ore. irrra Cl [I W th H IF: a t " Happy and Prosperous New lirttttgt We are, Yours for Trade. Logs will be classed according to quality and size, and to be cut as much as possible " ft. long, allowing 3 in. Pine, and Cedar. Spruce and Hemlock logs will be taken on river bank at gravel mad. W. H. BEAN SAW LOGS Tamarac 4.00 Black Ash I I Pine I I Spruce T Cedar 6 Hemlock 4 AT THE ABERDEEN For which the following prices will be paid: Maple Birch, Soft Elm, Batsswom1 ' lllit,i:,s':it4.ei, JANUARY ee AT litdhllLhlill'f; FANCY GOODS. DURING tri?. DRUG STORE. Wishing allot' our g many Customers “it, HE SELLS CHEAP! l rte-1'1 6o to WANTED. $7 SAW MILL. TN: according to length according to length 5.00 ' M Wilson Coopec Wright MeAmile Boyd Smith Boyd as 21 31 18 40 St "B Smith " 9 21 l5 13 42 NB ARTEMESIA. Reeve-D. McTavish. CouncliUgrs, J. A. Boyd, Alex. Muir, Thou. Kelli. and Geo. Thompson. CHEESE & Btrriurat.---The great An, ual Convention of workele in the above articles is to he held in Strntlord mom Jan. " to 18 inst. The very highest talent is secured for sneakers the nub- jects are practical. transmutation is cheap, only single fare. Queries ad. dressed to George Hateln Brantford. will receive prompt attention. Burns’ memory wakes the world to song yet. That explains the Ben Nevis Concert. on January 19th. with many Scottish features. The pipes, the Kiln. the dances. the dialect. will all he In evi. denee. Council met Jan. 8th. members elect- ed, P. Dickson, reeye. councillors Messrs McQueen, Has-tie, Robb and McIntyre. Mr. McQueen was absent. by reason of family illness, the other members subscribed to the required declarations. The reeve addressed the council em- phasizing “amnion working, and for the genus] welfare of the whole muni- cipality. . Minutes of previous meeting Cenfirm. ed. Bylaw No. 124 for the appointment of auditors panned the usual readings. The names of John Ross and John A swan-ton were inserted thanâ€. 'nlary . each. t Div. No, ll t Sae,', t m pd 259 $ti lg UN ICI PAL ELECTIONS. EGREIONT COUNCIL. ar; 302 87 3% 121 PROTON. l3 t'OUNt ll ill 1%? ILLURS H 'irAhT,, 9 an Al total 11.1 107 MI 243 215 2A,5 .4 w" fi)dis.i: w! Jsir"tfils 'ii'grii"t'i; ", ,:)ji'i'ii'ii'iii'ji), " . I. I S. by" Miss LU Drirnmie, Sunday School by m R Renwick. Board of managers by Mr G Lothinn. Sec. and Twas. Mr I Findlay, All the reports were received must favornblv. showing the prosperous "oudititm of the Church. The meeting was favored by A well chosen recitntion by lies tunic Scott at the close of the meeting. Rev If Cnmnbe‘l wu brought to the platform wile I! G Lothian in behalf of the oongregetiou presented him with the sum of fifty dollm asking him to except of it " 3 slight token of esteem an tdfeetior, hoping thnt be mnv look upon it. not tor its intrinsic worth or value but that he mny look upon it as coming from the bouts of those into which he bed so faithfully during the past your endeuored to pour the word of God. xr Campbell replied in a few well choaen wordn. The meeting closed try singing "God save our Queen" when all retired to the basement where n genial cup ot ten nnd chat wen enjoyed when one of the most enjoyable annual meetings ever held here come to a close. Mrs Barnes and Sophia, and Mrs Turn. ball Were the guests of It uni In John uilligm on New Years day. Mr and Mrs Thou Livingstone, of Mt. Forest, spent New You: day with the latter: parents Mr and Mrs J Corbett. Mr and It! Jn Hughes and family of Walkerton spent 3 few days visiting at the home of It aud In: A Derby In: week. Mr Jas Livingstone is again to return to our neighborhood, having purchased 611. farm of In H Edmund- and will gain posuusion next spring. In Sun Viokeu bu purchased e farm on the 4tlt can, N. D. It. und will mu busines- ttt the no†future, and by all account. will not but: it out“. ' Mr John Fruor still continues in very poor health. I! Alex Griersun In: neared the ser- vice of John Boa: for the winter. ladi day it hullâ€! the annivvrwu‘v ml thr. lu- (lnctiun "fur Campbell here, Rev Mr Parquhmson spoke ublv. The Annual meeting rd Amos Church congregations was held Friday waning 5, the evening being fine a Luge number were present In J Snell in the chair the meeting opened by singing nod prayer. rhe following reports were read and adopted from the session by Rev Ir Campbell W_.FLlf S. In J Snell. C. E. Robh--Hagtie---Thnt the clerk adeer. lise for tenders in Mt. Forest and Dur- ham papeln for cedar plank as follows t 2000 ft 16 ft long. 4 in. thick, to be de. liven-d in Holstein on or before April lst HM), to he good sound timber. sub- jvvt to iesspvctism, lowest or any tender Iml th't-ssm‘lly “('u'plt'd. 1'arrivd. Il:n~'lil- )lt-lnlvrvw That as uppiivu- tion hu, ln-l-n mmlv lo thisrnunt il show- 1Iastie-Roh1r--Thnt Mr, McIntyre he appointed to examine the Treasurer‘s sun-ties m Regtstry office, Durham and report at next session.-larried, The ye manv “I: By-Inw No. 125 for the appointment. of Auditors paused the usual readings. The names of James Renwick and Dr. Sumth were inserted therein. ll g at the tln ~11 to 20 be gonzo pines h " ll J†ew , N' U ll w u were thermo 1899 D, Am trow Dromope, makers. ' Is [mat and ' predicting a are t,a"iii2t'fit"iv, 7:1,, [Jrh f) 8‘ IEh" M a?»u;.§}~ n N iatllgiaM. ll “and. AN, View (7) but still y Jolt humid to me it come and oven lowar , is starting um K H m su Nit n ml w t h ll Logs will be classed according to size and to be cut " much as possible 1 2 a. long, allowing 3 inches. Spruce 5.0) " Cedar 7.00 6.00 5.00 Hemlock 5.00 to 7.00aocording to length Tamarac 5.00 to 7.00ace. tolength In Quebec and the other pgxatritteetf.the month was remulmbly open and free the usual cold snapszclosing with the rormnttott of â€may ice in: the harbor! and “19% Inland. . f Snowfall for the week 22 inches. General direction of the wind south west and very blusteling. In Manitoba and the Territories the mouth was remarkable for the preval- ence of the Chinook winds from the Pacific Ocean bringing copious tshowers and mild weather. so that stock were still out on the prairie and pasture p,ood. In Ontario the weather conditions in December varied with the district... in Northern Ontario light snow with some sleighing where as. m the Lake region heavy gale: and broken weather pre- milled. Soft Elm Basswood Beech Black Ash Pine The month of December all over the Dominion was remarkable for its mild- nesa. the temperature having been above the average in all the Provinces. In British Columbia, among the mountains are well as on the Pacific Coast the weather was unusually warm there having been little trout. and a very moderate rainfall for the. month. Will pay the lbllmviug prices for saw logs delivered at th Wilson s “in, N. Egremont. Maple $10.00 88.00 556.00 P ll Birch 10.00 8.00 (3.00 $t Soft Elm 1000 800 6.00 " Basswood 10.00 8.00 6.00 " May yum happy, and deficient in industrv and application, but when we have been thus to blame. you have been always l'orlwnring and patient. We well know. that no teach- er however earnest and faithful. can bring his pupils forward, if they do not their part, by industry and perseverance attention and a fervent devotion to their studies. We sincerely hope, that the lessons in conduct and in knowletlue th, nu ft lu-hind an For the Week Ending Jan. 6,1900 Temperature. Max. Min Decexuhe:31.......... 7 a) January LI-...... 20 f? The Public Examination of the Allan Park Scheol was held on Thursday the 2191 inst. The forenoon was. oecupied in examination of the various classes of the school. The "ttendancc of pupils and visitors Were as usual large. The ladies of the section supplied most litter. ally the wherewithal to satisfy the cravings of the inner man. This being over', Mr. Henry Brigham: was called to the chair, and " lengthy prnm-nmlno. you may ll U) â€we: at.fia? m WEATHER BULLETIN. The DURHAM FERN ITU HE ( IH' Part an Address and Presentation. 'it"';',"", HS r- part ny Industry and perseverance ntiun and n fervent devotion to rsmdios. We sincerely hope, that lessmm in conduct and in knowledge have sought toinstill in our minds 'roumin with us, and bear fruit in 14 to cnnw. We hope that In part- fmm nu. you will not forget, the Ids young and old that Von luau}? I) a'irirl/iogei.' WAN TED. M IN uh It Ii ll fri, iM 12.00 I) . a, JSt' 'MBE' 8M'& 'i':),,',,':?,, V†3.0.0} . . a"Luciti (r Tr" .L K that, "tttot Re all young folks we have n fond of play and thought. ur studies, sometimes also industrv and application, ttttt d old that. you have among other friends you will still mumm- E COM PAN Y, Limited Mluwiug prices 8.00 8 00 8.00 w ill w i so 9. (I) will If ol Idem tlt lwnt'efu the Me: v, _ avg“- ' _ _ ' M» Wi, tl dren undet "(a 86. 00 (3. 00 6. a) 6. oo 33 21 cut 14 ft,. Id 10 I055 10 Inn ', " 1m] l , lmL' tt tit MAS R. GUN The Hanover Conveyance! “Always Prompt. Never Netdi " All business Strictly Private, tte At. 2i'd1tt?tr “is on y Int-clan. Ian. " Town " PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS. Rich Men, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patrons, ALL DEAL WITH.... H H. MILLER, Would Intimate the: Inc will continue the Furniture Ind Undertaking Bullion eel-b- linked by her (ether in Durham in I.“ and will endeevor to give ell old and new canton: era the same entire ntlni’ection. Furniture of the Best Make ALWAYS ON HAND. "mm "All“ A SPECIAL" Urtdortahirttt And 1hrstrahnirtgoas Intent pm: olplu " rumble rates. (hliltfg 1teeidenee---HtWBVi LLE. MONEY ORDER AGENT. CAN. EXPRESS AGENT- D. McPHA L " Blow. Re Post oftitx E. J. FREEL, M. D.. UPPER 7'0 WM. G --- AES, [NOE M MISS SHEWELL Remember the ttandrNt-it' the Jul-hot. Durham. ll and Lian le Teal-i J A K E K RE SS , --- F1 D1131? (lllli'il WllH BALM th That Universal Choice of all Toilet axticles keeps the skin my)“ and white. _ Cares chapped hands, &c.. &e. For gentleman's use after shaving tion that have. A tieientifie pr perfumed wi it uxuries catch & Irish Jake Kress. it k,' FIRST DOOR , Durham Phurnuwy 'vesadenve first door w "9. Durham. Necessities EN'l‘ISTRY. MISS SHEWELL -h0.L â€It or-- f.Y HOLT L. D. S. DRUGGIST Put ll p onl y b y 1ll.ljl every Licensed Auctioneer to: the County of Grey. M tl bl lie-pita! rapt-rial!" fl Block M 'oparation highly th the true Ottr, THAT Ami: Of the Best "swam a prepara- ldy should (2Ul Mltllllf K té)Wtr,i"ii't' Jt i5? OUR HAM l ST Gi Ihha of the " " (innocuous wd Amway-'31 Vim. Deeds, lam“. Inn-cl. do, g,"i't'2r=r; EM porsmu loo ' and Em mininnton' Accoun- TRad",, Burma-M Court Bush-u. a! Letters of Adminimndoll and Oman-:3 Obtained. Hench?! mud. “I 'tqistey 0&0. Titlrrn reported on. Company Ind private land- to [an on Mortgage at low “we! tum-t. Val-odou- mmle ' y a. competent“ Mn! lemr. LUCAS, WRIGHT ' BATSON. â€FRI. TIN. CONDITOR. non-av puma. outrun-cu. no. omtNr---MWER TOWN. Donna. BARRISTER. soucnon m suntan. COURT. NOTARY PUILIC. coququan. m. M arrister, otarg, 801»- veyancar, te. , etc"... Mon? to Loan " reasonnblo rues an on terms to suit borrow". OFFICE-, Mrlnlyrt' Block. _- _ - Onum Office, aver Giant): store. Lower Town Loan and Insurance Agent, Convey smear. Commissioner. he. MONEY Ott Dr TWEEDS d YARNS was " Shorts per an . Fall When per bus Barley. It WOOL GROCERIES (8)lMtt8ttttingBlt. S. SCOTT. Bum She I 42 LUCAS W " WR.GHT canto†ll " All Chame- Mat. J . P. TELFO RD, W. L. MCKENZIE We can give you Bargains. G. LEFBOY McCAUL. BARRISYERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. couvnmucun. MONEY TO LOAN W. S. DAVIDSON. H DRY GOOIB. CROCKERY. BOOTS & MIOEB, an., We are prepa red to han- die your WOOL & other produm: to your entirr satisfaction. Of m qua ty. minced with away made. III TO LOAN DURHAM MARKET ll ewt rlb "tr, wt e wt and (X Iys 6 p I) " rt! " 1mm ll ‘mmmny And Private un. thdnys 10 rttrt Days. Atl m. to 8 p. m M at May. 001% luau-nee a“. . w ‘.,y w" my); fix? n.Lv4 org', we“. run: of Mom: :Urer the Bank 'iasiy tt o GO (I)! Ctit lOto 04to It to 16 to 80te ll 40 O Durban o o i w a. m At Price 0mm to u to to D rt" o 20 23 " " "