_. 7y? pl afh-r mull wt. This club-swing- 'trr,'.',: a uni in» {nature uf the nvening allltti' arr'mnpnniml hy'mwiv an llw by Mr John Gray. and on the or- W 7.7 Mrs w Fhtor. Messrs T Collin- .on MG Williams Rave a couple of “LIA!“ the organ a od violin res- â€(My any wore o . Mr Alex I‘ll also an . song neared mu. IcFadden gnvc a _ as also Set the int-hum! ga In Mack. -2atreuaorrtrett Editor’s Wan- gov noaTrnqttt were expected td He mt. but were unable to be “to. m concert closed about 10.so ith “mommaâ€. meth' '1tr.tio of Wm. s. No 3 Glenthr tor mu to!“ “Erma-tin based on regular-l ity otattersdaute-tt weekly naming-l dons. Only three highesmf each class l published. Sr 6th ek-Amy Edge! and Vi tt eyuolds Sr 4th-Winme Greenwood. Dan ad, Lily Phobia.“ Jr Ith-tur" Edge. Ethel Greenwood, ',", Valerie 3.0. Br ard-Arthur Green-l wood. Katie- Kenny, Unio- Raddle.f Jr Srd--B.lits Firth. Mable McKenzie.) tgrtttad--WUtie Williams. Allie Collie-n: Lizzie Pare. Jr‘ MmyEilge, Mag- trie Edge. Maggie' Firth. Br Pt amt-I Mary Young. BecAt Park. Konin Vaughan. Br lg! rArthux- Edge, Arth- W Am 18 YIARS. -Mr. Samuel Flam" ing. son of Stewan Fleming well known it one time on the 2nd Con. of Egre- mom. is home on a visit to his grand- am" Mr. Rickie! Aidred and his many 'bieadn ground,- hare. He now resides at Wt“, N. W. t and in prospering m them We were pleased to meet with therataheart young man who is recalling [:0th anemones. He is mpuied by his wife and daughter 304'th till March. ur W At the Annual meeting of the execu- tive can. ot the Methrdvst S." Selma] the following (new: and teachers were Wind t Snpt. Dr. Wolfe: Ass. Supt. J. P. Winch-n: Twas" J. Livingstone; We.. theerBerstoo l Librarian. Melville “1y. "feathers Manama Wolfe. Kw. "nentoo 1nd Everitt, Misses urttr. You. Wright. Orchard and Cul- tat Haul-s. Whelan, Kinnie and C r. "(mull meeting of the Publicf Lihfnry '.iTitise held on Monday next in I the IR,', heading at 8 p. m. This u was; Sine tlp Anmml Martina has! hen Held at the Lew timp. Lifii. the. tt mac. Mum mrtll he oh review.; one!“ elected kin. all members shoul.‘ rally to lt, meeting to hear ropértsl and SW Improvements. ' ," l onez-Jloht. Allan. Misses Maggie Cald- welt. It Fiddes. Ruth Johnston, May ‘locklin. Phoebe Moo V, Janet Mara b11312“.- Murdock, Maggw McKen, Mi, Christina. Mohan. Belle Wallace. Ata. PA-ar.-- Alan on once Madonna. The Owen Mound had "ner-Rohr Alla no Ratmr.--tupt. In. Whi tmore. Snub. Wall. in sending one dollar for“ BMW for remarks: .. The “sent state otthe roads makes it. it.- poaihle for me to pay my subscription In wood." All right captain. under the circuaataikes we'll take the dollar. and when the roads permit of you travetlmg this wav Riva IN a call anyway. circuui'aa when the n this way tr The Rt. Elwin Times notices that Dr. M'theetlsrt Black of Ptsislev was called to Port Elgin to perfortm. a sur- - mwtm. This isn not infrequent mm. speaking well tor our old South Grey boy. In": one? Mnndays and Court Days in“ 10.». m. to 4 p. m. Woat BaLR.--A nice “ck horse 7 yon. _ will take cash or note or will ew for small driver, w. Laidlaw, fbi Annual meeting of the Hort icul. Ml Society will he held In the Public Ming Room nt hntf past 7 o'clock I m.. on Wodneoday Jan. 10. mutter Paper! n -_ - Q ' ' Local and District News.", ' O "-s--e Lucas. Wright & Batson, N Ittnr- aun “New Mun-lM‘ uni (hurt IMF» " McNally. "er'j.e r1liltlltt"'ii, “a I . w. 1'olli haw-d th XXI-1881"! FR VOL. XXII. NO. I. by gum m lacuna to 210 the general verdict attended the concert ttt L' ‘lemlg Friday even “held te, Wqth6rttde in nylc, quality and finish. We print high grade busi- use up" at Moderate Prices Are you out? M w e "M" banana“ h." otder greeted we scholars oo. Binnie occupied " Ritchie. Jr Ist-. titrhie, lank- Mt "son. teacher. mug! panning FNUET It lakes it it!- subscription n. under the a dollar. and m ‘th ll d [tt tlie, C. C'. Uc-The Cut-ting C'luh Concert enlict ': last, Thursday was quite suceessrttl, the t h ‘11.“ being nearly tilled. Mr. Calder , ilti was (gm-mam and sketched the growth en Hui tub in town, the old Scottish otderrirame having now devotees of alt, huh-ms ; nationalities. The star of the evening Tufted} was Miss? MoLe-uy. the well knowp . :il..rsyr1t.ytlei.1r. who shaman! her bearers yote in some of her numhem. her best. being new“. th 'story of Hagar and Ishmael, though we t.)i?t wet-oven her audience w. best H in Eh nin "Rinpah" where with an ute' _. i en lung wide-ct. sht- compelled intense ml " t interest. Mr. Geo. Hamilton,» Bcotaiah 'aiog- l Vocalist. of Atwood, wasnemyed hth t“ "rl, commute? and has as deemed acquisi- oriris, Moro Big Scottish .8otsttt_wtr? en- tll his rm It " l 3n; BN'T LIPE.--Mr. J. J. Mastic. iei'iii.ts': now a student of Knox College, occupied the Presbyterian mil. pit on Sunday evening. and gave an addreqs on the aims. the work and the [succesées ot the Knox College Student’s Missionary Society. We have never heard its chums to 'ecoptnition so welt set forth, Knox sends out 30 students. i','),',',',',',' than all 'the other colleges pat together. and the†go into places tn- Incceesihle to Home Mission effort. in ' not a tew instances paving the way for lmnarishiug congregations. The society l.eudeavored to send men fitted for the I held. and Mt . Htutie g.apically set forth l three types of these men, among which 3th.: "muscolar" was vividly set. forth, _ while another case Mr. Kassie handled ', with excellent ethos and effect rising . sometimes into eloquence. Inione year ! more Mr. Hastie will com lets his 'course in Knox College. and 'lt'; likely 'will ticd his way titan to Australia. I where he did Home most successful work .a few years ago. His travels have Vot- did. HY truuuul, was wr-urud Lythu ('ulmnillw- and was " derided {uninhi- tion. His Scottish Songs were en thusia,,ticai1v vucuu-d. He has an vxevlleut. voice and the lwslmasx and the vigor, " “my hroad Ihrric, he pulls into them makes a delightful entertain- ment. He has been secured fol tne Yronsoi Scutlmul mmcert on the 19th instu and man more will now endeavor to hear hnn. {disses Margaret. Gun and Maggie Hunter, opened t2 meeting witha delightful imam-u . ttti' duett. Messrs. J. A. Hunter and J. P. Telford were both in their has: form, Miss Nora Meredith touched 'te','.'.,'," chord in "Break the News to other," Miss Slack is new to a. Durham We. and hunch ohowodnwell-t 7 T . e s grant or. Minus“; tt a 'atlmhu'dl"lafltlf and 31m the . ""» r'.rN locum deco wf" a an? my . 9m. a few years ago. His {raven have furnishui him with some apt illustra- tions. which he IRES with excellent effect. Re}. Mr. Fatrquharson was at one gime President at the Society nnd one of its workers. course m will ficd where he Porrr 91mm: Cameo a-Postmter J. J. Smith entered upon his new dut- ies on Jan. I, and ivfu: making hun- “acquainted With the many details thereof. Miss McKenzie is and will he for some time in charge. and the office. will not he moved in the meantime. We wish Pnstmuter Smith sun-ces- in his new sphere and hope he "my long he able to " it with satisfaction to himself and the public. It. seems flttimt to say that the best wishes of the come umtv go out to the Mckenzie'a whose occupancy of the omqe has been marked tgtt"'r and many acts of oblige t. _ ' P. M. W. Bro. J. w. CrnwfoM. M. w. " C. L. Grant. . Foreman .. John Smith. Overseer .. Amx. Firth, Recorder .. Thor. Allan, . Roceirer .. Dr. Gun, Financier " *Wm. Calder. .' Guide " George Hughes.†Inside “Hugh. Thos. Carson. Outside . tat' Mum-6. Representation to . ud Lodge C, L. Grunt. alternative Wm. Calder, m tees w. Allan, McKinnon, Benton. Lodge thsicans Dre. Gun and Burd. Auditors Kelly and Munro. F.ct--hn. 19, M). is the date of the Son, of Scotland t Concert. in Dut- ham Town {“le posters, Plan of Hall at Mac Farln'nO's Drug Store. Tick- ets, Reserved Heats, 350. Others. 25 cts. Geo. Hamilton, Atwood, Scottish Vo. enlist, is Main on the program, and so is Mas Jean Renwick, always a. favorite The Annual Entertainment of tbe Methodist b'. School will he held on Friday evening Jan, 5. A good .pro- 2mm is in store for the large audience expected. To-morrow evening. and silver collection at the door. Officers of Durham Lodge of A. o, w. 10%. P. M. . Bro. J. w. Crawford. M. w. " I'. L. Grant. . SI GREY Au. shyserr.--The Annual meeting of this body will he held in the Town Hall on Wednesday Jan t, inst at 1.30 p. m. Members and others in. tereated will please take notice. A. Davidson. Secy. First 'ueetintt of now “NM on- day evening next. They nnget’h,§ to qualify..:md adjourn till Hm" Miss Culbe. Utttt tuanounei'Ltiarnhe is disposing of the balance of her wm- ter's stock of Millinerv goods At cost. lirent bargains can ther6rore hesecured for a short time. . iiittrrt, r:;) DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1900. Buller has 27000 men, 61 guns. and an armored train, Methuen seems to be feeling "well. No action by the Can- admns set, Kruger wants peace: terms $100,000,000, ind the cessvon of the country overrun bmhe Boers. He Will orintit. A plot to seize Cape Town has "tearvditmmsred. No luck of heroism Land Ruble dads in the letters now at- . . Thou who justify the an ll,?,?,)::,.? I loner in hit weeks 3-; _trrttel, trotk you: mad Shar- iran. I From Jr P, to Jr A-Elma Holt, Edna I Park. Lam-emu Peel, Roy Gamer. .Annie (McKinnon, Mable Gmhy. Lenard ILavolle. bland Burnet, Calvin Kinnee, 7Ednn Limin, Theresa McKay, Melissa liiGiU. i The Annual meeting "of the Town of Dutham Horticulcurut Society for the I 11:092ng the {Auditors} .Repisri, eleggipn old gentleman is known co uumy il Glenelg And Bontinck. His grandsmu D wan taught at Aherdeen and Mn lax some years ago. _ y oi _ ' ii1b'itii “cal battles are o er, lg' Bullet. Methuen. Lu, are at liberty to move nga'n andimend‘ap- patently toi Ire .9 *thing good to Mk 2ll'iilrf. “" T 1 Gen Freud: h a reoocupied Colesburg by action 'clit" praised. This is a higth importa‘ succeés. French has riot been defeanyet. i -Tttl'"" â€â€œ' “m" '"'"", a A, â€â€1"." Miss McDonald. " niece ot Mrs Thai. A CENTENARIAN. , Allan is visiting there ttt present, a l, . --- .l Miss Davey, teacher of the via- Not often does the frail son of man , ' e _ A t _ M“ see the-light of the sun for 100 yam-mac“ liar, entered upon her dd es e to. , and when a. case doesgncur it is worthy 9 Mrs. Dr. Jamieson partook of New D passmg not lee by r e great, bulk of us _ . ' who pass away much earlier. r,Y/'tt,', IT,:'.' JI hit. Forest, the gut at McNeil McPhee. con 3. Normanby I m ex. anneson. celebrated his 100th Christmas Day Inst Mr. and Mrs, Hall and daughter. of V7199: 1e,1,tl,"'et for 8 years confined Owed Sound ape guests m Mr. J. e la yto tis ' te wwd able on this c.... . , . , " ' 'r.1. ocion to sit at the tahie with his Llungatonesfox Christmas holidays. wife, daughter .‘Iesoie, and son Atu:lti- Messrs Archie and Jas. Brown came Sign and ask God 5 blessmg on daily home from Dakota but week to spend a . tewmon St ith t bi .rr vir, . Malcolm McPhee, for some years dep. . _ VI P. n Ittt k ft " ml? reeve of Nonnunhy is a. so. of this ceit- Miss Jigsaw Johnsbon Is now holiday. ttttttnt/dpi/s'? 19ml Tirt.ugf",ite, ing at home, and nmy go on .1 visit to osang 1e .' s Stt mm Jae tc. p, he "A, __. k . l , old Rentlegiittn is known co many in I "f""ff "PP' ottt if], t month or two. of Tears. and genaral business. will be hel in the Public Reading Room on Wednesday 10th daz of January 1900 at the hour 7.80 o'cloe p. m. Writ Goraline. Durham Dec. 28th 1899. Sec'v. From tir 2 to Jr 3-Anme Ca Bertha Gadd, Vie. Park, Bea McC ('hrislina Jackson, Eddie lune Arthur. Noble Pt .. Annie Dunirl, McDonald, 1Cit Jack. Jewel Lit Frank Hind eq., Rnht. Siinson Benton. From Jr. 2 to 'n'v2--Wilhe Elllo (hunplu-ll. Bessie Telford and Moran 01].. Edith Allan and Peat m-r rq.. Geo. Lloyd, Emma Gtuld Robertson. Nellie Smith. Plan-km In Durham School. , From 13.4 to Sr. 4--F'lorenee Saun- ders, Dike Sharpe. Noble Sharpe. Llowyn Moran. Violet Willis, Murray Smith, Edith Everitt.. Arthur Allan. From Br..3 to Jr. $~Annie McKay, Jae. Wavmington, Ihul Cliff, Mamie Douglas. Sadie Sharpe. John Gray, Jan. McUlocklin. Annie Mctvearr. Fray: J". 'd-to tir._3-Frossard Benton. From J“. 3 to Br. 3-Frossard Benton. Reta. Irwin. Easel Laidlaw, Willie Laid. law. Arthur .Kmmcy, Carman Aljne. Florence Everitt. Amy Kvll.v, John Fuzz. Jenn Crawfprd, Alister. McDonald. .. w. A. Anderson. Chaphirn .. John Staples, Ree. Seise; 6, Wm Ritchie. Fin. s's'eer, " Jae. Staples. Treasurer; '. Gen. loom, Dir. Cormnnh fti',t%,f,t'jh"//1t,e . tia. Hug Kay, n Collier, in 3.-1nni Barker; Wm. Guth . At adjourned meeting istU o. I 632. (Durham) hold on Duc. 28m lege, others v; elected; m John i'llffi'i"m','3t' Mastâ€: 66 Thos. Noble, Dep. P. A PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS ------io+---.--- D. H. s. NOTICE. Iii THE WAR. '3. Lurk, Jewef Lid iii Gilt Rnht. Stimson, John right a well as FAR: "iiiipUiiit' HWY. (i,', Emmott}: Here the expected puppet)!“ (1118.- tet'. ' l Morice is Reeve again oumlnssing " Sr 1rAty.syeriopponents entirely. The tWtrtss are To??? 'h'.l'a",i;'iiriee 537, Chas. Forbes 173, thsapar 'i,t1,t1t1,ddt:),ly.et.,te, 33. TI}? trt,.', Stags; "K" “m. ~gGardiner 325, O'Rei y.11, rum ' :r,'i','tjitji'i'-'-5'l'it'it'f,i:j',tie.s"' 291, Black 283, Sobrier 246, monies; Hugh Mac- -lnnis. J an A' r ol Wal; M. Allan 'mneron, .Cvacken mm and l, Myrtle D. L. No, dflth. the :53? “git: Islay mm- It! Barman . Dickson. Reeve by ttatltttnation. Council in dork at time of writing, Clerk Campbv. ntorms us Duncan McLean heads ttit poll, and is elected f sure. while Adlam, Brown and Home ' we showing up well. r . DJRHAK. .! To put Durham amongr the real! we e give last week’s election by acclama. ' tion. Mayor, Wm. Laidlaw, Coun- . cillors Livingston, Gorsline. Elvidge. , Kress, Guthrie, Mockler. 1 Eonwoxr. .1 Dickson is elected reeve. Council- ;(lors are Hustle, McIntyre. McQueen â€and Robb. Figures not available at ilthis writing. gHeipel 121, Diebel87. itt I E. A. McDonald, who the 'tlt,' 3“represents the spirit ot unrest†in (Mayor of Toronto by nearly 30X) majority. Mrs, White ctuuirbomelast week from Markdnle from “sung tier yidnwed daughter. Mr."W ';jil'L';'L?i' a sev- ere injury by (Gilli); froggmbleldt. mum 511 may Mr., Coutis. B. A., Headmaster of Georgetown High Betitrol, and his wife visited his sisttsthtta. 1rtwquluwsiau last week. Miss Jessie, Jotittstou Is now holiday ingat home, and nmy go on .1 visit te her sistmv'in Dakota in a month or two, Mr. B. H. Townsend left last Week fct wroaris.tev where herintends to rmmm journalism by starting a Wegkl'y pape/. Mr. J. J. Hastie. who ofRciated in the Pres. Church Sabbath (waning was Mn guest. of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ramage while in town. I Mr. Hamilton. Auwnud, father oil 'Mrs. (Dtx)Holt.arnd his brother George Were guests at. dentist Home; last, week. . Mr ftohert, Valle†3mm Chrw,truas with his p;tt'vt9httte, and took a run up again on Monday night from Strat- ford. - F Mr. and Mrs, Hall and daughter. of Owed Sound are guests an, Mr. J. Livingstone's for. Christmas holidays. Mears Archie and Jas. Brvwn came home from Dakota, but weak to spend at few monttts with Buntinlk friends. Couneillotts Arrowsmith 68 77 78 39 97 360 MoCannel 95105 24 26 80 336 Firth 129 45 " 36 56 285 McInnis m 33 2o 71 73 277 Lamb. 70 16 6318 38 205 Mr. Lat, d’mpsqm. . Human. All by technician. 'ReeYe IF. Knechtel. Councillors, Dr. Mums. and Messrs. H. B. “but Johnt9orm, D. Weppler. , ------ o i------ PERSON‘L MINTION Mr. Wesley Williams returned home on Saturday last from Manitoba. M rs. John Vollet. spent the holiday lemon with Fergus fiends. Miss Brook, of Toronto, is the guest of her liner Mrs. (Dr.) Free]. Mrs, and Miss Poole of Mt. Babe are waiting Mrs. Wolfe. r" _ Reeve Sta ,les McFadden iseloctcd by 5 majority. The Coun- cillors are G, Arrowsmith, N. Me- Cannel, Jos. Firth, Peter McInnis. The result of chi contest we have in detail by wards: v. Mr. D. M 14 majority sure of. icev REPORTS TRIM THE TOWNSHIPS GLENm. " The expected keen contest for the Moveship took place and Jas. Staples IHE fll0liE, 1iittttitttt 91 An'rEerx. wish 'tselected reeve by The council we're not 23 9 1 28 was "sts', '20, 'c( 58 Total 294 YA) _3"d'i'e ' Ball, D1herty, Thom: , SEWING MACHINE Hams Sewing We: "t at] Palmerston Buggies. Ha.gv£srv~xa, 1 "ii'lltr h m Deerin "h'ertii"wrr1Poiiyt'ri, . rs. 'r, Steel rages. _ Alsi, 1irarittll 'l'i2lt!irrt,2 _,.f,il, tgugrtit ati',""'"") r Coulter (36 Scott Drills and .. . . a' CT ' llElllg "I Caltivtuors, Disc and Spade Hats ai;irElai 'iid' . = Ii rows, b'et1iliers, lite. Also Scotch m " “Jug .5 _ 'if'i1l'i'iotlliihud'ir,li1tsc'.' . " ‘ A 7', S. C It 'IBS' _ _ - f Wilkinson" Bloughs, 1111'mber gm} . ‘in3 r/ 1 to 20, "tyttiNrMifhs of all kinds. f†, 'res, " o . Share, Soleplabs, Etc. q Not , ,. a 'he', l , genuine unless the words " Wtratssos Pg. - 'rl", is each pies-0.; Wilkinson Fam’ms Steel ll t, . e im ieti,iiiil,],tjrr"te, _ _.,t,,A,tiil' .'* my. ~ " We invite your attention to the following lines of goods '. @verytking for tfiiarai.yi'i,s, J We take this opportunity of thanking our' customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system. W111 merit, a continuance 56f the same. 11ittrgtpahitii& Small Profits." g L 1111C auu a h Ihimttmmrrt New I tir',,.',?! assure them we will ahrays strive to g SCAG/(Awmc â€4m. "'r . , CI L. tiiiii;,itilii)t,:,ss,., 3 l " _ a; _ ts' 'it'? _ .' «gym csawtsii"'i;,aihisiit',ii'eub"i', f We wisn allour friends and customers a CULTIVA TING. t:htcy)tt1uusuit. '?..'t3Ltt"e1', -Upp6r Town. Darby... We beg to'inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally. that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be ME them we will always strive to give them Good Goods “Readable Prices. - ' ash system leggy @39th Biiii ADOPTED mr" C, G. 80 J. MCKECHNIE. . McKechnie. You’re a Reader at WHOLE NO, use! ittttfd Are you :1 SnWibg! Send in your name tor trial tripto end at the you for only Joe. Jro the tH of the century for 81.03. {TL G',',,',