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Durham Review (1897), 1 Feb 1900, p. 1

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Til Into. 'LIS 81.70 SUI; (i! CANADA ar c, va-trd elder, who more than fifty ymrs am) led Rev. Lu. Cameron through the hush. says this WIS by far the Ingest annual meeting ever held there. “up "News“ says : "The annual congre- .:.1tinm\l meeting " the Presbyterian t-hurch was held (in Monday evening. It was preceded by a social at which an excellent tea Was served in the base" went by the ladies of the congregation. After tea 3 short service was held. then the business meeting. at which the annual report WM read and discussed. The Treasurer 'e tutement showed total receipts of tho year for all purposes 8arm and the church clear of debt. The "port of the Session showed that iii/ member-had been added to the con- mtion during the your and n litre nnmber removed m the roll. In m tidal-nio- out. aeolian. hum ot an m. Mutual; the con- a"etua w it Mtr'qd m I _ Machrlane's Spring Stock of new Wall Papers is now complete. Bee their ample books. Wrera. DONE C-onaar.-- Last week', papers contain an account of the Ptenhyterinn Annual Meeting there which shows that the church under Rev. Mr. Little's pastorate in in I flour ishing condition. Not only did they pay " the lurk.) debt on the church during the year, but their stipend collections showed a surplus of m This wu quickly increased nt the meeting to 3100 and presented to the, pastor. and my will he seen below tsl, permanent increase of 'too has heen{ madelo the solar}. An old and re-. cloth hinding. and vnll contain over "renty illustrations. This hook is sure to have a very large circulation. as the price has been :4) low that the great. "was of the people may secure it. Price, in attractive paper binding. 25 cents: cloth 50 rents, postpaid. For sale at all bookstores. MOVED.-- Shoemaker In. Laurie has removed his husineu from Upper Town to McKenzie's old stand in Lower Town, where he will he glad to meet nil old friends and many new 0st. Fm: BLEmmNo.--Thr thaws of last week stopped in time Inuve roads. and now num- snow as sending log: in lively to the mills around here. "---' Lucas. Wright a Batson. A: Dur, ham ottict. Mnndays and 1'ourt Days. from In a. m. to 4 p. m. Business Men's Letter Paper! Mm} " at P-..-- t Local and District News. t M VOL. XXII. NO. 5. IFT Bil-lane & Co. announce in this complete masortment of Photo. G "units, which will give P to the ttcienttth, young Cunuck. Mlunnx vs that he s Should _ SW lo, _ We pri _ ness p Q Prices. to build a line ttt Rev. Mr and th OF Should be High Grade in sn'lo. quality and finish. We print high grade busi, ness paper at Moderate Prices. Are you out? " MooDt--The Poole any. Toronto. have in DWIGHT L. MOODY.“ 'e that it will he ready Ids of the public dur. "Vining Col as met and Wm: heist An old and re- moro than flfty has trough rcossfully led in paper and wtlt contain over This hook is sure Umhlm's Dornnch III good shape and M n ts new ch areh H rlmry " nrry " tt pl regat ior I 3:1an du Burnet The nu "H n I Run-z IN PAPEre,--Everythitw in the '"Ptgsmlimwry line is going up from25to the 50 per rent. We have just laid in large Dr. Park of the New York Eye and Mar 1nBrmarr will be in Durham for consultation on disease! the on. on. none and throat from January Mth at“ My Ttts _ . Rainfall during the week in. .11 b'nowftr03in. Hours of Sunshine 5.3. General direction of the wind, northerly and north westerly, raw and blustering. Sleighing good and continuous. An important storm centre developed on Monday on the Atlantic coast. with falling temperature and high winds. extending inland, while at the some time incroued pressure and risln momentum prevailod in the non: went. I. A tian CoLr.At'tur.., While Revers 'e Nurmn. Owen Hound and Philliln "PP, h Menfurd. were last, week driving across d mumry to attend a B. Y. P. U. meeting ' in Port Elgin, the latter became violent- r- E Iy Insane. Mr. Norton got into Tam, , E and it required the nuisance of several i/ men to get the unhappy gentleman to " I his home in Meatord, which he stontly I. I refused to enter. "in!!! sympathy in " I felt for 1.t.ft nnd family In this peculiar- . I ly sad "rtrtion. Fenian marauders From our to)". and dlstrict there were a few. and wr have pleasure in publishing the list as a memento of the loyalty of 34 years ago: It. Allen, Edge Hill. w, A. Anderson. Durham. Jan. Andrews Glem-lx. it. B. Bull. Durham. M. J. Davin, Glenda. U. L Grant. Durham. John Jack, Durham. B. McCracken, Durham. J. McGIrr. Durham. A. J. Robwn. Trnverston. Geo. Ryan, Glonelg. M. Scott. Priceville. S. Scott, Durham. Where the men are dead the medals will he presented to the next to kin. For the Week Ending Lire-o, 1900 Temperature. Max. Min. January 21.....,._, 32 r, FENIAN MEDALB --Papers this week contain long lists of those patriots who in an hour of danger in In went to the front to defend om country from The awry is one of intense vigor and pathos. It will secure a wide reading. and it should make m deep impression upon eve: y reader. The Poole Publish lug Company have eight of Sheldnn'a looks at tiftee" cents each. in attractive papal-awe”. or thirty cents in cloth (")VI'IS, postpaid. They are the must widely read books of this generation. For nale at all bookstores. WEATHER BijEr,iFiiii' The story is highly spoke A SAD l W (Hausa To DvrutAtr.---Br the efforts:I of County Coun. McKinnon and hisl (-onheres in the south the June meeting l of the County Council is to be held in' Durham. Having once “one to Men. ford for their summer outing it was! only fair that Durham should have a] peep at them in session. The vote shun] tl to i Maanrlancs Grip Tablets will cure “lingii'hlgl'i; ftl,','t1dc',iat.'u"u"' visited 'cold in one dav. . ' IT t.NTE" - l smart active hov. to I Mrs. John Firth visited nt Mr. James . . . ' . '. Priceville. but week. His daughter, lwun Irlacksmtthimr, one not afraid "fiMias Bertha is atilln rent sufferer work. Liberal wngus. It,",?, at once! (‘apt Quid.”- ii':,',',,':,',',' was in thwni to WM, Gr'rnmz. Lower own. , . . ' ' ' , . Monday nn regimental duty. The Flst.ARoi.si,.--The Managers of the . . Presbyterian Church here had A consul- I 'v':,'lhntte:,',:'l"2, I: 'Ir",;,',.."',,":'),',',:'?,':', l tation with Architect Ritchie of Mount ranks full VT. , l FOIPHI on Monday last with a view of . I enlarging the church. in which it is lie-l Mrs. Angus Cameron and children comirutdinhutlt mallot sent room. returned on Saturdny from iiilLGl, Our 'on en T .v h tt 23 wodd in Emma, " " h We t pri me r" - While Revd's and Phillimnre. " driving worms Y. P. U. meeting mute and lettet um supply printed Get CO) vnvvlulws. summit invitations are Mt m otmet'tg - - Joe McDonald, Another says t---lt was what I needed. the things will come very useful to me es s Mohelor. It was nice to have someone remember me so far away in the bush. God bless you very much. _ Yours eincerely. l Ed. Csrinecon. a The-clatter- will be an incentive to the Indie-min still greater thing- In kindly mini-hem _to e clu- My In and at uni at8qgtttttq. i ttt l About Comfort um. i i The hands as well as the. heads of the 5 i w. c. T. U. ladies here are employed) gin philanthropic objects. AmongstI itheir other kindly works. the making I iof "comfort lmgs"for 1tunberuten, river 5 i, drivers, etc., forms an annual feature of! ) theit operation, Just lately letters! I were received hy the President of the! (society, from Chas. M. Neve, Stanley. I Algnmn, whose work lies largely! iiiiiii, Camps. expressing warm thanks I for the huge and supplies sent. He, says "I would you could only be present} 'and see the cheerfulnem produced in i !the men when they receive their gifts." " 'Two letters have also been received i from recipients of the favors, one says '. I "Alk w me lo thank you most sincerely! 1for the Comfort Bag I received from) you through the hands of Mr. Chas. i Aeye. I was so glad to think someonei. remembered me at Christmas. we I have ' I not got a present from anyone since I I had to leave my home some 10 years ago. Again thanking you for ham I paper, pencils, etc" believe me, thank? ' fully yours. -- l i The following address was read. after (which Mr. Milliguu replied in a very suitable manner. He thanked the people very heartily for the good wishes expressed townrds himself, hie wife and ihis father. and for the appreciation of (iii',", services. which, he said. he had lfound only pleasure in rendering. and ”which he did not consider worthy of (i/iii; apprecintion as had been shown. "ir, Milligan. Sn. also spoke a few beards. thanking the people for the :kindly feelings they had shown and {hoping that such feeling might long :enntinue among them. Dear Sir and Friend ..-- As we have entered on another year. we wish to let you know how much we have esteemed your services as pleCeMor in the rliurrli for a num- her of years past. You have alwavrr taken a deep interest in church wore, and especially in singing you have been a sincere and faithful worker. \Vllerev- er our lot he cast. in the future. we will always have pleasant, remembrance of the years spent with you as our lender. Hoping that. you and your wifeand ven- erullle father may long continue with us and wishing you long life and good health, We now ask you to accept, this fur coat and mitts as a token of on: love and esteem. Signed on behalf of the congregation. ‘Mntthew Mearns, Willlam Sharp. 1 yinn_ie_8yerq. After a tea had been ptu'taken of, the remainder of the evening Wu: very pleasantly spent in speeches, HOUR-l and a general social time: Mr. John Milligan, i Intertrled for last week. 1 A very onjuyahle time was spent at. the house of Mr. John Milligan. Ben- tinrk, on the evening of the 18th inst.. whenalsout sixtynf the Hnmpden cou- gregntmn assembled to witness the presentation of a fur coat and A pair of fut mitts to Mr. Milligan, in recognition of bus faithful services as precentor in the Hampden church for some fifteen your: post. DURHAM, ,, THURSDAY, 'i'miiijiiiiri-iiiiiii" at the 8mm- time special opportunities of voice culture and "Musical training. Misa- Hlack's absence will he missed in several cirrles, nutahly the Ptvsh.vterian choir, and Chris. Endeavor, where her talents were freely rendered. Miss Frankie Black left cm Monday for New Orleans, where she will make u lengthened stay With relatives, having Mr. Juhez Banks. North Bar, is at present home on a visit to members of his family round here, He in looking well and left the other mentheas of but family all busy. Pleased to have a chat with Mr. Banks. Mus. Angus Cameron and children returned on Saturday from Fitzroy Harbor. Ottawa Valley. whet! they have been on I visit for the past 5or 6 weeks. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION f2',,",,"il," nyvr- Jennie Little. t78Y Liv-1%,. {my tttil nu, Very naturally Mr. Simpson felt of aggrieved at the proposal to cut, down ad: his volo.und also at the retteetion im. nd-pliod in objecting to him holding a ', position, and while all did not alien-e Mr. ofi Calder'a fun-or objections. the faulty n.lpriniciph, of authority and service- in -w Ithf Hume person was freely acknow~ Sorry to heu- that Mr. Jen. Whit. man ll lethally ill with blood-pollen- ing. We hope to has: ot " 'apoody My”. "IreUnd & tht." open up this morn- ing in the nudism building mth amt bargains following stock “king. PAY UP.-AO those indebted to Dr. Park will ttnd it to their interest to settle this week or next. t Shoemaker Peel now 000“pr Mr Browne's premises next the bridge. --A BNA P.--- pet lots numbers l2, 13, 14 and 15, on the north side of South St. in the Town of Durham, containing 2.3k acres further particulars apply to HUGH MACKAY. or W. L. MACKENZIE, Durham. Dated Jan.th. 19al F 5 Taxman: WANrrm-tor Ili cords 'd ft wood, and 10 cords 22ineh wood for Durham Presbyterian church. Maple or Beech and gum-n. Tenders to be sent in at once to R. Maanrlane Jr., or Wm. Calder. animal among the youlxu fothm. ___ if Mr Neil cheuzie it is alleged played sharp on same of the boys at the dance on Thursday night. Minn Mary Clark left for the Queen City last Flidny. Mary will be much mimed among the young fallen. Mr Bert Uonehonse, Durham. culéed on his Boozlwiile frienm on 'i'hurmday but and took in “an party a Hill's. By the way he eniuvod himself and the good opinion the girls had of him he will likely be hack won mum. “Hun. Willie Kluuuun and Job McKechuie were new: recrutly going ms: driving a span of spirited gmys, double cutter and silver unnamed harness. No wonder they get attractive c mpamiuns. A wry plenum“ owning was spent at “at Hill's on Thursday evening where the Vanni; people enjoyed themaelvas m danciuR Ind other amusements. It was the firm, chance the boys had of wish- iug Jim much joy. ‘ 5 _9r ps) ~‘wu..:;w"n.1M: c,, C ', ”NRA” 'P't ' w “J. rrg‘i‘w.‘ i). , an». :5 _ » "T ,4, Sit 'asl 'aEtiNE2' 2NI& ' " Mr. Redford has been engaged as Secretary at the inndest. salary of 8450. Mr. Kranz In“ the practical part. in charge, while Mr. Snupwn attends to shipping and arranging for the old country market. Work in expected to begin ul once as it. n.- the intention to have an exhibit ot nur product at an English Exhibition in Mart-h. Mr. Crawford thanked the share- holders forthe large yote he teceived and intimated his wish to retire from the Directorate. owing to his business relations with the institution. This proposal was a decidedly unpopu- lar one, and Mr. Crawford remains a director. The chairman smoothed matters over and the election sundr in the mean- time. ledgod. :fuctnry at " tixed salary. He has ulsu 'taken stock in it, to the extent of "loo, stltus entitling him to loo vote, for each of any the sihrtvelurhlrts he may choose for Directors. i M r. (‘nldm raised the objection that it way iuadtttiss+ie to be a Director and _ also an employee of the Directors at the some tune. and while (lisclmlning any personal feeling against Mr. Simpson, gave (hot gentleman rather acold both. as he tried to depict certain poydlrilities, which might. ensue to the. detriment " the share olders, and especially in the town, by having Mr, Simpson not only it Director and employee. hut virtually possessed of the power of electing on; five Directors he chose hy the prepon - ounce of his 100 votes. Mr. Calder rimmed that there Was a proviuon in force in some companies to limit the young rower of 1giu'ig'gldg',"ig,r stock " ders. but cool point to no legal enactment to prevent one yote per more. """"t'"""' um. nulppllna IN. McIntyre, Before the result of the haunting was nunnunced. Mr. Calder rose to n point of order which mused the sensation of the evening. Me. Simpsun. who rep- wsents the capitalist. in England who Is to receive (mr stuff when trmnurVtctured has been appointed nmlmger of the factory at a tixed salary. He has also The election of Directors was then proceded with resulting in follows: J. w. Crawford. Dr. Jamiewn. - Simpson. Con. Knuppund N. McIntyre. I The first, Annual Meeting o , Sharehnldors of thu, (-mnpuny wax l in the Town Hall on Wednesday I ing of last week, Pres. Jamieson chair. The report”! the progress BO far was generally satisfucmty A full “Moment Wu made of pl and prospective plans. Questions new freely presented cov- ering all features of the company's work and prospect'. and the nnswem us ttiven by prwidvut and directors were quite satisfactory. FURNITURE COMPANY Boothvllle tot tttttt (-mnpuny was held Hallo" Wednesday even- Wm. Jumiesoh in the m program; made that y, and of present of the D Deerini " Ideal " and " Pony '.' Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. Also Maxwell Binders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHE E LS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Pelmerston Buggies Buggies from Campbell of London. Bell, Doberty. Themes and Berlin tnaettg of PIANO and one SEWING lACHINB. Al gtttttkof I In,“ TNt: Home Sewing leehlnee end supplies "lf " WillrpttvtoC,Peyghs, 1PP.btr CULT/VA TING. Coulter & Scott Drills and Cultivators, Disc and S de Har- rows, Ssuffters, Ete. AR; Scotch Diamond Barrows. We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Qverything for Farmers f We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. Kg c. L GRANT , "-b'/e'FC.v/te:iCssit.t:yseo""e " gems; iii; ()) "'>treruti)Csertts-/iiiii. 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplatee, Etc. Not genuine unless the words " WILKINSON PLOUGH each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller ma Inn-#05»: M Duh... HARVESTING, grge Sales & Small Profits." too many Youth’s Suits of Clothes in iiize 33 long pants, and to get rid of them we cut prices away down, Just see how we do it .' Sometimes people make mistakes in buying, they buy too much or not enough, and fre- quently not the right thing. Now this has been our misfortune this time, we bought far We beg to inform our Custom. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash System Suits that were $5.50 and 86.00 now " " " 4.50 and 6.00 mm 3 Come early and get the best ADOPTED BY " G. & J. McKECHNIE. . McKechnie. {E ' 'lihtttml'ttltb, You’re a Reader of Review! WHOLE N0. 1142. on Conan” is cut made in three sections. 213% Are you I Subscriber , Send in your name tor 1 trial trip to end of the your for only 900. For 3 mos. 25 cents. 50. axons.

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