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Durham Review (1897), 15 Feb 1900, p. 4

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98 if? f in ESE MI H If}: DURHAM REI/IEW.': wore presented lily. County s, {arenas to the school aeolian: ed the enuncil lad Pritttio Tue mo former I'epo committee of the wb adopted. " n 9 o‘clock. When conncil met on Saturday mum. ine members were nll pro-ant but Mr Me- Colmun. The Clerk road nu accnun: hon: Communion" Richardson, 811, for ex. "Mes unending the York County good and: convention. . the reeomaderutoet of 1 maktug remunoeatiots b tended the good roads c Ind been lost in tho con toeenoon'ts sessions. Bomb ot Finn“, Bond! and Bridges - Priming. Communications and Mexuuiials. Judicial Allan. Special committee nu Treswuret'tt securities. Bad Education Committee were read and adopted. Report of Printing, presented by Mr. Scbon‘k. an“ the County printing to the Dutsdalk Herald. which was the lowest. tenderer, being 49e. per pug. for printing minutes and We. per thousand ems for unminttion papers. lt was also decided than beneath" the clerk obUm tenders and have them in readiness, wl.eu council Thursday, Februar 1900 ---"ToijNr-r cbdibiL. C (Continual from tart week.) Council met on Fnday alleruoou In clock. when a number of communica are presented. A letter from A. G, .u am...“ Snlicitur. was mad wit meets in Jannsry crott Mr I Report of Ed: named by Mr Fa in: the upphcotio of Education for ammo of Cu Meatord High f sure“ srcunue Reports Item the c $47.26, in: rep the Court Ht nos-Ion. the seemingly use“) these repair: was due u: the which it was unwary to unct the work. Considerable diseu plum an to WIN the "pairs he The Ice on the roof h d broken 1 ion down, and the council were Iboulder the blame on now wturtherit was the architect u [boulder I whether it traetos wh meta “count was paused. Among the by-laws paused was No 682. defining and regulating cuumy commis- lumen powers and the remuneration they I were to receive. By this! by-law Ct mmis- i lioners are to make immediate inspection nnd needed repairs to bridges in their div- l inion. and they have the power to expend money to the extent of 8700, without] consulting the conned. The remuneration i thee are to receive in " per day while _ nctually engued in the work, and mileage of 10 cents one way. The members dis- cussed this bylaw in committee it good while, the remuneration clams getting opacinl consideration. They evidently vented to make In good ts thing for them- nine " possible without appearing to do .0. Mr Gordon aid we by-Iaw shoutd be submitted to A Iolicitor before being ”nod, end " Richardson proposed leaning ituntil June in order to do this, but the Warden Ind that would lone mmiuianen Without any curb on than). Aid they might be building 820000: 98000 F e, ag m Ra _ d I' The otUr by-lawz passed were No. 688 to amend the By-lnw to incorporate Shul- low Lake In . police village. as the Whole ot the territory but! not been included; .94 Br-law 584 to rally closing and sell- " I road Monaco between Iota " and M, cones-bu 9 Ind 10, Derby. bridges anywhere. Then Mr Gordon proposed to strike out the willeuue. out Mr Allan opposed this, as he would Olsen be money out if he did ttttt get mileage ; and to this Mr Gordon replied suggestive- " that he often thought even 03 1nd mileage would not cover Mr Allan's ex- pom h very Mes, uncll uljourned until mmmee pr he t van: nker wen on for 01131.62 ter extra. of Collegiate Institute High School for 8663.3 1'lst namely mulv Property cummitteo Clan-um n It won sarbitrtttion of Hum“: b and Mr. Mac-KM add" on the quen'tion. Frames. Cauuty Prop. that. t1 " nmittt the tonne: Beeu rt duets IEDHDCC suggestion was made by 'ly, that reports In read do" being adopted. Hie Beds. addressed the lrrence to their accunnt ot nds convex “a were calm ht ed to leave over f committee on Iron- reseutrd by Mr Widis tt Me yea wer {0mm s mud last we? WEI?! If he one Ml tqegttritlett n ("ounmitme pre mu adopted. at”)! Prottrie ly " Saturduv morn u hi r ate token the tr h ta SOUIQ W ll " t: re I358 Ric trt Thut ut ti u ere Ut w h ton. cha at " Tu to " whsch trear 1ven nu. the St tt uld mam he? i In lune: ”Watson m for Ill u and m1 " In Accordance Wm. his 'txpets% in- u-nuon on Fnduv Mr. Allan umwd.‘ mmmdn-d " Mr. Schmlk. that. tho Reeves who bud "Wooded the good roads con- ventiott on Tlmrmlav at up. invituion of the eouucil be paid tor their time. $8 per dnv null mileage M' meant-01": way. " iii In the dim-mum: , m moms Mr. Gordon but to lmve “untied were to be paid. I h n er th that the nut. "reitor lite town hull. Du! wan supported by u but "at a vole to against. Mr. Richardson's trips to good mas c was. pnmd. ii very Important. as 16 um“ “Ill not touched upon by Mr. 0::pr Totten was strand thaws! m pri' cireulatitut the». reports woul urn-n1. and tt Had batten Le drops motion Wu: curried, 10 tuetube Bt It WU" When th Mesa. Mr. Frost was nppumtmi to ' the reeuuune.mitmo" of the Judi, mince with respect. to aecunu; for use! supplies. Mr. Frost l saying it was the work of a. m but Mr. Gordon laid tlmt while pnllnzed With Mr. Frost for l placedupou him he hm] no wow for the purpnsc oi expunumg nu dotuintonts, Britain's wane for the purpose of exlmudiun those principles of liberty and justice which were puculer to her. He reterred to the ready response which had been made by Canadians to the call tn Mr A pronounced cyclonic area. has aud- den,ly developed in the linshoippi valley and In rapidly 2pet'i,tt,ttg'S1 accom- panied with a tt1Mtt t omonotor. Pro- t ttabilities therefore would he atoms and drift- with cold weather. emurks. Ritual”, no nun mplre Ibau ever Bonn men: of tetritory and in (I A Rainfall during the week. 1.3 in. Snowfall do 11 in. Hours of Sunshine. 20.9. General Direction of the wind South. erl_y and Southyestgrly, . . ll mu h a. McKiuu mm. mash hell Imam. sed ti: l tuxlen d It h [aver ot ruinelhmg bet game. At the rate v here Would mun be ', Gordon-make n. P" 0. ulna would be more . Brow) pniuted out t , hate or toxe- and km mu ncrusu deer. Thi I, Uurh l by u n ml I moved tl tho- Leglsh D an to 1;” ohm! rum r. Gordon I I would nun" lcipalny wbc one where 1 would ensue. wot ot runnel qualities wh whereas it 'e u committee to prepare mm bv Messrs. Wood and have them dintnbulod. report of Mr. Rielsardsou'ts um cuuvcuunu. Me to slur a account. of 911. two ' convention " 'i'urouto, cord for him: tl delt 10 A thin the Countul glslntnre to nmend give uuusieipaiitiee running deer with d. Richard " was mum: Mes that they diseriatituttuag 5W plnce over this main: that ar- [lowed tht " ute- be paid Gordon moved nmdu to the as pmhlbite Mr. Richur m being do} phell. M r. .rintinu and old be too pped. The bars voting 1mm 1 ttmt tl, lente th The mu a of exter- , none to prohibiting; re like the carry ttt (110V held ll) hum. h m attend Bu" his annurrcu mmiltce he syn: 42 22 sl Cow- tenders uuoul dune ame ll [It Balsam Valley. Elms Sara McCall has leit tbe Valley and may Ntti' she want to get, nmniml (uf courm I dour. lunar). A very quiet wmlahng tov,; place at lllvnuich- lust, \Vulnpmhu‘ wln-n Min Mary Me('orrtralic and Charlie Mum-a Wmt‘ milni In the huh bond» ot "uttriru- uny. Thu Hr". Mr Mathw-nn tivd the dim-I wt'lm' und, um“ um mad: 1th ever)" --=.- WP ous ter l4 " 10 ttt West Jetfcrsou, mouth" from line but he cured him: Buekleu's Arnica cure on Earth, an druugislp W v, -..- ....w._ _, The report of Committee on legal matters obtained from Tp. Solicitor i was given in detail and entered in 1 Minute book. . l Htustie--1tobb---That the report of Committee appointed to consult Solici- tor in legal matters in 1899 be adopted. Carried. Acting on the ioregoing advice be it resolved that the reeve endeavor to affect " settlement with Mr Iloeilln, taking into consideration the state ot the b.idge and culvert broken by bis engine. -- Curried. [ 'ste(2aen--5leintswe---Th.tu, the pe- ltition at John Swanston and 32 others l re Mrs Barclay, be received, and that we grant her $10 to be expended for l wood by Mr Swanston. Carried. I Mr Melntvre reported search in i, Registry (Alice re Treasurer's surcties land tound them unchanged cost of l search Toots. Robb--5tet2ueen --.. That foregoing , report be adopted, and order granted tor cost of search. also ti be paid to l M McIntyre for expenses. Carried. l McIntyre --- llastie --r_ That Thus M " mu: We McIntyre -__ Ilastie --r_ That Thus Queen be refunded $3.50 for two trons sold to him by this Council, as said trees are now in dispute. Carried. 1Iostie--MeQaeert--Tlysp we pay James Brown the sum of 820 payment. in mil for attendance and board to Maude Reid an indigent. Carried. IIastic -- Met2aeen--rThat Wm Rams- .botton1 be refunded $1 commutation He Fools The Surgeons. All (locum. told llullick Hamil: nut. Join-rum. o.. atm suffer! bottom tax. ( f ouitie-ltubb---Tlsat the recve's ex- penses amounting to $8 for attending Good Roads Convention at O. Sound on invitation of the Co. Council, be paid. Carried. Instae,--MeOeen----TNt the Andi. tors' report as presented by the Audi- tors and examined by the Council be accepted, as correct. and 200 copies be primed at. the Representative ottiee, and the Auditors be paid the sum of $8 each, and one dollar each for extra services. Carried. Resolved that the tollowing aee'ts be paid:--; Barn_syrespathtnattet"s rolls L) other business gamed. In envied by It" poor dyspeptlcb whose Sumac!) and Liver am out of order. All such should know that Dr. King‘s New Lilo Pills. the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy. gives u splendid appetite "tund/ti-tion and a. regular bodily habit - ' I In, _..:I ___‘. 'ii'G"iiiiiGriVriidi tagtit and' gran energy. Only Mo, at our drug .tum. 4 M r D W " , at! Jr Uncut M lune EGREMONT COUNCIL ttsou, o., attet ruttermg w an 1burod Fudum, he Would dis “my Operation Wtttt performed. ed Mums“ with tive boxes of Arnicu halve. tLe wrest Filo mix. and the best Sake m the tt, rem» A box, Sold by an rku r No 126 for apfointing an passed the usua readings, r, of Jas Swausmn was entered as asscssor. was then signed, The Appetite of a Goat ll bouds ot matrim- Mlmmn tied the "ttsh them every mulch b. ALLAN, Clerk. nu H’nul It! u h " a ftt Mung t the HIM: ins 1395! to 18 " Map!" in Unch es 50ft Elm of Busswoc Beech g I Black A: sd Piue The DURHAM FURNITURE COMPANY, Limited Will pat) the following prices for saw logs delivered at J. w. Cruwiord’s Mill, Durlmr‘. Muplr- $10.00 $8.00 56.09 P M "ueis 10.00 8.00 (5.00 .. Shin Elm 10.00 8.00 (3.00 .. Busswwd 10.00 8.00 6.00 .. Beech 8.00 6.00 5.01) .. “new Ash 12.00 :2 (!'l 6.00 '. It'...,. Isp ml 1, ‘-.") “.00 MW LOGS‘ WANTED l, H gun: at me u gl Y, and he K money at low“ with best privill UAI , uuu "T, ....V .. m.o.t"W, at lowest poskibIe mica - tcith beat privileges. That iateh ”“33: whole country goes fo him. 'lf,', is Iendmg at f, per cent. and on large 10mm ALI My v i The Hanover Conveyancer “Alwuyu Prompt. Never Newman} All business Strictly Private. H. H. MILLER will have been 2o Karat at the busincns new! XMAS AV null he KNOWS HO "V fo get itit' DURHAM” HIRNIIURE GU. MD. a» catch & Irish i CALDER’S BLOCK, DURHAM, o Te i T k WMWWWMKMMW‘W itieh Alan, d Grits, Tori DEAL WITH WWW _----.---.-----------:-.-." __ _-" --- q ‘i li WWVJWZ K will Je ttttt l, sllowin pnorasnms and cnnoucs. 00 00 00 INNS“ ‘ (N) to 7.00 urn. U? ivuglh! be classed nrcording L 't'llr 2.1% murh tis' pm-aE-Iv v Doubling Up. hm, Pont' mert, Tories and Patrons, We do not claim to do all the Dry Goods trade in Durham, but we do claim to give better value than any other house. Our Sales during the past twelve months have more than doubled any previous year. We take this as evidence that our prices must be right. We carry only honest reliable goods which are tr ade winners. No trash. Our Cash and One Price system is lower than long credit houses. MtLLER, 6 Men's Ready Made Clothing is booming. We have just passed into stock another very large assortment of Ken’s Boys' Clothing, it will pay you to see them before purchasing elsewhere. ---Bring along your Butter and Eggs for which we pay the highest price 0 The balance of our Ladies' and Misses' Felt Hats in and Sailor Hats, good assortment of colors, regular and tiir.oo, clearing at 25c and 35c. tf'flur " NO VER. 0 “I” TI . F'. MORLOC ft balance of l Spring and Summer Goods As Usual a Full Line know what these Goods are-the best in WAGONS! a full carioad toselect from. are the Celebrathd Adams' Wag SEEDS! SEEDS] Druggist. and. SSeedLsaaa.tax:L A'atural Inference.‘ Cheese, Lard kc. lo Millinery. Mantles going at 81.50 each .. $i 2.50 each " " 3.50 each " Ladies' Mantles must be sold as we need the room for Spring Goods. The following emulation took pluoo between a 20th century youth and his 110': Boy-PAP' won't you an me to the circus? Ptfpa-zNo my son. the circus is the nbiding place otthtau. Boi'--8ar papa, he knows: stud thing when he non, dont he ? Golden Butter Color is a true Ve MANTLES. We have been moving lately and have not to tell vou about our stock. Listen now! and. in no way affects the taste of the Butter. Pronounced the best and cheap- est in the Market. Sample Bottles free. only at Parker's Now we have no hesitation to saying that oven so superior a judge would know that Fined Goods is the lust and best Soup Mm. Twenty difrerettt methods of prom table Butter C [ji,, WM CALDE ----Bee Brand Syrup In pail or Bute.----- J. BURNET r l to your I ndon Mum antes. ( Field 'li. Garden is booming. e assortment of Mms's and hm or "on - Massey-Hurts Binders. I .1110 Barrows, Rik“. Ete. the market Buy mother I? H. PARKE. See our Farm TRUCK Issuer of MARRIAGE Lice IN 5c, Beit: slk mg Green nod Dried Fruits, mpany M l I

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