uo 1 Ith 80 [any lumen Look Pro- mtnroly Illil, hey are the Fruitful Source ot Hemlockâ€, ' Nervous Disorders, Pdns In the Book cmd holns end the Feeling of Constant Wesrlness Tint Amlcts Bo Many Women. Mmeâ€. every woman meets daily With innumerable mun worries in her houmhold affairs. Perhaps they am too small to notice an hour at- mrd. but these constant little worriegt have their slice: upon the mom system. Indeed. It ls them little worrles that make so many women look prematurely old. Their effect may at.) be noticeable In other use. such as sick or nervous head- ache. Ctcklo apetlte, palm in the back or lotus. minimum] ot tho heart, and a feeling of constant weariness. " you are experiencing any of these tympani“ it in a Sign that tho blood and “DPYDI "and attention, and for 811th to the always an) 'yml Ct looked upon as or robust. constitntlm robust. constitution. Then I grow xrqak, was troubled wl headaches. and frequently , lent. pains in the region of I from which I would only through hot appliance. My Isl-o gave mo much trouble not appear to perform in c functions. I was treated by doctor, but although under tor uneven-.1! months, I grew gradually weaker and weaker. until nmMly I no not able to leave my bed. Then 1 called in another doctor. whom, treatment. although continued for come elght months. was equally fruit- leos. 1 Iran scarcely able to hold my had up. and was so nervous that l was crying half the Mme. My cou- dition can begt be described as pltia- bio. At this time a friend brought no a newspaper. in which was the story of the care of a woman whose case was in many respects slmllnr to unite. through tho us: of Dr. Williams' Plat Pills. I then decided that I would give the pllll a lalr trial. When I began the use of the pills I “a in such a condition that the doc- tor told, me I would ttlwagn, be an BllMfillhll WUBRIES w. at glitswere mix?! as ' iiepertrp'vl have bi“ bfirirct t .othe 1 ths 'itrtaititlhfi'd'irn' The Sweet Thing. . l ' Mn. Nu“ er-ttturea are has: dread. 1 ul. mu Gatsby-l think they no nloe. Mn. Nuwod--But you would have pen Mr. Sawed when he came home In: man. His clothes were mud!!! l and torn. and he had lost his hat.‘ and he was so tired and sick he could - talk enough to tell me that he had been out to one tho/elephant. autumn American. " " ph at need attention. and Tor . Dr. Williams" Plat Pllls 'mple are woman's beet ' are particularly adapt- ulator ot the allmentl that NNh and through the Mood “at “pun the whole exam richtnca; to tho eye and my to llllUDIIIEI' m although a months. was scarcely nbu ad was so me , half the ti but be deger a time a. tri, tt women have to 'orived from u with , state 5 the pi; eat, all} u. aris it is whats brides will tallow u-Chicago Chron- I†mllt n hooks. Thou " n My stomach Me. and did a customary by a allâ€!!! tl l picture Maul min, but. with sums emtiroi- as mount for of honor was rcidered with I v acknow] from this nt, it! I. Hughes who pos am of al me speak: follows: 18'.) I ha: who was distribav- and fate- and friends unique and h that the tame alone each was and date I. can: sdutul.s ally l " mo- Le 9min wedding . was a te dress picture narrow tdty to ot “BE w tr I There was tht I Adams. who kilh t East Thirty-thir because her has ot the corn beet his dinner. Thu Theodore Alcom ABSURD MOTIVBS FOR SUICIDE. th my..- -..,.---_._._ Very frequently the suicide! tell what prompted them to self destruc- tion. or their friends know the mo- tive and matte it public. We find that business troubles head the list, and that real or imaginative failure in the struggle for existence is the rea- son for nearly one-third of the sui- cides; then come physical ills account- able for CHENNAI. domestic afflictions tor a little less. crime one.tenth, love affairs one-twentieth, and other (muses one-tenth. Many of these come under the gum‘ral head of melancholy, which is produced by them. and run into insanity. But when a man of n who can. in certain e: cases. spa n Justifieatiort I aide. examines the cause: Eied at the fact that th sons stated should he Mt sons stated should he sutticient. There was the case of Mrs. Ida Adams. who killed herself at No. IT.'. East Thirty-third "met. on Jan. 20, because her husband had complained ot the corn beet she had provided for his dinner. Three days before Mrs. Theodore Alcom killed horsvll be. muse her husband had stayrd away from home and played pinochlc. That was the only complaint she made. On the tirtrt day ot the year Charles I6 day before Augustine Kat: killed herself with poison, on her wedding day. because her husband didn't gin: her $100. Two days after the latter. misa'rl)’ Jul-oh Mule. or No. 526 West Fifty- eighth street. shot himself because the root of the house he lived in and owned leaked and needed repairs. Worse than that, on August 9th, Gia. cano Morido. confined in a Jersey City prison. hanged himsélt to escape a compulsory bath. On December Lust, Ivan Denlozewicz, a Russian Nihilist, killed himself in San Francisco because he had not killed the Czar ot Russia. Lot had selected him tor the mulnntion. and he teared to make the attempt. Henry P. Decker. of No. 150 West 103rd street. found himself unable to do a less thing and poisoned himmsei! to death. He had not the money with which to buy (‘hristmns presents. _ death. He had not the money with which to buy Christmas presents. Yet more strange was the given reason for the sulfide ot Maurice Strauss. who jumped from a Full Illvcr boat on December 14th. He wrote that he died so as to return and prove the truth of spiritualism. SOME BI'SINESS REASONS. Ruin-Mow trout humans worry present as many queer cases as those that have preceded. On January 22nd, Charles Adams, of Phliliptrburtt, N. J., hanged himself because a dance tor his benefit had been poorly attended. Charles W. Bryan, of Springfield. ho had actanllyelost a sum of money. Charles Hirbon, a tailor, of No. 324 Robbins avenue. thought he had a good excuse when he took gas and (lied on May 18th. because he had crushed the index nuger of his right hand and had to have it amputated. On August 25th, Mayor Impetus, of So. 183 Stanton street. was so depressed by n thraiatened strike of his employees that he hanged himself. Chrismms wasn’t merry for Charles H. Schiller. a Jeweller, of Ulica. who who: himseyif to death on that day became of a poor holiday made. On Mmber nah, Frederick B. Russell. of Saw Rochelle. couldn’a raise 860 U) balances his account: with the Gull Club. so he killed himself with a pis- tty ha tan Club, so ttrl. but it seems " duce the meian Murrr,ot $0; 13} feared we Edwin A said he ha able sin, a fast. shot hon-elf Ln Mug .13n1. bums-1e 51ml haunt me mlg'x' be .4112: insane. Edwin Akins, (J Wn:rrlrr1ry, Cumâ€! said Ire had coruruivl 1hr ucupurdom-l nbl-v sln, and Feeling: 41:21. his scul was} 33.51, shut b:'rtteeli" on Jun? 20th. Gem: Kendal became melanoh‘ly brooding over 1‘11:- 1093 of a ray/Mal dog, and killed himself at Nb. 5 Delauceysireet widh gas on May 2711. Naval 1/euonan'c Dianna. of the Russian Conn. shot himsehf on July 20A. because the Cur upbraided him (or allowingilm Clarowitz to go to- cling lo“. 'r.a)e1'us"Bttrnhtt, of No. tgm .. FD, " httonwe, became bo- y Me , Children left her «I: R , lt " on July 2tat. . , L' " out! In which â€on!!! _ r, 4'â€, , to death to es- hh - " 's' L' "at" .7“. _tlttt rem g truant, and Augustine Ka poison, on her her husband d n of normal mind, 1in extraordinary mum: (won for sul, causes. he is put 9 had lost some re, Jacob J. Wol- st Ninety-second 1nd died because use a dance tor oorly attended. of Springfield. situdes of more :lve business lite m! on January as not what he rrse1t widh gas an s motherless Sun nd married. Mrs. Cleveland, killed was promoted n captain, in killed tsisurtelt ar/a Brooklyn. when to evade art, of NI wiie. " No. 354 because his him money. louse, seven- lite because pts sumo montn chm-g. took 10 was Bcold, and just the Kata killed her wedding d didn't gm: the given of Maurice m) a Full 14th. lie queer roa 0 because for gumg no month It. took he I r Charles 1ica. who that day {can in h is crime. Another Brooklyn man was Rune" Nibhl. who killed himself with poison April Path rather than submit to arm: for assaulting his wife. On July 8th Henry M. Cham. berlin, of New Ihswttt, hanged him- self because his wife sued him tor non-support. August Mrd Michael Brennan. of No. 20 Renwick street. died from poison when he heard his wife had sworn out a warrant for his arrest. Fakirs Whose Business is Swindling Farmers, SIGN N0 PAPERS FOR THEM There appears t9 he a good many {akin going through the country for the purpose ot doing up (armors. One farmer nem- Wooduock signed what he believed to be a testimonial for a cattle food. The teatimonial turned out a few days later to be an order for $180 worth of the article. I [ Another chap is. says the St. Mary's Journal. going alum, telling farmers that he has 123.000 head or cattle in Oregon. no in profeudng to buy cat- tio and otferg about double the value of the animals purchased. He does not pay any cash. but gets tree board for u. tow days on the strength ot the pun-hams he is opposed to have made. The Palmmston Spectator says tho same man has been up In that sec- tion, and that in that locality he has asked farmers to advance a mu- rioient amount to pay that was in- jured by the caterpillar. C. C. RICHARDS & co Dear tsirs,-aiINAItD'S LINIMI-I In my remedy tor colds. use. It is beat Ilzllmnm: I have ever used. MRS. JOSIAH HMI' Mlnnrd’l Linlment. Llu Friend. eKep Minard'e Llnlment house. mnurd's Liniment is um 3101mm. Ask for Minnrd's and other. At a time ot crisis in foreign atta Urs, guys the Argonaut, the Princess Mary Adelaide, Duchess of Tock, was neat- ed at dinner next Mr. Disraeli. She was anxious to underszand the ap- parent inaction of tho government. and asked him suddenly: "Whas are we waiting for!" We took up the menu. glanced at it, and grant; re- plitd; L "Mutton and potatoes, “Mutton and Potatoes, First Patent on Matvhrs. Before 1833, when wooden matches with phosphorus were made in Vi- enna. people were dependent upon flint. and “cal to secure a light. The first patent toe a phosphorus match in the United States was taken out in 18:56 by A. D t’hlmps, of Snringfield, Muss. For many years people refused to use them, but by 1845 the ill-smell- A (‘Jmtham (Onto man says: "1 wan run down, and my nervous sys- tem was apparently broken. making life miserable. Miller's Compound Iron Pill: cured me." ing and clumsy on: uuuur IJUAUB !vr|I: generally diricardod,aru1 are preserved like Snuflboxcs, m3 curiosities. To Cure 5 Cold ln One Day Take Laxatlve Bromo Quinlne Tablets. All awn refund the money if it falls to cure. 250. W. Grave's six-nature la on each box. The Proverb Did Not Apply. The little girl stood on the street corner sobbing as ll her heart would break. (m tue atone [lugging were the bits of a broken pitcher. “There, there. llttle girl," will the benevolent man, "don't cry, don't cry, little girl; 'never cry over spilt milk.“ " "But it isn't milk," sobbed the girl; "it's beer." If the children require physio none ac“ so nice us Miller’s Worm Pow. ders; very pleasant. to take. "Did you any they made fun of my speech '?" said the Buttesman with the unwavering selLesteem. "Yes, I'm sorry to annoy you, but"--- "Oh, It doesn’t annoy me. You know you can't. be sure anything is a real work of an until somebody bur- gaamca or nth-he- it."-Maatttntrton r. wrn.xfriinisnent tor gale every- where. ' ------- We live in our own soul: as In an unnamed region, -n few acres of which we he" cleared tor our habi- union, while ot the nature ot than nearest m we know but the boun- daries that , march with, curt-The Touchotono. . all WM the suicide or Mrs. Fischer. of No. 221 West th street. Her husband had kneel! In Docemher so aha " insurance money. and she , to follow him as soon us [my was “one. She provided 'ort Mtthrra_veychttu Content. Lumbertnett Mu'attt In 1897 is an the No Division of (Minion in " ttard to Dodd’u Kidney Pills Whatever. (thref human I felt a won Ito take th foctlv cured MIuAnna Mongren. ot9rtrytd Mftu, Voice. the Un'l'veml Werrdeet--t9srt' slle Fools ob" ed to Tell Her Friend. of Duff: Kidney Pill- - She Herself Ma. Been Abu . â€lately Cured. Grand Biotin. Qua, April tm.--5ntw Anna Mon ren. of the village of Grand Malia, Quaint. has been cured of her kidney trouble of years' standing by Do‘d's Kidney lills. Throughout thli country it is becoming more and more common to hear ot cure this lemons medicine ls making. The people of French Canada are not n vines who are taken in by imitations or worth- losx preparations of nuy kind. They are a. conservative propie, nnd the reputation of a main-im- has to be thoroughly eatnhllslud belon- they pin their lnlth to it. It is thororore a most convincing sign that Budd's Kidney Pills are a sterling remedy when Fttneh (‘anndinnn tltroughout Quebec speak (if it in the hizlu-st terms of praise. and that. mun-mm from a, knowledge basal mi their mm "xperioneo. Dodd‘s Kidney Pllls are nnw prmm] to he infallible in the Pure ot Kid, may llismms " nh-olnt/‘ly new nature. Itright'rt Dim-11w. that, U-rrur to in! ca tho attct pnnlmnnt or a ten throughou Heart Disemu to he the m Mn which is I l’rlnary nnd 1 man's Wonk" I felt n wonderful relief. I rout to take them. and now I am fact†Curr" (Humidor-hut it only and honest to lot the farts be In I feel obligwl to tell my friends t virtues of Dodd'n Kidney MIN ttl thank that modicum for the I benefit I have received." Nile to manufacture cotton from Egyptian cotton. For l pose the Egyptian Cotton Joint company. capitalized n ooo, will soon start the can: of spinning and waving mill Ink. near Cairo. The works N Joint company. eapitttlizorl at $5“ ooo, will soon start tho {onstrlmt of spinning and waning mlILa at Ink. near Cairo. They works are 1 posed to have n capacity of S7: ooo kilograms ot yarn and 4.9501 metres of cotton piece goods. hr local npplimth diseased panic}! c "N mt... ..,,,,.___-_-__,, 7, - " (linemen! portion of the car. There ir' only on in? to cure Denim)“. and that is by court tut mini remedies. Deafness is caused hfy n intttuned condition ot the mucous lining o th Eustachian Tube. When this tube zeta intUn rd you haven rumbling sound or importer hearing. and when it is entirely closed ilunincu is the result. and union-n the iirt1atntuation N! be taken out and thin tube restored to its no: mal condition. hearing will be destroyed to over; nine cases our of. ten. an mun}! b " Dodd's Kidney Pills. Miss Nunn Mongren, we â€and Mutts, writes as t ortting her cum: " I was suffering from I n my side. which Hume min and uneasiness. I hree boxes of Dodd'u Kid, felt n wonderful relief. '0 take mom. and now 90th cured. ('nnelderlng Competent nuthorith South America has gr oped resourcos than ah: of the world. Any era where can he duplicated country abound. in t silver and gold, most been only slightly don " Miller's Compound doses :25 callus. Il ured by ADAPTED FOR FAMILY USE FOR THE IMMEDIATE RELIEF OF " WE! 15W N EU RA LGIA TOOTHACHE ...RHEUMATISM... t be Hun Exmmuu. NERVILINE curu Toothache, â€mum-(lam. ChiIbI-ins. Bltem of lunch, ColdI, -- . ., n:_|.AL‘-l‘ In". Throat, Known-nun. wm...-...-, -...,._. ., M 7 . _ Ipnms. Hannah, Diphtheria, Ion Throat, F root Blue, Cramps, to. Unto tyranny. it cut-u com, Haunt“, Cholou. Ohmic. Dyspenil. Dynamo", "tfha-, Item-ch blank", a. Input!) Be ti. 0. PM“! I: 00., KINGSTON, ONT. " ALL "tttite, we: 25.. "mur'-tnttttitrmt"ti""ii". arrh. whit dition of " R- will gin v of Deafnu Wlillllilll UNITED AND ALL PAIN INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL. “STA i; 'Soir Deafness Cannot be Cured Resourl-es of Cotton Mills In Egypt ll POLSON 'S PAIN KING Dr a yield [reply 'dia L," Roi ,"earsu--aiurridan result of s an new 1-7511in Bladder not Pill South Amt they ll cures Toottett.e, great I me n kt of $750.- 4.950.004) this" pur rh only pr WI bl tl" Lord Curzon, the Viceroy of India. law stated recently that the loss from the the famine to the oultlvatorl ot Bombay re. alone In food crops equallel £15,000.- yner ooo, while the loan on the cotton crop very amounted to £4,000.000. ll f? tt o, WINE! DAISY " GBADUATED. Girls Should Give Snoring Mothers. In many at our college- the ox- penlo of commencement has Mu) be a dread and a. bugbeor. diurnal- ing to poor students, because cul- tom now ordaim tout every girl shall he graduated in her cap and gown. A simple uniform of some oort. inexpensive, yet sstsartuetesr1stie; a simple knot oi ribbon, or hedge, or selected flower, would abundantly meet every requirement of the pre- paratory school. and would be in de- cidedly better that" than n toilette involving outline. and display. All thntin noceunry to bring about a de. sirablo change in the matter is to make simplicity the lunhion tor our beautiful Dttrcyrr to lnducn tiwm to emulate their name-tlower, starring the summer lipids In itn exquisite white and gold. and to nut. tho land (War. in concert. tin! girls turvittrivlvrs tasking the initiative. For a - “lair of show there is not a sensible Baby anywhere who would willingly cause her father anx- iety, or oblige him to work harder ot longer than now. And some of out Daisy's. " they would open their cyan. would see that Uteir mothers tireles- ing bloom and beauty, are growing very tired, and are. straining too hard but to proruro fripperies tor which nobody really 0!er. The reform whivh is needed 'should be instituted by the schoolgirls in their on cla- mentings. with the mnr‘ti'm of their class presidents. and" tho approving eyes of the sr‘hrml alumnae. who hate gone tar Pnongh on to me that there are better things at. which to him than r-xtramxmnmg which benefits Mrs, Morey, of ('oney Island. New York, paddles milk, but she doesn't keep a horse and wagon. Instead of that she drives her cow. around to the houses of her anatomers. and. while they wait, Mrs. Morey can "Cd Bow." to the sleek-looking cow and proceeds to milk the desired quantity. In this Min 0n ' Mllle quire ll 31 I ask; Did a!" No : ah was of her custome ' wait, Mrs. Morey the roek-iookittq " St. Lawrence Sugar Refinery , “I cow Milken an the Door Produce n QUICK, SURE "LIGHT" every time. They have had a â€Nation toe nearly halt 1 century. - -- ---- - “I... IOO Per Cent. Pure THE ll, B EDDY 00., LIMITED. Hull, tr 1p M' tl tht M nimn " nimnt Believes Neuralxh Dies Hard Hung ALL REFINERS MAKE SUGAR, Sou "' Some Thought to " reibute twitty Cu res Burnt, etc For Wt mm 25E? ich bent entails l " f lactic: Bang-tar Sale “by III Elm-CI.“ Dealers. HANUFACTURBD BY g, B, EDDY’S PARLOR MATCHES THE SUGAR. um IN rev. Jamel pleasant." New Ent t epitaph her UN bl 13 Cj' Cl' ttb Ill stag Worm r09 " lik it Their Granulated is ISSUE NO 19. To Rent NOTICE TO HORSE OWNERS. ltlnuvun-kmwn battalion-muted withm-.ifpuoesd on Pun-ammo mandatmhuvu. In mayo-0d at an Plum: Weed .. which ha. been found no Chou“! in curl Ban-f combined with otter vdublc I'JMd lent And will move ll! eiRscttml remedy tor to. ad Cath- in Horus and Cattle. " out per -t-, " 'lt '2euqeyt_ e mat 11’ Books. “Tho Luann (four - In and: and TheMtasaodrtt"Eimittet" writta-drturdato,ant oumnttor;tt" when In sum “bani; can“ an take hold " oe peat-noo- If manom- for! Wham“ 'oqtrtingt O' lid um ttlll)1tlr'pt,'ii'i'li't't, PEttMANENTLY CURED BY “If. FITS Kline's are“. Nerve W. " tha or neuron-mean an: timt any; use. Send to sum - Phi delphh. IU. ttsrtriati-itto"8tetat 'roTia"ibDTCiiGiEWiirgitiiViiGitit" Immu- Ho who M Window'! Booth mm d ,d'gt,Ti'tt,'J'tmt'tttNSlill1 11mm“ “would. some" mo rams. our. wind otthr aluminum tteDtarFa. Twenty (count-bub. PRAIRIE WEED Have Powder Strong Boned' In speaking about South Emulsion for children. you should not forget that it con- tains In. and I“ ittst what the child must have to form strong bones and good teeth. It's this forming time you want to look after. Growing bodies must have " easily digested tit. Just them how modtofi"tthereisintttilt.asc'"m. LrtFitCrliiF,Wisousi" Pat-Thy}, on. SCOII’S [MISIOI lam momeaitrdigrtedttttn Cream. It's writing how dtli. drenthrive_gttrettiL.. . _ Bon'teeertheatildryftHrte the edge of that all the time. m them mg Ill Ntd: Manila-1y. both . lionofCod-MOEMWHYW iiaiiiieiotumeandsoawiiido thisiorthem. " YOUR GROCIR FOR "" mm coeoe mnnufmlmd by the Cole. (90.. unintlon. out,; [no supple an: on Rp- mton: Superior wall othem. a GENTS WANTED FOR "rm TroA.EY -- ___ 777777 . " . At‘lladonm.§! f'rg, Apply JOHN Me Make Hotel Stand at Fonthill. nut-clu- rum-m -rFue" m" - Ann-u x and; and "Brim. L Moody Hull-in": tho hob mural mm you In.“ W cu It-a-it-st. W “Bantam. than r' McCOY. WA: or GARNER. Wells-d.“ BR‘II-VADI an a... mum. eunuc- alumna-t noun W. H. MEAN kn my = “to“ “can. H non 1 nine! “an: Mu tun: let III â€we Ion a: timer. a? n ty Inw- (. In" a stick “an - htvrnn "eject Md . mom or the lov- I which more I ttN the i!