West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Jan 1900, p. 8

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T" Mr. Joe Noble, 2nd con. Bentinek, ts. mowing onto John William's farm on. week also We welcome our new “labor. min. T. hteArthar, North Bay, is visiting " Mr. Thos. Bank's. A narrow escape was that ot Jas. Atkinson on Sawing: last while leading Mo ban to water. he brute got 'uglv' threw him down and but tor the dog might have finished him. As it is he km from his rough handling. Mr. Dan.Grarenwood and his two 1tRlg,'l Gracie and Nellie visited It. one: friends this week. Willow can tlk horrible bum, suld. an at lat-"lo. Buklen's Amie. 8nlvo, the best in the world. will ttll the pain I“ ”aptly bod it. Cures old amen. {our sons. ulcers, boilr., 9910:)». cows. I" Ain ompdona. Best Pile cure on "rtlt. Only ttlk . box. Cure gunnmeed. Sold by our mun. 5 The old you on! quietly here New Year arrival with 3 for et follow. . Mr Kenning, the lit-Lead: patch" here In. a: by I" Fisher unit tw to. Services were um] the any tollo IN villa“ be many not onto to In" . marriage paternal Mus Ida Cleveland, in Christmas am mus {that}: Tho In“ day of December was very quiet be". John Soul“: and Jauttht.or Ida drove o " to visit particular friends. 1900 cums in with the manicipnl eiee. l 'ka. There ‘u not much excilomeut.‘ overit " the poop}. was we“ Sui-Sui vim tho tsid Council. except o in! cranks. Tho Chrioxnm- an any on Jan 8rd my. . success. Tho tree In a very pee- this one. the older members admired it in NcArdle'u more and sent the youths to get panninsion to cut it. which “as mutt]. Itmta well loaded with (one, and null“ patents. Thin “hit wu stsiettr for the Sand-y School children who mind . you! nope: and pronoun. T1308.“ In well tilled uud everything was along well. Proton's new Council meet: here Jun. 8. Quit. I numb" from he" no preparing to no to tha church opomng in Coduville on 8.13de Ttts. my In" a mum; Tho mange" of the B: have In“ nad smoked Mt I ing noninmry meeting by on Monday In». A stertling Incident. of which Mr. John Oliver ot Philndelphin wise the snbiect, is narrated by him no follows: I wee in a most 'lrendlnl condition. My skin wee Alma“ yellow, eyes sunken. tongue coated. pain continually in beck and sides. no appetite, grednelly growing week-r day by day, Three pbyeociene bed given me up. Fortnnetely e lriend advised trying Electric Bitters. and to my greet joy and enrprise the iirtrt bottle nude a decided improvement. I continued their major three wee us. end am now is well men. I know they owed my life end robbed the m" of mother victim." No one ehonld fail to try them. Only Mya., gnmnteenl " our drug atom With the beginning ot the year Mr. Mr. Editor we will again give you a few items from this lively burgh. We are sorrv to hear that Mr. Chas. Snider is laid up by an attack of appendxeitis. Twoof the Rocky's most respected young men, inthe person of Malcolm Mekinnon and John Ewen, have re- turned to spend a tee, of weeks at home. They are ma ing a mark for themselves in the Western country. Miss Ellen Middleton of Hanson. Huron Ca., is visiting her grandmother In. Middleton this week. shod. Itisanomrionl not an: one cannot have his hot-lestor: short time um J't,',tg,ttr of buying m- jhg stolen an “out: or banal. Mr. J. now drives a fancy new cutter C. li'. will enjoy the drives this winter. While one of our young men we: in Durham one evening lately, three hone blankets were stolen of his hone- while they were Itandiryt in e Miss Cassie McKechnie left for Ham. ilton In: Thur-shy. She will be mined " she is A general layorite. A Eighth] Blunder Robbed The Grave. Edge um Bopevilie ROCKY SAUGEEN. the nth-u c In! I ordalne W Stat tl iilhrd aud everything came home how m to spun! her us and Visit her Eaplut Church , have the open- ), n tel-muting r chrirteuiuq _?ii,Friiesisa"'- E EWEWEEWEWEEWW They are in general well satisfied with the way the election Went in Ben- tinck and Glenelg. especially with the vote Duncan McLean took, on top the poll by twenty-five votes. l There are murmurings heard around here against alleged irregularities in some of the minutes sent out by last year's council otGlenelg. and by the reported shortage in the accounts of that body. The literary society is again in work- ing order under the generalship of Mr. J. P. McKechnie. The meetings as tormerly will be held every Thursday night in the School House. The Big Store isii Mr Hector McDonald. of \Valkerton. accompanied by his two sisters Mrs Sar- gent. ot Garrick. and Mrs McLean. of Wnlkerton, spent n few days visiting the McArthur and Smith families. They re- turned to their bowed on Sutunhy. Messrs W and J Wade, who have been “mowing in the vicinity of Kinghurst returned to their homes on Friday. Mr R L Corutt, of Wiiruumstord, spent Sunday It the ham. hearth here. " with regret ‘3 learn of a serious accident which befall Mr James Robinson who left here I couple of months ago for Duluth having Ind his leg badly broken. Mina F... ol Vnmov. Wu the guest of Mina Foo. ot Vnmov. Wu the guest. ot her nine! Mrs W Mlalmon for the last couple ot veal“. We taonrtity ccngntulsto Councilmnn Melanin on his splendid showing " the Polls on Jun In and the North IGat of the township may be congratulated on their "protons-hiya. Mrg A McDonald loaves to-day for Barrie where he will engage in making Illip timber. Mine Lizzie Smith arrived home from Toronto lest Saturday when she has resided the In: three yours. Mr Denial Campbell, of Aberdeen. is spending n few weeks visiting the Marti. eon “may. Mr D'uncan McCullum, of Malach, spent the loropnrt of the week In the vil- lage. Iii-shay: welcome. _ Mr Archie McDonald and Muss Sarah McArthur arrived home from Saginaw. Mich. last Tnendly, having partaken of Xmas pudding and New Year's turkey with minivan in the Wolvermn state. Mr Geo Free, of Berkley spent the latter put of lant week in the Vlcinuy. Last Thursday over o score of hardy wood cutters glthered in Mr J It Leiliug- ham‘a hub to out Inc winters supply of wood for Ba Mr Graham. everyone worked with a will, the Rev gentleman himself nova evidence that he had hand- led both In and now befork (though was pronounced hard co saw-handles). A. bout!) cord: of wood Wu cut. and part sqrlit and piled. Li, sinpus, of Durham, W” the guest of her friend Miss Hewit last. week. Mr Jas Welsh and Miss Sullivan were the anew of Arthur friends last week. MININO. [The following account of the ex- nminntion intended for last week will atlll be read with interest. --h"d.1 OnDec. 2htt Int. one of the mot Mill annulment ever held i Dornoch aNer', at! OUR BOOTS AND SHOES ARE ALWAYS TO HIE FRONT. TOUGHES THE SPOT :5"... . MacLeod's System r%tp1r..t1tttt Weak and Impure Blood, Liver and Kidney Diseases Female Complaints. etc. The Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the Durham Furniture Company, Limited, will be held in the Town Hall, Durham, on Wednesday, 24th day of January, at eight o'clock in the evening, for receiving the Annual Report for the past year. for the election of Directors, and for other business. D. JAMIESON, President. S. S. No. 14 was conducted by one of Eeremonts most pogular teachers Mr. John A. Graham. rent progress has been made during the year by all, and the 3rd and 4th classes have done well esgecially in grammar, geogra- phy an history. It would be hard to get ahead of them. . Durham, January 9th, 1900. masons over, a long program of music, recitations, &e, was splendidly carried out. This was followed by the ladies' part with abundance ot'good riatiom' both for dinner and 4 o’clock une . Addresses by visitors was anptheriiil%iyto go, Mr. Campbell was en- fine (aurora. Re? Mr. MatheSOn‘ gaged in the bush. “hm”. ow easy l was to get an Dan Fer neon on violin and Fred s','e,t'llollo,nvol', 'triiei,"riiii,iisjiii2lisl, Rnnciman Sl,' tir,t', made solendid 15ll'f to highgand honorable positions. 'musio am} the ay 'r" ttttf oyally and showed them too what a. 'lTi'l'iilye, the Piltipm singing God save the thing education was if they never left Queen. the farm. Addm followed by Mr. The school meeting was well guend. D. Currie, camber, Swimon Park, Wm ed and passed over quietiy, gm __ ---- q.--_._c_.2,.st-'-.r-o-es-a_ . McArthur, Ask druggist or write direct to Wilson; Jan. E00105 and John Wait We want you to see And fresh Groceries for the festive just arrived. Call and test our C and other supplies suitable for the 1 The Durham Mftm Co. Limited. Highest Price paid g.v‘n;».cu; at?“ 'Ya: Hwy; s7; my Ar, iv a”, I my a direct to J. M. MACLEOD, Goderich, Ont. Sold by H. Parker, Dluggist. Durham. ANNUAL MEETING our display of Oents' Furnishings. ---F0R---- for all knds of Produce. e festive season have st our Canned Goods, , for the holiday trade. all complimenting the section on its teacher and noting the advancement made by pupils. Till well on in the afternoon visitors kept coming in rigs or afoot till there were 86 adults and 13 children visitors. No such gathering was ever seen in the section before, some met who had not met for years. and some met who never met- before. All hope this tine affair will be continued. Regrets were expressed' at the un- avoidable absence of the trustees '. Mr, McDonald was lumbering near Mark- dale, Mr. Clark allowed wife and tamilyto go, Mr. Campbell was en- gaged in the bush. The school meeting was well attend. ed and passed over quietly, John Weir being the new trustee elected. Durham, Ont Meet me m:- a) ll Currhn,Maemutie, and omen who would like tn meta Business intimation but who hr 0 not them". to attend College should get good Books on But!!! Is saucers and study“. home, during the mug winter even- . has. THE il d2t)-watert', C/' f"? 's " 31‘1/ .,- ('1/ a dijfksysircict 'c('ir('iy /C P t _, 1 LA., has pnhlisbed a series of BUSINESS HOOKS which are nut only ”liable for use in the N. B. c. but are excellent for born" Stud . Subjects: "ookkeepimt,Cotuuier- Mal Haw. Cnrrespundence, Corotttercttbl Arith- metic and Mousuration. Aim thrthnnd vexi- booka, Write for tuseripuve book circular to " Siiii, drug?" for Cat'- uuu In! 6-- tttts he no ot er, " .11 Mutual. pills 3nd mimic“ nu dmgerous. Price. No. 1.81%" box . No. 1.10 degrees stronger.” per bog. o. t or 5, nailed on receipt of price um two lee-m. lumpy The 'rm. _Con_lpnny M “MINI. Jug, flllfllllilLlllfl I Rheumatic flpetilit "iiuiiU. iiiifiaTdUnirFeGamiated by .1 mpoume magnum In L and... A 'alll/i,,,?'" Manufactu'd on Honor & Sold on Merit For sale by H. PARKER, Durham Loudesbotur, Ont., Nov. 12, IME. j J. M McLeod. Godetieh, 2 Dear Shaw” nnymw mu pi ofit truth 1 this letter print it. I think my case) should be msde known. Last fall I wan“ troubled with it weak hack and with} my kidneys &c. My (new look a ser-) ions turn at. last. It turned to dropsy.) I had three good doctors attending me. none of them could help NIB. I wan tapped seven tinws: after this 1 was given PA hoursto live. A good heigh- lmr advised us to get some of your remedies. My hrother went at ome to Goderich and got, your System Renov- ator and tipecifie Cure. I was sure I could know the change after the first dose. l began to improve at once. and was able to be in Goderich four weeks after I began them. I mu since quite well. I worked quite a lot this stimtiter. I thank you and wish you much success i, and long life. _-_ -. - m Nthnd No. 2 told in Durham by ft Parker. MmFIrlsno l‘ld co.. und In. in THE. UNLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONR ON THE MARKET Sold by H. Parker, Druggist. Top Mft Queen Heating Stoves: ttai? JUST ARRIVED from the Canada Carriage Works, Brockville. Call early and see the Best Collection of: Cutters ever brou ht to Durham. Many-Styles, only one Quality, '1‘ng BEST. (' ariFicbciiiiicieiesieieiycrsirircrciiFihiciFsi)rci)iiih t ti, as Far Xmas. g, ' We wish our customers and all a. Merry Christmas ' Those wishingto gives present that will be kept ' and remembered will call and see A. Gordon‘s ' large and complete line of everything in ' Sterling Silver Novelties, (it Silverwave, Flatware, ' Lzdiar' d Gent’s Watcher, GB Jewelry, Rings, Spectacles a? Clotks, etc.. etc. 'itptuts4Ntutsttsttst1Misipets:te i1N6st4selyiN4s4fse4s4fsifsiN4sft., Northern Business College C. A. FLEM I NG, We hope to meet all» old friends and may new ones in our New Ptemi West ot the Mlddaugh House. A Long Letter in a Nutshell ,Oook's Cotton Root compound J NO. LJw!ys,9.fiir'rf?trlEiris,),,, In neonatal]: used momhly'by over hmpdlep. Adteuetr.etetetl. IAyltt.9 OWEN SOUND, ONT. Nlfllllii)hllill Medicines A Carload See them and be interested-Bur one and be pleased. 810 and up. LOWER TOWN Wheeled Vehitslas--Binger Sewing huehintyr-Root Pulpers, 8w. Yours Truly. J Anus BROWN. Guaranteed to cure Rheunmtimn. Sciatica, Lumlmgo. Goat and Neuralgia. AND HEALTHFUL A rutt'e cure for Hetulache,Dizziness (‘nmtiputimn Indi- gestion, Hilinusness Brights Diurnal. Diabetes. Paralysis t'ouvulsions, Heart Disease. can, Hr. A GORDON. _t).i'rj.itlive,).l.i.r'i'i'.'; l;, DURHAM AGENCY. mxmmt. 1311*}: 573%": AGENTS in all principal poinhf in Ontario. Quelm. Manitoba, United States and England. CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .m CAPITAL, Paid up. ...-..... 1,t RESERVE FUND ...... .... t W. P. COWAN, President GEO. P. REID, Manager. (lllllilllllll BANK OF CANADA A general Banking business transacted. Drafts issued and collections made on all paints. Deposits received and inter- est allowed at current rates. SAVINGS BANK "ttvingn hank de wards. Prompt facility afforded distance. THE undersigned offers for rent for a term of years. his farm near the Rob Roy Hotel, pging: lots..?. an? 10 Con. l, N. D. R. Glenelg. The farm is " present all seeded down and is in gooe heart tor cultivation, convenient to school and past oftiee. Apply on the premises, or to A. C. Benton on lot to the east, or to A. S Hunter, Durham. HUGH CAMPBELL. (lf BUTTERSI Nov. 13, 1899 j IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We twain you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. 111mm that is durable and fits a horse eon- fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount at work he will do. Le, No. 9, West of Gaming: St. containing 33 feet frontage and lull depth of said lot. Good dwelling house and shop. with good well of water, alsua first class baker's oven, lately built with tire hrick, all on said lot. Apyly to J. M. HUNTER, or G. L. MCCAUL. Lowcr Town, Durham. HORN 'B OLD STAND. pent that runva brick house with the New Fate terawtord's res &c. At, was" privtm premm Winter Nee i -TC. ' In Heav y and Light Harness. Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets lite. we7Taece"P/d,'; BRIGHT AND RON out person- to rcpt-um In I. Inn-acne in this and close by C'nlIIIN”. Sultry t“ . your 3nd oxpenuos. Straight. trotor-ttdo, no more no to“ “bury. Podtiott permanent. Our Menace. cny bunk In any town. " h mainly we: work conducted at homo. Ro- lannoo‘ I'anlou not! Indra-ed stamped envelope Tun Domino): than", Dayna. China“ It Head Office, Toronto. FOR SALE or TO RENT. Farm to Rent. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE s BANK. Interest allowed on bank deposits of 81.00 and up- Prompt attention and every afforded customer: living at a undersigned is "mung aw we SUPPLY J. KELLY, Agent. signed offers for sale or to nvenivnt and comfortable with lot one biock north of notary and opposite Mr esidvnce. Stulan. furnace. sonnhle terms as the pro- wmg away. Apply on the Eu. HILL-“LAN. . LEA VENS DURHAM. ONT. Russian Iron. Proprietor Wood Sa $100.0“) 1.000.000 Business Meet: Letter Paper! Lucas. Writ!!! t lawn hum "Moe Mondays and l from 10 a. m. to l p. m. ch Lamb re Gleuelg fit-nun must he held till "at! w tour» Ivo, to he lulu-n , etst in N. G. Ac. SOCIETY. M" meeting ofthe direetors tl h m h McIntyre lead" Robb having ao not. the udl-end‘ in: the heoefit of widows and orph war. Happily tt 1 Pull Mr and Al N stead of I on Sunday mam suitably "mun-d (sngihle token of Rev. w. Mdireg lint chutwh. Dur “Nikki!- ap wit his friends mg the Mdimgor contingent to 50mm Alum celient (mule nun erirv of ily Herald and Weekly sun wed. " will be itttmwtain that the “Emily Her-Id" pieced arrangements te ha apt-chi correspond mt. to dunno! the second cootit - new. service of the "P aid and Weekly Star" " sup paper on the Atoerictut mm‘ new to he apprecieted a: oreetttave thou-sud new have has: added during thr “a... ---', A fut mslu-d I he entitle! Shelle. wh Thanh icul the t Local and District News. ' d--- M PotgT 01?ch (‘lumuca Mark-duh a: Jan. 2nd Njuicml In the turning at their new Post Oft'we. ani the Manda. J. describes" as " "Model,' being tirrt. class and convenient in vll in nppmm meats. “Wu.rdby"is 1ltetttutse of the new oMee on Ithh can. Giettelg. ML Wm. m I. Wannabe: and the Mnilr reach it from “all? via Tran-mum ever! My. Thundny and tiat urduy. "Tuisttjthaoame of the new once in Mt. which 'lite the place. or qoatea.ttuardoeoatOit the plate. oi the - I-ted Meemtt. The new ”but the M of Mr. narut M. M I * cut of thr dd’h-g-l " --odnte quite nhwu‘cimm dictum l n" null I'll t hr OUR SOLDIER Bow IO P AY VOL. XXII. N0 IRRI AT! ll been Ma ll communion“ ll Movement our ht mum's m: the tlACt IS! mutt: I LITERARY NEW rune new year p w r: E b M tttt It Should be High Grade nyle, quality and " We print high grade h nose paper at Model Price; Are you out? " M I the chm h I T tutu: of the nth Af luring“ ll' M " the (I fr M minus-n Th "new " I) M " ll M " " ll

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