. tn. Warden Gordon took the chair and called thtmetyhet:? to oldtr, The motion was carried by a standing vote. after which adj mrnment was made until Wednesday afternoon. Ad- vertiser. Accounts amounting in all to 8e.90 were received from Commissioners Allan, Schenk. Brown, Brigham and Paterson for ininxecting and letting bridge contracts. ‘he other accounts were small and for incidental or print- ing expenses. Mr. Preston reported for the finance committee recommending (l) the my- ment of the following accounts: John McDonald. county property. 87; Owen Sound. rent of town hall for June sessions $28; Clerk of the Peace, scrubb- ing rooms 82; express charges 35 cents; 1'opp Clark & Co., jurors books $8.50: It. J. Edgar$3. 35; Parker &Co. 85cents; T. It. Weir $1.75: freight charges $2.02. The report also recommended that the warden issue his order for $150 to be deposited in the hank as a special sta- tionery account, and reported that stationery had been distributed among the various ctttcials as follows: sheriff $2.48: jailer $4.35; judges chambers $11.49: clerk of the surrogate courts 8.34125: clerk of the peace $19.10; county clerk $4.31; county auditors $3.08 and county ttetwurer85.f3. _ . . " The'repm't washdopted without ob- jeggionheigg raised. = , . Mr. Mr-Kmnon Dreaented n .e; rt l from the road bridge committee rec: ru- mending thega¥ment of the followmg accounta: T. . 'awcett_bttildingltruwit town line of Collingwood and Eqphrasut $160: repairing bridge town line St. Vincent and Euphrnsia. 368; John Lot» singer, cedar to cover bridge on count line between Gre and Bruce, hafi share $3.75: L. Al',kr,,. building crib of bridge north of Hanover on county line. half share 8132, bolts 15 cents; and James Lorker, inspecting and plan. $l.82: James Green. re inn approach- es of steel bridges 2,f.'irl','; 'EM",,',",',' on county line 5 cents and repairing wooden bridge 50 cents: H. Brigham lumber for bridge. on county line north of Hanover. 80.30; F. Himbecker repair- ing bridge, $3.15; John Morrison repair. ing bridge on town line of Holland and Glenelg $10; Robert Crawford repairing bridge on county line between Grey and Bruce, $67.50; town of Thornbury. repairing bridge. $13.10: Jas. Arthurs; repairing bridges on county line be- tween Grey and \Vellington. $31.50: liobt. Eden covering bridge on Town- ship line between Egremont and Nor- ninnby. $25; D. Allisduy, repairing bridge on boundary line between Grey and Wellington, $8.75; Alex. McMillan repairing bridge on town line between Ilollnnil and Glenelg, $144.35; John Mc- Cauu, re miring bridge on town line between ilollund and (Hone-lg. 8r.Thos. 1Yilliscroft, $11.51trand Chas. Mt'Kinnon $15 ins we:ng bridges on town line he- twveu llollnnd and Glenelg --Times Tut'xson' AFTERNOON. A number of accounts as usual were "vsented, and leferred to committee. li'lil'.1e1','Jl'tit'l'o"rv,' were present in con- nection with appointing arbitrators for the formation of a new school section in Euphmsia. Considerable time was occupied in heating these gentlemen. One deputation was for and the other against the formation of a school sec- tion. The Public School Inspectors' reports showed a decrease in North they of the number who wrote on entrance and junior leaving examinations, and an m- crease in South Grey. Reports of County Property commit- tee recommending payment of improve- nu-nh- to court hmma amounting in all to $2,123.23. was adopted. Another report of the Education 1'ornmittee on the school arbitration question caused Considerable discussion. and two mem- bers of the opposin deputations were heard at some lengti. The report was tlrtally ssed and a hyJaw appointing Judge Reason John McDonald and A. Grier arbitratorsAwas put through. ... "iii," “Elation ioundil adjoume till Friday afternoon. Council resumed at 3 o'clock, when the results of committee meetings were manifested in a batch of resorts. These were from Roads and Bri gee. County Property. Ptintintt, Communications and Memorials. and special committee FRIDAY AFTERNOON. ""17i'rii'ii"ifii""""Fairiiill) anu n|Ull¢lluovnau Discussions took place on two or three reports. In committee of the whole on Roads and Bridges with Mr. Brown in the chair. (unite a hot dispute took place between I essrs Williscroft and Allen over an item of 8t, an ac- count from one McCann for work on a. bridge over' the Rocky Saugeen River, performed nearly two 1?)an ago. The Varden and Mr. Me innou. who is chairman of roads and bridges. also joined in the dicussion. When about three quarters of an hour had been spent in this way. during which time the other' members showed reigns of grout, weiuiness, Mr. Richardson mile-d the meeting to order for such waste of time over" tvide, The item, which the report vecouuuended should he paid, was struck out. - " Ah - WM”... Juan F-_.-------" i re improvement Eesented by the innon. McDona and Richardson. Another clause of the report dealt with a hroken bridge on Nnrmanhy and Minto Town line, which Messrs Allan and Sehenck said was past repair. Wellington County wants a new bridge and a conference thereon, to decide on the structure, which will cost. about 81200. The report recommended that the matter be attended to as necessity Jernanded,yand this was adopted. . _ I iii-.7» -.. gh., (lk'lllzulucu, ("In ulna MV .-_ .-..-l - - A long discussion took place on the proposal of memorializing the Legisla- mm to make a grant to general hos- pitals toe the treatment of pauper inele rintes. The report recommended no action, and was so carried though Mr. Frost and some others thought the ex- periment, should be tried. _ . . . _,.,_:._‘ ..»l\:trntnru fur A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. D. McCormick of N. Proton. She was buried at Swinton Park cemetery on Wednesday Nsv. 29. She was for a long time a sufferer with cancer of the sto-mach, till death re- lieved her suffering. She was a kind wife, tender mother and good neighbor. She was a member of the Fresh terian church. Rev. Mr. Matheson 'hTi'I'i'dl', preaching an able sermon in the church at Swinton Park, Mr. McCormick is lying in a critical condition. which made t the event sadder for the children. Last Sunday the Rev. Mr. Matheson reached in Dundalk and Rev. Mr. Buchanan the new minister in Dundalk reached in the Presbyterian church Here morning and evening. We con. gratulute the peogle of Dundalk for securing such an a le preacher as Mr. Buchanan, who 18 a true type of the Scotchman. - We are sorry to say that another op- eration was necessary on Miss Bertha James at the hospital, on Friday last. We hear that she is in a weak condition hut sincerely hope to hear of better news concerning her recovery before long. --- . . .. The Wah-hoo Co. are holding meet- ings in this village for the last few nights. We do not know whether there 13 any benefit to be derived by at- tending the meetings or not for we Werenot there to hear and see what kind of entertainment they give. Miss McCannel intends to have an entertainment in her school in section No. 1oGlenelg on the evening of Friday the 15. A good program is in course of preparation. and Miss McCannel spares no time or talent. in making the. event one of the host. of the season. Speakers from different parts of the neighboring schools are expected to take part. Prof. TWo, Haulage of Dromope has kindly consented to enliven the audi- ence witn both speech and sang on the occasion. Some beautiful pieces will be sung by the school children at inter- Vals. also dialogues. Wrth good full moon. good roads and evetvthing else accordingly. a large crowd iq expected. All are invited to come and spend a good social evening together, all for the sum of IN. or lady and gent, for We. Doors open at 6.30. Miss McCannel has been recognized Itt No. 10 for the 5th vear. Mr. L. Gruw spent Sunday last with his mother, Me. Grim-ff this/own. We hear that Mr. D. Graham was negotiating with Mrs. Joseph McDonald of this village. buying her well furnish- ed dwelling house and lot. We heart- ily welcome Mr. and M rs. Graham as residents of our town. Last Thursday evening the Foresters ininted six new members into their order as a result of 3 weeks canvassing of plganizer Miller. _ . . . A ,p:a:ssaas:a:s:sa:s:s:sa"""'i,i VCIIICIIL u; lulvuv. --. d by the chairmen, Messrs. Mc- McDonald, Schenk, Mchlman S. J. BURNE T 3, 'ii awaken, GIussque, cinemas, Ham and fel Kc. it; To be Continued. 1'As but always get quality for your money. We always place quality before price and still compete. Our new CANNED GOODS have arrived: Vegetables', Salmon. Kippercd Herring, Fianna Huddle: Ahro Ciscoes Labrador Herring and Coil. Pricevme. Butter, Eggs, =.rd._--t---ic.-'-r of roads. 1hey wt'?' 201bs Granulated Sugar - - - 11 lbsRolled Oats - - . nth Eggs, and Poultry taken as Cash. Ceann-teagasg Guiomhura 5:25, "An sin thninig neach araidh nuns dh'innis e dhoibh, " rndh tench a ta na daoine a. chair sihh sa' phrinsan 'nan seasamh sun teampull, ngus a' teagasg a’ phobuill." Tha an saoghal bho thuiteam Adhamh a 'g oilneachadh an ughnidh Ha. thrinn. Tha spiorad ole ann a tha a' fuathach- adh gulch ui a' -bhuineas do Chtinsdu agus gach ni thy. sinn a' dennamh na .‘ainm. Ach that anspmrad sin gu hlli air a' cheannsachdann agus air a' bhruthadh. Tha {wart Chriosda na's Iaidair nu. mt cuuihachdnn uile an leir H. 'g eireas an suns ttrt 'aghaidh. Thaishean e sin gu soilleir le mi. moirbhuilenn ll riun " air an tulmuh, :tgus gu h-araidh dam thug e huaidh air a' bhas ann Tein ugus mu muinmir vile, Feudaidh sinn uime sin duil a' hhi again" ri nanithean tha siun a' frvicinn arms in caihideil so; se sin nach do shnirhheach na ceud "oruosuid)tnan air son olmir Chriosda a’ "nhilleadh. Agus, feudaidh sinue a' ihhi cinnteach gin do thachair nu ignothnchzm tha sinn a' leahlmdh ann an euchdmiilh on his Chriosd Niu'n toiseachn tha J,'2il1'i'iU, gu’n do dh'- fhuillinmch naimhdean Chrtosd, e:ulhon anus na-h-niteuclmn 's anus mi [Humm- nan bu neartmhor iad. _ _ _ Bha na foeallan so air a. searmonach- adh mm am Prlceville air a. cheud Shahaid do November leis ann Urr Ian A. Mathonach B.p, - - - . Tha t: i focallan a' b'hulnea's do 'g olmir Chriosd am Illeztsg dhaoine; se sin, soivlsheachadh, tiealbhachadts agus buaidh, Cha'n eil sinn " aicheudh nach tthh e coltach aiimunmmn gu ruhh an t-olc a wir humid air a' nthaith, ach Be an calms a} bu mho hhu. nun ml. ni fem, _ bho'n rinn Dhia feum dhe guch ni Chum' gloir rioghachd a' Mhic. l‘hn e eadboh agoir air fearg (immune moladh a Lhoirb d a. Tha 'n fhiriun sin air a soilleir- eachadh anus a, chaibideil sc. Se calms oleachoinnicliaolshar Chviosda a him nnn am priosanachudh nu 1lisciolriuidh. Achl cha robin ann not: callus. Cha rohh an t-aobhnruira chnir air ais le sin a.’ dheanamh, ach air n chuir air aghaidh, bro'n rinn Din feum dheth. chin arm amhain do na, mhuinutir it bha'g ambairc air na priosmmich, no do na mhuinncir a tlm nuns gach linn a. leughadh mu thimchoil, ash do na priliysnaicr1 ind fein. Trid na nithean a thachar fhuair luchd-amhurc ngus leughadaireap foghlum. solas agus coins slaiuteil air Chriosd agus fhuair nu deisciobuil fein tuilleadh nenrt agus Ian chinnteachd air cumhachd Dhia. 9.1% Uime sin nu. hithidh eagall oirnn mu thimchoil am: Dhis ann an uisgeachan trioblaidach. Se Chriosd a stiuradair agus cha mhhair olc sum bith buaidh air. Bitheas mrc Dhin salihnilte gu siorrnidh. Se sin ri radh air [uhodh eile, no bithidh cagail ohm) gu’n teid an fhirinn am muLimdh. Chet teid. Nii a' bhupnnachd do dimoiue nirson am beil i air " cuir air lath. b'oivlsheachidh i am measg na cmnhachdan 's laider tha 'g oibrenclmdh na h-aghuidh, Ged bhidh idh i air a sultan-t. fo chasm: dhaoine cha bhi iair mu milleadh. Han ie Dina tlva'n fhirmn agus se Dhia 's neattmhor na na h-uingidh, agus cha'n urmin aingidheachd huninh a, thor air anfhirinn. Thulmirt bard araitlvann am fucalian tha iar an eadar-theangacir. adh bho'n Bheurin; "Ged bhithnin an fhirinn iar a hrurhadh sins do'n mlmnh. etridh i an tis gu soilleir ugus gu treutt hho’n lesa Hm. bliadhnacimn nu. siots "uidheaclui." tie sin an L-amhimr ail'ahll 'nach duck an Paglas a' hhristeudh ua criumnnan human, an" an aunzuman gum- l, lemunhqinn umuhnsnch. Bin; i togtu {suns air an fliirilm, ngus tha 'n fiiiiinu _ dosgriosndh agus siuauidlt. Agus lthuilleztdh air an sin, le foillseachndh nu. fiviun sheall i a, rumhnchd nuns na iamaunan bu dhovclta. Blur ct.iosdaiM- can dileas, 's him, a mmmhachd 's a. macantas ri bhi iar fhairinn gu furnsda. Agus thuileadh air an sin an ris, him 'n thirinn a toirt huaidh au' gnch rum- l hachd olc sin aux sin. ; Uime sin ge We sum him cind e a 1 chailleas cha'n e nubhar CUriosd. do , bhrigh gu cinnteach gun do chuir Dhiit , soubhachadh air leth da 'aobtror. Ach ', caillidh sinne gu mar mat tha sinn a 'g , oibreachadh an aghaidh 'aobhav, seadh. ( caillidh sinn a mlrain coir shiorruidh an ”mam, mm a h-eil sinn a leigadh le l’aobhar sun a' hhi Loin huaidh 'nar'n ; uile caitheamh-beatha. Tha in innseadh dh'uinn dam char Padruig Hamilton a losgadh gu has airson a. chreideamh gu dach, mot-an do 'naimbdean iompaclmdh an nuair a chunnaic nad esau an: fulang cho toilichte airson aoishav C'hriosd. Bha. 'bhas na mheadhon air gluasad mm- um measg muinntir a hha ruimh sin mi- chmanmch ma staid an annm. Tha na aithean a thachar do na h-abatolaibh aig an am so a teagasg dbuinn Ru feum sinn a’ hhi ttle chur- munch ma thimchoil an fheum tha sinn a deanamh do sgeula. mhaith an t- shoisgeul. Feumaidh sinn a bhi ag iuraidh gtiuradh an Tighearna airson a. bhi rannsachadh 's tuigsinn focal Dhe 'tt deanamh nu nithean tha Dhit as SHEARMON GAELIC. - 81,00 TH si':, tsi' i Ci c'; tiatite i: . fury t __ ‘ " PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS. Ruth, Men, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patrons, ALL DEAL IV ITH.... H H. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyancer "Always Prompt. Never Negligent. All business Strictly Private. H. H. MILLER will have been 20 yours at the business "art XMAS DA Y, and he KNO IVS HOW to get money at lowest possible rates and ttuth best privileges. That ie win the whole cotrtttry goes to him. 'g, is Imuliug at h" per cent and an large loans 1 m tt ll PMS, M llll tt 80 A Hundred good Fan-ms for sale-Also a numhm- of fine Hanover' Properties. IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse com- fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount of work he will do. Spring; Need IT--- In Heavy and Light Harness, Collars, Pads,' Bits, Blankets, Etc. minim Nu’n rnhh " ouuhaivle ”guns seaniuiivcloittn lsrzwil a glue Panda! 5 Ha h-ulrstolailsh eile air sin a dlteauamh, cha hhltheadh iad ciontach mur a' hha. ind air geur-leanmhumn C%riosd anus a shluagh 's Mn a dol an aghaidh ha fiviun. Nim hitheadh creidoamh arms na cr.idheut.han am nun an treorachadh lmnh an Uile-chumhachdach. agus na hitheadh ind ag iarruidh a stiuxadh-sa. an aite a bhi iar an tarruing air falhh le smuaintean gorach an cridheachan dorchn tein, c a bhitheadh lad ciomach air an ole uamhasach mu thimchoil am tfeil sinn a. leughadh an diughdar tun bail sinn a falcinn Rin do chuir ind ind fein am mess“ naimhdean nu. Mrnn. To be Contimwd. Fi? WE SUPPLY IT--- In He C. LEA VENS c'. J)f'fhar HANOVER. TORONTO a, I t Two earlonds of Tudhope BUM {11> '. Illl(l(lliil All] tlt/NI select. We have very nice Ihvg,ul ”'41 i Democrats. Prices ot rigs my ". 1:...- rise bat our stock was bought early, and a good protit saved Ill :2» d 1.7 alone. Prices from $50.00 upwards. . _ rt, WAGONS! a fall earload toselect from. See our Farm TRI'Ck. I ,'st' are the Celebrated Adams' Wagons. A Full Line of the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, As Usual a Full Line l Massey-Harris Binder:, Il-rr, disc Harrows, Rakes, Etc. Mu know what these Goods tue-the best in the market. Buy no other ' Turnip Sowers, SeMiers, Plougbs. Barrows, Hay Forks, etc. all in stock. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have the old established London Mutual Insurance Company, and other good Stock Companies. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 5%. Issuer of MARRIAGE I Chemist I856 [H]. PARKER |899 A Choice Selection of new Fruits, &c. For the 'Xmas T129 ' RAISINS t Selected Valencia. London Lnyers, Black Baskets, Sn;- 1 CURRANTS t Chmce lie-cleaned. CANDIED FEELS t Citron, Onnge, Lemon. LOWER TOWN Implement Warerooms. SUGARS: Pink and white Ioeing. Paris Lumps. Granulated & Yul" x . NUTS : Wolnutl Grenoble, Almonds, Filbert: Brazil and Pen nuts. CANNED GOODS: Fraser Iheer Salmon. Tomatoe , Corn, Per. Cocoa. Cocoanut 3nd Chocolote. Choice Confectionery. All Kinds of Fomily Groceries " Bottom Prion. Xmas. Funny Goods out] novelties in Stock and arriving daily. 'X MAS GROCE m E S Tyfi_BAAs'1UR"uh:utfp, ppppipfgg 'I'N' FiiTiiricriii TIER? 33%: WM CALDER FOR H. PARKER. Issuer of MARRIAGE Licw tr, 8tikhN, nukes a We have Bibles an bined, Bi combined SC ( thu Holi or Ith MIL-",1 the Ch wh \ Sui by sol what ll' “AV wt n Oil HI Ut re tl '.ia ll rig W It

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