West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Feb 1900, p. 5

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AN 'tl, ll , MI q . r, fit% Tired .r,5fd'aT T , I - Eyes .I V Sensations exist for our guidance. Hemlock 4.00 to 6.00 according to length Tamarac 4.00 .. 6.00 according to length Logs will be classed according to quality and size, and to be cut asmuch a possible " ft. long. allowing 3 in. Pine. and Cedar, Spruce and Hemlock fie will be taken on river but " gravel road. only assistance possible. We make a specialty of relieving tired eyes and guarantee Wac- tion. AT . llItdlhl0lili'll mar 2trna much enjoyment I _, Itit 4 ' , Granite W No 9 Nickel plated Copper Tea Kettles 1.35 each. x10 W. H. BEAN SAW LOGS AT THE ABERDEEN Tat For which the following prices will be paid: Maple $9.00 $7.00 $5.00 tt M Birch. 9.00 7.00 5.00 " Soft Elm, 9.00 7.00 5.00 " Basswood, 9.00 7.00 5.90 " Beech 7.00 5.00 4.00 " Black Ash 11.00 8.00 5.00 " Pine 11.00 8.00 5.00 " Spruce 7.60 . Cedar 6.00 5.00 4.00 $4 Hemlock 4.00 to 6.00 according Sensations exist fat our guidance. They are Nature's warnings. Over-worked eyes demand rest. Eyes that tire easily call for help. Properly adjusted glasses afford the One DRUG STORE. ll __Kodaks from $2.50 up- We have added a complete assort- meat of Kodaks. Cameras and Photographers supplies. ' 1719. SELLS CHEAP , t. HE a happy hour rm these will prove a some: oi oyment. Get one now and in: you will be able to enjoy Plate - J. W. CRAWFORD. XXXX WA N TE D. W cents n wt esw wide. 20 eta yd large Gamers BM SAW MI LL. h Octsa yard size 25 eta. l i as one] tO eta yd ctsh' Inspection of Food stuffs intended " export. a course frequent- ly advocated in these letters. The de velopment of trade with the West indies and South America was also promised attention. In behalf of the working classes reference was made to the special regulations recently pro- mulgated by the government tor the purpose of insuring adequate provision for the sanitary protection and medical care of working men on all railways and public Works ; and legislation was promised for the purpose of providing boards of arbitration to assist in the adjusting of labor troubles. Tne opening paragraph naturally referred to matters in South Africa and to the prompt assistance so enthusiasti- cally tendered by the Government and people ot the Dominion and so cordial- ly accepted by the motherland. The splendid development ot trade which has marked the regime of the present administration received attention, and the promise was made that action would be taken to provide for the pmper 1 Ottawa, Feb. 3. The tttth lesion of the eighth parliament of Clint“ has been opened in proper form and with all due and constitutional pomp and circumstance and state, and on Monday next her Majeatv's faithful Commons will settle down to what promises to be an unusually protrrcted session. The speech from the throne which is always anticipated as a kind of introductory notice of the Govern- ment programme, tor once fulfilled its purpose, forecasting an amount of pro grossivc, constructive legislation tar above the average. 1ptet in Term 1181 amount 0 it was the fir, Tame had tl an Ontario al of the Comm Surely none but the most prejudiced opponent can object to such a position, and it is the position Mr. Tarte has maintained tram the titat. True patri- otism does not consist in shouting, and the empire at large does pot doubt the sterling loyalty ot Canada because her Government refused to go into hyster- ies but proceeded in a calm and states- manlike manner to act promptly and emciently, being ready with the need. ed aid even betore the time tspeeitied or eXpeoted by the Home authorities. Furthe Postal Reductions, A deputation headed by the mayor at Toronto waited upon the Poetmuter General a few days ago to petition foe a reduction of the drop letter rate from Zcenuto theold rate a! one cent in zines. OUR 011M lHIER. Contingent, ttl and fair report The rate 1m doubled by the Brave Ion Fall. Victims to stomech. liver end kidney troubles as well as women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, beekeche. nerVuuaueea. headache end tired, listless. run-down feeling. Bin there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner. Idnville. Ind. He says: “Electric Bitters ere Just the thing tor a man when he is ell run down, and don't cure whether he lives or dies. It, all run down. end dou't care whether he lives or dice. It did more to give me new strength and good nppetite than anything 1 could take. I on now eat anything end hue I new lento on lite," Only 50 cents nt our drug stores. Every bottle guaranteed. 8 The supplementary meetings of S. Grey Institute were held at Holstein and Ayton on the lat and 2nd inst. The weather was extremely cold and stormy, yet in spite of this the attend- ance was larger " both places than ever before, and the interest taken in the subjects discussed is ever on the. increase. The delegates Mr, A. W. Peart B. A. oGBarlimrton and Mr. Raynor B. B. A. of Rose Hall were ex- cellent men, thoroughlv acquainted with the, subjects handled, and able to present them in a convincing and pleasing manner. , - The Abjeets discussed new: "The production ot pork for export," "The common diseases of domestic animals," late government to meet a large and growing tittiittit in thh department. In this connection it is decidedly comical to read in the Mail and Empire that: --."The two cent rate on city letters is an extortion which ought to be stop- ped". The Mail has surely forgotten or it hopes its readers have forgotten, that tho "extortion" is a relic ot Con. aervative extravagance and that in spite of the two cent city rate the three cent domestic rate and the five cent imperial rate, the Department passed into the hands of the present adminis- tration with a deficit ot three quarteinr of a million dollars, and further that; that deficit was practically wiped out during the first two years of the prea- ent Postmaster General's regime while at the same time the general ettieieney of the Department was im- mensely improved. It is scarcely wise for opposition papers to remind the country of these facts. At the evening session at Holstein, mental Farms. Mr. Penrt gave an -c§cellc:nt address These samples will Le sent, only tc on "Leaks on the arm, and Mr. those who “poly personally, lists ol Raynor one equally as good on "Ag- names from societies or individuals, can- ricultuval Education.“ Mr. David not be considered. Only one sample oi Allan of Holstein read " paper on one “(In ca? ttttnt to each "pplicaur, 'tiuceesg Ill Agriculture" which was 23:25:: 11i,t,ti1.'1'oT1.vtisvr','g,"ta, we.ll.rt'ivrd and reeommended fot wheutor barley. Applications should publication hy the delegates. lu- addressed to the Director of Experi- A pleasing feature of the meeting uwntnl Furnis. Ottawa. and may be was an address by Mr. Geo. Brown of sent uny.tilnv before the 15th of March. llegina, a native ot 1lolstein and " memberotthe 1,ti5is),t.t.i,r.e 1eetnr,'l,.) hose"! out in good time for alluring. oi the N.'o.ylt W est Pctlltol ies He _ l’urtivs writing will please nwntiou tin dsArltehiefiy “W“ the "nptwtanee (”Emu-t of main they would hict‘rr ant the North West, as a tttarket for On should the available Ntoc1s' (tithe variety tat io Apples. I 1yt'"itlh, ',th"t"'.,yi, soulie 'ty"; atom} . t _,.. . . sor “a best-n in is have. set PM At the) evening fff11'? at Ayton umyn he sent ll/dell,':)')',')':;,)"))',',)',', Messrs. Peart and ltuynor gayc the fveeofpostage. same addresses as at Holstein. Mr. l w . , -. . i m. bautiderr, Aaron IN anger addressed the audience Director Experimental Farms on Creamery matters, and the See., Jan. 22nd. 1900. Ottawa. Mr. George Binnie ftll' a 1.t"C#i, . _" =mr-----------------e-t------""'s dress 11 on "Tree anting.' c v, " 'li' '_"- music, atpboth meetings was excellent. ( l5. 81-1???” KER-K-fug‘taé a 1l!lIIit61l at feature at Ayton being the Pender-i & , & ing of several selections in German by , a quartette of Ayton's young men. Ii. I " - ' - - K "The cultivation of Apples and Pears" "Clover Culture" etc. This meeting closed one of the most succusstul series of the Institute. Messrs. John White and John Kaek. enmaster, have been cutting wood and logs for John Sherman for the last couple of weeks, and no doubt did big work. For as the humming-bird doth sing. Bo chips from axe and saw 'did ring. Misses Maggie McKinnon and Alice Boyce were visiting friends in and oround Dornoch last week. Conn. McLean of Aberdeen paid a visit to friends in this vicinity the be- ginning of the week. The Boyd tirm had a. large sawing bee on Thursday last and out into wood a. large supply. At night a party was Igiven to the young folks by singing an social games, whileat;heN (and it necessary to trip the arht mamas. The Glenelg Life Insurance agent paid a moonlight visit to the 8th lately. Mr. Robt. Boyd believes having comhrcin this life while he can and lately purchased a mr can and new water from one of your leading agents Wm. Calder. Miss Flora McDonald. who has been occupying her time flaring up some of the Glenelg and Syuendam ladies with new drones lately. Sundayed at home and returned again on Monday.; Mrs Wm McIntosh is at present en- joying a visit from her sister of Norah Dakota. . Miss Maggie Nuhn left our midst last week tospend the winter months in Durham. Her presence will be missed, especially be" a Mulooker. Mr Hugh and Miss Kate McKinnou visited (mud: in Normnnby the be- ginning ot the not. FARM ERS' INSTITUTE MEETINGS Crawloru Durham Furniture Factory is an ac- complished fact, and we te: it any be but the beginning of ot er indus- tries which will work to the benefit of the town and surrounding country. The large engine is running smooth- ly, and the shutting being all in the basement an airy, roomy '"rll'lf11' is given to the firet storey. staff of Neustadt tinware men are making and erecting the huge draft pipes, which will convey dust and shavings from the machines to the furnace room. The heating arrangements promise to work tutt'mfaetorilv and all experts agree that no better lit factory is to be found anywhere. The dry kiln will be. ready in a few days. . The following circular has been issued to local papers on a. subject of internt to the farming community.---" Under instruction of the Hon. Min. inter of Agriculture another distribution of sample packages of the heat and most productive sorts of vol-eds. ac., is now being made from the Centrn1Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa. The distribution will consist u heretofore, of samples of oats. spring wheat, barley, field pm. Indian corn and potatoes. Each sample will weigh three pounds. The quality of the seed will he of the host. the var- ieties hue to mane and the [acknges will he sent free to applicants, through the until. The ohjoct in view is the im- So far the activity is directed to preparing some samples for an ex- hibition in England, and Mr. Jrranz is going about the work asii "to the manor born," though somewhat handi- capped owing to all the machinery not yet being in lace. He informs us that inafew weeEs regular work will commence. movement of the character and quality of the grain, Gun. grown in Canada. an effort widely appreciated, and the choice of varieties to be sent out will he confined to those which have been found to succeed well at, the Experi- mental Farms. Entering the oNoe one is likely to meet with Seeretary Redford and Manager Simpson. and perhaps one or more of the Directors, who are all mastering rapidly the little intricacies of their refractive positions, and we have no oubt the corresponding, shipping and classifying department will shortly run as smoothly as the curious looking machines inside are doing These samples will he sent only to those who apply personally, lists of nmnes from societies or individuals can- not he constdered. Only one sample of one sort, can he sent to each applicant. hence if an individual receives u. sample of outs he cannot; also receive. one of wheat or barley. Applications should lu- addressed to the Director of Experi- mental Farms, Ottawa, and may be sent any time before the 15th of March, after which date the lists will he rinsed. so thatthe samples asked for may all be sent out in good time for sowing. Parties writing will please mention the RUN of main they would prefer and should the M'nilnhle stock otthe variety naumd he exhausted, some other good sort will be sent in its place. Letters "1;in he sent to the fTaperitrtental Farm free of postage. The sound of the Furniture Factory whistle is already becoming a familiar sound all over town, and on a. nearer spprosch 'the subdued hum of mach- inery" bewkens work gonng on. Distribution Samples of Seed Grain. m: new“. This is a certain Cure for that trouble some complaint and something every one should have. Try it and you will be surprised how quickly it will cure you. JAS R. GUN A certain Cure for Colds, ete. A trial Box will convince you of their value. Haulers I Block I Bum Itohtein a or Before April lit 190tk The lowest or any under not um- lly accepted. ENDERS will be received up to TFriday Feb. 9th for 2000 ft of Cedar Isak 14 tt. long. 4 inches thick and B'lll ft. punk. 16 tt long 4 inch thick. made out of good sound timber, sub- ject to_inspootiog. fo te dtliretUy Would Intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business estab- “Ith by her father in Durham in I." end will emit-ever to give ell old end new custom on the seme entire “ti-faction. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder‘s Block. Resudenre first door west of the Post, Oft1ce, Durham. (I T Inn- y Inn-clan Inna In Town Undertaking and Embnlmingon mm prim up!“ aroma-b1. no... E. J. FREEL, M. D., th M. Furniture of the Best Make "mm1Ttli'il'l' Simian n: and mi Bandy. Bold and recommended by all drums- in M. fltt un- thlo medicine dung add M can on. - W .11 alcohol that or one“. - Worry. Mn womb- tttit f'.er, or 'gg"d1t'tu'P'ltt ttg,TS'. "my , I. . W. gtitMt0um, B3tfgli,') tne to u: m. Iho Wood Comp-y. What.“ 'ttffl. wow- 'htmlhtrdStte, Preparations you should not be without. 'P-tttte-old Bunk Building, opposite C. McKinnon'a Implement Shep, UPPER TOWN. - DUN HAM F --- Honor Grains“ of Trinity Calhoun, Toronto; Member of the Gallop of Physicxun sud Surgeon. Ont. ; Member of the Detroit lod- icnl and Library Antoni-Mon. MISS SHEWELL Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. IS" Wood'l Phonphodim " Cold in Durham h Jun. It. Gun liar-run t Oo., and E Parker, DrttgteUU, 2nd: Our “Chilblain Cure" lst t Remember the tstand-opposite the Market. Durham, DENTISTRY. Nix '11-an Ilo-pltal Experiencc. [fl Jake Kress. t my; TENDERS WANTED. Our "Orip Capsules”. MISS SHEWELL --I'ULL LII! or-- DRUGGIST . . . . D. ALLAN; Clerk. or the Best I; Mlil0lli D] omee---L0WER TOWN. DUN“... Ae. t',"g'tt,',2.J"=."; an». persona loo um. and Executor mini-tmn' Account pnwd and Humane Court Bound-I. ohm. of hum ot Admin-(mien and Gunman Obmnod. Sancho-madam Bod-try one. Title. "perm on. Fm PM t-aemtt-qtate he I. hand engine for fhttttattt the lay element. But the ville.- - can and the are Wiener-ere not kept. in good order. for " the cm meeting the you of Southampton council the new reported that the trough need for con- veying the water from the pump: to thetnnks was lying in hie yer-d under six feet of snow and ice. and would take about three hours to chop it out: the hose had been left on the reel since the Shulnr fire and would likely be frown solid ', the patent extinguisher had bur-t from water being left in it and allowed to freeze; and it was also learned that the tanks were of no service. being on wheels and frozen in the snow and ice -Bruee Herald. Company and 1)th Fund- to Loon on Mortua- u lowut nu. of tam-t. Yum mldo by Icompomt and club] Yucatan Tuna-ac 5.00 ”Imus. ”In“. Log"!!! be and Mb; to atertsandttttttrettt-ttttm Me "Khmrothtqrtntr8irttNs Spruce 8.00 “when, otar , Gon- wyanoor, to., to..." [any to Loan " nmnthlo am an on terms to suit borrower. OFFICE-McIntyre Bury. ‘_ _ _ Hemlock BARRIST‘R. COLICITOR IN CUPR‘UI COURT. NOTARY PUlLlC. COUHIIOIONIR. are. Limited Will pay the following prices for saw logs delivered at G. Wilson's Kill, N. Egremont. mph: $10.00 $8.00 moo . M Bimh 10.0) 8.00 6.00 6t SoftElm 10.00 800 6.00 " Boxwood 10(1) am coo " Roch am 6.00 ti.00 .. Black All: 1200 9.00 am " Pine 1200 9.00 &00 " oMce, over Giant's store. Lower Town Loan and Insurance Agent. Convoy- :ncer. Commissioner, to. MONEY TO LOAN at to... In“ ot m. otBeet-ot" door north ot S. M‘s. Dam. LOANS nun...“ without “My. Collection. promptly made. Mu. “new. Flour per cw! .......... Oatmeal per Mk ...... Bran per out ... ... Shorts per ewt ... Fall Wheat per bushel Barley, " You, " Outs. " Dr'd Hogs. per out Luci perlb ... Tallow‘ per lb .. Butter per ttr, TO .. WOOL TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES 119lietiotty an}; Agency ppm We tt IRWIN“ t (llll HIS. S. SCOTT. Sawlogs WANTED. .2!) BARRIS TR. SOLICITOR. uoarnr puluc. commune-w. ac. The DURHAM FURNITURE COMPAN Y, J. P. TELFO RD, W. L. MCKENZIE G. LEFROY McCAUL. Wecan give you Bargains. W. S. DAVIDSON. MONEY TO LOAN DRY GOODS. CROCKERY BOOTS & snow, &c., We are prepared to ban- me your WOOL & other produce to your chart satisfaction. Of et qua ty. DURHAM MARKET 6.00 to “(lbw to tOtor the Hank bl '2 o o o 00to 80m 90to Mto 55 to " to oo to 10 to 04 to 16 to out 148.. to 82 o 80 90 M 9 Utt 35

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