West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Jan 1900, p. 5

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Logs wil qtelity and .5 possible Pine. and C Logs will be classed according to quality and size, and to be out as much aspossible " ft. long, allowing 3 in. Pine, and Cedar, Spruce and Hemlock usual betakenonrim but at gravel road. _ - ---- A...“ Black Ash Pine Spruce Cedar Hemlock Tamarac 4.00 For which the following prices will be paid: . Maple $9.00 $7.00 35.00 ' M Birch, 9.00 7.00 5.00 it Soft Elm. 9.00 7.00 7 5.00 s" Basswood, 9.00 7.00 5.90 " SAW LOGS Wishing all of our many Customers a, Happy and Prosperous 2temf Ems We are, Yours for Trade. W. H. BEAN AT MacFARLANE’S AT THE A BERDEEN DURING JANUARY FANCY GOODS. Big 4 ti. g SPECIAL SALE (iii) DRUG STORE. HE SELLS CHEAP t t. H ll 6 to6 WANTED. oo SAW MILL. oo (liililtfg Block. according to length according to length Who hath not lost a friend, There is no union here of hearts, That hath not here an end." We have been much benefitted by your tour years stay among us. We have always found you unzious tor our improvement and feel very sorry for giving you any extra trouble which we know we have done matey times but trust you will forgive us. We take this opportunity of making'you this smnll pretrenrto show that our harm on warm towards you and that you leave us with our beat wishes for your future welfare, hoping we will all meet in Heaven. _ Miss Julia Weir Honored. The pupils and friends of s. S. No. 3 Bentinck. where. Miss Julia Weir has taught {our Very successful years pne- sented her last week with an address and an album. work-box and photo- graph frame as mementos to preserve happy and useful associations. Mr. and Mrs. Livingstone, with whom she made her home, also recognized her by the gift of a stationery box. Following is the address Dear Teacher, The timehagcome for us to part and we are very sorry. We feel the force of the poet’s words: _ "Friend after friend departs. regard them as a token of our esteem and atrectiou, and we shall feel pleased to hopetlnt in the use of them you will souwlunea think kindly of your pupils here. i comfort out of and to sing God's praise in his house on earth. Our prayer in that you and we may " be privileged to unite in the rung of the redeemed in the house of many mansions above. With kind regards to yourself and funny. Signed on behalf of the-congregation. JGillau Bord. John McKinnon. [Dun McCormick. The congregation took the opportun- itrof presenting Mt. John Clark. who tor years has acted as precentor in the church. with a beautiful fr coat and the following address, to which Mr. Clark made a very feeling and uppro- printe reply t Dear Friend t At this Christmas season when words And deeds at love are common and appropriate. we. the members and adherents of Burns' church, Rocky Saugeen, deem this a titling opportun- ity to acknowledge in a feeble way wa theirindehtednesn to you for the abilityamd willingness you have ever shown in the important, Junction of leader in the praise worship of God's House. With this in View we beg to accept as a slight tokewof the warmth niourlegmrd. this fur coat which we trust you may long he spared to take sang very sweetly while Mr. John Clark also gave some excellent. songs. Short addresses Were given by Mr. N. Clark, Superintendent of B. 8., also by Mr. Putherhough. Mr. John McCallutu sudd. A. McKinnon. teacher. Ir. John Clark Honored. On “Minty evening of lat week A most. ulmsful Xmas Tree was held in Burns Church. Rocks Bangui). in con- nection with the Sabbath School. A: the evening WM a most favorable one, the church was well crowded. Iltut Xmas twee which was beautifully decorated was :nvered with umny use fill and beautiful presents for the children. Thexthatr was "hir filled by the pau- tot' Rev. Mr, Graham. The program consisted of songs. recitntions and addressee. and the children undér the eare6ul training of Miss- Maggie Clark. did their. part very creditnbly, Mrs. Gtattattt and Mrs. McCalmon oflhtrnoch On hell df i113 Addresses and Presentations. Mary Ta rlor, Hannah ?r'/,"i'n, Gordon Geddes, Hugh Renwick. Jeannie Derby, Nellie Lindsay, lay Cantu. the pupils Yours Attectiortate.lr m3 l Wishing you and yours the compli- 'mcnts of the season. we beg to sub. ;scribe ourselves. the ofBcers, teachers , and bible class. ':,. Mr. Brown made the following np- j proprute reply I 1 Dear teachers. ofBceg B. bible class and echelons-l the" k you very sincerely ( tos. this unemected manifestation of l ' r esteem for myself, and your lap woman of my unworthy setvices as svfiintendent of our s. School. _ While-d. so I have to say that what. iever measure of success has resulted [from our labors, my thanks in due to ( God m the first place. for his blessing on [our efforts and secondly to you as launchers and ofBeete of the Sabbath [School for your genuine sympathy l node: the many trying conditions< that lattendSJS. work. and for your wise r counsel in perplexities and your untiriug l patience with my many failures. And l you as scholars for your faithful attend- once at S. S. and your attention to the study of God's word, which in the sword of the spirit, In reviewing the year that hay gout: by wrth all its joys, pleasures and sorrows we cannnt but think seriously how quickly the you” of our ptlgrimage fly. We are at the beginiug of this New Your another 5eltt other than I2 months 35:: and who is there amongst. us that are alive at this the lwglumng of the your 1900 that will see the clone of the 19's. scarce undead they will he and if tl ere be such their life null Le only sorrow and vexalion of spirit. On this New Year's Day if we would VL-ll, many a hume where joy and hoppi. mas reigned a year ago we find many a change on this New Yenr'u Mom. In one house we find chandler who occupied the highest. seat at the festive table Ian New Your'a Luv“), buthilp‘ace to-day is vacant. In another homo the door mother who will: a joyful heart had the pleasure of buying all the family together and took delight in ministering to their wonto. her place is vacant also. In another home we tind the daughter who won; the joy nod flower of tho family in 00-day laid ooido in the cold and narrow homo and tho snot mother lilo the womon of old bohol g tho gormonto the wore in Alud with grim. Loony we como totho halo whore prob. ably on only our: hos boon ' owov to t1aht tho oougoo of South Atria and he otood lilo tho have with his fooo to tho loo till ho toll undo: tho ooolnioo bulloto. Bo, that this world that wo on lino; in now u olwoyo toll of would". oooh one boo not bio own to bear. l . The Sabbath School anniversary in con- Pte/it, ( nection with Presbyterian Church here Writingm came off last Wednesday 27 mo, ind ml quice ts mm.’ Rev. Profumr- Cannot, Jlit. gave at inmih some “women- ot hill _ taunts " " 1llhtitttittpist. Oil Jtreitr', _ _ [ As was proviously announced, the Rev. Mr. Mntheson preached in eloquent urmon under tho auspices of tbe'A. o. U. W. tsoeUty m this town from tho text found In Md Timothy 2nd clap. and Mth yous "Study to Show thyself upward unto thd a Workman that undo“: not he. Ott account. at the sanity ot tho morning very few from tints; lodges In- tended. , _ l The year 1899 In past and gone bnsud its term with the Thermometer from 20 to " below zero and that in batter enough to be tune but hardly cold Quench to freeze the nose " a hm: monkey. but Cold enough to been: some of the-ladies? ears coming heme from church on Sunday. Last Friday night the workers of Baptist 8. School here went to the residence of Mr. John Brown M a lur- prise party with kindly intentions. As he came home from his duties he not a genuine surprise. A pleasant time was ISPPIt. part of which was the. presenta- 1 tion of an easy chair and the following l address t--- I Dear Superintendent: i, We, the ofthrers, teachers and ) friends of the Durham Baptist Sunday 7 Sch ool, have thought that in some way l we ought to show you our esteem :and lapprecistion of your faithful and long ', servir‘e in the master’s vineyard. Wishing you all the compliments of the season and many returning up. Immunities to teach and study the word of life, I again thank you for your beautiful present and the bpjnitof kind- ness manifest therein. Yours Very Truly. J ohn H. Brown, We therefore take very great pleasure in presenting you with this token of our regard for your work, trusting that this gift, small as it is, may encourage you yet more in your life for our Lord and his service. And at this time too, when Christmas comes usareminder of God's greatest giftto a lost world. we would take this opportunity, a few at us, in gathering at your home to encourage and help you in this noble, hut oft trying work of imparting the truth as it is in Jesus to you“ minds that ovontuolly may form them into his likeness. Ir. John In!!! Honored. Priceville , otticer B, bible class and r k you very sincerely voted manifestation of Go to him If you want to sell: Go to him if you want to buy. lie collects notes ind accounts. and it beata every- hing how he gets money out of old claims that have been thrown aside as worthless. BUSINESS Tangles, Snarls and Dimculties straightened out settled and adjusted without lawsuits or ill feeling. by the use of a little tact and good judgment. "my tt ll Pull. Illel illl tt 80 If on are unable to pay 100 cents on the J'lll will assist. you to arrange with your creditors. Insolvent; Estates sat- isfactorily wound up. The' Hanover Uonvertsneer "Always Prompt,. Never Negligent. All business Strictly Private. Deeds, ”Ho ea, WWII. and other Writings 'el,',',',)',)',' prepared. A Hundred Rood Farms for tmle-Aigo a number of fine Hanover Properties. Another great discovery has been made and that. too by a lady in this country. “Disease festened its clutches upon her and for seven yours she withstood its severest, Iona, bat her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. Foe three months she coughed iueestiautly, and could not sleep. She tintdly dimmer- ed A way to recovery, by purchasing of us I bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and was so mncn reheved on takine first dose. that she slept all "tglat, and With two bottles. luv. been tur.. suluhely cured. Mer name in Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes W. C. Huiumcka thr., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at. our Drug Siore. lieuulac size (We Mid and 01.00. Every loule guaranteed. 4 " PBOTESTANTS and CA'I‘HOLICS. Rich Men, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patrons, ALL DEAL WITH.... H H. MILLER. Messrs Neil McLeod and James Burn“, of N. W. Territory. no spending a while with friends on tho South Lula Artemesia u present. Arch McLeod. who his been t"vay up west for the last few years. "me home to his [Minors Mr Wm McLeod Southline Gleuelg on Saturday In“. With a. happy Now Year to the Editor and all readers of the REVXIW we close. Maura Walter Nichol. John McLeod. and J1me: Allinson all from the collage. Toronto enjoy their hohdays " their difkrtsut homer. Mrs. uowlandmf Bolton, in at present unending to her aged father Mr. Thou. Gian of "us Town. who vans disabled by a fall sometime mo. Air. Neil MoLem. of Moutnnn. is spend- ing a few months at the old home with his mother and the family South East Glenelg. It in nine years since Neil lett home and became a resident of Mont-ma. Mr. Lorne Hannah. of Whitby, 'son of merchant Hogarth of Ibis town in spend- ing hll holidays with his father 3nd moth. er. Master Regie and Miss Mathews, of Toronto, spent holidays at. Ma. McIntyre south lino Gleuelg. Dr Boyle is at present. spending his New Year's hoiidays with 1aie {other and mother in Toronto. Dugald McLean spent Xmas with friends at. Orangeville. The Sons of Scotland had their enter- tainment on the evening of the 22ud Deer and "an quite a succua. Piper Murray. of Toronto cheered the hearts of lovers of Piobrotth and we could we the foot of many an and mint moved as it tdftcud by M. Vitae Dance at the round of the High- land pipes. Reeve John McArthur in his usual witty manner ably filled the duties of chairman. Mrs. Wright, of Markdale. and Min- Mink-.0! Toronto. cheered the audience with their sweet some during the event“. with grand speeches from Rev. Buchanan. of Duadaik, and Mathe- can, of Plioovillo. The committee was delighted with the result ot the evening. Proceeds about $80.00. Postmaster N McKinuon in tu1fUring with come of Job's comforters or rather tormentors for the last couple of Woeks. We are pleased to hear that Miss James who hrs been utteudiug the Toronto hots- pnul [or appendicitis is getting hotter and will be skis to be home in I week or two. " “In Rebeca Nichol. of Buffalo is upending her holidnyn " home at. present. taunt by no menu: Were left In the elude for the choir under the Menu}; of our oblimng 013nm Mile Genie McLeod [eye excellent piecee during the evening. Also grand epeechee from each Ber. gen- tlemen u Rev'de Bunch. of Fieeherton. Humpbnee. of Pricen‘lle. and Peeler Mulleeon. of the Presbyterian church. A bountiful drill by xen beeutiful aide trained by Miss McLeod. Also recitation! from the children. Supt. Currie ably fillmd the chnir. Receipts of the evening 346.50. catch & Irish Discovered by a Woman z. Miller ‘HANOVER. 'd 3 =3 ktgi't' a“: n 'r'frA'Ar a . xv arm 1 tif For. the convenience of our friends and patrons we have had I elem: phoed i,t2't't Drug Scone. . town, 1' 'ro ta,t,dti1ttrq ' _. '0 may be “mm: ',tlttdt" J Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales. as to dates. &c. must he made at The Review omce. Durham. Corres- pondence addressed there or to Egre- ville P. o. will bt.pry.mptlr arten ed to. Terms on applications to D. IcPHAIL. Bopeville P. O or to C. RAIAGE, Durham. Would Intlmete that she wilt ttqrtttm"t the Furniture end S2eT,t,ti,gid',r1tftt umb- liehed by her tether In but In in I“. and will eudeevor to give att old end new canon on the tbat'" entire .atiMttttiort. 'P'egte only Involu- Inm In Town. Betidence---HOPEY I LLE. Undertaking and nub-1min“ lstut pd: oriit" " readable mm. hmitm of the Best like ALWAYS ON HAND. "mm F "ttttttl A SPINAL" D. MoPHAL UAS R. GUN IIIIIIIIII'S I IIIIIIIII I Ihtig MONEY ORDER AGENT. CAN. EXPRESS AGENT. " GUN’S MBA CREAM " OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durham Pharmacy Calder'. Btoet. Remdenee Bret door west of the Phat Oftice. Durham. E. J. FREEL, M. D., th M. " lilf REVIEW WI MI Luxuries ‘“.sss.$ -ce UPPER TOWN. MISS SH EWELL . W“ -tr Honor (Indiana at Trinity College, Toronto; lumber of the College of Physical“ And Surgeons. Ont. ; Member of the Detroit lod- iml and Library Asuncion. AI-tttI-Mud Bunk Buildiug, opposita C. Memnnytyl Implement Shop. Remember the lull-owed“ the lurk». Durban. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. DENTISTRY. (lllll'il IOIlH RIl Six 'Irnrn' Hospital Expo-richer. A Mtientiile preparation highly perfumed with the true Otto of Roses. This is a prepara- tion that every lady should have. That Universal Choice of all Toilet articles keeps the skin 5030": end white. _ Cures chapped hands, &e., &c. For 'tentlemen'ts use after shaving it is by far the best article of. fared. _ ' Jake Kress. 3 JAKE KRESS Necessities MISS SHEWELL DRUGGIST Pat up only by Licensed Auctioneer fm the County of Grey. THAT Am: or the Best. fllllltlilif DUI? HAM " V- - “We: BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN OUPRI’UI COURT- NOTARY PHILIC. COUUIWOH". m. S. SCOTT. 3 Office, over Grant's store. Lowe! Town We ask ttMitt " Bit ii'," Mi ll Mi'll. aviator, at: , Gou- 'OOEGMOZ', “o, to...” Ion? to Loan at ”new. m an on terms to suit borrower. OFFICE-McIntyre BleeA. -- _ - G ROGERIES minke-tar “can“ I“ and 5mm Conn Bill... " at Lott-n of “natal-undo- n-d W. Obhlnod. 8min- ludo tn M] “to " Title: report-d on. Com m: at. m to Lou on 'eokl'l'll'f'hho,W.t you of In“. Vanni.- mndo by uoompom: an! “at Vulcan. oFFrCEB-oq"ttt Bound. Ma6du. a! Dunn Note.--At Durham. Honky- 10-._m. to 4 p. m. and Court fNt AtPrlce- Ville. Mondays 6 p. m. to p. In. LOANS ”and without My. mu promptly made. loam-u ".eteA. MONEY To LOAN at low-t nu at m oitieo--oae door north of B. Mi. but... TWEEDS d YARNS DARRICTIRI. COW. ”crawls. conmaucm Money to Lian-Company and Private Funds. Low Rates Easy Tm Loan and Insunnce Agent. Conny- ancer, Commissioner. is. mm m. m. a. 0|!me m. Bott.". "no" N '22 1Netr_hqhMtrt,.r, L Gtttqetgort. at A's-7M 9111-. Duds. not”. Luau. Flour Irrr cwt .......... Oatmeal per “ck ...... Bran pet cut ... ... Shorts per cw: ... Fall When per bushel Bnrley, " Pen. " Dun. " Dr'd Bogs. per cut Lard per lb ... Tullow‘ per lb ... Butter per ttr, Tat, ... LUCAS, WRIGHT ' BATSOI. Eggs, per doe H ides. per cm. Calfskins ... Sheepskins .. WOOL l I LUCA. '.te " "RICH? CI - J. P. TELFORD, W. L. MCKENZIE We can give you Bugging. G. LEROY mourn. " Buying. W" yl are you thinking at getting tgtarried , Call and got the Lucky Wed- ding ring. MONEY TO LOAN 14 K Gold Filled with E!¢in movemement for 8i0,00 Latest Size. Luger Size. with Blgin or Waltham movement 9.50 ""i'igthfi'ttg'ragirrd - Ttlm. W. S. DAVIDSON. plt1Nt8ltkctteragtr. B00'm&MOEB,ae., . " Dont forge: tp all before Oi' at qua ty. We are prepared to han- dle your WOOL & other produce to your enurr satisfaction. L'attandtretacateoar. DURHAM MARKET. Roll Next to mu. Hind inseam": r tthrer the Bank $180t008” 200to 225 085k 065:0 024to 500m Iota 04to 36to 16to 16to Ttroto "to 40to 60to u i i EUtin 'i0.00 tin or 9.50 fore " of Call Wed- Bud Inr. _ HE " " i}!

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