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Durham Review (1897), 24 May 1900, p. 6

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95 no story of a Dyspeptic Who Has Pounda tm, There is In intimate Connection Be- tween Good Health, Happiness and Good mttestioa-Dr. Wtuiantts'Pintt Pills Bring About These Conditions (From the Tribune. Deserouto.) ' Without good digestion there can ho Beititer good health nor happiness. More depends upon the perfect work. me or the digestive organs than moat people Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of tho Uueauge. Th-ny mew and build up the blood. and atrengthen the nerves. than driving (“sense from the system. If your dealer does not hop them, they will be amt postprlil at GO cent: a box, or mix boxes for 82.50. by addressing the Dr. Willinms' Mmiieine Co., Brock- ville. Ont. Buy an ordinary bar magnet or a horseshoe magnet, the lint-mined in the preferable shape. Take a ertit. ting needle or any piece of tolerahly hard ateel, and with one pole of the magnet rub it from end to end. Re peat this process several times. being carom! to bring the magnet back without touching the needle to the end from which you started; in other words. the rubbing must he in one direction only. It a horse-shoe mag. not be employed, start from the middle of the knitting needle, was the mag- net along to either end, thed bring it through the air to the other end, and stroke the needle several times, lin- ishing in the middle. Stewart. the well-kn proprietor of the Ori; eronto, may be quote ot the Tribune, who fact that he was an! pep-kl. Mr. Stewart. tl you take Dr. Williat Alla! why h, Kaye Stewart continued: l they are the best In complaint I know 0 "Well, I have no desire tor pub. licity." mid Mr. Stewart, "hut it you think It will help anyone who suffers M, I digiuypu may publishuthe facts." Why will they put their ltnmpa at all sorts of slovenly. annoying angles, when they might as well plant them fair and square in the proper place. it they worked hard and were preca- ed tor time lt would be cruel to com- plain. but ton to one the nttenderl are those who take an age to do any and everything. Those who have it tor work usually do it well enough. Perhaps it's making a big fuss over a little matter. but one really might but as well put a. stamp decently rWht side up. To some of tor when tum the upper rl have a mar; inch. We will give One H undrud Dollars for any case of Damon manual by catarrhy that an not be cured by Ball's cum-h Caro. Sand for dreams, free _ A___-____ - _ - . ._ " track! Diu an. Ne. _ gin 'si,'llt Piiis are the but. "Do you otrJr'ct to thh in the Tribune ?' porter, - A Word of Advice. n It really disgusting to note the way Home people stamp their envel- by local applications. as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to mm Deafness. and that is by consti- tat anal tensedics. llcaifnews is eurest , an inflamed condition t8.iho umcou-a lining o the Eustachian Tube. W hen this tube gets inn-m- rd you haven. rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. and when it in entirely closed Dats- is the rasnlt. and unless the iuttammation can be when om and this tube res-noted to its nor- mal condition. hem-inc will be destroyed for. over; ' we: out of ten an muised by qatarrh, which is nothing but tn irtttgtated condition of the yummy: wring. __ _ Gertud--1 wonder how Ananiaa got Mb IC reett"ioy ay , Ie."' W. {Meant-s. (‘. C. Richards & Co.: Crentlemen--My neighbor's boy, 4 years old, tell into a tub of boiling water and trot scolded learlully. A few days later his legs swelled to three times their natural site. and broke out In running sores. His par- ents could get 110le to help him tIll I recommended MINARD'S LIN. IMENT. which, after unit: two hot: tlets, completely cured him, and I know ot several cases around here almost " remarkable. cured by the game Li'tJrrter1tsyuld I can truly any F RieraMine-"-raum- he told Sapph- ha all. was the only girl he had "or loved-Barrera Boar. I never handled a medicine ihlcil has had as good a sale or given such universal satisfacuon. Ilmlllilil MEAL TIME. Mental and physical vigor follow he an of Miller'l Compound Ito.) Deafness Cannot be Cured the digestive on imagine. and P',' disturbances ot To Make a Magnet. FJtratt ‘F. J, onyx“ & Co., Tactic, G methlng that. mu l instead of weoke a medicines do. F re is no medicine 9 f link Pills. They mi strengthr-n and immune unct fro " In proof or thin an» of Mr. Tho: e well-known and t the Oriental Hot be quoted. To a I une. who henna! A Theory. trora,. Aug. 4 Richards & t n er, Imp M. HIBERT. General Manhunt. mighbor's boy, 4 I a. tub of boiling 1lded tearlully. A 5 legs swelled to (I my pullfahhg asked the re- )rner as to :arter of an h than moat [gut tune- ummach " MM rks bet iii}: in to Generally speaking. races living nt high attitudes have weaker and more highly pitched \‘nlcos than those liv- ing in regions where the supply of oxygen is more plentiful. Among the people living on the plateaus be- tween the mountain ranges. the men have voice! like the women and the women like children. and their alng~ A Boer "peace" delegation lanbout landing in tho United sums and the New York Municipal Assembly, a ma- errlty of whom are Anwrimn chums of Irish extraction (good men, bat with inherited preludicts0, has tem dered them the frrcdum of tho city. Souudl s Warning Against the " Playing Politics " Crowd. The following letter trom F. B. Thurber, a real "American" citizen, appears in tho New York Journal of Commerce, and is worth reading by Canadians : A Mayor ot Dutch extraction openly (IVOWB his tsympathy. The Boers are good tighten-1 and the average Am- erican likes that. They are few while the English are many, and it is natural to sympathize with the under dog in the light. But In the pre- sent 01180, the undo: dog began the right. The Bum-n tin-1L provoked the fight, and then began P., by invading English tt'rritory. They have made themselves rich, I1rat by oonfiscuting tho possessions of the natives. who are the real under dog, and second. by taxing unnK‘n-ifully (without rop- rtsentationt the English and Ameri. can»: who minim] in Africa. This fumble-s tin-m to retain (ion- oral O'Beirne, an IrislrAttterican,nnd Mr. Van Sit-Inn, a f,tatclt.Amerlctttt moth admirable gentlemen) to fire 1mm admirable gentlemen) to tho American heart by getting meetings, sending messenger boys Africa with greetings from Amer! children, and generally playing I ties on the eve ot a Presidential l. tion. " C1ariatrn--Thavtr what everymdy says. But men are curious creatures. dear.---Btray Stories. Never before in the history of medicine has such a powerful and pleasant pain remedy an Poison H Nervilino been produced. It in ten times stronger than any other known combina- tion, and death to all pain. It in an invaluable remedy for the household. and when a. donor minnow be had in " CrbHe of emergency it is al, ways (Manual to administer Narviiine. Try it. CATARRB0ZONE cures Catarrh. Toothache Duran in one Minute Ethel-fruiting for a. crunplimerrtO-- I wonder WIN". he saw in me to tall In love with t One Application ofthe Old Reliable Polson’s Nerviline Always Cures Toothache at Once, St. Titan' Dance rapidly cured by Miller's Compound Iron Pllls. Cases ot Fears' standing now enjoying the best or health as a result of tuklng them. " in because they Improve the pow- ers ot assimilation that Miller's Compound Iron Pills cause the red porpuacles to multiply and the weight to increase so rapidly. Femlnlnc Curiosity. "Mr. Dolley. won't you let me look at your watch a little while y' 'Certainly, Miss Flypp. Do you want to consult the time T' "No," replied the girl, as she opened and examined Its case and woxks, "l was curlons to am if water tarnishrd gold, or had any effect on the watch's delicate mechanism," "Water? What do you mean y' “Well, Mr. mtntter told me you were in the habit of cooking your watch. What is the object of such treatment, Mr. Dolley yu-Harlem Life. When children are pale, peevish and restless at night. they require a. dose or two of Miller', Worm Pow. ders. . When Geraldine d? Cavendish replied that she could not thlnk of becoming his wife, he clutched the air wildly. " shall go matt then I" he cried. "That is to my.” sneered the proud girl. "it I don't support you the publlc will have to." Take Laxative Bromo Quinlne Tablets. All drug§sts refund the money it it falls tft cure. Ne. , W. Grave's signature is on each box. Mlnard'a Liniment is used by Phy llcluna. Lshore’s Toclturn Freak. An ascetic, says the Lahore Tri. bune. is living outside the Delhi Gate here. who, It is said. has not parted his lips for the last fifty year. nor has demanded anything ever trom any person to satisfy the irresisti‘ ble demands of the stomach. People flock to see him in large numbers. Beginninx of the End. "You can cook, I suppose Y' queried the young man, who was feeling his way to a proposal. "No," was the frank reply, " never even attempted It. My parents never thought I would have to seek a. post- tion as cooY"-AJhicago News. Herbert Spencer’s Old Age. Herbert Spenser has passed the age of 80, and, though never a robust man, still keeps himself in good condition by the tonic ot steady, inte1ligmitlr- directed work. . When a well-balanced married man goes visiting he likes It to be when he can eat a second piece ot pie lt he want; it. Br their action on the Stomach. Liver and Bowels. Miller's Worm Powders correct all Inch trouble. as lack ot Appetite. Bilioatmeatr, Drow- siness. Sallow Complexion, eta; nice to take. False impressions are wart- on the mind. , . IT Ask tor Mlnnrd's, and take no other. Yo Cure " Cold tn One Day The Voice and Altitude. The Only Alternative. A REAL AMERICAN Fish Wouldn‘t Rise. him" who on either the Ramp. rl ll tire up to can toli. and cedar chips or sprigs. have a con- tain value if the garments are not already stocked with eggs or lar- vae. The odors of these reprliants are so disagreeable to the parent moths that they are not ap', to come to der. posit their eggs as long as the odor is strong. As it weakens the Protec- tion decreases, and it the eggs or larvae are already present these odors have no effect on their development; while. if the moths are inclmo-l with the stored material to be protected by these repellents, so that shay cannot escape, they will, of necessity deposit their eggs, and the destruc- tive work of the larvae will be little, if at all, restricted. Absolutely the first requisite is to make sure that the garment is tree from the moth eggs when it is put away. This is not secured by " few shakes out of a window and a surface brushing..The garment should be shaken and brushed. indeed, and then carefully examined. m every part. in a strong light. Folds and gathers should he penetrated, pock- ets turned inside out, lane!!! and revere opened, trimmings carefully examined. torn linings probed. and in fact the most vigilant looking oter possible given before the gar- ment is carefully put up in fresh newspapers. Don't pull a newspaper out of n bureau drawer. or from a closet shelf. as moth ms may be hidden in its folds. The next step in the treatment is to look carefully Into the condition of the shelves. or drawers. that are to receive the newspaper parcels. These also should he examined in a good light, brush- ed out and wiped over with a slight- ly damp cloth, and, it suspected in any way. brushed over with apaint brush dipped in turpentine. There is no easy method of prevent- ing tho damage done by clothes moths, and to maintain the integrit'y of woollen: .or other materials which they are likely to attack demands constant vigilant». with frequent in- spection and treatment. In general, they am liable to affect injuriously only articles which are put away and left undisturbed for some little time. Articles in daily or weekly use, and apartments ,frequently aired and swept, or used as living rooms. are not apt to be seriously affected. Carpets under these conditions are ramly nt- tacked, except unmetimes around the borders, where the insects are not so much disturbed by waiking and sweep- ing, Agitation, such and heating, shak- ing or brushing. and (up-mum toai: and- sunlight. mm all remedies and still among the but at command. Various repor'canta, such as tulmcco, camphor. naphthalirte cones or bulls. After woollens have been given " vigorous and thorough treatment and aired and eXposed to sunlight. however. it is ot some advantage in pacing them away to incloae with them any of the repellnnta mention. ed. Cedar chests and wardrobes are of value in proportion to the free dom of the material from infestation when stored away: but. an the odor ot the wood is largely lost with age. in the course of a few years the protection greatly decreases. Furs and such garments may also be Morel in house or trunks which have linen lined with tlro heavy tar paper noel in buildings. New paperng should be given to nut-h receptacles every year or two. Similarly. the turrel paper moth bugs are of some mine: always, however, first Huh- feeting the materials to tho treat- ment outlined above. To prom-ct carp tz, (-lnthes and tInit-covered furniture, furs, "r., th'y shonll be thoroughly beaten. Fh'ikl'll. brushed and exposed as long as prne' tieuhle to the sunlight in early spring, either in April, May or June, depend- ing on the latitude. The brushing ot garments in a very important con- sideration. to remove tho eggs or young Inrvnn which might ese'lpe notice. Such material can then be hung away In elothes elouets which have been thoroughly eleaned and, if necespnry; 'rtsrotred (with benzine about: tho cracks of the noor and the base- boards It no other protection be. given, they should be examined at least once a month, during summer, brushed. and, if necessary. exposed to the sunlight. _ p A It Would he more convenient. how- ever, to so inclose or wrap up such material as to prevent the access ot the moths to it, after it has once been thoroughly treated and (tired. This can ho easily effected in tho case of clothing and lurs by wrapping them up tightly in stout paper or tin-losing them in well-made bags of cotton or linen cloth or strong paper. Dr. Howard has adopted a plan which' is inexpensive. and which he has found eminently satisfactory. For a smali sum he se- cured at number of the large poste- bonrd boxes, such as tailors use. and in these packs away all winter cloth- lng, summing a strip ot wrapping paper around the edge, no as to sea! up the box completely and leave no cracks. These boxes with care will last many years. With thorough pre- liminary treatment it will not be ne- cessary to use the tar-impregnated paper sacks sold as moth protectors, which may be objectionable on ac. count ot the door. V - ill SWEET Mlllill]'lllii, HOW TO GUARD AGAINST THEM, Housewives Turn to Thoughts In the case of cloth-covered furni- ture and cloth-lined carriages, which are stored or left unused tor consider. able periods in summer, it will pro tmbly be necessary to spray them twice or three times. win, in April, June and August, with benzine or naphtha, to protect them from tho moths. These substances can be applied very readily with any small spraying device, and will not harm the material, but caution must be exercised on account ot their In. flammabllity. Another means of pro- tecting such articles is to sponge them very carefully with a dilute so lutlon ot corrosive enblimate in al- cohol made Just strong enougli not to leave a. white lain. . The British Foreign Bible Society intend: to provide all Boer prisoners with Bible: printed in Dutch, and the plan will be carried out within a few weeks. Mlnard'l Llnlment. Lumberman'l Friend. We are Interpreted by our accent... not br. our word-H. A. Kendall. F Bible: for Boer Prlloneu. Mrs. R. Fltuhnmonn About Again Thanks Dodd's Kidney PHI»; for " n Used About Two Boxes and Health Now Perfect. Mrs. Fltmimmons, her friends will remember, was not at first "were of the cause of her ailment. 'Kidney Disease attack; its Tirstirntt in trt many forms and so gradually that lts pre- sence goes generally undetected, un- til its ravages have affected some other vital organ. Then the. malady ls culled Heart Disease. Rheumatism, Bladder Complaint, Dropay, Women's Weakness, Paralysis. or some other one of those many forms of diseased kidneys. Such. no doubt, was the dan- ger into which Mrs. Fiutrimmong was running when arrested by Dodd's Kidney Pills. . Live Onta'io Village Where Dodd's Kidney Pills are Valued. She complained of a pain in the alde. She grew so weak that she was. as she herself states. almost unable to walk. She took various medicines, never dreaming. of course. that Kid- ney Disease was the cause of her trouble. When the truth did occur to her. she at once had recourse to Dodd's Kidney Pills. The result ls she is now In perfect health. 'We heard a woman my the other day at tat/trs " I like this bread; it's a) nice and chewy." She in a New Englander try educaiion. Did she in- vent "chewy," or is the term used freely t ATe never heard it before, and dialect dictionaries know it not. - Boston Journal. Nelson, Ont., May ".--Friendtt of Mrs. ll. Fitmimmomr, of thls place. will be pleased to learn that_rrite is about again. As ls well known in this diam-let, Mrs. Fltgtrimtttotttr has been more or less of an invalid tor the greater part of the last twelve months. She ls now. however, in ro- bust healtit and thunk-s Dana's Kidney Pills tor it. . The layman cannot easily ri-aliz': tho Tttat amount oi material tut to fund an i nmmunltio; demand"d by an army in the field. A few facts and “gum as to this may aid to make it more tangible. Each man requires. at a min- Imum, three ands and a hall of food per day. 'fiedr1"Jr,,'ll should have at least twenty pounds of food in coun- tries where grazing is not abundant. If we take. tor purposes of estimate. only fifteen pounds required to supply each animal, leaving live pounds to ho gathered trom the country. by graz- Ing and otherwise, wo assume- a quan- tity that may be considered a mini- mum. An army of 150,000 men would require about 50.000 animals for transportation of artillery. camp equipment, ammunition. load. hospital and medical pquipment. There should not be lam than 10,000 animals avail- able at all times to uupva losses. This makes a total of 90.000 animals to be fed. With this as a basis. we sun that the daily demands would he tor the men 525,000 pounds. and tor the horses 1.350.000 pounds, or an aggra- gnte of 1,975,000 pounds. This is mun] to something morn than me tom: ppr dtty.--Captttln Zalinski, In Harper’s Weekly. Mr. Baldpaw (to basthl boy)-- "What’s the matter, little man I' Has the cat got your magma 't" Tom-- "Nawt Han she got your Wrtr T' Niece - You, Eddie was slightly wounded in the first fight. We have a letter from tho army surgeon. Aunt-Whom was ho wounded ? "We are no. quite sun-v. The tittrRPott mentioned the pltwe, bat we don't know whether it is nu anatomical phrase or a Transvaal town."--- Kltut. Sir m through friend w friend where there was a. prominent Fhutlielutta famous for Buying sharp "How wonderfully lik friend. "You can see tho lips." -- -. - rmmrmt h _ A dose of Miller's Worm Powders occasionally will keep the children healthy. Rich. red blood is produced by Mil. ler's Compound Iron Pills. They pon- seas the great vitalizing prineiple upon which depend health and strength. A painless and radical cure for Corns. Warts and Bunions of all descriptions. The preparation has proved to bo the most satisfactory remedy ever offered to the public tor the immediate relief and permanent cure of one of the most dis- tressln: and common of minor ailments. This Iucceutul combination has been reached only after many years' experience in his extensive practice by Dr. Scott Putnam-the well-known surgical chiro- podiut, London, Eng., and we alone no outborized to use Mr name. Every perlon speak- well of it. It in painless and prompt and the only corn and wort can that doe. all that in chimed tor it. It in on". out. and never hill to cure. CORNS, Keep Mina r House. ”we". Putnam’s Extractor makes no do? 1- mes In the new, no dangerous " at fut ulcers, produces neither pain nor " eomnm, sad om quickly. Corn Extractor "Tm," replied Sir Robert “rows coming out of it." Miller's Powders cut-a loll , all dealers In medleine me. elm a Co., Klan-ton. but. I. "a Doha-'3 Murillo. for d! Oils. Putnam's Painless A New Word In Boston. NELSON NEWS. BEWARE OF wtumr0TE8. The Army in the Kieht. A Math-r of Doubt In Fully Equipped. n pit-tun , _WARTS, il BUNIONS, t PAINLESSLV REMOVED WITHIN Twenty-four Hours was coliet iniment once goin tion with a portrait f n who Wu e '." Enid quiver on things In ml tl the w. [lure the People at Other Coo-trio. Bight. to be Respected 'I No one dispute. the rights of mi.- alonariu to so to any country they choose and to make " propaganda in “not or their faith. but they would be made to understand that they do this at their own risk, and that they must act in accordance with the lawn of the place-s they Belem, as the fields of their operations. Tho ordinary trader who gom to Turkey or to l'hllm for Khulna»: purpusm runes in tt rule upon his own rmoun-esrtrn got out of any difficulty into which he "trar. But the missionary. "tter d his but to uproot a faith deeply planted in the people among who: takes up his resident's, and utter ring counter to thrlr traditiotw, toms and most climlnh'd VIN-Lam to think he la ontltlml to an et tfeet to support hint whrn hr has eroded In making himw'lf thorn" disliked-and, in fact. trim, to th hr: particular cread down torrcttn trhN throats at the muzzlt- at his 0 try'u naval guns. It is qulte time What kind of a reception glvpn in the Initial sums uionarleu who should coma the religion of (‘nnfuvhum m in]! Masking who should bull in American cities. replace ' bolls with thoir own [mind titt and try to convert Um [wonky to MrF.e.trnedanix what would ho the reply t reeelve to a demand lur when they had ham shown These are questions worth oven-New York Herald. try'a naval n halt we: hm. You learn all about Virginia valet, climates resources, p101 berries, mode of cultivation, p” ruding the \‘meu FARMER. for three months" subscription to Taken half tuneup full Flux-seed Tea with a douse of EBY'B GERMAN BRUST BALSAM A Waltham Watch for Four or tive) times I dar immediate relief. "triLiiii%o' aisis, " all Dmmll. or Iron M. F. EIY, Chemist, Port Elqin, Ont. A VALUABLE RECIPE For Couvhs, Colds and Lung Diseases (Ill,,,,.!,,:. LIEBIG'S 'FIT CURE t .y By 30' 1,1Tt,il'l'f, (dli tlst VIRGINIH HOMES. Farmer Co., mam a QUICK. SURE "LIGHT" our, tin. The, ripumion fat nearly but tt mm. For “I. by all “an“... BetMeru. MIAMI” " THE ll, B. EDDY 00., LIMITED, Hunt“ us mm run. any Icarus us mentioning this plper. (llfiiii “mum mama co. I I79 "r, St.W., ”onto. I s O RIGHTS OF MISSIONARIES. Antenna: to .6, "In” sondln us that nun. and address am Lis1G'l'S/td',t'llt tris "err, - 1% /5t.V|tus Dance and Fallln Sleu- nou. A TRIM. BOTTLE 'd',,'l"ru't of 30W! W33; about Virginia lands. soil, resources. product}, fruits. cultivation, paces, etc. b ),Wtttlth'i2 It never M: to (In IOOAFER GENT. PURE. nu REFINERS fMItii S06M BUT St. LiM'ia(it Sqr litMn Emporia, Va, E. B, EDDY’S PARLOR MATCHES Send toc., We will and h a} reader of this nor tannin. Woman Watch la. Nickel Suva: (go. tun-wild and Item-sot, for only “NI. We will flu-unto n to be encuy u rem-ted. and should t nolhln in!» opinion. be ”hows will "turn your my. '0 ' your We. get It in why we nuke thin offer, we no oontideat" that our busine-s judgment. will ad be mispumsd. We know that by loam: {011 in tho only wt] me Ill loam Four 30°33“le In con-an. You my not than!» send an my money in d- une. with you-m. - reliability 1- unknown mm 'hitytdthubieorii, need not send may money " All. kit "will and the wan-h to mob ex- -uBeseairormViiGiWoF you to ermine. " an remit. you Ind themouoy to the up“ “autumn-nun M- it non return it a. one ='.'tt W. "to thU 051-00ny tau-ore our tttt . and Muscle. vast you-con once cm! on m. an... we.“ we mt your eotMtdetteq and he“ tosNlyopptheeartioue that you my ml. in future. Wanna” THEIR GRRNULMED IS CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE FITS Kllnc'l Gnu. Nerve W. N. the or mom after but d ‘0 nae. Send to ft8t Arch Jt,l'd't?AlL' dolphig Pt. fortsti_heo0ttrfauttott" Fm Idem}. A. Mlmxombnme’m Montreal. Que. AGENTS WAFER!) EUR mm TWO I" books. “Tho but" at South Aftef ttour books in end: And "Wt L m. TheManandrhttMi-itm"ItheFatg+ WMnnndnp-mundm-uamd oldmtter. the when an Iota-d (hot.- extm “helium“ on “with. tittoM.toesesoaod-t1-tqtAs Put pectutm It you “mm" mamm- luthemnvm'huult wan.- Brt-,MothoettertBottemmm.Tetrqtott but an 'dra7,N',t'ttlfii"dtr. FITS room Ji'i'fotfé au' JifruiGGt him (out: an minim. (ML: the ample not on " puesauon; Bums-lat an" one: C 'd'JLTdtft,T't Bodkin! Syrup ma al. ‘un and toe Children coming. " mocha the child. “I the nut. eun- wtrd colic nad in the but My not Bhutan. Twenty the can“ I booth. W r Yo and Gamma ly 'IE, loading 1! FEES-2” "Minn!!! my; " YOUR (morn; non my new nu In an odid, pa BARR tt COMPANY. P. 0. Box 63, Hamilton. IM, MAKES , Maafue Write for PERMANENTLY CURE" BY DR has] n. Enter sleuth: mu!" 2 for cl- “all". um Tuning School in macho”. "fteeat It and and . hulk ling h'itW' True- " all... No no Toronto. rm- w. H. FRAW El; tt H "trr, ill; tCe" -"."'" 7- Mt. but hm. . - more of I but ll H TH d

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