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Durham Review (1897), 8 Feb 1900, p. 4

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trt, tt . DURHAM REVIEW. Osprey-w. J. Monahan. Reeve. was: 2,1'il?'ft'gs5 Reeve, and J. M. Vincent, -N. Reid, Reeve. tsuiiivnu---Jtttt. Thompson. Reeve. t,',te':,','ciell McDonald. Reeve. en nu - A Reid, . . . Mrotreter. R B. Miller, WM. Armstrong, Reeve. n. meg-noon was occupied with ad- mhy Mr. Tr. Wood, ex M. P. P. of ”in... and Mr. A. W. Campbell -raetnl Bond Instruct". ' _ In the evening Me. Calumet] gave “a lengthy address. at the con- oar- which e numb!" of the dele- 'h-rr"""" then-elves on the road, Artemesia - D. McTavish, Reeve: Thou. Kells and W. J. Bellamy. Bentinck--t'. Dickson, Reeve. coiiustrwood--A Campbell 1nd B. H. Meknittht. Derby--- Thea. Harness. Reeve. and W. Benton. mtmenont--Peter Dickson. Reeve. mmtuassta--aohn M. Davin, Reeve. aieoedtt--- Jar. Staples, Reeve. aotinnd--N%u. Hampton, Reeve. Nor-trr-MoU. Novice, Reeve. Messrs. Allan and Schenk moved the following resolution -That each move who attends the meeting of County Council on invitation to consider the good roads movement he paid their time and mileage for so doing at $3 per day. and 10e per mile one way. The motion Watt lost on the followmg division: Yeas-Messrs. Allan, Schenk. and Watson. Naytr--Mestrrs. Brigham, Brown. Frost, McKinnon, Paterson, Preston, Pringle, Richardson, Totten, Williscroft, Gordon and the Warden. Council adjourned until 2 o'clock p. in. when the Warden was elected chairman and John Rutherford Esq., County cterhttieeresary. There were present "delegates: A number of bylaws were passed. Nb. m appointed Commissioner Allan and Mr. John McDonald, of Sydenhmn. theBoord of Judicial Audit, salary $8 per day; No. 578 appointed R. Mc. Knight and Thom McCurroll Trustee' of Collegiste Institute and Meatord “in School retpectively: No. 579 ap- pointed C. A. Fleming and Thos Han- bnry. of Dominik, County auditors at a may of Wench. Mr. Gordon read a. letter from Mr. A. ar. Wood. ex-Wnrden of the County of Mae. . gentlemen who was deeply htmoted and had grout. experience in modulating. stating that he expected to arrival!) Owen Sound on Thursday noon ind would be at the service of the Council for the conventlon in the after- noon. Mr. McKinnon said his committee ”endeavored w make arrangement foc- shorthand report of Mr. wood's all Mr. Cunpbella‘s addresses. but had hesitated " paying no or 816. which he had been given to understand it wouldcoot. [grammar Fongsoox. I Report of Roads and Bridges was pre- sented by Mr. McKinnon. considered in , committee of the whole. and after a motion by Mr. Gordon with reference toreportinR the meeting on Thursday afternoon Was put to the meeting and lost. the report was adopted. Some discussion took place us to whether the convention should not be Win the Town Hall. but it was de. cidldtlnt the Ccurt House would no commodate all and the reeves might feet more at home there, and be more teddy to expreu themselves than they would be in a larger place. (Continurd from last week.) Some discussion ensued as to the ad. Vilnbility of making grunts to rural rifle minions in order to incite them to become expert marksman. Col. Tel- fbed emphssized the importance of this. buthestated that so far as he knew there was not . suitable range around Owen Bound where the ue-Enfield Ila could be used with safety. Messrs. All": and Patterson said such ranges could he secured at Durham and Mes. ford. The Warden bespoke the Oommil’s but consideration of the up Mich for.trrants tothe battalion and Mr. Richardson said no. they were {Iterated in good roads in this county, whereas Mr. Woods was entirely disin- terested. There was no compal ison. Mr. Richardson's motion was carried. some discussion took place as to the program Mr. Allan being opposed to having both afternoon and evening taken up in this way. as business would thereby be hindered, and important, molten rushed through at the last. The matter was left in abeyunco when Adjournment was made. -- iii. Richordool; moved that the War- den be authorized to pay Mr. Wood‘s expenses to the convention. ILAllun saidif this were done the we. and others who attended the convention on invitation of the council were also entitled to remuneration. nun-silty, February 8 I900 Bdlt 6 C. Ramage, "$2.1m: -ijiiimry COUNCIL. BMtot Bed Again the messenger ol death has Visiv ted us and this time removed from our midst another of the early settlers in the person of Mrs John Smail. Len Wed- nesday the was attacked with a perieytio stroke and on Friday morning she passed away to her long homo. She was buried in Amos church graveyard Setnrdey after- nuon followed by a large number of friends who came from far and near to pay their lest tribute of respect to one whom they had shiny: found ready and willing to help them in times of liekneee and tronhlee. Mrs Smeil was born in Eddington shire. Scotland. 68 years ago coming to this eountry in the you " and eottled on the term on the 19th eon. Egremont where she died. In the our 71 the altered the core the] of ,'u','t'. hood end in " her run Andrew we: taken fromher hy"deeth. She leaves 8 eone end4dn¢hten to mourn her ioee who he” the evmpethy of the whole communi- ty. question. meat of them being “use to n county echelne. Votes of thanks were tendered to Meson. Wood and Campbell for their nddressee. and to the delegates for their attendance at the convention. and adjournment was made at. 15 minutes past twelve, midnight. (Continued next week.) Next Saudav the Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper will be diupensed hero and preparatory Icrvice will be held on Friday at 11 a. m. by the Rev. Mr McDonald, Cednrvillo. Mr. O. Konold met with a serious accident while working in the bash, he fell over a log and knocked his knee cap out of place, but with the hols of a stick he managed to get home. Un er gf, treatment we hope soon to hearof isreoovery. We are again sorry to report that Misc Jane Bell is not likely to recover. Cancer of the Liver being the cause. W. Kinsman is engaged with J. A. Mekeehnie at present. There will be no mess - under their feet. Next Friday evening there will be mother meetlug held in the school ior the purpose of trying to form e beef ring and as this is the third meeting called for this purpose we hope all the lumen close in touch will try to be present. Beef can be obtained cheaper end better for the summer months this way than any other and it has heeu highly successful In other placate. Lest Sunday evening the C. E. S. held a question drawer meeting. The topic for questions being success and tsul. nree of the C. E. Over twenty questions were handed and answered we believe to the satisfaction of all. by Mr G Lothien end J Snell. We would recommend this kind of a. meeting once m a while to Other societies who have not tried them u we believe them helplnl. The home of' Mr. and Mrs. Lamont was brightened by a young daughter. Mother and daughter are doing well. The mill has been a success so far, large shipments of logs are daily on the move. D. MoCannel is tail sawyer and P. McDonald engineer. W. Kinsman of Boothville paid a flying visit to Jim McDonalds one evening lately, and it is expected he will soon come again. o. Ronald is engaged with Joe Campbell at present taking out logs Riverside. Mr. P. McDonald spent Thursday with the McCormick family. O. and S. were visiting friends in Ptoton lately. Mr Wm Adams has got all tho timber on the ground for a new bum which he intends pulling up next suwmer. We underntand the mamgers of Amos church graveyard have engaged Mr Step- hen Banks to act " sexton. This is a nap in the right direction. The weather has been very cold around here for the past week and still continues so. but cold as it is the sound of the axes can be heard tar and near. Red Bot From The Gun. Wan the ball that hit G. B. Stamina-n of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers them no "oatmeal helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen’a Ar- nie: Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Brniees. Burns, Bails. Felons. Come. Skin Eruption. Best Pilo cure on earth. Me a box. Cure gusmnteed, Sold by our Druggiste. 3 Their Business Booming, Probably no one thing bu caused such n genus] revival of "do at. our drug Itoree on their giving “my to their many customers of so many free triel bottles of Dr. King‘s New Discovery for Consump- tion. Their (rude is simply enormoue in this very valuable remedy, from the {not that It elwnya cures and never dis-ppointe Coughs. Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis. Croup, and all throat and lung discontent no quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size 50c, and 91.00. Every bottle The severe cold weather in the put week has almost lend lie to believe ttmt Moses Oates Was entirely out of bis lati- tude when he predicted a mild winter and only 18 days sleighing. Judging from what we had to stand last winter in the line of cold and what we have been ex- periencing the past week or so we have no need to go further west to see the thermometer register 20 below zero. Misses Maggie and Georgie Kennedy, of Toronto, who hue been Visiting friends here have gone to virit Mr and Mrs D Ferguson. Proton, before returning to the city. Miss J Elect, of Mt Forest is at present visiting her comma Mr and Mrs J M Findlay. -----iqi------. Balsam Valley Dromore. O"- Working Night andDay. The ballast and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill in a. sugar-005ml globnle of bedth.tbnt olmngea weaknes- into atmnttth, Illuminate into energy. Rein-(u into mantel power. They're wonderlnl in building nptlu health. Only tttie poxbox. Bold by on:- drums“. 3 Excuse us Mr. Editor for trespassing on your columns to anon, but as Price ville is tiny: a. news] tlet we feel it our duty to report scoot ingly. The sick in the locality are somewhat better, And the most of them will soon be able to be around again. We are homing lots of snow now and the raids in some place: no getting in an slanted pqitiop and rather uneven for traveling, but ii they don't get my worse than they are there won't be much room for oomplaintts. The mercury ranged trom " to 20 below zero for . few dawn lust week. ' Mr. McCrne our new snw-mill man is getting inn large quantity of logs for which be is paying good prices. The Increment will be dispensed in “who in the 1?rembyteritua church on the 18th his!" proper-ton services on Friday previous " 2:30 o'clock in tLe afternoon. English communion the following Sabbath 25th Feb. in the suns manner as the former. Assistance expected " the pre- pnratory services on both oeeaaiomr. Mr. Donald McDonald, we nreinfmmed is engaged in S S No I, Normanby for the your. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham of Booth- ville were visitors at the former', father D. Unham of this village on Saturday 1389.. Miss Mary Cunpbell of Swinton Park went a few days with Miss Mclnun. South East Glonelg, last week. The socielheld at the Methodist per- sonage. under the nuspieee of the Ep. worth Loewe. on Wednesday laet 31et Januery. Was well attended. The evening was favorable, end everything was done by Mr. and Mm. Humphieye to make the evening n pleasant one. and ell present enjoyed themselves in a most fitting and becoming manner. The chair was occu- pied by Mr. C. C. Jamee. who in his usual good manner filled the duties to perfection, and otter delivering so able oddreee to the audience. we: presented with the following program. liter partaking of the good contents of the bowels: Singing by the choir at intervals, solo by Annie James. speech by Mr, Blekeeton. Instru- mental mueic by Mrs. Sydney Blakestone, speech by Mr. Bailey. music by Miss G. McLeod. speech by the pastor Rev. Mr. Humphreye. Instrumental music by Mr. McCree our new saw miller, duet by Mrs. Humphreys and Annie James, after which all joined in singing the national anthem, and then proceeded homewerds. The Rev. Mr, Metheson spent. last week at the Alumni meeting at Knox College, Toronto and returned Friday awning. Our mum] meeting of the Fun." Institute wan hold on the nt Fobnnty. Although tho womb" Wu cold lid stor- my than w“ n Inge mundane. out both dumoon and n suing. The Annual source will be held in the Presbyterian church in this village on Thursday evening the 16th Feb., when one of the largest gatherings of the kind ever held in Priceville is expected to take place. fer the committee.) are bound to make it a grand success. Speakers, siug- "B etc..ere expeeted from distant towns tottrktspart. All are invited to “tend and get an extra good value for Me. A load of out young people went up on Friday evening to the residence of Mr Juno- Allen of Murdoch and spent. I very enjoyable evening in guinea nod other harmless amusements. Mrs Thomas Brown has been eonflned to her bed for the hat week, but we no glad to know that under the thilfnl tun. pen! of Dr Brown Ihe is rapidly impror. Ina. The Ber W J Muwood in conducting revival services in hll circuit at Orchard. Mr Wm Johnston, of Glonrondan made a short visit to his sister Mrs Wm Walker last week. Mr Thomas MeAuulty “landed the tune“! of his brother-iu-law Mr Thomu Allen of Varney on Sunday Int. The service in the Proahytoliln Church on Fndly afternoon was conducted by the Rey Mr Reid. of Bethel and East. Normnnby. Mrs R Crown and Mn It Prebble have been visiting weir sister Mrs Ju Bother: for I few days. We believe that Mr W T Petrie, Jemoe Swanson and Geo Calder take en unneuel interest in farming as all three attended the meeting at Aytnn and we think that all men Will soon be brothers when two conservatives end a reformer will drive in one cutter. be put in force. If so, we are assmed tut a. large crowd would be in attendance for the purpose of giving their mite in aid of suffering humanity. The “came“ of the Lord‘s Supper wn dispensed in both Methodiu and Preuby min ehurebea on Sunday. Some of our citizens ale suggesting that union concert or entertainment be held by all the fraternal Societies In town at some future date in aid of the patriotic fund. We hope the good suggestion will be put in force. If so, we are named Pricevllle. Holstein. President Kruger once said with great bitterness; “It's not the English who worry me. it's those confounded (vex- dome) Scotchmen. There would never have been any Uitlunder diMeulties if It had not been for the Scotchmen. A Scotchumn Would rather go without anything than his political rights." President A. Lincoln. strange to say. said pretty much the "ttMt thing: "First thing an Englishman wants when he ltrlkee America is an hotel, an Irish. men - a uniform, a Scotchman a vote-andhe token the rest." The Hanover Conveytrneer “Always Prompt. Never Negligent. All business Strictly Private. V" - v‘,.--..--.--.-..,. ‘p ts Call and get a. Calendar. x;atinigittgtiaitisdi The DURHAM FURNITURE COMPANY, Limited W ill mm; the following prices tor saw logs delivered at J. w. Crawford’s Mill, Durham. Maple $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 p M Buch 10.00 8.00 6.00 " SofLElm 10.00 8.00 6.00 " Basswood 10.00 8.00 0.00 Fi SAW" LOGS WANTED Tamarac 5.00 to 7.00 acc. to length Logs will be classed according tc size and to be cut as much as possible 12ft. long, allowing 3 inches. Spruce Cedar Hemlock Bnch 10.00 Sofa Elm 10.00 Basswood 10.00 Beech 8.00 Black Ash 12.00 Pine 12.00 ILL N EA Next to Bank. 1teeigingAR,e,p,r,T,R,t,Wnd MI ll MII)] I I b i) . . 14 K'Gold Filled with Elgin ts movemement for 810.00 it Latest Size d Larger Size, with Elgin or t, Waltham movement 9.50 'fa' Dont forget to call before Buying. Say! are you thinking ot getting married ? Call and get the Lucky Wed- ding ring. In. liIitnllulill. ltieh Mem, Poor Man, Grits, Tin-im- and Purim/s, DEAL WITH. . .. H H. MILLER, l)lllllllllil' flllililM (10. ND. l o 8.00 Too 5.00 to 6.00 5.00 7.00 according to length 8.00 8.00 6.00 {HY} U 5.00 tt 6.00 " 6.00 cat 14ft Cheese, Lard &e. [reward Inference. ---- SEEDS! SEEDSI TC)zna.tgg"vse and. SSereasax:tauaaa. Spring and Summer Goods As Usual a Full Line A Full Line of the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. know what these Goods are-the best in WAGONS! a fall earload meelect from. are the Celebrated Adama' Wagons Turnip Sowcrs, sc'xeuffiers, Plotu,rhs, narrows. Hay Forks, etc. all in stock. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have the old established London Mutual Insurance Company, and other good Stock Companies. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 5" . Issuer of MARRIAGE l 1,()WriR TOWN WM CALD£ Implement Warerooms. GOLDEN BUTTER GULOR The following convemation took hoe bet . youth and his 'pa': p Ween . 20th 2,ta9dt won't yo: take me to the circus? pe- o my son. t e circus is the nbiding place of Sean. Bo.i'-Sry papa, he knows a. good thing when he one it, don’t he ? Now we have no hesitation m a in that e . ground my that Fleked Goods iinfe INT: 12"t.t Golden Butter Color is a true Veg- Twenty different methods if "p-ru-ui-tu"." etable Butter Color and is free from odor and in no way affeott, the taste of the Butter. Pronounced the best and cheap- est in the Market. Sample Bottles free. only at Parker’s We have been moving lately and have not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now! J, BURNET ----Beq Brand Syrup In ml] or Bulk i' Field (il. Garden E35! H. PARKER. ' Maatse.y-Harris Binders, Mowers, Jim mm", Rakes, lite. You the market. Buy no other'. See our Farm TRUCK. These Issuer of MARRIAGE Licenses man. even no superior a judge 1m sad but Soup Idea. CALDER Green and Dried Fume. century lt (‘A ' , it qua-lit IS P05 rim, mu. , much Mac if Hen We cr Eyes PV, win If.“ Cttt Int ama

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