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Durham Review (1897), 24 May 1900, p. 2

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95 “Fifty ritiek nnl 3.000 round. were Inrrrndered by the l-‘ree Staten to Muslim of Yeoman” working along Lord Rotrertp Report. D'nllun. May L'0.--Tl:e War Office. has revolve! thas following deupntch from Lord Roberts "linmnsml, May 20, 3 pam-No offlviul inrormai.ion has yet been re- ceivz-J. but Renter (Tehgmm come run) states that the relief of Ma- ek..ng has been effecte i. "Bundle reports having occupied Bros-law‘s nat, Tr.,|umvl. and Clocolnn. tho enemy falling back on Santa! my; t‘lchnburg. ' _ i Returned British Maxim. Luz-Ion. May L'l.--A despatch from Begum. Burie'gin to tire Daily Tele. graph from Krou 1th] says that the Been hare returned to the British a “Him gun. they captured at Monm- Those tn Roller Column. Landon. May lit-Tho Central Nun“ correspondent at Cape Town, trlegrnphinz to-day. says "I am permitted by the ('anr to any that the Male-king relief v-olumn consulted of 2.000 picked men from tho Mouth African Light Hone, the Imperial Yeomanry, and the Kimber. In) Home. They left Kimberley, May 4th. with C, wagons of lateral! and am- munition. {our horse artillery guns. two pom-puma and two Maxims. and took the route to the westward of the railway. "Short olliciul bulletins have ar- rived at Cape Town from thus to tlmo stating that their advance wan not being opposed." ' reputsml Tln and the Bu r rear guard tame timt. were slight." "The rolls! ('oiunm wnfeking from the " by a strong form of repulsed, Tho (alum: differ widhly. that the WHO unopposej. tl ready raiaod through the Taut triots without u only. ant reached mum south of , May 11th. new ot what dated whi 'h No Direct News rrcm Mafeking Yet- -- "len. Buller Has Reached Lalng’n Nek --- _-Llndley's Surrender to Broadwood -- ~Various Reports as to the Re- lief ot mucking _-Row at Aberdeen--iers Object to tio to St. Helena “Big Capture ot Ammunition by nethuen--sorne Great Marches--- Contradictory Reports From Pretoria " to the Defence of the Town. Gen. De Wet Offered to Surrender Thousand Men. ROBER‘IS DECLINED CONDITIONS. KRUGER WANTS PEACE. SALISBURY SOUNDED. >1.an Hun-(- Friday. ah“ the Born-n M " lot n p ppened arrarw dea teh doc-l: havo ll rou " tt nday “an 1iPCittrrPtt red Mateking Jinx been al- spateh says; i approached was hum Red re. who wax-3 n pushed on, 'Trrietily.t The t action tor m casual“ a piou Klerks I last Thurs It r: in: Mat )tured tht Maretcing " i by iraw Nomi )lll these rd the " M and they care nothing tor the British bhrmtn to shoot or hang them for only action they may take in defence ot their country." Cape Town, May w'd0.-hll the Brit. ish team's-nus here are rejoicing over the relief ot Matching. A pro~Boer ting at Cmddoak. Cape Colony. =',ll Ind bean caused by Mr, Bar. guvr tin" order to destroy the mines and am who elxrcuted it personally responsible for tlcir destruction. The British do not understand the Boer character. 1 would not be surprised tt the Boers should destroy the mines to show their contempt for the British warning. Tm Boers are brave men, tT"""'"..' ... me”... 'Our frands the enemy have pot-mew sion at cable communication, apd the th'lvgutiml is not kept advised by tele- graph of the dovdupmentu ir: the situ- ation in South Atries. I would be in- clllwd, however. to look upon the re. port as nun-us: It, may. however. L'omf' from a truthlul correspondent. “Wham I left Pretoria. there was no talk of destroying the mines at Johannesburg. I have heard ma: the Boers have been r.otined by Lord Rob- erts that he would hold the men who saw the! order to destroy the mlnm Wasshirugton, D. C., May 19.-"It is [xmslble that President Kruger ma) have asked for a cessation of hostilities," Bald Abraham Fischer, mm] of the Boer delegatiomtomitrhi. t AN.... l_lp._ a., LI - \otwinimtanding the situation President 835-) chewy and bold demon Provisions will soon be scarce in Pretoria, All is being taken to 'Lyden- berg. where the capital may be removed. But many “Miriam an! hurghersnre "lraky, and desire‘ n t-mnpromlse. They do not want, to defend Pretoria tor fear that their prupnrby will be k utruyed by bombardrivani. A big meet- ing was held Thursdin' night, at which the women of Pretoria [mused resolu- tiolm urging the defence of the capital to the hitter end. President Kruger In that the war wuulvi I three weeks, which In There is much nut-m torin, whore Kruger is hand. The Boer Pres terday that he would last cartridge. ot it, Pre thaw three the mint l-Ixet-utiv propoitti uuro wa time the unlosu theme b mines will bo h burg destroyed "alumni"; Yemundin st all cu are sick of the war and that Pre. sident Kruger is seeking mat-t9. Tho "orretqrortdent of the Timesnt Lorenzo Marquez says it is then-om mun belief than that the Boers are thoroughly disheartened. The basis tor this statement is the testimony of the moat recent arrhuls from Pretoria. They say the residents are quitn unable to predivt whether the capital is to be dedemied or not. The archives are said to he already loaded for removal to Lydenhnrg. On th.n other hand. nothing has been done to strengthen the natural de. fettves in the region of Lydenburg. The talk of rommilg the Govern. trtent to that place may be a ruse to "elude Hen. Roberta into the he. lief that Pretoria will make no re" Mutant-e. Tho Boer ruling clique! is said to be quite unable to agree as to what ought to be done. Judging from the pmnent demorallmtion among the Boers. it is improbable that any (-onnidprnhie [lumbar o.T tin-m will submit to the investment oi irvloriu. President Kruger'" whirl " In 1neonvelvahte, ot Lord Salisbury can has reply exeept the ono i ready on the lip of e "unconditional surrender Rumors mum» trom 1 most oomph-no Express in the of the morning "We have thl Inc that In the gram has been sign Office. and inc that in the last 24 hours a tele. gram has been received at the For- Pig" Offim. addressed personally to tho Prime Minister, from President Kruger. proposing terms of mace. "Tho exat't terms of the message mnnot be stated. but we believe it is couched in an exceedingly humble Curt and 5"er tl The Envoy Admits Overturn. While at mu: Council sition, but an was brought Cape Town liejolcol. " to m f any” be award]: Lid “Phi comet and tu', hurgheru mic-red at Boehot yesterday. Milo at “column Methuen so- I 2150 rifles and between 400,000 300.000 rounds.“ ' Kruger Slum for " m. May 21.-Dit'plasod in the mspivuous any": in the Dally _ is 3.1m dominant war new; wrnment has new tor some widerlng the dmtruction of i. Prmillent. Krutrer and tic, ' Cottttvil were against the m. but strung popular pros- brought to bear In luvor lunlalu =grnph ntein. Id cor We the best reason A” Wtte Mn r Ill' HN puma from Lorenzo Mar. elsewhere that. the Boats If the war and that Pre. Iger is seeking 091100. salient. Sum] tnaintaiiU ii bold demeanor. barium hkvwn mgr! to Lord Roberts ssution of hostilities, Maximo that the lives ikthting with the rnnsm a I ttt'"tt r hm.- hm! " dream IN be ended within h In firmly believes. uwortainby in Pre- " is the only strong President mild yen- ould fight, until the line from Boahof to Ma y 19. --"It resident Kruger or 7 a cessation " tl " May {ll gum. Wm 'PP, and Ants Ice 1rtsr'yttrasinsr stating that, granted the m Johannes- ampttign so mission to the lavish pace ”W“ "The fifth division has also done Jt"dl; great service." n for Spenser Wilkinson Writes: “Gen. tene Buller'l advance to Lalng'n Nek unop- e posed In important, for it show: that the Boer: are dsmorallzed, and possibly _ nouns that Gen. Bullet will get through the mountain- Into the Trans- Brit. van] without serious opponitlon. In Over which can no rut-tonne can be mule Boer to him baton-e ho roaches Heidelberg Iony, or Ilddlebnrg." Bar. A damsel) from Peturmarttstmrg if wish ”lik'h Tlit my tele " The tetetrrdirii section has been in. deratltratrte, and the service corps has kquul [git ot rations all the Mme. "The men‘mve marched very well indeed. I le Ladyamm) May 10th. and try the road used am now 138 miles from there. "wi, almost caught up with the tall ot the enemy’s column, and have captured a tew prisoners and was- London, May 19.---Tlte War otrico has received the following despatch from General Bauer, dated Newcastle. May 19: "General Cleary moved to Ingogo today, and General Dundonuld to Ielpgh Nee. ivlGd VT}; irunui'eirfiiui"riiis" "idriiil wiped the British for two hours. Surrender of Lindley. Lindley, May 17.--G'tHt.Broauwood'a cavalry arrived here this evminmand occupied tiheiwights on tthorth shit» of the town. A message was sent to the lttnddrot,t demanding the surren- der ot the place, but as he was absent. the municipal officers met in theatreet and discussed the demand. It was finally decided to make no resistance. and a. hotelkeeper and the jailer were sent_toflellver the keys to Gen. Broad. Commandant Philip Bothu. London, May L'0.-An official des- patch from Kroonstad says that the Robina, who was reported on Friday to have been captured was Command, ant Philip Roma, not C'ommandant. General Louis Botha. General lan Hamilton's command did most of the fighting, xnoeting with strong opposition at land River. Tho main column, under General Polo- Carow, mortal Grtterttl Rahal-ts. it never checked its advanee. It smiled tho Boers on tho north nid' n! the drift while they were retreating he- tore Gon, Hamilton. General Gordon's brigade in now Mr tacled to Gonna] Roberts "orps. Troops scouting; tor his column had Hilary skirmishes with .the enemy be. fore air latter retired from Kroon- utud. VON-“ya wvre exchanged with the burghers. the latter firing from bushes 400 yards in the rear of new and unused trenches. leaving Bloemfontoia the Britta! troom haw ttrttio ntttgnlrictrrt marches. The infantry are in tin. um mum. and they have shown ma stamina. They Covert" 130 miles h nine days. Whenever they Came 11 touch with the enemy. tlwlr over wlmlmlng numerical superiority forum the. Boers to flee before them. Gets, Botha'te force is now largely compose] of foreigners. He has thirty nominal attaches to act as military nth [sen-1. Prominent umung than? is the American, Iteiehtututn. Attaches as Advisers. Kroonatad, May 20, 4.4,5 p. nt.-iien. Piet De Womvith 900 mews langrsred on his own farm 37. miles north or here on tho banks of Rhmoster sprint. He says that he is still “mam-hm his submission on condition that his men arenllmv‘M to return to tlnir homes. The Boers olmwhere are m north. The commandos: mun Northern Cape Colony have nl cided to trek and remain in Transvaal. t l Itrarrirord According to u native report, Boer wants nttired in uniforms identieally the some as those worn by the Bri. tisi are visiting the [arms beyond Bothay'ille. They repeat the mth- stance of the proclamation recently issued by Gen. Roberts to the burgh- are. and announce that it the terms therein are accepted the persona ac- vepting them will be deported and their [arms looted., Ofrered to Surrender. Kroonstnd, May IO, 3.30 p. m. - Among the Boers who tendered their arms to the British this morning was Wilhelm Botha. ', Gen. De Wet otters-'1 tho submission of a thousand of the burghers on condition that they were not sent to Cape Town or St. Helena. The condi- tlon was not accepted, and u reply was sent to him saying that he must first submit. and he 'wouid then learn the dismmition that would be made of himstiii! and his men. London, May 19.-Gttriner Patrick O‘Rellly. of E Field Battery. Royal Cunndmn Artillery died at De Aar, Youth Attica. from enteric lever. on Wednesday. Capt. Weeks and Limit. Lnyhorn, of the Royal Canadian Regiment of In.. fantry. have been discharged from tho hospital. and returned to duty. Gon. Rundle’s Movements. WLntrurg, May 1ro.--Gonortu Rllndlo remixed Tromnwl. 28 mil“; from here, on Frlday. truvertring exceedingly tuoatt.t,aittoutr country. Commtndant O'ivier’s commando ls several drug when] of him, hut "ray patrols of Boers am watching Rundan move. Boers are watt meme. His mon in trplto of long ('lu'llng the appuintme subjects to local orriees Newcastle Not Damaged. Newcmstle. Natal, 'May It4.-Thin town was little damaged by the livers during their occupancy. Tho rpnidentu pH) a. tribute to the burghern for their vunsideruto trvatrnrent, . in- cluding the appointment of British "A Britlah (202mm ls advancing northward from Zululand.“ President Stew-n loft Pretoria today (Friday) for the Free Stat? front. Llndim' has Men oeeuplod by tho Brltlsh. The Federal oomnmndoes and tho British outposts are In close touch. Pretoria, May 18, via Lorenzo Mar. quer., May 19.--.t dwpatch from C'harlmrtown, on tho Natal border, dated May 17th. trtytr.' The new: of the relief of Mateking has hem weaved with tho greatest antlnfactlnn by the American real- dents. Tho parade of troops on the Qlwe-n's Birthday will be on an un- precedented scale. grow. a member of the Afrikunder Bond, was stopped. and rioting fol. Iowej. (rm Gunner ()‘lh-Illy Dead tNugttitieettt Buller's Advance. a, May Bloemf, rm VP 3loemfontoia the British no "ruin magnificent The infantry are in tine 1nd they have shown great They Covert" 130 miles In Whenever they came In Moving Nort h. olmwhere are moving commando-s rnlsed in e Colony have all de- and remain in tho May iii kg hing Rumlle's move, nre in splendid form daily mamhas. " Mun-hes Is. by hy post J, I: m Sh t, F l Ill'If \"{II a gun rep] I ally, mu iour gun I ful when u I seemed 1 e lengo to " I From [ John Redmond and John Dillon re- gard tltq recent anti-Home Rule speeche- ot Lord B'Illabury, Balfour and Chatntteteialtt as almply a political movo to when. if poulble. the post- tion or the trial: party. Barnla, May 2th--Whilt, discharging a giant tireeraeter on Friday night, Frank Mitchell, a prominent business man of Sarnia, had the fingers of his rum hand blown off and My none aplit Boys Fight a Duel. "Berlin, May 20.--h rurious ovcur- fence is teported from tkhwabiaeh Hall. Two !iiT"Itfh"", pupils named Eugene Tue el and Werner Kuntz. aged 16 and IT, fought a duel with pistols. Kuntz was shop in the chest. The court sentenced both of them to three months' imprisonment In a for A Dane who was mum: South African Home. sun are GOO Frenchmen with who are opposing Gen. gather with many (h other foreigners. Representative Suizer, of New York, Chairman of the committee to re- ceive the Boer (imagines in Washing- ton, says that a,, committee, consist- ing ot United Smtes Senators. three Representatives and a number of prominent citizens. will go to New York to escort the delegates to Wanhimton. . A Canadian battery or 15-pound- era arrived at Beira. Portuguese East Africa, May 10th. The postponed (-ongrms of the hr. rlkander bund has been called to meet at Paarto June lath. Gen. Rundle'ia sweeping north in the Free State. The Boers are dis- trolling before him. and sums- are sur- rendering. The main form- is nanom- bled between Firkshurg and Win. burg. but it is without Hour organi- gation. The Ladysmlth "orreepondeut of the Dally Telegraph my” lhllt only one Boer was shot. in the mm'vmem. which resulted in the taking at Help. muknar. George Lynch. tho artist of the Il0trnted News. just returned from Pretoria, thinks the mm will come about Chrlalmas. The cummlttm- or tuvIutvrnational Pence But-mm has 1iveitrett to make a final appeal to the 27, powers who are signers or the (-unvontiou adopted by the Hague [Nun-9 Con. fexence. in favor of the rmturntiun of peace in South Africa. A gentleman from Cape Town says that Mr. Cecil Rhodes has deeided to retire altogether from Cape Coluuy polltics. th hu all)". and was en our gunners. Tl ful when gur arti seemed relm-tuut lengo to " duel. " is announ when: urriwd day. l siege exhibition was hpl4i-Mr. in Koch, organizer and manager-when prizes were given for the ' fancy work. the ' model of fortilivatiom in town, the best vollection of shells, tho beat poem or Hwy on tho siege, the beat water color or siren-h tour by Lady Sarah Wilson), and the Must. trimmed hat-the [unwriuls to have been bought in Muleking during the ulege. The exhibition was eminently a success. Mr. Do Rock is to he run- grntulated upon the energy which on- ahled him to voila-t such " display. This morning two of our guns. whiz-h had been omplacix,t over night in the vicinity of the worke captured from the enemy, opened lira from Woiui, len'u larurer on the main line of trenches. and tin" Meg's gun, all oi Wllir‘h being- within their range. Thrs object was to draw the tire of ths slog-e gun and of the nwn in th, eneruy's tram-hes, and m gain mnw notion of their numbers. Tite Nrle fire was not YPry vigorous. Tlie ~ing<> gun replied promptly, though (-rmtiu- Sunday was quipt. with tha tion of a little riflwfiring betw outposts. The Capo Times of April 18th t' talus u Mufeklug despuu-h ot Mn 27th. from which the rnllnwing. A!» “mg the temper of the inlulxltuutu taken : To While, Away the Tedium Long siege. MAFEKING " I'LL” EXHIBITIONS mee mV Wu. un (jiii'lTti,?,' Swiulist, H WM h Cronwright sum speaker. led to tnorious4 I utrmts In the ni'igllhur Trades Hall. where the held. were him-ks"! by I alternately huntmi and a In tho Fim'hley 1 ban London, a mun master's house and down of n drawn-'5 building on fire aha ther by ttevident or yet known. Two t' Two hundred Gordon High! were mun'hed through tho m vldlng it into m~timm. TIto 1 chewed the troops. At midnigl CYonwright Mchreiner was s the hall, he having been ttttrt' escape. Troops were protectim ic songs. The. polieo t disperse the crowd. but used their batons their ot no avail. as they hold th confirms the id position. which c'ormrarative hn London, May '21.-Tho corrmpond- ante In Natal add only unimportant details to Go". Bullor‘u Intent. tieslmtoh. A despatch from Plirmaritjurm however. Is to tho nffm-t that ”an. Dundmmld has rmvlwl Ininz‘w Nvk, but did not uttur'k tho kin-rs tlr-rn an: "The occupation of Newcastle by Gen. Buller has caused great Jubil. ntlon. The maglstruto and his stall. the Mayor and tho corporation have left tor Newcastle. Many fleeing Boers, have gone to the Free State by Mul. let's Pass. Others have gone to Wnk. kerntroom. Most of them, however, hare gone north as a diam-gamma] mob." In army, will "rum ttettouttt at 'their Ioro Ye of late bet ow at Aueruee a? ' . n. um ftl o Swish“. Fr M h Crnnwright Svllrvi beaker. 19d to RPriuuH r meats in the nc-ighhnrh nudes Hall, where tho I 'ld, were hlovken by n ternatelv hunts“. um! -. Blew “is B'httteris oe. Row at Atsevueist, ' Mrt _ Ap i'firibisiii. whim Hold Lulng’n Nek w ATi'iir if ll that , been tr prom ilntrlct run-mar m rlnitin borhuod moetlng n mob, l sang pat: attempted [ thought 0mm u red by the that there the Boers Buller, to. rmans and iniaht unnbl "ine tnt the Hg mm uuhur stn tfor stil ot thr Mn r VHS tl W Us tl " w " Ir " For we ('iiiifiiy,iii iii2j'g let,: bury no III open- uou pa - llc without letting all lone hum and ”one“ wordl. no alpha-1m " ablllty In this dug-cum: " m. com- COMMENTS OF THE PRESS. Lord Sullsbury’s References to Ire- land Condemned u Intellcltous. London cable: Lord Sallsbury'l reteerenoe yesterday to Ireland In hll speech at the 11:1an meeting of the Hablmtlou of the Brunt-me League strike! all but the mndlced here u painfully Wellcltoun, to my the least, but the per- morally nuke no comment. Age,' that do emphat- ically condom: him. the mu: Ciro-bl. can: " For Ion. occult - n... M-It..,. After " resolution urging British subjects to prepare in time ot peace an as to he ready to play their part in time ot Imperial emergency had been carried by acclamation, the meeting adjourned. tier the creation of rifle clubs. " once the feeling could be propagated that It Is the duty of every able bodied Englishman to make him-elf competent to meet an invading en. emy, we would have n defence force wnlch would make the chance. of an assailant so bad that no assau- ant _would appear." Thls tetateieient" was also greeted wig; loud applause. and officiHu-y among every one of ( 'tt 1110 great nations. adding: "In every . I Ctt.it' in history the great maritime I has power has been paralyzed, killed. not ititrt by 1115:115er sufferml in its Itrosutces, I t21tr, but by a blow diroetot at the heart. will The British “my. or CollrtH?, oughtm Poet' b" sufficlr‘nt. Hut, am “1* wise In “in plm-iug all our ep,Te in nnv- bnskctt N" LAND DEl-‘ENCE. 'd'fl', "As to land defencnmo tar nu I can 100 see, anything in ma mmxre of eon- our scrimion is not a remedy the coun- lbu', try is prepared to accept. Thornton Dom we must induce the people to volun- [an thrily put themselves in a position” ' tree defend their homer, and country. he We Primrose League cun do much to ion- In. her the creqpion or. rifle clubs. " and dome in tho frolingw or sympathy of other natimm “rcpt :hrmnrh the em.. Honey of tholr own datum» and the ntrenzth of their owe: right arm. Everywhere ttrm power of defence is in- crmsing. and who knows hut all the» things may be lliliti‘d in om- great wuw to dash upon our shores l"' The Premier then urged the neon-- any or precaution in time. remarking that the material for military aggreg- sion was yearly increasing in power and of!lclenoy_ among every one of to the (Juan: those territories which ought "ever to have been released, and to restoring t0 Smth Africa the only chanua it had oi peace, develop- ment and tranquility. "Hereafter external (mum will oo- mpy a. mrmtideratal.v larger space among the problems wn have to oolvp. Not necessarily because in themseivel they are more important: hm. if um Perhaps it was tr, great humiliation I erfnced or that th been lighted, but on the rand to m EXTICRNAI L'tttt9etlr which have once been weh beaten have reappeared to any pur- pose in English history. Apart, how. ever, from the late of former strug- gles, I am still Insured thnt there is no hope of the predominant pn rtner ever consenting to give Ireland prac- tleal independence. We have learned something from the South African war; how a diuloynl Government. in spite of warning». could accumulate armaments against the moat pow- erful eomhatant, and than secure a terrible advantage. We now know better than we did ten years ago what a risk it would be if we gave n illsioynl Government in Ireland the power ot acoumuinting forces against this country. "Mr. Gladstone shuttered hill own party so that tor the moment they are erased and a powerleam [actor in English polities. But it must not he Imagined that the etracement it: likely to be permanent. The Prem cult. and int said "Mr. ' ment for the tor his part: Idea of the m such ex splendid up had producm started awe Hill and the The death or halt of th the people had formet London cable: The grand annual habitation of the Prlatrotm League was held in Albert Hall this after- noon, Lord Sillsbury. who presided. t'ommPnted on the rrmnrknl'lv change Whlch had tukvn Plat'" in the latter halt of the contury in tho \if'Wd of THE HOME RULE QUESTION. SHE“ BRITAIN'S UMBER. British Premier Speaks of Im- portance of Land Defence. that rl r rape“ Katrine tttatett nium G 'ntury "dim: at! the accomplish this or \L AFFAIRI'I. we territories whl have been release Hg soon to my tics MaJuba had been great. Wrong bud :1 felt they ware ttt th K? "In every l "Each “but mt maritime 1 1aa '- part to fr, H. killed. not l 953M to Mr. l its provinces, I uw. We hare on; at. the heart. , Will ttot Milt-bu mm. oughtm Poms to tell the "r wine In Men that to In m:- bnskct , mtaln our "Cub (XI fyyy, may 'lG",ti'drl'et, overrtment, In Id accumulate 10 must pow- thuu secure a We now know you years ago would be If invermnpnt In aecutttt1latitttt , per may but " up ement- slowly ovum"- ma burde t-a rrl M trug- there rtner ttrt uh; km II We -_.._ - "'1‘ .'tmte State " for 'lllli5t p. and iiidi'fg'."itf a... an”... Ihen "I" 'm s, “MIC-L " took .172.“ Pt "trVito a. frtrdqrt. ttfi, a. in“ we. .. Tata'" In“ ."" __... - Ll" "an. may were lhaken by the hand- by per-om on all skies. On taking their reappearance, It. Puncher. Candi-g on the new of the City Ehhuxlwd a: Ill-let - In In: of b 1ery.ilit can “no 0mm. L“ fin ""_oTI 'motMd 'What has happened to 5-4 sister t' "' Delegate Wolmarnns. who Dutch. gave. a history or t vnal trouble. Tia: member. of the rum oem y Brho were pro-ant , tpe,? Introduce? tn the d an a from) o Women I dam. an It. F'tmtse.r" aid on tho “on of Amen-Io: along- that " thy for I cling Boon “Eva new 'et9ed. " m -- h" Fur-c appealing to ttttother We don't uh you to “(in tor as, but we ask you to my to England : 't4top,' and We think tt America said the word the war would ha "come. We are doing our own "ginning. but you man hardly call it o. "I. " in like I "ttto boy trying to defend himself when attached. tt " are beaten. America will probably be "hawk! in future we?" tf the tttte-ties, -'m-" .., " ‘ -__ “W... vu- nave Ind to fight for our liberty. We did not want to fight, but we had to We ought to be worth some ooaqldmttiore to the ruins gluten. have we are 000 res people nppealirg to another- We don't ask you to fight for us, but. we ask you to any to alum: 14top,' and We tttink tt A-nlnn n” ‘L- - __, " the people of America with us. We want to a other 10 per event. by d the truth. We hope that ple will not have appeal people in vain.' Aid. Kennedy than ten nun-59d a. pen" ot tl "WM.“ welcoming the de Then Ila-iv“ J."'gt'g"t,7u) “wa canola. " In In '. "Each member ot an. N has a part to KI,',',',?.". The “tried to Mr. hem-r I. an 111‘. We hare other mm , will 'e, P.r.ettlmt now. w In arttieipatioet of their arrival. the customary crowd around the City Hall way Inme Increased. and the net-"Ion of a number of policemen m requir- ed to tap the people tron the layof- omce. The hour not. tor the reception of the delegate. w" a dent. and promptly on time the nrars mints turned Into City Hull purl. The crowd- preued around the arm and cheered,nnd the delegates raw their hate In acknowledgment. Mayor "an Wyck I'M at his desk when the delegation "and " office Klllan Van new." vhmnn... A New York, May 1T.--T'tte principal m'ent in connection with the “at to this city ot the Boer debuts. learn. “can. Wolmaraun. and Flavour, ur- curred this Imam. when they were recelved at the Cit) [in]! by Mayor Tan Wyek. and, In accordance with the resolution paced by the Ink-uni numb”. oak-lolly welcomed to tho city. Accompanied by the Reception Committee and a delegnuon from the Mouth Atr%an Club. the “on! die from the Manhattan Hotel to the City Hall. when the muck-ind u- nembly and the Mayor were 1'.“an than. SPEECHES ON The Delegates at the City Hall New York, flllfil ilillllili illUllllilfi] Salisbury haa rarely In: mistake than in raising question of Irish dutsrte moment. when the feud normed buried tor good a ly trttqttttittg- ot the (ii-armed the am can! fueling in the liner ill! Futo- d the Trait.“ win. an ill! Na-ttMa. [in aid that Groat 'tHtait' had Ian-Ind annealing (m. ‘Io "I. Mgt a!!! ll one M-on, up par-ttr, which the 1“an in”. failed to “to to bean. namI-Iy, ttan need or a tttMr diretlon." Tho ','t'2 Mnit mu that tho: Prime Mt should ttavr chrrrran such a time u this tor mlnnurrv and harsh remarks. It In)" it firm in .I :n speech "no with»: or the [my situation which bu boon (1'me tt' .1 no sense of the 1mportaneo "t 'nrt/tr 2 the golden moment which n.1,. mohed by tho heroism of tho Ir.u1 rubidium and the atntwlnunhh ,v_. titttive of the Oseem. In upmnkinc .. ho did. Lord Hanan” ‘imlv: u, t our "(06ij "who: r; if not to-morrow '1 "3313..., for lt for Lemuel-I of the munlclpnl na- Fho were PM!“ - ”ch in md tr tho drri-.. Tron" of “om" "to Inn-o- n ME Pbcher and he I...“ '2“ or Alum-let to halo m -r----. - t the ch67- ___ - 'I-I)' I III“! to detemt himself when [ " "P beaten. America y be "hauled In mum Question Chou” he um , h‘mm to your link ted tor good and tho I na- ot the Queen he hut [arm ot r the m inland." Florin. Tho part - halter I. W-m.k. ther man. which m. on 'tow. We have . hee people or har “I! to wim aatd two P“: if not to-day to. who aid Fm“- fthU count- sauna" mum Itldl annulment. - to Lamb: one people In t d gratitude tot a western chum re- dcclarm l VII trultr of In q which. all I w Ill-ply tellin that , fgoe ne- Itfor the nllG read " Adam ' the municipal 9" Aeleeteer. BOTH SIDES a map: In the In euphat d. that I made a the lriul Queen 'tt up" nuts dun-free the - Tun; "IMO! thr cum: we will the n! bu It . ter an ll Nu tbs of mutant}! which made I in. than sh 'trat -tint a. pm. " blue er "

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