a“sԤ.si "....... )l 'Oduce KRESS it Kress UU " A guard wu- wt on the Parliament‘ buildings, hose were run out in nudi-J m-ss. but happily the precautions 'ftP,i not. needed. Parliament adloyrned tilll Tttemdny and the regular run of nu kind- of Inniness was uric-tad for the trreatl, catastrophe. Suhacriptiom have poured ! in. the Dominion give. 3100.000. Om. tario province 325000. and the name of rivate donors, many anonymouu is region. The Queen Iendl her Tg,'t,t,h,r, and London's Lord lnyor wil open a, fund to mint the miners. ! This Quake city is lit ol devoted tol new P I lumbering in on. form 'g. lumber. and I nominating It seems was almost entirely comlruct- 1 tot e nun ed of lumber. The wonder' is that in " Aberdeen ml) of 15011) inhabited largely by the1 Allan Part working clung. booted in wooden I Aha“? homes. such catastrophes do not occur Boothvllle often. Not only the houses but the Cnldorwoo treat mill yards of Eddy uni 'L'l'f1rii"G wot th millions of dollars 5f? gone up in I I',rawtorx1 smoke. and 10000 people are not only', Dornoch homeless but out of emplo menu l Edge Hill Montreal Mid other cine. sent Kelp lol Glaacott tight tho fire, but itwnn of little aGii.hu.ire,rttden The tire jumped the river and a. large Hobenngh part of Ottawa called "The tho" w“, Hampnen also devastated. l {191L9‘I'21k8 . no 0 $5522“ Cle. -"tLe..9t.fts,t.yttytn,tl, noun Last Thunduy while a workmen'l wife In Hull In: pre ring her fire for dinner an ext-m orkindling not the vhiumey on Bre, which set the house on the, and thoufh euly noticed. other houses, were uh eze, and in an hour or two despite the efforts of Fire Britain And private exertion. it wu seen that Hull wan doomed. Hull In 1mm. Ottawa Badly Scorched. A Salmons thoo.- On Monday evening next the (I. E. Society have anot her of their popular and instructive I literary evenings. This time Shotdnn'ai humus book "In HiaStepo. or “first! would Jesus do" is the work to be dis- cussed and the committee hare already made an Mann! of topics. Nu PAruMAsrERa.-tiuilivnn Councirlnnd (inc-elm we lenrtt from the Chesley Enterprise, on .u ed- _ . vmmn- we: hm tlwmled Ly the casting rote of the, lumber of: rrovo lt, do without pathmusters. The: Forest. on new wan-m divides the Townshia into; '//'g,'1uht.o,t, . '., . . ' romt are four maul (harlot... each under C'.11iiiiii, le10 super‘. Horn. who notify the ratepayers , of Normal whm the work is to he done, and they people no: will see that A uniform allowance is conducted . Ayton. made for man and team. that full time Orchard cot and full load: a! an"! Ae., are put in. b ----- The“ men will need to he heave. 'd'il song P he in three or [outplac- at on", if, u is reported. the new - in nmvcrul- From the fy condemned. " an experiment. is General rec will be PM], watched. following u (‘lx‘rcnv FUND-Tha, Dndalk Herald l in authority for the following. Price-i villa has rained ' MMO, of which 20 per; rem goes to the Common Fund. Swim: ton Park in hem- cnnvnuod and will doi proportionately welt. Fleuhulon hug mined ova won. and it expected thug Wand Proton Station will but A: parti- al. Mint "I. lei-0pc will raise w, of which 40 per. ml. gun to the Common Fund end Maxwell will rain 84(1), the tune nmount hing elevotod to the Common Fund. Fever. uhnm i. w-modelling their church yel wdl mu» m. 10 per cent. lo the Com-l Gm You: Prt-es.--The plums. Ac. given no premiums by the Fruit. Growers' Amiution tn th memlm. of the Durham Horticultural Society ul- an hand and should be called for " no". Apply to Bee. Gorsli-.--LArmt. Since writing the above In learn that the other premiums have arrived also. (full for there " once and no" the Bee- retu'y my unnocnnry trouble. last unm- "lt in with pleasure we In- nnum-e that business in In encouraging that we have ventured to invest in A paper cutter and some new type, which arrived since In! issue, TTo are now in "ape to got out neat work and . better nlner. Gun the Surnchnncc to shine.' lead full details on our Inside pagan. paper Dr. Gun In! established once hours at h in 000‘. Drug more Lowe! Town. and will generally he found there from H to " B. m. and from , to 4 p. m. Bm-sn To Hum Tau Bmrr.--Mr. Jae Patton, Quinton Park bu dupooed of hi. stallion "tustiemore Boh" And pur- chased the Imported Clyde-dale Sm]. lion "leper" from Mr. Calhoun, of M Nehru for the In!) of $1500. (2lilllll'll GREMESI HRE. “'ANTID Ar ONCE --Udr apprentice talent-n tailoring. Apply to John Nieh. ol. Lower Town. No woman can hoop homo right without one of D Khan's clothe. mic. Luca. Wright I Bataan will clone their Durham 00cc until the and of the Parliamentary Sudan " Toronto, After which time Ill. Bat-0| will be at their Durham ofBee - Monday " usual. Fuu'mnmsmwlr. B. H. Townnond. :bli-hor of the Wroxeter Star says in n , Local and District News. tssussmm< --_ '0 A r GRANT’S. . f---", ' Dress Goods VOL. " Save your money by buying your dress goods at wholesale prices. -..- XXII. NO. 18. M‘s: s' l _ M" ' F- . o ' t " ttrr-rt-ttttttxr-TTT C :holésale ' 1- "r"""""".'".',, m I; ' .. "u. . § Owen Sound 811079 “4102 857971 35022 [Durban ..... 1852 mus 7215 (13 l Priceyillo .. . . .. 421 ' 5275 no trl . Ir,t:,eho,.r.t-. 220 was EB 14 |Holltein . . . . . .. 518 0321 1245 “I chad MtPorest...... as» $413 13410. _ ass . Hanover....... m 9471 was an ' Dundalk.. . . . . .. 1414 15142 tBN itil ml" I Flesh-non .. . .. “so 948 4753 sm 'e for Ceylon.. '_.. . SN 1112 'an “I t "an! Mirkdate ....r. 1020 15344 6tlti6 378 I000" Ayto-.......... 816 MN SM6 13 othor i Nan-wit. . . ... . 618 6131 1117 40 In or Chntaworth. . .. 718 5074 253 162 qndos Wiitiamsford.. 232 646 406 26 that Elmwood.... .. 510 8145 I†89 ed Here is alot, the revenue of the n.on- , l “counting oMeen of tne district giving 1 3:1 , to the nearest dollars.. 'll, a 1 Aberdeen 3 37 Muloclr s 37 / the; Allan Park 10t Murdock 12 roden f Allfeldt. 211 Nenagh 21 nccurl Boothrihe 44 Orehird 35 t the Unldorwood 112 Pomona 24 leoth l Conn 301 Proton Sta. 240 up In I Crawford 37 Robb 24 only _ Dornoch 168 Ry, Saugeen 48 "cm. i Edge Hill 99 Sw’n Park 103 'lp to 1 Glut-mt 14 Traverston F.? “mil. I Gleneden 53 Varney 100 “We! Hahermahl 32 Ventry 37 was I 11311111111an 37 Vickers 12r ll From the Report of the Postmaster , General received this week we take the i following statistic. of uccounting otBcee I in lhie district for the year ending June (30, 1890. A curious diturrepaney in the l me of the Post ottlce in observisbie, for ;0wen Sound and Hanover alone Show nun-v money (paid out for orders (hen , Wu issued. )nly the even dollnrs are l, given 2 LAND Roraatmr-ot the best make and at ransom“. prim " tho Inna foundry. WIMmthon. , Tendon will be received by the under- "ned until the 5th of May for poet and tree planting. med-grading and other improvements in and abtmt Durham Cemetery. o) :Wzs-r Wu'r‘ro Dttr.--Amone these who left Mount Forest on Tu*. April 3rd, for Mnnitah. were two Normenby young men in the persona of less". Hector McQusrrie and Eugene Tnylor. The latter wss gong to join hishrother, Psirirk. who bu been in the west for two you-s. His hopes of a mteee"trteamertirétottact-s were cut short through death. , Bela" going to where his hrothee wu Mr. Taylor went to Glenbotb' when he was nailing st the residence of Mr. David Grier, formerly of Normsnby. On fut. u.dny. the 7th inst,, he was taken ill with a severe attack of pneumonia and, though he wns treated with Ikill and "arehtllr nursed. he passed nwny on Wednesday the 18th inst. The re- mains were brought home by the Inolliero! dereane arriving in Mount Forest on Saturday night last. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon hom the residence of his mother, Mrs. John Tnylor. of the second concession of Norma-by. A large number of people attended, the ceremony being conducted by Rev. Father Owens. of Ayton. Interment took place " Orchard cemetery. 1rorsectortutnpirell talk. on "School Cttfenren" heforse East BruceTetu.heri Immune in Walkertott next Friday. also he: an uddreu on "lurking Time." At the Public Meeting on Thursday evening. he will give an addres- on "The Inttuence of Thought on Clan-Ac- tor." which will he tho feature of the evening. Eatst Bruce inch." than! take their nominate for they will re~ coin numerous hints from our pruned Ind entbuoiutic Inspector, who conic. with him an Mmoophere of inlpimtion that .tintulateethe faithful teacher in his or her arduous work, _ Orr AND Hou- AaArs.--Thu town float Mr. John McKochnia Int mm†_ and a. reference to our nun-Mo column. will show the rOIOOI. Early on Thurs. dny the knot mu tied. and the happy pnirlenun s trip to Detroit. arriving home bylaw train on tuturdar night. and at one. Among showers of rice took pomssmn of their own home on umb. ton Nt. where Mr. and Min Campbell I Mather and sister of the bride. had everything in readiness fur them, We extend a hearty welcome to Mrs. Mc, Kechnie on behalf of REVIEW render. :nnl the warm"! t'ottgrntulatromt and beauties! [and wishes to both on their union. i, Place I Mr. Hopkins. from nou- Orchud Put. I --- ()ch in Normanby Towuhip. hu' AIOCIIOI' Vollet returned his toll Int iqud a writ, nun-inn Colin M. Birth of i week and from it we cull A few items of the sum. townahip for tho thoueattd I 'tttas-t to the town. If iii-nub“). to dullan. which he clonal u due for ' know that the total mantle for ml "Mee. Walkermn hwy"- u-e hand- And WOO! property and Income has line the cue. Mr. napkin. has natal incmed by 310372. the “gum now be. for Mr. myth for nun! yen. to it in In]: 031%“). and this in spite of very otid.--Bruce Herald. material uductiomin Upper Town pro" Ort “m "on Aots.-Thi. town party. The total inerenae In the item lost Mr. John MeKochnie Int Thursday y.yiitieitj,i'i,i. resident and non-resident l and I reference to our mun-inn rnlnmn- I l. "er 87000. Pet-unmu P-...- “an SOME POST OFFICE FIG URES. Mr. Jno. A. Blnck took A hunineu trip l for A few dun lat week through Ben. l tick and Sullivnn tad oerttred “VON! orders for ttrnveotones. He vltited Chuley friends en route. I NoShoddy thank D. Kinnoo‘o Pump- J. P. Tnnmnn, Beer. (iron C217', "WV idii Rev. mam Pttid Itll' . 18ti2 10948 7215 (EB . 421 5275 21m trl . 220 ms tm 14 . 518 $21 1245 44 . at» $413 18410 T ass . m 9471 can we . 1414 15142 m4 " . “so 948 4753 sm . SIN 1112 $7 14 . 161) 15864 was 378 . $5 MN 3M6 138 . 618 6431 1117 40 . 718 5974 2fitB 162 . 2B2 646 406 25 . 510 toc, 1m 89 10t 211 44 121 I4 Pomona 24 Proton Sta. 240 Robb PA Hy, Saugeen 48 Sw’n Park 103 Traverston 52 Mon, Ord'. Peil T) universe" Such were the ideal: that and hearted but cheerful vimged Thackeray worshipped. His own experience with married life we: unutterablr sad; for though his wife was living. yet he en!- fered more than the pang: of e widower for 23 yeere. Hie wife, after 53 year- in an insane "plum, died only six were Mo. The pathos of it in very tenderly told by Ciel-e B. Leugblin in the May lune of The Delineetol. HeArthuru hats and ups ere forg- ing to the front. Style and quality elwexe will. Tan DumnromuA new form of needlework. very beautiful in " results. is shown in the May Delineewr. In. stead of accomplishing embroidery by colored stitehes ’0! yer-ions lengths, A. heretofore. very pretty resulu ere obtained by sewing carefully toe proper heckground pnsll strips of colored silk cut out in. the shspe of leaves or petals or stalks. A most nttrectlvs future of the srticle describing this method_of work, is that there is A full pogo printed in colors showing the etNet of this dainty idea. Thukerey once wrote, Reckon among the blessings which Heaven hath bestowed on thee. the loves of faithful women. Purify thine own heart and try to make it worthy of tlmrs. All the prizes of Me are nothing compared to that one. All the rewards) of ambition, wealth, plenum. only. vanity and disappointment, grasped at l greedlly, fought over turcelr, and over] and over again found worthless by the universe†Snch were the, "In“. or... "A l V Trm "Pertai'--Everrone in town by its-dâ€. Wedneaddy. hos heard about the Pulls. who since Monday night have been showing their power, or' their skill. or both. as hypnotistsm the Town Hall. Of course they have dons some astonishing things " mind renders. eves to the tittdiag of some keys which had keen hid in the mat-bis shop it Monday afternoon. "rvutedousttrii " 3 free eihibition the public were prepared to witness scmethmg uncenny in the evening. He tirst exhibited. mind resding. using " mediums Messrs w. D. Mills. John Livingston. Jan. A. Hunter, Wm. Irwin, F. Sullivnn. w. H. Bean and Thos. G. Lauder. and in the usual way found things hidden by them unions the nudience. Later, four boys were put in the hypnotic state and sub. "ect to his will. picked strawberries on (the platform. reeled so drunken men. mgonized with the toothache. etc., etc. 3 Hypnotism is from A Greek word lnean- _ ing sleep and the some manifestation“ of unnatural sleep and tsubservient; mental and physical activity have been spoken of as animal magnetism, chir- voysnce and mesmerism. The lat. ter is taken from the name of Antony Mesmer. who, about 1776 Brat'.'brought this st rouge power into notice at Vienna That the subtle power exists. is un-i doubted. that it can he acquired seems. to be proved, that it will ever be of] prsctical benefit to humanity is very doubtful. The performers sre under the suspices of the L'aatadiantporeeurrs, sud their lshsrs of the proceeds is to be devoted to s very worthy object. A Social meeting under the auspices of the Ladies' Mission Circle will he held in the Baptist Church on Priday evening May 4th. Speakers from a dUtnnee are expected. Silver collection It the door, to be devoted to charitable purposes. You are naked to investigate the can“ of the rush in Boots and Show at Mr. Arthur's. See the goods and the prices you will then understand. As the unseat-mom of 18]) was 8ti000 over 18Wit will he Been that the rate of growthlil increasing ulna. we hope that this will go on, and have no doubt that. with an awakening knowledge if our natural advantages and reluurca-n coupled with business push and enter- prise, Durham will still more commend itself ungood place to live in and a most. desirable place to trade im At the same time the population too show. an increase of as over In". your. Mr. Voile" "curing Ill this in. cludes the latest bride and “no the latest baby! undue income “no ood OVER $10000 [IQ DURHAM, THURSDAY, MAY 3 1900. [new In Ml (lllllllllli2 Fermi)!“ property and Population 5113: n: “sass inertial. I population 36 over In". The REVIEW to new subscrib- ers_is Soc. to the end of 1900. See D. Kinnee’s Pumps before baring eluwhere. Tnonouonmuba you run Wm. -J. E. Smith. one of the Ingest breeders and exporters of thoroughbred cattle. of Brandon, Manitoba, purchased the other day from our mwnsmsn. Mr' A. S. Hunter, who has the largest herd of Hereford cattle in Ontario, 13 hulls of that breed, which left on Wednesday in charge. of Mr. Hunter Smith, son of the above, for Regina, where they ale to be placed on . ranch. Mr. Smith completes his cnrload st Elors. Withi other thoroughbred: and entire horses. i Mr. Hunter deserves to be congratulate edon his success in the breeding tine, his mun. now being known far 1116‘ near emongst stockmen. His Herd with this you-’s increue of m calves still numbers over 100, end ell good minds. [ Mr. Arthur Leidlaw errived home on Setnrdey from the School of Practical Science Toronto. heving just completed writing on the Annual Exeminetim of the 2nd year. Here in e nice my question from hie pepere: "From the moment of inertia ot e rectangle eheut e line at eynmetry. derive Moment of inertie’ of e triengle ehoet e line through in centre of cavity parallel to e aide." Another “Prove thet involnle teeth mey be one deeigned es to eonetrein e constant ratio of enguler velocities." We here euhmntted theee two to our eteff but the 'devil' him-elf cen mete nothing of them so far, end our teedere ere requested to lend enewere in time for next week. Mr. w. D, Hills. for the palm yeere In charge of the Entrance Department of the Public Schenl here has nude en enttNrement with the Imperial Life Aenrunce Bociety, and will - hie connection with the echool here At the end of the present term. This decision will be received by the town with genu- ine regret. " Hr. Mille has proved hie velee u a (ember end bu been highly eucreeeful at the exeminetione. Mr. Geo. McDonald went to the hot pital in Toronto hut week nnd under- went an operation on Tuesday. A telegram to his daur‘atel Cassie that, evening gave the cheering news that the operation no far was succceufnl. Sincerely we hope it may Mr. Thoo. mum... who is still in way drlieato bench. but had his troubles glut!) welded to by the illneu of mi two sons. the elder of whom Ina a It!" was stuck of pneumonia. Dr. Fuel is in attendance and we hope they may soon recover their usual health. 1 i Mr. T. Elwyn, town Monday hurt 'txom strum: for _ , sue-to! friends in I ' Rev. Mr. "mum. Mt, Fond. will preach in the Prethyurinu Church hero on Sunday no“. Mr. IFgrquhnmn tak. ing hm place in Mt. Forest. Both will draw the hue-Lion of the congregation to the Century Fund. Row. W. Kottlewell, Mt. Pore-t. oe- cupied the Methodiot pulpit on Sundsy morning and owning. and proved him. self I. spake: of nis moan shim]. Fair Collections were Mien up at both meeting. Mr. P. Sullivan. of a Whole-do Establishment in London spent p I four-week'l holiday with Mr. am Mill. and left Tuudny morning health greatly invigorated. Mina Lizzie Melina-1 mending the laat few mother and Inter in u home in Montreal on 1 - "my“ silkworm. l Ihhilrhhh l n a a f - Miss leggie Buchen. Btrittotd, is - home on e visit. ’ Mr. Jno. deck. in. we regre t to leern.| Great gtpuraiu'on ale 1 is still seriously ill with diebetos. . lleesrs Baht. Reid end Ed. Burnet cssssetNefafee left lest week for Seult Ste. Merle. "_-. Mr. and lil- Riddell, Welbeck. were Will continue until improvements ere completed. The guests " Ms. Allan IeKiIIen’s one changed candida of the store will give us the accessory ., evening this week. space. and " enable you to do business with us with Mr. R. D. "ate and sister Mrs. R. more comfort and astisfsction then hitherto. Wright. of Ceylon. visited Durham . ll friends on Huntley lest. --- Well bought " W 'old.----. Iiss Irate McKinnon of Crewford . . . . i ' " The business is bu m and sellin , and fth 'c"rdrrr' ispent lest week with her Mend His-l ere well bought “singling is an Easy mlatterf "ie, l Mary McIntosh of this town notwithstanding the advanced prices in ell lines of ,. _ Mr. Ed. Mdlloeklis. I'ttiind.lphia. i. goods we ere nelling new reliable goods as cheap es visiting his grendperents Mr. and In. you ever bought them. n', EV. Ild other roiattvee here. -""'"----------_---------.-., . . Mr. J. E. Smith of Brendon. Maui. ' -» _" tom :end his son Hunter Smith were (-M'LLINERY\ guestsof Mr. J. M. Hunter for A few . . . days last week and this. I May " the, great Milltttery Monte ofthe season. Miss (Elem Trebileock, who he: been We are . . . . . . . . . . ' prepared tor wide aw k eta . visiting for a time at Rev. Forgunone our showing of new hats and '/,i,,r,enttti,l,i'i's'r/,t £3213: left lately for her home In London to est interest to all lovers of stvlish Millinerv _ attend tn the Illness of her sister. , g ' l . - _ . Miss Lizzie McIntosh, who has been 5:22,; 3:) trimmed Hat icr,.lre'. spending the hurt few weeks with her * . T i.2S. mother and sister in town. left for her -_..- ~m home in Montreal on Tuesday lest. V Mr. T, Elwyn. Toronto arrived in Cash for Produce. . , town Monday last. and will test our Laldlaw S Old Stand trout streems for a. few dsys while A guest of friends in Durham end Bunee- E I I sen. I Mr. P. Sullivan. of e Wholesale Drug _ ’ Establishment in London spent part of I four-week's holidey with Mr. and M rs. , Mills nod left Tuesday morning with -._--, _ .-___h,,,,, - u, . - Mr. and lia- Riddell, We")! gunk " In. Allan Haiti-I evening thin week. Mr. R. D. begun: and liabl- Wright. of Ceylon. Tuit-d friends on Sunduy Int. Mr. Jno. Jack. in. we regre t to in will uriously ill with diabetes. Me-s Baht. Reid and Ed. I left laat weak tot tuuit Ra. Mule Lo-h. who has I ew weeks with I town. left for m Tuesdoy hut. Toronto arrived ' and will tea: a few do" whil d will test um N dayl while 1 am and Bunetr who bas heen -v. Ferguson's in London to “sister. t ON WHE E LS, Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies Buggie- trom Mpbell of London. t3ULTNATtNGt, _k' _ = a. girl . Cmgtler & Sgott Egills and iit ' Biillilf h " ' ntivators. isc an ade Har- .'\\ , ,A ..- i~ = ' rows, Seuffiers, Etc. Alpso Scotch 1ME'fr1"lri' , , Diamond Barrows. v alGtiT-s " Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to20, and repnmefall kinds. Sheree. Soleplntes, Etc. Not . genuine unless the words Ct Wmnnson Pmuan Colman " u out on each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Roller nude MI three ms We invite your 'ytte.ntiotrto the following lines of goods : everything for (Farmers f We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system Will merit a continuance of the same. "Large Bales & Small Profits" The buai Are well notwiths We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the' Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Cash System J-tti)",: are prepared tor wide ".showing of new hats ADOPTED BY ditiou of t will enable " G. a, J. McKECHNIE. . McKechnie. WHOLE NO. 1155. .. 'NCI v " . _ _ . = a. L'! " ", 'Ellis ’ -, " It) Uid _ =g b I SiS , ‘ " Jan...- "’ 7 Lette--" awake retailing in Hillincry and bounds is of the (feat