Itch TI .. I (t : H‘lwrwl‘. 'l');:-, “an P" . 1JP, h, _ 'SF, a? “It lwaHn w} LUV» In a In: the 'rust “mum. Red Cross Dysentery Cordial. Horn Fly Oil. Dress Ginghanvr--Better and than Print for Children's Dren " and not: a yard McFarlane’s Drug Store.; FRUIT SALINE 7.?tcertrqtiirr1si. Seasonable Cream, 25c a pair. 72 inch wide heavy Twilled Sh 22c yard. Bent Table Oildoth45 in. wide 2 18 glass tablesetts 2Se a aett. 24 glass cake plates 15e each. 38 glass berry bowls we each. Glass nappies 30, 4o, 45, 65c doa u in Granite Spoons IOC each. Large size granite pie plates I 3c Granite Wash bowls 25e each. No 9Copper Tea Kettles, trickle 1 $1.25 each. We have a full line of Boots a: of all kinds. Men's heavy Shoes from $1 up. Our Ladies' 81.25 Oxfords can beat. WOOL TWEEDS &__YARNS ERUCEBJE ii, We ask Imam tl our ms. S. SCOTT. gw$Â¥$$$$$$*$§ ji'. Removed g :itsri:?itirllPl!lh.dl,l,: 'k'iuoeasiriwtseasir4ui's*irr, We can give you Bargains. A cooling effervescent nperient, just the thing for this warm weather. Try a bottle. A sure preventive against the Horn Fly. Cows cannot be ex- pected to do well when tormented hythis horrible little pest. Try it, if for no other reason than a humane one. An excellent remedy for diarrhoea. 2 5c a bottle. HE SELLS CHEAP t , To temporary premises in McFariane's Drug Store Where you will find every- thing you want in the . H. BEAN Jewellery Line. --A BARGAIN INCLOCKS. A fine 8-day half hour gong at $3 .00. The best Alan God made at $1.25. _ - ooet forgot to 6tlt.-- Repnin done . and a ttaeatgt8pll'f, DRY GOODS. CROCKERY. BOOTS & twow, ae., We are 1) 'litre 11 tonal: dle your WOOL& other produce to your entirr satisfaction. a-tu" quality. Call and see us silk - AT-- Better and stronger ace mit Oxfords cannot t wad it -- 6 premises in ,e, Drug Store 6 .1 find every- ser in the 4% yLine. t IN CLOCKS. 6 3y half hour 6 Alum Clock " T 6 ttq6tlb--- 6 agt8t'rl, 6 a; " I†' willed Sheetin tlim illeli. Boots & Shoes nickle plate SSCS BI 250 ya. rich or I The auditors‘ Report was read, and collection taken up. A brief address ‘by Mr. Geo. Binnie on the issues tretort the public, and Dr. Landerkin and his farmer triend John McMillan Esq.†M P. for S. Huron who had both come by train entered the hall amid hearty applause. President Miller asked for other nominations and waited ample time bat no other name being mentioned he asked an expression from the urge meeting as to the nomination made, and the room was " once on its feet and hearty cheers confirmed the nomination. [We want to say there was at least four who did not my 4 Mr. McKeclmie rose however to make an important motion and was glad again as on that far back day to nominate George Landerkin as a Candidate to contest the riding in the Reform interest. This was seconded ty Mr. Jae. A, Hunter. eldest son ot the late J. H. Hunter M. P. P. THE BUSINESS MEETING. Pres. II. H. Miller welcomed tho t1eloguo qnd other friends. met us they were to prepare for a victorious battle. The vlctory he said must be one of the people not of the candidate. it must tte a fight from sun. to finuslt. P The lunented death of Dr McLean. Ayton, was the occasion of pas-ting the following resolution. Mr. Wenger,' having ctportunitio possessed by no other of friendship with the deceased. personally put] a high tribute to his worth. as also did Pres. Miller. The Association's tribute is as follows: express lie was a man of estimable qualities. generous as well as Just, true to an that was true and good. kind to the aftr.eted and needy and affectionate to his family and friends. He stood high in his profession, took an active interest in educa- tional work and was feminist in any movement for the comfort and welfare of Ins fr-lluwmen. lnevery walk of life he had the love of his friends and the when: and respect of all. ll:s was a lite well lived. We know that we can do nothing that will lesson to you the loss ot a kind and lowing father. We can only tender mu our heartfelt sympathy. and recommend you all to the care of “or Heavenly Father who death all things Well. This was passed unanimously by a silent standing vote. On motion of Mr. Wm. Irvine all Refu'mers in the room were made dele- gates. In a brief speech he stated he was one of the few present who attended the first nominating Convention which‘bronght oat Dr. Landerkin. Mr. G. Mcchhnie followed briefly, being "other of the earlv stalwarts. and we learned later that Mr. Adam Weir was also there and possibly others. Mr. 1Iekeehnie rose however to make an important motion and was glad [bi late PI He will be wise in coun nun marked Monday morning lost up to nearly 10 o'clock was very dissgreenblq Heavy shurp duhes of rain and an overcoat sky threatened the success of the Reform Convention, but before it stopped mun, good Grits from distant points were. on the, road. It turned out a beautiful day. before noon there w†I number of delegates gathered and by 1 p. m. there was a decidedly repnrtranta" tire gathering had no more come. Bat come they did and when the speaking got under way the Town Hall was crowded with Enthusiastic Relormers with o sprinkling of their opponents. It is freely conceded no such Convention hos been seen in Durham I. size-certainly none in! ever mote unanimous and enthusiastic. The President formally announced to the doctor the unanimous work done and the doctor came forward to the edge of the platform. To him it must have been a supreme moment to look into a hall-ful of faces which for the eighth time had chosen hitutto represent them in the national councils! Six out of seven times has he succeeded. Seven times successful he will be: 7 is the perfect number. The doctor may have his faults, he has his political detractors, but surely this long service by popular choice, indicates qualities oi head and heart which may well draw to him in this latest contest many who havo not seen eye to eye with him m all things bat who yet admire the government he supports and the leader he acknowledges. But we digress. Attri- 1n,rdial thanks for the honor done him and before accepting he en- tered on an explanation oi several :tcts at his since 1896 notably in regard to post ottice matters. The change in Prieeville had been made in haste. in burhmn with leisure, and in Markdale no change atall. He regretted the 1litrereuees that had arisen about Markdale, but firmly and kindly laid down the principle that until wrong was established he could not do otherwise. lie would be thelastto condone a wrong Ifany public officer on either side wanted to aetthe partizan in his riding. he could assure them they Would soon get full liberty to doso untrammeled by ottiee. He had given every oppor- tunity to have the complaints verified and lacking that he could not do 0t er- wise. On that position he stood. and before saying anything of acceptance he asked those ot the audience who sustained him in his adherence to this principle to rise. The response he not was eminently satisfactory and tor the eighth time he accepted their nomination, and trusted with health their co-operation and good ohttuaizatiiht to again keen South Grey in the Liberal ranks. . Our space forbids us ritllo.?,tie,te,n the meantime-the scathing remarks he made about the "dirty cam ign" inaugurated by the Fiesherton Advance and the Toronto Mail. The Kiln amide. perhaps inspired from this riding, is grossly false and the speaker, pentence by sentence showed where the lie came in. The third sentence we; "There isn’tas math enthusiasm over him as he would like" and before the Dr. could say a word "Lie No. three" came m instant and steutorian tones from Mr Aaron Wenger, 'three cheers for Dr Landerkin" and the Dr would be hard to please if he would "like" more enthusiasm than was shown. Then followed the brilliant trio of Speakers, all promised, all on hand, with a pleasing monotony of stimony as to Dr. Lariiierkin'ts worth and his valuetohis country and hiseo nty as a legislator in parliament. "pleasing monotony" we say tor every t"iteteei2d, from Lanrler down who ever spoke in the riding testitiea , , with unmistakably genuine warmth. Bat this testimony was no! all by any means. They came not to taify Landerkin but to show their regard for him and to discuss to strangers as he does in turn the ublic questions ot the day. Mr. J no. McMillan is a prac- tical farmer, 1'illui1lfl'l'y' Il-informed talks witha strong Scottish accent and is a convincing speake He has a mass of figure, at " IT", ends. which he rolls forth to the wildermettt of some may In, but whic we be.. liege are thoroughly reli bio because taken from public documents. We simply cannot condense t 3 week and wont attempt it, bat will next week try to give a synopsis ot hi speech, which at msny points was punctuated by applause. , Dr. Horsey spoke for thi firat time to th Durham audience. He had difti- dence in following) 'hits' ol friend Mr. McMillan, when he was to be followed by 'their' friend Mr. 'Conno . He is anxionsto meet Dr. L's opponent to see the man "who was offering maelfalivin saeritiee on the shattered remnants ot the Tory party. Not onl had the J'r'.'Ull','i', the moat valiant of the enemy. He had even beaten the litical assassin who would have slain him through the ballot box. The pr. as a plegaing‘precence _npd yoioe. and hug}; pone; in Mr. H. P. O'Connor, . C. is well known hero and alwsys valued. 28 yen-I ago assiated by Gilbe McKechnie he noted tutttttrtttitteer forDr. Working: Iraigtnan'ts, polling tlt in Hormonal, and bu boon . warm Mend our atr , . a no took I look " and chin) may $hatoerrvtstW" were E in†, C bl rank, "Everybody Mud, noemrtphtlpt' . Now the me , [, 4’5 i'tt .. S “out cranium.†w the): again, and it in our duty to prom: R! 'lt Ilglliiiiii' the ballot box. The Dr. as a thl',rf,u",l',tlr and vows. am an a power m the preeptatipn. of his M; which w l tttand him in good Win the cam- paign and land him in v ry at the close. Dr. Horsey hut tine win ot humor and N. Grey would wolf by electing him. McmLLAN,HORSEY AND O‘CONNOR DO SONE FINE SPEAKING tlw Family and Friends of the late Peter McLean M. D. of Ayton Dear Friends. , n Rousma ii/iiiiiiiiiiijiiiiina. ll E1 " u 1'l atly missed in our Association. He wtsiooked upon as I man. sound in judgment and " and moderate in opinion and wt" 1 1n a leader amongst [us fellows', I of estimable qualities. generous as well as just, true to all that ad. kind to the afflicted and n eedy and affectionate to Ina family MC DR. ljllihllll(lll l l RE-NOMINMH). Lf rm DI'I‘O Associltion of South Grey tnke this opportunity of w and regret at the death of their colleague and friend M Pram, W71â€? fi:r" 'r b , Many expressed regret to hear that John Campbell, 1kothville, was kept away :owing to his child's severe sick- (nest. Councillor D. McIntyre was unable owing to recent severe illness I to be present and sent written regrets and aheany word tor Dr. Landerkin. A call was again made' for Dr. Lan- derkin, who responded, briefly. Re- ferring ingenuously to recent Patron divisions he said he noted those who had eonseientiously ft the party would again unite withfthem to carry out the principles ot Liberalism and Eerpetuate all that was beat in the iberal party. Oorganize thorouglhly and his closing reques was for an on- est and clean electio , and hoped no enthusiastic friends ould endanger the seat. Motions of confidence in the Laurier government and in Dr. Landerkin were passed heartily and the meeting closed with cheers fodthe Queen. Pre- mier Laurier and the Candidate. NOTES. ---S4 delegates from gerryluaudered Artemesia. --rlvery municipality did well. e--5fr. Wm. Math I', Mr. Robt. Wat- son, 31r.Atdcolm :lcPhcc, and many other veterans were present. _. "The best Convention ever held in Durham" was a common remark. gains: them. "What we hav we hold" must be applied to ti. Greyi the com- ing contest as well as to the Dominion “Our Premier has done not ing to for- feit the good opinion of l 6, he still wears the white flower of blameless lite" I . The Convention was graced by the presence ot a few ladies. Pres. Miller here annpunced the great Picnic on Tuesday38ep. 11, in Hanover, where the gm d Highland statesman, D. C. Fraser. El’ Guysboro. the brilliant Post Master Jen. Mulock will be present. and perlmps Tarte the terror of the Tories too. Sgt: elsewhere. The proportion bf young neversolarge. , "Echoes ot the Conventicn" will be heard at its the future. The (lath is reporwd of Rev. John McMillrn, for nmny yen†Pterbyterian ministerin Mt. Forest. Weston Cattle Market rrhr--- Trade slightly better. '. Prices of cattle steady. , anhs a triths easier. I Export cattle quiet, l Butchuru' cattle in weulqldemund. Other cattle unchanged" Hogs steady I Quality of caule mm Dilly medium. The run was light in ' sale. hogs and Ilnoep,and heavy in $11“. MO cattle. 600 hogsJOO sheep. o lnmlu. and 25 ottlvetr. ll _ Esport eattU---Trtulb was dull. Sales} ware ethmted slowly at. a. ale-adv price of] M.86 to M.12l per c4“. for choice and 04.25 to 84.75 per ewtt for lens desirable} stock. 5' l Butchers' Cattle-Ire" choice picked lots were rather quiet to-day, but prices were fairly steady " quoted. There was a lair movement in ted mixed loads at 88.75 to " per cm. _ Common cutie were of elow ale. to low " 02.75 per out. fuoelreris--. ofurie were Inge lo-day. Ind sold to I stand, Jonwd at 02.75 to 93.25 per out. toricboice "lock. Heifer: and off-tsolo" were, quoted It " to 02.50 not out. _ g Export Bull-onry few offered to s steady dam-mi " " to 94.50 pu- cwt. and 08.50 to " per cam. for light.“ tstoek. umbs-.ui e'run overrun the market. some rennin " Inn-01d. Prices was easier at 92.7 to 08.75 per own. iuu,rcuoaju. rmipu tol l " 03.75 to " per tnth. for heavy stock. and $8.26 to 03.75 pot on. tor lutht" um". Milch cowsAAborat 20 milehen sold to n moderate dbuund " Mo to o,50 I head. , sheep-Steady " $8.50 to 83.75 per cwt. for “pm own and " to " a. hull for buthera' cheep. Hoes-Fung" at 86.25 per an, for selection!“ 160 to 200 pounds natural weight "t M.M per out. let fsta and lights. ncullod Iota are worth about $5.76 “$5.80 per ttwt, ' ctures--ttodetats demand only at " to tio I. bed. In. W. Williams rel. nod on Sum-day to her home in all: ntter spending . month with Manda Edge Mill, Top Cliff and Pri-ilu, _ Mr and Mrs Lola from the American Boo no visiting t inn-1'1 father It. Miami" Witit u ind other friends Flour......... ............. Wheat..................... Peas........................ Barley....-......-. ous........................ lambs..................... Dressed Hogs. per owl. Hogs, Live weight,.... Butter, fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Hides, per ttwt.......... Culflkinu, per ltr........ Shoemkms............... DURHAM MARKETS. Live Stock Market, Toronto Edge Hill tt '325 60 40 M oo 60 14 14 ll men w " c, 50 26 M 16 15 le as In: for Mr G A Staples who his bee working with Mr Brown of Holstein c a home sick on Saturday last. Kit b that Fred has gone to take hiss place ti be " able to be around mam. / Mr A Mel tttrd of Top che vilited at D Manyden's one day lusu'week. Um beauty 'ti'eghe'ft,',t to J W Firth on his brilliant pass, in suturing the Ed- ward Blake ucholnmhi at hi: Matricula- tion culmination, puBXng in Matiternnties Science, Biology, Chemisuy Ind Physics. Mr stud Mrs McDonald om Balsam Wiley were vianing a Mr oseph Firth's the tint. of mm week. i Among mow who are taking in the exhibition in Toronto no Miss M A Edge Messrs T and D Greenwood, John Staples. Wm Boumie. Mm Grace Greenwood. Kruger is now greatly discounted. Tho force of oppoaiutn now comes from Both: and De W twho are evi- dently born leaders, Hid hold tho fort with persistency mVtby of a better cause. This latter [ores was retired on Lydenburg. The Boers have succeeded in an!» rounding a British force in leybnnd which is reported to be In 3 bid con- dition, Miss Amy Eda: and Miss Tiletta Rey- nolds leave thlI cell to attend Durham High School. Mrs Jun 1it:Qhusken united lurdnughtn Miu thy of Tiroutu. a few any: tgtat week. Rev Thou Farr is sick with the fever " his parontu' F'otms. Amman Tar. Tammi“. s Lord Roberta Ina issued a [ormal proclamntion annexing the ‘South African Republic" to Her tajeuy‘s Dominions and in future will a known oftieially IS the Transynl. f o"!?.'."'."'. Y'. "W ““"7'l‘v 3 Remember the sand-opposite th Tina Intimates Hut. the w is peter- i Market. Durham. ing out. De Wet, howevery‘still uctiye! at it oat, InI-clun loam In Tow I and is keeping several ritieh com-[_,_M*v r , .. -_-------, -.-.- mandala watclung him. / I A _ ___ - --- - - - - H - Iuden-Powell six at. Cape Town not known why. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPR‘M. COURT. MOTIF? PUILIC. COMMIOCIONER. ITO. Min Mlggie MeLmy of Owen found is visiting at Mrs. D. Fitch's this wfek. Mr The: Bantu went to Owe 'tiouud on Sand-y to meet his Info ho In: been spending a few weeks at no boo. Miss Be G Edge was visiting her I Mm W L size!) of Dromore Int week je, our iRheumatic Specific or iKidney and Liver Pills. OfBce, over Gtanth, store. Lower Town Loan and Insurance Agent, Convey- aneer. Commissioner, ac. LOANS mused without delay. Collection. promptly undo. lnlumoo elected. MONEY TO LOAN It love†In“ ot interest oiBe-ot" door north of B. Scot“. Durham THE PHRENOLINE REMEDIES .l’W‘Rl OF SPURIOU. INIT‘TIONC. For sale by ti. PARKER, Dmggist J. P. TELFO RD, W. L. MCKENZIE MONEY TO LOAN "pergdn that has used it speaks praise for it. Another shipment of Buttercut Chums and Wheelbarrow just in. Just to hysd tether shimmt of Hammocks Do not lose the last op- _ portunity of the seasoh to get one, A new stock of odd knives and Forks just in for the threshing anon. There is nothing to equal our Threshing Mitts for quantity and qunlity. A few ladies Bicycle: in gtock tt very low figures. If you an desirous of The Steel Wire Woven Jteneethat we ha_ndl_e is fast taking the tend. Every purchasing, bevsure and see these.' Our Carriage Lang is ahead of any lamp mnnuHetttred. may Minister; should am one of these naps. _ mm ttnge-tgut' Aâ€: and on um! 're? Take the lead everywhere. 1 We are working day and night to I supply the demand. . l Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of pearl sufferers are being restored tol, health and happiness daily. l They are absolutely pure and healthful. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism. Sciatic-i. Neuralgia Lumhago, and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. 'e want every farmer that has an orchard to call and see mir cztcuio Ladders. IN AFRICA hardware. W." BLACK“. F' if?“ lWould intimate that the will continue the r " Funnel-e end J2,'Wi,"t'gx Duel-en oatgrtr. “lubed " her tether" Dur em in I“. and i will endcevor so give All old and new curtain aunt , era the ume entire nucleation. I. ijlllllllllllll BANK f MAM to J, Head Office, Toronto. C',,', f CA PITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .semmn mgvAPITAL Paidup. .rr_..r'e â€mun RESERVE FUND .. ... .... (â€0.000 For Illa In l Durban by In. J. FREEL, M. IL c. Bunion) Hun Runaw- in not n In. but I plenum dun-In; for the lull. Dunc!» Hun [Imam will can W. Duem Wry. human. yrftl W your In]: mun mung out. at! undid it poi. Duuonn Hun Balm": will "do†your but to in original color. and lap “use. and “I DIAMOND H AR MISS SHEWELL Furniture of the em Omee-- LOWER TOWN. DUN-HI. Conectiom sad Agency prompttr like“ to Vi‘li Deeds. long-an Len-J. Am.“ to. 'ig't','ot.gut'; EM ot (1M DOM!“ loo . tor, and Emmott.“ Ad- minntnwn‘ Accounts propmduul pun-d Burton“ Conn Blaine-u. Probate ot Willi. but." ot Adams-(mum: and Maw Obtain“. Sosa-clu- mdoln Bod-try 0.00.! Title. reported on. 0FFWE--MrHttttre Bury, Compmy and print. Fund- to Lou on How u lows". run of mm. VII-sum mm hr 'rtromrotaert-' an“! Vdmr. AGENTS in all principal points. in Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United States and England. W. P. OOWAN. President. GEO. P. mo. Inner. A general Banking business transacted. Drafts issued and collections made on all points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed " current um. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on “vies. tank "posits of Ol.m:nd up- 17iiiit" Fira' atGiatiiosi and eveir funny Jaded customers living at a distance. J. KELLY. Agent. donor amd-tq of Trinity Gallup. Tomato; Member at the Coll-go of Plum- AM Surgeon-,Ont; In†out. mund- (on! ad “bury Am. Is the only H-ur preparation that in givmg good resulu. nderuklng Ind Blah-lining- latest ttie on)!†" ran-enable nut. ge-te-old out 'tatMtng, opposite C. lchanon‘s Implement Shop. UPPIR TOWN. " DURHAU arrictor, our , Gen . voyancor, to., ten... Ionedy to bow " ransom ole rat" an on terms to suit borrower. DURHAM AGENCY: BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. roan" Punuc. convunnccn. at: ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAHIIO A SPECIAUY II: I'c-n' â€mph-I Buyer-km. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Try one bottle --Priee Me. At Bil brunch!- md 3dr Dr“! W. l DAVIDSON. McFarlane & Co., --ru LL LII! OP-- MISS SHEWELL Dr uggisu & Stationeries. ENEWER Moderate tour the Bank 'ttgt- w TI vrc',Cv,"A.i; l go