Fry' we": ’_'.1 Nha. VII WV to M t --ï¬_--_--- a no on War. m mew In Guernsey Chitdren and formal: tod-ptr-n-ora- lid any It through the _ m. 1?.g. " at 'rtidnitrhroat, the when. at the ET? minute playl ot tho Mimic Ages. A bll0lil bell Illh) In my txmntnet'-iacluuutg our d l l o own-h u aunt to sit up to .ed the; ---- New Year in. In some localities thci ' . . . . hon-e door is hung open at the stroke A Prominent American Divine ot mlhnlght. Inc-anus are drunk and V . cow “We†exchanged. I on an Important Subject. In the south of Ireland the town Toronto, Ont. Dee.--rt is not 3319“": 2"esl', 't', “resets I', mid- 5 every clergyman, who shows such a In . .. Ill as me" u a uvor- g . . _ he tune (in this occasion. Throughout. ( gsnume turdkimily desire to benefit Hum-to.- the great Christrmas wham- g hie fellowmen, as does tho one who , lighted lor It' coco" Il 'temi,,,",.',' 'tr, I writes the letter that follows. The can eve. an a are o um I . . ._. . . daybreak. Wtra hetlde the house where . fen?“ T,,1"2,' "ll) "gee."",', smug“ the candle in extinguished him-e the i o at 8 er. r. ass, an . o dawn â€Masons the eatrt. Th1: candle;l'ead!th1810tter. can have no excuse I. "ee", for the tttlt,',',',',,,?,',',' tinge. f for further 'rutfering. Tho minister outreseo e‘ppany.te,h h diti l Lltthr Christmas." and .. Women's l “.0:st 17"}??? an ' I" open to "th00 Christmas." add. "iiGm Clnbtman" ot the Irish peasantry _ Letting in tho New Year is a m The “ram“ bowl" takes an Im. mm. part in Snatch haw Year'., con-monies. It is usually HAM with spiced ales, and I. Ctrst drunk by the master at the house. who mazes it on to the run. and all drink the other-1' health; " is a relic ot an old Suon am. we words. "was hue!" mean- ha'wou health.†to] linger- also go round in the hie ot Man, where It Is usual to tv,tt then In to have some retrestunent. It in quite â€We that tho.e customs are derived. like mumming, trout tire .1110). play- ol the MUdIe Ages. A: noun as the door was up Whole My mind when» “a In“ what: tube table , run an asttunaant, II WU. Al this enemy was repe may use the singers wen was not. to he wouaeJ at 'u an: way rather the worse I New Year's "stil-a. it w '6deeed quite an insult. if Mary's men" paused omr an. Uncut tl New , Adena] Mary u "Ya In: the weather’s "taw an _ 19t1rtaett-tirotowtsrmourteet (hr llml'l made o' mare'l “in. ©ttartmqsg-ttssdooraasdtet ttsin. new†Ma Queen to Pk to land all! tish chi a very I the not a) Bt. wn ter to W may M _ is a belle! In Ireland that whatever kind of work you begin on New, Year‘s Day will be your most [mount occupation during the cum- “: year. Thus it is said to be Very lucky to receive money on this day, tor ttwn you will be pure tog" plenty of it during tho next. two-lu- montlw; but should " :mw 1m upsu- N! The New Year runs Christmas wry all. II the matter of curious and in- ky†custom? 7 - - 7 CJ-tq-ir and Super-stub us of Uuitett Kingdom and Inland. " R' lath !lnos uta Kh" the great Christmas wade new tor the second time on New , we. and allowed to burn tlu out. mx, wide the house where ht anywhere! '0’le den. â€It NF. W t KAN'." LURn. n h um»: that In)“ liar. In " (“I n min the dole number of cm as Is a grant m in rn; time will ( In most parts of the "tdont, and there are tt odd superstitions connect. . For instance. it is said unlucky it a woman in the or rt th m north ot En: In regard "Ho urtant lesthal befor but plul Matt " w a; number nu ll " Q Im in great round them large apt-or bit: of cakes. new 'ion Km it! In " m of chum-e demanding rtttett-ca%s Tho little n tn ll " M M N cw apron. meant cakes. They , rhymes. The write: ads many Inmil peated eat to. ia n ma w U by the as it on _ otheru' , Sxxon _. mean- it"s; 1 person who is in 3 condition similar ;,e the E to that of Rev. Mr. Glass, and who candle ; reads this letter, can have no excuse It time, f for further 'rutrering. Tho minister I, Pe ; shows the way out, and it is open to :gons 2 all who choose to take it: _ t popu- i Thailand Island Park, July 22, 1899. 01â€"? I The Arnold Chemical Co. " n BUD, F Q it cot and nt Foot hm an pe nu tths " " {its In Yours most respectfully, Wee.) J. G. Glass. D. D., Thousand Island Park. Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills, the only medicine on earth that cures dimly killing the germs that cause it, are sold by all druggistl " 750. ahaz; sample size 25c.,-or sent plasmid on receipt of price, by The Arnold Chemical Co., Limited, Om- in. Life Building, a King Strut Wet, Tenn Encloeed please find two dollars for which you will please send me three boxes of your pills to the address be. Dear Fiirs,--At the beginning of this month my constitution was so much run down that I had to get leave of absence from my congregation for four months. I left New York on the 10th inst.. and while in Toronto I - Dr. Arnold's English Pills adver- tised in the News and bought a. box of them. When I commenced taking them my condition was such that I could not sleep and my appetite was very poor, but before I had finished the box I could sleep well and enjoy ngood meal, and now I feel like a new man. In the firtst place I feel indebted to the Toronto News for put- ting me on the right track, and in the second place I think Dr. Arnold’s English Pills the best medicine I ever along nicely a saloon. when d retritrter.--Puek T Ml‘ler's hlldren. (ijiiiodiiCidiii dou West. broke down under the strain. He Was Working Mm regula- Mon ten hours a. day, but n. broom. makor has to work very fast and very may. Bantu back gave out. He continued to wurk at Ma trade. howm-ur. though it was continual misery. .Ouly than who have 'mrtered with backache know how disabling and painful the troubka ls. It In wonderful how every movement of the body wmtomon hhobaok. It .5116 it bite buck Wm the central point from which all tho muscles radiutud. Ttte mm of this is that mcknche bi not luxokzmlw at all rtorrtlb. Rack- l SHORT SERMON. that the man work very hard. Com petition is rite in tumour mununw curing as in most lines tarday. _A. Bong. of 10 Leslie street. Lon Vonch for the Statement of A. Bong, of 10 Leslie Street. London. Had to Work Ten "ours n Day Suffered With lim-km-he- Severely Dodd‘a kidney Pills Made a New Man (if lllln. London. Ont" Ja linkers of this city um make as much mum bummmasker 3ut the way the t toing of mean. The, ropew The Table Mountain He Lou Ills Opportunity Att Worm ll Ont., Jan. 1. this city are I as much mum " the Madman has beim recent. years Ixmwimte. Mags zine tor Jainuarj . at broom-mama new man. I hiarnt to anyone tor b: the pain any mor bo ll I) at I who the wdors B I. L-The broom- are as industrious mum-y as the av. tn mus country. uln mm tr mar-all). [incl ml every move then the 11130: no tits I', BONG or loss mutant m'kaohe 3h r the regula- broom. " ml " The Old Gentleman-Do you mean to any that your tenure†never thrash you? Little Bor-Never.' We have moral wanton at our school. Md Gem tlernan--Wbat'a that? Little Bor- on. we get trep' in, and stood up In corners, and locked out, and locked In, and made to write one word a thomnd times, and loowled at and Jawed at, and that‘. all." signature is on each box To Cure u Cord in One Day. Take Laxative Bream Qulnine Tab- lets. All drugglutu refund tho money Ir, it falls to cure» 25c. E. W. Grave's A sparrow has built Its nest and laid tour eggs inside a gong at Isleworth Railway Station. The gong has n circumference of l31 inches. is sounded upward ot 150 times every day. and when it In runs the alarm can be heard 600 yank away. HIRST'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR lag a needle tor the purpose of thread. log it. It l3 to be held between the third and llttle fingers of the left hand "trr'aal of by the thumb unu foreungnr. palm uppermost. The ad. vantage ot tth is that the thumb and first finger can be used to grip the “mulleut end of the thread an soon as It protrudes from the eye, a method preferable to that of letting go the thread and endeavorlng to get hold of the end with the ri ht hand. This m'eventa the weight of the not ton from timing the end out of the eye tutain.--Pe-ctr. HIRST’S PAIN EXT} BMINATOR " Last. Sunday I preached from the text. 'Be yo therelore tsteadfast,'" answered the good man, "but the primer makes it read, 'Be ya there for breaktai"-Chtcatto News. (with the suvcess of the pigeon pol and partly tieutralizes the goal effect of it. Italy's pigeon post Was o-tair llisheni in 187:3. and Spain and lortlr gal inaugurated similar systems a few years later. There nre 1.000 homing pigeons on the books of tho British navy and several times this number on th. books of the army. In the last ten years the United States Army and Navy Departments have been inter~ meted in the carrier pigeons. and We. have posts estnbli hel at different points throughout the country. Their services have men useful chiefiv in the navy, and experiments are being made constantly in vommutiivating by this means between the, shore and the ships. There is no syrrtem of regls wring homing pigeons in private lofts. and in an emergency the Government in need of more pIgeOns would have to depend upon the patriotism of the private owners tor increasing its sup- ply. That there would he plenty of volunteers no one doubts a moment.- Colliery, Weekly. Are you not well? Are you pale weakly, depressed in mph-its. molnn l'lmly. tired. nerVOuH. and Irritable: Try Miller's Compound Iron Pills. “Why; what‘s the matter, dear t" asked his wide. No house is safe without "Well, that's enough to try the patience of Job," exrlvlmed the vu- lage miniater, as he threw “we the 'etl_paper, An Ingenious lady has suggested an mprovemeut in the method of hold. The (in-rum" uur Uepunu about 10,000 pigeons, nu. ' a system ot reserves whiu call into service Ill times on owners oi prhnte mm ha gluwr their carrier pigeons Mar Department knows ex: many of the hints it can on Currier Pigeons In Modern military . Service. The pigeon poet unlimited at '; Lady-mm: and Durban for carrying l war Ina-aces has been such a we can. that the special appropria. tions for increasing the service will be recommendeo by the We: om“; A good deal ot the success ot the pigeon service is due to the skill and energy of Col. Balsam. oi the Royal Engineers. who has spent years in pigem culture for Just this sort of an ememney. and he has 1ietmrmstratod the Cttneaa of the birds for war purposes. Col. Hats. mnl. who was stationed at tho l‘npo before hostilities broke out, "yatuurtatieall,r trained his pigeons tor carrying messages across the mugh. mouuuainous land and his Tttriottgr pigeon posts were of the greatth value in keeping the home oitico apprised of the exact condi- tion or the army. Ncarly every civilized government now has carrier pigeons connected with both their war and navy de- partments. Franco has entered into 1%:qu culture more extensively than any other European power, anal it is roughly estimated that there are 2.30.000 pgemm in that country trained tor war emerge-mi cum. The main pigeon loft or train. l mg station is at Uhuluns. when-cl sin-oral thousand birds are kept all‘ the time. Every frontier post and forums has smaller lofts and three titties at week regular cummuluczt' tion is kept up between thesep.uces by mean; of the [14:00:13. This “it, urn post in constant prmrth-u Ill (may) of plum: wuuni be oi izunmlii itttt survive m times oi war. The Mute protects tin: runners and any- one t‘ullgllt shouting at pigeon 01! “My kind in France is heavily lined. This p.gean le'Yli‘ll has 1mm vets-h] {ism-l Ill France slum- Hi0. It is a great anllly Remedys N " w Wa y Never fails to relieve Pain: in the Liantm, Side or Back. A Fearless Sparrow Old Gentleman. Revised Von-dun ing LL of tin plum BIRDS OK WAR. to Thread Ncmllcs s the carriers and any- Rhwtlug a pigeon of France ks heavily final. serum: has been estab- mce since 1870. winter seriously of the I; m pout. was e-tnb l Spain and lortu similar syntax“ t up oHlce F mm _ except. ttout the rm. Th um month pigeons on navy and " on tir. it? last ten Army and bottle of they have h they can War. Tm- H’B to re H (er:sut Ttwir in the mud? rt OT th VIII th n “Snitch" is a newly invented word used to designate un individual who scans the nmvnalmpnrs in search ot items eoueerning matters upon which humans may be founded. The snitch closely follows the daily casualty col- umns. hunts up prospective litigant; and directs their "business" into the hands ot the pettlfogging lawn:- with whom be In In collusion. and item whom he drawn a counts-Du. Your friend, Mrs. --, is looking uur‘h Improved In health. Yes, we per- waded her to try Miller's Compound Iron Pills. with the result you observe. E; is??? -GairiiiiiirdTiCciriiiiiii', Chronicle. It is bat a poor compliment to n sol0rr--or, rather, it is not a rum pliment at all-to any of him that he was absolute]; ignorant of fear. It ls the overcoming of fear. not the entire absence of it, whit-h constitutes bravery. In other wows. the mun who has never experienced the sen ruttlott of tear-it such a man ever l1,ed-rs Inviting in rel xtlve ht 'gmen: He cannot. reason from cause to cure: tar enough to see that it he does n certain thing he is sure to be killed. And one]! a mental "upposition, co rar from omtertttutintr greatness. h merely HIRS'I'S PAIN EXTERMINATOR The man who sat on a limb and unwed the some ott close tothe tree, and the Irishman who let go of a tire escnm to spit on his hands. have both been outdone by the Parkersburg woman who put her babe in a bath tub and then set the tub on the stove to heat the water. Whata congregation there will be "on the other slde" when these thoughtful creatures meet to "eetnittitme" with the chap who blew in the muzzle ora gun. the fellow who lit a match to tind a gas leak and the boy who touched off a wagon load of fire. works “just to see 'em tizgr."-m'x. Ants like an“ as the person to whose order It is drawn ls scarcely quicient." I've known you to hang a man on less evidence, ttti,' I??? the ',',lr;lP'i'i,?, " Ute 0y."replod to 11'r2lt; "but whott it comes to lot. tings! cold cash wehave to he A story h told of an er-judge In New Jr'ruey who is cashier ofa bank. One day rem-nay he refused (polish a check o,'terou by a stranger. " The check ls all right." he said. "but the evidence you are: In ldeutifylng your- HIRST’S PAIN EXTERMINATOR :4ny derive {rum thom. Hull's Ca. ban-h Cure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. o., contains no mercury. and is taken internally, m-t lug directly upon the blood and mu (um surfaces of the system. In buy tug Hall's Cutarrh Cure be sure you not the gwuhm. It In taken internal ly and made in Toledo, o., by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials frve. Fold by dnxggista. price 750 per bot til as mercury will aux-ply tiotetro.v thr. mnse of smell and eompletoly Ueruuge tho whole 6115th when entering it through the mural†surfaces. Fuel] all-times should never tr, used except on pr-trip/ann from reputable phy- rieizuts, as tho damage they will do h tan told to the good you can [Ila- sibly derive from them. Hull's Car no not put It is possible that an oyster soup served on two successive weeks might pall on some appetites, tor there is nothing so conducive to appetive as variety. bat as there are many different kinds of oyster soup it need not be served twice alike in the 'mme mouth. 8.011141 tt dozen large oysters In their own juice; lift out with a sklmmer. chop line and pound on u. mortar; return to their liquor. and " quart of thin voal broth, n small sliced onion. u stalk of salary and some parsley, and aimmer half an hour; ruh nu ounce of flour with one of butter. and it to the soup; boll up for " moment, strain and prose through " sieve; return to the tire, dilute to the right ormslntonny with hut cream. and (mun: the seasoning with cayenne. white pepper and u (hush of nutmeg. per, and full directions. For sale at all (:ruggists or di by mail. Prim 31.00. Sand lo, stamps for sample outfit and b moninls to N. C. Polson & Co., I Chewing, Box 514, Kingston, Ont Cratarrhoaono is simply nature" me- thod of npp.ying the balsamic and healing prop.rtiea of the pine woods, tortilla! b othsr germicidar Ingredi- eth You {wrath the medicated air; it does the rest. It cures because it is sure to reach the right spot. Catarrhozone outtit “mists of a beautifully polished hard rubber in- haler, one end being adapted to in- halation try mouth, the other with a spatially devised noctvil pinto for nasal Inhalation ; also one be tl & of Cntarr- bozone mmple for six weeks use, drop- per, and full directions. It is not tt powde tho nostrils to sti the already conga mucous membrane. Hull's Family Pills am the best It is not a wash; y Liquids in the lungs. I went to be snuffed u this or to be poured d both useless nu well Catarrhosooes: What in itt It is vegetable-entirely vegetable in com- panion, and an nbsomto destroyer of disease germs which cause and maintain Camrrh. Cntnrrhozone curve because it can be carried directly to the diseased puns; cures bucause it powerfully ntimuiutea the mucous membrane to Us normal notion; euros because through its oxidizing power it burns up the old Jisestte, and stimulates the formation of new healthy lissun. Tho Best Season to Begin the Treat- ment of Ctttarrh for u Permanent Cure. Beware ortMttttttettt.s for Cutarrh That Corttain Mercury. Has been before the public for the use of Pains. It never fails to relieve. Fstise The t'ttwit Cure Catarrh Now. When Tho-y All Meet. a charm tor Lumbago and True Bravery. "tr. Delay- are 'hsntreroo. Oyster RIM-inn powder to be arnitted ip to still further irritate pongeated and irritated new neat-my tissue. wash; you cannot force Wvre "ftrvrent. t an hour; rub ti with one of butte (will): be" up for and prose through D the tire, dilute 1 slutenny with ht It is not an oint- up into thn nos~ down the throat, II as disgusting. tp be snuffed up direct 10e in misti- Mfg Taken half towspooutul Flu-seed Tea. with n. dam: of EtW'8 GERMAN BRUST BALSAM Four or five times a day. lt never fails to give i"g"th"T'dt,'t: t " D Kl ta, f and cons " a ma 3 or tom M. F. EBY, Chemist, Port Elam. Ont. For Coughs, Colds and Lung Diseases There is with the beginning of the your a strong probability of war be. twoen two great lite inratranee "um- pnnies. the New York Life and the Equitable. Millerh Worm Powdcrn, rare all nil mantra of children like mask. 1'tttiont-Good Lord.' Donor. I sleep well enough, but Just as I about to close my eyes the n wakes me up and gives me a ulee powder. Physician (who has ordered his patient to take some sleeping powders) --Well, air, do you sleep any better now? Worth Its Weight in Gold! HIRST'S PAIN EXTERMINATOB " No. I'tr, promptly. --hngrwertr. Dorothy t"' inmitrpd witlt Just a tinge of Leno. the Dalley's Syrup beaming I of which The music and made ayLIahle. h k-rful mall ken. bed. Thé a The tenor "pin--" an t The Professor has still further hope for the fair sex in the announcement that women live longer than men. "no From-h woman, Marie Prioux, who dim! in 1838, was said to he IGR years old. Statistics of the various Poun- trim on this point are remarkable. In Hvrmnny only 413 of 1.000 males [Mt-h tho age of fifty. whll" morn than At Least Tint u the Showing of Some Station. It is strange but true that the most delicate child often outlive. his stronger brother or sister. Many in- stances are on record of the long aur- vivul of those who seemed destined to die wriy. " is mid of Voltaire. who lived to he eighty-four years old, that ho was so delicate at birth he could not be huptized tor several months. Sir inane Newton, the doctors said. would not lim " week. but ho chie- "rated his eighty-firth birthday. Fun- tum-lie lived to be a hundred, although he was so trail at birth that the priest hmi to go to his home to baptize him. For Lumbatro, Chills, Cramps, In.. sect Bites, Spraina, Bruises] Eta. A VALUABLE RECIPE Mi 'nvrtloseent, who r her portion. "Aren't you just Ill Millnr's Grip Powders curr EDDY’S MHTGHES nu " ht h mm a pt: gravity It m was Ion t n on H". " wo M KN "U'rruvril M KN, If" ll an in l‘nlntc-ntlmml "mu choir practice they were re- , a selection. the first words l were, "t am a PLgrim." sic divided the word pLgrim, do a pause after the first. The soprano sang in the n "I am a PL--," and stop- nito repeated “I an: a pil--," or acknowledged he was a and when the base came thun- n with the like declaration, PDI--," tt was too much tor city of even a church choir. lln'uns'idvrul m not," retortml Dorothy ' " I'm a little she patient .r Mllt fl 1lillil.lANtMi0 REPUTMION. evening- time in one of tho capitals, and the nun-so on [rising th, little ones their tor the tiny. ' one. were patiently waiting l to be served. the one in being: a little rmychcpkml mt, who was culling lnstlly ft EXPERIMENT WITH UNKNOWN BRANDS. It “£05 TO Mit RESULTS. " Il For 25 Years OTny's ANSWEI ‘orm Powders are t rim: tot. ulluwnts u M? Humllton. Toma! n and Montreal. It will "rest con. sumption 1nd pee. vent pneumonia, which ate often brought on by slight colds neglected. THE F. F. DAM" 00.. It acts like magic on the bto:nchul tubes. This Syrup will effectually cure the mall uubbom cold. of 30:9th and Elecampane 1 little Impatient the kindly nurse correction in hm Put iettt it', I 55% E323†c, ite, 's, Dr r, I mm s I am Le nun-w sleeplug " ; EXECUTURS FORCED tiALPs or I 50 VIRGINIA FARMS. I Apply to A. L. Aduluon, Munch“.7s PERMANENTLY CURE!) " u ms Rum-'- - no". Wo.6ireais No ttta "r nervou-H-m that In use. Bend to I! And: . dolphin. Pa.. for tram-e and "so am Ear gale p“. A. Em nanNotaobn-om BIRATFORD. ONT When cost of tuition. hoard, etc" mm of training. 'ite,') program in studies. and It. “hood “(Pk nan sh anon the! and“ are eon-I cared. our comic " tht but et'"dt Canada tor ti'R; Our inhalant. ("I Mauls“. rite for one. W. J. ELLIOTT. PHI“. 'fodtiisV LVdd WINTER TERM OPEN. JANUARY 2nd. I†- - - - - ___ -- . I UV with "our: and lune r%TJGT. , - 'get,', and bound In an volume. A “also "t of Mutual Gum. untlmnul. in“ Ode. comic: I veritable tummy out." wwld'ly-m- it Ind Mutual .0MB, Mn. " emu. [um 1mm! 0 Kahuna, 71 was tit . Tunum. can. ' N w in Sausage casings--t?t"iu 'lllt En i h Shae and Americar. H cart--- reliiIbfe iiiivh' rigrbt 'iii?,?,'. r. " PA K, BLAfK 1.1.14 l co., Tm I56 !.'M'v,1lf,ht, 1t9tt,9S. You man All “your. Virginia hull. Id]. “rs-tar. estimates, Maureen. produete. hilt. burl", mods of i"WA"hoauith'r; etc. by readinztho VIRGINIA FUR KR. who. for three month' “Mutation to l Economy i..Gasoline Lamp.. Virginia Homes. i Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Gives “own-d- ottyt candle power of light tor P) hours at a mat of To. tel LIVE AGE!“ THE TORONTO AUER LIGHT CO. t PREPARE , YOURSELF A Foragood 3111 WANTF.0 THrtorG Hoir CANADA. According to the report of the bottl- mxltural eollege at Swanlsy. England. there ls n greater demand tor qPEMmW' gardeners than the 1mrtttuttoa can supply. Every studnnt from the col- lege has found remunerntlve employ- ment, and has given mtlsfnctlon to her employer. New life for a quarter: mum-'- Co- pound Iron Pills. ‘WMM The Greatest Light ot the Age “MOO... (p, Central For a good paying pawn. Thorough and nun-due counc- ot in.trtlctiqr, in all mun-ea 90h taking " I successful but... are». Individual tnatruetitm. Corner of Yong. and Col]... .8. 10mm“). ISSUE NO 1. 1900. Nlnno & HARRISON, Limited. 101 T080142 "r., TORONTO. FARMER co., Emporia, Va