West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Apr 1900, p. 4

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93 bi G Mr. Neil num)" who ha been " D. “lupin for the last three month, un In: It“. Neil mod n gmat utttttttee of “but: while but and he will b. - nil-0d. Watch the not!" this “In. Mr. Archie Bergman, left for ttie lower Man: In: week and upon. good “no. among the mos-Inch. Borne In" tapped the tau and no caching n tow drop. of the pneions up to be "tused down to maple syrup. Mr. Oscar Konold. in annual with John Mimi], (or the Spring work. The snow is “king its Bight very slow I, and by Ill nppunnco the spring will In lata, " As it u noun time lines Balsam Valley '9 heard from we now take cur pen in [nod to ”In. 310' thrilling incidents. be an attempt by the British Parlia- ment to tax the colonies; he had even titrured out that Canada's share of that taxation would be about equal to her entire revenue at the present time and much more in the same strain, equally imaginerv and quite as absurd, Sir Charles nae taken some wonderfully sharp turns during his long and check- cred polilical career, bat in his present endeavor to as a strong anti-im- rialiat in duebec, while still appear- lit as the Mar performer in an ttltra- British comedy in Ontario, he excels himself'. is not inclined to pursue any halt mea- sures and realizing that desperate ex- pedients are necessary to recover the ground which has been so completely lost in the Province of Quebec he goes down the Ancient Capital, and there declares for Canadian independence as against the '1lira-itrTerissliim of the wicked Grits. He conjures up terrible consequences it this imperialism is not checked, not the least ot which would 0n the other hand the Tory policy in to make no concession whatever to the empireunleas there is an actual quid pro quo. which can be mathe- maticnlly checked oft-eoneession for 'roeteetm'on,----and allowed nothing for the sentimental good-will which is so uniyersally recognized as a powerful tutor in the promotion of national Cas we'll 'y!..i.ttdj..vidyu gnlty. Bat Sir Charla iiiii'G having once taken the plunge and turned the Double Somersault Clear-Cat Denials of the imperial statesmen whose names havebeen made such unwarranted use of this connection. The Duke of Dev- onshire states "while I congratulated Sr Wilfrid Laurier and the Dominion ofCanada on the offer which has been made toadmit British goods at reduc- ed rates as compared with those on the goods ot other nations as an important step in direction of lmfFeriul unity, I have no authority to o er, and did not offer to Canada a. preference in the Bri. tish markets". Mr, Chamberlain from his place on the Treasury benches in the Imperial House tsaid":--", have never done anything of the sort. It is one oftbuse mistakes of which l am so largelv the victim, and which perhaps it would be hardly worth wliiletoooii- tradict until the occasion becomes ur- WI!"- 7 -- After all it should not be difticalt to under stand very clearly the respec- tive trade Policies of the two parties. The Libera policy is the establishing of n revenue tarifr, to be lecnred not by sudden or sweeping cha es. which unsettle and jeopardize Pawnee; in- terests and make the npproech of the budget an ennuel recurring period of anxiety and unrest in trade circles but by giving tlpbstantial reductions In Favor Of British Goods thereby securing the good will of the British consumer; and obtaining an entry on most fuvonhle terms into the vast markets of the empire. The working out of this policy has not be- gun and ended in trothy declamations of loyalty, but it inn established tact neeotnpliahed in the face of strenuous opposition from the Tories and allready resulting in increased trade with Bri- tein tothe tune of many millions of dollars, annually. All DURHAM REVIEW. be thoroughly agreed is that what- ever the policy is it is boundtobe wrong. There is one other point, by the way, gran whichthere is a fair unanimity opinion in the Tory ranks, and that is in persisting that the Imperial Govorment offered Ca nada a reciprocal perterenee but Sir Wilfrid Laurier upurned the offer declaring that we Would give a preterence and wanted nothing in return. One would imagine this absurdity would ha re been drop- pod by now, for it has been absolutely refuted woken. bat it still Rppeitl‘s tromtimetotime in the hope that it may tind a chance believer here and there. It is therefore perhaps just as well to repent the Members ofthe Opposition have talk- ed so much nonsense about the Gover- ment's preferential policy that they ap- pear to be hopelessly mixed upamong themselves as to what that policy really in. Various prominent members ot the party have placed themselves an rev cord with view and ornclasions dim metrically opposed to each other. the 9nly_point upon which they appear to A MIXED-UP 0PP08H|0N. 193mm. Aprii ii,niifd e, " am , R (lat $gri2l (hlggilt Balsam Valley. Editor 1rd Ptotrrmtor, 'g,f,fo8ti1err, have: guarantee' to cure alt tarmac Sexun Weakness. all effects 01311050 or excess, Heme] Worry, Excessive use of To. bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt ot price. one packm $1. nix. $6. One militia-dc. mum can. Pamphlets free to any Odd“. Tbs Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Donald MchmIol with Henry on the other end of the saw out, on!I cord and a half in 45 minutes. I will ask Maple Park to notice this. As wood cutter. Maple Park in ahead, we can't touch them. In there not a little wind in the correspondence ? Mr Henry Hofhon took his: depar- ture to the college Inst Monday. Mr. Hoffman is About bu ring the house at NeilMchunel’s. [I’Henrv buys it he will move It " the road. then we will expect something by the 2tth of May. Mchenzle. . Cupid's ants have been very ofreetive, this whilolmck. The many tingling uf the wedding bells are hard all nrnnnri. The parents of Jmnes \anuon. Regina rot-owed a letter. from him telling us that Nelson Bord, one of our neighhoru snld his property for wnich he received 33.500; the mum he bought at, '400. Mr. Buyd’s health has failed him and he is compelled to give up farming. Mist Martha Wilson h engaged with Mrs John Hardy, Swinmn Park. a Go. hue the contrucr to hmld nix harm an: rummer. The walking briumlo marched out to to Mr. W. Dorrmrr's last Friday night ttnd went thrnngh tho quirk stop move- ment to the mimic turniahed " Prolensor James Wilson us away east near l#rrielooking for more ship timber. The swmnps nrvtoo wet at. present to work. A McLeod called on hm brother Neil. Me in home after sealing the estate of his brother. We think the wow will not stnylong " we had rain Monday night. Our sideronds are in 3 had stale. Councillor McIntyre was in our burg on Monday. ou, blacksmith drew his attention to the Mateo! the norm". mud and water ankle deep. -‘ Mr. Sam Todd bade fararweil lust Mm)? day to Bonthville. He will be much missed by Mrs and Mia- Booth, for he took the place of a non and brother. We wish him a cafe journey. places nearer Dome. Mr. A. McLean who list is on the move again Wrth tho ndveut of hm is tatting n boon. [ McKe Mr. Gilbert McQueen of Dunn-con visited friends here last Sunday. to Toronto. Floalnvrton, wl places nearer b Some of tho Easter McCunmcl tot" Plunghirg has commence scum] the. advance by ttt Tim Canadian Ch organs again in ttttte Us KmKing'd poem bl W Mr. Dnvid PM". of (Eldon mini b" be“: here hyiuu to dietroms of Man property of 200 Ammo-m no judge by tho llama msknd that he will hold it to: turbine. The (“make Bum. are Inlay drawing tilup Know! to Cerlo" this httst wook. Th.., dont can whether it snows, blows or tree. zes, they will get through any way. Mr. Geo. Haw has purchased I born from D. Frruuiotr, he my he has in ten!" nu“ that “'1” out draw any [hing on the What we ht"tp. That. Ned i, gun”! to tumveh mud on the 19m this PIIIIHIIQY- Ard some one one. will follow bin tracks. hr "r. 1 H. Pnrknr hm M r It “ M ismadetofit SHOREY’S CLOTHING ple Good Clothes are worth the price asked for them. M d M M, up Aft tt t ple :- Wood's Phosphodino, P1tosptr?diyo in soil in Dnrhu 6nd Ma oFarlauié Arc Dunning on tr TM am: Er ah NJ Bold and 'd'g,'f,'lut't, by alt dragging in Gun-do. 0nl gels tttlf medicine 'lil/tslit'?. st; ROCKY SAUGEEN Ite , tt n Boothvllle peangngnpa are mmnzimg mvs trnyolling. Min E. l Mr. J. MoKmnom went Mr. P. J. lltKeclmie to ile min-rm are xisitintt I Chair have their Toad Nine. and instead ofgiving In "pay. pay, pay", have or tveit-ts,), wotk. .0- ll wan went; by the neighborhuui at Mt. , Wednesday night. 3.1- Taruey has rent. 3 farm, and is busy tred, MI (“mini .1 Lune ImiM- H. MrKnchuie hmld nix harm on the nick SHOREY’S Shorey's Clothing is Viscrild_ “(Quickie "1-1;". derstandiitg that if it is not satisfactory your money will be returned. is sure. to be good, as in every garment made by H. Shorey & Co., their reputation is at stage, and they cannot afford to sacrifice that. Any article of clothing bearing tirst M M _ 'd, “ £1193?wa “233 q Sllil0REY'S LABEL We have a new light Massey-Harris Binder we want you to sec, rcduu weight and Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. Positively thc c; running Binder in the world. s----; lincof HANDS. ORGANS. and SEWING MACHINES...--, We are well stocked with TURNII‘ SOWERS, SCUFFLFRS, HAY FORKS, LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at 57f. Issuer of MARRIAGE Lice LOWER TOWN WM n E Implement Warerooms. CAI l 1llllllllllltl And now Mafekmg. All right on April 8. Messages from them speak of a. southern relief force being near. but Roberts has never said so. Plumer is powerless but persistent on the North. Iflutrm comes to this gallant garrison now the whole empire will be indignant. Nothing very striking has taken place during the week. The Boers' audacious march south which has been the feature of the last two weeks has been checked. and more, it is believed they recognize their danger and are treking north- wards, along the Basutolnnu border. Wepener, where 500 British under Col. Dalgety have been surrounded a a week or more, is practically relieved by the Boers retiring. They made vie. ious attacks but were galluntly repulsed. The enemy in Natal are also retiring though Buller is not yet advancing; probably waiting till Rolmrts‘ advances. Roberts is still at Bloemfontein. the army eonfideut and hopeful. 'waiting for horses.' Madmen seems to be pushing north. east. from Bosliof, and is really the only one making lmsdway.....G'atdere has 'resigned' and is going to England: two but] mishaps to his name and his recall will be a lesson...Gen. White " in Eng. land and his welcome was a. wonder.... The German Sallie]. on Byprmushing St. Helena made an unsucceqsl‘nl "ort to etmtxpe....Prtrir, Kroger bu been South in the Free Sum main to encourage the burghen it is thought....The Boer envoys are interviemngEuropem anth- oriuu und any that 9 powars tilink of tnterrentton....8tratheoms'g Home at- riyed last week, 168 horses died on the passage. Mr and Mrs Moses Donnelly of Ben- Linrk came down on Sunday to ent their easter eggs at. Mrs D's home. Mr G Johnston is vNitittg his brother Wm. in town for n few days. We are pleased to hear that, Mrs Wm McMitcheil of Allenfonl. is somewhat improved In health after a long and sprint]! illness. Mr Ben-tie Carson is rrn9wing old acquaintances in this part after a yrar's stny down country. Miss Lizzie Fee of Willin hnme fot the Banter hulidnyn Mr and Mrs Wm Md‘almu Much are visiting frivnds in V in the neighlun hood fur n fev Thee was an extra bright the face of Rev. Mr. Cat Huhtmth last. The (“use arrival of a little Easter “turning. That grim monitor death bu once more visited our community and has thin time laid its icy hand on the beloved wife of Junie. Peter» Jr. when, hunt Saturdny warning her spirit took ita flight to the land of eternal rest. She had been ill but a. few hoursnnd never hm the community he": so shocked hy the announcement. of any death as by that of hers. The remains were interred on Monday nfh-rnnnn in Maplewood "etttetery and "largeconcouviof sun-rowing friends followed hrr to her last long ranting plm'o. Fihrs leaves " loving hmlmnd and hmr H\""Pl chilrlven to mourn lu-r grc-nl, lusslult they have turrtsolatiort in the thoughrot the gun-ll rmmiun "I tne "i'rovtvtt'cthrtiday, Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest improvements on all articles. Don't fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. tie, North East Norman”. MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM was: v THE WAR .0- 'm McC'.almon of Dor- frivnds in Varnq and md fur n few days. axtm bright smile on IV. Mr. Camphell nu The_mune being the of W'iliiunwford Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Carts to choose from. Goods bought six months ago. Prices will surprise you. Clare Serge Suits Retail for $l2.75 {it wmmm that For the week ending April 14, 1900. Temperature Max. Min. April tl.......... 36 26 '. 9.......... 32 13 .. IO.......... an 17 " ll......... 44 17 66 P.?........... 37 32 " 13.......... 35 as $t It... ...... 47 as Rainfall for the week, 1.4 inches. Snowfall .. 1 inch. Hours of Snnahinl. 33.7 General direction of the winds. north erly and westerly. On the ozher hand in Ontario and Quebec the weather for March has been exceptionally cold and bluster- ing with good sieighing. rapid changes of temperature but fortaGtely much bright sunshine. Rreaeeaseitutsaiyeiysog3gsetsii"i ' what's the Matt: fl , with the Canucks? 4: peered, ploughing began about the middle ofthe month. a month earlier than last year and so mild indeed has the winter been that cattle have had no fodder but that which they have picked up on the prairie. currant and gooseberry Were in bloom about the middle of the month. In Manitoba and the Territories the early part. at the month was (301d. but about the middle of the month the chinook winds from the Paeitie Ocean began to blow, the snow rapidly disap- pen‘red. plpughing began about the Rainfall for the week 0.7 in. Snowfall for the week 1 inch. Hours of nunshine 28.4, General direction of the wind has been from west. to north and moderate and cold ilowever ittdicationsot up preachingapiing Menu! wanting. The buds of nmny forest treei are swelliue. Tho (linking of the willow :n-u nut, Ct.tscunen are in tiowvr. Liliesaml other ertrly ttourtttOg plants are "tsltittg up their leaves. and the spring hirds radius and ullu-Is art- hert. in great “null-ms. in British Columbia the temperature in March has been unusullv high so much so that fruit trees, applv, pear and peach recs. as well asthe hardicr For the WEATHER BULLETIN. WEATHER BULLETIN. Next to Bank. Repairmg done prom My and I? GUARANTEED. and don't you forget it either. The stock is always up to date and prices right. --Weddine Rings They's all right. and so is McFarlane’s Watches. W h. hiaflfllllill. April taa Week Ending Apr. 7.1900 Tttrtpetrture. Max. Min. ALDER nm a few days, these ' No other shop where low a price. of MARRIAGE Licenses m to see, reduced in Positively the easiest FT i Specialty. - 40 47 43 56 etc 31 30 no Itt - - - - - - -. . 6 was "h"oiMrsiiseraraasoirsirLiiuusoooms,aso'te' Wfififijfififififigfifi seil?vbsiFcilptereil?qiesieciers CD t Qty? 90.; l 32$wa DRESS MMft WE HAVE DECIDED“ Nk, Danish Sugar Beet-The . Mange! Wurtzel-, .37 7rtas, Fish Yarn. 761' ---Climb the hill we " uuuut going into details as to weight of each and how we landed them, we will simply give you an estimate of our catch-.. 500 doz. --Now we have 200 doz. left, and as we can't eat them all, we count them out to you at 15c per doz., or. $3.2 5 per half barrel. Without going into details and how we landed them, On a big reduction in our Delph and Dinner Sets. Also odd Pm Sugar Beet-- H The Staple selection of Field and Garden Seeds are from one of the best Houses in Britain. q", fill flillR nil 60ML___ fill ililllgl YOUR PlEISHRE IND (lllllilfllgll)ll, (il, [E MD '"2fi1ii'"'?fti""?e'1ii; SEEDS! SEEDS . . Whatever fabric the fashion makers have decided should be fashionable for spring and early summer wear is now being shown in our Dress Goods section, where assort- ments are complete and strictly Up-to-dltc. The showing easily surpasses anything of the kind we have ever made. There is more of it and a much greater variety, the fabrics are better and more beautiful than ever, and among them some of the hand- somest and most unique designs that ever came to Durham. The weaves and color- ings are simply charming, and every piece has been personally selected by ourselves. These fabrics are worthy coming miles to see, and everyone within reach of this store is welcome to come and see. i. Carter's Mammoth Long Red, Carter's Giant Ye Evans Saw-log. SWEDE TURNIPS .-All the best varieties. FIELD CARRors-.white, Yellow and Red. ‘icld and Garden CORN, Clover and G rass Seeds, -----SEED POTATOES--.. respectfully write you to "attern Ibttg, "otcnets, am Tlnu‘sday. Friday. Sam V. BURNET Import of Seeds by H. PARKER I- PARKEI lon In our Delph and Chinaware. Toilet, . L. Also odd Cups, Saucers, Plates etc., etc FOR EARLY SPRING WEAR. ----_--,.-- mute you Io mar Syn/lg Bounds, and Mil/inery Friday, Saturday], April and follrmiuo dame. FV$$¥$$$ ,oillpay Stott for your trouble. Red Top Silesian. grow W99 Druggist and "re'eeei?seit?r9aii, 'h', .1t £2. "i"i"ii' largest grown. OPENING RM] limit, s to large size Siam Yellow 'din Potato Opening Q; Fore/tie, JG LE . ,DURH Brow mul- of “(than I Shoemkms “to" um “perm Our early We Lard Baa: Brute Hog: Lush Om Col Barby WI W wk, Ruffle Tnble 5% m " .53 Me Our“ tte ll “are @qu per " Stil CHI Fa H

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