93 Div Mr Cuban. Dorooch will hold 3 -thtg It tho Gum Hull on Thundsy m a the 'temi boot. “in Cordoba Dean in "mm; a the " We“! and waiting on her mother. Jul. Atkinson And son leave this nook M the North West. We with them -.. His sale In“ very moon-Ital " Smith. Gum] Rapids, in visiting In! mother Mrs. Dean, who is very low at pawn. Alex, Jopp is leaving Edge Hill for the Culley Town, and expects to 20 on the W this manner. Mr. and Mrs W. Firth. Jessa In visiting friends round Edge Hill There was quite a move took place in our village Thursday Last when Charles Smith moved into the house lately vacated by A Horsbnrgh. S T Orchard into the house vacated by C , Smi.h and Richard Elles intothe home l vacated by S TOrchard. Mr and Mrs W S IIorsburgh spent rt of last week and part of the week e'i,'r'i" with Newbridgis friends. And stillthuy an West., On Tues-l day morning the following left this) gtatinn tor the West Thos Main with a car of stock and implements for Sum. mertmry N. W. T., Wm Swanston and JamesMcEven with a car between "shettt with8 horses and hum imple- ment.tor Immden N. W. T., John lain and Oliver Rogers for Indian Bind, John Allan for Grenfell, Rich. 1iltieattorLtmsden all in the N. W. T. l Mrs Wm Ella. who has been in Toronto for the past two months being treated by a specialist, came home on Saturday and we are glad to say is feeling much better. Allan Homburgh moved his family to the township of Sunnidale last week. There are quite a number in this village sick with bad colds or La grippe We make mention ot Wm Doyle who is seriously ill. John Sahel! and Ned Speck of New Lowell were guests " W S Hurs- burgh’s for a few days lately. In J W Danbrook of Newbridge visited her parents here lately Mr and in A Donne. Well Mr Editor the few tine days past Are indication that spring is near and your correspondent heard the sweet melodv ot the robin on Monday which is another sign ot spring. In envied by atl poor dyspeptlcs whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All we!) should know Hut. Dr. King's New Lift, Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Lint Remedy. gives as splendid appwiw loom! digestion ami th regular bodily habit that insured porfect health and great notâ€. Only Me, at our drug “urea. Mr A Leslie having "mud his farm to Mr L McDongnll is movmg this week to let Forest. Mr and Mrs Leslie ware among the tirat settlers around here. coming 41 years "o, 1nd have borne the brunt of the silly nastier. The whole 'K""", [eels they If. loung a kind neighbor ad wishes him much bappmera In " new home. [Our correspondent has an extended notice of the dentin of Mrs Long. the sul" luneo of which appear. elsewhere.] The Putriotie Cuuoort held in Bil-bell Bull Friday evening the 28 inst. mu quite a succes- in every rupee; The choir mm occupied by Mr Walter Eadie Who did his duty Io peruetion. The Dur- ham Glee Club was in attendance and to them Dromoro uwaa a debt. at gratitude tor the manner In which they discharged the duties devolving upnu tin-m. Judging hom the wonner in which the several Pure" Wore rendered they must haw "not some time and patience in the I'orr',tdoi'yi2h,'i"ot Among those who too pert in the prognm wus J A Hunter, who at interval: gave in number of patriotic magi; well reudercsl. J l' Tolfnrul unganil received eucoren. F, McClooklin ("commie song. which Wttm well re- ceived Lawyer Davidson's songs were wollrenderozl. The Soldier's Drill was another feature which drew much atten- tion and was well received. Mies Jean chwick ind Mr Wm Buiunge enlivened the nudienca by their wings and were loud- ly "teored. Spochei were given by the choirmnn and the Rev Mr Campbell who spoke Ihly. altar which the usqu when of thunk: to all who took pm. Hi the "eo- ing's entertainment. All went home well satisdud, A sleight-ml “the youth Ind bunny of Dromoro spent a very plenum time Fnduy evening at the home of Mr John Sincluir. Mr Bobcit Bye.Woodlnnd. Mr Rob Taylur gave his mother a vine last Sunday and Sands}. Misc Bonniu Gabon who left for Toronto A short time up) was again culled home the other dar. owing to tho Slim cf her mother. We hope to hear of her recovery soon. Mr John Carson who has been living in Osprey for the past 8 yum hat moved back to his farm lately vacated by Mr Halfpenny who has moved to the farm of Mr Robert Bye.Woodland. Mr and Mn Wm Clark of I'aruey ulna attended service here Inst Sunday. Mr and Mrs Hanna of Egertom Proton “shed their parents and attended services have hurt Sundnv. The Appetite of a Goat Edge Hill. Holstein. Dromore. WI u, J P Telford F, McClooinn was well re- 's song! Were Jtrstsopville, remain for some esperiall.y " - Mr George Petty m hired with Mrs Juo Blytl: for the summer montlm. A ample of load- of young pimple spent a wry enjoy-Ne evening at the home of Mrs And Marshall in Durham on Fridwy ovnuu Mr Earnest morning: for the Me Roi-t Watson jr. after an atrieneo of eight yen-n visioed friends here the latter nartnf but week. Bob looks halo and hearty. Mr Sand, McIlvride " visiting friends m when out: at present and his. sister Miss Jessie "Honda returning with him. Another great discoverv has been turule and that too by a lady in thi. country. "Disuoie Installed ite clutche- "pull her and for nee-van years she withstood its new-ran, news. bat her vital organs were "nderuuiuod and (luuth sum-med Imminent. For three months she cunglml incessantly. um! could not sleep. She tiuttlly diurovet- ed a Way In tecnvury, hv parehariug of us no lm'tle of Dr. King's New Di-covety tor Consumption. and was so lunch relieved on taking first dose. that "l". slept all night. and In": two males. has been ub- solnbely cured. Her name in Mrs. Luther Lute. Thus writes W. C. Humuxcka Co., of Shelby, N. U. Trill bottles fre" " our Drug: Store. Regular size 50c and and 01.00. Every bottle guitnnwed. 4 Pathmaetcrs: -Tee Jacol, Yarult. Chas. (bald, It Morrison. 1Vm Bradley, Alex Schnun. w T Finder. .lnhn Troy. Jos Meyers. John Hastings. Lalmn Gray. wrn Cownu. Pet,rtBUck. .lus Hay. Alex Allan. S Neal. It Mieklehorough, H AdnnrsJ Rtimith, EGaeranu Hunt. _ c, W Hallway. R Irwin. it McDonald. T (‘nntlimJ E Itowland. " Stewart. J Bolton. InnKeith. Jer Burk. P McIn- tyre. Juo Porter. Angus McNair. Arch McPhee, wr" Brown. Jim McLauhlzm. WGardiner, w Puttersnn. w Fl Ray, Thus Hattie. Alex Buchanan, S Shire. Jno Hunter, w Gilles. R MeFhwhern. F Dillon, J Stewart. A Yake, J Tmnpe. M Kennedy. H annnt. Mal Campbell. lt T Dodds. Jno Dyre. Jasper Whyte. F Campion, Jno Sinclair. J Muir, Jas Calder. Jno Wilson, Con Schenk. H Reid, P Mohan, Jno Nelson. Jas Durrant, J Plister. Jas Renton. Joe Err-lee, w Adams. Geo Lothian, H Haw. G Haw, Jn ' Allan, Wm Hunter. w Moore. Chtv, Snmil. h' Petty, N Cameron. D Hatuilton, IV Lawrence. w P watson, F Hargrave, J 1Veir. Jas Mc-Dnnguld. Jaw Matthews, Arch Band. W It Watson Jones Harrison. H McKinnon. I). ALLAN, Clerk. Council met Man-h Nth. Minutes "pproved. C.ouutmniotion" veceived from Treasure: Normunhy respoctinq a basis of passing Tp. m-cuunts: from h'taudard Hank, Durham acknowledging t'etvitrt of 85t.tri"vftitratio" quansos Pe If. S. B. Owen S und Road: odvic. boat Tp. tiolivitoy I'muwmjn! [hr fort-going; from ('mmdinn Newer Pipe Co. Resolved that. the Ulerk write for. qllnlntimu from furvgmng ffo. an we believe it is a slop in the right, direction 0-. “count of the dimtutlty of nhtuining M dar. for culverts. C'artied. Hastie w ROM. - That. Ill order be drawn on the Treasure! fm the 2mm of $54.65 kgretttont's share of cost, of Arbi- tration " Union Sclmols Eg't and Nnrnzunhy. Carried. The appointment of Pathnuvstors were considered and the names: of the following pawns were inserted in the hy-lnw and having passed the usual readings was night-d. smiled and ordered to be eugrosmed on the By-luw hook and numbered 127. This gave rise to a good deal of distueion com ring the work done With the expenglnture. (lining the ast three yours. jmrtitiod a. change. Ill,",', name of IV. T. Petrie wns inswrted in hy-lnw " Cottuuitvuoner, without-salary when hy-inw received its second and third readinge. was signed. sealed and ordered to be engrossed or hy-law hook. Carried. Resolved that the following act-‘19 he paid t---d A Lambert. {whiting Auditors reports $7.70: Mun'l \'u.ld. Assessor‘s Guide iiOct Clerks qumtwr salary $35. McQueen --. McIntyre - That we now adjourned to meet on Tuesday May 29th as a (hurt at Revi: ion mu! other lumi- nous. Carried . Mcoteeu--Httntie-Tltttt by-law No. 128 to tgy11 a Commissioner. to ex- pend the 1hutttnutation tax in the village of Holswin be now read a first time. Carried. ,Oqok's Coma Rqot Compound Discovered by a Woman North East Normanby. EGREIONT COUNCIL. Gadd left last Tuesday Word where he intends to timo. E. m†be minced the work done during the ast a. change. lil,",', wns inserted in i 'i,i,"sy'iii1'iweiiihlhiuaiyttiih1isiiiyityj,r, Weak apd Impure Blood, lecr and Kidney Diseases Female Complaints. etc. MacLeod's System Renovator TOUCHES THE SPOT a1 a L- :3 :51 a J11? ave you hsk drug/gist -n- writn direet to GROCERY DEPARTMENT. TEA is a good article to bur nm': wanrp Hm riaxus anu onepueru Lneeus are very tash- ionable this year. Khaki (Karky) is the very newest shade. It is a regular dust color and is extremely fashionable this season. This is the color the British Soldiers are wearing now. Positively they are the nicest lot yon could wish to see. It is a real pleasure to show them to you, for we know that if you do not buy at the time you may tell others of what you saw, and they will call and look at them also. Then we have a full range of trim- mings for each suit end. Our black goods are well worth looking over. Among them you will find a large assortment of 4 yard skirt ends, no two alike. from 25c to $1.25 yd Plaids and Shepherd Checks are very fash- ionable this year. Khaki (Ka'rky) is the very newest shade. It is a regular dust - warm: a you seen our 2trns: Dress Goods? , direet to J. M. MAFLEUII, Godeth H. Parker. Dxnggist. Durham. FOR "re" - . ' a tle: gm. FO iiktSE'ar 0n Salli if; 1' f) - :1 PLEAS‘NT. PURE AND HEALTHFUL Mfllillulls'l Gttaranlved to run- Ititetttttatirun, ' ti i. . " , I. Is,. . 1ti,,1it,,'iiil , â€3.3.. ll', , tko ' Neurulgiu. "tmilk . 7, - GIVE USACALL - . - IB))e,, Mm (4l,l,h,llt, BOOTS dl SHOES‘ lsjust, what,isneeded by young men and women slanting out in life. Bend for Cumlnuuo and College Journal which contain haters from successful students. PHHEM LINE PILLS Top Draft Queen Saving and Spending Manuraetu'd on Honor & Sold on Merit D. lVicPHA IL 2 ANY?! Amm' AND Gem’s “WATCHES. SILVERWARF. iearwattr:, CLOCKS. Svmwu-m, STERLING SILVER Seventies. &c. M. What full spend " good Jewelry is really a saving. Its always a valuable possession. Come and see our good PREP Lho. LIVINGSTONE Hts UNLY AISWHJ'TEIJ' RELIAH} REPARATIONS "h' THE HARRIET idem-e Owen Sound Spring term begins April 17th OUR BUSINESS COURSE A Carload mic by N. PARKER. Drham hope to meet all old friends and many new ones in our New Premis West, ot the Silddzmgh House. Nurther'n Business (70“ch C. A . FLEMING. Wheeled Vghicles --Sin,1,rer Sewing 1raehitts-Ro Brockville. Call e Cutters ever brou one Quality, '1‘ng Pllfifili()hilih" Medicines .. McArthur, Durham, Ont 'qul H'ST ARRIVE o, -lioPHVlLLE. D. McPHUL. Hum-til or to C. RA'AGE. I) Are the speciality of the trade. Stag Quality and Price are up to date. 'e are determined to give the best bargains in footwear that can be given. -----9ur Stock is open for inspection.“ hem and be inter A . GORDON, Licensed Au the County l Spring trade has opened in full blast at McArthur’s. LEADING J ms Rum - - Durham. Mating ‘slwl. ritzy one and h ---_a-rimr--...-, FHNCH'JI tit i rev ht tham It BEST LE from the Canada Carriage Works, rly and see the Dest Collection of t to Durham. Many Styles, 0an (lf UUTTERS! HURN’S OLD STAND o The membenof the Ontario Agri- cultural nnd Experiment“ Union are pleased to name that " Iâ€) thew are again prepared to ditetrfttttte inweverv Township of. Ontario material for experiments with fettilizera, fodder crops, mots, grains, gusset. and elovets , tor tnspection.----- - Highest Price for Macs. Experimental Union Held Test: 1930 TENDERS will be Wle by I upto " o'elork noon on Mar, tavern] works of MM: I Nick k lulu-mom. on lot I). can T. “mm acme-Noun an be I." at tl 2i'l'.'lh'e', urchin-ct. loo-t than be . vac-vet! "epemto or u a wh, and which have not been coated over with land plaster. 30 I’lamingCorn in mm and squares. Material for either No. 25 experi- ment or No. 26 ex imam will be sent by expreu. 2'rd,'. each ot me other: it will be Wed by mail. Each person in Ontario who wishes moonduct an experiment and is willing to use great care and accuracy in the work and report the results or the test as soon as [legible after harvest should select the exact experiment desired and apply for the same nt an early date. The material will be forwarded in the order in which the Applications are received until the limited sumily is exhausted. " might be well tor etch applicant mmnke sitcom! choice for tear the titat (Mild not be muted. Mir. PAh, 1900. 16 IO 11 u ’H Stoves: my and†1saGGiaiii -. iiGik stock feeding Three varieties ' Two varieties ot Three yarieties 1 Three varieties; Three varieties of Boy or Japan-e Beams. Three varieties “Ruskin: Corn. Three Varieties of mucous. Two varieties of Sager Beets tor tii1'ii'i'ig'lyoglh1?i: Vetehm. Dwarf Fae: lupe and two varieties of Kale Corn. Three varieties of Milk Three eombinations o ladder. Grass Peas and two infoln, Marne, and Hum Ited Clover. ve varieties of Gran-es. wee varieties of Field Beans tree var4etiea a Sweet Corn. ur fertilizers and no fen; with Com. ur fertiligem and nu tar: lrll‘. TO CONTRACTORS varieties rfiUredutt Turnip.. uric-ties at Fall Turnip. yarieties ot Carrots. varieties of Fodder or silage Irieties of Clover Lueerne. and . CavitiAttt, College. 1 Guelph. Ont. mocha] by the mukniunvd anon on Lett Luth, tor the, nun: . Mick "ttte um. Mono .eun T. ti-tot. Human-l 2t are, P gm gas. at A Russian need Ind two Tarieties at Pnlpers. die _ Tami"; . ‘505- The In on 'bemeqtt-t. Wood Savers 810 and up. W. te. WALL u wa 2:) experi- imam will be if each ot we lam Pom" Grain for Summit m dates done by dav and h have u. :rdliul It“! zer when: at tha “In: that me their the P after l their has I shop new " m front Ur "Ute in In! Board " I luv the!" she Me ' nod "I l Dar! I“!!! It“. md‘ I“ "e any er ht "I? p tte, " " In The "" " the H, th we: M h R it