T ft mi“ my)? M FULLY ii) PERCENT _ REDUCTION IN i, Wall Papem HEW DESIGNS. NEW 60l0R3. ing In McFarlane tl Go. l l This would mule) the muc “Alumum. whirl: 1tl1ctyis y Q Q 'I HImIH‘CIVCUUll gum- N.o Pr, 1 Stan- m any Britirh to-rrltnry I ï¬nd: il surplus and the best u: I 'sm nut gl'uund than the pt ..1..I.. ie In..- hum. m-mnnnl: =2 pr AT ent tror the wmtc And a large assoitmeat to choose from. [ember we trim every toll free L. This is of itself quite a sav- time and 1dhor. ur line 0 5r. papers. They will Minis}: you. SELLS CHEAP H. . H. BEAN W!) "su------""' Waist mmer we made Inge pur- d Wall Paper for delivery not in anticipation of a rise rice. which we have mark- n to rock bottom prices. WI/ L. 065 " of from 25 to 30 per ng prices last spring. " El and BOOKS? LLERS WIS WANTED. ll W " {OWEN SAW M I LL. "or tant eswm ems lid " w calms RIDER. CRAWFORD W " ill " following " " N "ie' Hemlock Of var It M seek,' l tl Bank balance. ...... ......: S cialde sits ..r.. ..... [r0 Gratin)†School fund U. C. Builuing Fund -..... Land Improvemeyt Fund .. Fund under act cf tSA. .. .. Common School Fund htld ments....... ...... ..... Saul: Ste. Marie debentures by the Dominion tor On mrio and Quebec. . . .. .. Drainage debentures. .. ... Debenture coupons. . .... . Municipal drainage assess Inmunns Balance of account. current with the Dominion. .. . . . . Common School Fund collec- tions by Ontario from Jan. Annuitv payments. . Railway eertitieates Land sales.... ..... Assets" . Liabilitie is not ground {mu while it has been Province has made Premier ward p war ti war than: won admiration even 1 instance the prop ll vear " 10 we; roads in the prov tat " Tres carelessness, not connection with public institution cry is "West El; Elzin. the tram Commons Surplus ot assets What The oppusn y which'lm , and havim awe them. " II m quickly given Then Sirt sprang a little " ll Then Sir Charles ' Sprung a little surprise by prop-sing an am Would place the whole tribution in the hand: ll what we say aroduce t anism int Total assets. Total liabilities Tt u; thrashed out at an expense to country of many hundreds ot am nd nogood grit would have it .rwise, ita government or a sup- 'ttl' were found juszifying it. The MS are admitted, are deplored. are 1;: investigated, 9nd the perpetra- will be punished. As Mr Ross l1 "It the ONTARIO HOUSE. il tht ll mixer given W e.isl ttiti c it w IX prop sal to spend tuty),000 U vear's to secure good province is an evidence of Enlightened tstatestttanslti p. simian, however, have one hey are making the most us so few one can Mildly . Not extravagance. not _ not tayoritism, nothing in with the management of minus. is charged, but the it Elgin" the tune. is Wtat trauds in West Elgin are had out at an expense to v of many hundreds ot IO " St Children‘s at the same A few ladles’ Jackets f Miss And Men S In}! Bron progress of' the future. 5 has inaugurated a fur- which, had it not been would have eompelied ren tron) opponents. For )ron sal to spend 5:00.000 ASSETS ertized last week big :0 (Note a few prices " impcrialist McNeil! to a at one tell blow the British traditions and y reprehensible Ameri- nadmn prncedure was I atcven his own leader i\ and the proposal ot Gr Nuath Bruce was itsquiems. Mn ll ““"""'u' as " good he Hes Tapper himself and " model rprise on the House mun“: to N amendnwnt which has bought tl whole work of redis- mulaage umcl hands of the judges. them “my. _ ,, f, _ -.-e- s_--.- -' ------ ----- :errimry can Show he best of all is, it I the people tor accumulating the astonishing pro- GRANTS AID, H's rs Tapper rise on the 1 mend ment lulu work t nds ol the We the 115 ttt 87,140,418 $5, 182,541 140,418 21 182.544 " 196,127 401,398 312., 769 I, 472,391 12$,685 2,848,289 2,000,UJO 5,267 1,937, 231 1,180. 483 are no 37. tri: II t vexed zurouslv Vince or an slum all is, it 479, 656 1 18, Oli) 120,732 usage 37. 196 une- I'vdlit-liun. eta away down In [ll'lt’k‘ 59,56: Ill imselt House which redis. . L. GRANT. M, md 31 tl " _-----------------" This rinciple had been incorporated into Jd bill already by the Govern- ment but last session the Opp'peition had strongly opposed. it. Sir illrid Lnurier congratulated the Opposition units happy conversion, but pmmed out that circumstances did not call lor such a measure at the present time; though alter the next census the Gov- ernment would be quite. prepared to VIIIIIIUII" 'Ivu-y. vv _"'" I . extend the rinciple it had already initiated. Tens incident closed, the bill passed the House by a majority of more than two to one, and it now remains to be seen to what extent the, Senate has gained in wisdom and understanding since last summer. The North-West Mounted Felice. The announcement. that the Govern- ment had decided to immediately recruit the Northwest Mounted Police up to lull strength will be received with interest and satisfaction not only in the west where the members of this organization are so well known and so highly esteemed, but aown here in the east also where the events of the past tew months have made us person- ally acquainted, with many of them. It is announced that a hundred and twenty-live men will be recruited in the Maritime Provinces and a similar - ' a-S I ,A __ -" pm for wil Suckell l w Mn- U Haw H "mum."- and Hrength. yr Hugh Awhuon had La arippe. Mr A ucDougall had I wreak. A has all,†Lui ..i,ee,1tjio,,ncs, in all linss of oods to c wince you tbty,t 'e mean offering 31/ M .t" '2gss-sitrsetf. ll Tert,r3g: Are gm cantruct in raw umber Male-elm We are sorry It in m- Harm»: Miss MMT' their gr: t+reirtrr et " Wit W N (I ucqueu was a caller Minna " who is coawlaiviu 'd very well. w rl th prim; like tlttw week. “In It be all " the streets in “In mb own-om. '1 new :er n comm "it, Win wank a Magnum},- Small Jr,lde,,-ar,,nrricir'ii"iii% her Annie to the Queen city, Annie a to may tor the summer. Sarah t visit to her Anus Mrs ,Gorssirtcii0 but neighbor girls. Ll 1ro surry to pan with Mr Wilt†'od ueighbor, a tirst "lluit' butcher modal farmer. Mr Wtrters mum]; 1 to Nurnmnby Mr Robert Mturr nght the Witter: farm. Buy the aumclxine lo for we must haw} Volcanic Eruptions at to her mun! bent-h. Hrs s summing from ma effect. uf Dr Snead: is in attendance. Haw in fast improving m health uter McCall _ m repair" y and Jennie uanrlaua visit 'andpnrents Last Sunday. HIT Brownsville in?†to tire, il m ll Ina-l I mud bee hr iulse Luildiug mam-rm The boys are Inokin In for the nun] bee. are kin KW ls um 3.50 “Ml! vEtuptiuur rob life Arum; Salve Cttrp. e care on aches. Only trad Sold 23'rirkg" I†*5; firm on lot 2 Lung Muurl noun " " ll We trin fhn1uhed hi, relhtut of his 6.00 7.Nt The snow “tack of 20. (M " on " f not bl) eta all " "r', a l) Trade good for the small run offered. 1 Quality of cattle was fair. All stock sold out. 1 Prices were prtwrrcally unchanged, hut sales were effected more easily than , during the past week. I Hugs were unchanged at $4.75 to $5.37} Sheep and lambs steady. A moderate quantity of good lambs were at ill wanted. Receipts Wele ti00 cattle, 150 sheep and lambs, L100 hogs. Export Cattle - About three loads sold at slightly better demand at $4.75 to $5 per cwt for heavy cattle. and 84.40 to $4.00. in. lighter stock. Export Bulls-A small run sold to a somewhat weak demand at 34 to 84.25 per cwt for heavy bollocks and $3.50 to $3.90 for lighter stock. Butchers' Cattle. -- Trade was good. that is the small run caused a In isker feeling, but wit-es were not materially changed. Choice heifers and steers sold at $4 to $4.25 per ewt, good cattle. at $3.50 to $3.90 per cwt, medium to mixed lots at $3 to $3.50 per cwt. and common cows at $2.50 to 83 per cwt. Mitch CowsAStendy at $30 to $50 a head. "V . Feeders -ver erate demand. uuvhanged. u... ......,..--. titockertr- A small run met a. fair demand at unchanged ,rices. Feeding Bulls--- Bulls for fattening sold at $2.75 Ut $3.25 per owl. Stuck Bulls--- Light, dock hulls sold ~teady at $2 to $250 per ewt. Carves--Atrout 12 valves sold at 8t to 812 a. head. Latnlts---Good trade and all stock sold out early at $4.50 to 85.50 per and cwt. and $5.50 to $6 per cwt for picked ewes and wethevs. A Wueat..................... Pet"........................ Barley..................... Oats........................ Luubs............,........ Drensed Hogs, per cm; Hop, Live Weight...†Beef. per ttNt............ Lard. parlb.............. Butter, fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. sheep-Steady at $3.50 to 34 per cwt tor export ewes and $2.50 to $4 a. head for tnticherg' sheep. Hotpe- Unehanked at $5.373, for. selec- tions of 160 to 200 pounds, natural weight, and $4.75 per cwt for thick and light bats. Hide-t. pen cwt.......... Calfskiu‘, per Ib........ Sheepskins............... Tallow rendered per lb Har....----. Apples. pm bag......... Poustoes. per bag....... Wood, per eord......... Flour......... . Was the result ot bin splendid health. Indomilahle will and Lrexurudous energy Ire trot found where Swami-h. Liver Kssinsry-retttmrtylr are on; m order. It you want. these qualities Incl the mecca: they Iii-mu. use King's New Life Pills. They deveiopevery power " brain and body, Only Me In. the drug stun)... 2 bugs DURHAM MARKETS. u: Live Stock Market Bismark's Iron Nerve "I It is purely vegetable-contains no mineral mugs whatever-and cannot possibly do any harm, even if it fails to cure you. And if "it does not cure you your money will be returned. There is no reason, therefore, why you should not (and every reason gym should) begin treat- ment,to-day, if you are slitiGriug in any degree from 01rm'arive Herbs tabiets is sold by druggists at $r.oo '9; bdx (also in powdered form). If you can't get it of your druggist, we will mail you a box-ooo days' trcatment--0a receipt ofirrice.' . . ' ht lilitti.ve herbs oo o ------ tew oitered to n mod- Prices were quoted .0- THE hoa 0. Buss 00.. 232 St. Paul 81ml. "entail. at. hi5 splendid health. Lremrudous energy ere titounteh, Liver 6 600 TO 4'0 la? i,hG/t pnivum tettsattt mange 58 60 M 26 M 60 18 18 orpplaiyt 600 100 " 20 60 GO 4o 27 19 IR iitl Prevent chapping and keep the face and hands soft and white. JAS R. GUN SIANDARD 1llit (lf alllll AGENTS in all principal pmng in Ontario, Quebec. Manitoba. United States and England. A general Banking business transacted. Drafts issqu and collections made on all pniuud. Deposits received and inter- est allowed at current rates. 9231794: jfceds. SAVINGS BANK stvitttps bank deposits of 81.00 and up- wards. Prmupt atteutio" and every facility afforded cuuwnwrn living at n distance. want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse com- fortably, will bring pvofit to you in the greater amoum of “ark he will do. Winter Need IT--- In Heavy and Light Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets Ete. ibly do any harm, even if it does not cure you your money DURHAM AGENCY. than! GYM iciul'uh GUN'N TOILET BALM. FAVORITE TOILET CREAM. (Sample sizes. 10c.) GUN’S ALBA CREAM. ROSE COLD CREAM. LAIT-DE- LA NOLI A. GLYUERINE. ROSE WATER, (Triple Extract.) VASELINE CA M Q’HOR ICE. ....DRUGGIST.... M. 0. Agent, Can. Express. ftor March winds. IS RELIABLE HARNESS. Bttstn WE SUPPLY J. KELLY, Agent. C. LEA VENS mineral drugs Interest allowed on T, We Undertaking no Emba'l'mc on I up»: an mnnhlr ppt Woum mutual. um um: Vulcan-Io the Wurmlnrr and Uldorlakint 1!an octah- uamd by Mr tr.tttest nu button In "" all .ahl rum nor " pH I}! old II d m . cunt- Furniture of the M Makes noun" PUBLIC. convanmcln. cc omee----L0WER TOWN. DUB"... -....,..‘.v .-v-. - _v ___ m the <aot"t 0mm ost,usfatstioat Collections Bnd Agency prom' - 'lei.".' Domain. Morten: Pte; c. lorroc y rerun: . man [about 't',h'd"l In. Ind Executor mini-tnwn' Accr-untu rugged and matron-u Conn Bum-mu. rot." of latter: of “mm-mum and cumin-M1 obtaiued. Search" and“. may on. I. mm "sported an. Company cud princ- Funds to Loan on “mtg“.- at tow at an. of tom». Volum- mndo " I competent uni mom! Vila-tor. long)! to Loan a reasonablo rues an on terms to sun borrower. oFFiCE--Mcityre Block. .. n BARRISTER. SOLICITOR m SUI-NEH. COURT. Nanny PUILIC. counuuoutn. "c. Omer, over Loan and Insurance Agent, an“: ancer. Commissioner, ae. [DANE pr, MONEY OtBee El. J. FREEL, M. o., MISS SHEWELL WOOL TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES Remember an ntnnd- oppodu the lurk». Durban. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durham Pharmacy Cahicr's Blocx. Residence first door west of the Post ottice. Durham. Honox Linda-to of Trinity Gallop. Toronto; Member of Lb. College of Hindus“ und tiargootus, Out. ; Number of the Detroit Hod- in] and “bury Auocmlon. an 'E'r-ro‘ .on’hll KIM-cc. UPPER TOWN. m-------'"--".'" I did not new any itrmn fr: Corners Ian-1y so I thought. I we ttfew. Such an important p' midway between Aberdeen and mun. ha represent“. 'eq-trem-old musk Building, apron“. :2; C. Mel“! uon'l Imphmeut Shop. “may: ON HAND. PICTURE "will: A SPECIAL" A large gun Fletcher's " Miss J Min making in DI W. L. MCKENZIE hrm on we M’uuuu. "nu . “a - McKechnie Bros. ' M r Jumm MeDonOt is bu wood to Durham. ' Mr Arthur Samaria: expect; to Brant man to IN i4d law. tarry to have (b Min Junk Pnthetbouqh upsets to '0 bmk to Toronto soon. Ohm will be 'ldfdiil. aaeqtere. SOLICITOR, Dr. T. (l. HOLT L. D. S. We can give you Bargains. urristar, our , Gon- wyancor, _ tc., 'diff.'.". MONEY TO LOAN Mi E l DAVIDSON. DENTISTRY. yt We we may to lose our In inlendorf. who had moved il, rm an the second. whit!) liq h . LEFROY McCAUL. . P. TELFO RD, " managed “than: delay. Concetta-I rmplly made. [manna 03061“. To LOAN at lowest nu- of than“. no door north of B. Boot“. Dal-hm. ADV DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES. &c., Ive, are prepared tolmn- (He your WOOL & other produce to Sour omirr satisfaction. ' M' n Miss SHEWELL lurch» Ion". Mu IK'LL LIFE 'rr- (inmt's store. Lower Town her 1mg of men started to work in wmmp last week. G McLenn in locum: dress- Dnrhum with “in Hughes. an McCormick from Banana: “er mam Manda wound hero Mull Corner, ny mg qua ty. " Medusa ittjiwr the Boat " luv: bebo an haw hauli: “(ended the Id pronounce DURHAM from Hull would mute plum lying 1d Welbeek work wil Mr