B?†Gem close this. Thursday caning. be the Easter holidays and reopen My April 23rd. I“ Wright & noon Will clan their Durham OfBee until the end of the Phrtiaatrastarr Session M. Toronto. m which time Mt. Damon will he at their Durham 0mm every Monday as usual. W. Calder Musey Harris Agent intends to have at large delivery of two uploads"! Binders one on- of Drills. mar of Mowetru, Dim: Han-rows and Bakes on Tuesday next Fair day PArguctt.--Nothintr too good for the Ill-h just now. The Duke of York's - cum in to he called Paunck if the Queen bu her wuy. When the warmth of the English people to lrehuul equals that of the Queen. Inland will be happy. “It Scott-M is arlever etocutioultst. --reooto World. -m u: Invv .. _..- _.-..-., q upload“)! and"; one up of Drills, Tumours WANTEu-For extension chemo! lowgrg. Dire Han-rows and and improvements on Durham Presby- Bikes on Tuesday a," Fair slay Ito-rim: Church. Tenders for the above will 3w received by the Mnlmgvrs until Pargamr.--Nothintt too good for the I Saturday. April 21, Plans and BpecitV ltbh just now. The Duke of ?.?'teicatuyw at. McFUrlane's Drug Store. ttabrnon i. tube called Patrick if the Durham. Tenders may be either. for Oteen bats her TFor. When the warmth ( parts of the work or for the whole. ofthe English people to Inland â€PMâ€, The aney Harris Co. have got out thatottheqteeu.ireunuwulirehapprs new Light Binder for the coming Fon 81.!ll-- The Review and Weekly i gram". It has been tlmruuglily hated Globe wtit he pent than. lst. lull. Will I and " tbe easiest running hindc-r in the our friends make this offer known to ‘ world. Everv farmer should sm- it, non-renders ot either. The two Pape"' "Songs of the Empire" ma sung by for 't.00 to the end of the century. 5 Miss King in well worttr the price of v . ' , we.' 'udunsxiun totheConcert in the Town Pttttcher "f u.. ti. B. N; t':l'11T1it l Hell Tuesday 17th. The tau-her of U. ti. S. No. 6. Eldelslie mod Sullivan. lmd occasion to punish 0-0 of bin pupils recently. Iv order to [Ct even, tho pupil with n companion wont to the ochnol on the following Saturday 3nd knocked " plaster. punched bolt: in the liltckhuurds. tore tnttUta nnd did (liming. m the extent of m The boys' poltrntswill ttave-ttfoot. "lk The boys' erutswill Imvemtmr the higu--ta. tH. GIDIGI'S DAX.-- An exchange Points out that u April 23is St. George's a]. " should he specially honored in - " the lulluntry diuplayod by Wires Devons. Cornwall: &c.. in “South African War. By all menus. and from pram-In appearances the wnr “but: out till next November. when Me willjue an opportunity of honoring " Andi-0"! day. Thistle, Itose and t.arnrock forever. will.†run BoEres.--TUe New York l “at“ of March 17 says: "According T - qmeut cable dispatch [mm Lam I in. this morning. the British and _ Mix“ Bible Society intends to provide' all Boer priconers with Bible-s in Dutch." the New York Observer suggests than and line be placed in these books, at Lake xiv. Iii-31: "What king gning tr “he war against another king, sitteth not down f1rst and mnsnlteth ,rhether be henna with ten thousand Quentin) that cometh against him “I: IWcmy thousand ? Or also while - other is a great way on. he sondeth - “We Mid donireth conditions Wilma run tgtrcKERs.--The o. Sound g It', time! last week under the alros P head- i d lug has a scathing article on fake aid-id Milling srhetues. such no tvade hullev I a lugs. hotel registers. painting on hurl†room ceilings, kin and grunt-ally against l (t mush-m and ephemeral advertNing Ly . i, teyT: ail-angel" and MUN. We l " fancy o. Sound must he more gnllililw , tban Iturhaut in this rosin-rt. though no I doubt DthAm has its nppurtunit in mo. Il Only last week an agent of " Toronto ll printing lions» was in town tiyizig tn 'l secure orders for mnunvn-inl stunt-n»: y t printing. and as the ulijc-i'l is "lwny, in I more 50(1) or I'll!) quantitim a rate per t $000is quoted which of ('nurs'e ls lower t than usually quoted by local printers on l F aoarnities of 1000 or less. It in reported E I than business umn in a neighboring ' l villas. to the West. gave a $75 order to i I than Toronto ttrm and we have no doubt. , that (or ouch an order local house. l would be prepared to givo as good when. as the, outsider. who pays no , as. and ads no local institutions, “daily or otherwise. . Airworth News. . Tho-village mu saddened on Thursday _ 4 by a nae-age Innouncing the death ml. lean nt nominal: that mom- . The accessed was a daughter of. In Home.“ Durham and a mate: of a Mr.. Bttiott of thitrphtee and with whom i2". lived foe some years. For two years ?- aho was an eMeient teacher in our E -rert and only gave up her position l liGrt higher education. During her 3,944“.an here she won a favorite with a 2‘ - knew her. and although she has fj "tieted for some time with en. ig, i . at. of the heart and it maxi 4f. . mm she could not get beam} ii"h"' ‘ Mmmdmdeoth was a shock I _ " pny friend. here. At the time st' Mild“)? - than previous ' 'iltt . “Who-collieruncle. ' u " W. in Mm. bot ' " - no! to Ihqhatrgt on rr 'iir'iai.uorrteaoee.tr, l ' i'tiftftit'j119ati3at,tt, 1'lt"g,' I tht . li=5C.4 um‘vy'w‘ p, "R.. a I“ IBll= ". E-lime; w,, " l Mm‘sssb -ement of Wu mat i, - the news‘ " her many t: VOL. Local and District News. XXII. NO. 15. Mrs. tgeott.Raft shows are skill in her "Character Sketches" Town Hall Tues. day 17th. Good General Semant wanted to so to Hamilton II a family of two. Apply at this ofBee. 2 Peat fuel has been tried by several “Miser-ton residents and with very in. different sum-m. The Home of Refuge people burntn ton of It in two days. Smuous Acorn an. -..Lust Thursday. Mr. Km Br, while going down the cellar stairs. slipped, and in the fall had the misfortune to are-k his hip bone. lie has suffered a great deal, but is now resting easier. Tm: ENLARGE“) TORONTO sTAR.---The I Tumu'o Daily Star having installed ui flint press. With it capacity of 2t.000) copies an hour. the paper has been en-! urged and greatly improved. It Miow, regarded as the leading Mternmm paper} in Onturiu. A grant feature of the Shir; is Sam Hunter's cartoons-the host. by: the way. to be seen in any paper in: Canada. Mr. Hunter’s political nub-i jean-we enjoy-d by puliticans of hath; tides. The Imam: which he introduces; Into the cartoon: makes them u patlabi, aisle to Conservative as they no, to: Liberals. The Star is a. grant paper. ', -wacr" ijihilik -i, -ucraiiiciriyl held over. Tm: LATE DONALD McDoNarar.--oi, Tuesday morning of this week Donald? McDonald. (Constable) passed uwny nt) the ripe use of 71 yls. Although for} nmny ye-arsn. great sulfa-er from Rheu- tuatitsrtt, he WM always a healthy man and only took to his bad a few weebo INTO. He was one of the old and res- pected pioneers of Bantinck having ;set.Lled west of Rocky Sanger!) neclrly jo years ago and about 30 years ago [moved to Durham. where he was for lumuv years t.onetairl" and health In. Spector. Heieaves as ctuef mournela his wife 3 nuns and 3 daughters. Don- ald. Hugh and George. the two latter ‘with us. and Mrs. Tait Toronto. Mrs. ii'v"iii.iiiioii and Mrs. Wut Harhottle, lSnult the. Marie. He is to be buried, ltn-dny. Thursday at2 p. m. Now THE Dawn's Tmts.-lhe editor of the Check-y Enterprise reviews Shel- dun’s attempt to publish a Christian dmly paper and finds little to commend and much to condemn. Thin experi- mom he says N to he tried on the opposite extreme as the follcwing interesting paragmph shows: "As an advertising "cheme it was R great THE LATE MISS KATIE FIRTH.~ On 1 â€" “mm" ‘:"""' Sunday morning last after two months' i . Mr. po. Firth, we. are pleased U patient suffering Miss Katie Firth, of?" feeling "ronf" this week, an Zion, Glenelg, a young lady of great. hope balmy spring and one of d promise, breathed her Inst. Deceased and doughter Mm Hattie. {it pl mu taken ill in Janina-y and though at. home. will soon bring him tbl seen to he seriously ill, certain rallies MN". ehe made gave hope of possible jj:,i:u,sj.r,.i Rev. M. P. Campbell end Mrs. t but such wng not to he. She bore her bell, Mulock. gave us a. pleasant Ch sickneeg very patiently and with Christ. I week. Mr. Campbell hue Just. in" fortitude, and her remoyal at the. taken charge of tht Baptist cont threqhold of mature lite, with many tions of Mulock and North Glenelg gnu-u and gifts which endeared her to wish forbtnru. stteeeeNl.I.tt.e.yt. MIL both young and old. is deeply re- HARRIED. igretted. She was just 2 months _ei'iiiaeseyrt.ee,iii,iii?,,i'i't the real 21 yenm of age. and was the youngest . of the bride’s parents, 3rd con. ‘ni‘ three daughter and three sons, child-5 tinckf/n Wednesday April I ren of Wm. Firth and his first wife, Rev, Wm. Famnharson. Jess (Katherine Manyden. a sister to the daughter or)!“ John Baum“ i McFayden’s of the 2nd Concmion. As l Mr, John Quinn, formerly ot m a worker in Chmch and Sunday school i HORSESHOEING will he eatl missed. The. funeral“ mt place S,' iirlul; to Zion cemetery I " OLD PRICES“ und Wu largely attended. her pastor. -- Rev. Mr. Fermi-on conducting touching mil magma he†to man “0'ng “Mm W's hir T thtstrtttttjstrfDurliaat and ',rf,htih',.% toth, trg TLe. ttttt burned 'ttat he to wand to I. 1iUTll 'r)'ig't,'ii3tE'hl - “a, 'irtdtttuet'te!tti 't"tteq" MOI. who land he! devoully 'ttttttttr. AttB6 att4ttsh, , new.» John-am» a...“ "stet.tatjAite.Ct,tt,t9,'t i ‘W“~‘ I '" km vis',"',',"".:'::'?;':", _ Cy i 'ii3tttliii,m Ill, l, NEW Connnsmxmcm‘. - This week I we welcome to our staff a new corres- 1 ponden. from Scotch town district. and ifm his Brat budget appelring 10-day fr feol 'ture he wtll maintain the high ,alandard of his predecessor and keep {Scotch Town well to the front. Our .hearty thnnksare due and are hereby :tendered to our late correspondent on laying down his versatile pen In the , n'mntime, and wall our correspondents we tnke thin opportunity of saying The (PPM. of the C. E. Society here has received a receipt faom Dr. Warden for 851.8) for the Indian Famine Fund, collocted by the Snciety for this worthy object. Nor GoiNa.--rhe French Internation- al Exhibition opens on Sunday next. The treatment, their pre" has given the Queen deserves punishment. conmh quentlvthe Review will not he reple- sented. 7 _ We understand the property mat of Caldwell's Livery. which Mr. u. Me. Kinnon, was expectin to occupy. tttus ' sold to Mr. N. 'l'l',d't',','C'.' The f1neet lot of Buggies ever new in Durham is the “and expreuion about W. Calder": tine stock of buggies. Call and see the stock. There in no other Drill just. quite " good as the Mnsey Harris Drill. Save money by buying the beet. In your perusal of the REVIEW do not "light, the tuivertitwments. Our hosi- nesn men do not "deertim, for fun t they have something profittthle to tell you. You can often save the suhscrlpnon price of your paper through taking advantage of the hurguius which some advertiser has to offer but of which you would know nothing did you not see the advertisetneut. Mr. Duncan Marshall lately employed as an organizer tor the Dominion Alliance. has purchased the Thornlmry Standard. somewhat of an ohm-um settling down for one who has roamed the Dun-imam. However. if he can "qlintr" his ink like his eloquertee the Standard will show up. “Ls‘ciés'é‘ï¬nIaBii'iiEJrg 'iii";'??']?]?) stain on Thursday, April 19. to grant Licenses for the ennum; you. I “Thank ymatV9rr the ability and the willimnm displayed in having their districts worthily represented in the REVIEW. No hatter and! of correspond- PINE can be found in the County and minis not merely our opininn. Parson“. MENTION- MissMary Marshall of the Review tstsft, with her mother is visiting friends in S. Egremont. ', Messrs. M, K. tSeaton Flesherton. and {Chang Ryan. Ceylon, were in town on t.Thursdssy Inst. Pleased to have a chat l with them over their extensive timber- ( iug intelests. Rev. Mr. Ferguson exchanged pulpils with Rey. Mr. Ecker of Kenilworth circuit the former preaching Education- Bl sermons. Dr. Hutton. and Mr. Dugald McCor- mack were representatives of'Privevi1te who wem In town last Friday. Pleased to meet them both. Rey. Mr. Forquharuon was in Toronto but week in connection with the Knox College examinations where he has some arduous work as one of the examiners. Mrs. H. Holloway. of New York is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wus. lnnes. Mrs. limes. we are sorry to say has been ill for some t.itue, but :24 now improving. DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 12 1900. Miss Williams. Evangelist left for Teeterville her next hehl of labor. on Saturday morning. Her work here was quite successful A number buying united with the church at. a result of her an! nest. efforts. Mr. Jno, Firth, we are planned to say is fooling stronger this week, And wan hope balmy spring and are of doctor and daughter Min Hattie. " preunt a home,.will soon inns him mound min. Rev. M. P. Campbell and Mn. Camp- bell, Unlock. sure as a pleasant cull but week. M: . Cnmphell has just. lately taken charge of the Baptist congrega- lions of Mulock and North Glenelg. We wish for him a saeeetmNitttee.Le.... IARRIED. Qurtm--0imiacosa: -At the residence of the bride’s parents, 3rd con. Ben- tinck an Wednesday April li, ty Rev, Wm. Fartpthtusprt, Jessie A. daughter of Mr. John Duusmore. to Mr. John Quinn, formerly ot Holland. THE undersigned begs to intimate to the public of Dnrlnm and neigh- borhood that he is prepared to do all kind: of blacksmith!“ u cheap as my. Factory Shoe; 266M 'é,fifa m r_,'.c1i't'iet'is) _, r†w " 5" A?" r,iiiii'iitii, Mt] _', m i The word "April†Lotti! scholar- all: (e: come. from "Aperto," to open, not“ " to generally explolned that thi's name, [was applied to that mum because then I the bud: begun to open to the genial? warmth of Spring. This "my he correct hut we have a. lingering suspicion thi- week, that 'Aperio' must. have been . taken from the practice of some old Roman Millinou who no doubt had I something more brilliant. for the head. iof Roman maid: and nmtronn than thei Molded cloth or cloak or tog. whichl I pictures of the lime, represent. Yes. no "ouht,patrietmt or plebeian notation-i l “in would open his eyes (as his modern icompeer does) us he opened the door of some ancient niilllnety establishment on opening dny in it far away B. U. year-i [ before the opening of the Christian em. I , And At' he gazed on the gorgeous colors t lnmt now forgotten shape. of the timel I among which his wife or daughter w-cs lrevelling. no doubt, his heart opened,' tam! hy and by his pume would open.) 'uml perhaps us he heard the price hisi "eves would open again still wider I Yes, this must he the meaning of) Milliuei-y "opening," f Anyway the "mum " with us again of lovely shapes and "creations" in ladies' headwear and even here we learn with some surprise. the War has mule its mark in I larger display than usual of dark effects in much With English fashions. where nutty an: in morning. However on cnbering the eltnhlishmenl of we find everything mt bright an ever with the draping "lunged by the ar- tistic eyes and hands of Miss Mack, Tt'ill",'.'if, an attractive appearance. right ribbon: on a. hack ground of lace were plemnuy arranged. and full nupplies of slandmd millinery. such as sailor Illa walking hats, elm. etc. The firnrt we notice is a large picture hat. made of black Shirred chiffon with " full edge of black satin straw braid, thvee black tips gracefully falling at the left side, a rich cluster of pink silk morning-glories catching it u l at the left side. Gndsome pair of him-L chiffon _ ties caught with a rhinestone btwkle finishing it at the hack. There in a pretty thing in the popular bb Hohhs" hat made III burnt orange and "lack. black chiffon shit-red facing. The tiarirtg front in himtnetl with burnt orange tucked chithut having a lat-auti- ful hunt-h of hlack tlowing mpreys caught with a block chiffon rosette in flout. Tut-hang are an attractive style thin year. and a striking one which ne'er fails to catch the eye is a Spanish turban made in violet and cream, huge mutt" in front along with a massive bunch of douhle violets. The soft roll going around the crown is draped with hand- laonle cream lace caught With a rhine- , stone hackle at, back. Passing up stairs int i the Cor.," and "u,ll-lit rooms of this new "tul "ttteu- prising firm we tind Miss Dick in charge, , and loyally had she worked in the Brit- i nth and thinadUn colors with the usual "tay draping: and ndornuwnts of her i fine millinory exhibit. I We notice that amongst het display in. large but of black fancy straw, the lorim facehwiti.s folds "f black. hills Then We have something new in n Tuscan Straw Sheperrleus trimmed with hands of black velvet. ribbon, huge rosettes of white chiffon. hmvk ospreys and cumm- blossoms completing a. lieauty. Then there in the "Amazon“, and the "Unique" the former in pastel pink, the latter in pastel green. with Attractive trimmings. A Child's Legh'n-u fiat, with rosettes and dainty flowers in front should tte awn. and so uhoultl a wealth of hike-wad Hats. Ladies' hummus. Mourning tun-hams 610. &c. fit lllllllM OPENINGS. name In prawn Cara." -.- "w - - an immense ‘chou' at white Mutton and tugrette l on hand is a bow of white fawn velvet. QM}?! .n‘VlI 'm-__"-- Muss Dick has heen ttrtstit1td at the success attending her nut work in Dur- ham and m visit to her tasteful show- rooms will repay anyone interested in luillinery, . iss Culhertmn's modes-L little. Sign»: ?.tC,' Timers, Etc. Mtg-d in a quiet pyl " the town l nut 1 3:12:31 Barrows. the only drawing influence to hfr to: '; . . roams. As usual her fin.t laft' an. Wilkinson Ploug] knowledge of the. commumty s noggin: l 1 to 20, and repair minim†ttr', "ti'G; t'lt1'ol(U"i'lptie", ', Shares, Soleplates, diqt,'%,t only brtéflr notice: Agf-x Kenning. unless (lt manna hat trimmed m black Ind v l e each place. ill; fancy Gauze tiuttrhed stand- with in wt: trim and falling wfurym of O†WHE tttg a. tful' of m 'o-proyn at Pulsar-“811mb. G and tr and white it â€In; A V ieiCiiGutotAtoq, Loop‘ “1.0 , "m†f,Mtltf "l'd'ft itt"atfg am In 1Mttf'dltiilll'. m in: In 'iirairft-""trr','"""' a} M ISS' c1ILBE' RTSO_N_. H. F. MOKLOCK. IRELAND & (O qi) _1tgiii_ibtt) new We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit a continuance of the same, "Large Sales & Small Profits." We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : avcrything for (Farmers ! CULTIVATING, Coulter dc Spott pain; ON WHEELS, Palmerston BMW M“ Bell. Datum: Tm a... L'iig'iiiiiiiiidEifff, "($18911th -biie and (tgl; Har- rows, Beatflertr, Etc. A so Scotch Diamond Barrows. lkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares. Soleplates, Eta. Not genuine unless the words $g Wm each piece. Wilkinson Famous rt5,tv,'s, Cash System We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Tia' ara " iiaassos l’wuau Wilkinson Famous Steel Boliec ma ' ADOPTED BY Drills and ELS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Bugle! tron: Mpben ot Landm- ilitalt “I Bodi- m at PIANO ad 0mm , A “to dust of In by“ alw- N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. WHOLE N0. 1152. . McKechnie. RrSiirt _ -.BARGArNB IN TWEED- A good Tweed for Mc nnd an all wool Tweed for Mc W.†I GRANT'B AD. Fm u} you COIPAxY " is out r made in than an“ .--TrBE- "gal?