ttt [I _"": 13!! tr: The tire Ami-ted in the chimney ot a labnring' man's cottage in Hull. A 'erp high wind was blowing at the time. but nobody had the slightest idea of tin real extent of the danger. , An hour later the main street. of Hull I was all in fittawe. The {immen ot Ot- tawa Manon-xi to the neslntance of te,' neighboring city, with the Inuit 'tttter were -utlr, ens ott and unnblr- ti, Aturn," when ftidrireuaiai madam: tu'ross the river, destroying In It: course the planking or the Tim neighboring Villages of Hinton- burg, MewNutic;svilto FhidytrxGlle, Biron- ton haw been wiped completely of! the map. '; . le fire has swept elm: an area a mil" and a halt north and math. a mile wide in the c".ty of Ottawa, to- gether with thme-nnbs ot the city ot Hull. which I195 'irtretly across the Ottawa River, in the Provimus ot Que- John Prumple, Somerset street. Ot- tawa, Fireman Dunn. and Engineer Peter Hamilton are reported missing, Fire brigades from every point with- In reach hare hastened here to lend their mulchingâ€, but they have all been prutlcally powerless. The distruction of tho electric power-house has left the city in darkness except for the red glare of the "am. Mount. Water strum, w for Eddy'a, dead. In addition. John Matthews non street. is reported dead. Unknown man. found In C. station yard, lower extremizhs burned. Ottawa, Ont., April 27. - Fifteen thousand people are hutntrletrtt here to- night. 4.000 dwellings have gone up tn smoke, $20,000,000 worth ot pro- perty has been destroyed. Ottawa and Hull to-nicht urv sullrrlng from tho effects ot the worst calamity in their rorpornts- history. A tire began .ttortl.r before noon Thursday, and raged fiercely until 1 o’clock this morning. when it was got under con- trol. At present the damage cannot he stunted with any great accur- acy, but it will undoubtedly amount to neural miiiion'doiitus. Conserva- tive animate. make It in the neigh- borhood of 320000000. Many large manufacturing establishments and lumber almost beyond computation have been destroyed. A distressing Nature of the sltuntlon is the pool- tion of a large portion of the labor. [ In; people. whose dwellings and lources of employment have ultrap-r peered together. i At Least Four Dead. l Four persons are now known to; have [on their lives: I Mrs. Beale Cook, Wellington street, i cremated in shed. . _ l Unknown man, found on Broad: street. r‘malna charred beyond re-i cognition. I "W. cannot “low Canada to be" thu hunhn unaided at a time when a. had: come to our aid. not merely with her putâ€. but with the beat of her blood. It must bo our privilegv to in what in no lie; for the roller ot Mr cufferlng chlldren. The war and tho Indian famine are heavy claim- on the generosity of the British pub- lie. but tho claim of Canada is not In: binding " h a claim that we Mid wt freely at any time, but which we shall now meet wlth joy that we mu show O'HSC‘IVPS mmihlp ot the Int-vice that Canada has done MULL's' DREADFI'L l|()l.0('Al'ST Fifteen Thousand Homeless and 820,000,000 Property Destroyed The paper dwells upon the widespread and unmerned misery inriieted on in. nocent sufferers. and says: London. April L'7.--Commerttinc on m tim " Ottawa. the Times de- clue. that the news will he melVOd by Engliahmen throughout the world with the they» grief and sympathy. "TTAW.t BUILDINGS DESTROYED . ,. .. HULL BUILDINGS DESTROYED _ . _ TOTAL LOSS BOTH CITIES. ESTIMATED TOTAL ISSITRANCE BOTH CITIES. ESTIMATED LIVES LOST, SO FAR KNOWS . Fttst Po NEARU' 4,000 BUILDINGS DESTROYED. Four Persons Known To Have Perished In The flames. IN HULL AND OTTAWA ' 15,000 Ill? HOMELESS Ottawa Firemen Cnt Off. $2(),()()0,i)()i) CWRATION British Sympathy and Help. 't'ortrons of Both Cities Laid In Ruins-Brigades From All Neighboring Cities Called to the Aid of the Capitol ----Parllameat Compelled to Adjourn for Several L'ays-----The Ottawa Volunteers Called to the Aid of the Firemen-The Fire Crosses the River and Sweeps Through the Whole Southwest of ottawa-tttfinite Distress and Suflerlng Caused by the Calamity. strum, wat , and Help. bridge which formed the only com- "q . mtutitrtttion. Armtnentinc on This rendm‘ed the city of Ottawa th" Timed do. 'to fl, t',"ti,e egtent tttrt Little . who mu t no nt watt the flames :2)" Mum I: lead their way stradily all afternoon ut P P w0r0 through the Western part of the city. and sympathy- For a while it looks“ " it nothing the widespread would be left of the capital of the Do. human] cm in. , minlon, but. fortunately the wind _ . l kept the tire away from most of the 335* I Maxim dlstrlotu and trom the moat Mada to bear pretentious resldentlal streets. Those badly hman Di vi Edd}. Even at donaideriiclCdiiGitiiG away from the original fire area many . The blaze is said to have originated V! the house of A. Kirouac, on Chau- (here urea; A burning chimney is said Io have been the cause. This house, was in the thick of a lot of wromen bwtfdimgs. and in a very short wh:lo _ mm than thirty houses on Philomen, Bridge, Chamiiire, and Al- hart streets were in namea. The Hull tire brigade summoned assistance, and Boon the E. B. Eddy firemen. the Un- ion brigade of the C1taueiieres, and a part of the Ottawa tire department were doing what they could to keep down the flames. The mun proved too “was and tiorco, However. tad. de. spite the many streams of want play- ing on the blaze. 'ch.a.tir1r.teredt rap- y Parliament met hurriedly for a few ' minute In the afternoon and decided to adjourn until next Tuesday. This vmirse was necessitated by the want of light tor the evening sessions. and try the fact that many members ot l Parliament who have been financial- ly alierted by the disaster want time i to look after their affairs. The civil l service. too. has been pretty much dis organized through many public em- ployoro having their homes destroyed. and their familial te'mporarily meat- tered., Among the. losers are many Americans who have large business interests in thin district. The vast lumber piles and mill; of T. R. Booth. tho lumber king of Canada and Pre. sldent ot the Canada Atlantic Rail- way. are gone completely. so. also. are the millions upon million: of tum. ber helm ing to the Hull Export Co., and the‘Export Lumber cu., both of which are heavy are like- wise the Bro:csottswestorn Co., wh'ch had still mill lumber on hand. The Gilmour & Hughson lumber piles and mill are gone. together with the churches. schools publiv buildings uni store; without number. As the conflugratlon occurred in daylight. the loud or lite has been comparatively small. but many peo- ple have been more or less severely injured. Mrs. Cook, of Wellington street. seems to have become insane‘ from the excitement and the destruc- tion of her home. She broke away from her friends and ran and cre- lumber piles among the mills and into the ottawathn.udf/re districts, where tonight it is fiercely raging. The em tire brigade ot the city has been at Work. and at 1.30 p. m. such“ a large area in Ottawa was threatened that Montreal was asked for assistance. and subsequently TorontO, Hamilton, Brockville, and other points. The fierce wind was sweeping sparks and llam- lng shingles in many directions, and r.rtqueptry caught in section- acou- slderabie diltance rem. Origin of the 1Nre. . Pt blue is Enid. £31th originated Fanned by almost. a gale from the northwest. tho namee swept. every- thing before them In Hull, crossed large sections of tarrltory into the population. which tact serves to ren. dtt the distre- all the greater. Tho Senate out tor a few minutes, prayers being read by Hon. Mr. Allan, as Chaplain Lawder was away at the fire. . hold of t shed and been thr" hers. Tim organizati measures Every ettort is being made to my! new the diam-en of the homeless and rulnml thousands who are wandering in tho stream. Tho Dominion Govern. ment authorities have taken vnergetic hold of thr problem. and the drill. Mil-Hi and the publlw buildings have been thrown openu temporary 'ehel. tem. Tim has not yet permitted tive! organization of any further relipH ., -"e -_.e'.'--'" ---'~ I" “am“ Uu U'Jllll an“. burned out are rim-fly the workingi City of [hill is Gone. . r '.ee.ey heree1t Il the I',",',",."'; A 'pie,",") Tirnight the names in Hull are mans people were more or "." Pr! i ' kin matward the citv of Hull is ad from remaining too lung in their; “0? I", Ciruiii'i, Romiln Catholic hour-aw or from returning tor things Egtgedrd? is still standing. but in by tly. h/tu forgotten. . _ I no means out of danger. In places the Fhluy's pulp mill». upon which must tirxt suddenlv assumed such nrecenese of the s',".'.?.']!'.?",?!!.'... In Uuebtw andl that the firemen were compelled to the Maritime Provinetm depend tor! retreat for their lives, leaving their their supply of paper. were among] lines of have Bridge street was the the first to Rim-limb to the flames. i first street which hounded the area Since early in the afternoon the city ' of the Gi, Then the GG between has been alpo" rut off from the Bridge and Wright straits. eastward. 4rom theexcitement an dthe deutruv- Wtitt 'twept and the fire fiercelv tol. tion of the Canadian Patfitie Itail. lowed on its course over to (‘iiuroh way Station. and the ruin of the street and then to Main street. track. the ties being not on tire and Scui'nelv am‘thing in the whole sec- the rails spread by the heat of burn- tion win suited. Families Carried their in: pillm. Most of the telegraph wires houtrtthold effects into the streets. are am down. . tt ii L. P ,ioius ot flir- Ewry effort in being made to re- 3'3; "rely/yt,,'. ('v'i,l'l',',cv'il. Some lieve tho distress of the homeless {ind l were fortunate enough to have rulnml thousands who are wanderingl “0mm to remom their goods to a in tho "reete. The Dominion Govern. i place of “upâ€. but in the Inrgo ma. ment authorities have taken energetic Jority of mass effects were simply hold of the problem, and the "rill. saved from the flames in the build- nlieii and the nubile buildings have ings to be destroyed in tho streets. twen thrownomrntw temporary qhel. l Men, women and even children dis- tere. Time line not yet permitted the. piaved the utmost tenacity in trying organization of any further relief 5 to have their goods. Trip try trip measures . l was made into burning buildings. even The Splint» mat for a fewminuten. I after firemen hind been compelled to prayers bring rand try Hon. Mr. Allan, retreat from the flames. and it â€mp. '_tt4 Chaplain Lawder wainaway at the times tteemed as it they could not get Ire. T out again. Famliies beeame separated. Fanned by almost a gale from the women cried that their children were 1orthwmt, tho names 'twept "very- I perhaps burned, children cried that thing before them in Hull,. crossed they could not find their parent; and urge sections of territory Into the generally the scene was of the wild. xxpulatlon. which tact serves to ren. eat and most confusing nature. ior the dietin- all the greater. The fathers from the monastery Parliament met hurriedly tor a few turned out and did good mtrvioe in; ninutu In the tattemoon and decided helping many families to love their ef-l a) adjourn until next Tueoday. This feet. A number of tho “no" from mine was wasted by the want the convents in Ottawa around over if "ht tor tho oveninq tre-lotta, and and did a lot of work in helplnq the w the fact that many member! ot women and children. Moot of the peo- 'arllarmvtt who have been finnncial- pin were forced to the area. north of y affected by the disaster want time Philemon street. the point at which o look “W their attatrtr. The elv11 the fire “lifted. and which did not orvico. too. htta been pretty much die. cpl-end northward owing to the wind. irganized through many public ein- There was sickness in many houses. rlo.rotm !tteintr..t.heir homes destroyed. and naturally the invalid. were tho mi their families temporarily coat fimt to be removed. In one 1mrtattee, cred, Among the losers are many . -- _ $20,000,000 $12,000,000 .___ ,FOI'R 2,000 l.800 Ir was 1.30 when the tire was die.. covered on the (ltawa side of the river." Ft broke our: in the lumber dis- trim adjoining the C. P. R. station. and to-night a vast area comprising the weererly section of Victoria Ward and practically the whole of Dal.. bonnie Ward is deatroyed. Acrou the River In Ottawa. When the blaze crossed the river, the lumber piled between the McKay mills and the river caught tint, and in lees than five minutes were a raging man. It was only We work ot a few seconds when the mall buildings between the pllen and the null!- were burned, and me great elevator- ot the McKay mine mrerotroottin the cauldron alike. The brigade made a plucky "the to atop the tigey at this Juncture, and new the Pym-house .and glue Booth property, but " was In vain. The lumen-e deluge of water had no more effect than It "red from a squirt-gun. The wind was blowing a tttle ot 60 mile- Mr. Wainwright, manager of the Jlull branch of the Bank of (thaws, we his assistant, Mr. Murphy, had a narrow escape from death. They stood by the. bank at the In“ moment, got all the books into the vault, and: em- erging from the bulimia: found :hem- splves between two wa." of fire. They made a dash, and got through safely, taking the ferry over to Ottawa. Pne- aently the flames got down to the river front, fire (Tool: in the, lumber piles, the Hull Lumber Con, mills went up in smoke, then followed Edrdy's paper mills and the match and pail factory, but the sulphite mill, strange to any, escaped], although possibly it may be destroyed to-night. The beautiful Hilda-nee of E. B. Eddy alto went up in, flames; a rig was needed in which to take to a place away from the flames tttY body of some dead person. Distreanlng Scenes. The entire day in Hull seemed to be rife with scene- of the moat distressing nature. Many children who had been playing around their homes in their bare feet were eomvnei‘ied to seek sale“ without sham or stockings. Scores ot women curried babies in their arms and stood at u distance wuwhlnlr everything which they messed go up in flames. ilet'ts. In spite of all them» premiu- tious. huwover, thn (lumen would got at the homos, and in. " low mlnntos they wore a mass of “an. ' A Hopelela Task. Women and children were to be awn crying in all places. Many ot themen also appeared panic-rrtrivken. At 1.30 o'clook it was quite apparent to nny one in Hull that the firemen had a hopeless task before them. Even the augmentation of the» lyrigmk‘a from the mills and some from Ottawa seemed to he of no avail. Thorn were a dozen streams at work, and tho premmra was good, hut seaming†nothing muld wittpttand tho rush of {lumen and wind. The fireman fought hard, but with apparently little aya- tem, and sought to stay the tide of llamas by thoroughly making the surrounding property. An bulldlng by hulldlng was taken by the flames the Herve hast foreed the {Ira-fighters into a larger trlrcte. They fought the flames hard, but were driven back foot hy root, till finally the fire area. was measured hy streets and blocks, inntoad of buildings. of Mr. Chamlmgnv, M. P., and every- thing else on the street. The original area of the fire ex- tended ow; four blocks from the south side of Philomett utreet to Wright stream. and between Chamiiom and Bridge streets. A {not that rm- dereU the. tire more destructive wan that most of the buildings which wete burned at limp were of wood. People who Jive-d two or .three streets away. on Becoming aware of the fly- ing cindern. mum! to pour water om their houses in the impact saving the buildings. Many munl pcoplo com. ntmIoM to move their' hrruwrhold oi- fel-ta. In ttnit" nt all thnnu “won... homes were set ablaze by burning emberts ' ' ' It was thought at first that Main street, the business portion of the town, might be saved. but the. tire came dowtrthere, dearnying all tho stores, the Bank of Ottawa building, the English-Church, he courtuh'otvw, jail, ptxst-m'fiee, mafia-nee and office the Bank of Ottawa building, glistrChurvh, :he courtuhtnvse, ,st-o.'tlee,' regiment» and ottice Champagne. M. P., and every- lse an the street.. all these premiu- flnmes would get. in a few minutes of names. ' On Division attest an old m‘nn nam- ed Joesph Renaud was carried out of " home and to a place ot safety by a- couple ot dalwar: neighbors. A wo- man. who weighed 200 pawn“. was can by the driver of I. pulling cart ht,b"g on Wellington street nut " row o burning btti.Vings. When qua- tionud she said that she was MAN. l For a long time alter the tire mm eje,n,r.ij.cj,ii in Rochtsterville the as- sistnuce of the firemen was not null]- 1 able. as they were busily engaged in saving the pomp-home and the build- ings in the vicinity. About 5 o'elock the pump-house was known to he sale. and the tire inddies hurried to lio- chestervllla. Tho advance of the flames from the south to north sides of the streets had been caused by the intense heat, which had caused the {buildings on the northern side to iitnite in spite of the stiff wind that was blowing in the opposite direction. 0n account of the Inadequate water pro- tection these houses vonld be saved in bat few instances. With the advent of the fire brigade with a good supply of hose this advance was chPcked in a comparatively easy manner. Bucket Brigades. In the meantime. however, while the occupants ot the houses had been try- ing to save their furniture, hundreds of disinterested men from other parts of the city Joined in and formed bucket brigades. which, in several instanceu, were successful in saving houses oni Division street. The policemen were of invaluable assistance in thte district in the way of directing and helping in the operations. Many an old person they summed. When the flame. ruched Bochnster's drug store on Wellington street the exploding of the bottles of the many drugs sounded like a fttaLila1U, ot firearms. sz-orched were too numerou: to par- ticularize. It was pitiful to hear the (Ties ot children who had become mp- arated from their parents. and Wu- men who lllrlekeli in deepair over the homes which were being licked up by the hungry. roaring element. vaiuablo furniture. such an piano: and the like were treMuently van-led from the houses with great labor. only to be dutroyed when the flame reached the spot to which it had been carried. The ambulances were kept on the rush removing nth-k people from the threatened district. An ellort mu made to mm the sin-trio railway power hour. hut it was noon enveloped in a sheet or flames. so rapidly that tour of its employees were imprisoned. and only escaped death by a decldeUly nar. row shave. There werp ,eore* of narrow escapes. and alone severely the fire like Trojans. and stopped ox. haunted only when driven betore the relentleu destroyer to seek their own safety. The atwomIranyluq plan shows tho burned district of Hull and Ottawa. "Hull lies to the northwest at Ottawa across the river, which to the east. ot the Chaudlere Falls t'otttrtu?tar into a narrow channel through which the waters of the Ottawa rush with great. velocity. On both sides of this nar- row channel, and taklng advantage of the, power developed by the falls and n veritable ocean lrame houses, for was noted, only 9: I the blaze, and llun [of Ottawa‘s poor want clothing on hppaehold clients, u in a. hundred had t mm all lost. and 'iiiir,i.nir, children I every aide, The In . were all lost. and crying women and 1 [my "wailing children were struggling Pnlton every aide, The men worked and with baa: mtperhutnan "rength,and miny mom um- ed their furniture thrmnr four times. Com only at hunt to me it an upin smokv. up,“ The most pathetic sight was the) aged . in»: Women and helpless babes, who \vvrv without friends or slwlbrr, and Knew not where to turn for holn. Str Bel-leg of Explosions. in addition to the big inuustries,l t there were many 314mm in the Chau. rant diero distrh-t which werv wiped out the in short order. When MvDougall and bun L‘uzner'a hardwam store caught! w, there was a series of explnsluuu. [uh which sounded like a feu-de-yoie. t'lur, Powder, turpentine and other explo- Hon Hives mntrihuted to a horntmrdmeut. R. I which was heard all ovrr the city. Beer From tho hardware Hturl' tho “alum i turn traversed Duke street and crossedlmin, over to Queen street. devouring the lion: entire section right up to Pooley'u stop. bridge in in: than an hour. The Du seem- was indescribable. ly 1 The great business magnateu. the and The gran tmtriiuGiGiturt Bootlw. Bronsons. and on" While the brigade were fighting these, the embers were carried (“or to the C. P. n. station, and in an in. credibly short time morn than thirty nausea were burning. The station and tr.eigltt-tmede tell an may \ictixn.nnd on sde the greedy elbmeni. until' the whole district to Pooiny's bridge war: a veritable moan of flame. The old an hour-,Iannlng the names Into much fury that the mam-1m structnrr-s were sooq pdqqad to a heap of ruins. tgkfirTii" - t tttme H SFENI‘I 0|" THE GREA'I (Maw or drfiii, ttAPTIt mm of flame for which t! adreds or the no tled with (ml) I “Mr backs. upon which not a cent. of insur: if , - /l a T -.! ,'/ri--cr-- -' ---i--- fought FIRE IN OTTAW'A AND HULL ,,-_-.v_. “KB. """ null- d-ers are availing themsehes of this chatter. Some household! s'tecu: were even deposited on. the Patti-mom growth toe satay. A portion of the Ottawa brigade and the apparatus were trapped " Butt and could not 'get new the that. Tho drill hail was thrown night IO the homeieu on“. (Ll-dis are "tailing themes!" aheitor. Some household! an "on deposited on the Pt grm_ for “Itâ€. 'A deeaehmed: of the 1?r,t', arrived at. 6.50 R. t consisted- of an e eight men in charge ot five horses. The trip fro made by engine 622 in 1 Men. Arurvhee engine , engined at 7.06 pan. The Government 1 Ptyrlrrrxrarrh, Kings'c ville for aid, vohtav trains for lingual and: down. . Troops Called Out. Early in the af‘ennoon Chief of Po.. lice Powell conferred! with Col. Atl- mer, and asked tor 50 men. from the Guards and Fortyschird Banaliom, to act as bucket brigadtaa. The†wen soon . called out and equipped with buckets', trad performed gm: work u-.. --. -u...v. on, \uuuuru u. turn. est 5, Lebmton 89. Division ttG, Ito cheater ITT, Preston 89. Iarrtto mr, Victoria 28, Louisa 13. Monroe 16. Raymond IT. Elisabeth 10. Dolly. varden 5. Henry I, Lydia T, Kenny G, Ellen so, Margaret. 38. Balsam H, F'archm M, Maple 238. Elm 31. Mpruee 27, River Road T, Anderson 22, Pop. lar L'T, Willow 51. Pine 29. Young 9, George 8. Sidney lo, Albert .'u, Uar. llng tt. Lott. Le.', Little Chandler? IO, Helena P., Norman .L'i, Oak 2. Ore. tron 8, Ottawa 30. Panama 14. First avenue 3. Second avenue 8, Third aw. nus T, Fourth avenue I. The immune piles of lumber on the docks of tht, Bull Lumber Oompuny. on the north aide of the Ottawa river, escaped. till about, 4.30 pun. When it did break into a blaze, its heat was something unbearabie. an! the burn- ing Cinders ignited in dozens of pinned on the Ottawa side. This caused great anxiety for the buildings nlong Wei- linttton arrest. from Lyon sweet. west, ahd the inmates were removed from the Home tor Incurablea. Somnet M dwelllnga and a! Britannia 28, Commissioner T, H Lloyd M, Sherwood 66. Primros (‘hrlatic T, Arthur 08. Gladstonn nuo 11.. Turner tll. Crawford G, Brotur-a'P." dwellings, houses, hotels. and C. shops. freight sheds. ete Queen wettt--87 stores. boarding houses. 37m street-66 06mm and dwellings. my Company's pover- house mill, Iron works, McKay's . T “dwellings. can bv socn by rrterence to the plan. Tho tire swcpt the district around the C. P. lt. station. climbed the hill and attacked the Church of St. Jean Bap- tiste. while the main conrlaqration went straight south. Hull In practi- cal!) wiped out, Intact account» de- scribing it an a smoking mass of rain. IR. Booth: resident- BeerPtarr-Treamsrer ital-la brewery. Mar :mill. Szlmtlon Am House of Mercy Hos, atom. dwellings. e Duke trtreet--W, ly hotels. boarding and scares. rupldu, were Dom mills of Canada, The truck of tht ll Streets That Were Fire-Swept and the Bulldlngs Burned. . The area destroyed in Ottawa ranges over the {allowing “roam. the number of riweTingm “cures. etc., burned on the.» street. being given: Wc-lllngton "reot--Wtmton Method- luh Church. French Prerebyter1nn 1'ltureh,. Public tscMol, residents» of Hon. G. E. Foster, resitk-ncn of Mr. J. Provision for to help home“. The (hive: oath! to n nuts ot In. who bundced her into tb - ' . Primary School Destroyed. . The tucker! In We Primary school on Wellington. and tought the (lam. deapertsiely urrAl 4 o'clock. Then, when others arrived :0 fight the (“was the tire! pedagoguea de- parted, feeling are um the huiiding was safe. However, album 4.30 o'clock the. fire gained a strong hofd, and in a few minutiae the, uhool was envelop- M in Hatnes. In many new whore horses l-ould n')! be orrrsirus,i " nutntrer cf man “121151 get an C'Inp"ly dray, ir.e s'utin- turv mm it, and run it awn) to " “In nettd--Ltttttbrtr pile Troops Called A/WA vrnmem teleenrrrhed h th, Kingston. an: Brock- aid, volunteering 'special Timon and: applrtiua lent " stores. an loon- artte ot a chief. GG hip}??? Camu Wait brigades. Theses were and equipped with rformed about work. M the Montreal fire lidem"! ot A. laurer C. A. , Martin and I Army Res, y Hospital an the “omen-u. 3.50 over um'b." TC an Pre. l reel, tttd of Human H 1 hour 555;; from Mont-m1 bulldh homes EIH'trl‘ 'n grist. Ereateait saw the world In Ottawa to the plan. t around the the hill and atoms, mill: arid bun- boarding B. depot, w" r W " Run-or Hill Mlle!- anodes Ht mm. ‘0 other wing mill. un- 's"rrt In Rail ,7V_‘-~ ... 'lUUIM- All the machinery in K. B. Eddyu match factory was the property o' the Din-ma Inch ('umpuny. will 11 canto!- the 00mm of up Eddv m Ila. “I. and!“ Put-mix G. T. It. an! the val-Ion “pm-y communes an carrying In. all dottathohU of {and an“. And applies. clothing, Pte., tor the rolls! " the destitute. If. ll." O'Brhen, Q, c., Noah-ed tho following telegram last evnning: ifgtttt tttth [mum and (doth- 'qfeeeett, In moms to buy food ht than; atiitaytso were tamid tit" from the tum thin went to A a considerable noet-taritf can] {Phat-e waa I t on among“ When lt m a narrative "and lumber had b. lire. ,__ -"'"""'._es" Ill!“ Roy. They are all miiltu young lam-shown". who [ talnly In" “that! up by had they been alive. In nrumbohe I: half-cram. I be iorclbly mutt-ulna! noon trom leaving her elm home in Hull to spun-h lu hand when their house a Three Pom-I III-log. The police say that the lbn seven (auntie! given abuse complete. but there are three l per-mu who are known to be lin‘. The: are: Adelard Lat Incline. Peter Vanatter nnrl Jann- Dove. Pot-om Perlubed. Ottawa, April L'T.-A thou-lull an“ of llloklng ruin- In Ottawa and m'; hunched new. In Hull are all tha remain to allow where the tlre rug» yeatenhy and early un- woman; Seven mo:- - known to law II‘I' lubed. ' are: In. Catt: "mum bum. tin-an at Emu-'- Paper Mi: Thoma. Plumper. Willi-m Inc-hum an unknown nun. unmagnizahlu William Karan, I‘ll hind. and an Ill! known girl of about twelve year» o lge Central Relief Fund av Otta were may other 991st tions in cub 1nd kind. The Company founded a may): Qribution of movi-‘innn an! City of Brantldrh Eugene O'Keofe ..r (12' or fhtarlptt ... .. Mr. Eddy'o ot 01,000 Trade li, Montreal ...l. ..: C..-.".". City or London. Out. ... . ot3ats (1!le (cull-1T mm ... ... ..."..rr.T". C.." Offiwn Jottrtusttunascripti Onty a month a; a '1an 8587! "It. ... ... _ Wm. Davimt The above are an ot amounts forwarded ya: Central Relief Fund Ib', t were mu on... - concern your mung? reporting dluutrom tire " Ottawa. [an the peoph ot the another country be glad to have an (mp-"mum! and nu comm-11M me 6o denim _mu to convey to the "nmediate 'mtrrte and to her people in Canada an m- [me-ion of heartfelt annual) m “nah-it}- which In. Mullen mm She trawl that there luau tum-n no lo.- ot tire, and would be glad to have any further pnrtlculol'l you can tur. nlah. (Island). Chamberlain." " have waived wiht the datum peru my menu!" Knot-ting u..- McKay Milling Co. - Hull Lumber co. - Electric Light co. - Dominion Carhtde Work. Ottawa. Apri cabfegrama um Mr. Jump]: Cl mum: SOME OF THE HEAVII‘IR 'AttMir.s. Booth Ina-her co. - $3,000,000 Eddy Co. - - - 3.000.000 Dick-y Milling Co. - 500,000 mm [number Co. - 700,le tMeetrfr bk!" co. - 250,000 Donal-Ion Carbide Works “50,000 toatem and the Cltiitett Cout:trt.x coqt6ributqd a ' sum. . Tho Exhibltun. buildings. tite vent of Good t%eptterrt, hm! ' bulldlngl In can†were [when the nerviqe ot the home's“. Br the tgreat tire In St John, N In MIT mrly 20,000 mph- l rendered homelua. and .eoperty tho tutu. of $22,000.!!!) was stroyod. ' Mr.E. B. Eddy, who has toned tor year- to build upa grout Minn-as, and wounded. in practically left amount". 5 luck or W. The only branch ot his “not. remaining lathe nulpiuu factory. The dmttrueru'ort of the mum- wlll will ittomtvettietttw my van..- duAn "fr8rspttrrtr. Mr. J. R. Booth perm"; oliroid “not-ruino- ot the Union Fire Com- pany. " anon an the lumbar on Vic. torla Inland caught ftre the pumping plant In comma tion with the big saw mill was 3'1. to work. Thd' mill WM Tht, water â€my (on out. as tttn :ydrank ttottld not Ir shut "rr In no. re m mum-nus count-run amongst slapping men m-dm It ran animated that m, mm “'0 [bring 100 million feet M r had been annoyed by th" Herr my 1w playing ot rintemded the M " “comb? y‘uchinery in r: u-uulull ago the E. B. Min lrew $587,000 of incur-sum tartrt (Ky-panics. Must u " tn _. comm n lea tron “Win!“ a mayo] If reunions an! I tegidea a rut: gut included in the i mentioaod .lbm'. Fire Kola. or kdty haa I the great mum-um t AmertGlGii, . portion to mlden CP ins! d Mull!) Assist ha ve been (‘hnmhrrl ttt m " c., "tttttred tram last arming: Imam; Ind clou- Pfner. to buy food known to he I Adelard Late We: and Jopelm ll alumnus .. Who worm] n Dru mm arch [or house no mm to 1mm an all! non all! “bl?! in the Boa theE a ot the p Interday " (Wilt 5nd contents Madam: I. and n I this alum-4n Otta da D re in! ttttover three at th in wlth " On " mes, but. Indian on n allowing md [than y lard IO IO rr I“ " " M "o "" "I W n " tl It: m Tery " H " drug; " N, tt " I! H iN