k04 ist. it, Mich st t for service . 9, Bentinek #rqC pla J J% ense t \ it \ Strictly Paris Green, English POTAT O Bug â€" . Killer $1 PER 100 LBS. Pure McFarlane‘s Drug Store. Big 4 â€" > Dress Ginghamsâ€"Better and SU than Print for Children‘s Dresses. 7¢ and 10c a yard. I adie«‘ nure silk lace mittsâ€"Blac M WOOL TWEEDS & YARNS : CROCERIES & We osk Inspection of our THRS. n # WA MuFARLANE, 3 #g4gipR$P$R***4DRH We can give you bargains. HE SELLS CHEAP !! 15» h . SCOTT . . H. BEAN To temporary premises in McFaflane's Drug Store Where you will find everyâ€" thing you want in the Jewellery Line. â€"A BARGAIN IN CLOCKS. A fine 8â€"day half hour gong at $3.00. The best Alarm Clock made at $1.25. â€"uon‘t forget to Call.â€" Repairing done promptly and m Wt We are ppeporeG10B2N | for tw dle your WOOL & OA RCY | writer produce to your entir?| The fh satisfaction. | which Of best quality. DRY GOODS, CROCKERN BROOTS & SHOES, &e., i dde q*; Ttemoved # 1C 20 cents a Ib. TV heavs a ># + CC RRANTEED. ites 1 n a i. 1€ wille toler‘s Block.! ind stronger h 1 Sheeting OT MLTP, EOOE In the continuation of this question let us look first, at the County Road System. advocated so strongly by the Provincial Road Instructor. ‘There is a good deal to be said in favor of the County Council mumingix the Ie.dins roads in the countl. maintaining an repairing them under County mgervi- smion, and at County expense. nder the present system, in this county. towns and yillages contribute nothing towards the conmstruction and maintenâ€" ance of the roads leading into them ; although they depend upontheu'e‘ mnu'is. uy To e " 00 Setmare oo P nt far EOO UEC J TE C 0 66c pnemsne ie not merely for their prosperity, but for their yery existence. Under a county system the urban municipalities would pay a fair share for the maintenance of roads leading towards them, as well as have a voice in their management and control. Under a county -zstem the roads would be place 1 under the supervision of men permanently emplr')lyod to construct and repair the roads. hey would be men of knowledge and ex‘)erienne in these matters, and could build the roads after the most approved syatem and of the best materials, and we could expect that under them no work would be improperiy done, and no money wasteâ€" fully expended. Then too the w could be used t graders, . stonec which are too ex municipalities, h benefit would be leading roads, a Then too the most modern machinery could be used to advantage, such as graders, stonecrushers _ and _ rollers, which are too expensive for the minor municipalities, but perbaps the greater benefit would be a uniformity of the leading roads, all would be under one superyision, all constructed upon one system, and in time, I beheve without any large expenditure, would become uniformly good, t I believe a cout roads would be roads could be needed at any tit Mr. Editor th D There is a waking up in the province over this matter, a shaking up of the dry bones when they are shown what the roads are costing them: they‘ll think it is time for a change. He also says the ‘boss‘ in Glenelg takes half his time watching the men, and the men on the other hand take all their lime watching the boss, We saw some teams this year hauling gravel over one mile and when they got to the dump would not have a barrow full, scattering the stones all over the road and leaving them worse than before. Come friend MeDonald, join the majorâ€" ity. I hope you‘re not against seeing the binder cutting our grain .instead of the old cradle. litor Durnax Revi®w Dear Sir, In your issue of the m \July 5. I see a letter f1 onald, Top Cliffe, Glet ow the two men from ey were mistaken in tatute Labor. Again, Mr, McDonald justifies the old system because done at a slack time. Now Sir, a farmer need have no slack time in summer. _ Most farmers are worth more than 50c a day at home cutting weeds, burdocks, etc., or in other ways making improvements on fences and buildings. * xr Campbell was in bad bealth for some time and out of his mind, his friends were intending to take him to an asylam. He was raised in Proton with the exeeption of a few years he spent in michigan, he was unmarried of a steady disposition, a good worker and always civil and straight in dealing, . He was the chief stay of an i aged mother who was one of the pioneers of Froton. Thanking you Mr. Editor for this space I will now close, GEORGE TURNBULL, Vickers, July 11th, 1900. A sad case of suicide occurred here on xonday, Franklin Campbell a man of over 40 years, shot himself in the head, blowing his brains out in his brothers house, Wim,. Campbell 10 con, Proton, within two miles of here, The Road Question. 1 p Cliffe, Glet o men from mistaken in issue of the welcome Review see a letter from one J. Mcâ€" p Cliffe, Glenelg, trying to o mwen from Bentinck that mistaken in their ideas of Hopeville. (GEo. BinxXI 4 04â€" TO THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH GREY;â€" Gentlemen :â€" It will be twentyâ€"eight years on the 8th of August since I was first elect efl by you to the Dominion Parliament. It rarely happens that a public man hbas the honor to sit so long for a constituency. Many of the good men and true who atood by me on that occasion have passed away. ic ituitint dudratizatind Th o chdifiedaiaindals elededat h vs â€" eednie ds T Many others are still to the front with their energy unabated. To those and to that younger generation of liberals who have likewise made my cause their own, l beg to return my most sincere and heartfelt thanks. Without such friends it would of course haye been quite impossible for me to succeed. To them is due the entire credit of keeping South Grey so stcadtastly in the phalanx of liberal constituencies ; and I cannot find words in which to convey the measure of my gratitude and affection. ‘As for my Conservative friends, they haye the same right to their views that I have to mine, and the fact that in the exercise of that right they have opposed me and the party to which I have the honor to belong, does not in the slightest degree lessen my regard for them, while I have to thank them for the great kindness with which they have treated me in private life. There is one thing in which we can all unite, and that is in looking back with pride at the rapid development of the County of Grey. It was only in 1854 that the Crown offered the land for sale, yet in the Province of Ontario. toâ€"day I venture to say, that no other County has made more substantial proâ€" gress in that time, nor is there any that can show a more prosperous and conâ€" tented people. True, Grey suffered like eyery other agricultural community from the long depression, but I am sure I can say that during the last four years our farme@®i® have had their fair share of the prevailing expansion ; that they have paid off much of their indebtedness, and have been encouraged to improve their lan d and are looking to the future with a great deal of confidence. Grey is not only a good farming district but has become an important manuâ€" tacturing County. Our industries bave thriven more since the advent to power of the liberal party, than in any tormer period of their existence. In fact the fears that fiberal rule would prove disastrous for manufacturers and farmers alike, bas been dispelled by an outburst of prosperity such as Canada has never before witnessed. Since the election of 1896 the elder facturies have been busy beyond precedent, while a number of new . factories have been built and are working to their utmost capacity. â€" This is a matter upon which } we all can congratulate one another. ks Wnieefoage in t 9 o t o oi t a n ile o ie n e Eeceames ENEEE OR ARECENERTWN P NRA ET CCC Om C Nor have we neglected the spiritual and intellectual side of things. So far as I know no other County in Ontario has so many Churches and School Houses in proportion to population, and the resalts are visible in the high intelâ€" ligence of the young men and young women of Grey as well as in the sturdy virtues of the population at large. Ours is a mixed community, we have settlers from Great Britain and %reland and from Germany, professing every form of the Christian religion and the peace and harmony that reigns must Be ascribed in a great degree to those powerful agencies. |\ _ If we keep on as we haye begun, Providence will surely bless us in the fuâ€" | ture as he has done in the past. v Cul y n td stt ooo e h ie sA uim bears witness to the miracle that can tull of industry and courage. In a letter of thanks written upen an OCCAsION LK coming to introduce party questions, but as your n ernment of the day, I cannot help asking you to simply and solely because I regard it as my duty in the interest of the country in general. Politics man equal to the consciousness of trying to do : llshr â€"_ At the «ame time it is a proud satisfact Hanover, July 1 Our Ready Mixed Paints quantity we are Another assortment of Sereen Doors and Window Screens just to hand. Keep your house cool and free from flies by securing some of these articles. ‘This week‘s shipment further containg: Seythes, Snathes, Grain Cradles, Hay forks, Hay Rakes, Fence Wire, Hammocks, Clothes Wringers, Harvest Mitts, Machine Oil, Grindstones and Whips. â€"â€"See qur Shoe and Harness Dressingsâ€"â€" 1 â€"â€"%BAAAAAAAR® â€"â€"â€" We are now in possession of one of the be@ stock of Hardware, Granise and Tinware that was ever in Durham, and can give you good value for your money. Quarter of a Century in Public Life.â€"The Growth of County Grey.â€"A Liberal‘s Reasons for a Liberal‘s Faith. DR. LANDERKIN T0 HIS CONSTITEUNTS. Did you get one of our Gazoline, Canadian and American Coal Oil Hardware! th, 1900 W. BLACKHK. i ateâ€" are getting widely known, as will be seen by tho are selling A fresh supply arriyes every week, and the peace and harmony that reigns must «be those powerful agencies. begun, Providence will surely bless us in the fuâ€" st. . # + * # ' n upen an occasion like this it would not be beâ€"| T e o s c enn erocen en m Inaw onnmnntinm® the CGoyâ€"] Yours faithfall y ur 25¢ Whips ? If you did not now is the time. i €asco ds POoS, . J 2110 eLNOM® 4 ‘Up CIVOUKR s, the scene as it presents itselt toâ€"day attention than ever belorewr.o the colâ€" | be wrought in a new land by a peOPl¢|jeetion of old debts and claims Â¥Inoed | | in my hatr’xds will be col_lec:‘ed if it is |â€" d intellectual side of things. So far‘possnble y any means in the world to | .lx!l(:l nhas so many Churches and School| to get the moneyâ€"no charge for my id the results are visible in the high intelâ€" |troublelt nothing collected. Ialso buy women of Grey as well as in the sturdy gld notes. I have had great suceess Jurs is a mixed community, we have‘m settling up and arranging bnsme?a id and from Germany, professing every entanglement and difficulties and in peace and harmony that reigns must be| making settlements with creditors owerful agencies. %nddany_f;mgebltlsg:l;tssâ€plac?d :inedmy rovi s in the fuâ€"| bhands wi aithtully atten to Providence will surely bless us in ithe odud think, of them who deal n occasion like this it would not be be. with me . I have always a number y ting the Govâ€"| of farms in hand which I am able to but as your member supporting . Tasll low Arures and € | sking you to believe that I support ir{sell at very Jow figures and on very it as my duty to do so in your interest and | casy terms. . Aflwll‘ so long a residence ral. â€" Politics has no rewards for a public | !" this loc_d;"'.vl t lalvcdt_ormled aCoon- rying to do one‘s best according to one's:;“f?c‘}ofl W&‘ “" “fhea lm.*.r x)tan ‘omâ€" roudhsatistaction to me as an humble folâ€" 1{’:‘"‘?’( BRX ‘;’ "::lll 4 ely lilwe dzu:ms in able to point to the immense growth and | ‘d"h or d&i & '1?«.\ & lelp aced in my i Canada since he entered office ; to thelh}‘“ 8 *13, h *l'm‘-"ll_ls‘u \;’al_\avm.al posiâ€" forts in removing certain sectional ‘z\ud“l‘)'i]m(’l te, )fj'l-.dlm:i I have a ‘\\la‘)a" tics and in promoting a spirit of toleration ; "(lm AnC Ld' is a.;}( ::'ll'ell [)Il(.)p('.l!,lis beâ€" ism he has displayed in sending Canaâ€"| onï¬mg 'Ohm} seil i mich ? fuln a wat}s the Mother Country in the Southâ€"African ready elt] Cr to sja tot cxIct:fmge or ave been able to present to mankind the im:"fâ€' _Pl'OP’?H\(’i-,d ll(;U now .. dpqendu) Upon these matters there is really no“h'd\_?f} SP{_in 1 (1 acli)eo :dm'l'?ln ;u erals and Conservatives, and as I have \e:gdfl,"e 1'3e afilr.lec kdr-":'d .t lh“le- v_s.t- n for supporting the present Government | u'? iÂ¥ b‘é‘“ dinn ; v‘:'i)ll ‘»al? i aving the Liberal party in the House ever since A ge. . i will_ 8e iem or me .tIrade them. I ala;) oflerlat a sacrifice p \Lot 28, Con. 2 W.G. R., Bentinck, offer to you one and all my heartfelt| 19q Sepex, Delonging to a miun who ims ): me for so many yeats \gone out west and is bound to \sell at some price. . I place inâ€" ithfally | surances in good companies at lower Gro, LaNDERKIN rates and in fact attend to all kinds of financial business. My rule continues __.__.__â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"__..__-â€"â€"lw be ‘"Always promptâ€"never negâ€" en niiiiininnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmemenmeemenmenmnsmmmenmemmmemmmmmemmpmmmen, | || () (>1) {, M MR 3 same right to their views $3+ Â¥@ ut d‘;‘l provided that the advertiser is able to pxid Off | qo what he advertises to do and a man ‘ eir lan4 | jg a fool to pay good money for adverâ€". tising . what he is not able to carry out it manu. | for the public soon find out that such a lvent to| 2" is a deception and a fraud. I am not professing to do business for fun or ‘nee. N |entirely for the other fellow‘s benefit rers and | but I have found during the twenty ; Canada | years that I have been doing business ries have|in Hanovyer and Durham that I can make the most money for my self by ave been| qoing the very best l can in every inâ€" m which | stance to save money for my customers. Every customer w ho once does business rly fory | with me to his own profit continues to t# *tion; Eat,romze me and givyes me, not onl{ys est1008â€" | is business, but his influence and th th West: | accounts for the very large business king and | that I am doing toâ€"day. Farmers are now busy and will not be paying much ._. | attention to business affairs while busily perfection | engaged on their farms. Some of them, roads are| howevr, will require to borrow money For the immediate relief and cure of Bore, Blistered, Tender, Burning and Bweaty Feet, Relieves Ihot Hot Burming Sersalion of the feet in summer, stops and takes away the odor of excessive perspiration. JAMES R. GUN, Dr. Gun‘s consulting hours at the Store it to 1; AX. M.,. 2 to 4 P. M: ADVERT Price 15 cents Box. GUN‘ 8 ANLISEPTIG_PQWDRR 'uuLcnm aumum&; atolmcl'x; E“P"nm organs healthy. BotaY bask. A+s dreggints of by m THE AlLoNZO 0. BLiss Co. RSB 5t. Paul Stroot, _ Mentreal, NATIVE HERBS is easy to attain, easy to retain if you Manufactured by â€"»â€"XXXXâ€"â€"â€" Hotâ€" H. H. Miuer® Durham Talolets SNG PAYS Hanover Druggist, ___â€" pleasant «Jressing for the bair,. _ Diaxoxp Han Raxawan will cure Dandruff. Drawoxp Hain Rrx»wun will prevent your hair Diawexp Han Rux®win is not a dye, but % ____ from falling out, and make it grow. D1ixox» Hamn RexrwEn will restore your hair to its criginal color, and keep it nice and glossy NEW GROGERY SIOREâ€"___ ONE DOOR EAST OF POST OFFICE, We are fually stocked with upâ€"toâ€"date and seasonable Groceries &lConfectionery. and will be pleased to furnish all goods in this line at reasonable vrices. Teas and Coffees are D IAMOND H AIR Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Businers esiab. lished by her father in Durbem in 1858 »nd will endeavor to give all old and new cu>« m ers the same entire satisfaction. Barniture of the et!l ALWAYS ON HAXND. PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY MISS SHEWELL Undertaking and Embaiming on | ciples atreasonable rates IT \ be only Arstâ€"class Hearse in Town®# For sale in Durham by BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, noarky PuBLIC, ComYrevamcer, aC OfMficeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURHANM. Coliections and Agency promptly attended to Â¥ i‘!!s Deeds, Mortgages Léens.s, Agreement &e. corroct.ly.‘rr:rcnd. Estates of deceased persons look ter, and Executor‘sand Ad« ministrators‘ Accounts prepared and o‘puood Surrogate Court Business, Probare Willis Letters of Administration anud Guardiunsbp Obtatped. Searches made in Registry Ofhce and Is the only Hair preparation that is gizmg good results. Titi@@reported on . Company and private Funds to Loar on Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Valuation®s made by a competent and:caureful Yaluator. prices. 1e special value \E. J. FREEL, M. D., OFFICEâ€"Mcelntyre Block BARRISTER. SoLICITOR iN SUPREME COURT, NOoTaARYy PUEBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Office D undersigned, and endorsed *Tenâ€" der for Drill Hall. Windsor, Ont," will be received at this office until Wednesâ€" day, 25th July, 1900, inclusiyely, for the construction of a Drill Hall at Windsor, Ont. Plans and specification can be seen and form of tender and all necessary inâ€" formation obtained at this Department, and on application to the Caretaker at the Post Office, Windsor, Ont. Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied and signed with their actual signatures. Remember the standâ€"opposite the Market. Durnn.'“ Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted kank check made payable to the order of the Honorable the Minâ€" ister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10 p. c.L of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the party decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or it he fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the check will be returned, The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. * By order, JOH. R. ROY, Demment.of Public Wo!‘s.‘% 4 wa, June 2Â¥th, 10900. N nserting advertiseâ€" ment wgtmt‘m&odty%:- the Deâ€" partment will not be paid for it. All Charges Moderate llom‘a{y to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. VUPPER TOWN, G. LEFROY McCAUL. Honor Gradunte of Trinity College, Toronto ; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. ; Member of the Detroit Medâ€" ical and Library Association. Six Wears‘ Mospital Experience. RESICENCEâ€"Old Bank Building, opposite C. McKinnon‘s Implement Shop, Try one bottleâ€"Price Sce, At all Druggists and Hair Dressers MRS. ANGUS CAMERON. EALED TENDERS addressed to the arrister, [Yotoery, veyancer, Qtc., é!t W. S. DAVIDSON. MONEY TO LOAN . P. TELFORD, over Grant A Trial Solicited.â€" McFarlane & Co., â€"FULL LINE OFâ€" MISS SEKEWELL Druggists & Stationeries, ENEWE store, Lower Town "Over the Bank latest prip« DUR bM AM w e a # # #