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Durham Review (1897), 6 Sep 1900, p. 12

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.' ThirTifadtttoa indlrated in Mrs. Poi. gurh, can shows that the blood and nerve- needed attention. and for this pm Dr. Willinms‘ Pink Pills In women's heat friend. They are particularly adapted to cure the ail- meats from which so many wanton suffer in slim». Through the use of these pills the blood is enrir-hed. the nerves made strong and the rich glow of health brought back to pale and saliow clients. There would he 1cm suffering if women would give these pills " fair trial. Sold by all dealers or sent mat paid at 50 cents I box or six homo for $2.50 by ad. dressing the Dr. William’ Medicine thr., Enoch-111e, Ont. ‘ut; I was very pale and frequently my limbs would well so much that '1 feared that my trouble was de. veloping into dropsy. I had almost ,comtant pains in the back and run. " was whllo I was In this sad swank); that I read in LnPresie of ahe cure of a woman whose symptoms .wen Innoh like mlne through the use ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I"??? my husband and he urged me to'try glen). and at once got me three boxes. “or. I had used them all I felt bet. .a I, 0 any] .ggppl' of the pills. {g M énd of 515-. maid I WM ltmng enough to do my household work. and before another month had lard I had entirely recovered my , lth. I am sorry that I my, hot Joan of Dr. Williams” Pink Pills Moon. a. far I know that they would have - me sevprnl years of sickness and Merry. and I feel that I cannot too "rongly urge other sick women to -.,t.lytgt.'l- w A Among the thousands of Canadlan women who have found new health and new strength through the use of 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ls Mrs. Fran. lcb Poirier, or \‘alleylleld. Que. Mrs. [Polrler was a sufferer tor upwards 'ot seven years: she had taken treat. ment trom several doctors and had Ind a number ot advertlsed medi. clnel. but with no good results. Mrs. Polrler says: "Only women who But. ‘ter no I did can undentand the mis- cy I endured for years. As tlme went 'on and the doctors I consulted. and ”the medieval I used did not help me, ’1 despolred of ever regnlnlng health. We were very few days that I did pot suffer from vlolent headaches, and Turkey’s Sovereign to Celebrate His 2Gttt Year on the Throne. l Great preparations are being made for we Sultan’s Jubilee on Aug. 81st, when he Will have been twenty- five your: on the throne. Poets and ttutorians are busy writing accounts of all in: DRUM works and the great things he has done tor his subjects. have will be translated and publish- ed__in all languages. This year is to be 'rigttalUed by the Inauguration of some great works for the public good, which are to be a lasting memorial of the nul- tatt'tt dewtion to the comfort and welfare of his people. Chief among these are a new water supply tor Constantinople at the auitan's coat. a university. which certainly will be a curiosity in the way of unlverli- ties. Political economy is a. forbidden subject in Turkey; history can only be taught when it does not refer to the decline of the Ottoman empire, revolutions. depositions or assassin- ation of hover-aims. or anything elle unpleasant; geography is better, hot Armenia and the (week empire gun he forgotten, and as for chem- istry and electricity, they do nut exist. - The iilumiruttlons on Aug. 31gt will be something extraordinary, and great efforts are being made to get deputnt‘mns from all the Mussulman communities in the world to come and congratulate the Sultan. who also hopes that the Shah. Khedlve and several rulers ot the Balkan States will accept his invitations to he present. The plague, however, new! to be steadily a touching, and likely to upset all '8) Sultan's calculations. A reign of terror has Mann here. No one talks of any- thlng but pingue and rumors are torrent ot cases in all direetiontt.-. Iaondon Times. ' That the Ontario Government are Ming w'Hpiy in providing additional slyimn swcommodutton il shown by ttte returns which have come in of up patients in attendance at the litmus Provincial asylums. They lumbar at Mt 4.550 m,” ' However, the greatest work of a". In the railway from Damascus to Mecca for the use of pilgrims. The Sultan has announced that the line " to be built by subscription. the “at for which he has headed with 550000. this being one m-nnth's pay Iwhich he receives from the civil list. At the same time he request! all functionaries to {chow his example. This is rather awkward tor utt1citMq .who onhy receive three months' pay in the year, and they hope that they may be allowed to give a month of arrears, which will nut hurt their 'teretr. _ c. . ,Gl'ltltude la the fairest hm mu ”til” from tpe tsoul.---'.-. Almost every woman at the head att a home meets daily with innumer- '.blo little worries la her household anaua. They may be too small to .mtloe an hour afterwards, but It ls mvertheless these vonstant little worries that make so many women look prematurely old. Their effect may he noticed In sick or nervous ”headaches. tickle appetite. a feeling Art constant wenriness. mine In the hack and loin-l. or in a mllow com- .plexlon. and the coming or wrlnkles, 'whlch every woman who desires loomellness dreads. To those than at tho least exertion would make my heart palpltnte violently. My stom- deh seemed dlmrdered. and I almost {loathed the tood I toreed myself to My Indicates the Bondition of not Health. nicted Dr. Williams' Pink Pills offer a woody and vermin cure; a restora- "tior.t ot color to the cheeks, brittht. it- to the eye. a healthy appetite, and a sense of fraction: trom weari- - Disappear. When the Eres ore Dull, the Skin Sullow, and Wrinkle. Begin to Appear-How One Woman Regalned Health and Camellneus. This JUBILEE OF THE BULTA N. ammo Asylum. Crowded. l JlllllIjllI'll PAGE m. t the greatest work of an. ailway from Damascus to r the use of pilgrims. The as announced that the line built by subscription, the which he has headed with this being one month‘s pay receives from the civil list. 100 in excess -ot but Is to be 'rrgttalhed by In, the morning everything is pack- ed, a camping plnce is determined upon tor tho night, then begins the hurry of the women to reach that pyhW, pig's up verettalges and vari- ‘ous supplies Rm 'tfri; road; the wo- ‘mnn being treasurer for the hus- band, and butler too. By the tyme 1 the soldier: get into camp that night I the tent is up and supper ready. These women are dressed in a short: 1aiiiri"Ui' with the aleevea ott above : the elbowa. a tort. of turban- scart Wound about, the head, crossed 'ut lront over the brunt and tha ends thrown over the shoulders. The I greater number are barefootad. The 'women will follow their husbands 1t'kiGfiiitsoiii their camp life, caring F foe than when ink or wounded with ‘a. pursues moot serene. They will carry that babien mile. upon I our backs, with enough pander In their arms to weight down “was omeer. Not Exposed, Guns Held at Hip. Women Go to War. Recent encampmvnts of the Mexi- can army show that that her-vice has made great. progress in the last ten years. In old days, after encouraging their men in battle In to the tiring line. it was tho cuytum of utticers to retire to a. place of safety. Infantry tire their guns from the hips instead ot the shoulder. To the suffering: (hip to these causes wero added other tormenm. when tho weather was stormy. tor then it was necessary to cover th ' hatcheg lest. the waves that swept ttcrotm tho deck pnur down and cm th" ship. The slaves ware confined in utter darkness. and the scant ventilation afforded try tho hnwhwnys was shut. off. anions as that was, still worse must. lw told. The neg-om were made violently seasick more readily than white people own --thery sometimes died in thnlr convul- siqns. Tho heat and foul air quickly brought on more serious illness; but (hnm the slaves were kept in their rhnlns tor days " a stretch. wholly hulnless and wholly unattended-From Ten years ago wh-an tlw army on mp- od for the night it lozlkoi luke a gipey ouUit. The men were ciothed in brown linen or naunel, having wither boots and a slick leather can. Furl: married man had his wife and children with him, and when not married ho naually had a woman with him. The wages wero 182-3 cents a day, lot the miller rareiveJ only 121-2 rent; of his duos. This was paid him every evening. As many as (our he ivy gov- ernment wagons drawn by Mx mules each, loaded with nothing hut cop- per money to pay of! the (winners. going along. This payment of one him a day must feed the soldier and his company, it he has any winh him. Women and chil- dren, cats and dogs, parrots and chickens. all go along with the low- er clause: of the Mexican soldiers. Veh'Jcles of all sorts are loaded with plunder so as to make the camp as homelgke as possible. __. . . . Even that was not thes worst of "Mr sufferings that grew oat of the motion of tho ship, for tglt't was rarely steady when heeled by the wind. She had to roll. and as rho, did an tho slaves nome- times slid to and fro. with naked bodies on tin rough and spllntory decks. Thoro wan never a voyage even in tho Inst of ships where ll]? 8lttVHrt did not suffer tort.yryyt trom more contact with thm slavedevk. .. Tho Slave Trdde in hmeriea," try John It. Spears, In the September Serib. net's. Hard as that fate was. new tor. tures were added with the first Jump of the ship over the waves. For she must roll to tile pressure ot the wind on the snis, so that those on the weather aide found their heels: higher than their heads. and when the shin’s angle inrrensed under the weight ot a. smart breege, tho ttntor. tunatou mmetimes Bagged down to leeward. until they were stonped by the irons around ankle and wrist. They were literallv 'iugpended--pruel- tied In their shacklrs. Everyone knows how wonrimme It Is to lie for any great length of time tn (mo position. even on a well-made bed. We must needs turn over when we are awakened in the night. Bat the slave. were chained down naked on the planks of the my and shglym :plgnkn that were rough Just is in»? Nihiii from the tow, and had (xylene.- tween them. No one could turn from side to side to rest the weary body. They mast He there on “er backs tor eighteen hours at a stretch. oven hthpleqsant weather in port. However, in the eighteenth century tho usual practice was to place them on their backs and to allow about two and a half {eat of air-space above the faces of the slaves. and in this way cargoes of over three hundred were carried. - ""'""'V ---v.v .n- \vuv- Tttttcrowding In the big shlps.llaV- lag two decks regularly. was still worse. tor a slave-deck was built. clear across betwmn these two. and tho galleries or shelves; were built both under and above the slaw» deck. There were ships where four layers of slaves were placed than between permanent decks, that were only eight. feet apart, and there nre records of cars where smaller ships amps having but. three feet or so of spam between cargo and dock --were fitted with galleries, so that the slaves, stretched on thelr hacks had but a toot or less of air spam between their faces and the deck or tho next layer above them. To Increase the number can-led, when stretched out on deck or shell. the slaves were sometlmes placed on thrir sides. breast, to bttok--"trpoon fushlon," as "In slavery called it-and this made room for a conaiderable per cent. extra. hp bullta shell or gallery six feet. wide all tho way around the ship’s hold. betwmsttthedtetr and the slave-floor that was laid on topot thecargo. On thh shell was plavW another layer or slaves. thus Im'reasing the number carried byunear‘ly liripor cent. _ In up larger ships the space be. tween an top of the cargo and the under side of the deck was sometimes as much as the loot. To devote all that space to ttir wnan the mind of the thrifty slaver. sheer waste. So 'lilWlllililllt (il.llEBliE INHUMANITIES HARD TO CREDIT. How the Poor Wretches Were Packed in Tiers. MEXICAN ARMY IS QUEER More coffee is med in the United States than In any other country, the annual mumpuon being not tar from 450,000,000 pounds. for which American importers pay about 890.- 000.000 to the grown-n. , Foreign countries sTrend enormous sums on secret service. France and Itussia have agonw oxerywhere, and there are very few secrets of any nation which they Jo not know, tor it, is. unfortunately, the case that in the ample) mmt of all Governments there are men willing to betray their country-tor a consideration. The sum spent by Russia on secret ser- vice does not 'all short ot [350.000 annually. Germany and France each spends close on to £500,000, Italy nearly £250,000 and Austria about the same. She was a Smith. and he as well-- A name one cannot. do much with, You'd think. and yet the grandson of These two is called John Smith Brnittt4hntth. ..- . Plow-01'. Feb. 't.-T'hht In to certify that l have used Pouon'te Nervuine tor theumatism. and have found it a wannabe remedy for All In- ternal pain, and would granny recommend it to the public-N. T. 315051.51 Limos Cots". Jan 9.--We m not in the habit of putting patent medicines. but we can not withhold our testimony as to the great value of Nervmneua remady for pain. We have pleasure in commending it m:- never- miling rerptsdy.--Hev. H. J. ALLEN. 812m yawn and many otht rs. Sold by druxgists. In 1885 an indiscreet lady asked Mrs. Gladstone how her husbulnd was bearing up under the many vehement attacks made on him. "I do not think he is much nttected by them," re- plied Mrs. Gladstone. "for I hear him every morning singing in his hath." "He is like a kettle. then," re- plied the lady, "which sings when full ot hot water"-) retort which. though it may not have pleased the wife of the premier, probably up. pealed to her sense ot humor. Mr dauiiiei, has improved so much that you would scarcely know tter-Miller'. Compound Iron Pills did it. t P. E. Island...... .. New Brunswick... Nova ticotba... ... Mar.itoba... ... ... Quebec... ... ... ... Ontario... ... ... .., Territories...... ... British Co umbia Ot the 82,997 summarily disposed of cases. 28,543 were owned tor by fines, which yielded $254,962. " per cent. ot which came from offend- ers against the liquor license laws, and 16 per cent. from those convict. g? of 4runkennea. Ot the graver cuss of crime it is noted that in of- fences against the person, murder, manslaughter, assault, etc., there was an increase of 17 convictions during the year; 1,180 in 1899, against 1,163 in 1898. Thirteen per- sons were convicted of murder dur. ing the year. The incremes in this class are to be found in Quebec, Manitoba, New Brunswicx and the Territories, while the other pro- vinces show decreases. In “offences against property with violence," in. cluding burglary, house and shop- breaking, etc., the number ot con- victions decreased by 96, from 540 in 1898, to 441 in 1899. In “offences They Speak for Themselves. Americans Great Coffee Drinkers I med to be continually tired, now I am strong and weil-Niller's Com- pound Iron Pills did it. Naturally the jreuxest number of offences dealt. with are of the non- lndictnble order, those disposed or by magistrates out of sessions under the Acts providing for sumnmry con- victions. The 38,710 convictions ot 1899 were thus dbl led: - -- - - - 'ndictthle.SumIptyry New. Scotln ... ... ... 2.680 2.250 Prince Edward Island 460 54: By the figures ot 1890, which only vary slightly on the whole from those of 1898, tttere was in the Ter- ritoriar one conviction tor each 50 inhabitants. British Columbia being next worse with one tor each TT in- habitants. From these remarkable figures the record goes down tor up) as follows: Ontario, (mil in 13T; New Brunswisk. one in 142; Quebec'. and Manitoba. ow, in 15T; Nova Sootin. one in 203, .and New Druuswteir, one in 2411. It is noted, too, that while tho number of 011mm increased in the Tetritpryes lat, it also did in Que- bec and Manitoba) more was a de- crease in the other province. Appar- ontly the conditions that make for eastern guxlnms and wesmrn wink- rdnwu are incoming more intense. The matter is on" mm. the Irlii!0sophers, particularly thor, of the region whom, good name is thus put in jeopardy. should give their attention to. Territories, ... ... ... ...... Britlsh Columbia ......... Ontario ... ... ... ... ... Now Brunswick ............ Quebec ... ... ... ...... . Manitoba ... ... ... ...... Nova Scout: ... ... ... Prince Edward Island Not Much Variation From the Figures of 1898. The popular saying that “soci- ateu wildness with the west gets a sort of official sanction in the voi- ume ot criminal statistics for 1899, lately issued an a supplement to the report ot the Minister of Agricult- turo and statistics. The figures of the total condemnation::, under in- diutmcint and by summary procedures nhown by the different provinces is somewhat remarkable. The total condemnation in the last two years numbered 38,.'206 in 1898 and 38.710 in 1800, the division being as follows: i Minard's Linhnent Cure? Distemper Cost of the Spy System. Gladstone In Hot Water. Making the Most of It. CRIME IN CANADA. 1.771) 2,493 250 370 1898. 2.074 2.473 1 8,811 10 SAWS 14.091 1,99; 2,M2 16.784 10.275 1.4949 2.250 oo o 436 397 2.261 1899, Mr. tr." 1aervoutrly)--Well--er--tt you know they one there then it's no use gala; down to find out. Midnight Philosophy.--). Squlllsr-- Qulck! Quick! Wake up'. I believe theme are burglars down stairs. Go down and see." Mr. Bums (deepll‘y) - Nrmsense! Nothing but a cat. Mrs. B.--Hark'. Thu?! tknow thorn arf? burglars downy-2min. “my all this tasa about men om- trraeiug tho shirt waist? Men have been doing this ever time the dear creatures imam to wear mm waists, and thy habit ls likaly to voutinue. It thw emhruring reused, quite likely tho shirt waist would go out of rrvih- ion. but it is not so sure that the embracing Would cease If shirt, waists 1110me out of style. Human nature vs bgger than Ttvs/ttst.--.)), vs Bigger than Yoshi Recorder. Minardh Llnlmentn Cures Gargot in', Com. I Mrs. Hlghbowler-How quiet. Four little boy is. Mrs. Slimsou? Really a. model youth. Willie bsiimeon--Well, mother told mo not to say anything to embarrass her while I was here. and I haven’t. dared. 99911 my ttpgtlt.-Tho August Putnam's I: n certnln remedy and one al- ways to be relied upon. More than one hundred mutations proves Its value. so don't be Induced to take any other, and beware of the article "just as good, better." ete., Nr it Is not your interest the dealer II seeklnf when he one" a substitute for the (enu ac Putnam's Extractor. but the Increased ttroflts afforded by Interior and da_ngerous_ Btstreatl" coyntertttu. . Putnam's Com Extractor makes no deep ravine. ‘n the ftessh, no dangerous and palli- tal ulcers. subdue: neither pain .0: dia. comfort, an acts (,uickly. It Is the heat, the safest, the only painless com cure. lulu: on hula; only "Putaam's". Sold by All dramas and dealers. The summer comes and brings with It aching can". Putnam's Painless Cora and Wart Extractor never fails to remove earns promptly painlessly and with absolute cer- tainty. h is the oldest Ind best tun-d can cure in the market, purely vegetable In composition, makes no note upon. doesn't lay a mm:1 "d for a week. and. above all, (““1an 0 cute every time or money "tun ed. ~--... Mt-- __.' - - Smart get. un asks tor $10,001) damages, ullvguz I that after giving hie campus to the‘ proposal marriage the [other trut-l quently refused to allow th? wedding to take place, an) the mutant: says he has spent. $300 preparing tor the event. Wolesechowsky la a. native of Russln. Ho la 27 years of age and a coal miner try occupation. ('umelh Har- l natoviam daughter ot the do!mdunt..! uni whose hand the plaintiff araeku. is. but 18 yem of age. b'httlirirleh her parents. On Monday, Nb. 10tti, a It- 'iti'l'i'atiti' $1131 tyr th, marriage ot the coup e. ‘he father of the girl was pm: and gave hls consent. The plaintiff says the weldlag has not yet taken place. and on Feb. 26th the ta- I ther absolutely returd to permit his daughter to marry the plalntltt. Ball I for the delrnrlant was ttxml at $300. as mercury will nurely destroy the tense of smellend completely 'hr,'t,"/i'i the whole syn- tem when entering tt throng the mucous eur- taeea. Such articles shoal never be med ex- C pt on J,'l,tfir/,,pttit'it from i'ttt,1N'lTtiitlt as the amaze they will do in ten ol to the good you can plumb” Lerirestrom than Hall's t‘amrrh Cure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. o., contains no mercury And ht mken internally. acting directly on the blood and mucous surfa‘es of the system. In buying Hall‘s Camrrh ('ure be mm: you gr the genu- ine. It id taken internally and mer-? inToledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney a Go. Tommoninle true. Bold b¥ [hugging price 'Me per bottle. Hall's: 'turily Pills are the best. Beware of Ointment; tcr Cantu-h that Contain Mercury, Miller's Worm Powders cure ailments or children like mate corn Extractor COINS. action at law. Buch an Instance has Just come to the public knowledge in Pittsburg, when Frank \Vuleumhow- sky has Begun suit against Jos-zqrh Kunmovlus. Father of the girl he do siren to marry. A captain was new! for the arrest ot tho detenuant. The plum- un asks for $10,003 damages, "llitvr, It is by no means unusual for a woman to sue a man for breach of promise of marriage, but run-P, indeed, tt is that the mum are turned and the man become- the platnt.” In such an Injected Sultor Sues Ills Would-be Bride’s Father for Damages. "Eurasia is Rheumtim orthetuii,"" Uric Acid left in the blood by disordered kidneys lodges along the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead, Ind “was the cheek to the side of the nose. The cause u the same as in all Rheumatism- disordered Kidneys. The cure is like. wise the "me-- Dodd's Kidney Pills m a few days. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS He Couidn't See the Use. TC “SING 'l‘lll‘l TABLES. An Old Fashion Necessary Silence sure- painless cure in all Tree and shrub planting along tho Fuel Canal to motet it trom drifting land la In progress. Reeds have beu [them along about nine mile: of water.. llrle ot thy canal proper and along tttrt whole length of the Sweetwator Canal. These reed, are at first. protectet against the Hull-me or the bank mi. dim canned by DRUM]; ship) by fan- clnai. while on the slopes and top of tho but; of the Sweetwater Canal plantations of shrubbe'ry have been no out. A system of irrigation has been organlzed for these piaumtlons, the water coming from the N139 try the canal. excavated when the ship canal was Ming built. The results so tur have tree". wry promising. Actres 1ttuiigrtantly)-t one thing.' If you run”: sh out ot this apartment, Il Ltuuiiady--hh tlnnn m theatre you make Len-w Maid ot Orleans and at l afraid of a mouse .'-M Biaetter. , First at overloaded must be cl Downs (21 ti manner, T: many ($1). muscle ot You think I lc [Fauna I feel 1 pound Iron Pills Women make more than one-third of all the articles manufactured In France. childrt "netmlum." The position. occupied by time bodies In the atmospheric lay- m of the sun lends the” 'rcientrsrtm to tlflnk that thny are lighter than hydrogen. For chemists this discov- Pry will be a veritable revolution. In Cnet, it will dwatroy i’rotmt'l hypothe- sis:, which states that all the molecu- lar weights, of bodies are whole mul- tinlm ot that ot hydrogen. However. as no trace of either uururium or ne- bulnm has yet berm found on the earth. the existence of those Pl!"- moctq in yet Car from mnvluslrc de- motuitratiom--Litorary Budget. Dear Birtr,-For same year: Ihtt had only partial use of my " unwed by a ludden strain. I ha med every remedy without Mm until I trot a sample bottle of MI ARD'S LINIMENT. The Itenerit received from it caused me to a tinue It. we, and now I am Imp to my my arm is completely I stored. Glnmla, Ont. R. W. HARRISON other chemist has yet been able to iaoiato the body. Nevertheless an Italian 'rtrttroateoplst has discovered the lines of coronlum in the cases thrown out from the crater of Ve- suvius. This has mmumged physi- cians to starch tor this pearl of all my gages. present. past and future. But this is not alt. At the same time other physicians have had their attention directed to other lines of the upectrum and nnnoume that there wil! next be discovered two new metals that exist in the sun. They hawygiven tin-so elements by antici- pation the names of "aurorium" and "nebulum." The position. not-uni“! by Tin announcement was first made by Norman Lockyer that certain bright Hum In tho solar spectrum In. dieabrd the mm in the sun of a hitherto unknown gas which he pro- posed to call "hellum." In 1893 Ram- say Isolated the gas. "But at the same time," says Cosmos, atmtractiuq from an article inPronwtlwus,'totetrFer found in ttw Wrum of the corona other colored lines, whirh he attribut- (xl to the nuance of another element. to which he gave the name “coron- Ium." Neither Ramsay nor any other chemist. has yet barn able to NEW GAS DISCOVERED IN SUN. What the Solar Spectrum Has Re- vented nod May Yet Bring to Light. Minard's Liniment Cures Cold Miller's Gri Mil Proteettmt Suez Bunk- Plum and Foam: Salad RICHARDS & co Mow to Cure a t Art and Real“: 1ttuiigrtantly)-it Bear This Stamp and are THE sr LAWRENCE $1jiikll REFINE“. w Equal in strength to much Granulated sold to-day. YOU ALL LIKE 18 KARAT GOLD. __oun_ THE BEST and pUREST nllsm old Ire Golden Yellows In the Market. man I no a tun-um 2h'ih'lyl'6'."l'h8.T1WAtlUlW. " 'lrn cunnzNBick Q','ghyt,t w'l,',',l,'X."ttt Catatad one“. was. a “an“. Liver nod Rhine Trouble. tld puo- than tho head of all 2ul1'l2 a FRUIT FARM FOR SALE. 8,r,g'nui'g'a,'h2iigrgt2','1t,tt Winona. to mile. from Bun ion. on two ml. was. 170m " at which I- tn ttuit, and) [when l2.“ haters .of. trttit,p,mst?r peaches. m ”htthlonouon. “lulu-cold itt lot-mum. i'll%'lS'l,'l This h I ml. “a... JONATHAN QAIU’ESTER. Have you any the mmmon (nu son. the mo'oght grown animal to or 224,000 yum: Many fUtt can product untied sounds. The trials can you“ long- drawn note ranging om. curly an octave. Others. notably two speck. of ophidum. have 'rouastHteodutelttg appar- mun. con-mm: ot small mum. bum. which can be made to produce a sharp rattle. The curiou- "drum- ming" made by the spacin- cali- ed umbrlvu can be heard trom a depth of twcnty Isthmus. anxxxuy cum-m um um; ms Kline's Gm! Nerve Rummy. So an: or nervoumeu- deer nr-L tgt d l t,u,v'l."."i tea 'l','PAt'p, "1;?ng ep ;. or m - tiiiiiiFi,iil.7. mm. mu smumuum Jur- vvumo‘ro Booth“: amp should a. tTii,fiiiiii, tttcl',';'.'":',? 'f.ii't'i'tytti'f1iii could. m cum cone i'ii"iiriitu'll'JtTAfSrW'frue2aa.' Twesutg “autumn. to ho seen In these days. A TO-foot whale 1' a bl: one now. still It may give some idea ot wh" monster! an ot-xukomlly killed when we mention Hunt a ton of oil has been extruded (:2;an tong” alone at a cinch w . WRITERS 1"/T" 316nm ' C'uiii ?if.1ettrutt.ottasee Bgrytp than“ an ion for no Eff ri,',ittiLhititfiiiac He Business College. MY s, Ont. 'ttTERfrzYAtLoRs-. an) own ma manuf- Llnlment. A general servant. to: n and] funny. 6004 me for respectable girl Aan "' “no 1 avenue south. Man. Out. F \th w»); 0000 Drawings El .c. I be seen In hale k a bl: ve was idea uubmlly kl Miller's Worm Powder. are 3 won- ,rtut modicum tor Ailments of child- -n. KIDD’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Tl hem'underfulemmw» my.“ book: stoma; ,i,'ii,e,tl, - V GGG t and Yul system: trite for»:w qtrtnatioa. [he-I Cutting School. I!) " Bulk and. h WONDERFUL CORE FOR SICK HEADACHE BRO. m rarest (will; that ever light. um'ln face in the mnwntnvnt at wing com-H. W. Beecher. TAILOIIS‘ O ['TTISG ECHO"! Weight of “'halel Mush-all WANTED. no. BaafeM'irGiia. On A!” he: of tho the of mnlund whale? Nui. ' estimate. the ter. I average 100 tom. ta. That Ia to may. as much u all)” or too beam Of larger than this. morn: old whnlerl of mg and weighing " Hit and: an oot (Ture- Diphtheria. Fish guano! re In: and gun you to OH We mm. VA M lie (a: W1 tt

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