if! laxative arm" -- iiiAtiisine We “mod! that can a cold I. on.“ DURHAM REVIEW. NOTES or A TRIP THROUGH GREY C0 Starting on Thursday Aug to, through l (Hem-lg township, one was forcibly struck by the extent of the injuty by drouth. Before recent rains much of it Wasal'md of brown heath and stony prospect. Stead ' irogress is being made in material al'lllfl.'it,'ilen"t', how- ever, as indicated by improved fencing. new buildings and better roads. The work of the council is in evidence in several new and somewhat costly bridges and in work on the "everlasting hills." whose crown and slopes in many cases would have been improVed had they still home their original crop of trees. Markdnle, isa pretty place to spend an houror two. and its citizens rightly seem to think it a place worth living in ttil the time. They have adorned it with some tine residences. placed their. school on a commanding site. treated themselves to cement sidewalks and ore .now constructing atreets on the most approved plan. by (-rmhed rock and mm roller. The UV" Inusines» es- tablishments of Manilnnd and Hill are ' extensive and pretentiou1s, while several other establishments and manufactur- ing com-elm seem In lredoitrqa thriving business. Holland and Euphrasin H“ viewedl from the town line do not prrsetr! " very attractiye apthl'itlH't‘. The] countiyis flatten; and is or has beets) boulder covered. though with a fairly l generous soil as indicated by some tields et to draw in. We are informed that {Intihmia as " whole Is better than this sample. Lying in the north-mat angle- of Holland is the romantic little village of Walter's Falls. containing " few storey. a hotel. a mill, a thriving implement business. Methodist and Anglican churches etc. Besiles it contains in and near it some enthusiastic ou4riculturists, who» efforts at getting up it Fall Show without the aid of County grants have been successful and commendable. Bre'r watson. a harnesaoucer, is an old Pneeville hoy, while Mr. John Coleridge. the implement man. is a son of Mr. and M18. D. Coleridge, N. Egre- mont. The 'Falls' at present are at low water. are about 30ft hi h, and a saw mill is perched right on the brink. The nyinethry tnllmtois a romantic one and when the water is in tiood must present a Pt,",','.,',',', picture. The stream is n smut. spring-led "thent of the Bight-aid river which reaches the lake- at eaford. Striking north through Sydenhaun we become conscious of entering a new geological formation. We have fewer boulders and at intervals grey scars of rock are striking features of the land. scu . The country breaks into hill t'fi,tl'ecuL,' of a bolder nature than in B. (trey. and we begin to notice that we are travelling in a country of large and well cultivated orchards. with thrifty looking farms despite the uneven ground. Woodford," decayed looking village about half way on the gravel road connecting o. Bound and Meatord is reached just as the old fashioned stage lulnbers by. Some day the G. T. R. In a generous tit will extend the line from Meaford and thus tap o. Sound on two sides. On north Into the peninsula and still in the long township of Syde-nhnm. past. Belcote, a new post oftice recently established and we come in sight of "the water," always fascinating to Established and we come in sight tit "the water," always fascimuing to Inlanders. Here hum the residence of Mr. Jas. Cleave is a most delightful view and it is the beau ideal of an idier'e paradise to loll at full length under heavy laden fruit trees, to watch the shimmer of the hay a few miles away, and the dreamy, rocky coasts of Sarawak and Keppel beyond. The mood of revvrie is delightfully broken hy the pasting of the C. P. R. and other C. Ramage, .tioats' and "r imagination you follow them to busy doc: or past the enchant. ing islands of the Georgian Bay. [The rest of these notes must be held over like mach eue.-Ed. REVIEW. Intended fur lot week. The weather continues very werm. Harvesting is ghoul complete. Threshing has commenced and tall wheat sowing is In operetaon. A daughter "rived " Mr Thus Mann's jr. All us well. Died, " Rochester N. Y. on 5th inet Mrs Charles Richuds (nee Sereh Lamb.) Deeeued wee e sister of Goo Lemh ' cot: sud Joseph Lemb Mnkdnle. She lavas to mourn her lose, a husband and seven of I family. Mr John Ritchie returned to his home " Port Arthur this week. after In than†of seven weeks. We welcome in our midst Mr Ind In Scott. who hue lately arrived here and takes charge of the management of John Ritchie’s farm. Muss Maud Bing“. of Hen-polar. is at present visiting with Miss Minnie Lamb and other schoolmnteo for a tow weeks Messrs C & I Boyle have invested in . Massey Harris (six ftcwt) Bind" and bu done no work to variation this Ieuon. while Robert Goodwill ulna runs a new Peter Hamilton and concludes it is al. Mr Chan and Miss Elizabeth Boyle loft have on the 18th inst for 3 two month. visit with relatives 1nd friends. Their held quarters will be a Brendon when It Boyle's (lumbar (Mu Wm Ming- ham} resides. Mn Geo Lamb and Min Sadie left this week for . six week's visit with Mrs L's gin-outs. brothers and side:- " tho Boo . ieh. It is five you: since Mn IN Int nil up the lakes. m any“. 2 on "err2o.x at an patina Thursday, Sept. ti, l900. ittht Trar: Emma ON A Rum†29° out, Glascott. trasia as vie' do not preser at'ttnce. Beis or has t ugh with a fa damned hy 34 We are infor: whole 19 he Proprietor viewed l A most ha py event took “no at ', "Rosedale," the residence of r. and , Mrs. Thos. Cook, last Wednesday, Aug. q 29th, when their only daughter. Ella ', Maude. was wedded to Mr. John Love l of Imuriston. The pleasing incident , took place at the noon hour, under a j tioatr-decked arch at the front door, where over fifty relatives and near friends were assemhled in bright attire. To the “wet strains of the wedding march played by Miss H. humus of liromore, the groom and his supporter. Mr. John Cook took their positions. followed in a few moments by the bride leaning on her father’sarm. pre- ceded by page boy. Tommy (look. dressed in white, little Edith Love, wreathed with fiowera. and her Winsome bridesmaid. Miss Annie Love. Rev. Wray ll. Smith deftly and yet solemnly soon made the twain one. The bride was dressed in a beautiful gown of white organdie trimmed with valencien- nes lace and carried a lovely boquet of white asters and feathery asparagus. A cluster of white hydrangea bloom nestled under the folds of the bridal veil. She was a picture of queenly beauty. The bridesmaid wore white: organdie trimmed with pink and carried aboquet. of pink and white petunias. A eirelet of pretty blossoms crowned the fair one. Professor Browne of Dar- hrim took "snapshots" of the bridal party and afterwards of the whole group. The next, move was to the dining room where two tables laden F with choice I‘ialuls awaited them. The might was a fine one. The glittering ailver. the polished glass. the deliciom edibles. the bright. flowers, the beautiful bridal cake and the any faces, all rom- lnm-d to make a pleasant picture in the mind. Milan- and Ming floated in flntn tin- parlor. " was ahappy houl. Rev. Moitb and ll. T Edwards made short speeches, A fter an hour's pleasant chat song and story. the happy hearts left for 1'vylon Station. whet-ethey took the l evening train for the Queen City. trear- mg with them the good wishes of all and mrrymg eousiderable rice too. The goes-H from a distance were Mr. and il,",,': John Mnctie and thmr daughter. Mrs. J. l,atan of London ; Mr. and Mrs. James Watson of Normanhy: Mr. and Misc-Isaacsof Dromore; Miss M. Han. Inn-y of linen Sound; Ilev. Mr. and Mrs. w. It. Smith and Mrs G. Mighton of l)urh:un; Mr. R. Cook and Misses Millie and Mary of 1'eylon: Mr. and Mrs. Law-ton and N m. Donelly of Mark- dale ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Watker. Bit. and Mrs. John Whyte, Miss Tillie Whyte and the grooms parent-s. brother and mutt-rs from Lauriston. The esteem in which the bride is held was clearly shown by the number of useful and handsome presents she received. May the choices! of earth's blessings be theirs. [The rest, of Zion's budget, is held over.l --___" -.-, ---- ROCKY SAUGEEN. A cluster of nestled undo veil. Sho- l beauty. Th The whistle of the engine and the hum ot the cylinder is spin heard in this vicinity. but owing to tho continued drouth during the summer the crops are slightly union the lveraga. Mr J H clayburn, who has been an old resident of this part is again renow- ing old acquaintances at Mrs F, Middle. ton'u. Mr and Mn Ferguson. of Chicago, were vmliug at the Intelâ€: sitter Mrs L McLean the tote part of the week Goo Ewen. mother and sister have assumed from a short visit to Stayner where a brother and sister of the former reside. cuts Barns and family are leaving this section for Owen Sound where they intend to live tor some lune. A kw cuss words are heard here about just now owing to the nucoyermu and repairing of the Rocky bridge. This is due to having to lnke a tshort out. around by Aberdeen. Robert Benny visited at Mekeehnieh, on Sunday lagt Allan McKinnon left here last week ior Fort William where be intends to we} emplqymant: _ - . Pote Mullen, of Toronto occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here in the absence of Rev Graham. who is holidaying at his former pus‘orate in Baytield. Among those attending the Toronto Exhibition are Mr and Mrs I, McLean. Angus and LI-y Mokeeluaie and Mr Ind Mrs lelin Boyd. The latter couple intend visiting friends and "Wives In Buffalo before returning. ' Walt Middleton visited friends at Tuner-ton on sunday. James Banks returned titer a you": absence in the Sultan: minu nnr Ru Forage. He looks as if mining ngrul with him. Min Gertie Snyder. of Albany, has returned to her duties In nuns " the hospital than that holidlying for some tin. at home. A number of the intelligent people of lbw part took in the Rofonn Convention on labor (by and report a prof1usblo time. Harvest in one. man a. thing of the past Ind the hum " throwers no to be hand in every dirstrtion. The min on Monday mommg was very needfnl. an "amp f1ros were beginning to be dangoronl. Mr Vint Hill and Mr Jan. Eccles, have purchased s new threshing outtit, which given the men a little more than they care to do. Misses Eva Booth and Berth: Hardy, visited Pricovillo friends the beginning of the week, Mr Ronald MoDomld. accompanied by his sister attended church in Priceville. last Sunday. Mr J no. Aldcom. took in the Toronto Fur this: weak, and reports bowing a good tima. We are glad to no Mr Dick Hanan: able to be around awn. We no lorry to say that Mr Jrck Cmpboll'n little child in vary ill. mad to In Mr Graham around gain. and â€natal.“ him on his succes- with his untrue. pupils. us they all paged with high“: nub. We no sorry to but am Mr Cuban in "in: to have n the and of the you. ZION - -- . a O a - -- Boothvme M r H ugh McArdle - Wilson - TInst the Clerk write the Egromont Council in reference to obstruction of watercourse on town- iiue nsar Codarvillc. Wright-Wilson-Thar Robert Porter he paid for .57 rods of gravel and $1.00 [or right of way in all 69.55. being the full amount due Robert I'orterior gravel for your 1900. Wrigltt--- Wilson - That the sevenl 1ry-ltiws for appointment of collector, for levying a rate to meet. the Twp. and Co. raw. general behool rate, um] School Trustees estimates, be now read the necessary number of limea.signed mauled and engrossed in the by-law book. cooper-Wright-That T ll Blacklock be paid the sum of 040 on account. Wriot--cooper--'i'uat the rule to meet the current liabilities for 1900-1901 be (7 8-10) Seven and eight tenth mills. Wilson - Cooper - Thu Thomas Me, Auley be appointed collector u a all") ot 970 to include postage not} Islcionery. Cooper-Wilson - That ttie Clerk In paid the sum of $2.05 to my tor roam union of drainage by-law No 26. Wihson---h'right--- That the report at the committoe nppomted to examine the Trans. ucuritieu laying been laid upon the table And been consxderod by Coun- oil they deem them ample and "nieient. and that the expense of exnminstiou. George Wright for Co ot Grey. 81.60. J A Cooper tor Co of Ihttrerrin, 03.20. Wright-Wilson-That the Reeve isms his order in (not ot John Richudson for " and John McDoulld 02.60. Arbitra- ton in dispute between Robert. Porter and Municipality of " u to the price per rod to be paid toe 'lflg)t Wruu--Wilqo97hat Samuel Kinnell be paid " Ill “Hunter on equnlizauon of Monument of (Incl Moo! Motion No " Proton and Attained). and 010 for oqual- ing Union School Section No l, Dnndalk and Proton and the same to be charged to ratepayers of aid schools. MeArdu.--Wiuon-.TUt haunt of .10 be made on townlino Proton and Melanc- thon " 8rd can of Proton. Melancthon to nupplemont the lune. cooper-Wilson-muy" grant of 885 be given on townlino Proton and West Luther, the name to be expended starting at lot 22. Luther to supplement. wiiee-wrtgu--aptitt" Council re- ceiovo their pay up to due two sessions of G uncil " 'rneh. For S. B. No. It. lilgrtsmopt. Duties to berth January 1901. Apply per- sonal , or by le'ttegfg“ A Wilcox} _. Wright - That Council do now adjourn to meat It Hopeville on Saturdly. the 20th (by of October " the hour of lo a m. Aug. 24th 1900. Proton Council . From Dundalk Hon-ah]. TEACHER WANTED. Tues. Lavamas, Clerk Ad Joan CAMPBELL Boothville. $751 and“) adjournment. All the members] new. l present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes 1 wquoi' last meeting read and confirmed,) ioanunieatioiis read as follows '. I Porter i From Jas. McFadden asking change i'iail, in his assessment. From Timothy Mc- 2 we‘ Kenna and 15 others praying for the gran] opening oi side line between lots 7 and Sean 3, E. G. ll; From Wm. Irwin an New account; from W J Bellamy, notice ol 'rr, for a resolution of Artemesia Council ; . ,nd'i'rom John Ellison Jr., and Geo. Fur- ' m1 ' neux, asking to be a )pointed collector read i for ward 4: front J ii Tibbutt: Peter signed I Morrison, Archie Rotor, Mrs Whit. ‘book.’ more, John Bell and James Malone chuck accouan for gravel. t. l aMe1nnis--h'irth --That the following tmeet accounts be paid:--. Angus Black. to; Lil bridge at lot 50, con 2, N. D, R, $20: ao,l.potnlor, ward 2, gravelling townline " Me, I G & A l cost tt9.40; D Gillis, grading "lary l and stoneing townline G and A tl.50 'onery. 1 S Lawrence, work at lots l, con 3 & 4 on: hei8 D lt $10.30; Thos McGirr. gravel [ "gitw i for Lambton St. $121 , P Haley, tilling ‘at lot 17, con 6. $40; Wm. Hartley. port ongrueling at lot 7 con 10 915 25; Jas no moiMcNally, grave-ling at lot 7 con 10 1 uidGl t14.75; Angus Black. bridge " lot 47 Conn-'00“ 2 t90; ‘hos Davis, bridge at lot um". I 39. con 2, E G R tal Carried. aiay hhGintittt-Ne0tutnel-- That the .60. J account of Wm Irwinofthe Chronicle ' lurid. qtrftsl, on" .a' t f MeInnis---MeCannel---Thtyt a cheque issue on the Treasurer for the sum ot 0360 in favor of McMillan and Me- Lellan, being moneys paid them on contract of Fill at Glencross bridge at lot 5, eon9 and that the Reeve ad- vance money to said contractors " work progresses, using his own judge ment, and not to exesed " per cent of work done; Carried. _ _ - . Mclnnis - Arrowsmith - That the following accountsfor gravel be paid; J H Tibbutt 02; Peter Morrison 90e; Archie Ector M.61; Mrs Whitmore $3.18; John Bell $2.50; Jae Malone 81.55. Carried, -... . . Firth-- Merania---That cheques issue astollows: Com for ward 2, letting and inspecting $12; com for ward 3, letting and inspecting 820; com for ward 4, letting and inspecting $8: Reeve, letting and inswcting bridges 013.60. Carried. GGtnnit,ha-)ilrth--Bruw N o 397, was read a third time and M. The clerk Imam! $3. 76 for e. The Council jam-nod to At'. 17, at10a.ttt. ____ . m " "'fh7-iiiirs/iirt,' Gd 307, striking rates and appointing eolleetorg was intro- duced and read a firyt ly1 tto.onhtlr?fc. "'Fit ifiiiidrii; i'rriii/iGkiiep c_hurch burying ground madp appliea.tity to be allowed to erect tylng posts m front 01.5.1510 Lex,!:.-,,,,,,,,. Hm Trustees of fiiiiiiirGirii'iiurrfiiik ground be granted the privelcge to erect posts as esired. Carried. 7 -. _ . The commit met Mg. 13th, pursuant 'iiiic.-iiEiinner--Thrt the Trms.te,es GLENELG COUNCIL. J. S. Black. Clerk. ME» iki".i. S) _ i, _" illAij" :J,-m~. LWcCL'y.'c'. 444'.,.;,.}»; , 23.3,. 3,: :2V," ',.2-d,r.2, IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and f1ta a home oom- fortably, will bring prpfit to you in the greater amount at work he will do. -.--. Fulllineof PIANOS. ORGANS. and SEWING MACHINES..--, We are well stocked with 'rURNIP SOWERS, SCI'FFLERS, HAY Ft )RKS, t 1r. LOTS OF HONEY to Loan at 61. lesuer ot manual; Licenses LOWER TOWN Implement Wm. WM CALDER Light Akrnem, Collars, Pads, Btu, Blanket: Etc. SOMETHING YOU WANT I We have a new light Massey-Harris Binder we want 'ou t . weiglxt am} Roller Bearings from Top to bottom of it. l 'l1os'i't'i,'.,',ie,'. ISM“ ItT running Binder In the world. . easiest Illlilat apirsitsbcitrairci?iqFbseb6%ihcieiesitii iciFsihiFqbsiaita Our Warerooms are now fully stocked with Massey Harris Plows, Drills, Harrows etc. All the latest Improvements on all articles. Don't fail to see the Massey Harris Drill, then buy one and it will make you money. A car load of Waggons will arrive within a few days, thew llll(il)llll were bought before the rise in waggons. No other shop where . you can buy a first-class Waggon at as low a price. *Mwmmmwwmm‘; enough to get a great big discount. All sizes at unheard of prices. The only thing to pack butter in. -----and----- we SUPPLY I T--- In Re WE? DID NOT BUY MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY, DURHAM. incidentally wepight mention the fact that we get a limited quantity of Weston's Fancy Home Made Bread every day. We do not deliver only with other groceries. - U. E? ty RN E? T C. LEA VENS A Carload of Crockery -----but---- In Heavy and Two Car Loads of Buggies, Democrats and Cart: to Choose from. Goods bought six months ago, Prices will surprise you. ACRES of Land in the Tow n so shipof Betstinek, Co. of Gre y and div. of lot 9, on the first concession west of the Gaminxn Road. Mrs. E. Gannon. 169 Hastings St. Detroit, Mich. POI tuxat.-. One second hand cook love In good rendition. CALDER FOR SALE. 33$! af S, etc H