9'5 The conference of the Knox College Alumni which has been held annually for eome eight yeete has nhundently "ntifled its existence. During lat week they gathered from many places. There were there Wilkie from Indore, Gould from Formoee and others from places more accessible to Knox College. The charm of such e gathering is differ- ent to different. individuals. Same came In the midst of the Theological dis cuuiom two very pleasant evenings were spent in literary subjects on one or which we had a. lecture by Rey. Armstrong Black on "The Tempest," and on the other a lecture by Prof. Button on “Some Oxford Types. go with the chaff few will deny, yet in the long run truth will stand all the more tlrmir on account of the yery storms by which it is assailed. Honor Roll of B. B. No. 12 Egremont for "tntaryr--Clastt 5--Geortte Reid, Ith-Arthur Lawrence, Sr 3rd--Sam. uel Patterson. Charlie Reid. Jr 3rd--. Mary Patterson, J oeeph Nelson, Doward Henry, Bella Patterson. Br 2nd-- Maud Hamilton. Annie Nelson, Sarah Brown. Jr 2nd--Grace Reid. Mary Brown, Mag- gie Hamilton, Palmer Patterson. Pt 2nd--Bert Lawrence, Hugh Patterson. George Long. Br lst-Mot- Fergu- son. Willie Wilson, Blanche Reid. Bella Ferguson. Jr 1tst--Johnny Brown, Charlie Nelson, Martin Wilson, George Wilson. Regular Attendance-Sarah Brown. Grace Reid. Average Atten- dance 27.-Margaret Scott Teacher. With all the delight m visiting old scenes. there is no shutting out a sense of sudneas. As you go through the building and find the places you once claimed occupied by others arnd life going on as it did of old but entirely indifferent to your presence or absence, a sense a loneliness comes over you and younre ready to admit that you are liken "Pelican of the Wilderness. an owl of the desert, pr like a Bparrow alone upon the houmrtop." Yet so the generations come and go and others take up the burdens on we arepslled to ur them down. Report of B. S. No. 9 Egremont for Januarr.--C'laats ir-Nellie Rineheart. 4th-Willie Hiscock. Frank Merchant. Jr third--Jaa Furlong, Michael Furlong, Walter Honburgh. S: 2nd--Rocky Hamilton, Ethel Homburg, Jemima Horsburgh. Jr 2nd--Maud Eeeles, Nellie Reid, Beatrice Eccles. Sr Pt 2nd --Miidred Christie, Alvin Eccles, Laura Ecclea. Jr Pc, 2nd--Edna Hamilton, Norburn Homburgh, Willie Cantu. Sr lab-Annie Troup, Lillie Furlong Jennie Match. J: lab-Lal" Hamilton. Hugh Reid, Leonard Porter.-E. E. Rum, Teacher. WANTED-“A active boy. to lean 11'l,"caultltd not afraid of work. Liberal wages. Apply at once to WI. Gums, Lower Town. to see old companions. and for a moment to be refreshed by the free nnd buoyant air of college life, some turned up at the last hour to enjoy the dinner which the city Alumni generously spread for the rest of the Alumni and their friends, most came. drawn by the fascinating interest that in these days is taken in Theological studies. Report of S. S. No. 10 Beniinck for January 1900. Sr 4th claaa--Ellen Putherbough, Bessie Smith, Bertha Puthevbough. Jr 4ttr--Archie McLean. Walter Clark, Rohena Fletcher. Sr3rd --Annie Smith, Jessie McDonald, Alex. Dalglinh. Jr 3rd--Neil McLean, John Dalgli-h, Sarah McCormick. Br 2nd--.. Lizzie Ewen, Robbie w ilson. Hugh Me. Cormick. Jr 2nd--T%liie McNally, Lizzie Grier-on. John McDonald. Pt 2nd-Katie Clark. The. Putherbough, Katha. Wilson. " "6--Arthur Wil- son. Ttohttielrhmmtt, Junie Caton.--H. is. Glut Teachér. "I "OX COLLEGE CONHIINCI. {By Rev. W. Farquhanon.) HONOR ROLLS Still in the ark (Tuesday Feb. 6) on for as odieittl War offiee telegrams go, as to what Bullet is doing. He- ports enough though from other sources that he in moving. that he is dead, that he is North of the Tugela. that he is South, bs., &c. Ladyemith is still hopeful and sends out cheering messages. and information is leakmg oat from Boer sources that White's treatment them that famous Saturday was most ihstustromr, some soy 1000 being lulled in the attack. They will mske no more attacks on Ladysmith. Gen. Roberts is getting troops massednear or with French and Gat- acre. and a big central invading move- ment will begin soon on the Free Sate. French in succeeding in keeping the Boers in diffieultiei, It Coleeburg and 15 trying to secure Orange Riyer bridge, Methuen'g force is still sta- tionary. We are safe in anymg he is itrying a third time, and if "the third tlme’s fun" he should win. The Canadlens in small detachments have been now and again taken from Belmont, and are winning high praise. As a gnu-d of Methuen's rent they have been of greet service, The British Parliament has met an} the leaders have crossed swords and while all. except 3 section of the Irish party and one or two indiuduels urge the prosecution of the war, there has been a peinful amount of party bielasring The amendment to the address may be withdrawn for the efhrot it would have on Europe and the Transvaal. Interesting letters, sometimes with gruesome details ere now arriving. all breathingatims Ipirit of loyalty to the empire. though norm of them marked with the evident growth of the lust of war . Britain is putting her entire fleet in commission, and calling out the volun- teer force. Practice for the British, and I warning to Bulky Europe. BORN. MxmsaAsac.-0n Sunday Feb. 4th to Mr. and Mrs. J no. Marshall jr. of Normanby, a son. REDrNntD-- In Durham, on Sunday Feb 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Redford, a daughter. mrxru---At 19th con.. Egremont, on Friday Feb. 2. Mrs. J. Snail, aged (ByearS. Mcatr,ravaAs.--At Glenmaden. Tue!- day, Jan. wan, Katie Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Duncm McGillivny, aged 7 mos, 16 days. THE BIG STORE iii' EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMEEMEEHMEEEEEEMEEEEEEflmï¬ï¬ THE WAR Died. Our very heavy purchases last fall before the advance, will save you and us many dollars, This is when a large stock has the decided advantage over the small stock. Don l forget to come and see us anyway. We will try and send you away happy. ' J. A. HUNT ER, CASH FOR PRODUCE. thte' (mtart,t 13,, Weak and Impure Blood, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints. etc. Business was never better than it is at present, and we have been obliged to purchase very heavy lately. Among this week's shipments are Sleigh-bells, Whips, X-cut Saws, Hay Knives, Snow Shovels, Tinware, Graniteware of every description Clothes Wringers, and Coal Oil. Now is your time to get bargains. ----Fancy LAMPS and SKATES at cost.----- If you are in search of a Wedding Present, be sure and have a look through our Silverware Show Cases. ,All Silverware stamped "W. Black" is guaranteed, as it has been manufactured especially for us. Owing to the rapidly increasing price of Coal Oil we have purchased another carload which we will be able to sell at the old price. Bring along your 5 gal. Cans and get them filled with either the best Canadian or American Coal Oil. Oar X-Cut Saws cannot be beaten for either price or quality. -.-Do not fail to see our Carpet Sweepers and Clothes Wringers. ---we beat the world for a 250 Whip TOUCHES THE SPOT 253‘.“ MacLeod's System Renovator c. McArthur, OUR BOOTS AND SHOES ARE ALWAYS TO 'IHE FRONT. Ask druggist or write direct to J. M. MACLEOD, Goderich. Ont. Sold by H. Parker, Ihuggist, Durham. We want you to see our display oi Oents' Furnishings. hi', And fresh Groceries for the festive season have just arrived. Call and test our Canned Goods, and other supplies suitable for the holiday trade. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Produce. W. BLACK. HARDWARE. ----------_-- ---FOR- Eiitittt, _'.".),,,,,-, Durham, Ont I, ,m _ 5'5,i?,,ll, Tli; It] _ ,V Ciie'd . ';ri'i't3: ',l?il, E For sale by H. PARKER, Durham i 'irctc'c'rc"s7n'ii'r, tt @5er GEN'rLEMEN.--0n the advice of a Uoet. I, B. IA ii. ‘“3†. u" - friend tried one bottle. of your LS,,',,') is " present all medallion and is in rheumatic remedy, Phtenoline. and Vilma heart tor cultivuion. ttt-tieett my surprise it, cuved me of rheumatism. I to school and pat Dace. Apply mt fmm whichI hare suffered for many the premises, or to A. C, Bentoet on lot Wm. 'to the out, or to A. a Hunter. Dumm- It also cured me of dyswpsin. from‘ HUGH CAMPBELL, 1Iyth,r,, “its angering an e time, so Ptoprietor. Report of U. S. S. 2 Bentinck and Glenelg for January: 5th clam-aut.. eolm Mekeehnie, Harry Snyder. 4th class --wiltie, Heughan. 3n! elaa.-- Annie McGilliyray, Willie Newell and Geo Collison equal. 3rd class ir-Nm Newell. Aggie Ewen. 20d e1aao--Hint nie Vessie. Ella Edge. Br part - John Newell, Prank Collin-on. rm 2nd---Madtte Morton. Elias Edge. "etrt --8mirh Ewen. Andy Veesie. " lab- Nohle Hartley. c. Fletcher. rm. Report of U. B. S. No. 3. Bentiack and Glenelg. First two in each class. 'ttr-. Lauchie McKochnie. May Cameron. Br 3rd-Jane Smith. Mary McKnight. Jr, 3rd--Wm, Oomold, Albert Tmmley Br. 2nd - Prescille Simpson, Willie Smith. l r. 2ad--Brree Dargavet, It“. McAllan. Pt. Aid-Willie Boll John Smith and Ed. Simpson. eq. 1at-aoe. Donald, Guy William. Average at,- tadmce ah-a. P. Grant. teacher. Top Draft Queen Heating Stoves: D. McPHA/LA/ 1tesidence--HoPEvrLLE. D. IcPHAIL. Hopeville P. ( or to C. RAIA GE. Durham J. M. McLeod. Godevich. Hear 'rt-if anyoiw can profit trom this letter print it. I think my case should be utade known. Last fall I was troubled with a weak hack and with my kidneys. he. My (raw took a. Bees ious turn at last. It turned to dro . I had three good doctors attending; none of them could help me. I (upped son-n times: after-this I who iven 24 hours to live. A good hotb- fl') advised us to get some of your remedies. My brother went at once to Goderich and got your Syswm Renov- Mor and tipecithe Cure. I was some I could know the change after the ttret dose. I began to improve at once. and was able to be in Goderich four weeks after I began them. I on: since quite well. I worked quite a. lot this tanner. I ty? yon and wish you much succu- and long. life Sold by H, Parker, Druggist JNO. Lyv'tt/tiiigfi":veir, ,_"t,hirthliah'g " N" " l, hope to meet all old friends and may new one. in on West of the Emanuel: Home A Long Letter in a Nutshell A Carload See them and be: interested. ---Buy one Wheeled vehiolea-e Londesboro, Ont JUST ARRIVED from the Canada C Brockville. Call early and see the Be Cutters ever brou ht to Durham. Ma: one Quality, Tng BEST. lllllll II. lllllllk tt1.V t'r'tsta “adv known. but full I was vilh " “(u-d; lmvk and with: tl s, &c. My t'itmt' took u set-t " last. It turned to dro ., . Mood doctors :Hlelldinga‘ at' will (-nuld lwlp um. I l man {PM times: atttw.this, I was 58:30. Licensed A the County Yours Truly, J Alum Baowx. 'i')iye,y Ed Irm‘ What on d for - an we. . Upon good 'esaie. " LC"-) ls ley lIIVIng. In 33:?! It') Team. l giggle Moo. C 3, Bentinck and Land “In (hart WA wh clue. 'th-.... 8rutyrdii"ii' ii'/r,11all'llte, rcameron. 8r "tt,iiii, Slum M McKnight. Jr. . "II-nu. &s.a& Auctioneer for y of Grey. PRINCIPAL Singer Sewing Machine; ltM (lf UUTTERS I ', HORN'S OLD Stub O AGENTS in all principal point: in Ontario. Quebec. Manitotaa. United . Stan and England. i, DURHAM AGENCY. g Mill] Bill (lf mm , Head ttttice, Toronto. CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . " . .82,000.000 CAPITAL Paid up......... t,000,000 RESERVE FUND r....-.."' mo.000 W. r. MAI. "Mont. 030. P. REID. lulu". A general but†basin†trauma-led. Drafts honed a collection: made nu all points. Deposits received 3nd inter- est Allowed " current rates. SAVINGS In}. [Entertailllowef‘l m an Inn-I --'."" ___,,, savings bank deposits of "All and up. wuda. Prompt attention and any facility attordid outcome" living " a diataritar, THE undersigned 05311 for rent tor A term of yous. " farm near the Rob Roy Hotel, being lots 9 and 10 Con. l, N. D. R. Glenelg. The farm is " present_ all sqeded down and is in unVlEW and Weekly Globe tlst REVIEW and Woeht _ ..... TB Buggy and Roma’s! ttas Lower To... BlOMw Nov. 13 Saving '=='"-rLeS..eP.P"e and lietndiing _ The under-aw offers for sate or to rent that convenient and comfmhk brick home with lot one block north of the New Factory and opposite Ir Crawford‘s madame. Stable. I'm. &c. At reasonable terms as thoro- want you to know we bundle "ery- thing in the Human line. am that is durable and " I bone con- fortably, will brine peoSt to you in the greater amount ot work he will do. Collars premises w inter Need = Tue no ofh'er. u All Min-m. pt “on. are dtutReroax Price. No. I btmt IO. S, 10 degrees Mmr: mm“ t.pr h t7eXit7nite;i'i1; receipt“! rr'. .. _ t M' “I! Tho Cook Cornynua- , 1B"4ta.f'thctrot.f1"it ' _. ' CC: Womble Drugcists ' .. Cr, 7 m. {new}. - AU camp. In Chum .. We2'.e.tzyAF9L BRIGHT " non: on penan- to mt u u Inn-or! inttoasiidesgoo. by com. lulu-y - I you sad expanses. Wt. bong-I‘m In more no but _ Paid“: mu: Our rum, my bulk In fMtr town. " u Pauly "tt..t,ef "efye'yf at llama. Ro- wiirii.; - Node No. I sold in Parker. Hum-no and t Gun. [magi-h. IS RELIABLE HARNEm. We HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Farm to Rent. and be planed WE SUPPLY IT--- 3099i" thrftyt Btrrt Jattrttttttd " .uee-htit and mom " our Whales. 'al', 'Jh','la'lelrd at 'ftrt1rxHtritt fy oath an. In: 6-- *m3%1: cat; 1899 E11016;- ---Root mum. a -- 1','tli..tytr New Hui-a - In Rene and Litrht Ldlt ’ads. Bits, Blankets. be. J. KELLY, Agent . C. LEA VENS a Carriage Works, Best Collection of Many Styles, only "ls1atg,'fielfSe,if ttar,,'. . GQRPQN. Russian umoiggn tid PnPumsu-sg my. Applyo. the RD. Human. 310 and up. pugs. guy-pic 3nd I“ Arers Regine gum. Down:- znd - N Haitian; .. I an- Re Chm Ann- I Ton. Holley Lenin, K H d W t Ha ll " s. H null " few pat "I wil RI on Bud " I M "