“on! Ire at present visiting the for “I Bitster Mrs Wm Seamn. “in Lottie Pink. sick nurse. of Brant. "a. in a present spendxng the Xmas may: with her uncle Tum Brown. tttt So.- ..u to “aqua-u, to L w ‘ Moan-mun; to the " 750mm v. of Xanaduâ€, I. pt“ anniversary pol-non to an chit dun at the HM than!) on um 31-. Mabel. . n. ouugolistlc meetings which have bin progreas in tho past tour weeks 'legho Methodist church will be contin- D‘ he another week. Mr ad In Peter Barrows, of Lame " N. W. T. lonuerlv of the 12 con. “out In " present visiting tho for, an: Sketch 'fotmerly of the " con Runyon: bat now of Sun Joâ€, Cdifomiu - . tow days of M week n the mi- dance of D Cameron. Mrs Cave" and little non. of Gait. is tha meat of hee W In (BOV)J W no “the!“ tho past few darts but h. V“? m. tho “nanometer on My morning togiutered 20 below e'Nttrryidny In]. the nominations for Java Ind Councillors took place in the â€it“ here. The usual quota: of rate- - wen mount aud the following â€on are in the brld for Reeve Peter . Cw McInnia. James Swanston. "Count-ilk)" D McQueen. W Hume. " Robb. w Bradley. Mr McIntyre. the guest of he! mu! Muwood. an 8m". who no fog tbe - M menus., fog the - '0' X019 holiday: It ad In W Sum-n upon: Sand“ .0 “0-day with the has!) brother J ac- " Burton ot Paisley. dial New Years greeting. Miss Bella McLean of Mall Corners is at present a guest in the village. Mr Hector McDonnld, late of Manito- ba in renewing old friendships and re- collection. around here " present. Conn Bannockbum No. 1265, 1.0.F. held their Annual Meeting lest Friday eyening when the following oftieem were elected for the ensuing year: C. R. a. L. Ledingham. P. C. R. Dr. Smith. V. C. R. B. R. Ridden. my D. Morrison. lb. Irma Dr. Swim not. Say. P. Harrison. pt ‘I. Br. n J. Banyan. o ’ Jr. . J. R. Ledingham. Vt , k. W. a â€Wham. . .. Jr, w. J. when. '0 wish you and Your “It? Mr Editor " tho eemphmentaotthe season. In“ M M wqqh. “any of we Mania] is now falling to .30 good damning. Some prophets hi. ion prophesying that we would “I I new, Kings but men prophesy b has of no uni]. In Goo Thnir. of Gioubon Man. but. “I, of the village of Holman in at "a. Malina I for weeks with (menu: - Tahoe“. It is some ten years I... " Thai: and her husband left 5... tthe an thee like the wonky. It Bob Elm" upont Christmas at “MM with bu daughter)!" P Cord- T. 30' It Thompson. of Kouilwonh. -erhed anniversary sermons to the “Hm of tho Hawaii“ church Sabbath ScheduScbeth. MuThooAHan of your town was the M ot Mm John Roberuqn. on Monday. In Stove Lamont. of Sanford. nnd ‘10†Mitchell. of Peel are Vilnius their do!!! Mrs W T Brown. In D Cannon and daughter Miss Mtbu no on u "an to the tormer’s but“: In Fink Granong'u, of Yu- -Miett. any: In J W Danbrouk. of New. UH". - Babbath with the Uter's - Mr and in A Donpe. . Mr m In W T Brown celebrated the Shh mainstay of their wedding on I." Yulâ€- night and of comm ttot n [on tr lot cf Cham pronouns. The guns Ouch.“ to Ibont 40. Those who were “from a din-nee wereJ L Browne .1 VII. Iron Durham. Mr and Mrs Dan m, of Swinfon Puk. Alex Bender- "o. " MM]! Hall, Dromme. Misses We and Georgia Konuody. of Toronto. Hind Mm vao Imam. of Stnumd, .3 It George Much." from near Guelph. Dan in Holstein Dee 27th to Mr and h] B Smith ndanzbtor. In Mania and George Kennedv. of Toronto. Iron: New You: dty with Mrs * , Brown. C W Robb Manon council will be composed of tho followihg modem"). The returns not Evin. oomph“ we cannot gin major- iliuu their n on. Ind to hear from ' will M the: the situation. Peter Mn. Rave. Counrillon Walter gravid McIntyre, Don McQueen. 'ThtmiBeceatber 28, ISâ€. Ap. Fin. 201-an Bat. Beer. f Br. B. Jr. . h St. W. Jr. W. To Review renders we extend a cor- e Ramage, "'"'rt,',",U,., HAM REVIEW. Holstein. Domoeh. o¢-ho-v-" has been in Toronto n... i, home for the magazine l 46thoiiagd Stowe Great Beyond intserstrmr." Deceased had been ailing for nearly a you-the result eta severe cold eon- traeted while waiting on an invalid mother. All that medical skill or the loving care of brothers and sister could devise was done but was unavailing and last April she was taken to Toron- toprocure hospital treatment but the hope was in vain. The remains were taken up and interred at Durnoch. Much sympathy is felt tor the sorrow- ing brothers and sisters. ------. We have started doing business in 1900 by turning over a new leaf. Come to the store where you can get everything from a NEEDLE at an ANCHOR in the Hardware line. Sewing machine needles in abundance. 81o,ooo must be taken in through Sales and Collections this month in order to continue the business and give you the bargains we have been in the habit of giving you. All accounts are ready and great bargains will be offered to you in l CUT SAWS ROBES AXES RUGS SNOW SHOVELS HORSE BLANKETS SKATES SLEIGH BELLS LAMPS CIRCINGLES LANTERNS BASKETS' COW CHAINS WHIPS, ETC. no Fools The Surgeons. Alldocsors told Ruuick Hamilton. of West Jtrtfttrtson, o., the] uniforms 18 months from Rectal Futuin. he would die unlounooully operation was performed. bat he cured bimwn with the boxes of. Buckleniu Aruica Salve. tLe lures: Pile can on Ennh. and tho best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box, Sold by our droning. 4 her recovery, Sorry to hear of Mrs Jas Gardiner’s Ill ness and will be pleased to hear of MM 1; Cutie. of Uxbridge, in; spending . few any: with her mother Mrs Robt Cutte who in very ill. J no Campbell and Neil McFadden are home sometime ago. They intend to return in the spring no doubt ac- companied by some of our young ladies. Home from the North West is Mr Willie Wilson, tull of interesting infor- mation of the far west to which he returns in the spring. Mr Neil " c, nnel and his sister Mrs D Galbraith can tell us all about the school question how satisfactorily it Was settled. Mich! Dauamoore is spending . sitortl time with ht rs G Morrison. of Urchud. l Mr Wm Mucheuncy. of Huncyer. went . low day: with his sister Mn: 8. Langrill. Hill Georgina Cuffe, ot Hanover spent Christ mu " the plreuul home. Mr and Mrt Waddel, nee Annie Hill, are home to see the latter's parents. Mr Waddel will visit friends in S. Egremont, where he spent his boy- hood's days. than M M Cutie is visiting her sinker! )an Mrteslhs, of Lamlub. _ On Chriaunu night u number of young poop}. spent a few pleasant hours it Mr C Lunronco's. Mr J Kimmie Sundnyed with friends he". Mr! J Hopkins. of Brow th. in tisiting vim he: parent» Ind other Manda " WM. A large number of friends gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs W J Wil- son Friday night last, and enjoyed themselves. New years Day and election day. Fine weather, good roads, every body busy voting. Mr L and Miss L Hutton went Emu with It Forest (Honda. (a ----No Farmer should be without one of our Snow Shovels.----- Another unload of Coal Oil just to hand. Bring along your demijohns and 5 gall. cans and get them filled. HARDWARE / Hutton mu. B0tmlv1LLE, -0- WM, BLACK. [The crash of Christina and New Year pun as out sometimes. Bo I thte accountof Mr John Gnhun'l cloning exercises has. we regret, to be he] tilineatt week. ED. R] One of the Prosperous Towns in Grey. o. Bound and Grey Co. Tradelteview, under the above headin . con- tains notices of some length on few of our business intuitutioha,' comprising the Standard Bank, N. G. & J. McKech- nie, whose many indmrtries and artir ities are fully set forth, B. Parker, J. G. vollett, w. J. MeFUrlane, J. A. Hunter. CentrUHctel, Kilmer Crawford and McIntyre, J. Burnet, Wm. Calder, P. Saunders. J w. Crswford, John Livingston. The. write-up ofthe town itself Is contained in 28 lines. and Is very defectiye. making no mention of out Furniture Factory, cement advantages. new sidewalks. railway connection. stage lines., etc. ROBES RUGS HORSE BLANKETS SLEIGH BELLS CIRCINGLEb' BASKETS WHIPS, ETC. DURHAI. '?ilrdlif', "dliffi'i5.3,1..', a,b1Eitt13, Limited Will pa) the following prices tor saw logs delivered at J. W. Crawford's Mill, Durham. Maple $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 yr M Buck 10.00 8.00 6.00 " Soft Elm 10.00 8.00 6.00 " Basswood 10.00 8.00 6.00 " Beech 8.00 6.00 5.00 .. Blank Ash 12.00 9.00 6.00 " Buch 10.00 Soft. Elm 10.00 Baaswood 10.00 Beech 8.00 Black Ash 12.00 Pine 12.00 SAW LOGS WANTED The Appetite of a. Goat Is envied by a" poor dyspephcs whose Stomach and Liver are out of order, All such should know that Dr. King's Now Life Pint. We wonderful Stomnll and Liver Remody. my“ I splendid appetite round digestion And a "tittlae bodily but that imam perfect bald: and W may. Only 850. at our the; stout. 66 29..........10 3 ". ao.........10 --22 Snowfall for the week, m inches. Hours of sunshine. 23.8. General Dir ection of the winds, Soutn westerly strong. and with much drift. Lowest temperature reached as above 22 below zero. on Saturday morning. Spruce Cedar Hemlock Tamarac 5.00 to 7.00 ous.tolenith Logs will be classed according tc size and to be out as much as possible 12 ft. long, allowing 8 inches. For the Week Ending Dec. so, 13†Temperature. Max. Min. WEATHER BULLETIN. The DURHAM FURNITURE COMPANY, :13 be. Decembt tt 'e WWWMMWMRQQ Igllllllll'flllllilllllli Ill). HI). sn, 1rr/'r. , “A â€11323: _ F _ V, » FY"; " m,“ (RW. r m MMNE a: 5.00 to 7.00 accordmgto length Were this an exclusive clothing store it could hardly provide more liberally or more carefully the Clothing needs of men and children. Better styles, better qualities, or better assortments than we have in Clothing would be hard to iind. Our stock represents the best that money, skill and experience can provide. But why dwell on its many excellent and unequalled features, when it is the privilege of every reader to make personal investigation. That's all we ask. As an inducement for doing so we quote a few of the many bargains. Another large stock of Boy's Suits just to hand which are good value. We also carry Sterling Bros. seamless hand made Shoes, They are the Shoes to wear. " ft willpay lion to see our Men’s and Wmum’s Fur Coats y \".* before [mm-liming at (my other plan: CA LDER'S BLOCK FELT HATS. Ladies untrimmed Felt Hats Black and Colored, in walking styles, Turbans, Sailors. dress shapes, selling at 50c to $1, re- duced from much higher prices. CLEARING (iii) A NUMBER i)? (BI) LINES REDUCED IN PRICE. ttFd S. F. MORLOCK oh 25 10 18 25 15 Men's odd Over Coats were 85 to $10 going at 9 Bo r's " " 4 to 8 tt 13 Mbon’s hany all woo} Ulsters going at . . . . . . . 18 " ' ' " .... 10 65 It It " ...... 10 " blue serge suits going at. . . . .... . . .. 15 t: tweedintitagoiruratr.......... ...... (ilXs.?t'_tSti,l,t,i?sirs', cut. 14 ft. MORE ABOUT OUR CLOTHING. 10 blue serge suits going at. . . . tweed suits going at.. . . .. .., all wool tweed suits going at black all wool venetian worsted, bound edges, suit. Ida) ff " worsted swipe pants gonng at. . . . . .. . 2.25 heavy tweed pants going at. . .. .. extra heavy tweed pants going at Che: Spring and Summer Goods Celluiod Albums, regular $1.25 at 90c. Plush Albums regular $r 10 at 85c " " 95 at Ase tt " I.ooat8oe .. " 50 at 37c. Autograph '6 so at 38c Fancy Celluoid Toilet Cases regular $4.00 at $3.25 h Leather Travelling Cases ie $3.00 at $2.45 Leat er and Silk Glove an Hankerchief wallets, the finest goods in the market Reg. " .6o & " for $2.25 and $2.50,. Have you seen our stock of Paper and Envelopes ?--Best valve in town. Boxof 250 Cream Laid Square Baronial Envelopes for 4oc. Fancy Box Paper and Envelopes far Elite Correspondence from roe up. Moody's Best Black Ink, large bottle only 30. F Fi, PARKER. . " Massey-Harris Binders, Mowers, AS usual a Full Line oise Hal-rows, Rakes, Etc. You know what these Goods are-the best in the market. Buy no other ! A Full Line of the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, We are determined to dispose of all left over holiday goods at sacrifice prices Here they are-Bargains while they last. GAMES AT COST. Two carioads of Tudhope BUGGIES to HUGHES AND tl (ll select. We have very nice Buggies and Democrats. Prices of rigs are on the rise bat our stock was bought early, and a good profit saved in freight alone. Prices from $50.00 upwards. WAGONS! a fall carioad toseleet trom. See our Farm TRUCK. These are the Celebrated Adams' Wagons. PARKER/fl Drug Store. ‘Wishing a Prosperous and Happy New Year to all. Turnip Sowers, Set1ffiers, Ploughs, Harrows, Hay Forks, etc. all in stock. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have the old established London Mutual Insurance Company, and other good Stock Companies. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at trr'i. Issuer ot IARBIAGE I LOWER TOWN WM CALD Implement Warerooms. E - ME%liMi' " E) rt,il,tliij,F] 1' 3L "l?s:,';i:'ia,!)i,tsts8, " 'miat We have been moving lately and have not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now! t and. 't) . , _,'i:itr'ifc'kt:'il,' 'fc/ri, Exceptional value in Ladies Black and Colored Mantles be- ing the remaining sizes from certain lines otherwise sold out, now offering at special figures a; WINTER JACKETS. DURHAM, ONT Issuer of lARRlAGE Licenses 82. 50 CALDER 5.00 95 " 6.00 1.25 1.00 J, Cj',','a',' T ree' "yiC1trfe"l'.; i1c/c'tltiitt)j,d,ii'iej, es "ii:.sLy,2ia rr,,' 2w _ b. 7ii'shi; § Rt We are, Yours for Trade W. H. BEAN SAW LOGS For whirl: the following prices will be paid: . Maple Birch, Soft Elm. I) Basswood. 9 Beech 7 Black Ash 11 Pine l I Spam: 7 Cedar 6 unlock 4 Wishing all of our : many Customers a; t Happy and Prosperous 5 'tttmr fie-agar y: MM Logs will he Chum armrum; ‘Illity and size. and to be out ati m uponibk " ft. long. allowing c, Mqe, III (MIX. Spruce Ind Haul h ill to an: on giver tank AT THE ABERDEEN AT Irallhlll,hlilin DURING JANUARY OF FANC Y GOODS. <32 SPECIAL SALE i('r,'.'.--s_-r; “mam DRUG STORE. HE SELLS CHEAP , t. Bo.oo 6.00 9.00 60 oo oo oo oo oo oo Ot WANTED. SAN sed oo SAW MILL. oo oo oo cums am arm" 55 S.90 h' ICC oo, nu IT! Ila h YC B “ ll