Ma and I, ' Immion lcd with serot. n develop con- 0 IN. 1900. [12 YES \l mun. ruining my eruptions. gestion. and and breaking glands ot the , of the more scrolula 'PW Milt MI CE who had Br two Mun. plumes. no I tor two III body down , the ponioo to the level and push n v only pin-An V Coming fort close the do can. The noun cum- my a IIIV room-m annulus " the to“ t IREV. DR. TALMAGE (llli 1lll9lllllit'rli)l)i GLORIES Tue government. staid that the dia- cmim may steal the Body of Chrllt and Nov resurrection, order the sell ot the unnedrin to be put upon the door of the tomb. the violntlcm of that ae.l, like the violation of the on! of the gov- o -ment of the United lute- or Greet 1lrrflie,','. to be followed with great pun- fhhment. A company of soldiers trom the tower " Antonin is detailed to otand - om.ttea. w was to be e some omen: in: out tt 'here the u then Uh. ope claim. an n tlor. of the d, womd come Ill and wine the 9:11an bummer“ oi That day the [rave received eudl ehatterlns it cen never be rebuilt. All the trowele of earthly muonry on lever mend lt. Forever and turner " la a broken tomb. Death. mun: elde with the mllltery In that tight, received e terrible out from the - - 'ot heme. eo that he him-elf In" so down After ewhlle under It. The kin. of terrors retlrln; before the king of nice! he Lord la rleen! Let earth and heeven keep Enter to-dny! Ho- -iioa was! strike my observation white unndlng in this union with a At the door of the mnueoieum a rutht tau»: place which decide. the question for all graveyard. and cemeteries. Sword of lightning eghinit award of Iteei. Angel again-t military. No Deal or letter we: ever more eniiy broken mar. that In! ot the ehnhedrin on the door of the tomb. The dead body in the niche in the rock begin. to move in " dhroud of ttne linen. dices down upon the pavement. move. out of the portico, tween in the Gamer, nd- vance. into the open air. comes up the turtle stem. Haring left this monu- uv attire behind him, " come. forth tn workmen'n curb. " I take it (rem the not that the women mistook him to: the which - son.a nretenslon of medical skill. would _.'.'. out the place between the rib. Jri'd., the lnclalou must be made, and thvn the operator, having msie the in- cern. ran last he be glairt for a viola- tion of the dead. Then the Other priests wow] come wlth out of alter and en- Iia and wlne of palm tree and complete the embslmment. But I mm‘ this em- ha..rnment of the body of C mt was omitted. It would have rowed another contention and owner rlot. The funeral hutem on. Prevent. I tttinit. Joseph. the owner of the mu- qoieum; Nicodemus. the wealthy man who had brought the spices. Inc! the two Mme. No arm tlirqe, no plumes. no entatalque. Heavy burden for two men a. they curry Christ's body down the marble Ital" and Into the portieo and Mt the dead weight to the level of the nlche in the rock and push the body of Christ Into the only pleuant not!“ plnce " ever hell. Coming forth from the portico. they close the door of rock agelnst the re- for it is to he the moat celebrated tomb in all the ages. Catacombs ot Egypt. tomb of Newleon. Mahnl TN of India. nothing compared with It. Christ has just been murdt 'ed. end his body will be thrown to the does and the reveal. like other eruettted bodies. unless there be prompt end efficient hindrance. Joseph, the owner of this meueoleum in the rocks. be“ tor the body of Christ. He washes the Door. mutilated frame from the dust Ind blood. shrouds it and perfumes it, I think that regular embmlmment wu om.:ted. When in olden time I body was to be embllmed. the priest. with It. inst slumber aubtcr Easter Day Means Joy and Peace---The Dignity of Private and Unpretend- ing Obsequies. rth. Don't you r upped with you 1 l 1900." text Sntroduca It In t manor in ralem owned by m by the name ged to the court condemned Chrh 1 In the wave ' man. had II the vote - t use he hid out ' a hot climate. I trees broad bran a hot climate. I anpp< was broad branched. Jams winding under th are and than inter. over the rocks into tt ‘3. W " l started with Eden: in Eden. Heaven is can of God. Paradise man We theological geniuses had ahented hlmm tte Wu tutti: At gre laid out the garden. BO tar u I can tell. the! in to be vacating tkrount etween the Great Bea yin. I shank! not be Bur ut I an pick up a dais: "tinte hm- and hear i me of the qhoritted ftower qt't you remember me? nth you on Enater morn 1e name ot Josepl he court of seven! led Christybm. wt negative, or. be report my won we: In a] say " may be so. no tube race- and loan and Jasmin" e born in para- . ot beauty came line us into . I the Iuburbs I. wealthy t Christ ne oi apostolic non during the afterward ap- blot their nimment wan , time I. body. priest, with l mu. would l sen the ribc' e made, and mule the Ut.. tor A viola- other mien: out every enty ' l nem w P. Karma! betis of date at wmt had n H Not recognising this idea. how many small properties are neutered and widowhood and orphan": " forth into cold charity'. The donated left a Imtll property, which would lave been enough to keep the hmily together until they could take are at themselves. but the funeral “you.“ ubsorbed everything. That went for cnpe which ought to have [one (or brood. A man of moderate than. out hardly afford to die in any of our [mt cities. By all means, do honor to tht Joseph was mourner, sexton, livery- "uut--had entire charge of every- thing. Only four people at the burial of the King of the Universe.' Oh, let thin be consolatory to thone who through largti acquaintance have But little demonstration ot grief at the grove: of their loved ones. Long line of glittering equipaxe. two row. of silver handles. casket ot richent wood. pallbearers gloved and lcll’fed. are not necessary. " there be Mar It the grave. Christ looks down from haven and remember. that in two more than were at his oboequiel. - Brooklyn has no grander glory than its Greenwood. nor Boston than its Mount Auburn. nor Philadelphia than its Laurel Hill, nor Cincinnati than its Spring Grove, nor San Francisco than its Lone Mountain. But what shall we say to those country grave- yards. with the vines broken down and the slab aslant and the mound caved in and the grass a pasture ground for the sexton’s cattle? m.. deed, were your father and mother ot so little worth that you cannot at- tord to take care of their ashes? Some day turn out all hands and straighten the slab and bank up the mound and cut away the weeds and plant the shrubs and tiowerte. Some day you wilt want to lie down to your last slumber. You cannot ex- pect any respect for your bones It you have no deference for your an- cestry. Do you think these relics are of no importance? You will see of how much importance they are in the day when the archangel takes out his trumpet. Turn all your cemeterie- Into gardens. _ _ _ - Again. standing in this garden ot the new sepuicher, I am impressed with the dignity of private and unpre- tending obsequies. --it will suggest coronation; in their hand--it will mean victory. Christ we: buried in a (orden. Flowerl "121.11 relurroction. Death is and enough nnyhow. Let con- servatory and arboretum contribute to its nlleviation. The harebell will ring the victory; the passion ftower will express sympathy; the daffodil will kindle its lamp and lllnmine the darkness. The Owner of - will be the constellation. Your little child loved tlowers when she vu [We mg. Put them in her hand now that she can go forth no more and pluck them tor her-elf. On uunlhiny do†take a fresh garland and put it over the still heart. nominlea. Again. standing in this garden of the oepulcher, I am Impressed with the {an that ftortt1 and arboreacent devortttlons are appropriate for the place ot the dead. We are glad that among flowers and upulchral adorn- meme Christ spent the short time of his inhumatlon. I cannot understand what I Borne- times Bee in the newspapers where the obeequiea are announced and the friends say In connection with it, "Send no tlowers." Rather, It the mean: allow-I any if the mean- al- 1ow--atrew the cuket with Bowers, the hearse with tlowers, the grave with tiowera. Put them on the-brow £3" Necropolll. They cannot make up to count the number of cox-Hosea at the obaequies or to notice the polish or the Aberdeen granite or to read epi- taphal commemoration. Gentleman'tt mausoleum in the suburbs ot Jeru- salem cannot pay for Bethlehem mon- Wer and Colvnreon cross 1nd Pilate's ruttian judiciary. Post-mortem hon- or: cannot atone for ante-mortem ig- Oh kit Itmlnster abbey - musician I. you ttttttIMI children. do not your potent: to much tombstone. a few more blankets-lest, funeral more bedroom'. It 5 per cent ot money we now spend on Burnt 1uets could have been expended in in: the living Scotch poet eomtort- . he would not have been harried t the drudgery of an excluman. ace Greeley. outrugeoully doused e living. when dead ia. followed to- , Greenwood by tttei.preqident of United States And minding men he army and navy. outermost“ i to atone at the “£2 of Charles ner tor the ignomini a resolution- l which her legislature denounced living senator. Do you think the u at sprutetietd can pny for Bootto nasto verses It Iixpence . line. too, you tind the monumm Butler. the author of Rudi- while I look at his mom» wt'l corner I cannot bat “k tu in; it n'. If he can] Lt monument th to the living'. All an do them you of the gates of the " More it, Hands rom whole mus d are the wor mom to the d Hte. Poet'l t W In a guru. table: In the tablet to one Wtultr once r a mut- "t 'ellow There for a mor- have " ad " at " " tracks of the Welland Railway. the Thor-old station oi that line. and still further awn). tho low-lying tints strewn with cottages of the factory and canal ompiqvoes and the mills and factories and residual“: of the vil- Iago of Merritton. Dividing the canal and tho Welland Railway is a. ttar. row clay embankment protected on the canal side by a stone abutment. and the railway line runs in a groove which runs side by side with that made by the canal itself. This is the district upon which the pent-up flood of tho much abow Thorold would have been thrown had not the gates of lock 24 held true on Saturday night. Had the plans oi the conspira- tors been tmceetgtitul there, is little doubt that lives Would hnve been tsacrificed, and none whatever that thousands of dollars in pro- perty would have been lost and un- vigation snaps-MM perhaps tor months. Tho water would have rushed through the ruined gates of tho lock with irresistible force. swamped the bank between the ennui and the Welland Railway station. swept the next lock gates out of ex- lsm and spread over the country. after that its force. happily, can (sly be estimated. DUPLICATE (BATES READY. Ottawa report: Mr. ('olllngwood Schreiber, Deputy Ministerof Rail. ways and Canals, has received a. re- port from Superintendent Thompson, ot the Welland Canal, stating that the damage done to lock " by the dynamite explosion is or a slight na- ture and that the opening will not be putponed. The department has at every lock duplicate gates which can and")! be placed in position it the regular gates are damaged. _ , new Respected Here. People are asking, "What would have been done to three Canadians It they should attempt to blow up the Erie Canal in New York State t" The museums of the answers is that the perpetrators would never live to realise what arrest tor men a. crime would mean. The activity and tear. iessnsss ot the local police are inat- ters ot praise on all “den-sad it is concealed that their determined of. torts put an and to the machinations of one or the viiest bomb ot ruthless criminals that over infested sun t-earily this when ot tilt canâ€. Jake Adams. of the United States Circuit Court. St. Louis, has made tho Important ruling that when a In". In motel! Pettditttr'tutd the evi- dence ban not been submitted to the court. a vitae-s without bola: in con. tempt .1: retutre to BlllWOI' any quas- t!on pmpoundod. . A We spent Worthily should be men and by deeds, not years.-Bherldan. departed, but do not' consider tunnel Fluent u uecesury. No one was ever more lovingiy ~and tenderly put away to eepulcher than Christ our Lord. but there were only taur people in the protietrshoh.. _ Again, standing in this garden with a new sepulcher. I am impressed with the Mt that you clmlot keep the dead down. plum lightning. Our bodles improved, energised. swlttenod, 'qaritted--tnortat- ity, immortality. The door ot the'grtve taken off its hinges and hung nut Into the dust. , T r r itâ€. my breth‘én. death and the an: are not Q0 much as they used. to be; .f.or while wandering in thlé garden with the new sepulcher I and that the. Nlnes and ftoters of the gar- Men have s-ompletely covered up the tomb. Instead ot one garden there fr, tour gardens. opening into each other-garden of Eden. garden ot the World's sepulcher. garden of the .erth'ts regeneration. garden ot heav- (gt Four minions; Bloom. o earth'. ' ' O heaven'. Oh. my trlends, tomb. Instead ot om ire four gardens. one "ttttter-garden ot Eden. A'trrtd's sepulcher. s 3am); regeneration. . 'et our minions; E Finn“. O heaven'. Ot wake up to'.trladness , morning! This day, I right. means 'oy-rt me heaven, and it means the world. . With tin-so Info the face we shall haw .the tamest " we so will b ttre shall ha, p1. the lighmi Ott, bring more flowers'. Wreathe them around the brazen throat ot the cannon: plant them in the desert, that it may blossom like the rose: bald them into the mane ot the re- turned war charger. No more _red dahllas of human blood. Give. m white lilacs of peace. All round the earth strew Enter tlowers. And soon the rough voyage of the church mill- tant will be ended, end she will all up the heavenly harbor. scarred with many P, eonftiet. but the tlag of tri- umph floating from her topgalltsnts. All heaven will come out to greet her Into port. and with a long reverbets ating about ot welcome will say: "There she comes up the tray, the All heaven wlll come out t into port. and with a Ion ating about of welcome "There she comes up the [lorlous old ship Eton.' Aft non. vovage she drops an the veil." taken ott the dust. Al,", my ave are to be; to: CONDITION OF TMF. GATES. St. (‘athnrlnea report Rays: .n‘mull streams of turbid water are tum. bling through the head and foot gates of lock 2t of the new canal to-night, but the heavy wings of the gates nrefirm and staunch. and they are holding back the immense lake which stretches through Thor- old township for tl mlle above. Al- though maimed and disabled. they are protecting the country below them. and the people in the gorge which runs down the mountain aide are resting easier to-night than they have rested since the attempt to emu-ll the floodgates was made. They are now realizing. however, the dan- ger which hung over them when the dynamite“: of Saturday night pluc- ed their exploits beneath the gata of lock 24. Par above the town 'ot Tltorolrl the stretch of water level 061mm. From lock 24 to lock 25. the lust lock between Thorold and Port Uolborne, the dig. tance is something more than a mile. At no place has the water it less depth than It feet, and in spots the sheet pi water is 2:00 lent wide. It is the duty of luck LU, which is from ten to twelve feet below lock tance is something mow than a mile. At no place has the wuwr a loss depth than 14 feet. and in spots the sheet pf water is :20!) [not wide. It In the duty of lock ill. which is from ten to twelve feet below lock 25, to hoid back this great flood, and for thin reason the lock is one of the strongest links in the chain between Port Dulhousie and Col- borne. Its hoadgutes “it on the stone road whirl: runs between Hamilton and Niagara Fall and its length pun-alien the vu. Ingo of Thu-old. Below it lies the Latch: of tho Welland Railway. the Thouoid nation of that line. and "tll l"Atr. away the "tw-lying “at. A? face of n m have stru nut thing i Till be bri all have no lightning. l ed. swittenc mortality. T off its hinge tilet'ttdtriryr in this the new aepulcher I tInd i and newâ€: of the gar- npletetys covered up the ad ot one garden there dens. opening into each of Eden. garden ot the lichen garden of the aration. garden ot heav- Tdents.,' Bloom. o earth'. aren'. Oh. my friénds. Kindness on this â€Easter Us day, it I interpret it toy-tt means peace with it means peace with all more flowers'. Wreathe tt I i, may not noonday an s'. wreathe throat ot the the desert, ke the rose: h u- tempest- hor within because to which the Inn. t lood, is one chain Col- Al- they below gorge 28. Come unto me-"Thlg Implied n1tttply believing in Chrurt and becom- lng ma follower, or disciple." “Thu I: one of the [mat precloun Gospel lnvl- muons to lalvatlon In the New Testa- ment." All ye that labor and are ttetsvrtaden-Thare laborlng under n Ion-e ot III: uni lulu: and! tho cunt and remorse of a wicked ttte-an-tt are Invited to Christ; not merely to tho climb. but to Chrlat. T wlll [In you m.t-Eretrr word in thl: pro-Ilse ll Important. 1. Rent ll prowl-ed; In!“ rat: rent. from sin and “and" we; rut from the tear of death old thept.r-wttat In the Gold?" Text? Smock-Cone unto Me, all ye that labor and an heavy laden. and I will giro you not. Matt. xi. 2.H. Jean- Wnrnlng and Inviting.- Matt. 1P.N.30, M. At that tumr--lt would deem tut at this point me communion- tlon was made that pleased Jesus. and he broke forth into thanktelviug.- Geikie. I thank thee-I fully oonfetger, fully acknowledge the justice of thy dohtger.---sehart. Thou hunt hid these thit-Go-pol truth-tlm thing; that pertain to his kingdom were not per- ceived try the W189 and prudent-by the scribe-a and Pharisees. who we"! vainly puffed up, and who rejected the true light. Host revealed them unto babes-Unto those "who feel their dependence on God and seek His aid." 26. 'deemed good in thy sight~God has "ordained utrmigth" "out of the mouth of babes and suckling." Pm. viii. 2. He "hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise." I. Cor. i. 27. 27. All things nrtt delivered unto 27. All things tttal delivered unto mH---"As if He had said. Du not be led by the example of your great and learned man to slight and despise me, tor, humble as I appear to be, all things relating to the, salvation of mankind are delivered into my hands. even all authority, power, and judg- ment." No man knoweth the 'Hott--No man can fully comprehend the mys- tery of the incarnation. the character on] the attributes of the Son. and the mat work He has done and in to do in saving the world. But the Father --God only can understand Himself. Save the Bon-No man can undorvtand or comprehend the Father in His na- ture. ms attributes and Bil provi- denou. ave the Son. Wlll reveal Him "-frttmre who desire an acquaintance with God mm come to Christ. Christ in the light of the wori4, _ A -. SUNDAY SCHOOL - Wtiat la the Central Truth? Unto wlwmaoever much In given, or him shall be much required. Luk." sii. 41. What In the Topic? l the impenitont. ~Whnt lathe Catlin"? " danger of "young light, kn-m‘lodgo a revvlutmu ti-m to Jesus for rust." When mu tho time ? Jn A. D. 28. Wlmreswat, the .l‘law‘? Galilee. , , Who weft: the lvrmm [xpphn ', .- - shaken the Words rH-nrdmi in the first part of the L'huptnr. To uphrnlf-T‘ --itehako and prnnnunw- magnum? against them. Thp more (Sol dots to man the lem (In-mm hrnn they ne continuing In their ulna. Jesus had dono all He could tor tItems ruin-x. Q? Ho could not has? repronvhwl tlwm for their lmpenltmncp. Bm'nnse Lin-y repehtad not-The only way to Cmd Mum and favor with. no! is by re- panting of our sins. Christ did nutup- braid than hccansn of thoir sins. but, because they did not repont. The impenitent heart trr-nsnrnth up wrath':' Rom. it, B. 21. Woe unto thoe-it would be 24. It shall be more toierttbhe--'Phe destruction of Sodom occurred um:- ly 2.000 years before Christ. and Jude (verse Tr cells us that these peo- ple un- suffering tho w-ugeunce of eternal fire. and yet it will be more tolerable for them at the judgment day than tor those who live and dle intl4eltt under tht tptapel.--Clarke. "Commentttr.v.--Tii.slusnon is ol. tho disc-nuns deliverml to C, after tho disciple" of John ret John, at Mtteherus Sm Inst I 30. Then Inga" lw--Arter trtroken the word" rccorded first part of the chuptnr. To --itehttko and prnnmlm-c- ju ngalnst them. Thrx more Girl man the 1m Homo ltrtvo i INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO. VI MAY 0,1900. ' What wire tho Lukt- x. III-15‘: r, xxlll. 21. Woe unto thoe-it would be better to translato thvso words, " \lus for time!" This is an oxvlunmtiun of pity, and it is N'Idont that our Lord used the words in this 'ronne.--Clarke. tm.oragln-A town on the northwest shore of the 8941 of (iniilw‘. Its Incu- tion in not derinltoly known, but it was near Capernaum. Bothsaitia--. On the northwest shore of the am. of Galilee. north of Capernattrn. It was the birthplace of Philip, Andrew and Peter. It tlie mighty workn- the grant miracles. A miracle is a sign. n. wonder, and a mighty deod. Acts ii. 22; II. Cor. xii.1'...': Ilvh. ii. ' Which were (lobe in you-h-ding to this maze. most of the miracles of 22; II. Cor. xii.1'...': Ilvl). ii. ' Which were (lobe in you-h-ding to this 11858839. most of the miracles of Christ were done in those eitieg of Galilee, and yet not one is recorded in the gospels as inning been done in Chorazin and Bethtmida. This a com firmation ot John ni. '...".5.--iqcharr. Had ' done in Tyre and tudon--. Tyre and Sliion were heathen citimt situated on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean sea. Their wickedness was proverbial. "Christ went near them, but it does not tumour that he ever visited them." They would have repented long .ngo-Clarke thinks that "long ago" should be rendered, "tormertr" and mus: “This seems to refer to the time of Ezekiel, who denounced destruction against Tyre and Sldon. In sackcloth and ttgltetr-- in the East it was cummon for mourn- ers to put on n black garment which resembled a track, with holes for the arms, and to pat ashes upon the head.-tange. a a Spot-[n] Heb. Ti. ' [Herod to thepeoprt of John returned to Jn I , Phe' "ttrout of lI Ill. luv t " Guilt and . Spiritual Augusu thera the' niif l'/,f' To tdry Thea1ny .9380" is on iust 'iioiil' Tve l T".'","'.'"" 'fr,',".,.'.'""."." "e".: have been living out on a“, open mat ‘\\00datock, April L'T.--ht t o’clock since Feb. 12th. with no protection yrtety)a.y afternoon the body of whatever from the weather extNspt Mrs. H. J. Davis was found dead - what a blanket and tt great coat M the “our of the barn or} the man “no lord. no; but we are "an,†um to 9! East Zorn. near Wtradqtock. Sin tt try this time. It's raining to beat Is mtppoed to have been in up hay room-(b Jun my†*0 I am wrltlng loft gathering as" when one tell to thll sitting In the mud undera wagon. the lower noor, t much ' hate N You .honld just, twrt? tt rain; no little for putting down hay. When found shown, but whole cloud: at a tune. llte was extinct. She I'M about " 03;: we have to walk around all War- of axe- ' n “can†we can't t an . com- --------l--l_-. taet {m Irintt Itt the 3d. vet), dia. VIV'II Clerk. MW“. 5 his. I'll admit, but WI 'tto use New Haven. Cmtn..MMt 21.4. W. tl kicking. no we Jun more the but Cardownle. a loom-ll 6artoer, All at It. I an the - with the â€an, Vlvlan Clothe. one at in "can lemon “New and needle. In all rittht Slam" nude-l “It!“ - and than toe mourns. All are well drowned tue, am. a. except Black. We left him at thi- nlde on Lake any. m. at "ardMteteB. Warwick wishe- to be Ethel Clarke. who m lb h - nun-hand. Hope mother. Waln- canoe. was and I, a his I“ and in nu are well, love to all. Will. who m m In Inâ€. [ - We hav'e about thaiebarauiet, every day. vu., tt a. m.. 11 u. m. and 2 p. m., my“ tttrout tour your: pltosrether. Bread sold 'oi l shilling per loaf; butter .25. thi. per lb.; biscuits 3a. per its.; Jam, lar. per lb.; pickle, ls. M. per bottle; sugar as. per lb.', can- nad lid}. ig. 6d. per can; Ireacle, ls. 9d.; .tomntoes as. per can, em, tor several days. and 1 tell you we were 315on [on " " {my price.. the Judgment. 2. TM. m ll promised to you. Weak though you my be. and unworthy and llnlul. yet to you Jan. speaks. 3. " In promlmd freely, "with- oat money and wlthont prlco." " In tho gift of God. t. " I. mounted with certainty, I wlll. ,It you wlll only “come unto me," nothin-o power on mrth tlhall stop me. I-wlll give you rent. G. Who prom mm I. m, able to porfbrm , Far, It " then eternal “l" who speaks tho word, and Ho alone In amp to in we "unto the ,tttesrrnotrt." It is the Son at Cari who says. I will giver you rmt. . You have no idea how hard i: is to write and get a letter away, 96- perially when we are on the move, but I expect it won't be long before we are scaled down, again, either on Rho line or comanicmiou with Lit- tle Boba,_or perhaps in Bohsfomem, Band concerts are gil'n-n aver) day, but the hot and dry weather has damaged the instruments consider- ably. Quite a number of wheels are ridden, mostly American and English, but -tho price in too high, an I guess I' .won't bus. " lots. being the price tor ’98 high frame. Clevelandtu This is a very pretty.pluce, lying as it does anther foot of a small chain of kopjes. I ‘was out on puss yesterday, so I had quite a chance. :0 see the place, . . 4' Ttie're. is hardly a bin or ‘grub ith Ge hl'd It the “ores. dearly all sold. tuhtunany have large signs hung out-- side, Much as "We huvmn-o sugar. bmd. Jam, butter, treacle or oat- meal left." It looks odd to go into a “of and-Joe nearly all the More 'rtieive. empty. but if you only knew how humry we were when we trot here, you would not he a bi: our- 911%, :' A 1 __ i A . tht. Take My " 0 upon tr,rciiepi','X Me'and â€assay: I bring. “Chris 'I yoka is, .1. " WWI. Our study it ttr knows trhtt Mes..witu tar me. 2. Eu rule. Liberty in Sari-t tr not mall iilwr'sy from control. t at would be lawlessness. The has: way to be free from sin's dominion in 'so be won undor 11w cont ml of Christ. 8. His discipilne. We are under Him rrorreet'vo,n and in- s'ruction; we an! in His tsetrool."-- E. H. napkins. And loan: of Me-. He is the great tearher. and He tc.uches hutnilitr. We am to tie humble rml lowly in heart as Hie was. 30. Yoke easF....lttttdeo Iigtst--Tho Cirttitnqgtrdggttutts of God are not griev- ous lo the tom who; acceptuuChr'ub ruliy. "I; is light in born» in' love, with. " good cgnscigncq, ttr, the lwlp of the Spiric of God." ,'" 1hrsuithts.--The. yoke of Christ 'uit- plies,1. Ilui.iu'ity. T. Submissinnc'a. OVerienrp. 4. Ferviee./The, “(way may take ChrisCs ydke "rorrrrtd ieat ; the htavy,-lit'de'rt writ-to- tbeir tyurdert when' they take Christ‘s burden. law“ have re-christened 11m phce. Just to think, last Sunday morn-ins: we heard the sound of We tint church new. for monzhs. Thus has heen a week tba: win go down in history. The tirat train to arrive in Bloemfontein from the Cape since hoatii'izies commanced, come in last Friday. I got {others from home, C. Kidner, Bert Hooper, and several others. The, duo came in. thes first mil to arrifk. since the British took pore-him ot .tho show, "It is a and thimr to hr. upbraided hr om no gentle and mifnl " the tiaxiour-ite. who know. unerringly the (astray! guilt involved. nnd who has dome so much to deliver, comfort and bless. ' WIHIE WARREN WHITES . Bloeantouein, March M, 1900, Dear Sis.,-" luppose you'll thi; yourse.“ forgotten because l. ha not answered your bright and new letters ot last mouth, but l ho you have considered the letters hot tor all, for you well know that , hare not been having the snap du have not won having the snap in; the pun: few weeks that we tr Belmont. There we had Ame to u here, .we have alum-thing also importani, perhaps, to engage attention; so if the letters h arrive regularly. Just put me I "_"betrng easing." sear At Cnpernaum Jesus lived first with His mother tind family, and afterwards ' with Peter. "Here He healed tho eenturlon's shave and min- ed tho daughter of Jail-us: called Matthew from the booth where he took the. customs dues and healed the mother-ln-law of Peter. From a boat near the shore close by. he prenched to the crowds. and it WM in the waters near the town that He vouehsaied to Peter and his brother the mix-rumba: draught of fishes." so httrd.hettrted. nor ttullty--ainned not against so grout light and stood. ness. “Sodom" was a proverb for great wickedness and prolllgacy. Tyre and Sinkm. with the 'ttuns privileges. would have repented. Their Inhabitants may have appear- ed worse. may have been externally more grossly wicked, but were not ' 1od God in Lord and heaven and earth. Not of Jews or Otrltetinms only (Isa. liv. Cr.), not alone of Christian na- tions; but of Turkey, Persia, Thi. bet. India, China, Africa, etc. Christ In Mediator. As such He receive»: au- thority and power from the Fathér. All' things ln-heawn and earth are delivered unto Him. and hence He Is to be obeyed and worshipped as nteresting Budget of News Ft0m-8loemf'0nte'm, PRACTICAL SURVEY newsy hope home mure hink have w f y" n at .Woodobock Lady Found Dead. Woodstock. April 2r.--At t o‘clock yesterday afternoon the body of Mrs. H. J. Davie wu found dead upon the noor of the burn on the mm "In. of East Zorro. near Wood-met. St. in suppoged_to MVO been I!) ttP..tstr Ion. gatherlnc = when aha tell to the lower noor, t much 5 hole and tor putting down hay. When [and life wan extinct. She Iru about as you" of up. . Winnipeg, April 'itri't,1grit an outbreak ot smallpox'at are not. 119: General Hoapltal here, and th- building, with all path-nu anduunal. ha» been quarantlned. The disease was brought to an hospital by . tum-lac trom Anita-ails named Betts. tor McKenue Flaky. who wanke- slck on the train and died of the ' Pam April n. fortyeight hours af- ter reaching the mm. There wa- uo suspicion that death my: trom nmallpox, and many have been - W41. _ f And (Shemlsto Throw Big Name: " Ito Constituents. What is true butter made of ? Well. it contains Butyrio. Caproic, (‘apry- lie. 1'aprie, Myriatlc. l‘almetic. titearie, and Dick: with. these being in combination with a glycerin rad, lu-ul. in the form of Okla, Steal-in. l’ulmitin. etc. Then it contains Care- in. Water, Laetochrome, a little Lawton» and a good deal ot Sodium Fluoride. It contains also small umountu of Pllmphorio and Hydra- tthloric acids in oombinatlon with Lime. hamlet and Pom-lam. so much tor pure butter. How about the cheap butter. the butter that comes in competition wlth' the arti- neial product? new We ttmt, in ad. ditlou. Ann-to. tMrotiatr Pix-tic. Tur. metic, Mayan, , Battrou, . Tietoriq Yellow, Mar in] .Yel “bend to." mate. .Gelatlh. ld 111313; ft,T. Gypsum. Babb. phi.“ Btirat' :and war. (1“?“t; tn his ho Eton Jong aye ' .or ei, gentle, . t p rle, \‘nldrlgnie ,lld _i'iit,iitii,' " llttln Glycerin and“ _ ii. _.. og. yet there in no “an: and the. cowl-Phllm‘h‘lphla Becortt . TORONTO FABMEBS‘ MARKET. April tltr-uh, the street mam hero xo-day one load of but. sold lo higher at 8455c and 5 load. of It] steady at " to $13. No other 3min nor straw offer“. clue Apr - Dream! . Calves-Receipt; fairly. large and demand Mac. a: .6 to .9u:h&d._ ___‘ . '_- " Dream: Bears-Luth'. reeoipo Md unchanged at 87.40 io 87.60 per "rt. ' 1hstter-iall offering! met a slaw; Trunk at the moat- ite moderately good. At the larger cities there he. been improvement. tn "om" depart: menu. but in some of the minin¢ centre“ it It reported to be a mu. glow. o' j g At Hamilton thir, 'week there has been a very fair buinésa done. There is n better inqniry tor all naph- goods usually inquired tor in the spring. Shipment.» continue large. There is a good demand for labor tho workmen are well employed and wagon are attractant Prices of staph- goods continue firm. Toronto wholesale trade in {air for this season. vaellen' orders ham hm" 00min forward more freely. Values for all goods eontinue wry firm. Prices the whole treason have been remarkably well maintained. (‘ountry remittance- nre “ti-lac. tory. At Winnipeg bunk!“ ittus : been alriy noun. A lupwaxnymnt 10f blinding is now going . in 11tur. mt: and labor In well 1Ue/dr. Settlers are mining into the Province m con. skin-able number: Sewing is gen- ml. Payments are (nit. but migm be better. ' Trade atlandon has been improv- mg with the [1'th "(Vinny roads. There is a mood dewtf for lat-bl". Countr . remlttzin‘cea- veporbtu by the giul'li'l'd trade to .be better. u Market Reports The Week. . SEW. t Chicago ta-dacy timothy d gaudy " c-'." numix .and clover mean; a: 67 n Smallpox at “'lunlpei. WE EAT BUTTER. r 'duirry pound . arothr can! main! tot t. " animal It. In l‘u‘eio 5r higher ac “over bush, eh ICOI Aht go