ttt, 872. There were six palm or I"! hosiery worth $3.75 a pair. cakes of soup at $3 a throw. diamonds and other things whieh brought the to. tal expeoditure up to more than $300. All these he had 'rittt him when he landed in Toronto under the convoy landed in Tor-or ot Mr. Newman Mitre Mm bran Moa. pree gnye heart and his pocketbook still turth. or and heavywed 8500 upon Miss Lee, nocompnniul try a fervent petition that she purchase some small mu- venir of his happy reconciliation. The young woman smiled still more sweet- ly and Mr. Kaufman went away In a glow of bliss to report progress to Us. Newman, who was waiting out- an a. "FEET" M|NNIE l.E wt wt brought and In Moqts graciously predate the In “you! New To dull thing with was apparent in: and cunpl: AH man as they had Kaufman sought out t mm Lee. She smiled c also received the menu bought and listened to "on: graclmmly. She a mints the fact that “Yen New York a dre How a New cher Wooed a Toronto Girl, HIS $500 WORTH 0F BLISS, And so " came about that these two gentle-men Journeyed to (‘anndu his: wast. but neither of them heeded the chill blast and other discomforta ot life In a high latitude. Boron-e ltts left New York Mr.Fauf. ntttn New York W.) Everybody know. Julim Kaufman, the high grade exploits-r ot chain. who. iiuulnmn was greatly ammo" with the charms ot Allan Minnie Lee. and it looked as though thin lady, who comm from Toronto, would (all: reciprocate hm alloction. But there came " gloomy any. Min Lee and Mr. tseuttutestt had a slight disugrwmout. The lady, tor some reu- aon on“. known to herself, concludeu that tho winter season was much morn enmynbic in Toronto than New York. and went home, with man: leavetulsmg of the wine agent. It was then he called “Sammy" Newman into counsel. Mr. Newman envious beer, but, although not a wine agent. is a noted authority upon ur- lairr of tho heart. "Go to Canada and see her," was Mr. Newman's dictum. "Make prom tiatory offerings. Admit yourself in the wrong. A man nlwnya in in ca"?' Mr. tlat the like eds: win: and for " comm him 1 think you it It took them some time to reach the hotel at which they were put- ting up. for the happy wine agent insisted upon buying all along the line. HE GOT "IS PRESENTS BACK. When" they did get there tho clerk handed Mr. Kaufman a bundle and a note. The note stated that Mill Lee felt herself greatly dlstrened by the presence of Mr. Kaufman in Toronto. It might lead to unkind remarks - the part of her "lunch. If his protestations of to 53rd were true he could show " feeling but by at once leaving the city and returning to New York. In tho bundle he would find all hit giftn. oven to the 83 cake- or soup. but the had been compelled to use the $500 cash. which she would lend to hill in New York u soon an the oogymkntly could. up 7" queried Mr. morat support in It ta tho first tim had to admit I v.1. That kt why Mr. Kaufman looks and and ohmned these anâ€. and I. also the reason whyhedoe- not. take Mr. Newman's advice on any subject. even to the backing ot hornet. all! he has his present.- hack. ttil except the cash. and what could th man ask more than that? An on l from door of the coach, opened it quickly and stepped out onto the platform. Slum-lee! a: her action, CArnductor Turner. who had observed her movements, followel her in haste to see what it all meant. Ten minutes later, and after "Charley" had recov- ered his nerves sufficiently to talk, he toid another passenger ot what had taken place outside. "Well, air," he said, "when I got to the platform I looked about for the man. and Pm blamed if she wasn't standing on the lowest step. teasing no the side rode and leaning out clear over the track. We were going It about a gs mile clip, and the slightest lurch or our" would hevei thrown he! headtint from the Soon attor the morning train going toward ammo had puJed out of .he Corry Junction one dny not long since. says the 01 City Blizzard, a middle- agod woman ot very heavy build, who had boarded the train nt that place. you hey "rat, and, wal_king to_tlyt car. I did not take time tar get scared. I just stepped down behind her an“ secured a In.“ Nelson hold about her waist before I dared speak. â€Then I asked her what in the world she was trying to do. And "9910 1921 sin-won ,ht-i'al t" "Welt, sir, she looked around at me in a surprised and innocent sort ot my. and say: die: "'l came out ban to sgr3t.' “Wen, Co in the car 1nd spit jut as quick as you can! I add. And I toil you." said Charley. "I haven't had anything duh no Bets that in In, u "r."-sBatbtt' Rm. "What am an; in, t" and the pn- Ionger. who had been an interacted Boner. A Inn-’0 he“ capital In his Why. Am Ulnrd. . Newman's dictum. "Links propl wry oilerlngs. Admit yourself In , wrong. A man always la in cases ' this. and the sooner he acknowl- :m the fact the better tor him. Be Io. my boy, be Wine. Go to Toronto , mlml; your error at once and ask forgiveness." Will you come along and back me 7" queried Mr. Kaufman. "I need ml sumvort. in a matter like thlu h SHE wANTru, TO tii'IT re tte left New York Mr.Kanf- aid in a stock of mph things believed Miss Lee would regard hum. Thore was a satchel with th There w I T it 7 Woman Gas e the Rullwny C mum“: a mum. TIF. LADY SMILE!) l as they had [ant tromeht out the ty " a . a “A V)?“ v ome along and back me Mr. Kaufman. "I need t in a matter Ilka this i timo In my life I ever I was in the wrong, and d. I can tell you. Still. ave the right idea, even l beer." nine about that these engraved platemost 'e six pairs ol tsith. Td Mr. ot She had Ly Ur. Walitam December, 18ttl so. I first got I a change tor tl finished the new tour boxes were great change f POWER OF HIGH EXPLOSIVES " ' I have Mex-ed in nlmoei be- yond descripxion. My illness has been gradually 3min; upon me. and eighteen months use I found mysel! almost helpless. My nerves were simmered. my team weak and my entice ayslun tserum'.) broken down. I had no ' main or day; me little Jeep 1 did get did not rehash me. I was in constant neatly. and only a woman can uodmrstand Meet 1 en- dured as I tried to do my household work. Any sudden noise would bismu- en me and leave me in a ooudition bordering on collapse. Ab tunes 1 ex- pezlem-ed snacks ot vertigo, and Jheus waned tor a lime to affect my memory. The least exemlon would Leave me almost b:eathioss, and my heart would palNtate violently. I had no desire in: load of any kind, and yet I had to tkrrrus myself to em Tn Ito Great Execution They Must} be (‘nniinNL i There is a willeaprcau unsapirrelteu-: hum tit regard to the devastasmg ei- iwt oi than: high explosives, for when uneomined the cheat even Ol large charm» of them upon structures is oompuratncly alight. At the .\uval ordnance Proving Ground, so long ago an 115.84, repented charges of dyna- nntv, varying from iivo pounds to one hundred pounds in weight. were deton- at“! on the face of a vertical target consisting of eleven one-inch wrought- iron plated bolted to n twertty-ittteh oak buckmg, until 440 po Ind-s of Uyna- mite had been so detonated in contact with it, and “It the target remained practically uninjured. while at Brnnmfontcin the accidental esplo- sion of 55 tons of blasting gelatin, which was stored in railway vans. ox- en voted but 30.000 tons of soft earth This last may seem a terrible effect. but the amount of explosive involved was enormous. and the material one of the most energetic that we [mm-es. while if we compare It with tho action of expio<lvea when con- fined its effect becomes quite mod- erate. Thus at Fort Lee, on the Hudson. but two tons of dynamite plat-cl in a chamber In the rock and tamped brought down 100000 tons of tho rock; at Lamberis, Wales, two tons and a half of gelatin dynamite similarly placed threw out 180000 tone of rock ; and at the Talcen Mawr, in Willow. seven tone of gunpowder. place] in two chambers of the rock, dislodged from 125.000 tofoo 000 (one of rock. We m'trht cite many such ex- amples, but on comparing these we find that the gunpowder confined in the interior at the “low Mauvr was over forty-two t'mee as effi:ient as the explosive gelatin on the surface at Braauryatte'at, while the dynamite " Fort Lee was over n‘nety times as destructive-From the Applica- tions of Explosives. by Prof. C. E. Munroe. in Apptetomr' Popular Sci- ence Monthly for February. ttrmer hold upon her system. and ul- timately we almost dunked or re- covory. To a reporter who called upon her, Mrs. Sears mild: t Mmlloilf'8 STORY Just a woman‘s story. Not strange because it happens every day; not mmamin or thrilling. bust Jatst a story of mining and suffer- ;ng mmh as. ttnttwtnusato2g, too many woman endure in balance» For an“: years. Mrs. Thomas Sears, od St. Catharines, [on her ill- new gradually bun surely gaining I Bum Will Bring Hope to [any Silent Sufferers. Sol-won: Prostration--_t Weake netrts--AttonUintt Pains and Misery Such as Woman Alone Euduro Made the Life of Mrs. Thou. Sears n Burden. Forty million rounds of small arms ammunition. 11.00o mutt of shrap- nel, lydd1to and common shell. MI boxes of tune- and forty boxes of pls. tol ammunition were recently dis. patched to the seat of war. This Is one of the largest gre',',',"'"! of ammunition ever sent tom Great Britain. Take Laxative Brotno Quinino Tablet» Art drumrhts refund the money if it fails to cure. Me. . W. Grave's Mature is on each box. Bare are some extracts from adver- tisement: in oriental paperu: "Good, rimmutched expeditiously nan cannon ball." “Pinch done up with such can u I lowinngifo bestow: upon her husband." " 0 msll paper tough " .tteRhott'e hub.†'Te prjnt at our books in clear In crystal. the matter charming u a singing girl.“ "Custom- ers are trotted u politely u by rival steamship companion." "Our silk and “than are smooth u a lady’s check. and colored like the rainbow.†The New York Legislature in con- sidering [bill to deal with bovine tuberculosis. I'n Cure 3 Cotd in One Day Alluring Oriental Shoppers. Tons of beach" Death. St!: l with spent th- ndiaion and my raid my boon tor years. To Dr. Arnold's Eng- l’ah Toxin lllle, and to them alone, tho credit is due." Every tr'rl and woman who rautrors as M'rtt Hoplrirk dial should use Dr. 1rnorl's (English Toxin Pr'ls. They will {z'vo new We and henlth. Dr. Arnold‘s Englisho'l‘oxln Pills, the only mod'olne that cums disease by k'lllng the germs that cause it, urn Hold " nll drugglsm at TGe. a box: sample-Tour. Mc., or rent post-pull! on receipt or price by The Arnold Cllnm- 'eal Company, Limited, Canada Lite "ulzllng. No. 42 Klng street wost, Toronto. In :2dveMwmt in a newspaper ruling tor "a [hm-clam bookkeeper at #1:: a melt.†drew form the [chow iraving haul a Wines. expendâ€: of 2:1 Jan-u. helix oomtected with the Unite-J State: Embassy at Mung“ our. and (eel ooatUent " you will nine me at terusi 1 can prove my worth to you Iattn not only an expert book hemmr. prdlclum. stenogrupuer and L,\1x:nrlwr. exoullcnt. mentor and erudite college gnulunu. but have scv oral other accompluumscra' wlnch might be desirable. l am an expert snow trhoveller, n all-in. claws peanut roaster. have some mm“ ledge or removing oirertiuous hair and crppirtt puppy dog's ears; have a medal for mam; "Curfew shall Not Ring To n.ght." am a m;- iul chlropo hat and pmctlcm farmer; mm also emu. take care of horses, mama "owners. open oysters and re pulp umbrellas. - Being wast-nod ot great physical balmy. I would not only be uselul. but would be ornamental as wed. lending to your omoe mat. del-ght- tut urbane charm that u Bataunta vase or stuffed hillygoat would. As to salary. I would feel I WM rubbing the widow and uwlplng the pong“ cake from the orphan ll I was to tune advantage of your munllicenoe by accepting the we fabulous sum of tct per week and would b, vntirel.s willing to glve you my service: tor low; and in accepting: $1.37 per week would give you an opportunity of not only Increasing your donation to the church. pay your butcher and keep up your life Insurance. bat also to found a home tor Indigent fly paper axles-men and endow a free bed In the cat home. A YOUNIJ GIRL’S DANGER, Toronto, leo. urns: Ida Hopi of Gu. an “auburn street. this en a 50am; [any wno '.s excwdiugly p lar W.blt a very extensive vim-l â€13mm, all ot Wuom are reguicing l Her recent. escape trom a tenants l get. The story ol bur exper.eue weply 'mtorcst1ntr, told in her mm gtittorwsrd way. Here .n her narrative: " In 18: took a. DOSJJOH in a uown-towu n1 Here .n her narrative: " In Dill took a posMou in a uown-towu A My Mom was no; mm tt .lly hard, L :0on found. I could not stand it, my health Inllel. I grew very t had spl tang headache couti:nu Any spells and extreme weakness. tongue was thickly turrcrl, harsh -:ry. hurry morn'ng, ttttd I arose t an! ttching. I was dull aim low-., ital all the timo. "My alt-tel- had used Dr. Arm "My all-tor had used Dr. Arnold's Engluh Toxin [Us with remurkwhlv beneCt. and I ttltto began to take them. I candidly state that improvement be gm: almost 'autmsHately. Daily I mended. till today 1 nm in hotter health 'and much stronger than Ihave How She Overcame it, and Battled Her Tormentor. The girls wear thrir rosetten of vel- vet (.blon rather far forward on nither side of the wilful-ed knot of luxir. Once the rosette “his worn like an aigrette, well to the back of the head, but now these ornaments urn vom'ng forward once more. Black rowettes or velvet ribbon and pale blue velvet bows have long been worn. The new rosettes are of corn! pink velvet. They must be worn exactly alike, one on each slde. I‘lw Ad. and the Reply it Called Forth. I wan cured of lame back, utter ruf- rer‘ng 15 years. by MINARDS LIM- MENT. Robert Ross. . Two Riven. N. B. Iwnu cured or D'phtherh. after 'mtors failed. by MINARDS LIVI~ MEN"P, John A. Foray. Artt'gottiah. I was cured ot emu-action ot mus- vien by MINARIYS LIN1MENT. Mrs. Rachel Saunders. Secretary Root says the U. B. haw men available for military duty, bat unorganized. to the number of 10.8:I3.: A carrerqmndent ot the South Wales Daily News writes: "On an Easter sunday a most ridiculous contretempe occurred in a church In East Glamor- gun. On Saturday evening the sex- ton went to a neighboring village tor a ahliilng's worth ot wine, and at the same time bought n. tewpettnspvor.ty' of vinegar for hie own use. In the early morning he took the vinegar by mistake to the church. and this was duly consecrated and administered to the eommuttietutta, whose laces as they partook were a sight to behoid." ira'Giii" -iui" awn organimi strength of 106.830. The solidified alcohol which n. Ber- lin llrm has been sending out in a tin vessel, intended to serve an a J,'f,'f,ittt, lamp and stove. in reported to cons t tangentially of 'sixty-two per cent. of alcohol. twenty or soap, and eighteen of water. A similar product In readily made by dimlvlng scraped tallow map in warm alcohol. "Doesn't he like the tot, that was offered to him?" "Sure." "But you said he was annals to catch cold." "I said he wan anxlom to take hold." It Is thought tsotuMeratiott of the tynrtomBttiwer treaty amendment will be taken up In tho U. B. Senate very shortly after Feb. 16th. There is an! no ome1al announcer ment regard'ng the omen-f roll of up Btratheoraa R'Hea or the Manure or the mm Mounted Wnee and C Battery bl Kingston. Dali-cutie. w ANTED-A BUOKKEEI’ER. uu a ,wnun: man ar years of age A Sexton"! Mistake. Rather Fur Front. sqolMitied Alcohol. 'e: " In 1838 own-town awn Ida llopktrk. lroae t Irm , low-uph- hotter I have , Eng- alone, Ill! own pu My tnd HI iu b nd The n. has long been contended that backwhe is really kidney ache. But up to w thin ten years ago. whsan Dodd'h Kaney luis were tint. given to the world. the fact, had never been acttt any proved. But Dodd's K'dney Hus have turned the theory into n faret. It one has backache one's kidnoya are out of order, and no amount of menu cine whlch does not net on the kid. no†w " do the flighwst Rood. How many prople have bran cr‘mnlel with lamo back and given up trying to Mt outed in despair? They wrrr‘ not “W1“! that hm-kzwhe is hut tt nymp- tom, not n dlseve. - The ronl B:tckttehrt, Mont wh'rh no. 'oiy who han ever oxprrr"ortee4 it mm ho m'trtaken. h not an ache of tho hm-k at nll. It 's the nelro of di onion-M k‘dnoya. The kidney“ am Puma-d ot" pole the small of th" hark. Thur: tho In?!) is tatemod Bur'kacho. It " no 12% troatttut Brtekntetw, so called. Im-nlly. It in the kidneys that dom'mtl trout- Mrs.Katy LotaOeedGdves Evidence! No Doubt!" the Minds ot the People of tiuspietqa--uaeiiache I. Really Kidney Ache. Mrs. Katy wr'tm '. .. I um h'ghly mommond r K!dne.v Pills M the how thing to.. hnck that. I aver trot. I have only two faxes and they rum" mo." State of Ohio, C' Lucas (bu Ktdnoy tor cur Lucas County. 58 Frank J. Cheney makes oath that In 'rg the senior partner of the firm of F'. J. Cheney & Co., doing busino‘x In the City ot Toledo. County and State aforesaid. and that «H firm will lr" the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor each nud every cup of Cutnrrl: that cannot'be cured by the use of rialN Catnrrh Cure. ried that you are a marrie rout That's funny. Now te' tlemen of this exceptional, gent Jury whom you marr "Who ah married? Ah woman." non better than to tri What do you me: ried a woman? C tied a woman: di any one marrying "Yaa. Mr sister [Sum Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nnlly. and acts d‘reotly on the Mum‘ nnd nun-on: mrhvea of the system Band for test'monials, free. F. J. CHENEY & co., Tole-lo, o Sold by drunken. 750. Hull's Family Plus are the best. The Swede W Sworn to beforP. me and subscr‘hm ‘n my presence. this Oth day of Dwain bor, A. I)., 18R6. A. W. CLEMSON. " nswe you n The three champion skysoruywru of the United States are the Syndicnu- building on i'ttrit row, New 'York. the Masonic Tannin in Chicago. and the l'IXChnnge building m Boston. Those are to be reinforced by a monster nructure to he built in I'hiladelphin by New York and Philadelphia. capital- ism. which will outshine all of them. " will occupy a. whole block and ho the lat-gm orttee building in the world. “merits-Ilium â€meant-nah I. out. of the (we'll; â€my.†tor the Atwood,thth,Boe,Atw gonna mm. N. B., Telephone. rob. l Inch 1. . Dunne. Ont... Mums. Jun. tA “mace. Out. Otni, Oct. b Hempun. N.R., New; Pet. A m " nopwonh. Om... Jenn-.1. June " Regine. N.w.T Band-rd. Out. I Bundridge. Ont. Echo. Feb. I Sturgeon hm. ont.. Coloetimtms, fob. x - nine to no can; - El!!! 009;. A natural soap mine and a palm. mine are two of the latent. curimltlcs which have been discovered in British Columbia. Several soda lakes have been found in the foothllls near Ash croft. B. C. The'r bottoms and shows are lncruated with a natural washing compound containing borax and soda. It I: qulte equal to washing powders 'n common use for cleansing purposea. About 275 tons or the compound have been eat and taken out of one lake. It ll handled exactly the name as lee. One lake alone gontains 20,000 tons. Turkish Women and Their Fortunes- Turkish women do not come Into control ot their private fortune: un- tit after marriage. After that they can (Ramsey! onethlrd of It wlthout the hiaihand'l con-ant. The strictest quarantine prevails in Toronto Junetion this morning, when nine cum ot smallpox were aiattoeemd â€nudity. Economy In halt the butt]: of lite; itunotstthardtoearut-t" to and It 'MU-tht-trt. ont no Truth About Backache Proved by Doud's Kidney Pills. Biggest Skyscraper of Them All Deposits of Washing Compound wet this question a married man t" Ah tank Bo. Ah was So you think beeaus PRUUF hlfllflllllil, L That tat the "vixen , Hm have such t Hm: Bturknehe. Katy Longboat], witness w he th WANTED. you mean, tgrrt Jmanv Of coura re, air, an to tr Ls-examining attorney ung man, whose objm rt the witness and dis Hnrt an f you war your mama mt question. very dscibsratelr---' FRANK J. CHEN don’t you know .ifie with this C 9th are Pltu t tho back. f nkncho. It I y, so called. that domnn of Tole I you eve a man r' did." .4 'P. Maw.“ "’ e onnlly Intelli- mrried." Ah married a. at ifiaiiftaV h n m m " km " Ir- rt Religious Idem Very (tot-rolling to Those Who Hold Thu-I. Presently M. Du Plum moved his chair up to mine. and lowaring his tace with one aide turned up. peered curi- ously into my ttpeotaoiea. "You will have to give me a bettot newer than that." I protested "W'hom to you consider to belong u JOEL peqple t" _ .. . "Whr do you wear than thing: I" ha inter: ated. “To magenta." I said curtty. "You are not old." . . "No, I'm not; but my sight Isn't good." “I don't think tbat ought to In. People ought not to wear out before their time," he said inlolcmly'. I b-gan to feel exceedingly uncom- fbrlable. "I w-xntedtouk you,"I laid. by way ot changing the |.oject. “I wanted to ask you about this name. 'People of Gui.' Whom does it mean t" "Not mu," he aid with aggravat- ing promptitudo, "but me and my Mple." _ 7 "Mi CEIIrrh." It, a Ytsheatenee that be_i_qg worked up. She upped the tea at. Mrs. A's. She dine! in abate at Mrs. JU, she 301119.] the box of Mrs. I, And then she wpood with Mrs. Y. She stayed and danced till after And when the dainty least was o" " Another day," she gasped. .' but With those that down the highw: went-- I hope I will survive till Lent!" --Exetttuttte Removed in twenty-four hours by Putnam's Palnietm Corn and Wart Ex. trac'tor. Convenient. reliable and painlw. Try it. IT HAS BEEN ASCERTAINED That no remedy in the market " fords such prompt relief as Poison! Nerviline in toothache, neuralgia. and rheumatism. ltd action in cases of cramps. colic. ete., is simply mar- vellous. Remarking this to a physician of experience he stated that from his knowledge of the composition of Nervlline no remedy could mime it tun family remedy, and that in every household a bottle ot Nan-villas should be available tor emergent demands. Readers of this paper should try Ner. vlllne. It is canonical. reliable and never failing. Aho sighed a little nervous sig the said: "ru rent me try and And then we gilded up her sun And warm again and! devious Phat mark to truNt a large ext The hours that lead us on to L, She went to luncheon at the 1! She played each-re " the "C H. She binned the tea at. Mrs. A's. The T It! " of I). u veer. I ‘L'~L\\W ‘I' The title ot "downger" seems likely _En¢hnd'n Pine-t Ila-0.0:". hallo. trmmotd in the near future to become obsolete. tvaht"u'tta,"rtfg') th',':', J,ttt'f ',gt'N',t,' Quest Yivtorlu'u tAlt manghte‘r divas "d,hPG'rtt't'g W“ and - man-.2; an e t e o t . am: a mm In“. tho i the first lo res k bl 1 t wt 81.00. 'i4ll,""ht%'dt '.l'r,'u'f,,'a'g,'a'll anger. and Is now ,"%',', y h r Inc 1: " oot “than", Add I" Milt. i a royal decree M " 3mm W'- C .80 27.1mm. '. erick." Queen Wllhelimlnubegl Hot. fd'fl'd1, 17* 1tePfefe, W, land has been much d stur by the. N... an idea of her moths:-l ttr, lookeid Jrl?, 'ltgyee, Jhs2gtnt':tlir: S: .. A n 1' 1 as an. old lady. an M fillet'; '2lihtt “Mt . a. van published a Lecree command ng that P mm.(‘“ T w henceforth the {ox-met Regent In to " oeort be styled, not Pte td,ggrs',',t',', - I'"--.-"-".-"'-"""""""': . ------ --- --- "Queen Emma of he Certheriattdtr." Even the old Emprei of China. wlnh- IrgInIa omes. ing to be In the fashion. has consented to this reform. I You nun Al nun- Mk m. .m, M'.nard's Llnunent cured Gar-get In con. lax-Prom!†(l'tg,T,rd, my: the rea. son he declina the orter ot a Senator- ship was that he expects a more in- teresting time In Opposition to the new Macdonald Ministry. The Toronto Street Railway Com- pany has given notice that it will eppenl the recent Judgment requiring the payment ot Intense on curves. turn-outs and sinner ewitchee to the Privy Council. w " " T'" tl â€OER " K. Li EV Es. Minard's Llnlment cures Distempor EDDY'S CORNS! WARTS! MWttltNttilllitimt01t"00Bti, trutitt6tlt â€all“. tli's?s"33, F 3;: Here is " 8p: Kunnerhullsm blud. Mr. Ch D Mm saying Mm saying up the Mud took. he h a book. he in a hotusdntr km heethin. lord Km sent tor his Bonry blu back his scandal-ions flu MI/t ft 1rlil.bEl1ltlilil) RENTMION. Imeut um rinted is, a up: Wolf thou things t" y extroattg1ated, with ahowod me he was recently boys on I Minot): " is one. H: umbctling come out them Cold aven rt nd Pau lie rule tho ex hi and II IR man “If in n- D n h MHTGHES chitin was lntmduced thru- dimme- were crumbs incurable. Now It mm- lerent. Thousand! of attuned one who had low ago given up hope are be“; constantly cured try this won- derlul treatment. " cox-ex by inhala- tion of medicated air. You simply breathe: It does the rent. m-t One trlal ot Cntarrhowno wlll non- vlnce you of It; merit. Take advantage of our apecial otter now; It «In only Inst. " few days longer. Foul as ten amt; In “all“. tot-over the ' of Gaming. and we will mail you a Me outfit, tree. Liberal Offer to Suffers ers from Catarrh, As- thma and Bronchitis "£76.33†&Co., Bos 513. King "oat. on. l'rntil Catnrrhooone moth"! of "mm meat tor Csurrh. Asthma att1Bron' In compote-i of the Palm Weed .. winch ha been found no “henna ‘n curing Hou'eo.‘ (-omblnod with outer vnluu ble â€moth! man. And will move in out ual remedy for You And Coughs In Bones and (was. 26 cent: per pAckng at all Drug?“ or Ind ed MM. F. EBT. mm. Port “a.“ It“: “an" mum ll with Ham .. tt plum} on Pram-1 soon and at the have». 'lt so G "fl '1 rungs-ants torthemu-mftarmettt. W“ Brut. “a“ Book It“ Tm wry out m stool. tune, vetted. mil-hid handle. regular prior, lk our mogul price only telu'.'lt nut " can! 'ttd teat a an a you“ “a. I t we I. 81.00. Fully run-ted In..." Maude-I it not Ion-{M'mry Adi- Bunny Milt. t Co., Box Fi', 1mm. 0am. Sausage Casines-eh1u/"t. Rn m. Show And Auk: no: Caving-p 2lih,tliltl'i'trihtali't' . M m... Yum “In“ Misha-1M NIL m. ell-cu. III-nu. Muck. tub baring-eds at 'sutttvatf.,i pmâ€. ov.. M realm; the vumusu FattMER. Harm lilo for "use monthn' cub-crime u, Mrs. Window'- “I1 Syrup should " " ubeuedhtCMldt. M Jim-nouns tTlt'l's'lU. "ttdtqo. “to on: um: colic and in tho t'i'llt%'u'rrllllhh'r','l'2ti.' Treaty- the non“ . butâ€; lemY CURED BY DR. FITS 51.130" Cheat Nerve 2,r'g,T,, " C 2rd','Th"'t M M (lib dolpth h Lr'tguu1PI,tg gthl1el't ï¬gflq§yï¬iLMflON¢me ldutréIL'Qub: FREE CATARRHOZONE TREATMENT. PRAIRIE WEED Have Powder nri'ititi'iii"is Throat ISSUE N0 7. 1900. BROWN'S For m inâ€! an. The pun agency Arm NOTICE TO HORSE OWN 301"â€! BRONCHIAL "‘ 4N2sitiiiis%' he (Marlo-I Crematory hi JohnLBmv'namm )ckwuod. T out FARM“? co., Emporia, Va Odorless Closet. WITH“ ‘0 “I tr'i,tl M nu. tr. a. Tm) W03. Fm 2Sel,','le Flid 1.. -itrta' TI Swinvrohr. Nun-known If bun h h planar!- l 'retuatart' ll “that! Q: t Ion-'1 " ERS no: WING. pant-n. m Inna-I view (in! ark h N " In tt “I e Tal, " ‘. the the tr be be to: ll why " con the or br I life and hut at tr., Sent our the won or " tor In CPI-h mum trt: bum. - tngdr You V “. a: he